Node of the younger group of drawing with a duck finger. Abstract of GCD for drawing on the topic: “Travel to the country of masters. Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck. Independent work of children

Elena Ganus
Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the second junior group "Decorate the Dymkovo duck"

Abstract GCD for artistic and aesthetic development - drawing in the 2nd junior group.

Topic: « Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck»

Technologies used: L. G. Peterson - "Situation", Bazarny V.F. "Health-preserving"

Program tasks:

Educational: continue to introduce children to Dymkovo toy... Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to cut out paper duck.

Developing: develop the ability to be happy for the result; admire the brightness, beauty Dymkovo painting.

Educational: to educate accuracy, perseverance; interest in the works of folk artists.

Vocabulary work: Dymkovo duck, painting masters, method of bonding.

Preliminary work: viewing albums about Dymkovo toys.

The course of the lesson.

1. Introduction to the game the situation:

Educator: To our the group brought a parcel... Do you want to know what is in it? (I open the box and take out of it Dymkovo young lady and Dymkovo cockerel, put on the table). It seems there is also a letter. I am you children, him read:

"Hello guys from group"Buratino"! We, painting masters, create such wonderful toys in the village Dymkovo, decided to give them to you. Consider carefully our gift.

First, we sculpted these toys from clay, then dried them, dyed them white and decorated with a pattern, and they turned out to be so elegant, bright.

These toys are not simple

They are magically painted!

Seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t take my eyes off!

We have a big request for you guys, help us to paint ducks. (I take out the cut templates from the box ducks) ... We painted them, but while they were drying, it started to rain and washed off all the patterns, and they again became white and unadorned.

Educator: Want to help Dymkovo masters? And you can paint with patterns ducks?

2. Knowledge actualization and fixation difficulties:

Educator: Let's take a close look at the picture handpainted Dymkovo duck.

What colors do the craftsmen use when painting these wonderful toys? Children: Red, blue, green, yellow, orange.

Educator: What patterns decorated toys?

Children: Stripes, rings, circles, dots.

Educator: It seems like it's time for us to go to the workshop and get to work.

Physical education

Legs walked: top-top-top,

Straight along the track: top-top-top,

Come on, more fun: top-top-top,

This is how we can: top-top-top.

Our legs came

Along a flat path ...

Straight to the painting workshop Dymkovo ducks.

Educator: Sit down, guys, at your workplaces, straighten your backs, put your legs straight.

3. Discovery of new knowledge:

Educator: Look how I decorate my duck... (I draw, on a template attached to the board ducks brush point, rings, circles, stripes of different colors, spots by the method of adhering). We already painted with you the brushing method.

(I draw the attention of children to the fact that when changing paint, you need to rinse the brush well with water, dry it by applying it to a napkin with a nap).

Educator: That's I decorated my duck... Look how beautiful she turned out!

But you, I'm sure, will do even better.

4. Performing a trial action in a similar situations:

Educator: But, before you get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics: « Ducks»

Ducks dive in the lake, ( "Wavy" movements with the hands of both hands forward from yourself)

The duckweed is picked up with its beak. (Quickly squeeze "Pinch" fingers on both hands)

And then to the shore (Put your palms on the table).

One after the other, a slap, and a slap. ( "Spank" palms of both hands on the table).

Educator: guys, do not forget how to hold the brush correctly, with three fingers, and the tip of the brush should always look at the shoulder.

And, now we get to work, we draw patterns on our ducks.

Children draw on templates ducks patterns under my guidance, I help children in difficulty by showing tricks drawing patterns on your sample.

We put the finished works of the children on the table.

5. Reflection:

Educator: Admire guys what the ducks turned out to be bright, smart, beautiful, like the real ones Dymkovo masters... We will photograph them and send them to the masters, please them with our wonderful successes.

Tell me, children, what was the most difficult for you today? What did you like? Tell your parents about the lesson at home.

This lesson was carried out within the framework of our group 23... 01.2018 of the Open Doors Day and the parents of our pupils were invited to it.

Related publications:

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Summary of GCD in the younger group. Unconventional finger painting "Feed the duck" CONSPECT in the younger group on the topic: Russian folk song "Our ducks in the morning" ... Drawing "Let's feed the duck".

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Summary of lessons with children of the first junior group in kindergarten using non-traditional drawing techniques "Conquer the Chickens" (drawing with cotton swabs).

Akhsenova Elena Alekseevna, teacher of MBDOU CRR kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of the Municipal Formation Tsilninsky District, Ulyanovsk Region p. Bolshoe Nagatkino
This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers.
Target: Development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.
- To consolidate the knowledge of children about the poultry of their children;
- To consolidate the ability to depict seeds with cotton swabs;
- Develop an interest in drawing.
Materials: homemade wooden toy - chickens, album sheets with the image of chickens, cotton swabs, black gouache.

