The best creams for teenage skin. Skin care in adolescence - products for problematic and oily skin

A rare modern parent was not lucky enough to observe a native child of the maiden sex over the age of 12 with a ton of makeup on her face. Most modern teenage girls are sure that makeup is something that can be seen from afar and cuts into memory for a long time. Shadows of acid tones, a half-centimeter eyeliner and an invariable foundation, glossy on the skin ... And most importantly, it is usually not possible to cancel the war paint by the power of parental instruction. Adolescents have their own arguments, as always more bulletproof than the arguments of the "ancestors".

Forbidding a teenager to use foundation is an ineffective measure of influence. Rather, your child will then begin to use it with redoubled enthusiasm. But to help him choose the right means for him is quite realistic. At the same time, you will stop worrying about the “wrong make-up”.

Without damage to the skin

Of course, no one argues that the later your child begins to apply the periodic table from a tube, the better it will be for his skin. But this does not mean at all that any foundation is harmful to a teenager. It's all about making the right choice.

Even the most common parental fear that foundation clogs pores and prevents the skin from breathing is completely refuted today. Many modern teen creams contain silicone-based microfibers, which form an elastic mesh on the skin that allows air to pass freely, while protecting against external irritants. The particle size of the cream is so small that clogging of the excretory ducts of the glands is impossible. And besides, the skin undergoes a continuous process of self-cleansing.

Another parental concern is that foundation supposedly prematurely ages young skin. But this fear is in most cases in vain.

Firstly, even if you try, you are unlikely to find such a foundation that can wrinkle the skin of a young man in a few years of use. Secondly, airtight, paste-like foundations are a thing of the past. Now competition is forcing manufacturers to make much more environmentally friendly products.

A healthy glow makes it easier to understand

The most common mistake teenagers make when using tonals is trying to change skin color with their help - to give a tan shade or, conversely, to lighten. The task of the parent is to explain that the result in this case looks ridiculous.

In addition to color, you should pay attention to the consistency of the cream. The fact is that the liquid tone is suitable for any type of skin. While the sticks are not suitable for too oily skin, which teenagers have quite often. Therefore, for adolescents with problematic skin, it is best to choose liquid products that regulate sebum secretion.

manager 09:00 Teenage cosmetics for girls 15 years old

Adolescence is a time of great change associated with both internal and external changes in the body of young people. Approximately in the interval from 11 to 18 years, active maturation takes place. The strongest hormonal surge provokes the inconstancy of the psyche, high emotionality, and also far from the most attractive external manifestations.

Our skin is very sensitive and reacts instantly to changes in hormonal levels. Pimples, blackheads, blackheads, oily skin, changing its hueenlarged pores - all this is familiar to the vast majority of teenagers. Scientists estimate that approximately 80% of young people suffer from such problems. The intensity of these manifestations depends on some concomitant factors. Among them are congenital individual characteristics of the body, heredity, lifestyle, nutrition. The situation is aggravated by stress and nervous tension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eating large quantities of fast food, fatty, fried, sweet, spicy and salty foods, weakened immunity, and taking certain medications.

The problem is especially activated in the period from 15 to 17 years and significantly affects the psyche of young people. Naturally, acne, pimples and other negative consequences of age-related changes are the most worrying for girls, suppressing their emotional state. The desire to look attractive makes young beauties commit a lot of rash acts in skin care, which greatly aggravates the situation.

Do's and Don'ts for Teenage Skin Problems

Among the common mistakes girls make when trying to get rid of skin problems are the following:

  • popping pimples. This is perhaps the most common mistake. Such an attempt to eliminate a pimple can lead to disastrous consequences. Firstly, the inflammation only aggravates and worsens, secondly, the infection spreads to other areas of the skin, there are more acne, thirdly, after such a “therapy”, a scar or depression on the skin may remain, which is subsequently extremely difficult to eliminate;
  • use of "mother's" cosmetics. In the desire to look attractive, girls very often turn to cosmetics that are not suitable for their age. This not only does not solve problems, but can also cause additional ones: clog pores, form new inflammations and allergic reactions. Cosmetics for adults are aimed at solving completely different problems; they do not contain those components that teenage skin needs;
  • abuse of decorative cosmetics. Masking problems in this way, girls do not give the skin the opportunity to fully breathe. Pores are clogged, inflammation is activated;
  • very often, many solve the issue of eliminating teenage acne and inflammation on the skin with the help of the sun and a solarium. We must pay tribute to this method: a temporary visual improvement occurs. Ultraviolet dries the skin, but at the same time impairs the cellular respiration of the dermis. After such a “treatment”, after a while, inflammation and rashes appear again and at the same time become more intense;
  • it is not uncommon for girls to recklessly think that scrubs and peels renew and cleanse the skin. This is true, but in the case when there are a lot of acne on the skin and they are weeping in nature, the scrub not only irritates them, spreads the infection to other areas, but can also introduce a new one.

What should girls do to eliminate acne and rashes

You can, of course, successfully wait until the end of adolescence, and then skin problems will disappear on their own. But an inattentive attitude leads to the fact that the situation drags on, and then pimples, enlarged pores and oily skin will bother you at 20 and 25 years old. In addition, severe inflammation, if not treated and cared for properly, leaves scars, scars and dents on the skin, which are subsequently eliminated for a very long and difficult time.

The most important thing in solving this problem is to try to be less nervous, have more rest, be in the fresh air, reduce the amount of fast food, chips, soda in your diet, drink more mineral non-carbonated water, eat at least some fresh vegetables and fruits every day, two once a year, drink a course of multivitamins designed specifically for teenagers. Proper care will greatly improve the situation. Here are his main rules:

  • use special care cosmetics according to age. At the same time, you need to remember that there should not be many jars of creams, bottles of tonics and tubes of masks in the arsenal. A good facial cleanser, toner, teenage skin care cream, teenage shampoo and shower gel are enough;
  • you can supplement the care with herbal baths with calendula, chamomile, green tea, sage, rosemary, yarrow. They soothe irritated skin, kill pathogenic bacteria and promote the healing of inflammation;
  • wash better with boiled or distilled water;
  • do not squeeze acne and touch your face less with your hands;
  • do not abuse tanning and solarium;
  • do not abuse decorative cosmetics, you need to use foundation creams that are light in texture, and if possible, abandon them altogether;
  • do not abuse scrubs and peels, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week, and in the presence of weeping acne, do not resort to such remedies at all;
  • Thoroughly cleanse the skin and remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics.

What cosmetics are suitable for girls at the age of 15

The choice of teenage cosmetics for girls at the age of 15 in the presence of severe skin problems should be treated with caution. It is better to focus on pharmaceutical products, as scientists and doctors are working on their development. The composition of pharmacy cosmetics is carefully balanced, aimed not only at general care, but also at solving teenage problems. The ingredient composition of such products is represented by natural substances and contains medicinal components. Pharmaceutical creams, tonics and lotions have undergone strict control by clinical trials and research by experts in medicine and cosmetology.

