Mikhail is being whitewashed. A collection of ideal social studies essays. Disadvantages of whitewashed ceilings

(1) The Day of Defender of the Fatherland rattled with armor, the champagne-floral March 8 thumped with cork fireworks. (2) We made toasts, gave gifts, laughed, and rejoiced. (3) That's it. (4) The holidays are over. (5) Now the slushy and gray end of winter will drag on until May. (6) After her death, spring will enter our dank, melted upper room as a timid girl; a still cold, frozen blanket will cover the black bare branches of trees, last year's ashen grass, litter and dirt of soggy parks and squares. (7) It will be sad and depressing all around.
(8) Not very fun weeks lie ahead of us. (9) Moreover, according to forecasters, spring this year will be late and not warm. (Yu) You can come to terms with it and accept it - so, they say, it has always been: time for business, time for fun, that’s why they are holidays, so that they end quickly. (11) And having reconciled and accepted this gloomy reality, dive back into everyday life, postpone joy and a feeling of fullness of life until the next official holidays. (12) This time - May. (13) Many people live like this. (14) Yes, almost everything. (15) Especially now, when not only living, but simply surviving is becoming increasingly difficult. (16) And many don’t even notice these official ones anymore - there’s no time for them, no time for fun. (17) “Give us this day our daily bread...”
(18) However, all this is about the declared calendar festivals. (19) And, I repeat, they do not always coincide with the internal ones located in the soul. (20) Hemingway wrote about Paris: “A holiday that is always with you.” (21) Carried in the heart, giving joy, happiness, contentment. (22) But is Paris necessary for such sensations?
(23) I had a friend. (24) He carried his holiday in his soul constantly. (25) Always friendly, smiling, friendly, joyful. (26) It even happened when the white light was not nice. (27) Even after a crazy editorial day, when you can barely drag your feet home. (28) He was a bright guy, sparkling all over, like honey in the light against the sun. (29) This trait fascinated me in him; it seemed inexplicable. (ZO) One day I couldn’t stand it and asked.
(31) “And I,” he says, “have three pine trees growing opposite the balcony.” (32) In the morning, dawn imbues their yellow trunks with pink light, saturates them so that they appear transparent. (ZZ) Well, it’s like a ripe pineapple - the juice is about to splash out. (34) And the dark green of the crown, and the sky, no longer colored by dawn, but clear, blue, high... (Zb) The beauty is breathtaking, you want to cry, how beautiful it is. (Zb) So in the morning I admire it for a couple of minutes and get a boost of optimism for the whole day...
(37) - What if it’s cloudy or you have to get up in the dark? - I ask.
(38) -I’ll close my eyes and see. (39) The main thing is to want. (40) When I find myself on a business trip or on vacation, I always look for something to admire in the morning. (41) Beauty is spilled all around us. (42) If you want, you will see. (43) The main thing is to want.
(44) Since then, I have often resorted to this advice. (45) And it worked every time. (46) The holiday began both in the soul and in the heart. (47) And life seemed brighter and more joyful, despite the slush and grayness in nature. (48) Try it too, reader, and suddenly this advice will help you live in a good mood until the next official holidays. (49) All you need is to remember to look around. (According to M. Belyat)

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M. Belyat's text made me think about the problem of joy.
The author draws the reader's attention to the fact that now almost all people live by postponing joy and a sense of fullness of life until the next calendar holidays. The writer compares this attitude to life with the example of his friend. This friend carried his holiday in his soul constantly. He was always friendly, smiling, joyful, and friendly.
M. Belyata strives to convey to the reader the idea that in order for a holiday to begin both in the soul and in the heart, we only need to look around us and see the beauty scattered all around us.
Sharing the author’s position, I want to say that, in my opinion, a good mood does not depend at all on external circumstances

The ceiling is used to judge both the personal qualities of the homeowner and his financial condition. Whitewashing the ceiling, which you can do yourself or call painters for this, will help make the ceiling visually attractive. How much does a painter’s work cost and how to whitewash a ceiling yourself?

