The sequence of toasts of parents at the wedding. The order of toasts at a wedding is the observance of wedding etiquette. Rules for making wedding toasts

A wedding feast is an occasion to congratulate the young people on an important event in their life. Relatives and friends congratulate them, wishing family harmony, love and prosperity. The first toast at a wedding is usually raised to the happy married life of the newlyweds.

It is better to prepare for such a performance in advance. On this page of our site, several options for congratulations are presented, which can be taken as the basis for the first wedding toast to the newlyweds.

The first toast to the newlyweds at the wedding

Finally, the happy day has arrived.
The hall is full of guests and light!
Today ... (name of the groom) finally
He took ... (name of the bride) down the aisle.
There is no more beautiful couple in the world!
You only need to wish
Cherish your love
And, as if in a fairy tale, to live life.
And we only have
Raise glasses for you
And shout out loud:

Two hearts start to sound in time
The union was held together by the rings tightly.
Now, rushing through life together,
Together you will be forever.
We wish you happy days
Fall in love again and again with each other.
So that it suddenly becomes warmer
From the words of your beloved spouse.
We raise the glasses higher
We wish you love and peace!

Bubbles sparkle in glasses
Young glances sparkle.
Today the wedding tied you up,
Gold rings sparkle!
So let them always laugh
May joy visit their home
And two rivers will merge into one
One wonderful wedding day!

Who says the first toast at a wedding?

Without the participation of the host, the wedding would not be so fun and dynamic and could be remembered by the guests as a boring event. Not surprisingly, it is the toastmaster who often makes the first toast at a wedding. This performance may sound in poetry or prose, but in any case, the wedding toast to the young couple should be beautiful, concise and memorable.

May this day be like a bright holiday
Will fill your home with joy,
And your life will be adorned forever
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let Love
Spring dawn
It does not go out for many years.
Let only at the wedding
It will be "bitter"
And never in your life.

A wedding is the happiest day in the world
A family is born on this day
People on the planet know this,
And today you have this day, friends!
Enter life together boldly
Be happy, sympathetic in trouble,
And do not be afraid to take on any business,
After all, love will help you everywhere.
And today is this wonderful day,
We give this instruction:
Be happy, keep love
And before the wedding is golden
Live in harmony!

Congratulations to the young and wish you happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass in your life.
Let your life flow like a honey river,
And as a young month, your son will be born!
Daughter to you, like poppies, to comfort your mother.
Well, how many will be all, you decide for yourself.

The first toast at a wedding in your own words in prose

According to the established tradition, the parents of the bride or groom can also make the first toast at the wedding. And after that, the floor is given to witnesses, godparents and other relatives, and then to friends. To observe this custom or not and to whom of those invited to make the first toast to the young couple at the wedding is up to you.

Beloved and dear children! Today is your long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. We wish your family to be loving and friendly, be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring housewife, homemaker, best friend to her husband and a happy mother. And we want to wish the groom to become a strong "wall" and support for his family and future children. Be happy and love each other, and the rest will work out for you! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We are very happy to congratulate you on this happy event. Today you have taken a crucial step, because a wedding is not only an opportunity to gather all friends and relatives at a large festive table. On this day, you took an oath of eternal love and fidelity to each other, entering into a family union. Now your task is to preserve it for years to come. Live in harmony, peacefully and do not know troubles. Take care of each other, take care of your soul mate. Do not know grief, do not abandon each other in trouble. Bitterly!

Dear friends! All of us here feel the magical warm light emanating from two young hearts. These are the hearts of (name of the bride) and (name of the groom)! Let's raise our glasses so that the hearts that burn so brightly today radiate love for each other in ten years, and in twenty ... all our lives! So that the union concluded today would bring only joy to these wonderful people. And if adversity met on their way, then with the warmth of their hearts they could melt the ice of problems and become even happier.

I want to raise my glass ... to the math: subtraction and addition, division and multiplication. After all, it is thanks to the addition of two loving hearts that one beautiful union was formed. Over the next years, they will divide everything in half with each other, and sorrows will be subtracted, and joys will multiply exponentially.

Today we all - friends, relatives, close people - have gathered here, because our two dear and beloved people decided to be together for the rest of their lives. I cannot imagine what would have happened if they had not met. Now, when I look at them, so young, happy, I understand that they were created for each other, they were born into this world to meet sooner or later and create their own strong union. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the newlyweds!

