Unusual properties of coral stone, history of its discovery and cost. Coral: properties of a mineral and application in esotericism

Coral stone is very unusual, primarily in that it is, in fact, the skeleton of a colony of coral polyps. Of course, this is why it is difficult to compare it to other gemstones. It is known that these colonies grow to enormous sizes and as a result form entire reefs and islands, which everyone has heard about many times. Coral beads are a familiar piece of jewelry. What is the value of this "mineral"?

Coral is a unique gem

The peculiarity of the coral is that it grows no more than 1 cm per year, so it can take more than one hundred years to create a small island. Further, the hardening process takes place, it is also not as fast as it might seem. As a result, we get a stone that can be used both in jewelry and crafts.

In other words, they are nothing more than the skeletons of invertebrate marine animals. White coral is standard and the most abundant. It is used to create jewelry, combined with precious metals - gold and silver. For more details, see the pictures.

origin of name

There is still debate about the language from which the word "coral" came to us. The most plausible version is that from Latin, where the word "corallios" came from ancient Greek. The spelling of the double "l" is connected with this. In oriental languages, the name of the stone sounds differently: Arabic - "margan", Persian - "marjan". There are the following varieties:

  • akori - blue;
  • bianko - white;
  • akabar (akabar, akarbar) - black;
  • bovine blood - red;
  • angel skin - soft pink.

Composition and properties

The mineral consists mainly of two substances: calcite and aragonite. The formula is very simple - CaCO3, calcium carbonate, which is the main constituent of chalk and limestone. There are many types of this stone, but a special one is black coral. It differs in that it has conchiolin in its composition, which gives it a dark color. There are also impurities of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). There is always a small amount of Fe2O3, iron oxide. Note that sea shells have a similar composition.

Regular corals contain about 1% organic matter. Indian black coral is unique, it contains about 90% organic matter. The density is low - about 2.6. Hardness 3.7 on the Mohs scale. Black corals have a lower density and hardness - 1.2-1.5. You can read more about the properties of coral in the scientific literature.


There are more than 3.5 thousand species of corals. The color gamut is very wide - several thousand possible shades. It should be noted that there are also non-precious species that are used to make lime and other similar raw materials. White coral is the most abundant, moderately valued.

It is noted that the most popular are pink and red coral. Coral earrings are often pink in color, this is such a modern standard.

Sometimes artificial minerals are used, for example, for an aquarium. It looks beautiful and gives the feeling of a more natural aquatic environment. In fact, the real ones are very expensive. This is what leads to a large number of counterfeits. But you can determine a real stone at home, this will be discussed later.

Natural or Fake?

In France, a method for the manufacture of artificial minerals has long been developed. We need calcite and dyes. Fakes are much cheaper, but very similar to the real ones. Let's figure out how to recognize the original and the imitation.

Examine the bead carefully. The imitation should not have a "mesh" pattern. Natural stone should not be grayish, it should have the same structure inside as on the surface. We recommend viewing the photos. If there is acid, then you can drop it on the stone (be careful not to spoil it!), The surrogate will sizzle, since it consists of quartzite.

You can attach a heated needle to the specimen. If it is plastic, there will be a black dot and an unpleasant odor. The original will not smell or discolor. If stones have been painted, they will give off the paint when immersed in hot water. You need to pay attention to the cost. Natural stone is very expensive, especially pink, blue, black, this must be remembered.

Matching the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers say that a stone is suitable in principle for any sign. That is, there are no contraindications. Despite this, there are signs that this stone will be preferable. Aries and Sagittarius are recommended. I wonder how a water stone can be advised to fire symbols? It turns out that the mineral is ambiguous, since in dry form it has extensive magical properties.

Coral crafts are most suitable for Pisces. He will give these withdrawn people self-confidence, give strength to move on, bring them closer to success, help find a loved one.

Magical properties

The researchers note that corals have excellent magical properties. The stone will increase your tone, help you be more vigorous, relieve fatigue, and restore vitality. At the same time, it will reduce fear, bring peace to your home, you will feel safe, how coral feels under water.

