What to talk to a guy about on the phone: a few simple tips. Technique of communication with a beloved man: starting a relationship Conversation with a loved one

Communication sometimes becomes a problem for some people. For example, many girls do not know at all how to communicate with men correctly - what to talk about, what to keep silent, as a result of which there are either awkward pauses during communication, or communication somehow ends too quickly ...

How to learn to communicate with men - women's secrets

Women in all ages have been a mystery to men, it is not for nothing that they say that male logic is smashed to smithereens against female intuition.

Therefore, we will consider how to find a common language with the stronger sex and learn how to communicate. In the end, somehow you need to understand these creatures - men, what they are interested in, what they need, and what to talk to them about.

Let's understand, for a start, in the psychology of men. Men, first of all, are males, which means that it is vital for them to feel like a leader in everything, from ordinary family life to his little hobbies.

But, as you know, not a single great leader has achieved anything significant in history without the support, team, or party. And therefore, first of all, it is necessary to support him, within reasonable limits, of course.

Of course, it is impossible to do everything for a man, but many things men begin only when they receive the approval of their other half. And therefore, in order to communicate correctly with men, even being just an acquaintance, support the man by saying that his idea is simply perfect and he will definitely succeed in achieving another victory.

The second aspect of all men is big children. It's just that children grow up and toys grow with them. Cars turn into cars, soldiers into subordinates, and a photo from a poster on the wall comes to life and turns into a girl.

This means that there are several options for correct communication: you can discuss his next toy with a man, at least emphasize the beauty with the look of an amateur, but if you remember some features, then you can drag the man in the conversation network for a long time.

Or you can get yourself into the company of a man's favorite toys, and he will talk to you constantly, expressing all his thoughts and emotions, well, what can you do - children are children.

There are still many different options for how to communicate with men correctly, but what is listed above is the basis. And therefore, everyone can learn how to learn how to communicate with a man. You just need to be attentive and look at the behavior of the men around, and all the answers will immediately become clear and visible, and then it's up to you.

How to communicate with your beloved man correctly

From the moment a man and a woman begin to build a relationship, they strive to create an eternal union. It's no secret that a woman plays a leading role in building a strong and friendly family.

There is more than one secret to harmony.

1) Already at the first stage of communication, it is worth behaving correctly and tactfully. Show the man that you are listening to him and you are very interested in what he says.

Confirm his words more often so that he understands that you are really interested with him, and you consider him a very smart man. Try to tell about yourself, very little, because men have always appreciated mystery in a woman.

2) If you still have insufficient experience, and you do not know how to communicate with men correctly, then let him decide some organizational issues himself.

Let him feel needed and the most important person for you. Try to spend more time with him, but if you see that he wants to go with friends, then in no case make a scandal. Let him think that you are walking on a short leash.

3) Do not forget that working together only brings you closer together. Feel free to ask him for help. It will be good for you too, and he will feel like a strong and reliable man.

4) Of course, quarrels cannot be avoided. But that's not bad either. The saying that cute scolds, only amuse themselves, was not invented by us. If you suddenly did not share something and there was a conflict, learn how to settle it without serious scandals. This does not mean that you should close your eyes to his mistakes, but you should not overdo it. It is better to show by your appearance that you are offended. Let him think about his behavior.

5) In addition, you must prepare not only for the positive and negative moments in your life, but also for the gray days. Everyday life eats up feelings, so try to diversify relationships more often.

6) In no case forbid your man to get involved in something. You shouldn't forget about yourself either. Remember that everyone should have their own personal space. It is not necessary to spend every day together from morning to night, it is much more correct to communicate with men in a metered dose.

Sometimes you can also travel separately in order to surprise your man with knowledge upon arrival. In addition, every woman should have her own money, so it is not worth leaving work.

Even if your man asks you very much or even worse, orders you. At work, you get development and personal money, so in case of a quarrel, no one will reproach you for sitting on your neck.

