Shrovetide by day - all about pancake week. Name of Shrovetide week days

It is imperative to spend the cold, harsh winter and meet the tender spring with Shrovetide with fun, because in the old days it was believed that those who do not have fun on these days and do not see off the winter will live poorly and empty the whole coming year. But for those who celebrate the holiday properly, the year will become successful, all matters will argue, there will be abundance in the house, and all ailments will pass by. All Shrovetide days have their own traditions, foundations and names. We will talk about how the days of Shrovetide week are called, and how to traditionally celebrate Shrovetide.

Pancake week got its name back in the distant Slavic times and has come down to us, preserving the most cheerful and colorful traditions. Today we celebrate it cheerfully with round dances, pancakes, songs, dances, snowball games and, of course, burning a stuffed carnival at the end of the week as a symbol of the outgoing winter.

We celebrate Shrovetide on seven bright, funny and mischievous days.

Pancake week days: names

  • A meeting,
  • Flirting,
  • Gourmet,
  • Revelry,
  • Mother-in-law's evening
  • Sister-in-law gatherings,
  • Seeing off.

So, Shrovetide week by day:

Monday - Meeting

On this day, they erected a Maslenitsa effigy from rags and straw, and then, attached to a large log, sledged throughout the village and installed it on the highest snowy hill, from which sledding and merry walks with songs and dances began. The scarecrow will not have the happiest fate - at the end of the week it will be burned in the square.

Tuesday - Flirting

The games started on Monday continued, but in addition to them, celebrating people dressed in colorful costumes and masks, played whole theatrical performances, to which all passers-by were invited, regardless of their social status and class. Noisy fairs and booths unfolded, platforms with various treats stood everywhere.

Wednesday - Gourmet

The day of the beginning of hospitable home feasts. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law invited the newly-made sons-in-law to visit, and the resourceful guys brought all their relatives with them. Guests were treated to pies, ruddy pancakes, freshly brewed home-brewed beer. Tents were set up everywhere, in which they sold nuts and gingerbread, hot sbiten (water with honey and herbs) and tea - from shiny samovars!

Thursday - revelry

This day was called "revelry", or the turning day. Wall-to-wall fistfights were held on Thursday. The hot men converged and took away their souls in a merry duel. The rules of the fight prohibited blows below the belt and to the back of the head. The fallen also received mercy.

Friday - Mother-in-law evening

Pancake Week Friday - Mother-in-law's evening. Many Maslenitsa traditions have set themselves the goal of helping single young men and women get married. There were also many customs related to young married couples. Now it's the son-in-law's turn to invite his beloved mother-in-law. The young treated the bride's parents with sweet honey pancakes and various delicacies, and they came to visit with gifts and jokes.

Saturday - Cousin's gatherings

On Saturday, the young wife invited her husband's sisters to the table. And here she had to do her best from the heart, because the invited relatives zealously appreciated the master's table and sometimes made snide remarks that it was not abundant enough. But all these were funny jokes, because sisters-in-law often became faithful girlfriends for daughters-in-law for many years.

Also, the Saturday of Pancake Week was a day of remembrance of the dead, a trip to churchyards. They treated the beggars so that they remembered the souls of the deceased relatives of the owners.

Sunday - farewell

Also this day is called "Forgiveness Sunday" and "Kissing Day". When they met, people asked each other for forgiveness for everything they had done in the past year, and exchanged kisses. At the cemetery, they asked for forgiveness from the deceased relatives, brought them refreshments. On Sunday, they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa - an image of the winter being seen off, they welcomed spring and asked for fertility to the fields, throwing pancakes into the fire with Maslenitsa. The last day before Lent, a bright and clean holiday.

Nowadays, we have preserved a few of the ancient traditions, but every year on Maslenitsa, pancakes are baked in all houses of the hostess, mother-in-law invite their beloved sons-in-law to visit, and children are happy to build a bright effigy of Maslenitsa so that on Sunday they can burn it on a hot fire in a nearby forest under merry dances. On Forgiveness Sunday, we call our friends and relatives, even the most distant ones, to ask them for forgiveness and congratulate them on the holiday. Not all traditions have remained, but we love Shrovetide no less than our distant ancestors.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest Russian holidays. Pagan in origin, Maslenitsa peacefully "got on" with the religious traditions of Christianity. From a week of farewell to winter, the holiday turned into a week before Lent - 7 days of rest, fun and hearty food.