How to whitewash the ceiling?

Today, for whitewashing the ceiling they use:

  • chalk. Chalk whitewash is the choice of people who prefer a snow-white ceiling color. To prepare the composition for whitening based on 10 square meters. surface, pour PVA glue, carpentry glue or bustilate (30 ml) into heated water or sprinkle small shavings of one laundry soap. While stirring the composition, add 3 kg of sifted chalk for whitewashing, after which 20 g of blue is added;
  • lime. Used for its immunity to bacteria and ability to fix small cracks. To prepare a solution per 1 square meter, 1.7 kg of lime powder and 40 g of blue are diluted in heated water. The composition will reach its optimal consistency if it does not drain from a metal object placed in a bucket with it;
  • water-based paint. The paint is diluted according to the instructions issued by the manufacturer.

In modern times, lime and chalk have almost completely given way to water-based paint - and deservedly so!

Advantages of chalk and lime whitewash

Whitewashing the ceiling with chalkor lime has the following advantages:

  • Properly applied whitewash is environmentally safe and does not harm the environment and human health;
  • lime disinfects the surface of the ceiling and the air in the room;
  • with technologically correct application, pores are formed in the whitewash, thanks to which moisture evaporates and does not spoil the appearance of the ceiling;
  • dried whitewash becomes durable and resistant to abrasion;
  • whitewash for the ceiling remains white for up to four years of use in the dirtiest rooms (bathroom and kitchen), and if necessary, updating the ceiling will not be difficult;
  • the price of whitewashing the ceiling per square meter is much lower than the price of other types of finishing.

Whitewashing tool

There are three types of tools for whitewashing the ceiling:

  • wide brush. Making whitewash even with such a tool will not be easy;
  • roller. It is optimal to use a roller with an extension rod;
  • spray gun for whitewashing the ceiling - a tool thanks to which a novice master can cope with applying an even coating.

In the event that everything that could be used to whiten the ceiling does not fit, is broken or is faulty, a Soviet vacuum cleaner with a hole from which air is blown will come to the rescue. A can of paint and a spray gun are connected to it.

Work technology

Whitewashing a ceiling with your own hands always begins with the stage of preparing the surface for further work. Without preparation, new whitewash runs the risk of soon crumbling onto the floor. Next, the prepared surface is primed and whitened again.

Ceiling preparation

The technology for whitewashing a ceiling with chalk, if there is already another coating on it, involves removing the old composition from the surface. Old coatings are removed in different ways, and to determine what the ceiling was previously whitewashed with, its surface must be moistened with water:

  • the darkened whitewash, which does not stain, was made from lime;
  • easily washable whitewash – chalky, you can simply wash it off;
  • if no changes have occurred due to wetting, the ceiling is whitewashed with water-based paint.

To begin the process of how to whitewash a ceiling with your own hands, first cover the furniture and floor with polyethylene or large oilcloth.

Removing old coating from the ceiling is an unpleasant and time-consuming task, but mandatory


  • moisten the old whitewash in small areas with a warm soap solution and a sponge;
  • wet areas of whitewash are removed with a spatula, placing a tray;
  • The mixture remaining on the ceiling is washed off with a damp sponge.

When the old whitewash is removed, The joints of the slabs on the ceiling are glued with serpyanka(special tape), and uneven areas and cracks are covered with putty. After the ceiling has completely dried, the putty is rubbed with sandpaper and primed.

Whitewashing the ceiling

Before whitewashing the ceiling yourself, its surface is drawn into several squares. Then work begins from the square from the window, moving to the door of the room. The solution is applied to the ceiling in several layers, preferably two or three layers.

The first layer is applied perpendicular to the rays falling from the window, the second - parallel to them. Regardless of the number of layers, their direction must be alternated, and the last layer to be laid should be parallel to the direction of the rays incident from the window. Each subsequent layer of whitewash is applied only after the previous one has dried.. If drops of the composition appear on the ceiling, they need to be rolled out or shaded over the surface with a roller or brush.

