Educational portal. Development of creative imagination in preschool children

Imagination is a significant factor in the creative development of a child. The development of creative imagination in older preschool children is also important because the next stage of learning is school, in which creative skills will come in handy. But this does not mean that the child's imagination needs to be developed only immediately before school.

The development of imagination in younger schoolchildren is also important, since the child's ability to assimilate material and approach problem solving in an unconventional, original way depends on it. The preschooler's imagination is developed through games, exercises and activities.

The peculiarities of the formation of imagination in childhood are that it does not develop by itself. To activate the brain activity of preschool children, special techniques are needed. In addition, the development of imagination in older preschool children depends on the child's lifestyle, hobbies, skills, and parenting approach.

Creative skills in childhood create fantasies, new images in the mind of a person, which differ from those already familiar, developed by society. Thanks to the development of this factor, a person becomes a person capable of showing individuality.

And the development of imagination in preschoolers is similar to working on figurative thinking. The difference is that the specifics of these processes are different. You cannot predict what a developed imagination entails. The result is unpredictable, but it cannot be called negative.

B The methods that are used in the preschool educational institution are carried out by experienced teachers who are friendly towards children, have extensive work experience and know how to motivate children so that exercises, techniques and games give tangible results.

In Fantasy - the best way to develop the imagination. Allow your baby to fantasize while playing, walking, communicating or cleaning, fantasize with him. Encourage the preschooler for new fantasies, but consider individual differences. If he comes up with things that you don't like, that doesn't mean that his imagination isn't developing.

Use the following techniques to boost your creativity:

  • When drawing, creative development is activated, the kid comes up with fantasies and embodies them on paper;
  • Crafts made from paper, plasticine, polyethylene or natural materials also include fantasies in children;
  • Games with fairy tales will give results if you get the children interested so that they fantasize, continuing the beginning of the fairy tale that you will tell;
  • Choose exercises in a preschool educational institution that are interesting for children. One of the options for the game: invite the children to associate themselves with the animal. Let them explain why they were interested in this animal;
  • Develop children's fantasies with the help of this game: invite the kids to draw a nonexistent animal or plant. Let them come up with a name for him, tell about him;
  • No method of developing children's imagination is complete without pictures. From time to time, ask the children to compose stories from pictures, using only their imaginations.

Play games and tricks at the preschool educational institution regularly. At each lesson, get the children interested, come up with new games, learn special techniques that take into account the characteristics of an early age.

Diagnostics of the imagination in children of primary school age

In the period of primary school age, the games fade into the background for children. The first is learning, cognitive processes. At this age, children undergo intensive development of brain activity, which is responsible for the peculiarities of the imagination.

To determine the level of development of the imagination, use the knowledge of experienced teachers. In elementary school, teachers carry out diagnostics of creative abilities. Don't close your eyes to this. If your baby has a low level of development, you have time to fix it. Games for younger students are different from exercises for preschoolers. To develop children's imaginations in elementary school, use the following methods:

  • Encourage the children to come up with stories. Do not use any pictures in this case, give the guys complete freedom to choose characters, places of events and plot development;
  • Do not limit children to themes when drawing. Let them come up with themes for the drawing and a storyline on their own;
  • No developmental method is complete without reading books. Moreover, this process cannot be replaced by watching TV. Even a cognitive transmission establishes a monotonous view of the broadcast topic. The book makes you think out some things on your own;
  • Ask the children to express their opinions on various issues, describe their emotions after another day at school or after watching their favorite cartoon;
  • Games using associations do not directly develop the imagination, but they perfectly activate the creative processes of the brain.

So that there is no doubt about the need for the development of imagination, we will consider the types and functions of this factor in the life of a child.

Types and functions

The peculiarities of the baby's imagination are that initially it has two functions:

  • Cognitive. This is recreating your own reality, complementing the picture for integrity, painting the world with bright colors and getting unforgettable impressions.
  • Affective. It is self-protection. The kid creates imaginary situations in which he learns to put himself in a team, defend his opinion and work on himself.

Together, these functions make a person a person, teach that living in a society, one should not forget about one's own characteristics. The functions and types of imagination are closely related. If functions ensure the harmonious existence of a person in society, then species arise in connection with the peculiarities of the development of children.

Types of imagination:

  • Involuntary. It is often found in babies' dreams. Involuntary imagination arises on its own and is not controlled by children. This look needs to be honed so that the baby can consciously control the images that arise in his subconscious.
  • Arbitrary. It turns on when a clear task is set for the child. It is also developed by playing games and performing game exercises.

The types and functions of imagination answer the question of why it should be developed and why specialists are developing methods to enable creative abilities. But adults play a critical role in the development of children's creativity, so study literature that will answer your questions and help you work with children.

Dyachenko on the imagination of a child

O. M. Dyachenko is the author of the book "Development of the preschooler's imagination". Dyachenko dedicated her to the problematic sides of working on children's imagination. In the book, Dyachenko described the features of the creative development of children, which are associated with age, and highlighted in detail the dynamics of human development. Dyachenko also described games and exercises for working with preschoolers, which, with regular use, will help eliminate problems with creative development.

Dyachenko has developed a technique that activates the creative abilities of kids. She liked both parents and teachers in preschool institutions.

Development of imagination in mentally retarded children with CRD

For mentally retarded children, insufficient development of imagination and creativity in general is characteristic. This is due to the fact that the need for development and acquisition of new knowledge is much less pronounced in children with PDD than in their peers. Therefore, mentally retarded children form distorted, and sometimes not at all correct, ideas about the world around them.

Children with mental retardation need to pay more attention in the classroom than their peers in order to generate an interest in learning in children. Mentally retarded children are characterized by:

  • Violation of the correct construction of the image;
  • Lost in situations where you need to quickly create a model of behavior;
  • The creation of images is unconscious, at the level of intuition.

Pay special attention to children with mental retardation. To develop the imagination of mentally retarded children, use the following techniques:

  • Compose fairy tales and short stories together, discuss with your child how he would act in a given situation;
  • Come up with a non-existent car, animal, plant. Draw these objects, embodying your fantasies on paper;
  • Ask the preschooler to portray animals or cars;
  • Ask your kid to complete the drawing that you started earlier;
  • Ask your kid to add whole pictures from geometric shapes.