The first wedding toast for the young

To pronounce the very first toast at a wedding is always responsible and honorable, because these words should be remembered by the newlyweds for the rest of their lives. What should I say to newlyweds to be touched by these wishes?

Such a toast dedicated to newlyweds may include some cautionary story, legend or aphorism that is worth pondering. It is not necessary to memorize such words, because the main thing in your speech is not its form, but its content.

Dear newlyweds! I invite you to recall a well-known aphorism. I will quote the words of the French writer Jean Rostand: "A good family is one in which a husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day and that they are spouses at night."
So let's drink to make it so in your family!

One writer once said: "Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring another as much happiness as possible." I wish our newlyweds that these are the only competitions between them! Bitterly!

In the life of every person there are special dates that conditionally divide the course of familiar events into life “before and after”. By right, the wedding also belongs to such important dates.

After all, it is the awareness of one's feelings, the decision about the importance and necessity of legal marital relations that testifies to a change in the personality of both future spouses, their confidence in their feelings. So a wedding is not just the day a new family was born. This is a kind of starting point for the beginning of a new, joint life for young people. Evidence of their new social status.

And, of course, on this joyful day from relatives and friends, and just from casual witnesses of the wedding celebration, the newlyweds hear sincere congratulations and wishes of all the very best that can be thought of for a young family. Everyone has long known that kind, sincere words carry a charge of positive energy. And in the case when such words are pronounced by the closest, dearest people, they contain love, kindness, and warmth.

How do you provide all guests with a toast?

How to organize a wedding event so that each of the guests has the opportunity to express their feelings and wishes to the newlyweds? After all, all people are different. Someone more bold, and someone quietly and politely will wait for a pause, risking not being heard until the end of the holiday.

To prevent this from happening, the bride and groom during the pre-wedding preparation should take care of finding a professional host (toastmaster, animator). And a few days before the date of registration of the marriage, give him a list of guests, where it will be noted who has to whom and a few words about the character and profession of the invitee. Thus, the host will be able to provide an opportunity for each of the guests to say their ideal wedding toast.

Order of congratulatory toasts

Like any other important large-scale event, a wedding celebration has its own rules of etiquette. According to them, the sequence of congratulations at the wedding is drawn up.

The first words of congratulations to the newlyweds are usually uttered by the toastmaster. Why? For seed. He sets the tone, shows guests an example of the perfect wedding toast. Well, at the same time, it relieves the atmosphere, helping the most shy of the invited guests to get comfortable in an unusual environment.

And the real first word is given to the closest, most dear to newlywed people - their parents, or the people who replaced them all these years. Parents' lives also change after their children decide to get married. Children have become completely adult and independent. They are no longer toddlers who require vigilant parental care.

Of course, parents have a storm of feelings. They are simultaneously happy and happy for their children and feel sadness and nostalgia. After all, the times when their babies were tiny are gone forever. Now the grown-up children will have babies themselves and will fulfill parental responsibilities. In general, the parents of the newlyweds have mixed feelings.

So, by right, moral and ethical, it is the parents of the newly-married spouses who say the first toast. After them, the witnesses of the marriage registration - boyfriend and girlfriend - make their congratulatory speeches. And then in turn: grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.

After close relatives, the toastmaster will one by one offer to say his wishes to the young family to close friends and colleagues. Accordingly, the presenter will promptly remind the newlyweds of the time for their response to the guests.

A professional presenter usually tries to give advance notice of whose turn it will be for his perfect wedding toast or greeting speech. And he does not forget to ask about the content of the toast and, if necessary, suggest how to make the congratulation even more beautiful. This is the normal professional approach. After all, it is on the shoulders of the presenter that the responsibility falls to maintain a festive mood for everyone present at the wedding celebration.

Rules for making wedding toasts

Wedding etiquette clearly prescribes the correct delivery of a greeting speech or toast. The person whose turn it is to say congratulations and wishes must definitely get up and raise his full glass, with the expectation that the top edge of the glass is located just below the shoulder line.

When voicing the words of congratulations and wishes, you must look exactly at the newlyweds. After the end of the toast, the guest makes a gesture that imitates the process of "clinking glasses" in the direction of the newly made spouses. After that, you should clink glasses with your neighbors on the table.

Another rule of wedding etiquette says that the guest making a toast must drink his glass to the bottom. The rest of the guests can drink as much as they like.

Important! It is not necessary to fill your glass exclusively with alcoholic beverages to make a toast. Wedding etiquette does not dictate this. But trying to control who poured which drink into their own glass, according to the rules of etiquette, is not only impolite. This is a demonstration of frankly bad upbringing!