Comparative Cost

In Russian stores construction lime GOST 9179-77 costs, on average, 300 rubles for a 25 kg bag. You can buy dry two-component whitewash for the ceiling from the Russian manufacturer Trim for 83 rubles (3 kg package) and 150 rubles (5 kg package). The average price of whitewash for the ceiling is 150-200 rubles per package.

Painting work will only require the homeowner to purchase materials and tools, while hiring painters will have to be paid separately. The price per square meter of whitewashed ceiling varies from 100 to 200 rubles and depends on the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the craftsmen.

In this video, Professor Chaynikov explains and shows in detail how to whitewash the ceiling, and not yourself, with your own hands:

  • Added by user ollikahnstex 05.09.2014 19:41
  • Edited 12/31/2017 00:27

M.: Publishing house of the Novosti Press Agency, 1987. - 392 p., ill. — (B-chka APN). Mikhail Belyat (born in 1950) is an international journalist, worked in Nicaragua for more than three years as a correspondent for the Novosti Press Agency (APN) and Komsomolskaya Pravda. His reports, articles, essays were often published in the Soviet central press (Izvestia, Soviet Russia, Abroad, Ogonyok, Komsomolskaya Pravda, etc.), as well as in the press of many countries around the world. In 1983, Mikhail Belyat became a laureate of the Moscow organization of the Union of Journalists of the USSR for a series of essays and reports about Nicaragua. “Nicaragua: a portrait in black and red” is Mikhail Belyat’s first major work published in Russian. The book is truly a portrait. A portrait of the Nicaraguan revolution in its most interesting era - the time of formation, the time of the first transformations. Portrait of Nicaraguans: peasants, soldiers of the people's army, youth. Portrait of the country. The reader will travel through the most remote corners of Nicaragua, through the mountain forests of Jinotegui and Nueva Segovia, through the selva of Celaya, and across the hot plains of Chinandega. He will visit battles with Somos groups, a cooperative lost among the mountains, and the estate of a latifundist. Content: Preface. Chapter I. Genrikh Borovik.
Kings and the channel
Kings and filibusters
And again the channel. Chapter II.
Young man from Nikinoomo
General of the Free People Chapter III.
Last day
"Son of a bitch" and his pack
Who killed Sandino Chapter IV.
Visiting the commandant
The first story of a partisan
Second story of a guerrilla (Comandante Omar Cabezas)
The third story of a partisan Chapter V.
The third story of a partisan
"Earthly Paradise"
Snakes, boars, etc.
Lakes and volcanoes
Cities of Nicaragua Chapter VI.
Children of the maize
"Urban" peasants
At the Friedrich Engels cooperative
A different point of view
Coffee picking Chapter VII.
Tayakan revolution
"And teach them to read."
Brigadier's story
The destinies of the young
Battalion 30-62
Two roads
Road to Miami Chapter VIII.
The Contras are gaining strength
On the other side of the border
How much does the intervention cost? Chapter IX.
Corinto - a port under siege
Air war
The end of the "Internal Front" Chapter X.
A little history, or the Kings of all Mosquitia
"Gringo Zone"
Indian House
Operation Red Christmas
Travel to Puerto Cabezas
Puerto Cabezas Pier
New Guinea
Traffic light at an intersection
Indians take up arms Chapter XI.
Election Day
What the right wanted
Trumps in the game
Front program
Economic strategy of the revolution
Politics of peace
Revival of art Instead of an epilogue.
Afterword. V. Travkin.

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When painting ceilings, take into account the direction of light rays penetrating the windows. If they work with a brush, then the last layer of whitewash is applied towards the light (towards the window), and the previous one - on the contrary, across. Otherwise, no matter how carefully the work is done, brush marks will be visible on the ceiling. The brush is used so that its strokes are uniform and the whitewash is applied in thin, even layers. In order for the surface to be smooth and clean, it is necessary not only to work competently with a brush, but also to correctly pick up the coloring composition with the brush. It must be shaken periodically with a brush: this gives it uniformity and prevents sediment from forming at the bottom. You can also stir it thoroughly with a stick from time to time.