If you show all the wisdom of women, then love will always live in your hearts.

How to communicate with a man on the Internet

If you communicate on the Internet, it is useful to express yourself as clearly as possible on your page, to give detailed examples, and not to say general words. If the statements are vague, it doesn't necessarily expand your audience; often, due to uncertainty, men have fantasies about you, and then collapse.

In order to communicate correctly with men on the Internet, do not reveal all your secrets, there must always be some kind of mystery, an understatement, but remember the aphorism of the advertising world: if you try to be everything to everyone, in the end you will turn out to be nothing and for no one.

When talking about yourself, choose several areas. For example, if you say, “I love to read,” what do you mean: glossy magazines, historical novels, or computer magazines? Provide several names.

Take communication seriously. If you say: “I am comfortable in both jeans and a ball gown,” ask if you are the editor of a fashion magazine that goes out once a year, or an ardent hiker who has a fancy dress on the unlikely occasion, if you are invited to barmitsva.

If you are chatting with a young man at a party, do not be too lazy to give similar examples. Speak and write not only accurately, but also honestly, your words must be confirmed if the relationship develops. Simple details will be of great benefit: you are not expected to be out of the ordinary, and you don’t waste time with random guys.

How to communicate with men about children

You've probably heard the old joke about getting rid of a bachelor. How? Just tell him that you love him and want to give birth to his children. Of course, this is a joke, and you yourself know that you shouldn't look him in the eyes after the aperitif and start choosing a name for the child.

But talking about offspring is tricky, even for dating professionals. We have an interesting story about how to properly communicate with men about children. Enil, a forty-three-year-old physician and single father from Chicago, said “talking about children” on Jane's first date was a good start.

Enil has two sons, and he talks to women about them right away. He and Jane talked about the age and characteristics of each of the boys. At first, she reacted in a very pleasant way.

Instead of asking about his guardianship situation, as most girls used to do, she said, "I'm jealous that you have two such wonderful boys."

At the very moment when Enil felt a wave of warmth towards her, the girl uttered a couple of phrases about how she would like her own children. The young man said that he was not against someday having more children, especially with the woman he loved, but the woman's sincere confession made him a little nervous, because he did not know exactly what he would like in the future. He didn’t want to deceive Jane if he suddenly didn’t want to have more children. Therefore, Enil did not call her back.

Another story about how to properly communicate with men about children. Wade, a thirty-year-old architect from St. Louis, Missouri, once met a woman who, from innocent questions about his family (where he grew up, where his siblings live), quickly turned to annoying digging in the gene pool.

“She asked me what my results were on the entrance exams, if any of my relatives suffered from alcoholism. The impression was that she was interrogating me as a sperm donor, ”said Wade.

Men are already sensitive to the topic of children, especially in the company of women in their thirties or forties, so you don't even need to say the word “children” to make them panic.

Rick, a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Las Vegas, Nevada, said, “I watched her pet a dog on the sidewalk ... You had to see it! She would say something like “Oh, dog, how beautiful you are! What a wonderful dog! " Rick's reaction to the violent manifestation of emotions towards the animal was this: "This woman wants a child so much, I directly feel ... as if her eggs are drying up here on the sidewalk, one after another!"

Don't know what topics to talk about while talking with a girl or boyfriend? These 25 topics of conversation will help you get a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt for yourself that in the process of communication you do not know what to talk about next, whether it be talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone, almost every third person is faced with this. Everything is learned in the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop in yourself the ability to find topics for conversation.

Finding topics to communicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You've known each other for a certain amount of time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about a relationship that began quite recently, then there may be a communication barrier, just because you still do not know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend. At this point, the best option is to reveal as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you can recall interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. Chances are, your significant other also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. This will be a good start for the first time.

If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already used to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that lasts a long time can be normal.

No matter how long you have been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your significant other, and just become closer.

25 topics for communication

You can use all these themes on a daily basis.