Wedding Toast Criteria

In order to be able to deliver the perfect wedding toast at the wedding of your loved ones, several important criteria must be followed when drafting it.

  • Brevity. The purpose of an ideal wedding toast is to express your feelings, sincerely congratulate the newlyweds, and wish them all the best. So don't be afraid to give a speech at a wedding. But it is also wrong to be so confident in yourself as to decide that thinking over the text and preliminary rehearsal is unnecessary. Indeed, if you do not prepare in advance, the danger of "tightening" your toast for half an hour increases, trying to find the right words on the go to express your feelings and clearly formulate the wishes of the young couple.
  • The guest's voluntary wish. Must be taken into account by both the toastmaster and the rest of the guests. You should not pester the guest, forcing him to say congratulations. He may succumb to public pressure. But he will not be able to say anything sensible because of confusion. And the words of an ideal wedding toast should be sincere, come from the heart, which is impossible if the guest does not want to say congratulations. Personal characteristics should also be taken into account. There are people who panic at the mere thought that a dozen people will be looking at them, who will listen to every word. And some may have speech defects that worsen in public.
  • Originality. A prerequisite for a perfect wedding toast is its uniqueness. When composing the text of the toast, you should avoid the usual stamps. It is also necessary to select words and expressions so that there is not even a hint of vulgarity or vulgarity. A wedding is a wonderful celebration. The newlyweds and their assistants tried to organize it as stylishly and interestingly as possible. And insulting the ears of newlyweds and their guests is not a good idea.
  • Raising a Toast. A wedding is an exciting event. And this applies not only to newlyweds and their parents. Everyone can get excited. Especially if he has to give a speech in front of a large audience. Even if speech is small, but that is why it is no less important. According to statistics, one of the most common mistakes is incorrect wording. Instead of communicating his desire to say a toast and raise a glass to the young people, the person may simply offer to “raise a toast”. Under normal conditions - a trifle. Well, I made a reservation, with whom it does not happen. At a wedding, this can disrupt the orderly organization of the celebration.

Young teachers marry and marry themselves, older teachers marry and marry their children, and both go to the weddings of relatives and friends.

The materials offered will help you organize this most important family holiday, make it unforgettable, funny, bright, unlike any other.

Here you will find witty, original toasts, congratulations, wishes, poems and remake songs, funny contests. They will help you not to get into a mess and say wonderful congratulations at any wedding celebration, become a welcome guest, shine in the circle of your loved ones and friends with your erudition, eloquence, and appropriate timely humor.

Scenario (order) of the wedding celebration

Each wedding is unique, much depends on the variety of tastes, interests, culture of all participants in the ceremony, as well as family traditions. The following wedding scenario can be taken as a basis.


Call signs of the wedding cortege...

At the entrance to the cafe there is a live corridor of guests, at the end of which are the parents of the young.
The groom's mother has a tray covered with a towel with a loaf.
The mother of the bride has a dish with grain, small sweets, rose petals and coins for showering the newlyweds.

Greetings from parents of young...


Loaf, loaf,

Choose the head of the family!

Young people break off a piece of loaf (guests notice the size of these pieces), salt them (you don't need to salt them) and treat each other as a sign of complete mutual trust... The bride's mother sprinkles the newlyweds with "wedding rain":

We throw grain under our feet

Let it sprout with happiness.

We throw copper coins under our feet,

So as not to be poor for you.

Throwing rose petals

So that you do not know either grief or tears.

The young go to the table, but then there is an obstacle in front of them - a garland or two bouquets "on the joint."
The witnesses ask:

- What is this barrier?


- The border, but not simple:

Family life is ahead,

Behind - single.

You have a pass, friends,

To a house called Family?

Young show the marriage certificate.


- Now the road to the Family

Open to you from the doorstep.



Seating guests at tables...
The first to sit down are the bride and groom, the witnesses. Further by seniority and kinship (you can use guest name cards to speed up this process).

At the wedding table, the witnesses sit next to the young, helping them receive gifts and flowers (and then the leader in organizing contests, games, dances and other wedding entertainments). They also have to protect the bride, her shoes (and even the groom) from possible abductions.

On the table of the young - an indispensable wedding paraphernalia:

* Two wedding glasses of the newlyweds with a commemorative engraving, after the celebration they remain with them in memory of this event, of which they will then drink on subsequent wedding anniversaries and family celebrations. Glasses are tied together with a ribbon.

