Can runny nose drops be given to pregnant women? The effect of vasoconstrictor drops on the fetus. Drops for runny nose for pregnant women. What is possible? Drops with oil extracts

A runny nose for women “in an interesting position” is a serious problem that can be treated with high-quality nasal drops during pregnancy. A runny nose in a pregnant woman is a standard situation caused by decreased immunity during pregnancy.

Nasal drops today are one of the simplest, cheapest and most accessible ways to cope with a runny nose, but not all nasal drops can be used by expectant mothers. Some have restrictions, other drops may have components undesirable during pregnancy, and some are simply prohibited due to a possible allergic reaction.

It is not so important what exactly caused a runny nose in a pregnant woman. The most important thing is that during pregnancy (and beyond), a runny nose causes a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. The mother and, as a result, the unborn child feel discomfort. Therefore, it is important to know how and what nasal drops for pregnant women can cure a runny nose without harm to health and the body.

Types of runny nose and the degree of danger of each of them for the expectant mother

Runny nose (rhinitis) is classified according to the factors of manifestation of this disease. According to this classification, there are the following types of disease:

  • Allergic nature of the disease;
  • The viral nature of the disease (manifests itself in most cases as a result of exposure to viral infections);
  • The hormonal nature of the disease (also known as “runny nose of expectant mothers”).

Allergic nature of runny nose

The allergic nature of the disease in most cases occurs during flowering. The key symptoms are persistent sneezing as well as nasal discharge. The discharge is always colorless. An absolute sign of the allergic nature of a runny nose is the complete absence of any headache, as well as cough, fever and absence of soreness.

Allergic rhinitis, except for stuffiness and frequent sneezing, is usually not accompanied by any other symptoms

In other words, with the allergic nature of the disease, there is only the runny nose itself, and no other symptoms that would indicate the viral nature of the disease.

An important point: the allergic nature of the origin of the runny nose requires special and prompt treatment from the expectant mother, and if its symptoms appear too often, it is necessary to urgently consult a qualified doctor.

Viral nature of the runny nose

A runny nose, which is caused by ARVI or any other viral infections that affect the respiratory tract, involves the presence of symptoms such as cough, fever, as well as lacrimation, pain in the bridge of the nose and temples. Other common manifestations of a viral runny nose include dizziness and general slight weakness throughout the body during the course of the disease.

Viral rhinitis is accompanied by general malaise

It is recommended to treat such a runny nose immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear, that is, immediately after the infection appears that provoked the appearance of a runny nose. The thing is that the infection that has become the source of a runny nose can pose a danger to both the unborn baby and his mother, especially when it comes to the very early stages of the situation. To treat a viral illness, it is recommended to use specialized nasal drops for pregnant women.

Hormonal nature of a runny nose

In some rare cases, a runny nose may appear even before the woman finds out about her interesting situation, and the runny nose can last for 9 months. This is the same runny nose that is known as “the runny nose of expectant mothers.” This is a symptom that occurs due to hormonal changes.

An important point: the changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy provoke swelling of the mucous membrane. This leads to a runny nose.

What are the key features of a hormonal runny nose?

The main features of the “runny nose of expectant mothers” include the following:

  • a runny nose appears immediately after pregnancy begins;
  • with this type of runny nose, the discharge will only be transparent;
  • when lying down, a runny nose and its manifestations will only intensify;
  • constant sneezing;
  • no signs of a cold (headache, cough, fever, etc.).
An important point: it is a hormonal disease that can continue throughout the entire period of pregnancy. This runny nose does not require any specialized treatment, however, in order to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to use nasal drops.

How dangerous is a runny nose during pregnancy?

Many people are interested in an important and logical question: how dangerous is a runny nose during pregnancy for the child and for the mother, and are there any risks at all? In fact, yes, a runny nose is dangerous, but only if we are talking about the viral nature of the origin of the disease.