1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure and leisure activities, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will look forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in subject matter to afisha.ua (for Ukraine) and afisha.ru (for Russia) will help you keep track of the events taking place in your city.

2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities that you love are an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. To be interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how was your work day or day at school, whether he or she was tired for the whole day, whether something is disturbing - all this makes it possible to feel caring from a loved one, which is important in a relationship.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a lot of our time is work (study). At work, things happen every day. In the workplace, conflicts and all kinds of situations often arise. Also, when talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game, taking turns revealing one secret. It's fun and exciting.

6. Films, entertainment programs, shows. Every year there are more and more films. If we are not at the TV screens, as it was before, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing a new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

7. Food, cooking. Who doesn't like a tasty meal? Especially interesting when it comes to cooking together. Even if your loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn to cook together. You can learn about favorite and unloved dishes together, exchange cooking experience.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion unfeasible, your beloved or loved one will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan your vacation together for a couple of days, a week, or a month. Rest together will be the highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have an everyday hobby? Share your hobbies, chances are your significant other may have several hobbies that you enjoy.

11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learning more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask your loved one or loved one about moments in life that they can be proud of. These can be personal achievements (at work, school, in any kind of sport, etc.), which will be pleasant to remember and talk about.

13. Offer for help. If you can help in any case, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

14. Plans for the future. Does your future plans tell you how you see yourself in a few years? Shared goals always make relationships stronger and enable them to work together to achieve them.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you strive together to look better for each other, the relationship grows stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personality traits or get rid of bad habits, talk about a previous quarrel, reconsider your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Every step you take to improve will be appreciated by your significant other.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you did not introduce your beloved or loved one to your parents, or he will probably be interested to know about your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are bed problems, don't debug them. At some point, they will return anyway, so it's better to solve them right away. If a loved one or loved one does not fully enjoy it, you should sit down and talk as you can solve it together.

18. Conversations about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive areas, erogenous zones, positions you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies, and everything that turns you on in bed.

19. Health. Caring for and asking about the health of a loved one or loved one is just as important as caring about everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, doing things at work, daily personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. It's best not to talk about your ex.

22. The future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intelligent conversations that can help you get your significant other's opinion about life and the activities that are important to them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it can be conversations about the little things of life, which can drag on for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time, preferences change, and the more you know about your current preferences, the more you know about your beloved or loved one.

25. Memories. This is always a pleasant topic in order to remember the first hugs, the first kiss, the first words "I love you", the places where you have been together, funny stories that happened to you.

Even the most sociable girls sometimes feel awkward in moments of silence while communicating with the opposite sex. Such situations often arise when communication has just begun, and points of contact have not yet been found. At this moment, it is extremely important for a girl to know what to talk about with a guy, because their further communication depends on it. It is especially necessary to carefully choose topics for conversation with the young man you like, with whom you want to get to know better.

Secrets of communicating with a guy

If the girls easily find a common language with each other, even when the views are completely different, then with the guys it is a little more difficult. It is important to pay attention not only to topics of conversation, but also to the manner of communication. Some girls with good all-round development can scare off a young man, and he will stop communicating with them, begin to avoid them, ignore them. How, then, do you communicate with the guys?

By phone

Most guys don't like talking on the phone for hours about anything. You shouldn't call every half hour to tell that you missed again, especially if you are just acquaintances so far. SMS messages are not an option either. Frequent cell phone ringing can annoy a guy and make him feel bored and has nothing to do. But you can wish your beloved guy good morning or sweet dreams, it will be his pleasure.

On rare occasions, young guys like to talk to their girlfriend for a long time on the phone. It's easy to recognize them - such people themselves will often call and write. For the rest, adhere to these rules for communicating by phone:

  • Provide specific information only.
  • Get the guy interested at the very beginning of the conversation. The topic of communication should be extremely interesting for a young person.
  • Present everything in clear language, avoid complex sentences and metaphors.