* Beautifully decorated wedding candle for the "Lighting the hearth" ceremony.

* Two bottles of good champagne, tied together with a ribbon (which symbolizes the strength of the marriage bond). Traditionally, one of these bottles of champagne is opened and drunk on the first wedding anniversary, which is called Sitz. The second bottle of commemorative champagne is opened at a family celebration on the occasion of the birth of the first child. The host of the wedding can give the guests appropriate explanations, because not everyone knows about the purpose of these bottles.

* A bottle of expensive cognac, to which a strip of paper with the signatures of all guests will then be attached. The newlyweds will be able to drink this cognac from the wedding table only after 25 years - at their Silver wedding.

Young guests can meet " wedding fireworks". Preparation for it takes place in advance, at the stage of decorating the banquet hall. A small balloon inflated with air is tied to the back of each chair for guests. When the young are already at their wedding table, the host (toastmaster) warns them about the upcoming fireworks in their honor and gives command the guests with a wave of his hand to pierce the ball near his chair with a fork.The balls burst loudly at short time intervals and the result is a wonderful noise fireworks surprise.

At the beginning of the banquet, you can arrange treating guests with a loaf... The loaf is divided into parts, and the bride and groom give a piece from their hands to each guest (or married couple). The loaf cannot be left or forgotten in a restaurant or anywhere else, since in this case there will be no prosperity in the house. The newlyweds should either distribute a lightly bitten loaf or eat it themselves.


Now you are together, you are one

Half intertwined forever.

And so the time has come

You should be the first to dry the glass.

(Newlyweds drink champagne from wedding glasses without undoing them.)

Toast-orders to the young:

Toast-mandate of the mother of the bride, the father of the bride ...

Toast-order of the groom's mother, the groom's father ...

Wedding ceremony "Fire of the hearth"

The "hearth" of a young family is ignited - large wedding candle - from other candles, symbolizing the hearth of those families in which the bride and groom were born and raised. These candles (thin classic or antique) are passed on to young moms. From parental candles, the newlyweds simultaneously light their own hearth. They can light a mother's hearth candle, and the young hold it together. During the entire feast, a married couple monitors the process of burning their "hearth".

Before igniting "family hearth" Mom 1:

A serious and important step -

Create a home.

But you need to light it up

With our candles.

After lighting "family hearth" Mom 2:

You set fire to the family hearth

From now on and forever!

Let it burn like a light in the eyes,

Like a heart in a person.


Keep the fire of the home,

Do not dive into the fires of strangers, -

Our ancestors lived by this law

And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:

The fire of the hearth is sacred!


Parent 1:

We covered the glade for the guests,

So that everyone is nourishing and drunk.

For the young to eat, drink,

So that they are more generously rewarded.

Parent 2:

The tables are set

The bottles are open -

Bon Appetit!

(Treats to soft, pleasant music.)

Elections can be held analysts - those who check, and is everyone poured.



By years, not by height

We will talk toasts!

Who is older and wiser

I must say a speech soon.

Well, those who are younger

They will say everything, but a little later.

In order not to tire the young and guests with long long congratulations, you can break the procedure of congratulations and gifts into blocks, which are evenly distributed over the time of the festive feast (to be discussed in advance with the host).


First dance newlyweds - waltz... (Guests admire the dance.)

Dancing " Twisting» (announced by the presenter, they are also given explanations):

Dance of the groom with the mother-in-law, the bride with the father-in-law.

Dance of the mother-in-law with the father-in-law, the mother-in-law with the father-in-law.

Dance " Thanksgiving»:

Dance of the groom with the mother, the bride with the father.

(At the end of the dance they exchange kisses. Guests dance too.)

Dance of all newlyweds and lovers:

Young people, couples of newlyweds-guests, couples in love are dancing.

Dances for all age groups ...


Toasts, congratulations, wishes of guests ...

I don't feel like swearing

I don't feel like screaming!

But is it really possible, right word,

Don't drink like that for a long time!

(Calling rhyme in case of interruptions with toasts.)

Table song contest ...

The abduction of the bride's shoes, the bride herself

The possibility of such an action is discussed in advance with the presenter in order to avoid unforeseen unpleasant moments. The "kidnappers" must inform the presenter about what was done, he will play with this situation, lead the search for loss. Otherwise, the "abducted" can sit for a very long time in their shelter, not found, forgotten, merry guests.