A viral runny nose is especially dangerous during the beginning of pregnancy, as well as during the first few months. But a runny nose is one of the results of the disease, so the reasons that caused the runny nose become much more dangerous.

Any type of runny nose should not be taken lightly - it requires diagnosis and treatment

Why are the causes of a viral runny nose more dangerous than the runny nose itself?

There are two reasons for this:

  • Viruses that cause a runny nose (rhinitis) can penetrate directly into the uterus through the blood, which can become one of the reasons for termination of pregnancy;
  • A runny nose is one of the obstacles to the normal breathing of the expectant mother. This means that the baby's breathing is also difficult, which can cause complications during pregnancy.

For these, as well as some other reasons, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the disease. But what drugs can pregnant women take without the risk and danger of complications?

What drugs are approved for use by pregnant women?

The most important point: regardless of the degree of safety of the drug, it is best to first seek help and advice from a qualified specialist.

You should not resort to the use and assistance of such medications that are vasoconstrictors. These medications include Tizin, Naphthyzin, and Vibrocil. It would be correct to use those drops and medications that are created based on the use of oil extracts from various medicinal healing plants and/or sea water. Drops for children are also allowed for pregnant women. They do not contain those products, substances and components that would pose a danger to the health of the mother, child, as well as to normal pregnancy.

An important point: even though there are nasal drops for pregnant women that are approved for use, you should still not abuse their use. It is recommended to use even approved drops for a runny nose only in special, critical situations. And there are two reasons for this: firstly, the drops, regardless of the composition, make a person addicted to them, and secondly, any type of drug treatment can have a negative impact on the unborn child.

Nasal drops with sea water for pregnant women

Almost all expectant mothers who come to the clinic with any complaints about a runny nose during pregnancy are prescribed approximately the same treatment - this is treatment with drugs based on sea water, as well as treatment of a runny nose with ascorbic acid. And there are several justified reasons for this.

Drops based on sea water are the safest during pregnancy

Why do qualified medical professionals recommend that pregnant women use drops based on sea water for treatment:

  • drops and medicinal liquid preparations based on sea water - this is a completely natural, additive-free medication with minimal likelihood of harm;
  • such medications are among the most effective due to the fact that they contain trace elements and salt;
  • salt destroys any pathogenic bacteria;
  • salt also restores the natural protective functions of the nasal mucosa in the shortest possible time;
  • in the process of using such drugs, swelling is seriously reduced, blood vessels narrow, as a result of which the total amount of discharge decreases;
  • the use of a natural preparation allows you to moisturize and soften the mucous membrane;
  • Natural drugs, as a rule, have no side effects, but this is not a reason to use them constantly.

Which nasal drops for pregnant women contain sea water?

The most popular and widespread nasal drops for pregnant women at the moment, which contain sea water, include the following:

  • Drops of Salin;
  • Medicinal drug Aqua-Maris;
  • A remedy called Dolphin;
  • The drug Physiomer;
  • One of the popular drugs is Aqualor.
Important point: before you start using any drops from the list listed above, or any other drops, you must carefully re-read the instructions for use, and also consult with a medical professional.

Drops based on oil extracts

Nasal drops during pregnancy, which are created based on the use of oil extracts of plants and tree species such as mint, as well as eucalyptus or conifers, cause virtually no effects. In addition, they quickly relieve the expectant mother of congestion and well moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane.

The most popular drug in this group of medications is Pinosol. Pinosol contains oil drops with a substance that was isolated from eucalyptus (we are talking about such a healing substance as guaiazulene). The drug Pinosol allows you to quickly reduce the level and state of secretion of the nasal glands, as well as reduce dryness several times.

Pinosol moisturizes the mucous membrane well and is practically safe

This nasal medicinal product for pregnant women has only one contraindication for use - individual intolerance to one or more components that make up this product. Drops should be used no more than 4 times a day. If the congestion is small, this use will suffice.