When teaching mentally retarded children, you should not rely on group lessons. A toddler with CRD should receive much more attention than healthy children, so work with each of them individually, giving the child all the attention.

Thus, developing imagination during childhood is an important process that many people underestimate. It is necessary for the further successful socialization of a person and the achievement of the intended goals.

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………….


1.1. The concept of imagination ………………………………………………

1.2. Types of imagination and ways of creating creative images ... ... ...

1.3. The mechanism of creative imagination ……………………………… ...

1.4. Features of imagination in children ………………………………… ..

1.5. Influence of children's visual activity on the development of their imagination ……………………………………………………………


2.1. The ascertaining experiment ……………………………… ...........

2.2. Formative experiments ……………………………………… ..

2.3. Control experiment ………………………………………… ...


REFERENCE LIST ……………………………………………………………………….


The relevance of research. Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need to form a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and non-standardly solve new life problems. In this regard, preschool institutions face the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation, which in turn requires improving the educational process, taking into account the psychological laws of the entire system of cognitive processes.

The problem of developing the creative imagination of children is relevant because this mental process is an integral component of any form of creative activity of a child, his behavior in general. In recent years, in the pages of psychological and pedagogical literature, the question of the role of imagination in the mental development of a child, of determining the essence of the mechanisms of imagination, has been increasingly raised.

As shown by the research of L.S. Vygodsky, V.V. Davydova, E.I. Ignatieva, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin, V.A. Krutetsky and others, imagination is not only a prerequisite for the effective assimilation of new knowledge by children, but is also a condition for the creative transformation of children's knowledge, contributes to the self-development of the individual, that is, it largely determines the effectiveness of educational activities in preschool educational institutions.

The creative imagination of children represents a huge potential for the implementation of the reserves of an integrated approach in teaching and upbringing. The visual activity of children presents great opportunities for the development of creative imagination.

Scientific problem. Imagination and fantasy are the most important aspects of a child's life. It is impossible to master any program without imagination. It is the highest and most essential human ability. At the same time, it is this ability that needs special care in terms of development. And the imagination develops especially intensively at the age of 5 to 15 years. And if during this period the imagination is not specially developed, then subsequently a rapid decrease in the activity of this function occurs. Together with a decrease in the ability to fantasize in children, the personality becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, and interest in art and creative activity dies out. In order to develop the creative imagination of children, a special organization of visual activity is needed.

Object of study. The object of the research is the children of the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions.

Subject of study. Organization of work on the development of creative imagination in children of the preparatory group in the process of activity.

Research hypothesis. The development of creative imagination occurs in the process of activity. The optimal means for its development in six-year-old children in the classroom of visual activity is artistic and didactic play.

Purpose of the study. To study the features and possibilities of the development and activation of the creative imagination of children of the preparatory group in the process of doing visual activities.

Research objectives:

- to reveal the peculiarities of the imagination of preschool children and its connection with interests and emotions;

- to determine the features of children's activity and its significance for the development of creative imagination;

- to develop a comprehensive methodology for the diagnosis and development of the creative imagination of preschool children;

- to determine the possible ways of development of the creative imagination of children in the process of activity;

- to conduct an experimental test of the worked out forms, methods and means for the development of the creative imagination of preschool children;

Research base. Research is carried out on the basis of a general developmental educational institution. The number of subjects is 15 people. Children of the preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years old). Conditions: in a normal setting, in the daytime.

Work structure. The coursework consists of an introduction, two main chapters and a conclusion. Contains three figures and seven tables. The bibliographic list includes twenty titles. The work is laid out in thirty-two pages.


1.1. The concept of imagination

Any activity of a person, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions and actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions; will belong to creative activity. The brain is not only an organ that preserves and reproduces our previous experience, it is also an organ that combines, creatively processes and creates new positions and new behavior from the elements of this previous experience. If human activity were limited to one reproduction of the old, then a person would be a creature turned only to the past, and would be able to adapt to the future only insofar as he reproduces this past. It is the creative activity of a person that makes him a being, facing the future, creating it and modifying his present.

This creative activity, based on the combining ability of our brain, psychology calls imagination. Usually, imagination means everything that is not real, that does not correspond to reality. In fact, imagination as the basis of all creative activity is equally manifested in all resolutely aspects of cultural life, making artistic, scientific and technical creativity possible.

"Any invention," says Ribot, "large or small, before becoming stronger, actually being realized, was united only by imagination - a building erected in the mind through new combinations or ratios."

Imagination is not reality, but it cannot be without reality, because it is the elements of reality that are his nourishing medium. On the other hand, it is the imagination that sometimes determines the program of a person's actions, the course of his thoughts, his attitude to the surrounding reality, to his own work, to various forms of his activity.

Imagination generates design, i.e. idea of ​​the future creation. And when a person starts any work, he “sees” the purpose of his activity, its result. Even the worst architect differs from the best bee from the very beginning in that before building a cell from wax, he has already built it in his head. At the end of the labor process, a result is obtained that already at the beginning of this process was present in the human mind, that is, ideal. If a person is engaged in creative work, then he must imagine what no one, including himself, has done yet and, therefore, has not seen or heard. Imagination generates an "image" of what will only be created in the process of creative work.

There are many different definitions of imagination in the literature. So L.S. Vygodsky notes that “Imagination does not repeat in the same combinations and in the same forms individual impressions that were accumulated before, but builds some new series from the previously accumulated impressions. In other words, bringing something new into the very course of our impressions and changing these impressions so that as a result of this activity a new, previously non-existent image arises, constitutes, as you know, the very basis of the activity that we call imagination. "

“Imagination,” writes S.L. Rubinstein, - is associated with our ability, and the need to create new things. " And further “Imagination is a departure from past experience, its transformation. Imagination is a transformation of the given, carried out in a figurative form. "

“The main feature of the imagination process,” writes E.I. Ignatiev, - in a particular practical activity, it consists in transforming and processing perception data and other material from past experience, as a result of which new impressions are obtained. "

The "Philosophical Encyclopedia" defines imagination as a mental activity that consists in creating representations and mental situations that, in general, have never been directly perceived by a person in reality.