Scientists of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Reagents "Repharm" have developed a series of natural medical and cosmetic products for the care of teenage skin. This is a series of PepTeens, which consists of facial wash, face gel, shampoo and shower gel. The products of the line solve a large list of problems related to adolescent skin problems:

  • narrow pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • normalize the secretion of sebum and eliminate oily sheen;
  • regenerate damaged skin cells;
  • prevent the appearance of inflammation and rashes;
  • soothe irritated skin;
  • heal skin lesions;
  • have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to extracts of medicinal plants, acids and oils, necessary in the care of teenage skin,PepTeens products contain natural unique peptide compounds that act at the cellular level, regulate cellular balance and metabolic processes, and restore damaged skin cells.

Medical cosmetics "Repharm" for teenagers

Adolescents are usually called children 12-17 years old. A hormonal surge as a result of puberty is often reflected on the skin of the face: black dots, oily sheen, acne, acne appear. This gives rise to internal complexes that seriously disrupt the psyche.

Maximalism, the desire to assert oneself in the team and, at the same time, self-doubt, characteristic of this age, force one to take drastic measures: to use means, after which the number of rashes only increases. Although there are high-quality cosmetics for teenagers, which are designed specifically to solve the problems of this age. The task of the mother is to introduce the girl to her in a timely manner.


Any teenage cosmetics for girls (both decorative and for skin care) is created in scientific laboratories, tested many times, and quite serious requirements are imposed on it. Dermatologists, in close tandem with cosmetologists, develop formulas that, if properly applied, can solve many problems with the epidermis that are characteristic of this age.

These tools perform the following functions:

  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the intensity of their functioning, forcing them to produce less subcutaneous fat - as a result, the increased fat content and greasy shine of teenage skin disappear;
  • narrow;
  • normalize color;
  • special attention is paid to the T-zone, the condition of which in adolescents is noticeably worsening;
  • eliminate acne (blackheads, pimples);
  • dissolve without a trace milia (white subcutaneous nodules);
  • clear the face of (black dots).

Cosmetics for teenagers from acne become especially important at this stage, since it is rashes that become the main scourge. Mom should explain to her daughter that creams for adults cannot be applied to such young skin, the condition of which may deteriorate sharply from this. It is recommended to use only specially designed tools that you need to be able to choose.

On a note. If a teenager constantly squeezes out acne and blackheads on his own, and even without observing the rules of hygiene, no cosmetics will help get rid of them.

Criterias of choice

What should be teenage cosmetics that will not harm the skin and will carefully care for it?

When choosing funds, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. The very first cosmetics for a teenage girl is chosen at the age of 12-13 together with one of the adults (with mother, aunt, older sister).
  2. The problems associated with the skin that need to be solved are determined: oily sheen, enlarged pores, acne, etc. The means are also selected for the defect.
  3. First, brands of cosmetics for teenagers, collected in ratings and TOPs, are viewed. Several options are selected, suitable for the price.
  4. Then more detailed information about them and reviews are studied. Based on the results of the selection, there should be 2-3 lines that you would like to purchase.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the products you like. It is desirable that it be not just natural, but mineral (or organic). Such products rarely cause allergies.
  6. As a rule, skin care cosmetics for teenagers includes only 2-3 items, no more: washing lotion, scrub and cream. This is quite enough.
  7. Decorative products should not be too bright and defiant. Modest tones that emphasize youth are the main criteria when buying lipsticks, mascaras, eye shadows.
  8. Before using any remedy for the first time, it should be tested to see if it will cause an allergy in a girl. First, the mother and then the daughter should apply a small amount of the product on the wrist. If after a day there are no alarming symptoms (itching, redness), you can safely apply cosmetics to your face.
  9. If at some stage the funds stopped working, you will need to pick up new ones.
  10. And don't forget to keep track of their expiration dates.

If cosmetics for teenage skin are chosen correctly, it can become a good foundation for the prosperity of the epidermis in the future. If you do not help him at this stage, his condition may remain problematic at 18 and at 25.

Therefore, this issue must be taken with all responsibility and, in case of any doubt, listen to specialists. In particular, cosmetologists quite clearly limit the range of cosmetic products that can be safely used by teenagers.

Useful advice. No cosmetics will help girls who consider themselves too fat and therefore constantly sit on some kind of diet, wanting to lose weight. Improper nutrition is one of the causes of teenage acne.

What should be in a makeup bag?

Mascara "Art & Science Maxi Lash" from "Vipera" (Poland)

One of the most controversial issues is what cosmetics to use for teenagers so as not to overdo it with quantity, but there was no shortage either.

There are those who claim that for such a young age, no creams, and even more so mascaras with shadows, are needed. They are only partially right: there are girls who by nature (by inheritance) have very clean, healthy skin and bright colors on their faces (blush, sable eyebrows, long black eyelashes and pink lips). So they can not use cosmetics too early.

However, most teenagers also suffer from oily skin types. Someone is an albino, someone has short eyelashes and expressionless eyebrows, but everyone wants to be beautiful. And it is during this period that young girls should be taught to do this. Our lists will help to collect the necessary minimum in one cosmetic bag.

Decorative products

For beauty, girls should always have high-quality, fresh decorative cosmetics for teenagers on hand. Its main characteristic is lightness, airiness, organics, a minimum of parabens and fragrances, gentle undertones. Bright, defiant shades are excluded.

  1. Shimmery shadows look attractive and gentle. Recommended for use only on special occasions, but not for every day. You can start using from 14-15 years old, not earlier. For example, Twinkle from ERA Minerals (USA). $15.
  2. Liquid eyeliner or a regular cosmetic pencil. You can look at High Precision from Artdeco Cosmetics (Germany). $17.
  3. Mascara. Pay attention to Art & Science Maxi Lash from Vipera (Poland). $9.
  4. Mineral powder has a light and transparent texture, does not prevent the skin from breathing. This is in the range of Zeitun (Jordan). $21.
  5. Liquid or loose blush. Check them out at Meishoku (Japan). $11.
  6. Lip gloss - transparent or pinkish shade. Alba Botanica (USA) has it. $10.

Lipstick (if only hygienic) is undesirable in a cosmetic bag for teenagers - it will be replaced by shine.

There are also many arguments against foundation at this age: it does not mask acne, but spreads the inflammatory process and at the same time clogs pores, interfering with cellular respiration. If you only take care of purchasing a special product for teenage skin.

Skin care products

Anti-acne protective day gel of the Russian company "Green Mama"

You need to know what cosmetics are suitable for teenagers so that the skin shines with cleanliness and health. Means for regular care of her will allow not to mask acne and greasy shine, but to remove them. As in the case with - a list with the required minimum.

  • cleansing

This stage includes foams and washing gels (as a guideline, you can take a protective daytime acne gel from the Russian company Green Mama for $ 2). They should not contain alcohol and aggressive ingredients. Choose a neutral pH.

Ideal products with herbal extracts, which will relieve irritation, soothe inflammation and regulate the secretion of fat. With a tendency to peeling and redness, you can purchase a special cleansing milk.

