Is it possible to learn how to sew on a typewriter myself. What should a newbie do? Why drawing a base pattern is easy and simple

Sewing is great, even because there is an opportunity to dress the way you want, but for which woman is it not a plus? That's how many times a trip to a clothing store turned into a sad mood when: beautiful - but expensive, cheap and affordable - but ugly, here it is small, there is too big, but here the color is not the same, or even it is difficult to find the desired style in general? If you learn to sew, then you can completely forget about problems of this nature. You yourself will come up with styles, you will be able to create things that you once saw on someone, acquire fabrics of the desired textures and colors. There are no limits in this, and what is even more pleasant, the cost of a hand-sewn thing is ten times cheaper than a store one.

How to learn to sew from scratch

You can start by purchasing a special magazine, such as Burda. It clearly shows the models, for each there is a special note about the complexity of the work, due to which it will be convenient to immediately determine the suitable models, and ready-made patterns are attached. However, such a step can be considered only as an option, because despite all its attractiveness, "magazine" tailoring has some serious disadvantages. Firstly, women do not always like the models presented in the magazine, because they often start sewing just because they want something unusual. Secondly, the patterns presented there will not give a good fit on far from all figures, even if the size is exactly the same, which means that you can waste time empty. There are also advantages to this technique. So, for example, there is no need to calculate the amount of material, because everything is written in the magazine, the layout of the patterns is also shown there and the sewing process is described. Weigh the pros and cons, if you are satisfied - then you can try, but in order to learn how to sew for real, sooner or later you will have to abandon them and act differently ...

If you plan to sew seriously, and in the future it is possible, then you need to approach the teaching thoroughly and seriously. It is only in appearance that the sewing process looks difficult and incomprehensible, and looking at some kind of complex dress it seems that only what a professional can create it. Yes, you will have to develop skills, of course, but rather of a technical nature - straight lines, skills in working with a typewriter and an overlocker, etc. But modeling is a purely creative process. Any, absolutely any dress that you see in everyday life, watch in stores is built on one single pattern! It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. The same can be said about trousers, and about shorts, and about skirts. You need to understand how the pants are built, and then turn on the imagination and voila!

To learn how to sew, you need a desire, and in order not to be discouraged by sad experience, you first need to tackle simple things. Initially, it is better to practice making straight stitches on unnecessary scraps, and only then start sewing. Start with skirts. This is the simplest thing you can think of. The very first one is possible, it does not need a serious pattern at all. Then practice on other, more complex styles. Once the skirts start working out well, move on to sweaters and blouses, dresses and pants. Get to know everything gradually, take your time.

If possible, sign up for courses on cutting and sewing. So that time is not wasted - study the reviews of those who have already completed the training. If the opportunity to attend courses is not available, they can be purchased. The cost of such lessons is much lower, especially since their authors offer subsequent accompaniment of students for the purchase, which means that all questions can be resolved online. If you want, you can learn, with a teacher or on your own, by reading books. But learning from the experience of others will allow you to avoid many mistakes, save hundreds of meters of material, not waste precious time and not lose confidence.

Below are some tips that you might find useful for those looking to learn how to sew.

Where to start sewing for beginners

First you need to purchase everything you need for sewing: a sewing machine, overlock, good scissors, patterns, needles, etc. Don't skimp on tools, but don't waste your money either. For example, as practice shows, it makes no sense to buy a sewing machine with an embroidery function, or one with 60-90 lines. For a beginner seamstress, a standard set will suffice. Before buying, be sure to read the reviews, this is a serious purchase that will affect the quality of things. It is better to give preference to brands that have long established themselves on the positive side. A lot of opinions are based on the overlock, is it needed at the very beginning? The answer is yes! Without an overlock, sewn things will not be of high quality, threads will stick out of them, they can quickly creep out. And in general, a well-sewn thing is one that you are not ashamed to turn out. Whatever they tell you, a typewriter, even with its overlock stitching, will never replace an overlock!