Another option for applying whitewash is using a paint sprayer. They can use a regular vacuum cleaner equipped with a special attachment that can be bought at a hardware store. When working with a paint sprayer, it is necessary to ensure the uniformity and cleanliness of the solution: any small particle that does not dissolve in it can clog the opening of the sprayer and in some cases lead to its damage. To uniformly whitewash the surface, the solution must be applied in two mutually perpendicular directions, that is, crossing the layers. The speed of movement must be uniform; you cannot hold the jet of whitewash in one place longer than in others.

Whitewashing with lime. For whitewashing with lime, so-called lime milk is used, which is obtained from 1 part slaked lime and 3 parts water. Lime milk is a strong disinfectant. It destroys bacteria and prevents the accumulation and reproduction of bedbugs in residential areas.

The crushed lime is placed in a large metal, enamel or wooden container, poured with cold water and stirred with a wooden spatula until the cream becomes thick. When slaking, the lime generates a lot of heat and splashes, so you need to be careful.

Whitewashing of ceilings with a lime composition is carried out on a slightly damp surface. Paint durability increases if table salt is added to the prepared solution (25-50 g per 5 liters of whitewash).

Whitewashing with chalk. Chalk mortar is prepared in the same proportion as lime mortar. For 3 parts water, take 1 part chalk or commercially available chalk paste. It is much more convenient to use the paste, as it will eliminate the long and painstaking process of grinding and sifting chalk.

Place chalk or paste in a container and gradually add water to the required amount, thoroughly mixing the solution. Then it is filtered through cheesecloth. Large parts of chalk remain on the gauze, increasing material consumption; This must be taken into account when purchasing chalk.

To avoid a yellowish tint to the ceiling, add a little blue or ultramarine to the whitewash. However, this should be done with extreme caution, otherwise an unintended “blue sky” effect may occur overhead.

To give the whitewash layer strength, you can add wood glue to it at the rate of 60-80 g per 3 liters of solution.

The ceiling can also be painted with colored paints, for which aniline dye is added to the composition. In this case, it is better to first experiment with the finished whitewash on some surface (for example, on a wall, also intended for repair).

Ready-made colorful compositions. Before use, the finished whitewash is diluted with water and mixed. Apply with a brush, brush or paint sprayer in 1-3 layers, periodically drying for 2-3 hours. Whitewash consumption - 100-120 g per 1 m2. In addition to the fact that the finished whitewash does not require additional preparation before use, it has increased strength compared to regular chalk.

Despite the abundance and excellent quality of modern finishing materials, lime continues to be actively used for whitewashing stoves, ceilings and walls, and is added to the solution. For example, renovating a house for elderly parents who want only one option - lime whitewash. Or renovating the classroom where your children study.

Ceilings and walls are whitened with lime to strengthen the plaster, as well as to disinfect premises such as a chicken coop, basement, barn. Outbuildings are whitewashed both outside and inside. Therefore, it is important to know what lime consumption will occur during whitewashing.

Where is lime whitening used?

Lime has excellent antiseptic properties, and it is also inexpensive. Lime whitewash, due to the fact that it is a good antiseptic, is recommended for medical institutions, including schools and kindergartens.

You can whitewash a basement or garage with lime - the white ceiling and walls will make it lighter, and it’s also not expensive. Lime whitewash also creates a durable film, so it will not remain on clothes when it comes into contact with the wall.

Lime whitewash is used for finishing wet areas due to its moisture resistance.

Whitewashing with slaked lime helps disinfect the surface; as a result, it is used for whitewashing cowsheds, chicken coops, cellars, and other livestock premises.

Lime whitewash is also used to treat tree bark.

How to whiten correctly?