Such cosmetics are washed off with water - preferably melted, mineral non-carbonated or filtered. It is better not to use ordinary tap water for teenagers.

This also includes an exfoliating scrub for oily skin and a gommage or light peeling for dry skin. Sebo Végétal, a gentle cleansing gommage from Yves Rocher (France), has proven itself well for $9.

  • Moisturizing

Teenage skin needs hydration. You need to pay attention to products with extracts of sage, birch, rosemary, yarrow. These are natural antiseptics that prevent inflammation from spreading.

For dry skin, moisturizing creams with an airy consistency are recommended. For oily - matting gels, quickly absorbed and normalizing sebum secretion. For example, the company Vitex (Belarus) has Face Control antibacterial cream-foam for only $1.

  • Food

To nourish such young skin, you can use light masks once a week. According to cosmetologists and most moms, the best teen cosmetics in this category are homemade. Girls will surely be happy to prepare nourishing masks with their own hands.

  • Protection

The delicate and vulnerable skin of teenagers needs cosmetics that will protect it from the sun and frost. So on the package must be listed SPF at least 15 and above. In summer, you can recommend sunscreen from the Russian pharmacy brand Bark SPF 40. In winter - Rosencreme cream from Dr. Hauschka (Germany). $5.

  • Treatment

There are special medical cosmetics for teenagers, which are sold exclusively in pharmacies. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Its main task is to calm and relieve inflammation, reduce the number of rashes.

However, when running, it is not recommended to use such powerful tools on your own. If the situation gets out of control, it is better to take the girl to a dermatologist who will recommend the appropriate cosmetics to care for such problematic skin.

These may be companies from France - Biorga, La Roche-Posay, Bioderma, Uriage, Avene, Thalgo, Darphin, Caudalie, Vichy, Klorane, Ducray, A-Derma, Lierac, RоC, Galenic; Germany - Exfoliac, Iklen; Russia - Cora, Green Mama; Switzerland - Valmont, Israel - Ahava.

Adults must help the teenager choose the right one. Otherwise, in the future, post-acne and a tendency to irritation cannot be avoided.

Prejudices that cosmetics at the age of 12 are early fun that will only spoil the epidermis can be hardly attributed only to decorative products. If puberty is in full swing and there are acne, you need to help the girl cope with them and not be complex. A small rating will allow you to navigate the variety of assortment in this niche.

You'll need it. To enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics against acne, it is useful to take up any kind of sports during adolescence to improve blood circulation, which will allow the skin to be clear and healthy.


American mineral cosmetics "Bare Minerals"


  1. MAC (USA) is a very popular cosmetics among teenagers, but it costs a lot of money.
  2. Cover Girl (USA) - mass market cosmetics for every taste and color.
  3. Maybelline (USA) - America breaks all records, as the companies of this country are able to capture trends and take into account the desire of young people to look fashionable and stylish.
  4. Lorac (USA) - mineral cosmetics offering a wide range of teenagers.
  5. Bare Minerals (USA) - mineral loose cosmetics, which are almost invisible on the face.


  1. Clinique (USA) - cosmetics, dermatologically tested and fragrance-free. Doesn't clog pores.
  2. Neutrogena (France) - medical care cosmetics for teenagers.
  3. Bark (Russia) - therapeutic series of drugs with anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. La Roche-Posay (France) - for acne.
  5. Green Mama (Russia) - highly effective products, thanks to a vegetable basis.
  6. Vichy (France) - gentle and soft protection of teenage skin.
  7. Exfoliac (Germany) - anti-inflammatory drugs for acne.

Which brand of makeup for teens is right for your daughter will have to be decided by trial and error. It is difficult to choose a safe and useful remedy on your own.

A dermatologist or at least a cosmetologist will help facilitate the task after an appropriate examination. It will help to take into account the individual characteristics and existing skin problems for their successful solution.

Adolescence is the most problematic and important stage in the life of every girl. First love, the search for your own style, constant experiments with hair and, of course, the first attempts to make beautiful makeup - every girl goes through all this. As a rule, at the age of 12-13, future ladies begin to use decorative cosmetics. The main task of parents at this time is to choose high-quality products for their child that will emphasize natural beauty and will not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of acne. So, what is the ideal cosmetics for a girl of 12 years old? Today we will talk about how to choose the right teenage cosmetics.

Safety first

Cosmetics for a girl of 12 years old, first of all, should be safe, that is, of high quality. During this period, teenage skin is prone to acne and blackheads. 11-13 years - a period of hormonal surge, which becomes the cause of such a problem as acne. That is why it is very important that cosmetics for adolescent girls of 12 years old be of high quality. Most of the products popular among young people contain harmful chemicals. Poor-quality materials can aggravate dermatological problems and provoke the appearance of new acne and blackheads.

The right way out of this situation is organic cosmetics. It is produced on the basis of high-quality natural materials without the addition of chemicals and preservatives. Organic products are much more expensive than non-natural counterparts. However, by buying such products for your child, you can protect him from dermatological diseases.

Basic requirements for teenage cosmetics

So, what should parents pay attention to when choosing teenage cosmetics?

  • For composition. The list should not include harmful chemicals. You should also make sure that there is no allergic reaction to any component. Cosmetics for a 12-year-old girl should contain only natural hypoallergenic elements (plant extracts, oils and vitamins). High-quality organic products are offered by such world-famous brands as Natura Siberica, Organic Pharmacy, Stella McCartney CARE, Nude.
  • For the age indicated on the package. Teenage skin needs special care, so you should choose products marked “up to 20 years old”.
  • For the smell. Quality organic products have a neutral aroma. Remember that a pronounced smell is a sign of the presence of fragrances in cosmetics.
  • For color. Organic cosmetics for a girl of 12 years old should have a neutral color (beige, light yellow or white).
  • For the expiration date indicated on the package.

Skin care products for teenage skin

Every girl’s cosmetic bag should contain high-quality products for the care of problematic teenage skin (make-up remover, tonic, cream, treatment mask). When choosing them, be sure to pay attention to the age indicated on the package and the type of skin for which the product is intended. So, let's talk more about teen cosmetics.

  • Make-up removal is the most necessary tool that should be in the arsenal of every young lady. For those with dry skin, a moisturizing lotion will do the trick. But girls with oily skin should pay attention to the foam. Separately, it should be said about micellar water. This is an excellent tool that removes dirt and makeup from the skin of the face. Micellar water contains only hypoallergenic safe components.
  • Tonic for the face should have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This product is designed to deeply cleanse the face of impurities and reduce the risk of acne.
  • The cream should be selected depending on the type of skin (oily, dry, normal or combination).

Popular skincare brands

  • Planeta Organica. Planeta Organica products do not contain parabens, GMOs, chemicals or other harmful substances. The composition of cosmetics includes only natural ingredients (vegetable oils and extracts). In the Planeta Organica line of products you can find a variety of tonics for all types of skin, creams and face masks.
  • Natura Siberica is the ideal cosmetics for girls of 12 years old (you can see a photo of various products of the company below).
  • GreenLab - organic cosmetics suitable for adult and teenage skin.