Course of the lesson:

Listen to the riddle: There was a white house,
wonderful house. and something pounded in him. and it crashed, and from there a living miracle ran out, so warm, so fluffy and golden (Chicken)
- These kids came to visit us today (I show toys with chickens). Do you know what chickens say? Who is the chicken's mom? And dad? Well done! What kind of birds do they belong to? (Home). What other poultry do you know? (children's answers) - Goose (gosling), - Duck (duckling), - Turkey (turkey).
Let's play the game "Hen and Chickens". I'll be a chicken. And you are my chickens.
The chicken went out for a walk
Pinch fresh grass.
And after her, the guys-
Yellow chickens.

(Children follow the teacher in circles.)
Co-co-co, co-co-co!
Don't go far.
Paddle with your paws
Look for the grains!
(Children imitate the movements of chickens: they row with their paws, peck the grains)
Educator: Oh, kids here, there are no grains on the carpet at all, and the chickens have nothing to eat. Let's paint the seeds. For this we will sit down at the table. And before we draw the seeds for the chickens, let's prepare our fingers.
Finger play: The chicken has a chicken,
The goose has a gosling
A turkey has a turkey
And the duck has a duckling
Every mother has babies, all are beautiful and good.
Educator: Now I will introduce you to the seeds of the grains. What color are they? (black). We dip a cotton swab in black paint and "scatter the grains" over the clearing for chickens, like this (I show in the picture with chickens drawing with a cotton swab). Kids rhythmically apply "spots" with cotton swabs on a sheet of an album with a picture of chickens.
- Well done, guys, you tried very hard.
Let's have a massage with you to cheer up our chicks.
The sun woke up, touched his forehead.
(Children run their hands over their foreheads)
The sun woke up, touched the cheeks
Beams held and stroked.
(Run your hands over your cheeks)
The sun has warmed my face, warmed, warmed.
Our hands stretched out, our lips smiled.
(Children smile at each other).
Educator: Children, what did you draw? For whom?
What is the name of the mother of the chickens? How does she call her children? How do the chicks respond?

Homemade toy display with two chickens
Drawing of chicks on a magnetic board

Seeds of sunflower seeds

Black gouache diluted in water

Show in the picture with the image of chickens drawing sunflower seeds with a cotton swab

Children's drawings

Tasks. Continue teaching children to draw using the poke method, expanding children's knowledge about birds, reinforcing the ability to select colors, holding a brush correctly and drawing with different brushes, instilling accuracy when drawing.

Material. Album sheet with a drawn outline of a duckling, a hard brush, yellow and red gouache, the rest of the painting equipment and samples. Painting "Duck with ducklings"

Guys, a letter came to our kindergarten. Let's read it. In the letter, the story of K.D. Ushinsky's "Ducks".

“Vasya is sitting on the bank: he looks at how the ducks swim in the pond, tumbling: they hide their wide noses in the water, dry their red paws in the sun.

Vasya was ordered to guard the ducks, but they went out into the water - both old and small: how can they now drive them home? So Vasya the ducks began to click: “Ooty-uti-ducks! Gluttonous taratorochki, wide noses, webbed paws! You have a lot of worms to carry, to pinch the grass, to swallow ooze, to stuff your goiters - it's time to go home! "

Vasya's ducks obeyed, went ashore, walk home, waddle from foot to foot ”.

Let's take a look at the picture of ducks with ducklings. What are they looking for in the water? What helps them look for worms? (wide noses). How webbed paws help them? "

Refine color, names of body parts.

Draw your finger around the outline of the entire duck, saying your actions aloud. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, and then start drawing with pokes along the line of the duck's contour, then inside. Wash the brush, wipe dry.

Physical education "Ducklings"

Ducklings are swimming: quack-quack-quack,

They work with paws for a reason, not in vain.

And then along the lake, having fun around everyone,

Ducklings are circling: tur-la-la.

Well, after swimming - goodbye, water!

They hurried home: yes, yes, yes.

After a pause, you can draw a beak, paws, eyes with a soft brush.

Part III

Our lesson is over. What did we do with you today? Fix color, names of body parts.

That's right, we helped K.D. Ushinsky, drew pictures with ducklings for his story. I will collect them and send them to the author

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Victoria Datkhuzheva
Abstract of GCD for drawing (finger painting) in the first junior group "Cheerful duckling"

Abstract of GCD for drawing« Finger painting»

v the first younger group on the topic: « Cheerful duckling» .