In addition, it will protect against negative magical influences - damage, the evil eye. Evil spirits do not like coral, but it is not advised to leave it in the bedroom, it can reduce male strength, and is not conducive to love relationships. It is a sober, vigorous and businesslike stone. Immaculate.

A pink stone brings happiness in your personal life. Also, the person who wears it, according to legend, gets longevity and health. It is interesting that at the same time the mineral develops the mind, logical thinking. Very good for girls who often rely solely on their intuition, which sometimes fails.

If you are far from home, then coral will help you get home safely and safely. It is a traveler's stone that rescues the wanderers. Will protect you from meeting bad people.

Medicinal properties

Doctors and lithotherapists note that coral helps with diseases of the circulatory system. Stimulates blood pressure. Mineral powder helps with burns and ulcers, heals the skin. You need to be careful - do not treat yourself, because with the powder you can infect an infection, and the condition will worsen. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

The stone also helps with diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as colds, flu, sore throat, and other diseases of the throat. The stone especially helps singers, lecturers, announcers, that is, people who constantly have to strain their vocal cords.

Coral is a stone that originates in warm seas. It is composed of fossilized aquatic polyps. Thanks to these organisms, tree-like rocks are formed that make up reefs and islands. If you look at the photos of these amazing formations, you can come to an indescribable delight from their beauty. Seeing coral reefs and islands in their natural form is a real happiness.

The word "coral" comes from the ancient Greek word "kollarion". So in ancient Greece they called sea polyps. The characteristic of the stone is an opaque mineral, which includes calcium and. Coral is fragile and can be destroyed by high temperatures and acids. It can be precious and semi-precious. The more porous the stone, the lower its cost.

These stones are in great demand among jewelers. They are processed, after which they acquire a glassy luster and smoothness.

The properties and significance of the stone have been studied by esotericists and lithotherapists. They learned that coral has medicinal and magical properties.

Coral has a rich color range. It has more than 2 thousand varieties. The stone has a wide variety of tones. There is no color in nature that coral does not have. The tone of the stone is influenced by its composition. Jewelers use only 16 types of these stones to create jewelry.

The most popular are only a few types of coral:

Only bright stones are used for work by jewelers. These are usually small corals. If a craftsman needs to make large jewelry, such as beads, then he uses sponge coral.

The healing properties of the stone

This natural stone has medicinal properties. It is used by healers from different countries.

In ancient Rome, corals were used to heal wounds and accelerate bone healing. Powder was made from stones and sore spots were treated with it. In this country, the agent was also used to neutralize poisons from snake bites and poisonous insects. The healing and disinfecting properties of the stone are also recognized by modern lithotherapists.

Natural stone has a positive effect on the central nervous system. It helps to get out of depression, normalizes sleep and treats nervous tics.

The healing properties of coral beads have also been confirmed by lithotherapists. They are advised to be worn for colds and sore throats. Such beads should also be regularly worn by people whose voice is their main professional instrument, for example, singers, teachers or orators.

This natural stone improves blood circulation and blood circulation. It should be worn by people suffering from diabetes, anemia and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Coral stone improves memory, helps focus and tones.

If a person is struggling with excess weight, it is not coral that needs to be paid close attention to. It reduces appetite, so the amount of food absorbed decreases. Losing weight also occurs due to the fact that the stone removes toxins and toxins from the body.

In Japan, coral is used for dental prosthetics.

This stone can be used for early detection of diseases. To do this, you must wear it constantly and pay attention to how it looks. If dark spots appeared on its surface, the shine disappeared, and even cracks appeared, then this should be perceived as a sign of an incipient disease. A visit to the doctor will help clarify the situation.

The magical properties of Coral

Coral has magical properties. Shamans and sorcerers from different countries are convinced of this. The value of the stone in each of them will be different.

The magical properties of the stone in Ancient Greece were used to prolong life and gain happiness. Every citizen of this country has worn coral jewelry all his life. By this, they protected themselves from evil magical influences and evil spirits. Such magical powers of coral are also recognized by modern lithotherapists. They advise wearing coral jewelry to protect against damage, love spells, curses, and so on.

Stone magic is used by the Hindus to gain wisdom. In India, coral is also worn as a talisman against dangers.