Decorative cosmetics for girls 12 years old

If your daughter asks her to buy decorative cosmetics, do not neglect the desires of a young lady. At the age of 12, the girl is just learning to take care of herself. In this matter, she needs faithful helpers - the support and advice of her mother, as well as high-quality decorative products. So, what cosmetics should be in the arsenal of every teenage girl?

  • Mascara. It can be lengthening, volumizing and curling eyelashes. When choosing a mascara, it should be borne in mind that it should be slightly darker than the natural color of the hair. Ideal options are black or dark brown.
  • Lip gloss. Unlike lipstick, it gently cares for lips. The ideal teenage option is lip glosses in light pastel shades.
  • Shadows. For everyday makeup, it is recommended to choose delicate colors: pink, coral, beige or peach.
  • Powder. For teenage skin, the right choice is an organic powder that does not dry out the skin and does not close the pores.

All of these products can be purchased separately or you can purchase a special set of children's cosmetics for girls 12 years old.

Youth lines of decorative cosmetics from popular brands

  • Maybelline is one of the few budget brands that offer a wide selection of teen makeup.
  • Clinique produces high-quality cosmetics for all skin types. A series of youth products from Clinique is a great helper in creating a beautiful make-up.
  • Bare Minerals, unlike other popular brands, does not produce liquid, but loose cosmetics. This allows you to create perfect makeup with minimal harm to the skin.
  • Urban Decay is a great option for a teenage girl. Urban Decay cosmetics are distinguished by a wide selection of shades, which allows the young lady to experiment with her image.

A few rules for creating teenage makeup

  1. Only high quality materials should be used.
  2. Makeup should be natural. Stylists recommend using natural light shades that emphasize beauty and youth.
  3. The foundation should fully match the skin tone.
  4. Shadows should be selected in delicate pastel shades: peach, pink, coral, blue, beige.
  5. To create the right makeup, you should use special tools. Every girl’s makeup bag should have a large brush for applying powder and several brushes for working with shadows.

The first treasure for any girl is undoubtedly a cosmetic bag. Every fashionista dreams of her own cosmetic bag, because it will be possible to store absolutely any cosmetic items, perfume and even beautiful hairpins in it. However, many parents are thinking about the question of whether to allow their growing fashionista to use cosmetics. The answer to this question is quite simple. Modern cosmetics for girls are distinguished by certain qualities that are not inherent in products for adult women. For the most part, all blush, lipsticks and mascaras for very young fashionistas are harmless in composition. They just allow a very young lady to learn to take care of herself. At the same time, parents should not be alarmed by the fact that their daughter wants to learn how to use cosmetics, because, according to psychologists, such a fact is quite acceptable.

Any decorative cosmetics for girls can be suitable for use from the age of eleven, however, a prerequisite is that all accessories included in cosmetic sets must be made taking into account the age characteristics of young skin, and also have a completely safe composition. In principle, the safety that distinguishes children's cosmetics is the most important feature that distinguishes them from adult cosmetic sets. Cosmetics for girls, suitable for use from the age of eleven, do not contain chemicals that can irritate a child's too sensitive skin. All children's lotions, creams and even eau de parfum are made on a natural basis, as a result of use they do not cause allergies or irritation. As for children's perfumes, their aroma is very light and weightless, which allows them to be used even at a very young age.

It is not uncommon for teenagers to have skin problems when acne and pimples are characteristic of puberty. In this case, cosmetics for girls should be selected very carefully. It is better to entrust this mission to a professional cosmetologist. It is no secret that teenage girls are characterized by such traits as anxiety about their own appearance and excessive vulnerability. Of course, they often worry too much about the changes that happen to their skin. However, consultation and examination by a professional cosmetologist will resolve these problems. Surprisingly, decorative cosmetics will not only transform the appearance of the girl, but also solve most of the problems. Properly selected facial cleansing lotions will quickly cope with teenage rashes.

Do not be afraid to teach your child to use cosmetics from an early age, as this will allow the girl to instill a desire to take care of herself. And cosmetics for girls, subject to the right choice, will help the child quickly master the basics of self-care.

I ask you to advise which cosmetics manufacturers to buy for such a "tender age"? It seems that they have already grown out of "little fairies" and "princesses", but it's definitely too early for an adult decoration. All you need is a lip gloss, maybe natural-colored eyeshadow, and a scented toilet water with a slight floral scent. And all this is not for every day, but in order to sometimes feel like an adult. :)

Kondrashova victoria

I think Bourjois will do!
They have very beautiful shades, at the same time very natural. all hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (no irritation or pimples!).
On the one hand, it's not cheap cosmetics like Maybelline or Lumine, but it's not higher class either - like L'oreal...
She will feel like an adult sometimes, but also remain a girl of tender age.
Eau de toilette is already more complicated and more expensive. You can choose from Cacharel, CLINIQUE, ESCADA. If you want cheaper, then it is better to ask consultants, they will definitely help)
Have a good mood)
SHADOWS in pastel colors (250-350 rubles), non-sticky GLITTER in natural tones
By the way, I forgot to say that they have a "mini" collection, i.e. small nail polishes, small glosses) The girl will be delighted!
MINI glitter
MINI shadows
MINI varnishes

It's hard to say, not all cosmetic companies have a toilet. water. As for cosmetics, try Sephora, they have a special line for girls, Bourjois and Pupa, but this is for those who are older. Although I think you can find something there

Elena Vasilyeva

special children's cosmetics Princess. soon it will be possible to start using the Color Trend series from AVON and Visions from Oriflame, special lines of youth cosmetics. Faberlic has a You Nova series. The product quality is good, but the range is not very wide.

At 11-12 years old, they are still angels, what decorative cosmetics can be. Girls and girls, well, do not rush to grow up ahead of time. By 30, you'll be applying a thick layer of foundation and blush, plastering over your wrinkles. I agree, toilet water - yes, very fresh, cool, but cosmetics and creams - no. Well, God bless him, colorless shine is still far gone, but do not rush with cream and cosmetics. There are folk remedies - use natural products (masks, lotions)

I will advise Vom Avon and Oriflame that you can use this cosmetics from the age of 14, but I think it will suit you too, if you want mascara and shadows, but as for lip gloss, you can buy any main quality


It seems to me that for a girl of 11-12 years old, a tinted lip balm is enough. Try Nivea-there is Strawberry, Cherry and Grapefruit, I think.
In order to feel like an adult, it is not necessary to wear makeup. You show your maturity through your actions. Understand that now many youngsters abuse decoration and look, to put it mildly, ridiculous.
I started wearing make-up at the age of 14, and this did not prevent me from mastering the techniques of applying makeup and during the day I generally rarely or at a minimum make up.
For a holiday, of course, you can add shadows along the contour (silver, for example) and beige for the entire eyelid, and so ... In my opinion, a tinted lip balm will be enough - both beautiful and good for their skin. Especially in autumn and winter. I have this balm myself.
And the vodka... Some very light floral, citrus aromas... Green tea is also cool, but for lovers ... The main thing is not to take too sweet and heavy perfumes. And in general, you can prefer just aromatic lotion.
Less is better... And these sets like Little Fairy, I don’t understand at all. I sniffed the perfume of the tribe once, they smell like shampoo ...