Educational area: "Artistic creation".

Program tasks:

Develop fine motor skills of the hands (leaving marks fingers with verbal accompaniment "Attach - raise");

Consolidate knowledge of two colors: yellow and red, encourage to name them;

Continue to foster responsiveness in children, the need to come to the aid of those who need it;

Create a joyful mood, satisfaction with the results of work.

Materials (edit): easel, screen, yellow and red gouache, napkins, sheets of paper with a picture duckling for every child, toy duckling, footprints of red ducklings made of cardboard, audio recording "Dance of little ducks".

Preliminary work: Getting to know duckling(toy)... Examination of illustrations with his image (feathers, beak, paws, swims, etc.)... Reading a fairy tale "How duckling learned to swim» ; making riddles about duckling playing with him; learning dance elements "Dance of little ducks".

GCD move:

Children are dressed in yellow clothes. GCD starts in the dressing room or group... Near the entrance to a group of traces of a duckling(cardboard) of red color.

In the training area there is an easel on which the image is attached duckling(a sample covered with a white sheet. The rest of the images of ducklings are hidden on the other side of the easel. Next to the easel on one side there is a screen covered with yellow cloth. A toy is hidden behind the screen « duckling» ... On the other side of the easel there is a table with material for finger painting and chairs according to the number of children.

Game motivation:

Children with a caregiver enter group.

Educator: - Oh, guys, look! What's this? (points to the footprints duckling) .

Children: (Estimated children's answers).

Educator: - That's right, traces. Do you know whose tracks these are? (Answers of children).

If you are at a loss with the answers, it is advisable to ask a riddle.

Amazing baby!

Just got out of the diaper,

Can swim and dive

Like his own mother.


Educator: - Well, of course, duckling! And traces of it. I wonder where is he?

(Children look around).

Can you see him? (Not).

And I don’t see. Let's follow each other like ducklings in his footsteps and look for him! (The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that they need to walk correctly, as if stepping on footprints duckling, so as not to go astray.) Children follow the teacher, approaching the screen where is hidden duckling.

Educator: - Well, here the tracks end. What do we see? What does it look like? (Answers of children.)

Children: - To the house.

Educator: - What colour is he?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: - That's right, yellow, like myself duckling... Children, can you hear? Someone is crying in the house. (Children listen)... Probably this is our duckling who are we looking for? Let's call him! (Everyone is calling duckling) .

Duckling: - No, I will not go out!

Educator: - Why?

Duckling: - I am very afraid!

Educator: - Who are you afraid of? You're in kindergarten. Come out, we won't offend you.

Duckling: - Is there no fox next to you?

Children:- Not.

(Looking back comes out duckling from the house) .

Duckling: - Hello children! How many of you are here. Let's get acquainted. I AM duckling - Quack. (Children say hello and say their names).

Educator: - Quack, tell me, what are you hiding here?

Duckling: - We played football with my friends - ducklings, but the fox scared us. Help me find my friends, please.

Educator: - Guys, we will help duckling find his friends? (Answers of children)... Where could they hide? (The teacher draws the children's attention to the image duckling(sample) on the easel).

Educator: - Yes, here he is! Look, children, how handsome he is! What color is his feathers? (Yellow)... And the legs, the beak? (Red)... And here I see many more ducklings. Are these all your friends Quack?

Duckling: - Yes, but I don't recognize them. What happened to them? Yes, they turned white from fright. Children, can you help my friends become the same as before, return them the beautiful color of the feathers of their paws? (Answers of children)... - And what needs to be done for this? (Answers of children).

Educator: - That's right, you need to paint their feathers and paws.

Every child chooses an image duckling... Then the teacher invites the children to sit down at the tables and get to work.

Educator: - There are no brushes, what will we be draw? (Fingers) .

The educator reminds children how to finger painting with verbal accompaniment "Catch - lift".

Children paint the ducklings, trying to place the decoration evenly over the entire surface of the image.

The teacher makes sure that the children work carefully, do not stain the working material. Dipped finger in the paint so so that it does not run off finger.

Educator: - Well, guys, feathers for ducklings drew... Look, we have not forgotten anything draw? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Right! Necessary draw a beak and legs... What color do we need for this? (Red).

Before continuing draw, we need to wash off with fingers yellow paint and wipe on a napkin. Now let's get some rest and let's start drawing again. (Exercise).

We raise our hands up, and then we lower them,

And then we will separate them

And we will quickly press to ourselves.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more fun!

The children sit down and continue draw with verbal accompaniment "Dip - Raise".

In progress drawing duckling- Quack rejoices at the results of the children's creativity: “I really like how you do it beautifully!