1. Find a master, but he is unlikely to work for low pay. If you want to save money, you should whiten it yourself.

2. Do-it-yourself whitewashing is not a very difficult job, but it is dirty and unpleasant. Before starting work, you should cover the furniture and floors with film, or completely vacate the room. You should also prepare protective clothing for yourself.

Whitewashing the walls

Lime consumption

The consumption of whitewash will, first of all, depend on the surface being treated and the method of its application. If you apply whitewash with a brush, the consumption will increase. Smooth walls will require less whitewashing than brick walls. Approximate consumption for smooth walls per 1 m² is approximately 0.5 liters of finished whitewash.

Quicklime and slaked lime are available for sale. Slaked lime is often sold in the form of powder - lime paste and fluff lime.

Slaked lime

1. Fluff lime is diluted in a ratio of 1 kg of this powder per 3 liters of water. One package weighing 2 kg should yield approximately 6 liters of whitewash. This whitewash should be enough for 12 m² of surface, but only if the whitewash is not applied to the brickwork.

2. Ready lime dough should be diluted as follows: for 1 kg of dough, approximately 3 liters of water. Considering that with one liter of whitewash you can whitewash about two squares of walls, it is quite easy to calculate how much lime paste will be needed.

Lime dilution

3. Quicklime, lump, should first of all be quenched, and only then diluted with water.

4. Slaking lime is poured with water in a ratio of approximately 1:1. As a result of quenching, you should get a powder. If you add three times more water, you will get a lime dough. To prepare the taken lime for whitewashing, the dough or powder is diluted with water. If you take 1 kg of quicklime, you should get 10 liters of whitewash, which will already be ready for use.

It is difficult to calculate whitewash consumption to the nearest square. Therefore, given that lime is an inexpensive material, it won’t be a big deal if you buy a few extra packages.

An example of calculating consumables for whitewashing

For example, there is a need to whitewash the walls of a room measuring 4*5 m and 2.5 m high. It will not be difficult to calculate the whitewash area. To do this, multiply the height of the room by the perimeter.

2*2.5*(5+4) =45 sq. m.

If there is a need to whitewash the ceiling, then 5*4=20. sq. m

As a result, 20+45=65 sq. m

0.5*65=32.5 l of solution.

To obtain a similar amount of solution, you should dilute about 8-10 kg of lime, because from 1 kg of lime on average you will get 3.5-4 liters of solution.

Preparations for whitewashing

The finished whitewash should be diluted with water, strictly adhering to the requirements specified in the instructions. Then the mixture is mixed well to obtain a homogeneous plastic substance.

A similar composition is applied to the ceiling in approximately 1-2 layers. Naturally, a larger number of layers will require an increase in whitewash consumption.

Precautionary measures

For personal protection and precautions, you should wear special glasses, gloves, and a tarpaulin suit.

Application of lime

1. It is not recommended to use slaked lime immediately. To begin with, it should be kept with the lid closed for at least 15-30 days. Such a solution will perfectly cope with its functions, disinfect the surface and lie down evenly.

2. The fluff for whitewashing is diluted with water to the required consistency. The required density for whitewashing is easy to determine.

Consumption of various types of paint per 1m2

Water is gradually added to the solution, after which it is checked with a stick. The stick should have a dense and even white tint.

Breeding fluff

3. Lime dough is prepared according to a similar principle. However, much less water will be needed. 40% water is added to 1 part clay. Water is added gradually and carefully so that all lumps fizz and can dissolve. Such dough is used in many construction works - plastering, masonry, and so on.

Topics of the following articles:
  1. Kitchen living room design
  2. How to level the walls?
  3. Do-it-yourself boiler repair - How to repair a boiler yourself?
  4. How to paint wallpaper?

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Whitewash consumption

How to whitewash the ceiling and walls correctly?

Whitewashing the ceiling

Today, whitewashing the ceiling is the simplest and most inexpensive finishing option. The ability to whitewash the ceiling surface with your own hands without any problems, as well as all its positive properties, allow this finishing method to be very popular and in demand both in apartments and in country houses.