The hunt for the bride's shoes is usually led by brisk, ubiquitous children - they should not be unnoticed to sneak under the table of the young.

The kidnappers impose a "punishment" on the guards who have gone wrong. For example, a witness - to kiss all male guests, to a witness - all women present at a wedding banquet. Before kidnapping, you need to come up with a funny, original punishment, ransom, then this ceremony will become a highlight of the wedding celebration.

A note to the groom from the kidnapped bride

(narrated by the kidnappers, either the groom himself or the presenter reads it out)

If you love, find
If you want, come
I left without leaving a trace.
And if there is no love,
Don't call me
You will never find it anyway!
(Song rework)

The upset, but not lost his sense of humor, the groom exclaims:

Where is my black-eyed (gray-eyed), where?
In Karaganda or in Vologda, where?
I'll go for the bride myself.


Addressing parents

Addressing guests

Gifts from the bride to the groom's closest relatives


Performances of talented guests of the festival


If there are no bills,

Congratulate then in kind -

Song, dance or verse

For the bride and groom.

Performances by invited artists, creative groups

Nowadays, instead of a monetary or clothing gift, young people are often given concert numbers. It is original, interesting, fun, bright, memorable.


Comic invitation to dance:

We chewed, we chewed

Our jaws are tired

We will rest from food

Let's go dance now.


There are several basic laws by which the event is built, and on the basis of these same laws, games and contests should be selected. The leader shouldn't start with active entertainment! The first hour and a half, people are not ready for such actions. They should get comfortable on the spot, feel free. Therefore, in the beginning there should be competitions for the "buildup". The main thing is not to force anyone to participate! You shouldn't run contests in a row. It is necessary to give guests the opportunity to socialize. More active entertainment can be organized after the first, second dance break. At the end of the evening, the mood of the guests is cheerful and quite playful, so most of the guests will be able to take part in the contests.


Divination by the bride's bouquet

Unmarried female guests who want to get married as soon as possible surround the bride with a ring. In the center of the ring is a bride with a bouquet and a witness. The witness blindfolded the bride with a scarf and spins it up until the girls three times in chorus say the fortune-teller chant:

Circle the bride with a bouquet,

Point the bouquet at me.

The bride stops and outstretched hand with a bouquet indicates the desired direction. To whom the bouquet indicates, that will soon get married.

The toastmaster introduces the girls in advance to the rules of fortune-telling. The bouquet remains with the bride as a keepsake (good omen).

Groom tossing the bride's garter

Single male guests wishing (or not) to get married in the near future gather around the bride and groom. The bride lifts the hem of her dress and puts her right foot on a chair. The groom has to pull off the garter from the bride's leg with his teeth, without the help of his hands. If he succeeds, he turns his back on the guests-applicants and throws them a "lucky" garter one-two-three. Whoever of the male guests catches her, the next will be the groom. The second garter of the bride, which is called "sweet" or "honey", remains as a keepsake; it is removed much later, during the wedding night.


Wedding waltz by candlelight

Guests with lighted candles (the lights in the hall are off) form a wide circle, inside which young people are dancing a waltz. After the dance, the candles are blown out.

Farewell wedding dance
The presenter asks the witnesses to approach the newlyweds. The witness removes the wedding veil from the bride, the witness chops off the groom's wedding flower. After that, the witnesses tie household aprons to the bride and groom. A farewell wedding waltz is played for the bride and groom and a couple of witnesses.

Farewell of the young to the guests.

From bride to girlfriends

Goodbye my side
Goodbye to my dear home.
With a voucher from the registry office
I'm going to a distant land.

Car haze
Takes off to the skies.
I'm waiting for you, my friends,
To new addresses.

It will be useful for those preparing for the wedding to look at family page site.

That's right, the host shouldn't stay in the shadows during the first meal; the guests should get used to, listen to him, catch the mood and be infected with fun! Greetings, interactive acquaintance, toasts to the young, to the guests, from the parents (they are adults, always prepared for the speech at the wedding, regardless of the drinks). You can even make some noise, shout, so that it would be easier for guests to relax and unwind. All accompanied by muses and hit songs, so that the guests would eat and stomp under the table with their feet :) For 6 hours of the banquet they will have time to eat and drink, it's okay if the meal is sometimes interrupted!

How many, I had to be present, when shooting, I always notice, just at the beginning the presenters give their all, and then, the guests will drink, eat and themselves begin to have fun, "just put firewood on the fire")))

Konstantin Safonov, January 11 at 14:34 but it is no less important for the presenter to declare himself. I agree very much. I personally use the first hour to win over the guests.