Organization of the end of the GCD.

At the end of the work, the children wipe fingers napkin... The teacher asks duckling- Quack help him collect images of ducklings and put them on a separate table.

Duckling: - Now all the ducklings have gathered together. How smart and beautiful they are, the same as they were before. Duckling invites the children to dance together his favorite dance ( "Dance of little ducks").

Duckling: - Thank you guys very much! I am very glad that I came to your kindergarten. You helped my friends find their feather color. What color do you have them painted? (Answers of children)... And what about the beak and legs? (Answers of children)... How did you do it? (Answers of children).

Duckling: - That's right, well done! And it's time for us to go home, our mother is probably looking for us!

But I will definitely come to visit you. Goodbye!

In the evening, children can continue to dance and play with ducklings. They show the dolls their drawings, tell how they peck grains, how to swim. Use the image of ducklings for individual "Scene" ("The ducklings met and sing their song together", "The ducklings saw the worms" etc.). During the game, the teacher reminds the children of the words of the song for them to repeat on their own.


Drawing lesson "Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck" (second junior group)

Tasks. Continue to acquaint children with the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the resulting result; from the brightness, beauty of Dymkovo painting. To cultivate a respect for nature by means of activity.


Consider Dymkovo toys;

Pay attention to the color, shape and size of the patterns.


Red and yellow gouache,


Jars of water,


Ready-made duck templates.


I walk in wearing a Dymkovo duck costume (the costume is decorated with a Dymkovo pattern). In the hands of a basket with Dymkovo toys.

Hello guys. You recognized me? That's right, I'm a duck. And I flew to you from the Dymkovo Village and brought a gift from the craftsmen. Let's get a look? I post Dymkovo toys. Once upon a time, children played with such toys. A long time ago, fathers and mothers could not buy toys for children, and pets and birds lived next to people, and wild animals (bear, deer) lived in the forests. Therefore, the craftsmen made toys in the form of various animals and birds. Through these toys, children learned to distinguish between animals and birds and to treat them with care. Guys, can you offend animals and birds? Children's answers? Dymkovo toys were molded by the craftsmen from clay, then dried, painted white and decorated with a pattern, and such elegant toys were obtained. So the craftsmen decorated my sundress with a Dymkovo pattern.

What color is a sundress? (White)

And what is the pattern on my sundress? (dots, ring)

What colors do craftsmen use to decorate a sundress? (Red Yellow).

Guys, do you want to learn how to decorate toys with a Dymkovo pattern?

Then we will go with you to the land of craftsmen. To do this, you need to say the magic words:

FIZMINUTKA (children perform movements in the course of the text):

There is a duck along the path - "Quack-quack-quack!"

She is wearing red boots - "Quack-quack-quack!"

The duck swims in the water, deftly paddles with its paws.

So we found ourselves in the land of craftsmen. Take your seats.

The guys in front of you are ducks. What colour? Are they smart? Let's decorate them with a Dymkovo pattern. My duck is adorned with rings and dots! As on my sundress. What colour? (red and yellow).

See how we are going to draw. We will draw the rings and dots with the tip of the brush; for this, the brush must be kept straight. Let's draw a ring in the air with your finger! Like this. We make points around the ring.

Before picking up another paint, you need to rinse the brush, dry it on a napkin and only then take another paint.

Now we'll play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Ducks"

Ducks dive in the lake

"Wavy" movements with the hands of both hands.

The duckweed is picked up with its beak.

Quickly pinch the fingers on both hands

And then to the shore

Place your palms on the table.

One after another, a slap, and a slap.

"Clap" the palms of both hands.

Now get to work.

Children draw on their own, I help as needed (I show the drawing technique on a separate sheet of paper, encourage that everything will work out, I praise, etc.)

In case of difficulty, provide individual assistance to the children.

Put all the painted ducks on the table, admire them with the guys. All the ducks turned out to be bright, elegant, beautiful. Guys, you are just all great, true masters.

What did we decorate? What pattern? What colors did we use? Guys, what did you like the most today?

And now we go back to our kindergarten. Children imitate the actions of birds: they fly, peck grains, jump to the music of E. Zheleznova "Small Birds".

Birds have arrived, the birds are small.

Everyone flew and flew, flapped their wings,

They sat down on the path - they ate the grains.

"Bite - bite - bite, bite - bite - bite,

And I love grains.

I'll clean the feathers to make them cleaner.

This way and this way, so that they are cleaner. "

Jumping on a branch - children are having fun.

Jump-jump, jump-jump, kids are having fun.

Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests. And it's time for me to fly to the village of Dymkovo, too. Goodbye, guys.