By correspondence in VK

Social networks greatly simplify communication; it is much easier to start a conversation on the Internet. It can start with a simple "Hello" message. Pages in VK, classmates, Facebook or other services will suggest the guy's interests and help you find a suitable topic for conversation. Sometimes even viewing the questionnaire tells about a young man so much that the desire to communicate with him disappears.

If you decide to start a correspondence, it is better to unobtrusively start a topic, relying on the interests of the guy, the themes of cinema and music will be a win-win, even if the tastes do not coincide at all. Discussing films (acting, interesting moments), there is an opportunity to get to know the person better, down to what kind of girls the guy likes. Communication in social networks is good because there is an opportunity to convey your emotions or make a conversation brighter and more interesting with the help of smiles, pictures, photographs, audio recordings.

By Skype

Skype communication presents more possibilities. The service allows you not to be limited to simple correspondence, but to talk, looking at the interlocutor. Such communication is more emotional, and you can see how the second participant in the conversation reacts to certain things during the conversation. The guy's reaction will tell you what topics to avoid and not touch on. Video communication in Skype is much better than by phone or by correspondence on Vkontakte, but nothing can replace a live conversation at a meeting.

Topics for chatting with a guy

The conversation should interest the guy. A young man will not talk for several hours about which varnish is better to choose for this outfit or about your girlfriend's new boyfriend. In communication, avoid gossip and obscure or uninteresting topics. It is especially difficult to pick a topic when you first meet. In such cases, it is better to give him the opportunity to tell about himself: about his studies, work, friends, interesting moments from life. Excessive conversations about her biography for a girl will be superfluous, a mystery should always remain in her, you should not talk about the details of her personal life.

There are a lot of topics that will be of interest to both a guy and a girl. You can also start a conversation about what you do not really understand. It is imperative to avoid controversy in such matters. Not only will this make a knowledgeable guy laugh, but it will make you look bad. When starting a conversation on unfamiliar topics, make an interested person, sometimes nod your head and ask questions. This will help you learn more about the young man and broaden your horizons.

If you don't know what to talk about with your boyfriend, it is best to discuss:

  1. Relationship. At the beginning of communication, find out what type of girls the guy prefers. If the couple is already together, even for a short time, the girl can start a conversation about what she expects from this relationship and what she will not tolerate. When talking about this topic, do not allow memories of former partners. In the conversation, you can raise the problems that the couple has, if any. Sooner or later they will have to be solved, so do not drag out such conversations and resolve the problems right away. It will be possible to talk with a guy about a relationship only when he is tuned in to this conversation.
  2. Cinema. There are a lot of interesting films nowadays, so it's easy to start talking about films or show programs. Such a conversation will surely captivate both participants, especially if the film is really exciting. It will be interesting to know what new has already come out and you can watch.
  3. Hobbies or sports. This is another topic that will be interesting for a young man. In this conversation, discuss what the guy likes to do in his free time, what he enjoys, which team he is rooting for. The girl does not have to be a fan of the sports club that the guy likes, but it will be useful to show respect for the interests of the interlocutor.
  4. Literature. Recently, not every guy is interested in talking about books, but still there are those who like to read. In a conversation, you can use phrases or quotes from famous works. But do not bother the guy with a topic that is not interesting to him. If a young man is not interested in literature, do not bore him with such stories.
  5. Museums or memorials. Every city has sights. It would be nice to talk about this with a guy on a walk, visit these places. The meeting will be interesting and exciting, and to make it memorable, you can take a few photos.
  6. Computers. Young people love to talk about all kinds of gadgets and technology, and they discuss not only software, but also the insides of a PC. Such conversations will help the girl find out why the computer sometimes freezes, where viruses come from and how they affect the performance of the "machine".
  7. Leisure and travel. Discussing plans and desires for the coming weekend will be not only an interesting, but also a useful topic for a couple. This conversation will help you plan your vacation time and avoid any conflicts or unpleasant situations. Tell us about what you want to visit and describe in detail what you expect from the joint holiday.
  8. Cars. This topic is interesting to almost all guys, but unknown to most girls. If a woman shows even a little interest in cars and starts asking pertinent questions, the young man will be happy to keep up the conversation and tell everything he knows. The guy will appreciate such a girl and feel that she is interested in his hobbies. In such conversations, trust in each other develops.
  9. Work or study. Here the young man spends most of his time. Various interesting situations occur at moments of activity. Ask your guy how his day went. Thanks to such conversations, the young man will share what worries him and will feel taken care of by you.