The magical powers of the stone enhance human intuition. Esotericists wear coral to enhance their psychic abilities.

This natural stone is advised to be taken on the road by wanderers and travelers. He will protect them from weather changes and show them the way home. On the way, the stone also protects against violence, theft and any form of cruelty.

The soft energy of corals is suitable even for babies. Their stone will protect from the evil eye, which many parents fear so much.

Corals bring good luck to your home. To do this, you need to conduct a special ritual. It is necessary to pick up a rough stone and walk clockwise around the house, touching all doors and windows.

The power of the stone can be felt by men and women. Ladies are advised to wear white corals. The stones will add femininity, tenderness and sensuality to them. Red corals suit men. Such stones will add courage and courage to them.

Corals are activated when the moon is waxing. With a full moon, their magical powers will become dangerous, so during this period they need to be removed away from you.

Who is Coral suitable for according to the zodiac sign?

To date, it is known for certain who this stone is suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac.

Coral compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Pisces is perfectly compatible with coral. Astrologers advise them to wear stones of red and brown tones.

A stone is also suitable for Cancers. Astrologers advise them to opt for pink corals.

Zodiac signs Aries and Taurus can safely wear coral. The stone will suit them too. He will become a protective amulet for Aries, and bring good luck to Taurus.

Zodiac signs Libra and Sagittarius should not give up coral jewelry. Their energy will suit them. The stone will help Libra to establish contact with others, and Gemini will protect from black magical effects.

The zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio can wear coral jewelry. For Lions, the stone is a general tonic. People of this sign need to wear a stone only from time to time. Coral will bring good luck to Sagittarius if its tones are red or pink.

The signs of the zodiac Virgo and Capricorn should not wear coral jewelry. Even the slightest contact with a stone is contraindicated for them.

Coral is a fragile stone and therefore needs careful handling. You cannot drop it, hit it and leave it in the sun. You need to clean the stone without using household chemicals. If you follow these simple rules, then the coral will have a long operational period.

Coral stone is perhaps the first mineral used to create jewelry. The oldest items with coral inserts found by archaeologists date back to the 4th century BC. Currently, the level of pollution of the world's oceans threatens the existence of this amazing stone, so its value is steadily growing every year.

Origin story

The name of the stone has several versions. According to one of them, the Greek word "coralion" means "that which solidified in the hand." Coral was popular in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, but it earned special respect in antiquity. He often figured in ancient Greek mythology, and the supreme sea god Poseidon lived in a palace built from these stones.

According to another version, the Arabic word "goral" means "amulet stone". Muslims used black corals to create funeral wreaths, rosary beads, knife shafts, and cane handles. It was believed that the powerful spiritual powers of the stone were passed on to its owner.

In Russia, it was believed that coral was found in the brain of a dragon, therefore it was called a dragonite. It was considered a prophetic stone and was used to perform magical rites. Ominous properties were attributed to the dragonite; he was an instrument of revenge and corruption.

In the Middle Ages, Venice became the center of trade in these stones. Body jewelry, miniature sculptures were made from red corals, they were inlaid with weapons and the frames of church books. A pink-colored stone was worn by young girls as a symbol of modesty and purity.

Today, most of the coral comes to the world market from India, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The unusual stone is still interesting not only for collectors, but is also experiencing a new wave of popularity.

Origin and extraction

Coral as a semi-precious stone is of organic origin. It is formed by the oldest groups of multicellular organisms - coral polyps, which have been on the earth for about 550 million years. By processing the salts contained in sea water, they release lime with the formation of plantar plates. The result is coral reefs, atolls and even entire islands.

For a long time, corals were considered plants, and only in the 18th century their animal origin was proven. In jewelry, only lime frameworks are used - external skeletons left after the death of polyps. The most valuable part is the top of the coral tree.

On an industrial scale, corals are harvested using weighted, coarse nets, which are moved and dragged along the seabed. The management of bottom nets and trawls is automated. However, such mining spoils and perishes most of the valuable material.

The profession of a coral diver is still in demand. Many of them die at an early age, faced with the dangers that hide underwater depths; others because of decompression sickness. The best fishermen live on the island of Cozumel, located in the Caribbean off the coast of Mexico.