An important point: the drug Pinosol is recommended for use only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Homeopathic medicines

In some cases, homeopathic remedies can be used to get rid of the viral nature of the disease. They are completely safe to use, but they do not begin to act immediately after use, but only after some time. These medications help relieve swelling, inflammation, and fatigue. In addition, they significantly reduce the amount of mucus discharge from the nose.

Prohibited drugs

Drugs prohibited during pregnancy include those that contain oxymetazoline or components such as xylometazoline. These drugs include: Dlyanos, Galazolin, and also the drug Ximelin.

It is also recommended to avoid using Naphazolin, Sanorin and Naphthyzin. These drugs enter the bloodstream, so there is a risk of spasms. Naphthyzin can also cause high blood pressure, which negatively affects the fetus. For the same reasons, such drugs are contraindicated for breastfeeding women. You should also avoid Vibrocil - it can cause a negative reaction in the body.


As a result, it should be noted that it is better not to use nasal drops during the treatment process at all during pregnancy, and especially during the first trimester. Or, if you can’t do without it, you need to choose and use the drops as carefully as possible so as not to harm the child.

Even those drops that contain sea water and/or essential oils are recommended to be taken carefully and only in extreme situations. And if your health worsens, you should stop taking them.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body becomes especially vulnerable to environmental factors. Probably, almost every expectant mother is exposed to colds, the main manifestation of which is a runny nose. Treatment during pregnancy should be as safe as possible for the woman and child. Therefore, it is important to choose all medications with caution, including nasal drops during pregnancy.

How to choose a drug?

As a rule, all nasal drops have a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which in a short time you can relieve swelling and eliminate nasal congestion, but do not forget about the harmful effects on the body .

First of all, the danger of their use lies in the fact that the active substance tends to be absorbed into the blood, resulting in a narrowing of all blood vessels, including the placenta. A decrease in placental blood flow threatens slow and abnormal development of the child, which is caused by oxygen starvation and the supply of insufficient nutrients.

It is also worth excluding the use of vasoconstrictor nasal medications for women who have a tendency to high blood pressure. It is very important that during pregnancy, if a woman needs treatment for a runny nose, she refuses to independently choose a drug, completely entrusting her health to specialists. Indeed, often even plant-based drops can contain components that are dangerous for a child.

Natural based preparations

Cold medicines are safe during pregnancy

Of course, the safest thing for a pregnant woman is to use medications in the production process of which only natural raw materials are used. These drops include salt solutions based on sea water, for example, Salin, Aquamaris, Merimer.

Most specialists also prescribe oil drops for a runny nose during pregnancy based on plant extracts. The most common among them is Pinosol. But it should also be used carefully and for a short time, since the oil glues the cilia in the nasal cavity, causing a harmful effect on it.

Homeopathic remedies for rhinitis are also popular - Euphorbium Compositum, EDAS-131.

A pregnant woman should use medications containing xylometazoline with extreme caution. Galazolin, Dlyanos, Xymelin drops belong to this group. If it is possible to replace the drops with other drugs, it is better to abandon them altogether. Medicines that, in addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, also have an antihistamine effect, can also be dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman and her child. Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Tizin, Faryal, Vibrocil can affect the course of pregnancy, causing serious complications in the development of the child. Drops based on oxymetazoline are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.

Folk remedies

Before starting treatment with traditional medicine, it is advisable to try to eliminate all the symptoms of rhinitis using traditional recipes. Of course, sometimes situations arise when it is impossible to do without the use of pharmaceutical drugs, but this should be done only in extreme cases. So, pregnant women can use the following recipes for preparing drops, which are absolutely safe for her and her baby:

Side effects from using some drops

The use of drops for rhinitis during pregnancy can cause many side effects that pose a great danger to the fetus. Drops containing alcohol cause an increase in blood pressure, adversely affecting the baby.

Even a common runny nose, which we most often do not pay attention to, can cause serious complications. It is especially dangerous during pregnancy, when the body undergoes a powerful restructuring and immunity may decrease.