What else guys like to talk about

The conversation with the guy is not limited to these topics. Different conversations contribute to getting to know the guy's interests, preferences, plans for the future (self-development, getting additional education). Also, during a conversation, there is an opportunity to touch on the topic of a partner's shortcomings, to express your opinion, just do not be too critical. Better present it in a humorous manner, with a smile on your face. You can ask the young man for advice on a matter that is important to you.

Topics to avoid when talking on a date

In order for the date to go well, and only pleasant impressions remain, do not touch on the following topics when communicating:

  • past relationships;
  • details of intimate life;
  • own failures, complaints;
  • discussion of the details of the personal life of girlfriends, friends (gossip);
  • politics;
  • religion;
  • health problems.

How to behave when talking

During a conversation with a guy, do not behave arrogantly and intrusively - young people do not really like such girls. The interlocutor should arouse interest, not a desire to end the conversation faster. The girl needs to be affable, friendly, interested in conversation. Speak in a language the guy understands - avoid hints, especially ambiguous ones. The young man must understand you correctly. Only mutual interest in the conversation will make communication pleasant. If the topic is unpleasant for the guy, close it and don't touch on it again.

Some couples talk for hours in bed. Others prefer more traditional places for conversation. It is then that many are faced with a problem that was formulated a long time ago and not by us: a man and a woman, they say, speak different languages. How to learn the dialect of a loved one?

Of course , each of us would like to receive a record "sociable and sociable" in a love resume. We all know that one of the secrets of a good and healthy relationship is the ability to talk to your man. And in order to learn to talk, you need to have something to talk about. It's simple. We intensively acquire shocking acquaintances and fashionable hobbies, read The Iliad and Mircea Eliade, memorize the names of Yulia Timoshenko's bloc members, go to actual or, in extreme cases, conceptual productions in theaters, spend our stunted, cherished vacation week on a trip to the islands - so that the stock of topics for discussion would rapidly approach the Russian reserves of oil and gas (may Yulia Tymoshenko forgive me).

We Well done, of course. But, having voiced our opinion about the performance of Chursin staged by Serebrennikov and the names of Shkil, Polokhalo, Vydrin and Seminoga from the Yu. T. block, "we, like birds, sit on different branches and fall asleep in the metro." Or in a car. Or during a concept production. Or even in bed, where some couples talk for hours. Because the most important thing is, it turns out, communication in the most simple situations - in the car, at a party, after a quarrel. Psychologists advise, first of all, to watch yourself in these moments. We follow!

And do not say!

Even if a pause in the conversation did not form, but rather hung, remember that "sometimes it is better to chew than talk."

Don't say platitudes

If the two of you are looking at the sunset or the northern lights, it is not at all necessary to repeat every three minutes: "What a beauty, priests!"

Give him
to think

He didn't answer after 5 seconds? Perhaps he did not hear or is considering your words. Repeat. Then relax and allow him to apply his natural convolutions.

Give him
to tell

When he finally begins to expound,
do not interrupt him with enthusiastic “Yes, yes! And I think so since childhood! " Will not finish! And he will do the right thing.

In car
His style:
"Song without Words".
Men, if they are not Ukrainian taxi drivers (this Tymoshenko was given to me!), Not maniacs and not truckers, love to ride in silence, relax, survey the surroundings and, most importantly, keep silent.