Learn the slang and definitions that are used in sewing. This will greatly facilitate the process of understanding the craft, and reading books and textbooks will no longer be so laborious. In addition, if a question arises, then you can clearly explain yourself and get quality advice and advice.

In order for a sewn thing to sit like a glove, you need to correctly build a pattern, and to do this, you need to take measurements correctly. It only at first glance seems simple, in fact, a slight oversight and an incorrectly applied centimeter will turn into an extra couple of centimeters on the pattern, and this is already an ugly sitting outfit. Therefore, study the process of taking measurements thoroughly.

Try to build patterns yourself from the very beginning, do not be lazy. Firstly, in this way you will sew what will really fit your figure, and secondly, this is the only way you will fully learn the process of sewing and then learn how to model outfits. Start with the simplest, gradually increasing the difficulty.

Watch master classes from professionals. Now there are a lot of them, most of them are freely available and provided free of charge. Their authors try to explain the process in as much detail as possible and tell what, how and why is done.

In order not to be afraid and not to spend a lot, first buy inexpensive fabrics that you will not mind spoiling. Do not try to work with difficult fabrics, rayon, silk, chiffon, etc. leave it for later, but you need to read from the more obedient and malleable: linen, chintz, etc.

It is a good idea to register on forums where sewing communities exist. At them you can always discuss the sewing process, ask for advice, learn something new, get acquainted with the experience of others and learn a lot of interesting things.

Having fired up with the desire to sew, the main thing is to understand that it will not turn out right away, for sure, tens of meters of material will be spoiled, but it is with mistakes that the most valuable experience will come. Day after day, week after week, it will get better and better every time, just don't give up and keep creating!

How to learn to sew: video

Sewing is a traditional female hobby that dates back to ancient times. In Soviet times, sewing was taught in schools and in circles. Today this hobby is back in fashion and, first of all, it will suit fashionable and original women.

“Sir, what kind of girl can't sew!” - remember this phrase from the beloved Soviet film by many? Now few can boast of such skill. And in vain, because a wardrobe made of things for all occasions with his own hand-sewn will make a woman of any age happy! That is why you just need to learn how to learn how to sew and cut yourself, and replenish your list of hobbies with this exciting activity.

How it all began: the history of tailoring

For the first time, people began to sew clothes for themselves in the distant Stone Age. Such clothes were not of an aesthetic nature, but performed a protective function: they saved from heat and cold, from animal and insect bites. In special cases, clothes were used as a deterrent to ill-wishers, giving their image a warlike look.

In those distant times, fabric was not yet produced, so they had to sew from the skins of dead animals, leaves and even straw. Bones served as needles, tendons were used as threads. Later they learned to weave grass - this is how the first fabrics appeared. The new material contributed to the creation of more comfortable clothing. The details of the cut became more complicated, which gave rise to the development of sewing technology.

About pleasant bonuses of female hobby

Going to the store for new clothes, many of you probably faced such problems: there is no suitable style, you like the model and the color is wrong, the thing emphasizes figure flaws, it is too short or long, there is no required size, clothes from the store do not fit due to the peculiarities of the figure ...

But what if you want to be always in trend or have the same dress as Victoria Beckham? The answer is obvious - learn to sew from scratch yourself.

If you are tired of going shopping in search of stylish, beautiful and suitable clothes for you, then stop doing it and learn how to sew yourself. But how to do that?

How to study?

If you decide to start learning, then you have several options:

  • Cutting and sewing courses. This is the most effective option, because experienced teachers will be able not only to tell you, but also to clearly demonstrate all the features of such an activity as sewing. They will correct your mistakes and answer any questions that arise. The only disadvantage of this method is the cost. By the way, instead of courses, you can find a tailor who will teach the lessons individually.
  • The second way is to use educational literature. Some of the manuals are so detailed and have so many clear and understandable illustrations that it is simply impossible to ask questions. In addition, some tutorials provide ready-made patterns that even beginners can use.
  • The third way is online training. Find a dedicated website with tutorials, detailed videos and descriptions of all processes.

What is required for training?