Why does this unpleasant symptom often bother expectant mothers? What drops can be used for a runny nose during pregnancy? And how can you cope with the disease faster? First things first.

Why are most drugs banned?


Vasoconstrictor drops are one of the most popular for treating a runny nose. They quickly, literally within a few minutes, relieve nasal congestion and last up to 12 hours. Despite their convenience and practicality, their use can be dangerous during pregnancy.

The fact is that the drugs in this group include active components based on adrenaline and norepinephrine. They can be absorbed into the systemic circulation and disrupt the blood supply to the fetus.

Doctors do not recommend using vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy. Their use is justified only if you cannot cope with a runny nose in other ways. At the same time, obstetricians advise choosing drugs that act only at the local level and are not absorbed into the bloodstream:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Xymelin;
  • Tizin.
Do not exceed the dosage recommended by your doctor and do not use drops more than once every 12 hours.


You should also be very careful when taking antibiotics during pregnancy. Their use is possible, but only if the runny nose becomes bacterial and threatens to develop into sinusitis.

Local antibacterial drops are prescribed only by the attending physician if absolutely necessary. These include:

  • Bioparox;
  • Isofra;
  • Polydexa.


The action of hormonal drops is based on the ability of the corticosteroids they contain to relieve swelling and inflammation. Such drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they have a systemic effect and negatively affect the growth and formation of the internal organs of the fetus.

Products based on silver ions

Protargol and its modern analogues ( Sialor, Collargol) despite its high efficiency and powerful antiseptic properties, it is forbidden to use it while pregnant. Silver-based drugs often lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy.

What remedies can help?

Nevertheless, there are products on the pharmaceutical market that can be used by expectant mothers. Drops for the common cold, approved for pregnant women, include several groups of drugs.

Saline solutions

Products based on purified sea water or saline solution are among the safest. Their medicinal effects include:

  • Moisturizing inflamed mucous membranes;
  • Mechanical cleansing of the nasal cavity from accumulated mucus, crusts and infectious agents;
  • Antiseptic effect.

The most common remedies for treating runny nose in pregnant women are:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Salin;
  • Physiological solution of sodium chloride (in ampoules or vials).

You can also prepare the simplest salt drops for instillation into the nose yourself by dissolving 1 tsp. table salt in a liter of boiled water.

Unfortunately, saline solutions do not affect the cause of the disease, but significantly alleviate the condition. They can be instilled 2-3 drops into each nasal passage up to 6 times a day. At the same time, experts do not recommend rinsing the nose during pregnancy: fluid can get into the inner ear and provoke the development of otitis media.

Plant-based drops

Another group of drugs approved during pregnancy includes plant-based drops. Due to the natural antiseptics in their composition, these products act effectively and carefully, without harming the expectant mother and child.

A bright representative of the group - Pinosol. Due to its oil base, it softens and moisturizes the inflamed nasal mucosa and eliminates viral infection pathogens.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • Tendency to allergies, as it contains extracts of several plants;
  • A bacterial infection in which nasal discharge becomes viscous, thick, white or green;
  • Allergic rhinitis.

Pinosol is instilled into the nasal passages, 1 drop 3 to 6 times a day. The course of treatment should be no more than 10 days.

Homeopathic medicines

Prescription for pregnant women is possible only after consulting a doctor. In general, their use is not harmful to the woman and baby.

Like any homeopathy, such drops for a runny nose have a cumulative effect and do not act immediately, while having the following effect on the body:

  • Decongestant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Immunostimulating.

The most popular homeopathic drops for runny nose are:

  • Euphorbium Compositum (based on mineral substances);
  • EDAS-131 (contains minimal concentrations of silver, calcium, pulsatilla, etc.).

The dosage and duration of treatment with these drugs in each case is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the clinical symptoms and course of the disease.

Interferon-based immunostimulants

Interferons are substances that are produced in the human body and are actively involved in immune defense. Interferons in the form of initial drops can be used for acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy. Such drugs include:

  • Interferon;
  • Grippferon.