Many researchers note that imagination is the process of creating new images in a visual sense. This tendency refers the imagination to the forms of sensory material. The nature of imagination is synthesis, the unity of the logical and the sensual.

Imagination is a mental process in which reality is reflected in a specific form - objectively or subjectively new (in the form of images, representations, ideas), created on the basis of images of perception, memory, as well as knowledge acquired in the process of verbal communication. When it comes to the objectively new, it means that this product of the imagination is generally created for the first time in society. When it comes to the subjectively new, it means that the created product has novelty only for the creator himself, while in society it is already known.

Imagination is an analytical-synthetic activity that is carried out under the guiding influence of a consciously set goal or feelings, experiences that possess a person at the moment. Most often, imagination arises in a problem situation, i.e. in those cases when it is necessary to find a new solution, i.e. an anticipatory practical action of reflection is required, which occurs in a concrete-shaped form, as a result of operating with images.

1.2. Types of imagination and ways of creating creative images

There are several classifications of types of imagination, each of which is based on some of the essential signs of imagination.

On the basis of activity, a distinction is made between passive, contemplative imagination with its involuntary forms (dreams, dreams) and active, practically active imagination. With active imagination, images are always formed consciously with the condition of the set goal.

Depending on the independence and originality of the images of the imagination, it can be recreational and creative.

Recreational imagination is a representation of something new for a given person, based on a verbal description or a conventional image of this new (drawing, diagram, musical notation, etc.). This type of imagination is widely used in various types of human activities, including learning. The leading role in it is played by images of memory. Recreational imagination plays an important role in the process of communication and the assimilation of social experience.

Creative imagination is the creation of new images without relying on a ready-made description or conventional image. Creative imagination is about creating new images on your own. Almost all human culture is the result of the creative imagination of people. In the creative combination of images, the leading role of memory disappears, but emotionally colored thinking takes its place.

Images of creative imagination are created through various techniques, methods. The transformation of material in the imagination obeys certain laws that express its peculiarity. The imagination is characterized by certain processes that include elements of visualization. So, the operation of generalization when creating an image of the imagination is the operation of typification.

Typification as a specific generalization consists in creating a complex, holistic image that is synthetic in nature. For example, there are professional images of a worker, doctor, etc.

A method of imagination is also a combination, which is the selection and combination of certain features of objects or phenomena. Combination is not a simple mechanical combination of initial elements, but their combination according to a specific logical scheme. The basis for the combination is human experience.

The next essential way to create creative images is to accentuate, emphasize certain features, signs, sides, properties, exaggerate or understate them. A classic example is caricature, caricature.

The method of reconstruction also has a certain value in the activity of the imagination, when the integral structure of the image is “conceived” of a part, a sign, a property.

There is a way - aplutination, i.e. "Gluing" of various parts that are not connected in everyday life. An example is the classic character of fairy tales man - beast or man - bird.

Hyperbolization is a paradoxical increase or decrease of an object or its individual parts. (Example: a boy with a thumb).

The mechanism of the functioning of the imagination is also the method of assimilation, which in the form of allegories and symbols plays a significant role in aesthetic creativity. In scientific knowledge, the method of assimilation is also important: it allows one to construct schemes, to represent certain procedures (modeling, schematization, etc.).

The method of dismemberment is that the new is obtained as a result of the separation of parts of objects.

Reception of substitution is the replacement of some elements with others.

There is also an analogy. Its essence lies in the creation of a new one by analogy (similarity) to the known.

Determining the peculiarity of the imagination associated with the named methods of reality, it should be emphasized that all of them, one way or another, proceed not only in abstraction, but also in the form of sensuality. These processes are based on mental operations, but sensuality is the form of all transformations here.

The ultimate source of the operations of the imagination is the subject-practical activity, which serves as the foundation for the transformation and design of the content of the images of the imagination. Therefore, the basis for imagination is sensory images, but their transformation is carried out in a logical form. (1)

1.3. The mechanism of creative imagination

The base of imagination is always perceptions, which provide the material from which new things will be built. Then comes the process of processing this material - combining and recombining. The constituent parts of this process are dissociation (analysis) and associations (synthesis) of the perceived.

The activity of the creative imagination does not end there. A full circle will be completed when the imagination is embodied, or crystallizes in external images. Being embodied outside, having taken a material embodiment, this "crystallized" imagination, having become a thing, begins to really exist in the world and affect other things. This imagination becomes reality.

Thus, the products of the imagination have described a circle in their development. The elements from which they are built were taken from reality by man. Inside a person, in his thinking, they have undergone complex processing and turned into products of the imagination.

Finally incarnated, they returned to reality again, but returned with a new active force that changes this reality. This is the full circle of creative activity of the imagination. (2)

1.4. Features of imagination in children

Creative imagination depends on many factors: age, mental development and developmental characteristics (the presence of any impairment of psychophysical development), individual personality traits (stability, awareness and orientation of motives; evaluative structures of the "I" image; characteristics of communication; degree of self-realization and self-assessment. activity; character traits and temperament), and, which is very important, from the elaboration of the process of teaching and upbringing.

The child's experience develops and grows gradually; it is distinguished by a deep originality in comparison with the adult's experience. The attitude to the environment, which by its complexity or simplicity, by its traditions and influences, stimulates and directs the process of creativity, is again completely different for the child. The interests of a child and an adult are different, and therefore it is understandable that the child's imagination works differently than that of an adult.

As noted above, a child's imagination is poorer than that of an adult. At the same time, there is still an opinion that a child's imagination is richer than that of an adult. Children can do anything out of everything, said Goethe. A child lives in a fantasy world more than in a real one. But we know that the interests of the child are simpler, more elementary, poorer, and finally, his relationship with the environment also does not have the complexity, subtlety and diversity that mark the behavior of an adult, but these are all the most important factors that determine the work of the imagination. As the child develops, imagination also develops. That is why the products of real creative imagination in all areas of creative activity belong only to already matured fantasy.

French psychologist T. Ribot presented the basic law of the development of imagination in three stages:

childhood and adolescence - the domination of fantasy, games, fairy tales, fiction;

youth - a combination of fiction and activity, "a sober calculating mind";

maturity - the subordination of the imagination to the intellect.