Physicochemical properties

Coral is an opaque stone that shines through at the edges. The hardness of the mineral is low: for red varieties it is 3-4 according to Mohs, for black varieties it is two times lower. As a result, the coral is easily scratched with a knife.

In its raw form, the stone has a matte, even rough surface. It is rubbed with special wax polishes, giving a silky shine.

Natural corals can fade and fade when worn. But the most common reason for this phenomenon is poor-quality paint. Cheap white and even pink corals are immersed in hydrogen peroxide to give the popular red hue, and are also treated with chemical dyes.


Natural coral has a rich color palette - 350 shades. The color of a mineral depends on the level of illumination during its growth, as well as the composition of organic matter.

The following varieties are most popular in jewelry:

Red and pink corals

They owe their color to their high iron content. They are found mainly in warm seas at a depth of 30 to 500 meters. The best red corals are found off the coast of Algeria.

Black, or akabara

They do not like sunlight, grow in caves and grottoes at great depths in the waters near Mexico and Australia. The resulting stones have a low hardness, therefore, only formations over 50 years old are used in jewelry.

White, or bianco

These corals are considered to be the cheapest, so they are often dyed in the more popular colors.

Blue, or akori

They are highly porous and difficult to polish. The rarest and most valuable are spongy acori of rich, almost blue color.

Pale pink corals

Received the name "angel skin". These delicate natural stones are also highly prized.

In addition, multi-colored corals are often found in nature.- a fantastic combination of golden, black and red shades.

Medicinal properties

There is an unconventional medical practice that uses the healing properties of precious and ornamental jewelry stones - lithotherapy.

According to this theory, coral is capable of:

  1. To activate metabolism.
  2. Normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Help with depression and neurosis.
  4. Heal abscesses and ulcers, including internal ones.
  5. Regulate the work of the pancreas.

In addition, the stone is a source of protoglandin hormones. It is crushed into dust and used internally as a contraceptive.

Hindus believe that coral has an effect on the throat chakra, which is responsible for breathing, hearing and the skin. Ayurveda includes coral among the nine stones that symbolize the planets and govern all processes on earth. The blood red stone is associated with Mars - the patron saint of vitality and passion. It warms its owner, inspires him to courageous and courageous deeds.

In Portugal, they believe that red coral helps with headaches, in England - from sore throats, in Mexico - from fever. In the countries of Southeast Asia, coral powder is sold in pharmacies and is added to ointments, tinctures, and potions.

White coral is used in dental prosthetics in Japan to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. Its calcium structure is easily perceived and absorbed by the human body.

Coral is also popular in cosmetology. On its basis, an antioxidant peeling is made, which has an effective rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Magical properties and beliefs

As a talisman, coral improves memory. It is considered a talisman against poison, witchcraft, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, develops intuition and logic. The ideal time to wear is the new moon phase, and the most dangerous is the full moon period. Often wearing coral jewelry is not recommended, as it provokes moodiness and eccentricity.

Natural stone has long been considered the patron saint of travelers. It protects from the dangers lurking in distant wanderings, helps to establish new connections, soothes bad weather, calms down storms and thunderstorms.

However, a coral sunset in the evening sky foreshadows just windy and restless weather.

Phallic coral amulets are very popular in Thailand. They symbolize the lingam of the god Shiva, which protects the owner from evil spirits. Amulets are worn around the neck or on the belt, mantras are read over them, and ritual chants are arranged.

In South India, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, women wear coral beads to bring peace and harmony to marriage and to cope with infertility. In addition, the mineral acts as an indicator of the state of health - a sharp loss of color indicates a serious illness of its owner. If you dreamed about a coral, this is a sign of recovery from a serious illness.

35 years of married life together is called a coral wedding. On this anniversary, the husband and wife give each other jewelry with coral inserts, talismans and souvenirs.

Coral in astrology

In astrology, it is generally accepted that red coral is a masculine stone, and white coral is a feminine one. It is not recommended to wear inappropriate color for representatives of the opposite sex: a woman who regularly puts on jewelry with red coral will acquire rough and masculine features, and vice versa.