Different medications at different stages of pregnancy?

The first trimester, lasting until the 14th week, is the most critical stage of pregnancy. At this time, the embryo is attached, the placenta is formed - a future “filter” that prevents harmful substances from entering the baby’s blood, as well as the formation and formation of the main internal organs of the fetus.

The use of any medications during this period is extremely undesirable: no one can predict how this or that drug will affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, to treat a runny nose in the first trimester, doctors advise using only saline solutions - they are absolutely safe and have no side effects.

In the second and third trimester, when the risk of miscarriage and the formation of congenital defects is significantly reduced, the list of approved drugs expands slightly. But anyway, the decision to prescribe this or that drug to a pregnant woman should be made only by a doctor.

What else can you do to help with a runny nose during pregnancy?

Traditional medicine can be an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. Pregnant women can clear their nose by cutting an onion into several pieces and holding it to their nose. The phytoncides contained in the product will help in the fight against the infectious agent.

Essential oils have a good effect in fighting a runny nose; there is no need to put them in the nose. They are applied using a special aroma lamp.

Water and a few drops of essential oil are poured into the lamp and a candle is lit, which, by heating the water, distributes a fragrant antiseptic throughout the room. But you need to be careful, as an allergic reaction may occur.

In the initial stages of a runny nose, you should use dry heat. This can be a hot egg or salt heated in a frying pan and wrapped in thick cloth. Don't forget about drinking plenty of warm drinks.

Every pregnant woman has experienced a cold. This is a very unpleasant disease that even ordinary people find difficult to tolerate. Pregnancy is a delicate process; it is often not recommended to take common medications during ARVI.

Nasal decongestants tend to constrict blood vessels
moisturizing drops recipe

You need to pay attention to the fact that drops for nasal congestion and runny nose during pregnancy are prescribed only by a doctor. You cannot use the same medications that you used before pregnancy, because there are many contraindications.

Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose of a woman during pregnancy are prescribed if:

  • there is no individual intolerance to some components of the drug;
  • the period is not initial (in the early stages the fetus is more susceptible to various problems and pathologies);
  • runny nose is of an allergic nature;
  • there is a viral infection.

These reasons justify the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops during pregnancy, even in the early stages. But all these cases must be discussed with the doctor, he himself prescribes the necessary drug.

As a rule, to combat a runny nose, people turn to vasoconstrictor medications for the nose.

When should drops not be used?

There are also cases when the use of nasal drops for congestion during pregnancy is contraindicated. Pregnancy itself is a contraindication, but if a runny nose harms the baby, and the life of the expectant mother becomes impossible with a constantly stuffy nose, the doctor selects a suitable option.

The most important thing is the correct dosage, which cannot be increased. The more the drops are exposed to the nasal mucosa, the more irritated it is. Vasoconstrictor drugs have a local effect in small dosages, but if it is increased, the blood vessels of the placenta may narrow, in which case the child will suffer from oxygen starvation. If they are used for longer than 3 days, the body refuses to act on its own due to constant external influence.

So, when drops for nasal congestion are contraindicated during pregnancy:

  • if these are vasoconstrictor drugs (such as Snoop spray, Galazolin, Genferon Light, Nazivin, Derinat, also drugs containing oxymetazoline);
  • early pregnancy;
  • rhinitis during pregnancy;
  • fetal hypoxia.

What options are acceptable?

After you have gone to the doctor with a runny nose, he will give a prescription for medications that will not harm either the expectant mother or the baby. Basically, these drops are made on the basis of essential oils, sea water, and saline solution. They are natural and do not have a harmful effect on the fetus.

The following drugs can be used:

  • Grippferon is an acceptable drug that has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effect and does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus;
  • Pinosol is a popular assistant in the treatment of the runny nose, which is based on essential oils of pine, aloe, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil; has a gentle effect on the nasal mucosa, is prescribed in cases of acute rhinitis, runny nose, helps restore the mucous membrane after irritation;
  • Lazolvan Rino is a mild remedy, prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, used in cases of swelling of the nasal mucosa, severe congestion, and sinusitis;
  • Aquamaris is a drug prescribed for rhinitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, and prevention of respiratory diseases.