A child's imagination begins to develop quite early, it is weaker than that of an adult, but it takes up more place in his life.

What are the stages in the development of imagination in preschool children?

Up to three years of age in children, imagination exists within other mental processes, in which its foundation is laid. At the age of three, the formation of verbal forms of imagination takes place. Here imagination becomes an independent process.

At 4 - 5 years old, the child begins to plan, draw up in his mind a plan for future actions.

At 6-7 years of age, the imagination is active. The recreated images appear in various situations, characterized by content and specificity. Elements of creativity appear.

Psychologists believe that the development of imagination requires the presence of certain conditions: emotional communication with adults; subject-manipulative activity; the need for different types of activities.

1.5. The influence of visual activity in the development of the creative imagination of preschool children

For almost a century, children's drawing has attracted the interest of numerous researchers. Representatives of various sciences approach the study of children's drawing from different angles. Art critics strive to look into the origins of creativity. Psychologists, through children's drawing, are looking for an opportunity to penetrate into the peculiar inner world of the child. Educators are looking for optimal learning paths that contribute to the all-round development of children.

So what is this "visual activity", or, in other words, drawing? First of all, it is one of the first and most accessible means of self-expression for a child. Children draw what they think about, what attracts their attention, put their attitude towards it into the depicted, live in the drawing. Drawing is not only fun, but also creative work.

At the same time, visual, motor, muscular-tactile analyzers are included in the work. In the visual activity, the originality of many aspects of the child's psyche is manifested. Drawing helps us get to know the child better, makes it possible to obtain material that reveals the features of thinking, imagination, emotional-volitional sphere. Not to mention the benefits of drawing lessons, developing memory and attention, speech and fine motor skills, taming the child to think and analyze, measure and compare, compose and imagine.

Imitating the actions of adults, the child already in early childhood begins to manipulate pencils and paper, creating scribbles. Gradually, the child leaves from thoughtless scratching on paper. He begins to understand the function of pencils, his movements become more precise and varied. This is the period of pre-visual activity. A drawing appears when a child associates some of his scribble with objects and deliberately creates imaginary objects. The verbal formulation of intention is the beginning of visual activity. In the beginning, the desire to depict with the memory of a familiar graphic image. Most often these are circular curves in which the child "sees" an uncle, aunt, etc. Gradually, such an image no longer satisfies him, and he begins to look for new graphic images. "Cephalopods" appear. A significant leap in the development of both the child himself and the drawing occurs in preschool age. Under the influence of adults, images of houses, trees, flowers, cars appear. The child overcomes patterns and begins to draw what is interesting to him. Everything that only he is able to imagine, imagine in his fantasy, the child tries to draw. Many have an interest in the fantasy world, they draw wizards, princesses, fairies, sorcerers, etc. Children also draw what happens in the real life of adults. Drawing, like playing, helps a child master his social environment, the world in which he lives.

All the necessary qualities of the imagination (breadth, arbitrariness, stability, brightness, originality) do not arise spontaneously, but under the condition of systematic influence from adults. Influence should enrich and clarify the child's perception and ideas about the world around him, and not be reduced to "imposing" ready-made topics on him. The child needs to be helped to get acquainted with reality in order to depict it, to develop the ability to operate with images in order to create new ones on their basis. It is important to develop cognitive interests in children. If this work is not carried out with him, then the imagination will lag significantly behind in development. As a result, by the beginning of schooling, the child may not be ready to master the educational material that requires a sufficiently formed level of imagination. By this age, such mental formations as arbitrariness, an internal plan of action, and reflection should already appear. Thanks to these new formations, a qualitatively new type of imagination appears - voluntary imagination. Purposefulness, stability of ideas increases, images of imagination are visual, dynamic and emotionally colored. There is a creative processing of representations.

So, developing imagination from early childhood, we not only improve cognitive processes and the ability to create, but also shape the personality of the child.

One of the tasks of the experimental part of the work was to study the influence of visual activity on the development of imagination. The experiment involved 15 children of the preparatory group, aged 6 to 7 years.

The ascertaining experiments were aimed at revealing the level of development of the imagination of the subjects. For this purpose, the technique of E. Torrens "Incomplete figures" was used. The test is designed to diagnose the creative (creative) abilities of children.

This technique, being, in fact, a "miniature model of the creative act" (E. Torrens) allows you to fully study the features of the creative imagination and trace the specifics of this process. This technique activates the activity of the imagination, revealing one of its main properties - seeing the whole before the parts. The child perceives the proposed test - the figures as parts, details of any wholes and completes, reconstructs them.


2.1. Ascertaining experiment

Creativity test.

Experimental material. A set of images of geometric shapes. (Shown in Fig. 1)

Rice. 1

Research order.

The children were given a task. Instruction: Geometric shapes are depicted on the sheet: a square, a triangle, a circle. Draw them in such a way that you get a meaningful image of an object. Moreover, drawing can be carried out both inside the contour of the figure and outside it at any convenient turn of the sheet and the image of the figure, which is convenient for the child. use each shape in different angles.

The quality of the drawings in terms of their artistry, respect for proportions, etc. it is not taken into account in the analysis, since, first of all, we are interested in the very concept of the composition, the variety of emerging associations, the principles of the embodiment of ideas.

Analysis of the results .

All children's works can be divided into 4 groups.

Group 1 - original images in all three cases.

Group 2 - original images in two cases.

Group 3 - original images in one case.

Group 4 - no original images.

The total number of original images for the whole group was also counted. When calculating the original images in a group, not only the individuality of the figurative solution was taken into account, but also the variability of the embodiment of the image by different children.

Table No. 1

F.I. of the child


Total number of original images: 7

Table No. 2.

List of objects depicted by children.

F.I. of the child





lifting Tap.



the car lay down.






TV on pedestals.


Output : The presented results showed that the work is mainly 3, 4 groups. Few original images have been produced. The most common images in images created by children:

Circle - sun, ball;

Square - TV, briefcase, house;

Triangle - tree, house, person.

The ascertaining experiment.

Rice. 2

2.2. Formative experiment

Exercise "Three colors".