Victoria Branovitskaya

Well, personally, for my sister, who is 11 years old, I buy cosmetics from the "Little Fairy" and "Avon" series. There were no negative reactions to this cosmetic. and the fact that some say that Avon and Oriflame is not intended for such young people is all garbage! Each organism has its own reaction to this or that cosmetics. I think you can't go wrong if you choose Avon or Little Fairy! from Avon it is better to choose lip glosses, and from the Little Fairy varnishes and shadows =))))
And try "Brazil Beat" or "Summer White" from Avon. your girl will love it!

Cosmetics for a girl aged 14

Today my daughter came up to me and asked me to buy decorative cosmetics. She says that she is not small already and all her friends at school put on makeup. It seems wild to me. She has acne cream, hygienic lipstick too. Why does she wear makeup so much at that age? Or am I behind the times?



why a lot? Buy her mascara and lip gloss. Well, powder, if necessary. For a 14 year old, that's not much. Maybe even nail polish. What's the problem, I don't understand



Buy your daughter cosmetics in soft colors and do not disgrace yourself. When else to experiment as not in adolescence.


how much is she going to paint? First, help her determine the color type, then shape her eyebrows so that she doesn’t spoil it herself or with the help of her friends. From cosmetics, I think there will be enough palettes of shadows, eyeliner, mascara and soft lipstick.


the guest
Lord, where do you get such retarded mothers from? Where did you spend your teenage years, in a monastery? Even 20 years ago, at the age of your daughter, everyone wore make-up, and even my mother recalls that all the girls put on make-up despite washing and prohibitions, this is in a deep scoop !!!. Make-up bans are shocking to me these days.
Buy your daughter cosmetics in soft colors and do not disgrace yourself. When else to experiment as not in adolescence.
And if it is so early to paint, it will not spoil the skin? And I allow her to paint, but on holidays, and not every day. And she has skin care products.

It will not spoil if you do not forget to take off your makeup on time.


buy mineral powder if she needs powder, she definitely won't ruin her skin.
Mascara and a couple of lip glosses.
I have a 2nd sister, 15 years old, paints her eyelashes and lips with mascara.


Svetlana vitalevna


You are truly out of touch with life. She will not spoil anything if she paints her eyelashes with mascara and her lips with gloss.



And if it is so early to paint, it will not spoil the skin? And I allow her to paint, but on holidays, and not every day. And she has skin care products.


Svetlana vitalevna

I always told my daughter:
Don't be a sheep in a flock; if a hundred people jump from the 10th floor - this does not mean that you also need to jump with them; do not rush to live, you will be older, but never younger; after winter comes spring, not summer or autumn, there is a time for everything...
I told her all this at the right moment, more than once or twice ... At the age of 19, at the prom, I took her to a professional grimmer and she got her makeup done right, before that she suggested that she remember how this is done makeup.
Since then, she has been painting very well, I love to give her expensive decorative cosmetics of famous brands, she is already over 30 and she told me more than once - you were very right when you warned me and told me to rush to live ...


You've never put on makeup, why are you asking such stupid questions? Of course, it won’t spoil if you wash off makeup at night and don’t apply tons of foundation.
What a terrible control you have, sorry for the girl. When I was 12, I didn't ask if I could wear makeup. Nobody asked.

It is better to look over than to overlook. And what makes you think that I control her wildly?


I don’t understand why so many people recommend gloss? Why not lipstick in soft shades, it looks much better.

Remind yourself at this time. I definitely liked the gloss more than the lipstick


mascara and gloss, lipsticks, nail polishes are quite suitable


she wants mascara, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss, red and pink lipstick, colored nail polishes, powder. And all this for every day!

Do you think this is a lot?


remember yourself at this time. I definitely liked the gloss more than the lipstick

Tried several times, didn't like it. Glossy lips usually only look beautiful in photos.


before girls were painted from the 9th grade and then only mascara and foundation, but now the world has gone crazy and at the age of 14 girls look 25 at the parade and this is considered cool, ask for a start what exactly she needs, you can first take mascara powder and glitter for example

Nonsense, always visibly painted, manicured, long nails with bright varnish, dyed hair, there was so much of this that by the 10th grade the teachers no longer made comments.


she wants mascara, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss, red and pink lipstick, colored nail polishes, powder. And all this for every day!

Start small. Buy mascara together and for example varnishes. If you see that it has been actively used for a long time, buy it.
The main thing is not foundation, concealers and the like. It's definitely not


she wants mascara, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss, red and pink lipstick, colored nail polishes, powder. And all this for every day!

Well, buy it. The main thing is that the cosmetics are of high quality. Then she will definitely not spoil anything for her daughter. I started painting myself around the same age.


mascara, lipstick, a few shadows, all soft shades. Be sure to teach eyeliner and / or eyeliner how to use all this cosmetics. Explain that the skin should be prepared for makeup and cleaned in the evening, keep the brushes clean.


I tried it several times and didn't like it. Glossy lips usually only look beautiful in photos.

I just remember myself at 15-17 years old and lipsticks seemed to me heavy "adults", and glosses were moisturizing, easy to apply, no mirror or pencil needed. Now I don't wear glitter.


the guest
You've never put on makeup, why are you asking such stupid questions? Of course, it won’t spoil if you wash off makeup at night and don’t apply tons of foundation.
What a terrible control you have, sorry for the girl. When I was 12, I didn't ask if I could wear makeup. Nobody asked.
It is better to look over than to overlook. And what makes you think that I control her wildly?

What are you going to review? Are you one of those preoccupied mothers who seriously believe that their daughter will put on makeup and immediately jump into the bunks with the guys?


she wants mascara, eyebrow pencil, lip gloss, red and pink lipstick, colored nail polishes, powder. And all this for every day!

Pfft, by the age of 14 I had about 15 lipsticks and shades of various colors, and two shelves were filled with varnishes! You are definitely from the monastery.


what does "quality" mean? Any cosmetics, even for a hundred thousand million, may not work. Plus, youthful skin is a problem that any mazyukalki will only exacerbate (if any). It is impossible to spoil the skin - it is what it is.
But little lolitas, with painted lips and eyes, sometimes look very funny, but not grown-up.
Give mascara only complete with a hypoallergenic wash.
I would limit myself to nail polishes, mascara (colored mascara is now at the height of fashion).


Lord, where do you get such retarded mothers from? Where did you spend your teenage years, in a monastery? Even 20 years ago, at the age of your daughter, everyone wore make-up, and even my mother recalls that all the girls put on make-up despite washing and prohibitions, this is in a deep scoop !!!. Make-up bans are shocking to me these days.
Buy your daughter cosmetics in soft colors and do not disgrace yourself. When else to experiment as not in adolescence.