Konstantin Safonov, January 11 at 14:34 but it is no less important for the presenter to declare himself. I agree very much. I personally use the first hour to win over the guests. So that they just understand and believe that everything will be worthy, fun and interesting. I don't retire for 30 minutes or let them just chew. Usually they eat 2 musical (first) compositions, then I go out to the "arena"))). After 20-25 minutes, there is approximately an official 5-10 minute break for smokers. Because if I don’t do this, smokers will get up and go out on their own, and all the guests and their attention are important to me. A beautiful toast to the parents, romantic lighting of the hearth (yes, I light the hearth at the very beginning of the banquet), funny acquaintance of the guests ... and that's it !!! they are mine))) Already in the first dance break, I see that the guests trust me. Then it is already possible, depending on the company, to sculpt what you need from the guests.

Natasha, in vain our conversations did not pass))))) smart girl !!!

Why is there really such a custom to drink wine from the common shashi to guests, but this was done with spoons and bowls. And when everyone drinks from a common bowl with their lips, it is not very hygienic.

Before the wedding, I tell my brides that there are no brides who do not get tired after tiring photo sessions and travels, and the guests are just as insanely tired, and therefore the banquet part is relaxation and positive rest. And our task is to make this holiday unobtrusive and fun as the leaders. The performance of artists is really an excellent solution, but no more than two, if more, then this is already a concert program, although you can still end the holiday with a performance, for example, a fire show, etc. As a former bride, I myself was in this place and I know how painful it is when a toastmaster tortures young people, especially at the beginning of a banquet, with various questions or toasts, where you have to constantly get up and do something. After all, hiring hosts for the guests in fact. That is why I try to touch the young people as much as possible, let alone their parents.

I came from the North, I can say for sure that if only we had 45 minutes of sitting and toasts with congratulations, the toastmaster would have been showered with tomatoes. Here are such mischievous people there)))

There was a case, about 10 years ago, photographing a wedding.
Toastmaster, such an aunt weighing under 100 kg, and it seems from the local recreation center, read poetry about a loaf, and everything connected with it, for about 15 minutes.
Then there were three paths, after which the newlyweds were waiting for a basin with rose petals (a bowl for washing hands and sins), as she said, and then ...
Then there was a long ribbon in a circle with sliders, panties, bibs, and at the very end of the ribbon, a children's pot was tied into which this lady poured a couple of bottles of vodka, and each guest sipping from the pot (without a snack) said his congratulations and handed a gift.
All this lasted almost an hour, with her poems and jokes, like: Here's parsley, let hubby soar her toy !!!
They sat down at the table an hour later, and maybe later.
I, being in the role of a photographer, was ready to kill this aunt, but what the newlyweds and guests thought about all this crap, alas, did not ask.
shl. Since then, I have not seen her again, and have never heard of her, but where did they find this aunt….

I have 4 toasts for the first meal. And something like this looks like this:
1. For the young - (2 songs) break
2. For love. Here I play an interactive game with the guests (there is no need to get up anywhere), I just ask the guests questions and by the raised hands I determine who has not yet found my soul mate, and then I immediately perform a song about love.
3 For the parents. Here I give the floor to moms and dads (at the request of the young), I perform a song for parents.
4 toast to the godparents.

Alina, when do you congratulate?

I also say 3 toasts first. I try to take a break in one song. I tried it in 2 songs, so the guests reach for the glasses, fill them. So I seize the moment and make a toast. Yes, before that, when they sit down, I say that we choose the drinks and quantity ourselves.
Then congratulations on breaks, interactions (acquaintance by colors, photos with a smile, chants, joke with fireworks). Everything according to the situation.
I just want to know what others have hidden under the word "interactive"?
Although I know my own chips.)))

I do not delay the meeting at the porch, I do not use unnecessary props such as fabrics, branches, plates, etc. The first meal block usually lasts 45-50 minutes. If there are more than 40 guests and / or when the newlyweds have prepared a large guest list to provide a word-toast, in this case I consider enough from the host 2 toast: the very first after everyone has settled down, and the second for the parents. Then I give the floor to congratulate parents, grandmothers, etc. Break between toasts 1-2 songs and / or light interactive, after my first toast I make a longer break, background music is playing. I always ask newlyweds, if we officially give the floor to the guests for a toast, so that there should be no more than 12 of these toasts!