This exercise develops imagination, imaginative thinking, artistic perception, imagination well.

They offered the child to take three paints, in his opinion, the most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them. What does the drawing look like? Come up with a title for your painting.

Table No. 3

F. and. baby

Names of paintings

Number of titles

Forest, hot day

Shelf, beach

Colored paper

Cake, different candies

Waterfall, summer day

Multicolored ribbons

Forest, hot day, beach

Ditches, cloudy day

Moon, night, rocket in the sky

Airplane in the sky

Park, leaf fall, autumn

Flower field

Tractor in the field

Forest, curtain, ravine, sunset

Multicolored crayons

1 person - 4 titles 7%

3 people - 3 titles each 20%

5 people - 2 titles each 33%

6 people - 1 title 40%

Modified Rorschach test.

Target : develops children's creative imagination; teaches to find the similarity of the image of obscure outlines with real objects, images.

Equipment : 10 cards with spots of various configurations.

The course of the lesson. Children should point out the similarity of the ink blot, with any object, image. As a result of the lesson, three types of answers in children are distinguished: some cannot find the similarity of an ink blot with any object, others indicate similarities with one object, and still others can establish similarities with several objects. It is necessary to teach children to highlight the whole, the part from the spot.

Table No. 4

I. F. child

Number of titles

Fountain, tower

2. Ilyusha L.

Bouquet, wood, ice cream

3. Christina M.

Flower, beetle

5. Seryozha L.

Butterfly, fireworks

Bird, fish

Ladybug, beetle

Hare, bear

9. Glory K.

Eagle owl, frog

10. Ilyusha F.

11. Danil M.

12. Alena S.

Rocket, dove

13. Dima P.

14. Vadik K.

15. Sasha Z.

Feather, chicken, ship, plane

Sasha Z. - 4 titles.

Ilyusha L. and Vlad G. - 3 names each.

Development levels.

2.3. Control experiment

Target : On the basis of the conducted formative experiment to reveal the level of development of the creative imagination of children with the help of tests among the subjects.

Creativity test.

The children were again asked to finish drawing geometric shapes.

Table 6

F. and. baby


2.L. Ilyusha

3. M. Christina

5.L. Seryozha

9.K. Slava

10. F. Ilyusha


12.S. Alena


14. K. Vadik

15.Z. Sasha

Table No. 7

F. and. baby


Vase with Flowers

Novog. a toy








Cage with a parrot.


Table with vase



Original images 24.

Output : Thus, the performed diagnostic task and its analysis found that after the various exercises carried out, higher indices were found, the original images 24.

Control experiment

Rice. 3


A necessary condition for the development of the creative imagination of children is the inclusion of the subject in active forms of activity and, first of all, subject-creative. Visual activity can be successfully used in the development of creative imagination in children.

Possible ways for its development in drawing lessons can be: the use of artistic and didactic games; drawing on themes; expressive means of painting. But the use of games in the classroom for visual activity plays an especially important role.

Based on the results of the experimental work, it can be seen that our hypothesis was confirmed. Children have increased their level of creative imagination. Children very willingly joined in play situations, their interest in drawing increased.

The interrelation of visual activity with play creates in children a motive of activity that is personally significant for each child, and this, in turn, ensures its effectiveness. And the result of the activity is higher, since the child does not just draw, but conveys images of play in images, which contributes to the development of creative imagination.


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16. Neisser W. Cognition and reality. - M. 1981. / Imagination and memory: 141 - 165 /.

17. Nikiforova O.N. Cognitive processes and learning abilities. - M. 1990. / Representation and imagination: 80 - 100 /.

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19. Rosett I.M. Psychology of fantasy. An experimental and theoretical study of the internal laws of mental activity. - Minsk, 1977. / concept of fantasy: 13 - 24. Theoretical concepts of fantasy: 25–78. Psychological mechanisms of fantasy: 169 - 228. Conditions of the process of fantasy: 229 - 270 /.

20. L. Yu. Subbotina Development of children's imagination. A popular guide for parents and teachers / Artist Kurov V. N. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1997. - 240 pp., Ill. - / Series: "Together we learn, we play" /.


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Discipline: Pedagogy
Kind of work: Coursework
Topic: Development of creative imagination in preschool children

Table of contents.