Your style:
"Let's talk to you."
It doesn't matter what. At least tell poetry. The main thing is not to be silent.

Compromise: Try to play by his rules sometimes. Remember how many times you read that a man cannot do several things at the same time and how many times the police of different countries even forbade them to use their mobile phones in the car! He wants to sit next to him, listen to pleasant music and enjoy the road and your company. Is it bad? Learning to enjoy the same things as him, this will be another step towards mutual understanding. Therefore, if next time there is a pause in your "nine", try to change your own train of thought. Instead of "He's bored with me" think: "It's easy for us together!" A close person, as you know, is the one with whom it is convenient to be silent.

On the other hand, if the topic you want to discuss is serious and really important to you, don't keep it quiet. On the contrary, now you have a chance to be heard: experience shows that it is easier for men to talk to a woman without looking her straight in the eyes, and on the road it will be quite justified. Be brief. Say: "I wanted to talk to you about ... What do you think about this?" True, it is better to report, for example, about your pregnancy away from the Moscow-Simferopol highway.

After a quarrel
His style:
Let's make love.
And let's forget everything! That is, not everything, but the cause and effect of the quarrel.
Your style:
"Let's talk to you."
That is, you are no longer offended. But ... in general, everyone knows the anecdote about how the forks were found and what was left. Therefore, when he pretends that nothing happened and squints his eye towards the pillow, you get angry and find a reason for a new quarrel with the main argument - "You are not taking me seriously!"

Compromise: No, he's serious about you (almost certainly). But think for yourself what will happen if your Adonis-Sabonis throws his two-meter body at your feet, screams in the spirit of King Oedipus: "Woe to me, woe" and sprinkles ashes on the head of the hastily burned magazine "Behind the wheel" ... Naturally, it is much easier for him make up with you and confess my love to you. For which he uses the "two in one" tool - sex.

Most women need physical intimacy only in conjunction with emotional intimacy. Therefore, you are ready to go to bed only after you sit side by side on this bed and really make up. Do not hesitate to tell him about this, and as gently as possible: “Kid, I am no longer offended, just for some reason I don’t feel very well. Give me a hug".

Compromise: The fact is that you are already ready to sit at the wheel, while your beloved still exists in the “autopilot” mode. He is able to concentrate only on the earthly and necessary (if he is an owl, the matter is aggravated by attempts to fall asleep without bringing the razor from cheek to chin).

Try to replace his usual rituals with others that will allow him not to spray, and you - to receive a portion of the necessary communication. For example, in the morning invite him for a frappe ... on the balcony (I hope you won't put this article off until February?). In the fresh air, it's somehow easier to twitter about anything or share plans. There, on the balcony, you can take out a small TV, watch the morning news and discuss the state of affairs ... yes, in the same Ukraine!

And most importantly - do not forget both, that the portfolio must be collected in the evening, otherwise all the magic balcony rituals will be replaced every morning by squabbles in the style of “Why is your photo in my passport again ?!”.

In the restaurant
His style:
"When will the game be brought?"
If this is not your first date and not a “special date” (718th anniversary of the first hand stroke), your boyfriend probably came to a restaurant to ... eat!
Your style:
"Let's talk to you."
You want a repeat of your first date, so all dates are special for you. How nice it would be to hear from him a hundred or two gentle words ... However, he says with enthusiasm: "I love ... pasta!"

Compromise: It is much easier for people of the opposite sex to maintain meaningful conversations based on some thematic platform than small talk about what slush is now in Yuzhny Berendeevo (we exclude the presence of an English peer at the table). In order not to leave him alone with pasta for dinner, go to an exhibition or to a movie before a restaurant. You will immediately have a common theme, and in between times he will surely pronounce the words you need.

On the party
His style:
"Let's talk to you."
"With you" - this is with all his friends, their girlfriends and other suspicious personalities with whom you (and he!) Are barely familiar. And why did you just come to this event ?!
Your style:
"Let's talk to you!"
Literally. You want him to be as caring and loving in front of others as you are used to seeing him at home. So that he speaks WITH YOU. And from time to time he kissed, of course.