Mila ..., on March 23 at 22:11 I came from the North, I can say for sure that if only we had 45 minutes there, sitting down and toasts with congratulations, the toastmaster would be showered with tomatoes


Mila ..., 23 March at 22:11 I came from the North, I can say for sure that if only we had 45 minutes of sitting down and toasts with congratulations, the toastmaster would be showered with tomatoes. Here is such a mischievous people there))) There was a case, about 10 years ago, I photographed a wedding. Toastmaster, such an aunt weighing under 100 kg, and it seems from the local recreation center, read poetry about the loaf, and everything connected with it, for about 15 minutes. Then three paths went, after which the newlyweds were waiting for a basin with rose petals (a bowl for washing sins) as she stated, and then ... Then there was a long tape in a circle with sliders, panties, bibs, and at the very end of the tape, a children's pot was tied into which this lady poured a couple of bottles of vodka, and each guest sipped from the pot (without snacks) said his congratulations and handed over a gift. All this lasted almost an hour, with her poems and jokes, like: Here's parsley, let hubby soar her toy !!! They sat down at the table an hour later, and maybe later. I, being in the role of a photographer, was ready to kill this aunt, but what the newlyweds and guests thought about all this crap, alas, did not ask. shl. Since then, I have not seen her again, and have never heard of her, but where did they find this aunt….

When I hear about such presenters, it seems they have never been a guest at a wedding. And they didn't even try to imagine what it would be like for the guests to participate in all this!

Good afternoon everyone!
In my opinion, this part of the banquet requires as few or no contests as possible. Guests should feel at ease and get used to the host.
The presenter hatefully meets the guests, light background music, congratulations from the parents.

We do congratulations either at the beginning (before the feast) - in most cases, or during the evening by teams (aunts, uncles, two brothers, sisters, friends of the groom, bridesmaid, etc.). But parents congratulate just after the 3rd toast, and then I give them a song from the young. It's the same with godparents. I run the following interactive events: for example, writing a rhyme for the young (then the bride and groom choose the winner), or an auction of wedding dates (whoever says the last name of the wedding anniversary, takes the prize)

I also say 3 toasts first. I try to take a break in one song. I tried it in 2 songs, so the guests reach for the glasses, fill them.

For all 100 the same story))) One and a half songs - the limit.

Often even 4 toasts are not enough at the first table, then grandmothers, aunts, uncles are still congratulating. In general, I orient myself on the spot))) Three toasts for 45 minutes, it seems to me, is not enough, the guests begin to lead themselves)

Anyone like, but me my own version.
Meeting with a loaf (2-3 minutes) and immediately to the hall for the presentation of gifts and flowers. It takes 5-7 minutes (maximum 10 if there are many guests)
Next, everyone is at the table, the newlyweds go to the toilet to wash their hands (and pee).
After 3-5 minutes they go to the table, the beat sounds and my first toast (without verses) is short and with optimism, plus a musical break for 3-4 minutes.
Then congratulations to the groom's parents, plus a song (3-4 minutes) congratulations to the bride's parents (but already interactive with jokes) plus a song for 3-4 minutes. And one more congratulation, of my choice, from any guest. And then, then a smoke break, combined with a photo session, for those who wish, music sounds on the dance floor, and all this for 5-8 minutes, after which, again at the table, and after that, the wedding begins. And what will happen next, it's all decided individually, because all weddings are different.

With pleasure, I will also take part in the discussion of this topic! I supported some of the hosts, because the beginning of the wedding celebration (the first 30-45 minutes) in my program is almost the same. Although any event and its course is a process relative to the standard. Each presenter has a scenario plan of sequential actions in his head. And still, very often you have to improvise or rearrange the significant moments of the celebration. But in general, the first 30-45 minutes. I have it like this: 1) Meeting young people - 5 min. (do not delay). 2) .5-10 minutes for newlyweds - to put themselves in order after a walk. 3) Solemn entrance of the HONEYMOONS. TOAST for the young. 4) BADGE with guests (music. Table - interactive). 5). Lighting up the FAMILY HEARTH - TOAST for the PARENTS. 6) Grandparents (if any) honoring. 7) Comic-table interactive - TOAST for LOVE! 8) Moving interactive - THE FIRST DANCE OF YOUNG. And only after that BREAK for a smoke break and a disco. Intervals between toasts 1 muses. composition, otherwise you can lose guests and they will not go to the team for a smoke break, but will disperse on their own ...