The concept of imagination.
Types of imagination and ways of creating creative images.
The mechanism of creative imagination.
Features of the imagination in children.
The influence of the visual activity of children on the development of their imagination.
Chapter 2. Experimental studies of the development of the creative imagination of preschool children.
The ascertaining experiment.
Formative experiments.
Control experiment.
Relevance of the topic.
Socio-economic transformations in society dictate the need for the formation of a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and non-standardly solve new
life problems. In this regard, preschool institutions face the important task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation, which in turn requires
improving the educational process, taking into account the psychological laws of the entire system of cognitive processes.
The problem of developing the creative imagination of children is relevant because this mental process is an integral component of any form of creative activity
the child, his behavior in general. In recent years, on the pages of psychological and pedagogical literature, the question of the role of imagination in the mental development of a child, about
determining the essence of the mechanisms of imagination.
As studies by L. S. Vygodsky, V. V. Davydov, E. I. Ignatyev, S. L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin, V. A. Krutetsky and others have shown, the imagination is not only
a prerequisite for the effective assimilation of new knowledge by children, but it is also a condition for the creative transformation of the knowledge that children have, contributes to the self-development of the individual, that is, in
to a large extent determines the effectiveness of teaching and educational activities in a preschool educational institution.
The creative imagination of children represents a huge potential for the implementation of the reserves of an integrated approach in teaching and upbringing. Great opportunities for development
creative imagination represents the pictorial activity of children.
Research problem.
Imagination and fantasy are the most important aspects of a child's life. It is impossible to master any program without imagination. It is the highest and most essential ability.
person. At the same time, it is this ability that needs special care in terms of development. And the imagination develops especially intensively at the age of 5 to 15 years. And if during this period
the imagination is not specially developed, then in the future there is a rapid decrease in the activity of this function. Together with a decrease in the ability to fantasize in children, the personality is impoverished,
the possibilities of creative thinking are reduced, interest in art and creative activity is dying out. In order to develop the creative imagination of children, special
organization of visual activities.
Object of study.
The object of the research is the children of the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions.
Subject of study.
Organization of work on the development of creative imagination in children of the preparatory group in the process of activity.
Purpose of work.
To study the features and possibilities of the development and activation of the creative imagination of children of the preparatory group in the process of doing visual activities.
Research hypothesis.
The development of creative imagination occurs in the process of activity. The optimal means for its development in six-year-old children in the classroom of visual activity is
artistic and didactic game.
Research objectives.
- to reveal the peculiarities of the imagination of preschool children and its connection with interests and emotions;
- to determine the features of children's activity and its significance for the development of creative imagination;
- to develop a comprehensive methodology for the diagnosis and development of the creative imagination of preschool children;
- to determine the possible ways of development of the creative imagination of children in the process of activity;
- to conduct an experimental test of the worked out forms, methods and means for the development of the creative imagination of preschool children;
- to develop recommendations for the development of the creative imagination of children.
Research base.
Research is carried out on the basis of Kindergarten No. 24, general developmental type. Phosphoritny village, Voskresensky district, Moscow region. Study duration 6
months. The number of subjects is 15 people. Children of the preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years old). Conditions: in a normal setting, in the daytime.
Chapter 1. Imagination and its features in preschool age.
1.1. The concept of imagination.
Any activity of a person, the result of which is not the reproduction of impressions and actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions; will
belong to creative activity. The brain is not only an organ that preserves and reproduces our previous experience, it is also an organ that combines, creatively processes and
creating new positions and new behaviors from the elements of this previous experience. If human activity was limited to one reproduction of the old, then the person would be
a creature turned only to the past, and would be able to adapt to the future only insofar as he reproduces this past. It is the creative activity of a person that makes
his being, facing the future, creating it and modifying its present.
This creative activity, based on the combining ability of our brain, psychology calls imagination. Usually, imagination means everything that is not
real, which is not true. In fact, imagination, as the basis of all creative activity, is equally manifested in all decisively aspects of cultural life,
making artistic, scientific and technical creativity possible.
“Every invention,” says Ribot, “large or small, before becoming stronger, actually realized, was united only by imagination - a building erected in the mind
through new combinations or ratios. "
Imagination is not reality, but it cannot be without reality, because it is the elements of reality that are his nourishing medium. On the other hand, namely
imagination sometimes determines the program of a person's actions, the course of his thoughts, his attitude to the surrounding reality, to his own work, to various forms of his
Imagination generates design, i.e. idea of ​​the future creation. And when a person starts any work, he “sees” the purpose of his activity, its result. Even the most
A bad architect differs from the best bee from the very beginning in that before building a cell of wax, he has already built it in his head. At the end of the labor process, it turns out
the result, which already at the beginning of this process was present in the human mind, that is, ideal. If a person is engaged in creative work, then he must imagine that nikt ...

Pick up file

Creative imagination depends on many factors: age, mental development and developmental characteristics (the presence of any impairment of psychophysical development), individual personality traits (stability, awareness and orientation of motives; evaluative structures of the "I" image; characteristics of communication; degree of self-realization and self-assessment. activity; character traits and temperament), and, which is very important, from the elaboration of the process of teaching and upbringing.

The child's experience develops and grows gradually; it is distinguished by a deep originality in comparison with the adult's experience. The attitude to the environment, which by its complexity or simplicity, by its traditions and influences, stimulates and directs the process of creativity, is again completely different for the child. The interests of a child and an adult are different, and therefore it is understandable that the child's imagination works differently than that of an adult.

As noted above, a child's imagination is poorer than that of an adult. At the same time, there is still an opinion that a child's imagination is richer than that of an adult. Children can do anything out of everything, said Goethe. A child lives in a fantasy world more than in a real one. But we know that the interests of the child are simpler, more elementary, poorer, and finally, his relationship with the environment also does not have the complexity, subtlety and diversity that mark the behavior of an adult, but these are all the most important factors that determine the work of the imagination. As the child develops, imagination also develops. That is why the products of real creative imagination in all areas of creative activity belong only to already matured fantasy.

French psychologist T. Ribot presented the basic law of the development of imagination in three stages:

childhood and adolescence - the domination of fantasy, games, fairy tales, fiction;

youth - a combination of fiction and activity, "a sober calculating mind";

maturity - the subordination of the imagination to the intellect.

A child's imagination begins to develop quite early, it is weaker than that of an adult, but it takes up more place in his life.

What are the stages in the development of imagination in preschool children?

Up to 3 years of age in children, imagination exists within other mental processes, in which its foundation is laid. At the age of three, the formation of verbal forms of imagination takes place. Here imagination becomes an independent process.

At 4 - 5 years old, the child begins to plan, draw up in his mind a plan for future actions.

At 6-7 years of age, the imagination is active. The recreated images appear in various situations, characterized by content and specificity. Elements of creativity appear.

Psychologists believe that the development of imagination requires the presence of certain conditions: emotional communication with adults; subject-manipulative activity; the need for different types of activities.

29. Psychological characteristics of the elderly and senile age.

Aging is a long, smooth process; there is no exact border that separates old age from middle age. In general, aging is an individual process, for some people it starts earlier, for others later. Calendar age is an objective indicator related purely to the physical course of time and expressed in absolute physical units of time. In different periods of the history of society and in different cultures, the beginning of old age was determined as follows: Pythagoras - 60 years old, Chinese scientists - 70 years old, English physiologists of the 20th century - from over 50 years old, German physiologist M. Rubner - 50 years old age, 70 years old - venerable old age. Yu. B. Garnavsky proposes to divide the entire period of late age into separate groups: old age (it is also called involutional or pre-senile) - from 50 to 65 years; old age - from 65 and above. ES Averbukh, a domestic psychiatrist conditionally distinguishes the age of 45-60 years as a post-reproductive (climacteric) period preceding the elderly (pre-senile - 60-75 years) and senile age. According to the author, people over 90 years old should be considered centenarians.

"Psychological old age" is manifested by age-related organic disorders of the psyche, personality and behavior. There is a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the individual with the frequent development of various maladaptive reactions.