It is not true!


pfff, by the age of 14 I had about 15 lipsticks and shades of various colors, and two shelves were full of varnishes! You are definitely from the monastery.

What time did you get on the panel?
Starting too early, people like you are in a hurry to live and don't live long.


I'm 36 now. I started painting very early (for that time) - at 13-14 for sure. Bright enough. What is called the garbage did not come out without make-up, all the teachers and relatives expressed to my mother. She said - leave the child alone, calm down. And so it happened. Gradually everything settled down. Now I paint only for work and exit. I hate painting

We have a neighbor - at the age of 12 she went all repainted, and the body was a 10-year-old child, it was a pity and funny to look at her, but now she is already 30 years old, and she walks unpainted, although it would be necessary to emphasize a little lips, eyes, she’s just confused about what to do and when. Her mother is rustic, rural, did not bring up, but only indulged everything.


better painted teenagers than women 35+ looking like clowns, because my mother didn’t let me play enough in childhood. The craziest make-up with green eyebrows, blue arrows to the temples and brick blush I have seen on older women and not teenagers.


Buy your daughter cosmetics in soft colors and do not disgrace yourself. When else to experiment as not in adolescence.
It is not true!
We don't need everyone under the same brush, under the same denominator.
If in your habitat everyone put on make-up at the age of 14, and at 12 they started fucking and having children, then this is your habitat of primitive people.

I knew that this mentally ill troll would come out with her favorite stories about horses and horns.


Lord, where do you get such retarded mothers from? Where did you spend your teenage years, in a monastery? Even 20 years ago, at the age of your daughter, everyone wore make-up, and even my mother recalls that all the girls put on make-up despite washing and prohibitions, this is in a deep scoop !!!. Make-up bans are shocking to me these days.
Buy your daughter cosmetics in soft colors and do not disgrace yourself. When else to experiment as not in adolescence.
It is not true!
We don't need everyone under the same brush, under the same denominator.
If in your habitat everyone put on make-up at the age of 14, and at 12 they started fucking and having children, then this is your habitat of primitive people.

That is, at first they gave birth at 12, and then at 14 they began to paint, right? Well, of course, life has already shaken, it's time to start))


I bought myself. Mascara, eyelash curlers, eyeliner, black and silver. Lip gloss, a lot of nail polishes, it was like that for all girls, now they can’t fart without a mother


And what time did you get on the panel?
Starting too early, people like you are in a hurry to live and don't live long.

I have never been there, and you can only see it from the panel since you write so much about it!



we have a neighbor - at the age of 12 she went all repainted, and the body was a 10-year-old child, it was a pity and funny to look at her, but now she is already 30 years old, and she walks unpainted, although it would be necessary to emphasize a little lips, eyes, she’s just confused about what to do and when. Her mother is rustic, rural, did not bring up, but only indulged everything.

But you are great, you are educating everyone how to be a lady. Only you yourself saw these ladies only in the picture.


buy her mascara, but not black, but brown - it looks more natural. Palette of light shadows: pale pink, peach, white. White eyeliner. A couple of lip glosses in soft pink, peach, transparent. Blush can be soft peach and powder if the skin condition allows. The most important thing is to learn how to use it correctly and not overdo it!)


to 38. As for the eyebrows - it is also possible, the main thing is to choose the right tone so that it matches. And lipstick is too early for her, she needs gloss.


svetlana vitalevnaya always said to her daughter:
Don't be a sheep in a flock; if a hundred people jump from the 10th floor - this does not mean that you also need to jump with them; do not rush to live, you will be older, but never younger; after winter comes spring, not summer or autumn, there is a time for everything...
I told her all this at the right moment, more than once or twice ... At the age of 19, at the prom, I took her to a professional grimmer and she got her makeup done right, before that she suggested that she remember how this is done makeup.
Since then, she has been painting very well, I love to give her expensive decorative cosmetics of famous brands, she is already over 30 and she told me more than once - you were very right when you warned me and told me to rush to live ...
That's exactly what it is in youth that you can afford crazy experiments with makeup and hairstyles and not look stupid at the same time, as at an older age with similar experiments.


but you are a good fellow, you educate everyone how to be a lady. Only you yourself saw these ladies only in the picture.

Do we know each other?
I would like to state the fact that many people thanked me for my kind and timely advice.


at the age of 14, everyone already had their hair dyed, and this was 15 years ago

And now there are already three hairs in five rows?


Don't be a sheep in a flock; if a hundred people jump from the 10th floor - this does not mean that you also need to jump with them; do not rush to live, you will be older, but never younger; after winter comes spring, not summer or autumn, there is a time for everything...
I told her all this at the right moment, more than once or twice ... At the age of 19, at the prom, I took her to a professional grimmer and she got her makeup done right, before that she suggested that she remember how this is done makeup.
Since then, she has been painting very well, I love to give her expensive decorative cosmetics of famous brands, she is already over 30 and she told me more than once - you were very right when you warned me and told me to rush to live ...
That's exactly what it is in youth that you can afford crazy experiments with makeup and hairstyles and not look stupid at the same time, as at an older age with similar experiments.
I do not think that in childhood - 14 years old, it is necessary to make a scarecrow-garden out of a child.
In her youth - this is at the age of 20, then let her experiment as much as she wants, at least she gets on her ears - then she is already an adult and has every right.

At 20, it's time to have your own style and be able to do the right makeup that fits the occasion, and not start experimenting, rushing from one extreme to the other.


and now there are already three hairs in five rows?

Why do you think so?


guest svetlana vitalevnaya always said to her daughter:
Don't be a sheep in a flock; if a hundred people jump from the 10th floor - this does not mean that you also need to jump with them; do not rush to live, you will be older, but never younger; after winter comes spring, not summer or autumn, there is a time for everything...
I told her all this at the right moment, more than once or twice ... At the age of 19, at the prom, I took her to a professional grimmer and she got her makeup done right, before that she suggested that she remember how this is done makeup.
Since then, she has been painting very well, I love to give her expensive decorative cosmetics of famous brands, she is already over 30 and she told me more than once - you were very right when you warned me and told me to rush to live ...
That's exactly what it is in youth that you can afford crazy experiments with makeup and hairstyles and not look stupid at the same time, as at an older age with similar experiments.
I do not think that in childhood - 14 years old, it is necessary to make a scarecrow-garden out of a child.
In her youth - this is at the age of 20, then let her experiment as much as she wants, at least she gets on her ears - then she is already an adult and has every right.

At the age of 20, a person can already have a job and even a family. And these are some troubles from "no time" to "strict dress code". So yes, adolescence is the only time when you can experiment as boldly as possible and only face the problems with the notations of conservative teachers.


if you are in 1
I do not think that in childhood - 14 years old, it is necessary to make a scarecrow-garden out of a child.
In her youth - this is at the age of 20, then let her experiment as much as she wants, at least she gets on her ears - then she is already an adult and has every right.

If you were painted like a scarecrow at 14, don't judge everyone by your own standards.


why do you think so?