To sew, you need to prepare everything you need. Here's what you need:

  • Even if you are not going to sew by hand, remember that some elements can only be processed this way. Therefore, be sure to get a set of tailor's needles of different lengths, thicknesses and shapes.
  • The most convenient and fastest way to sew on a typewriter, so be sure to purchase this device. It is better to buy a manual typewriter that is not very difficult to use, but it should have all the necessary functions. You can consult the seller.
  • Closing scissors with curved handle. They are most convenient for cutting complex elements.
  • Measurements: measuring tape, ruler (it is best to choose transparent, it is much more convenient to use it).
  • Tracing paper. It will be used to transfer the created patterns directly to the materials. Copy paper can also be useful for a beginner.
  • Be sure to buy sewing thread. And remember that the quality of ready-made clothes will depend on their quality.
  • Safety pins may be required to temporarily secure individual elements.
  • Special tailor's markers, pencils and crayons.
  • To create patterns, you will need special drawing paper with markings.
  • It is worth purchasing fittings in advance.
  • For convenience, you can prepare a needle pad.
  • You can use a thimble to protect your fingers.

Main stages

How to learn to sew at home? Let's list all the main stages.


There are a lot of terms unknown to ordinary people in sewing and tailoring. So your first step towards mastering the basics should be to learn these terms. Try to remember everything. It will not be easy at first, so for convenience and quick memorization, write all the concepts on a piece of paper and hang it in front of your workplace.

Taking measurements

Taking measurements is a very important part of preparing for sewing. If the measurements are taken incorrectly, then the finished item simply will not work. So remember a few basic rules:

  1. Take off all clothing; you should only be wearing underwear. But if you are sewing a piece of outerwear, then you do not need to take off anything.
  2. Measurements of the chest and hips should be taken at the most convex places of these parts of the body. But you need to measure the waist in its narrowest zone. The measuring tape should fit snugly against the body, but not constrict it.
  3. If you are sewing clothes for yourself, then it is better to ask someone to help you take measurements so that the measuring tape is located exactly where you need it.
  4. Do not suck in your stomach while taking measurements. Just relax.


Now it's worth learning how to cut. Today it is not as difficult as it was literally ten to twenty years ago. There are many fashion magazines with ready-made patterns. It is enough just to slightly correct them, taking into account the peculiarities of your figure, and then proceed with the transfer. In addition, there are also special computer programs that allow you to make a pattern in a matter of minutes.

It will be enough for you to simply enter your parameters and transfer the finished drawing to paper in an enlarged (real) scale. Also, do not forget about seam allowances, but they are indicated almost everywhere. In addition, take into account the increase in freedom of fit, the thing should not hinder movement. When the pattern is completely ready, you can cut it out.

Transferring patterns to fabric

Iron the fabric well before transferring the pattern, as even a small fold can interfere and eventually turn into a defect in the finished garment. Now attach the individual pieces of the pattern to the fabric using pins or thread and needles. Attach the pattern to the wrong side, but consider the location of the details. Now carefully trace the pattern using chalk for dark fabrics or pencil for light fabrics.

Assembling parts

Carefully cut out all finished fabric pieces. Connect and fasten with simple basting stitches. Now, be sure to try on, and then proceed to the most important stage.


Prepare the sewing machine and start sewing. Hold and feed the fabric firmly but neatly with your hands so that all stitches are straight.

Some helpful tips:

  1. If you start sewing from scratch, then do not strive to sew something complicated right away. Start with simple models and then move on to more complex ones.
  2. To keep all the lines perfectly straight, practice. Sit down at the typewriter and start sewing unwanted fabric cuts. When the stitches stop wagging, you can start sewing.
  3. It is best to study each sewing operation separately and thoroughly. This will avoid mistakes and oversights.
  4. It is worth finding out and studying the most common mistakes in order to avoid them.

Good luck to you! You will certainly succeed!