In people at a later age, as a rule, activity decreases, mental processes slow down, and well-being worsens. In the process of aging, the attitude to phenomena and events changes, the direction of interests changes. In many cases, there is a narrowing of the range of interests, frequent grumbling, dissatisfaction with others. Along with this, there is an idealization of the past, a tendency to remember. For an old person, self-esteem often decreases, dissatisfaction increases, and self-doubt.

The influence of social and psychological factors on the aging process of the personality consists in breaking off the habitual social and psychological ties and attitudes of the elderly person's personality, which essentially leads to social derivation that adversely affects the personality. This effect is enhanced in most cases in a situation of physical and psychological loneliness, which is so common at a later age.

Socio-psychological underestimation or depreciation of older people is a test, but is associated with other unfavorable circumstances for them to fully function. These primarily include: job loss, forced retirement, loss of personally significant social roles. As a result, a person is deprived of his professional future. He also turns out to be excluded from the system of interpersonal relationships, which includes representatives of different generations.

Aging and old age are not a disease, a pathology, although during this period there are complex changes in the structure and functioning of all body systems.

So, in the period of the onset of late adulthood, a person is faced with the need to solve completely new problems for him, associated with a change in his social position, with role-playing immediacy, with his own age-related changes. There is a need to change the old way of life, to restructure the existing dynamic stereotype of behavior, to accept a new social role, to change the perception itself.

In addition to external changes, there are changes in the idea that a person had in relation to himself. A new vision of oneself can induce a restructuring of the subjective picture of the world. It is significant and important for a person to make the world familiar and safe. Feelings of helplessness and worthlessness are the source of fear and apathy.

Thus, we can talk about a large number of psychological and physical factors affecting the aging process. There is no single, universal way of adapting old age. Influence is also exerted by the personality of the person himself, his behavior, habits, the need for social contacts and his favorite lifestyle. So for some, it is optimal to live together with children and grandchildren, for others - independence, independence, the opportunity to do what they love.

Tatiana Anufrieva
Work experience "Development of creative imagination in preschool children"




« Development of creative imagination in preschool children»


Anufrieva Tatiana Viktorovna


“We were born to make a fairy tale

make it come true. " How to live like this

to make a fairy tale out of? "

Imagine for a second that we are deprived of the opportunity to imagine. This and impossible to imagine! Thanks to imagination a person lives in at least two worlds: real and imaginary... Humanity would never have reached its current level development, if he lacked this unique feature - the ability imagine, represent.

Imagination will make the child cheerful and joyful, creative and very active... It will teach him to enjoy life, to look at the world with wide open eyes. Imagination will turn the most boring activities into entertaining, teach you how to cope with difficulties and get away from troubles. Imagination will turn the child into a wizard and adults, being next to the child, will see how he saw in a famous children's song "Strict uncle" what surrounds them "Orange sky, orange sea, orange greens, orange camel" and that the best profession on earth is to be a wizard!

A wizard lives in every child, this wizard is unique. Not among preschoolers not talented and incapable children... See and develop this talent help the child find his "I am"- business of the surrounding adults. So let's help our kids! And then the magician will make both us and our guys happy.

Welcome to the group "Golden Key"... Hello, lovely kids - pencils, mischievous - rascals. What are you all various: dark and light, with blue eyes and brown! Intelligent, attentive eyes look inquiringly; and what will happen next? Let's be friends, kids! I invite you on an amazing journey. And the golden key will open the door for us to the land of magical childhood.

Amazing discoveries await us ahead. Good luck!

Cheerful, mischievous Buratino and his friends meet us, meet the kids and invite us to a magical life - a fairy tale. The tale begins.

For children 3-4 years old is characterized by such a level development of imagination, at which the starting point is the subject environment. It is she who allows the internal position to take place, which makes imagination imagination.

At the first stage, it is necessary to teach kids not to unequivocally perceive the objects around them.

Igor and Roma are sitting on the carpet and knocking on the table with a cube. On question: "What are you doing?" both kids answer: "Knocking"... And here is the question "What knocking9" immediately puts children on opposite sides of the barrier. Igor says what is in fact business: "I knock with a dice" and Roma says that he is knocking with a hammer. Igor's imagination has not yet emerged into an independent process, he does not know how to transfer functions from one object to another, to play around with actions. Roma's imagination is much better developed... This comparison is necessary in order to understand what we should teach the child at the very first stage of purposeful development of imagination... If we want to help the kid see the object ambiguously, expand the boundaries of the world around him with the help of the world of fairy tales and magic, let's specially we will divorce optical and semantic fields. Until the child learned imagine, we will remove from him toys that have their own logic, with which you can only act unambiguously, for example, groovy, electronic. In return, we will give him multifunctional objects, that is, objects that can be very different things in the game, depending on the situation. These are various cubes, boxes, large buttons, parts of constructors and so on. But objects by themselves are not develop the child's imagination... An adult's help is needed here. Offering the cubes to Igor, I asked him. ride a car. If the child can easily cope with this task, then you can complicate it. Offering the same cube, I asked Igor to roll it around like a typewriter and iron it like an iron. If it is difficult for a child to perform an action, I perform it myself. Igor is just watching. Then she invited him to complete this task together with me.

Observing Igor's actions of the teacher, emotional participation in them, sympathy and empathy will help him in completing play tasks.

After Igor learned on his own "iron" cube, you can proceed to the next, second stage.

Have children 3-4 years old there is interest and love for the book Children of this age can spend quite a long time looking at pictures in a book. This is the basis of various tasks that appear at the second stage of formation imaginations... The process of comprehending what was seen in the picture for everyone children are different... A picture, like a photograph, captures a moment, a situation. We adults can "Revive" picture, assuming what happened before this moment, what will follow it, and so on. Many children find it difficult to describe the picture.

I am reading a fairy tale. Everyone listens with bated breath. But then I turned the page, and a drawing appeared. Everyone can’t sit any longer. Everyone wants to take a closer look at it. The guys really like the picture. But now I ask them to portray what is drawn in the book (in the picture there is a girl running from a flock of swans). "Show" the picture is called Nastya. She stands in front of the children, raises her leg and. freezes. Indeed, it exactly matches the picture. Maybe Nastya did not understand the task. I beg her: "Tell me what is in the picture"... She willingly enumerates: "Girl, swan geese, apple tree". - "What is the girl doing?" - "Here's what"- and Nastya again assumes a pose and freezes.