Because she's a stupid troll with three brains.


take her to a beautician and first teach her proper care so that there are no black dots, how to clean her pores, not to squeeze acne, which can be used at that age. You can also spend a ligbez at the gynecologist (hygiene and future sex life, and so that it doesn’t whistle in winter) and a hairdresser. They listen to strangers better. And then you can buy ink.


Today my daughter came up to me and asked me to buy decorative cosmetics. She says that she is not small already and all her friends at school put on makeup. It seems wild to me. She has acne cream, hygienic lipstick too. Why does she wear makeup so much at that age? Or am I behind the times?

In no case is it necessary! Ruin his cake! It will look like a juvenile mop! Do not allow her cosmetics, especially for lips and eyebrows, otherwise she will do such a thing! Let her grow even here, Tanya doesn’t ask me for anything, and she’s already 12, all her girlfriends go with makeup, well, she asked, but I tell her you’ll be a pimply ugly and she doesn’t ask anymore! She should give birth to children, and suddenly she gets sick with aknom and her children! Do not allow! It will ruin the skin and the life of the children!


kapets I read here. I didn't have my own makeup at 14. My mother let me take her, whatever I want. And so I didn’t have any shaking in terms of a crazy desire to somehow make up very brightly or too often. You, the author, are really behind the times. How old are you yourself? At this age, it is quite possible to paint with mascara and lip gloss. And about the fact that she will spoil the skin. Those who are now over 60 years old probably think so.

Please tell me skin care cosmetics for a girl 11-12 years old.

I have already started to have pimples, as well as blackheads, how can I eliminate this... maybe a scrub, maybe a Garnier acne roll-on gel?

Sergey Kurbanov

Have you tried Baby's simple soap yet? VITAMINS! Regular facial. No living, good nutrition and timely. Cola lemonade, chips, fast food, coffee - all this is aside, otherwise acne will not be removed. Do not be sick. Various masks.
For example, it’s good for you to drink tea or just eat sea buckthorn and on her face.
homemade egg white acne mask
This mask is the simplest and most affordable. In addition to the ease of preparation, it has a high efficiency. To prepare an egg white mask, we need: take 1 fresh egg and peel it, then separate the yolk from the protein. After that, place the separated protein in a container and beat until the protein becomes frothy and thick. After that, you need to apply the resulting egg white mixture to the cleansed face with clean hands. Keep this mask on your face for about 15 minutes. then you need to wash off the mask with warm water. The result is shrinking skin pores and lightening red spots.
Baking soda acne mask
The baking soda mask is probably the easiest to make. You will need: baking soda and water. After you wash your face, put some baking soda in your hand and dilute with water, then apply to your face. After applying the baking soda mask to your face, forget about it for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water. The skin of the face should become cleaner and softer. You should not do this mask too often, it is better 2-3 times a week.
Acne garlic mask recipe
You should chop two cloves of garlic very finely and apply the resulting slurry to the problem areas of the skin in a dense layer. Keep it for about 20 minutes. Well, in order to get a greater effect from such a mask, it is worth doing this procedure every day, morning and evening, a few 2-3 hours before bedtime. Also, in order not to apply a mask on the whole face, you can simply wipe the places with acne with garlic juice. With this procedure, you can reduce the number of acne, and possibly even get rid of them.
potato acne mask
To prepare a potato mask, we need a medium-sized potato. It must be boiled in the 1st pan along with a small amount of milk. When the resulting liquid gruel has cooled, it should be applied to the skin of the face. After 15 min. wash off with warm water.
Kiwi mask
This mask cleanses the skin of the face. To cook it you will need a small kiwi fruit. You need to stretch the fruit and simply apply the resulting slurry to the skin of the face. If you feel tingling, don't be afraid, it's normal and it should be. After 20 min. wash your face with warm water. If there is a tonic, then wipe it with it too.
Basil Acne Toner
To prepare the tonic, we need a little basil (by eye), a glass of boiling water, then soak the basil leaves in a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. We wait until it cools down, and apply on the face with a cotton swab.
Honey acne mask.
To prepare this mask, we need 50 grams of honey, 50 ml of vegetable or olive oil and one egg yolk. Mix thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture on the face and neck, as well as the décolleté area for 20 minutes. Then wash off the honey mask with warm water.
Oatmeal acne mask
To prepare an oatmeal mask, you need to mix a little oatmeal with warm water and then spread over the skin of the face. After 15-20 minutes, when it dries, rinse with warm water.
Black dots (post-acne) are eliminated with the help of various steam baths. [link blocked by the decision of the project administration]
But, oddly enough, the basis is still the same - nutrition, regimen, sports, heredity.

12-year-old girl created a line of cosmetics

10/29/2012 Text: Vladlen Rodionov Many people ask themselves: “Why are teenagers most often dissatisfied with their lives?”. The answer is simple - they are no longer children, but not yet adults. That is why teenagers have so many problems, including self-care. 12-year-old Willa Doss did not succumb to the "crisis of adolescence" and created her own cosmetic line for her peers.

Unlike many of her peers, 12-year-old American Willa Doss does not laze on the street and does not spend her free time playing computer games. Instead, she creates... cosmetics!

It all started last spring: Willa, with the help of her beloved mother Christy Prunier, created a cosmetic brand named after herself - willa ™. The love for cosmetics was passed on to the girl again from her parent: Christie taught her daughter from childhood to use sunscreen, cleanse and moisturize the skin. The idea of ​​creating their own brand appeared when mother and daughter, having carefully studied the entire beauty market, could not find the right skin care for Willa's face.

Marina Khlebnikova did plastic surgery?

Heidi Klum - another "Cleopatra"

Express skin diagnostics with dispenser Idealia, Vichy

Now in the line from the young beauty guru there are seventeen products designed specifically for girls. Among them there is everything you need: facial wash, lip balms and glosses, body lotion, cleansing wipes, express anti-acne remedy, face mask, sunscreen and even a travel kit. Note that all products contain only natural ingredients and are not tested on animals. You can get acquainted with the assortment in more detail on the official website of the brand, where, by the way, you can order the products you like.

Face cream for teenagers should have a mild effect and effectively care for the skin. Special care for the sensitive skin of a teenager is necessary due to the fact that numerous changes occur during puberty. Improper care and insufficient treatment can lead to serious skin diseases.

Girls in adolescence tend to look more beautiful and mature, for this they often use inappropriate cosmetics from their mother's cosmetic bag or neglect the rules for applying face products, which leads to many problems. We will tell you about what face creams for teenagers are and how to choose them correctly.

Young cover needs special care, and early. If a teenage girl wants to start using creams and decorative cosmetics, then she should not be forbidden. The main thing is to help you make the right choice.

Any cosmetic cream has its own framework, which determines the age and characteristics of the skin. Different tools consist of different components aimed at solving various kinds of problems. Anti-aging products contain components that intensively eliminate the results of cell aging, while products for youth cover are aimed at preserving youth and maintaining a healthy look.