I have been a guest and have been leading for more than 20 years ... You just need to take into account the specifics of the area and the people ... I think that it is not worth heavy loading in these 40-50 minutes, but turning the wedding into a concert on request too)) IMHO ... There are wonderful drinking games, after which the people rally and then the wedding goes on in one breath ... Again, I'm talking about a specific area ... There people would get bored after the toast, and at the first song they would go out to dance ... I lived there for several years and I know ... Therefore, after the toast a snack for about three minutes then you need to entertain until the next toast ... And as a guest I was also bored when we drank and sat listening to songs ... (I am an energetic person, and I want to dance to songs, unless I'm at a concert))))

Does the order of toasts at a wedding matter? This question will certainly interest the newlyweds during the organization of the wedding celebration. - this is not just a meal process during which everyone just eats and communicates randomly. It is an organized event, expertly directed by a skilled toastmaster or host. He must not only be able to maintain general order, but also give the wedding a spiritual beauty.

Why do we need toasts at a wedding

For hundreds of years, toast has been a traditional part of wedding banquets around the world. With their help, an ordinary trivial feast becomes a cultural, fun and meaningful event.

It is during the pronouncement of the congratulatory toast that the most beautiful and wisest words and wishes are pronounced. With a correctly drawn up congratulatory program, the wedding feast is given a significant shade, it becomes more varied and fun. With the help of a toast, a person can openly express their most sincere feelings, love and admiration.

Who determines the sequence of toasts

The toastmaster is in charge of the procedure for proclaiming wedding toasts; it is he who appoints and prepares in advance those who will be the next to perform with congratulations. Words of admiration and congratulations are heard throughout the wedding feast and they are all important for a young couple. But nevertheless, the most important are the very first good wishes that sound from the lips of the most dear people in the world.

Few people have the necessary gift of eloquence and can, without embarrassment in front of a huge number of guests, utter the words that open the wedding celebration. For this reason, the first word at a wedding banquet traditionally belongs to the toastmaster. In his opening speech, he invites guests to the table and sets a positive mood for the whole holiday. Thanks to a professional approach, the presenter manages to create a solemn, but at the same time relaxed atmosphere, where everyone will feel comfortable.

Traditional wedding toasting

In the unspoken rules for holding weddings, there is an established order in the old days, according to which the order of the speaking participants is observed:

  • According to the existing tradition, the right to make the first toast belongs to the father of the bride. The attitude of a parent to daughters is distinguished by special trepidation and tenderness. Therefore, toast, as a rule, turns out to be very touching. In the words of the father, all the depth of their love and pride for their child with the mother is manifested. After all, their daughter has become quite an adult and is starting a new life in her own family. But at the same time, the toast expresses both sadness from parting, and hope for her family happiness. Wise instructions are also always present in the content of the father's congratulatory speech.

  • The next toast belongs to the groom's parents. In it, they can also reflect all their joy for their children. After all, now they have a replenishment in their family - a daughter has appeared who will always be with them, bring happiness to their family in the form of long-awaited grandchildren and will take care of their son.
  • Newlyweds are also required to prepare a reciprocal toast in honor of their parents. Both the groom and the bride can pronounce it. It can be addressed to parents from both sides at once. It should reflect the tremendous love and gratitude of children for the fact that their parents raised and educated them. And also a promise to take care and never forget your dearest people in the world.
  • The next toast should come from the grandparents of the bride and groom. It usually contains the best wishes and good instructions.
  • This is followed by congratulations from the godparents.
  • Brothers and sisters also contribute their share of congratulations in the congratulatory speech in honor of the young couple.
  • The ceremony of obligatory toasts is closed by a witness and a witness. These wonderful people have put a lot of effort into preparing the wedding and deserve special treatment.

The series of festive toasts does not end there, because at the wedding there are many relatives and friends who also strive to personally congratulate the newlyweds and wish them a happy family life. The toastmaster should only evenly distribute their frequency. The most acceptable time interval for pronouncing toasts is the interval of 10 - 15 minutes.

A little about the content of toasts

The main rules for making toasts is their short duration. Take 1 - 2 minutes for one toast - this is the most optimal time. Otherwise, the guests will get tired of listening to the speech and simply stop paying attention to the speaker.

The hallmarks of a good toast are:

  • brevity;
  • the content matches the wedding theme;
  • lack of banal phrases and stamps;
  • originality;
  • the text should carry a positive emotional charge.

It is necessary to take care of drawing up the text of the toast in advance, in this case, his words will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds and will become a useful parting word for them in their future family life.