Advantages of whitewashed ceilings

  • Environmental friendliness: the materials included in the whitewash are environmentally friendly.
  • Vapor permeability: after finishing, whitewashed ceilings contain small pores on the surface that absorb moisture and freely evaporate it through themselves.

    Such ceilings “breathe”.

  • Labor intensity: anyone can whitewash the ceiling with their own hands, and we will look at how best to do this later in the article.
  • Cost of materials and work: this finishing option is available to everyone, since the costs will be minimal.
  • Weight: whitewash for the ceiling weighs practically nothing, and therefore does not create additional load on the ceiling.
  • In addition, whitewashing the ceiling does not take away the height of the room, unlike, for example, suspended structures, which need to be lowered by 5-15 cm or even more.

Disadvantages of whitewashed ceilings

  • Surface preparation: the quality of whitewashing will depend, first of all, on the degree of preparation of the base ceiling. If any defects are observed on it - dirt, stains, unevenness, cracks, etc. - they all need to be eliminated. And such work can significantly increase not only the duration of ceiling repairs, but also its final cost.
  • Design: a small selection of white will not allow you to make an original and unique design from the ceiling surface. Although if everything is done according to the rules, the snow-white purity of the whitewashed ceiling will look very beautiful.
  • Wear resistance: the service life of whitewashed ceilings is short - about 4-5 years.
  • Care: it is highly recommended not to wash this ceiling, so it should not be used for finishing the kitchen.

    In the bathtub and toilet, whitewash, in principle, will last its intended period.

Ceiling whitewashing technology

1. Preparatory work

Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory operations, the thoroughness of which will determine the quality of whitewashing the ceiling. But before this, everything that is possible should be removed from the room, and the remaining items should be covered with plastic wrap or newspapers.

1.1. Ceiling cleaning

First you need to remove old whitewash or wallpaper from the ceiling, if there is any, of course. To do this, the entire surface should be divided into parts and each of them should be sequentially moistened with warm water. After the old coating begins to peel off, it must be finally removed using a spatula or a wire brush. To perform this work, you should not treat the entire area of ​​the ceiling at once, as it will dry out quite quickly, which can subsequently complicate the work. But at the same time, you must carefully ensure that there are no missing sections.

Rusty stains, mold and drips must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and smoked areas of the ceiling must be wiped with a 2-3% solution of hydrochloric acid (when working with it, you must remember to take precautions: at a minimum, wear gloves and special safety glasses).

Attention: after any treatment of the ceiling with acidic or alkaline solutions, its surface must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

If a damp climate is constantly observed in the room, then there is a high probability that mold will subsequently appear on the surface. To prevent this from happening, the ceiling must be treated with a special antifungal solution.

1.2. Leveling the surface (if necessary)

If there are cracks in the ceiling, they should be repaired using putty. And if there are large differences in levels or many irregularities on the surface, then the ceiling will need to be leveled using one of the available methods. For example, you can stick gypsum board or plaster the ceiling.

1.3. Ceiling primer

The preparatory work is completed before whitewashing the ceiling by covering it with a layer of primer. After which it is necessary to allow the surface to dry thoroughly (about a day). While it is drying, you can begin choosing materials for whitewashing and preparing the solution.

2. Selection of material for whitewashing ceilings

Slaked lime, chalk or water-based paint can be used as whitewash. Each of them has its own properties, and next we will look at what is best used and where.


The moisture resistance of lime allows it to be used as a whitewash for ceilings in bathrooms, toilets, baths, showers, etc. In addition, such a ceiling will have excellent disinfectant and bactericidal properties.

Chalk solution

This whitewash is extremely unstable to prolonged exposure to moisture, so it should be used in dry rooms: living room, bedroom, nursery, etc. The chalk solution will give the ceiling surface a snow-white cleanliness.

Water-based paint

It will provide the highest quality whitewash, since its thin layer will evenly color the surface of the ceiling. It can be used in any dry rooms, but where there is high humidity, there is no need to take risks, although the paint may contain a number of components that increase water resistance. In addition, pigments can be added to it to obtain different shades of color. And here there is room (albeit small) for choosing a design solution.