Each of the days of Maslenitsa, which this year will last from 4 to 10 March, has its own name and purpose. "The First Regional" tells what and where to do from Monday to Sunday during Pancake Week.

Monday opens the so-called "Narrow Pancake Week" - the first half of the week. Household work is allowed on these days.

The first day of Shrovetide is called Meeting. According to custom, matchmakers meet, everything happens on the territory of the daughter-in-law's house. She is sent to her parents from the very morning, and in the evening the father-in-law and mother-in-law come for her, at the same time agreeing on a place for the general festivities.

On Monday, the construction of snow cities, swings and booths for a mass celebration is being completed. Straw and old clothes are used to make an effigy of Maslenitsa, which is carried along the streets on a sleigh.

Pancakes are baked on the same day. The first is supposed to be given to the poor neighbors, so that they, not being able to cook pancakes, remember the dead.

Tuesday is called Flirting. On this day, guys and girls get to know each other, ride down hills, go to each other for pancakes. Parents actively encourage this: it is customary to marry young people on Shrovetide week, because the church forbids weddings on Great Lent. The wedding, if successful, is played on Krasnaya Gorka - the first Sunday after Easter (in 2019, Krasnaya Gorka falls on May 5).

Gourmets are the third day of the Pancake Week and the last day of the Narrow Pancake Week. On this day, the mother-in-law meets her son-in-law and his friends with a rich treat, and she herself watches the passing feast. By the taste preferences of a son-in-law, one can determine his character. It is believed that if a man reaches for pancakes with salty filling, his character is not easy. Lovers of sweets are soft and affectionate.

On Wednesday you can eat plenty of pancakes.

Thursday, or Razgulyay, is the first day of the "Wide Shrovetide". On this day, it's time to stop chores and start walking.

Both young and old go out into the street to ride a sleigh, watch fistfights, battles for snow cities, or become their participants, watch. On this day, ritual bonfires are burned and jumped over them.

Friday is called Mother-in-law evenings. On this day, a man meets his wife's mother. She is supposed to be officially invited. The mother-in-law comes to his house with her friends. At the table - songs, fun, good advice about family life.

True, the wife prepares treats for all those present.

The day of the sister-in-law, the husband's sister, falls on Saturday. It is called the Cousin's Gatherings. On this day, a woman should call her husband's relatives to her, the main of whom is her sister. If she is unmarried, then unmarried girlfriends are supposed to be invited into the house, but if she is married in a church, family people should be next to her. All guests are treated to pancakes, and the sister-in-law is given a nice gift.

The last day of Pancake Week is Seeing Off. On Sunday, an effigy of Maslenitsa is being carried on a sleigh into the field. This is called the "Shrovetide train". Then the scarecrow is burned - this is a "funeral". Ashes are scattered across the fields to make the year fertile. From this moment on, winter should go away, giving way to sunny and warm spring.

With the advent of Christianity, Farewell to Shrovetide became known as Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, it is customary to perform the rite of forgiveness in churches, to ask each other for forgiveness for all the grievances of the past year. In the evening, as on Monday, the dead are commemorated, and if possible, they visit the cemetery.

Keeping all the traditions of the pancake week is fun and delicious. But in order for Shrovetide to be a joy, and not a burden, you need to eat in moderation and choose only the right pancakes. How to do it, read

What date Maslenitsa begins in 2018, what are the days of Maslenitsa week, what are the traditions, customs and essence of the holiday, read on this page.

Shrovetide: the history of the holiday

For most of the inhabitants of our country, Maslenitsa is the most cheerful holiday that marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa in Russia began to celebrate long before the adoption of Christianity. Then it was a pagan holiday, the main role in which was assigned to the worship of the Sun. In the past, the holiday was timed to coincide with the vernal equinox, and was celebrated seven days before and seven days after. Two weeks of festivities on Maslenitsa were devoted to saying goodbye to winter and the awakening of spring.