Coral has a beneficial effect on people born per year Tiger or red Cat(1962, 1974, 1986, 1998). He brings them good luck, protects strangers from anger and envy. As for the signs of the zodiac, red coral will be a great talisman for Pisces or Aries... But it is categorically contraindicated for signs of the earth. Virgos especially do not like him with their pragmatism and complex character.

White coral fits Taurus and Cancer... It promotes rapid healing of wounds, heals from physical and mental ailments. As for the names, coral patronizes Irina, Victoria, Svetlana, Nadezhda, Nonna and Afanasy. At the same time, talisman stones bring good luck to their owner only if they are obtained in an honest way.


The most traditional coral decoration is beads. They help to give the image bright and juicy folklore notes. But the richness of the natural palette allows the use of the mineral in a wide variety of decorations.

Delicate pink coral is suitable for a young girl's ring, bright orange in gold setting will adorn a mature lady, rich black will ennoble a man's signet or bracelet.

Untreated coral twigs are also used as decorations. They are called cornetti and are worn around the neck as a pendant. Such an unusual product is successfully combined with a romantic image.


It is not difficult to take care of the stone - it is enough to protect it from scratches, acids, hot baths. Natural minerals don't like cosmetics and perfumes. Excessive moisture is harmful, and vice versa, dryness.

Store items with coral inserts separately from other jewelry. The ideal option is tissue paper packaging. It is not recommended to use plastic bags - the mineral must "breathe".

How to identify a fake?

The main criterion by which you can determine whether the coral in front of you is natural is its price. It shouldn't be too low.

Several substitutes for natural stone are currently common:

  1. Synthetic counterpart, or Gilson's coral. It was first obtained in 1972 in a Swiss laboratory from calcite powder. In terms of its physicochemical properties, Gilson's coral is almost identical to the stone mined from the ocean depths, but it costs much less. It can be distinguished from a natural mineral by the absence of a characteristic mesh pattern on the surface.
  2. Quartzite. It is a cheap stone that looks like coral on the outside. It is easy to recognize by its temperature - it always stays cold.
  3. Coral imitation. They are created from pressed coral shavings with the addition of dyes and plastics. There are also very cheap counterfeits, completely consisting of glass, plastic or polymers. It is easy to recognize them by their uniform color, which is very rare in nature. You can grind a piece of stone and add acetic acid - the natural calcium material will enter into a chemical reaction, as a result of which bubbles form on the surface.

Like many seafood, natural coral becomes brighter after a long stay in the water: this does not happen with imitations and fakes. Conversely, if a poor quality colored stone was purchased, then the water can change color.

  1. Coral is popular and revered in the United States. So, the black mineral is the symbol of Hawaii, and the agate one is the state of Florida. Here is the city of Cape Coral, which has the largest number of shipping canals in the world.
  2. Once on land, the coral begins to age and slowly die. After 200 years, the former marine life can completely dry out and turn into dust.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef is not only the largest coral formation, but also the largest natural object on Earth, formed by living organisms. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2013, a scandal erupted around the reef: during an American-Australian military exercise, four bombs were mistakenly dropped on it. Fortunately, the Great Barrier Reef was not damaged.
  4. Until now, it has not been reliably established why Karl stole the corals from Clara. Presumably, the reason for the act was revenge for the stolen favorite clarinet.

Can a stone have power? How are they able to influence the fate of a person and what does their action depend on? You can leave these questions open or look for answers in the scientific field.

Astrology does not always explain how a particular natural stone has an effect, the main thing is that there is a result, and each type of stone has certain properties. You can consider stone coral, magical properties which is very strong in various areas of human life. Depending on the color of the natural stone, it more affects one or another side of the life of its wearer.

This stone has amazing power that affects different aspects of a person's life. For many people, they are the most important, and a feature of this stone can be considered high compatibility with many signs of the zodiac.

Coral of different colors can suit a large number of people, it will become an excellent talisman, keeper of the hearth and health, an assistant in career growth. cannot be limited, he affects everything that concerns his carrier, trying to make his life as good as possible.