The advantage of using water-based paint is that it does not need to be pre-prepared; the most you need to do is dilute the paint with water in the proportion indicated on the can. The same cannot be said about chalk or lime mortars - they must be prepared before whitewashing the ceiling, and this is their main disadvantage. How to do this correctly, read our article “Preparing whitewash” (link).

3. Whitewash the ceiling

When all the previous stages have been completed, all that remains is to apply whitewash to the ceiling. First, you should lightly moisten the ceiling, and then begin finishing work. It should be noted that there are two ways to whitewash the ceiling, but in any case it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers.

3.1. Method 1: whitewashing the ceiling with a brush or roller

This method is the simplest and most common. The process of whitewashing the surface is very similar to conventional painting of the ceiling. To do this, it is best to use a roller with a long handle. It is immersed in a bath of white or paint, passed along an inclined mesh surface to squeeze out excess solution, and then rolled over the surface. A ceiling painted with a roller will acquire a pleasant matte sheen.

To whitewash hard-to-reach areas, such as corners or wall junctions, use a brush.

This method of finishing the ceiling is usually used at home and with a small surface area. But if the upcoming volume of work is large enough, then to increase efficiency and productivity, it is worth using the second method.

3.2. Method 2: whitewashing the ceiling with a spray gun or spray gun

For high-quality whitewashing of a surface with a spray gun, it should be applied evenly, making smooth circular movements. To ensure a better coating, it is advisable to keep the spray nozzle at a distance of 30-50 cm from the ceiling, since only small drops should reach it, while large ones will cause drips.

Also, you should not keep the spray gun in one place for a long time, otherwise this area will become oversaturated with paint. This will lead to the fact that it will have a glossy tint and will stand out strongly against the general background of the entire ceiling.

During work, you should take care of your safety. Since a large amount of the substance is sprayed during whitewashing, a protective suit is required, as well as a mask, respirator or, in extreme cases, a wet bandage with safety glasses. Naturally, you should wear rubber gloves on your hands.

  • During work, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of drafts and direct sunlight hitting the surface to be treated, otherwise the whitewash may subsequently peel off and crumble.
  • It is recommended to apply the second and all subsequent layers of whitewash perpendicular to the previous layer and only after it has dried.

    This will reduce the number of streaks on the ceiling.

  • You should start applying whitewash in the direction perpendicular to the incidence of the sun's rays, and the second layer - in the direction of the light. In this case, the quality of the surface finish will be high.

Material consumption for whitewashing the ceiling

If water-based paint is used as whitewash, its consumption per 1 m2 can be found by reading the information on the packaging. However, it does not always coincide with the actual consumption due to the characteristics of the surface: roughness, its absorbency, etc. Therefore, for a more detailed and accurate calculation of materials for whitewashing the ceiling, we recommend that you use a finishing calculator.