This misunderstanding of the figures is associated with imagination... Therefore for children of this age very useful tasks in which you need to unravel the meaning of the picture. For example, come up with a simple fairy tale or story based on a picture. Start this work well with books familiar to the child. If a child “finds it difficult to compose a story, then he needs help, ask leading questions. "Who is this? What is he doing? Where is it going? What carries? " etc.

You can also help your child understand the pictures way: animate the image, that is, do what is drawn. "Nastya, find a picture showing the same action".

Such tasks are very important because in them the child learns not only to see the image, but how it is characteristic preschoolers moving image.

Next stage development of imagination in children consists of organizing individual directorial games.

It's hard to see the director's play from the outside. She is almost always individual. The child tries very hard to keep it for himself, and the intervention of an adult often leads to the fact that the game is interrupted. A feature of this game is that the child prefers to play it in a secluded place.

What do children need for a director's game? When organizing it, three conditions must be observed. The first of the nicknames is that the child has an individual space for play. Different screens will help your child to create an individual play space. There are many types in our group screens: mini screens, curtain screens, folding books and so on. One of the favorite games for kids is to build houses for themselves. These houses are snug under the table, under the chair, and anywhere. Children feel good there, they are the owners there. They need this for emotional relief. There they feel almighty, big and strong, independent of all small and big troubles.

Individual space can also be on a simple sheet of paper or a piece of cloth. Our group effectively uses a movable flannelegraph. To make it, you need to take several pieces of fabric of different colors, sew them into a whole canvas, then attach it to a stick so that the background can be changed. This flannelgraph does not take up much space, but hangs on the walls. The child chooses (unwinds) the necessary background, for example, if he wants to play in the sea, then it is blue, and with the help of scraps of different shapes, strings, he comes up with a plot.

The second condition necessary for organizing a director's game is that the child has a small play and non-play material: cubes, boxes, animals, boats, dolls and so on. There should be a lot of these objects in order not to limit the child's fantasy, but, on the contrary, to encourage him to create new plots.

The third condition for organizing the director's game is the position of an adult, skillful leadership of this game. The adult in this game acts as a spectator. But the viewer not only claps his hands, but also asks to explain certain actions, thereby developing the plot... The emergence of the game itself often depends on the adult.

Tasks "Come up with and show a fairy tale", "Draw a cartoon" and so on help children find interesting activities and serve as an impetus for director's play.

The organization of the director's game does not end with purposeful development of imagination in early preschool age... It continues in development role-playing game.

The role-playing game is closely related to theatrical and is almost entirely based on personal child's experience... So, if the child has already encountered the peculiarities of creating various images (went to the theater, watched puppet shows, and so on, then he quite easily participates in the role-playing game.

For example, the parents paid great attention to Katya's artistic abilities. Any holiday, any event in the family was accompanied by performances, where Katya was assigned a certain role. This brought them closer together, introduced the child into the world of beauty, taught reincarnation, which affected development of imagination and creative the girl's abilities. Therefore, in the future, already in kindergarten, Katya could freely transform into any image, easily and naturally participating in the role-playing game.

To expand personal children's experiences, in order to master the techniques of entering the image, development of artistic imagination my children and I often attended puppet shows, circus performances, where children were not only spectators, but also direct participants

Big role in development artistic ability children is given to personal example teacher: Therefore, there must be a person next to the children creative, who is fluent in the technique of transformation into any image.

For example, the situation was such that the children did not want to clean up their toys after themselves. What to do? I inform the children that I need to leave urgently and the manager will send someone else. Having said goodbye to the guys in a friendly manner, I close the door, quickly putting on the first scarf I see on my head, literally in minutes "I'm flying in" into the group and speak to squeaky strangers voice: "Hello guys. I am Baba - Yaga. I really love children that do not put away toys. They are my great helpers and friends. Oh oh oh! Why are you putting away toys? I'm melting now! Oh, don't clean it up, please. " And I disappear through the door. The toys were quickly put into place, it turned out to be easy to do, and the children, together with the returning teacher, cheerfully discussed what had happened.

Children are very fond of dressing up and spinning in front of a mirror.Therefore, it is not difficult to organize a game of a figurative nature. You can play hack: the teacher, wearing an unusual outfit or not changing clothes, silently portrays someone, and the child must guess who. Then the adult and the child change roles, and the child himself, with the help of the costume and facial expressions, makes riddles, and the adult guesses them.

The role-playing game is closely related to theatricalization. The skills acquired in the course of this game are successfully applied by children in older children. age: in KVNs, in competitions and so on.

One rainy autumn evening, when many children my parents had already taken it away, when everyone was in a sad mood, I suggested children: "Let's play KVN for kids"... Dividing children for two teams, came up with a task for them. One team had to show their favorite cartoon character, and the other was to stage a song. In minutes, the guys were not heard. They whispered in different corners, and after a while Sasha appeared in front of us with a scarf around his neck. He adjusted the scarf with a specific gesture, raised his finger and said: "Guys let's be friends!" "Yes, this is the famous Leopold!"- we guessed.

The second team showed here what: Vitalik stood in the middle of the group, and Zhenya wrapped him in a green blanket. Then, finding a broken club somewhere, he crept up to Vitalik, wrapped in a blanket, and began hitting the floor with this club, near the boy's feet. After that, Zhenya picked up the wrapped Vitalik and carried him out of the room. Of course, we could not help but recognize the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"... And the evening seemed to us not so rainy and joyless, and the children were eagerly awaiting new tasks.

The mood has changed dramatically and children, and adults. And in all these magic, the role-playing game and imagination, which helped her to take place.

The time full of amazing games and exercises flew by quickly. Fabulous heroes: mischievous Buratino, Malvina, Piero and Artemon made friends with the guys, helping them to overcome all difficulties, on the way to a fairy tale An atmosphere of friendship, kindness and mutual understanding reigned in the group. Our kids have grown up, become wiser. The fairy tale world has swallowed them completely.