The skill of sewing has been highly valued at all times, and the ability to create a unique item for your wardrobe is still relevant today. There are many benefits to mastering these skills. For example, you don’t need to go to the atelier every time you make a new purchase to adjust the pants to length, or to sew up the ripped seams on your baby’s jacket. The main thing in the question of how to learn to sew from scratch - and leisurely, as skill comes with time and experience.

Taking measurements

Before learning to sew from scratch, it is useful to learn how to take measurements correctly, since a good fit of the product on the figure depends on this. To do this, you will need (it is better to use a new one, since over time this device tends to stretch, no matter what material it is made of), a pen and a piece of paper. When measuring, the following information may be useful:

  • The person should be in light clothing or underwear.
  • When taking measurements, you need to maintain a free, straight posture without tension. In this case, the legs can be put together or slightly apart, and the arms can be lowered.
  • The tape should not be stretched or loosened, and there is no need to provide for fitting allowances, since they are laid when building the base of the patterns. Measurements should be taken tightly to the figure.
  • The waistline is the narrowest spot on your torso and should be tied with a string to make it easier to take other measurements.
  • Vertical measurements such as chest height or arm length should be taken from the right side of the body.

Basic measurements

To learn how to sew and cut yourself, as mentioned above, you need to take measurements correctly. In this case, the main dimensions are:

  • О Г - chest girth, while the tape runs horizontally along the most protruding points of the mammary glands in women. And for men, this measurement is taken by simply grasping the chest.
  • About T - waist circumference, a centimeter tape is placed along the already tied lace on the body.
  • О B - hip girth, measurement is taken along the most convex area of ​​the buttocks.

Knowing these values, you can successfully choose the size of the patterns of the model you like in a fashion magazine. Moreover, the measurements of O G and O T are the main values ​​for shoulder products, O B is the main measurement when selecting waist wardrobe items.

Cutting methods

Another important point in the question of how to learn how to sew from scratch is the definition of the cutting method. There are several ways to lay out patterns:

  • Face to face - fold the fabric right side inward. This method is used to cut out paired symmetrical parts.
  • Face down (in a spread) - the material is laid with the wrong side up, and the patterns are made in two samples or a mirror layout is performed.
  • Face up - the same, just the opposite.

In this case, two methods of turning are used when cutting asymmetric parts or when sewing from fabrics with a directional pattern or pile.

Useful Tips

Before you learn how to sew from scratch according to the patterns of the product made by yourself, it is better to sew several models according to the ready-made patterns offered by fashion magazines. This is due to the fact that in this way you can gain experience and knowledge about many things, for example, about what depth of darts on the chest is needed, or what is the preferred length of the skirt already relative to your figure. Having removed the patterns according to the patterns in the magazine, you can start cutting. Before doing this, it is useful to know a few points:

  • Patterns are usually laid out in the direction of the warp thread, which can be determined by several signs, for example, by trying to stretch the fabric. In this case, the side that does not change the size is the desired value. You can also look at the material by light: the warp threads are more straight compared to the weft guides.
  • The consumption of fabric increases if the layout is carried out at an angle of 45 ° to the main thread.
  • It so happens that it is impossible to distinguish the front side of the fabric from the wrong side. This can be done along the edge. So, the smoother edge is on the front surface. Also, if pins are used in the production of the material to secure the edges, then this is done from the wrong side.

In conclusion, we can say that learning to sew from scratch for free is a completely feasible dream. There are many resources out there to learn about this skill. At the same time, it is better to hone this art on inexpensive fabrics. Thus, you can gain experience and avoid unwanted waste.

Many women want to learn to sew or practice a different kind of needlework... This requires certain knowledge, attention and desire to learn. Cutting and sewing is a difficult and painstaking form of creativity. Much will depend on what goals you set for yourself: to sew for yourself and your family, or to master sewing at a professional level. Where to start sewing lessons for beginners and how to acquire skills for a beginner in this business?

In any business, a beginner cannot do without the first lessons. For those who want to learn how to sew, you need to separate two concepts:

  • learn to sew and cut;
  • be able to sew on a sewing machine.