Today Maslenitsa celebration date is tied to Orthodox Easter and changes every year. In 2018 Maslenitsa starts on February 12, a Pancake week days, respectively, falls on February 12 - 18.

Shrovetide and Cheese Week 2018: what not to do and what can be done

The church tradition does not consider the Maslenitsa holiday "their own"; there is no position in the Orthodox calendar with such a name. But there is Cheese Week and Cheese Week (Sunday). The days of Orthodox Cheese Week and the national Maslenitsa coincide, but they have completely different meanings.

Cheese week (carnival) for the Orthodox- this is the week of preparation for Great Lent, when you can no longer eat meat and play weddings, but you can still have fun and get the joy of communication. This week in the Christian sense is dedicated to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for a repentant path to God.

Maslenitsa 2018: traditions and customs of the celebration

Traditionally, outdoor activities, in which people of all ages participate, are an integral part of Shrovetide festivities.

The final event of the celebration is traditionally the burning of the Shrovetide figure. The scarecrow is collected from straw, dry branches, on which they put on old clothes. The remaining ash must be scattered to the wind. According to popular beliefs, this brings prosperity and good luck for the next year.

According to tradition, not only everyone's favorite pancakes, but also milk and cottage cheese, cheeses are eaten on Shrovetide.

  • See also:

Shrovetide days with their names and meaning: calendar

Traditionally, Maslenitsa week is divided into Narrow Pancake Week (from Monday to Wednesday): on these days, chores are allowed, and on Wide Pancake Week (from Thursday to Sunday): any work is undesirable. Every day of Maslenitsa has a special tradition and name.... Let's tell the meaning of each day of Shrovetide.

Day 1 of Maslenitsa. Monday - "meeting"

On this day, they began to bake pancakes, and the first was always given to the beggars. Girls and boys sang songs and walked with a straw stuffed animal in the village. Usually, by the first day of Shrovetide, they built swings, slides, laid tables with sweets.

Day 2 of Maslenitsa. Tuesday - "flirting"

On the morning of the second day of Oil Week, the girls were invited to go sledding and eat pancakes. The kids rode on ice cakes on old calf skins in groups. Traditionally, this day was arranged for the bride's bridegroom.

Day 3 of Maslenitsa. Wednesday - "gourmet"

On the third day of Pancake Week, everyone ate pancakes and other delicious dishes. They needed to eat from the heart. On Wednesday, mother-in-law invite sons-in-law to pancakes.

4th day of Maslenitsa. Thursday - "revelry"

On this day, the celebration was gaining full strength. People rode down the icy mountains, rocked on merry-go-rounds and swings, and rode in painted horse-drawn sleighs. The newlyweds were seated on a sled and lowered from the mountain, while they had to kiss in front of everyone. On the same day, Maslenitsa, men went out to fistfights. Young people took by storm the snow fortresses, made fires and jumped over the fire. The mummers went home, congratulated the hosts on the holiday, and the hosts fed the guests with pancakes.

Day 5 of Maslenitsa. Friday - mother-in-law's evenings - guest day

On the fifth day of Pancake Week, the sons-in-law should treat their beloved mother-in-law with pancakes. Other relatives are invited to dinner on this day.

6th day of Maslenitsa. Saturday - "sister-in-law's gatherings"

On Saturday, farewell to the aged Maslenitsa is celebrated. On this day, the young daughter-in-law should call her relatives. In the evening, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned. Everyone walks and treats themselves.

  • See also:

7th day of Maslenitsa. Sunday - Seeing Off, Tselovnik - Forgiveness Sunday

From morning until lunchtime, godfathers go to each other with gifts. An effigy of Maslenitsa was burned, and the ashes were scattered across the field. On the seventh, last day of Oil Week, which is called Forgiveness Sunday all ask each other for forgiveness: "Forgive me, a sinner, on Great Lent!" In response, they said: "God will forgive, and I forgive." The farewell ends with a low bow and kiss. Children should ask their parents for forgiveness for all the grief. On this day in the old days, after dinner, everyone gathers to church for the service that opened Great Lent.