(1) The Day of Defender of the Fatherland rattled with armor, the champagne-floral March 8 thumped with cork fireworks. (2) We made toasts, gave gifts, laughed, and rejoiced. (3) That's it. (4) The holidays are over. (5) Now the slushy and gray end of winter will drag on until May. (6) After her death, spring will enter our dank, melted upper room as a timid girl; a still cold, frozen blanket will cover the black bare branches of trees, last year's ashen grass, litter and dirt of soggy parks and squares. (7) It will be sad and depressing all around. (8) Not very fun weeks lie ahead of us. (9) Moreover, according to forecasters, spring this year will be late and not warm. (Yu) You can come to terms with it and accept it - so, they say, it has always been: time for business, time for fun, that’s why they are holidays, so that they end quickly. (11) And having reconciled and accepted this gloomy reality, dive back into everyday life, postpone joy and a feeling of fullness of life until the next official holidays. (12) This time - May. (13) Many people live like this. (14) Yes, almost everything. (15) Especially now, when not only living, but simply surviving is becoming increasingly difficult. (16) And many don’t even notice these official ones anymore - there’s no time for them, no time for fun. (17) “Give us this day our daily bread...” (18) However, all this is about the declared calendar festivals. (19) And, I repeat, they do not always coincide with the internal ones located in the soul. (20) Hemingway wrote about Paris: “A holiday that is always with you.” (21) Carried in the heart, giving joy, happiness, contentment. (22) But is Paris necessary for such sensations? (23) I had a friend. (24) He carried his holiday in his soul constantly. (25) Always friendly, smiling, friendly, joyful. (26) It even happened when the white light was not nice. (27) Even after a crazy editorial day, when you can barely drag your feet home. (28) He was a bright guy, sparkling all over, like honey in the light against the sun. (29) This trait fascinated me in him; it seemed inexplicable. (ZO) One day I couldn’t stand it and asked. (31) “And I,” he says, “have three pine trees growing opposite the balcony.” (32) In the morning, dawn imbues their yellow trunks with pink light, saturates them so that they appear transparent. (ZZ) Well, it’s like a ripe pineapple - the juice is about to splash out. (34) And the dark green of the crown, and the sky, no longer colored by dawn, but clear, blue, high... (Zb) The beauty is breathtaking, you want to cry, how beautiful it is. (Zb) So in the morning I admire it for a couple of minutes and get a charge of optimism for the whole day... (37) - What if it’s cloudy or in the dark you have to get up? - I ask. (38) -I’ll close my eyes and see. (39) The main thing is to want. (40) When I find myself on a business trip or on vacation, I always look for something to admire in the morning. (41) Beauty is spilled all around us. (42) If you want, you will see. (43) The main thing is to want. (44) Since then, I have often resorted to this advice. (45) And it worked every time. (46) The holiday began both in the soul and in the heart. (47) And life seemed brighter and more joyful, despite the slush and grayness in nature. (48) Try it too, reader, and suddenly this advice will help you live in a good mood until the next official holidays. (49) All you need is to remember to look around. (According to M. Belyat) Here is my essay, please check it and help me complete it (2nd argument and conclusion, just nothing comes to mind) Thanks in advance!!! In his text, M. Belyat raises the problem of a holiday in a person’s soul. The author draws attention to the fact that for a holiday there are not necessarily any magnificent events or significant dates, it is enough to feel that the holiday is in the soul, to feel it. The publicist gives the reader an example of his friend, who on any given day remained “affable, smiling, friendly, joyful.” What is this man's secret? How did he manage to create this holiday of soul and heart? The answer is simple: in order to enjoy life all day long, the author’s friend made it a rule to daily receive a charge of optimism by admiring the beauty of nature. “If you want, you will see. To want the main thing” - a friend speaks these instructive words to the author so that he understands that it is always possible to achieve a feeling of celebration in the soul, if only there is a desire. Nowadays, the problem of internal holidays is more relevant than ever. This is a kind of happiness for a person. The press, television, and the Internet are literally filled with information that people are struggling to solve the question, what is happiness and how to achieve it? And you just need to look around and see the beautiful nature that will take your breath away. Inside you feel a storm of positive emotions, as if a holiday has arrived. And even official celebrations will not bring as much joy as the awareness of beauty nearby. A holiday is a mood, a state of mind, a special atmosphere. M. Belyat comes to the conclusion that it is not at all difficult to create a “holiday that is always with you.” The main thing is not to forget to look around more often and see beauty in the world in all its manifestations. I share the point of view of the author of the text and am also convinced that it is enough to feel the holiday within yourself. My opinion is confirmed by the novel by L. N. Tostogo “War and Peace”. The episode of the Austerlitz sky shows us the beauty of nature and its influence on the hero of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei thinks: “How come I haven’t seen this high sky before? Everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky.” Under the sky of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky’s views change. The sky becomes a symbol of a new understanding of life. Prince Andrei seemed to be born again, renewed