Almost everyone can master a sewing machine, if there is desire to master the technique initial sewing skill. In this matter, systematic repetition is important in order to fill your hand.

Sewing things is another matter and for this you need to master the basics of cutting and sewing. At the very beginning, you should determine for yourself the direction in needlework:

  • creation of clothes;
  • sewing soft toys for children or bags;
  • work with home textiles.

Any of these are related to certain sewing technique, the purchase of special sets of tools, the development of sewing techniques. The modification of the sewing machine will also depend on this.

To master any directions in sewing art first you need a minimum set of devices, without which a beginner cannot start sewing:

  • tailor's scissors capable of cutting different types of fabrics with high quality;
  • an accessory for correcting irregular seams, it will rip open the fabric without damaging the products;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk for patterns or remnants;
  • pins and threads.

It is also necessary to acquire a sewing machine and begin to master the device and work with it.

Learning to sew on a sewing machine is easy. The lessons will not take much time and effort. Experienced craftsmen advise taking paper, not fabric, for practice. It is more rigid and will not drape in the stitching. The best option is ordinary sheets of paper from a notebook. You will not need threads for the first lesson. Place the paper under the folder and you can start scribbling... It is necessary to learn how to make even seams, especially with turns. The needles in the typewriter immediately deteriorate after the paper and will no longer be suitable for further work. The needle should not be thrown away as it can be used to work with the flaps.

To make it easier to master the seam technique, no need to press the pedal of the car... This will facilitate the control process and the evenness of the stitch. It is necessary to learn how to adjust the device. Both threads - the upper and the lower one - should be stretched equally, evenly and tightly. This will allow them not to tear, but to lie down evenly in the line, without pulling the fabric. If the threads are loosely stretched, they will get tangled, torn, and the seam will turn out with an obvious defect.

It is necessary to achieve straight, even and passing along the marking of the seams. After each seam, bartacks should be made to avoid divergence. Training should begin with the development of simple seams and then move on to more difficult finishing seams.

Before sitting down at the typewriter, you should carefully read the instructions for working with it. You need to understand the settings, be able to thread the needle.

Experienced seamstresses advise beginners in sewing to start by sewing textiles:

  • pillowcases:
  • bed for a child;
  • apron;
  • potholders.

If such items are not needed in everyday life, then you can try to sew a straight cut skirt. There are now magazines for sale with specially designed models for newbies. Basically, they offer basic things that beginner seamstresses can do. Such products can be sewn in 1 evening. The cut pieces are folded together with pins and then hand-sewn with a basting stitch. If everything fits after trying on, then they should be sewn with a machine.

After choosing a model, you need to buy a fabric for it. Most suitable material for the first works - cotton with a dense structure. It will be easier to cut and sew with a sewing machine. The fabric is inexpensive, so if you spoil it, then such a result will not entail large losses. If the first thing turned out to be successful, then you can move on to another type of product or sew a more complex skirt or clothes for your child. Mastery skills come with time and only with experience can you sew complicated things such as an evening dress.

Basic mistakes for beginners

Novice seamstresses often make mistakes, but they can always be corrected and be sure to strive for this.

In any handicraft, one should not rush and it is very important that haste does not develop into a habit. It is found not only among beginners, but also among experienced craftsmen.

You cannot sew without trying it on, because after that it is more difficult to make the necessary changes. It is permissible to stitch without trying in the event that patterns are used, according to which the clothes were previously sewn, and the figure has not changed in volume.

Very often when sewing clothes magazine patterns are applied... However, individual parameters do not always coincide with them. As a result, the product will not fit perfectly to the figure. It is necessary to take into account your parameters and adjust them to the pattern base.

To get the desired result, you need experience and a desire to learn. It is advisable to buy special literature, study it and consult with experienced masters. Making your own mistakes will be costly as the fabric can be damaged.

You cannot buy fabric for sewing products back to back. If suddenly a newbie miscalculated, messed up, then without a stock of material it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix something. Iron the fabric before cutting it open. Wet processing of the material will naturally shrink, after which you can draw on it.