Compromise: Probably, he just hasn't seen his friends for a long time, because he devoted all his time to you. Now he wants to communicate with them, to feel like a part of the pack. Men are active in society, because in this way they secure for themselves some not the last place in the hierarchy. So just enjoy the party, meet people and periodically ask your loved one to pour you a Coke or tell you what kind of bodybuilder is at the door. He will definitely respond to one of these requests. And after the party, you will discuss how it went, how good you were, and how everyone he knew liked you. And if you suddenly decide to take offense at him for inattention and say all this in the car or at dinner ... well, you already know how to talk to him in all these situations!

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Don't know what topics to talk about while talking with a girl or boyfriend? These 25 topics of conversation will help you get a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt for yourself that in the process of communication you do not know what to talk about next, whether it be talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone, almost every third person is faced with this. Everything is learned in the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop in yourself the ability to find topics for conversation.

Finding topics to communicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You've known each other for a certain amount of time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about a relationship that began quite recently, then there may be a communication barrier, just because you still do not know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend. At this point, the best option is to reveal as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you can recall interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. Chances are, your significant other also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. This will be a good start for the first time.

If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already used to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that lasts a long time can be normal.

No matter how long you have been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your significant other, and just become closer.

25 topics for communication

You can use all these themes on a daily basis.

1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure and leisure activities, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will look forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in subject matter to afisha.ua (for Ukraine) and afisha.ru (for Russia) will help you keep track of the events taking place in your city.

2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities that you love are an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. To be interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how was your work day or day at school, whether he or she was tired for the whole day, whether something is disturbing - all this makes it possible to feel caring from a loved one, which is important in a relationship.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a lot of our time is work (study). At work, things happen every day. In the workplace, conflicts and all kinds of situations often arise. Also, when talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game, taking turns revealing one secret. It's fun and exciting.

6. Films, entertainment programs, shows. Every year there are more and more films. If we are not at the TV screens, as it was before, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing a new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

7. Food, cooking. Who doesn't like a tasty meal? Especially interesting when it comes to cooking together. Even if your loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn to cook together. You can learn about favorite and unloved dishes together, exchange cooking experience.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion unfeasible, your beloved or loved one will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan your vacation together for a couple of days, a week, or a month. Rest together will be the highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have an everyday hobby? Share your hobbies, chances are your significant other may have several hobbies that you enjoy.

11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learning more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask your loved one or loved one about moments in life that they can be proud of. These can be personal achievements (at work, school, in any kind of sport, etc.), which will be pleasant to remember and talk about.

13. Offer for help. If you can help in any case, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

14. Plans for the future. Does your future plans tell you how you see yourself in a few years? Shared goals always make relationships stronger and enable them to work together to achieve them.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you strive together to look better for each other, the relationship grows stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personality traits or get rid of bad habits, talk about a previous quarrel, reconsider your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Every step you take to improve will be appreciated by your significant other.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you did not introduce your beloved or loved one to your parents, or he will probably be interested to know about your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are bed problems, don't debug them. At some point, they will return anyway, so it's better to solve them right away. If a loved one or loved one does not fully enjoy it, you should sit down and talk as you can solve it together.

18. Conversations about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive areas, erogenous zones, positions you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies, and everything that turns you on in bed.

19. Health. Caring for and asking about the health of a loved one or loved one is just as important as caring about everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, doing things at work, daily personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. It's best not to talk about your ex.

22. The future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intelligent conversations that can help you get your significant other's opinion about life and the activities that are important to them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it can be conversations about the little things of life, which can drag on for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time, preferences change, and the more you know about your current preferences, the more you know about your beloved or loved one.

25. Memories. This is always a pleasant topic in order to remember the first hugs, the first kiss, the first words "I love you", the places where you have been together, funny stories that happened to you.