Do not use “heavy” face creams intended for older people for young skin, they will not bring any benefit, but only harm.

Thus, a face cream for teenagers should have special properties that are necessary to maintain the beauty and health of teenagers.


  1. Any face cream for teenagers should be aimed at treating deficiencies or maintaining the natural beauty of the cover, the functions of which are working normally.
  2. Eliminating problem areas is an important property of a teen remedy. Very often, during the period when the body develops and its hormonal changes begin, a lot of problems arise on the face in the form of sensitivity, rashes, acne, redness, black spots. Any product chosen by a teenager to care for a problem cover should have special healing properties.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are an integral part of any remedy that will help eliminate existing problems and prevent inflammation.
  4. Cleansing properties help to create all the conditions for the normal functioning of the young skin.
  5. Regeneration and renewal of the skin of the face with the help of a cream will ensure the restoration of damaged cells and problem areas.
  6. The hypoallergenic properties of the cream help to take care of the sensitive skin of a teenager's face, prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions and inflammation.
  7. The sun protection factor is a necessary part of day creams for teenagers who lead an active lifestyle and are often in the sun. Some of the sun's rays are detrimental to the skin.
  8. Drying or moisturizing, regulation of the sweat glands - these functions of the remedy depend on the type of skin of a teenager.

Be able to distinguish between problematic rashes or reactions on the teenage face, some of them may be the cause of an improperly selected care product, others may be the result of diseases.

Types of Teenage Skin


It looks almost perfect, it is characterized by an even tone and complexion, smoothness and velvety, there are no irritations, pimples and redness. Depending on her deviations, a teenager can use a light moisturizer several times a week or light masks that only correct the features of the normal type. However, teenagers with a normal type of cover should definitely use cleansers, gels and foams that will help to gently cleanse the cover and pores.


A common problem on the face of adolescents, it occurs as a result of increased activity of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, which intensify their work under the influence of hormonal levels. Such a cover requires more thorough and regular care, which is designed for the features of this type.

Regular cleaning with gels, creams, as well as keeping clean during the day, for example, at school with sanitary napkins, will help eliminate many problems and prevent inflammation.

A face cream for teenagers with a greasy type of cover should have a “non-comendogenic” property, and also be aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Special attention deserves a mixed type of cover, prone to oiliness in certain areas of the face. The change in type may depend on the seasons or the characteristics of the organism. For proper care of the combined cover, it is necessary to alternate the products periodically, depending on the condition of the skin.

dry type

Needs more moisture than normal. Dry cover is very easy to determine - it looks dull, sometimes peeling appears, a feeling of tightness, sometimes itching can occur. The problem arises because sebum is produced in insufficient quantities on the face, which regulates the exchange of moisture in the cells.

It is recommended to carefully choose cleansers, they should be gentle and not contain alcohols, which dry out the cells too much. Moisturizers shown. Be careful, read the composition, the cream should be aimed at maintaining the filling of cells with water and fats, and not fully perform their functions, which is inherent in products for a more mature cover. Remember: low humidity and high temperatures are your enemies.

Problem cover

A special point in typology. If you think that problems can disappear on their own, then you are mistaken. When acne and a rash appear on the face, it is very important to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist, as well as the use of not cosmetic, but therapeutic creams for teenagers.


The composition of teen face creams should include

  • Zinc, seaweed and minerals, natural extracts - have an excellent antibacterial effect;
  • Natural ingredients that carefully care;
  • Sun protection filters SPF;
  • Agaricinic acid and other biological elements that have regenerative properties;
  • Mineral components - potassium, silicon, magnesium, can improve the structure of the problem cover and make it smooth;
  • Extracts of citrus fruits, tea tree, honey are very effective for teenagers.
  • Vitamin complexes will help nourish dry skin or restore the balance of essential substances, for example, in winter.

Substances that should NOT be in teen face creams

  • Alcohol;
  • Synthetic substances that clog pores;
  • Coenzyme, collagens, active anti-aging ingredients;
  • hormonal constituents.

How to choose

  1. Choose a remedy that is designed for your age;
  2. Natural ingredients will help to carry out gentle care;
  3. When choosing, always check yourself for sensitivity, in adolescents it is very often increased;
  4. Choose well-known and high-quality cosmetic brands, quality cannot be neglected, especially when it comes to fixing problems;
  5. If possible, purchase the whole range of products for young skin, the cream is very effectively complemented by lotions and gels from one collection.

How to apply

  • It is very important to be able to use the remedy correctly so that it not only benefits, but also does not cause harm;
  • Do not be lazy to thoroughly clean the cover with special products before applying the cream;
  • Apply the product according to the manufacturer's instructions, distinguishing between the time of day, the regularity of use and the application technique;
  • Allow time to soak in, if there is a residue - remove it with a napkin;
  • Always wash your face before going to bed, cleansing at night will ensure the normal functioning of the cover, and removing makeup and “dirt” will open the pores and prevent inflammation;
  • Use a sufficient amount of product for application, remember, a lot does not mean effective.

DIY cream

A great option is to make an effective face cream for teenagers at home.

Recipe 1.

For young dry skin

  • 1 part beeswax;
  • 1 part glycerin;
  • 2 parts olive oil;
  • 4 parts rose water;
  • 2 parts boiled water.

Recipe 2.

For oily teenage skin

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 spoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 spoon of glycerin;
  • ¼ st. sunflower oil;
  • ¼ st. olive oil.

The yolk is whipped, after which lemon juice and glycerin are added to it. Whisking constantly, oils are gradually added. The tool is ready when the mass thickens.

Recipe 3

For problematic skin based on yeast

  • 1 spoon of dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • A small amount of warm water.

Yeast is dissolved in warm water to the consistency of sour cream, juice is added to them. The product is washed off with warm water.

good creams

Face Control Foam Cream for Teens

It has antibacterial properties and is great for treating acne and blackheads. The antibacterial complex prevents the appearance of inflammation, protects against microbes, regulates the functioning of the secretion glands, and has a slight effect of matting the cover.

The components are aimed at cleansing, gentle care and prevention of inflammatory processes.

The tool allows you to give the teenage problem cover a healthy look and color, as well as eliminate diseases.

Approximate price: 65 rubles.

Green Mama Gel daytime protective series "Fly away!"

This series of products is great for teenagers and helps solve a lot of problems.

The gel has an excellent anti-inflammatory property, and also allows you to normalize the balance of water and fats in cells, fill the cover with useful components without drying. The tool is very effective for eliminating acne and other problems.

As part of this tool there are no "harmful" components - alcohols, dyes, fragrances.

Approximate price: 120 rubles.

Nivea pure effect anti-acne day cream

This tool is intended to eliminate the shortcomings of the problem cover in the form of acne and inflammation.
The components have an antibacterial effect, prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the cells, eliminate black spots and blackheads.
Perfectly absorbed, provides moisture without clogging the pores of delicate teenage skin.
Regular use allows you to create a perfectly even complexion and eliminate inflammation.

Approximate price: 120 rubles.