In order not to harm your body, as well as the baby’s body, you need to clearly know which drops for nasal congestion can be taken during pregnancy. It is imperative to follow the dosage, carefully read the composition, monitor the reaction after the first use, and never prescribe treatment without a doctor.

The drops constrict the blood vessels inside the nose, which leads to a reduction in swelling of the mucous membrane

Doctors are trying to prescribe non-aggressive drugs; most often you can even find children’s vasoconstrictor drops in the prescription; they have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane and do not contain strong chemicals.

Allowed for eyes

Often a cold is accompanied by discomfort in the eyes, especially if the virus has overcome. There is increased lacrimation, redness of the eyes and discomfort. Elevated body temperature can cause eye irritation, and these unpleasant sensations are often quite strong. To relieve inflammation and redness, you can use special solutions. This is especially necessary if you need to go outside.

If there is a need to use such a drug, you should also consult a doctor. He will prescribe the right medications that have minimal harm, not exceeding the need for the expectant mother to use drops. You need to choose drops for the eyes and nose very carefully and carefully; any drops during pregnancy are a risk for the fetus, so to avoid undesirable consequences, be sure to consult a specialist.

The following drugs are available:

  • Tobrex - eye drops that help cope with conjunctivitis, are prescribed by the attending physician only if the treatment outweighs the risk of side effects;
  • Sulfacyl sodium - also prescribed by a doctor if the result of treatment outweighs the risk of side effects, helps cure conjunctivitis, and is an antimicrobial agent;
  • Visine - prescribed to pregnant women with caution, eliminates fatigue, redness, and has a vasoconstrictor effect.

The table below contains information on pharmacies where you can purchase nasal drops during pregnancy and which can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester:

Nasal decongestants

When should you see a doctor?

If the virus has progressed and the pregnant woman feels worse, she should immediately go to the hospital. They will recommend the necessary treatment, but the sooner it starts, the easier and faster it will go.

If the term is beyond the first trimester, then in order not to harm yourself, you need to know what nasal drops you can put in your nose during pregnancy in the second trimester and the dangers of self-medication. If there are contraindications, you should not use certain medications. For example, if there is severe dryness or swelling of the nasal mucosa, you should immediately take medications to restore it. If left untreated, the disease will progress and affect the organs of vision, thereby causing severe tearing and irritation of the eyes.

Risks for the baby

The main risk with improper treatment is an increased dosage of drops, which have a vasoconstrictor effect. This is an excessive narrowing of the blood vessels of the placenta. In this case, the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which it cannot fully develop.

Early pregnancy is the most dangerous time, since the fetus is most exposed to danger. Thoughtless use of drugs can even lead to congenital pathologies or miscarriage.

Moisturizing drops

Recipes for folk remedies

If the illness is not acute, is not accompanied by high fever, chills and other signs of infection, or it is an allergic or simply mild runny nose, then the illness can be eliminated using home remedies. It is difficult to prove the effectiveness of traditional medicine, so you need to use such recipes until the moment when the body can no longer cope with the disease on its own.

If you are in doubt about what nasal drops you can use during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, use harmless means.

Salt water is effective - it is an analogue of saline solution. It has no contraindications, copes well with nasal congestion, keeps the mucous membrane moisturized and prevents it from drying out, and helps with allergies. Helps the immune system fight the virus on its own.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.


  1. Take salt and dissolve it in water.
  2. Heat the solution to 30 degrees.
  3. Apply into both nostrils as needed. The nasal mucosa should not dry out.

Another effective antiviral agent is onion preparation. It must be mixed and diluted. Why you can’t use it in its pure form - onions can cause severe burns to the nasal mucosa.

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!