Material on the topic

Almost everyone knows about this holiday. But if you ask a specific question: what is Maslenitsa, the answers will sound quite different. For some, it is associated with fun and mass festivities, someone sees in it one of the stages of preparation for Great Lent. Well, someone will remember the famous cartoon by Robert Sahakyants "Look, you, Maslenitsa".

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own special name, traditions and rules: church and folk. Almost all the customs, which we will discuss below, existed long before Russia became an Orthodox country and often have exclusively pagan or simply folk, everyday roots.

The Church did not make Maslenitsa its holiday, but rethought this period of the year - the days preceding Great Lent. It was under the influence of Christianity that this pagan holiday became Maslenitsa in the form in which we have known it for many centuries. Through the efforts of the Church, Maslenitsa lost its former pagan significance and turned into a simple week of rest and fun (read more about the history and church understanding of Maslenitsa). Moreover, in different countries this holiday has its own national flavor.

In the Slavic tradition, Cheese Week is divided into two periods: Narrow Maslenitsa and Wide Maslenitsa. Narrow Shrovetide is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wide Shrovetide - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Monday opens the Narrow Pancake Week. In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for the day, and in the evening they themselves went to visit the matchmakers. We agreed on the time and place of the festivities. Finished building snow cities, swings, booths.

Pancakes started baking on Monday. The first pancake was given to poor neighbors so that they remembered the dead.

All the traditions associated with the effigy of Maslenitsa were exclusively pagan and had nothing to do with Orthodoxy. He was made from straw and old clothes, and carried along the streets on a sleigh.

On this day, brides were shown. Parents had to have time to marry the young before the beginning of Great Lent, because the Church does not allow marriage in Lent. If everything went well, then immediately after Easter, on Krasnaya Gorka, a wedding was played.

Therefore, on Tuesday of Cheese Week, guys and girls met, rode down the hills together, came to each other for pancakes.

On Wednesday, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law for pancakes and brought other guests with him. The mother-in-law watched intently as the son-in-law behaved at the table. People used to say that if a man chooses pancakes with salty filling, then he is stubborn and with a difficult character. And if sweet, then with his wife it will be soft and affectionate. But this sign, of course, is also not connected with the Orthodox tradition and is considered a superstition.

In general, on this day, it was customary to eat pancakes as much as the heart desires.

Thursday - the day of the beginning of the Wide Maslenitsa. Household work ceased, festivities began.

Entertainment was very different: sleigh and sled rides, fistfights and battles for snowy cities, sang carols, burned ritual bonfires (another relic of paganism) and jumped over fire.

On this day, the mother-in-law came to visit her son-in-law with a return visit, and she took with her a company of friends. The daughter baked pancakes for her husband and guests.

Young daughters-in-law invited sister-in-law and other relatives of her husband to visit. It is interesting that if the sister-in-law was not married, then the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried girlfriends, and if she was married, then married relatives would come to visit. The daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law a gift by all means.

Seeing off Maslenitsa, or Forgiveness Sunday, is the main day of Cheese Week, a spell before the start of Lent. In churches, the rite of forgiveness was performed, the clergy and laity asked each other for forgiveness for all the grievances of the past year.

In the evening we remembered the dead, went to the cemetery.

While the believers were preparing for the beginning of the fast, the holiday was just beginning among the fans of pagan traditions. , and the ashes were scattered over the fields so that the year turned out to be fertile. The scarecrow was taken to the place of burning in a sleigh pulled by horses, it was called the "Shrovetide train". In some localities, a "Maslenitsa funeral" was held; it was a parody of a church funeral procession.

Thus, Maslenitsa combines both Christian and completely unrelated to Christianity traditions. The choice is up to the person. However, it is important that the Church does not prohibit fun on Shrovetide, warning only against superstition and excessive gluttony.