A very beautiful stone of natural origin is white coral, magical properties which will always be:

Protect your wearer from all misfortunes. This applies to accidental incidents that can bring trouble. Also, avoidance of acquaintances and meetings with ill-wishers, who may deliberately call bad luck or illness.

White coral is an excellent stimulator of the heart, respiratory tract, and other internal organs. It maintains their health and enhances the results of treatment, perfectly affects the human nervous system, allowing them to always remain calm.

A strong family is important to almost every person, this stone keeps a home, protecting spouses from mutual betrayal and lies. It is best for a wife to wear white coral with faith in the loyalty of her husband and a desire to live together a long life in harmony and sincerity.

Most of all, coral of natural origin and any color is suitable for the representatives of the following signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius.

Looks great as a variety of decorations pink coral, magical properties which are in many ways similar to white. This stone has a stronger influence on the love sphere of a person's life. It is he who is chosen when you need to find your soul mate and build a strong relationship with her on trust. This stone will protect its wearer all his life, as the strongest talisman to attract good luck and help in achieving all good goals.

If you dreamed about a red or pink coral, then this predicts recovery from an illness.

Natural stones are always endowed with some magical power that can influence a person's life, whether he believes it or not. Usually stones act as amulets, but their capabilities are not limited.

An important step is the choice of a stone for a specific person in accordance with the attitude to a particular sign of the zodiac, character traits and magical properties of various stones.


Red coral or, as it is also called, noble, refers to the type of coral polyps. Like other species, this is a colonial animal, which, after removing it from the water, turns into an expensive mineral.

Red corals live at a depth of 10-200 m. As a rule, they are harvested in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Algeria, Italy, Morocco, in the Red Sea, off the coast of Malaysia, Japan, Australia, as well as near the Hawaiian Islands. Branched colonies are formed here, which are firmly attached to the rocky ground. The mineral is in the form of small leafless shrubs. They can be up to 1 m high. If you look at the photo, red corals demonstrate their beauty and originality well. It should be noted that the cost of the material will be the higher, the fewer natural defects and the smoother the color. Ideally, the stone should be free of holes, cracks and stains.

The properties of red corals are similar to those of the rest, they are also not resistant to acids and high temperatures.

Color palette of red corals with photo

The bright red and dark red corals are also called "fire", "blood flower" and "bloody foam". This is the most valuable variety. Although the color palette of this mineral can also be pale pink, light red, with pale red or white spots. And all of this applies to red corals.

As for the red jewelry material, they are mined, most often in the Mediterranean, between Tunisia and Sardinia. There are a great many commercial names to correctly identify the various shades of their color. In this case, it happens that only in the nomenclature of one company there can be up to 16 names of red minerals. To exclude this, there are four main varieties of the color of a noble stone:

Bovine blood - dark brown red color (rare and expensive);

Sardinian - scarlet, truly "coral";

Salmon - orange-red (salmon);

Angel skin - pale pink

The colors are listed in order of decreasing value.

Red coral stone and its imitation

The high cost of the mineral has led to a large number of counterfeits. There is no limit to imagination: plastic beads "like coral", and natural mineral, painted in a certain color, and pressed coral shavings, and products made of opaque painted glass. The glass is the easiest to distinguish, as it will be heavier than polyps. In jewelry, the natural mineral is found in two forms: pressed and turned. Most often, beads are made from "branches" of a large circle. As long as the stone is untreated, it has a matte appearance. The gloss is obtained after polishing. High quality red coral is a stone without cracks or holes.

Given the limited supply of gem-quality polyps, which is due to their slow growth, it is often necessary to resort to different methods of refining stones. So, to obtain a pink or expensive dark red color, without obtaining a shade of orange, staining of the material with light colors is used.

There are several simple and affordable ways to identify a fake at home. If the product is immersed in a glass of milk, the milk will acquire a pinkish or reddish tint from a real red mineral. None of the other materials will give this effect. If the color of the milk has not changed, then the stone is fake.

In glass fakes, processing lines or bubbles are very often visible, while thin stripes are noticeable in plastic imitations.

You can also test by placing the mineral in a container with a mild vinegar solution. If the stone is real, then bubbles will appear in the water. But such bubbles can also appear if the product is made of coral shavings, bone or shell.

Red coral on video: