Original ideas for decorating windows for the New Year: simple templates and stencils of snowflakes, vytynanka, cutouts. DIY Christmas window decorations

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Window decorations for the New Year holidays: how to do it yourself?

Since the days of the Soviet Union, every year on the eve of the New Year we have been making snowflakes and decorating the windows with them. Read about how to cut them out in the article: "". This is the easiest way to transform your home, but far from the only one. You can fantasize about this topic quite a lot. Here are several options, in addition to standard snowflakes, for decorating the window with your own hands:

  • applying toothpaste to paint the glass on the window;
  • beautiful garlands;
  • DIY Christmas-themed wreaths;
  • paper garlands;
  • painting with gouache, as it used to be in schools and kindergartens;
  • Vytynanka is an interesting technique that is often used to make New Year's decorations.

You can also purchase ready-made New Year stickers in special sections of stores.

Materials for Christmas decorations for windows

We can say that the most basic material for creating New Year's decorations for a window is paper. Snowflakes are cut out of it, garlands and beautiful decorations for the windowsill are made.
They are actively used in the manufacture of jewelry:

  • cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • tapes;
  • cones;
  • rain;
  • beads;
  • balloons;
  • other materials at hand.

A little imagination and a few ideas below will certainly help turn your window into a New Year's fairy tale.

Snowflakes on the windows for the New Year 2018

Before decorating the window with snowflakes, you need to make them. It is best to use white napkins - such a thin material will adhere perfectly to the glass. Different snowflakes are known to exist:

  • four-pointed;
  • five-pointed;
  • six-pointed (considered the most common);
  • seven-pointed;
  • eight-pointed.

To cut each type, you need to fold the paper in a special way, but there is an easier way to make a beautiful snowflake:

New Year's decor on the windows with toothpaste: instructions with examples

There are two ways to apply toothpaste to window glass decoration. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Snowflakes and toothpaste lettering

To complete the decor, you need to cut a snowflake out of paper. After - perform the following actions:

Paste drawings on the window

To make drawings with paste on glass, you should prepare the following props:

  • toothpaste;
  • sharp simple pencil or skewer;
  • foam rubber or a sponge for washing dishes.

Using the same "stencil" principle, you can cut out an inscription on the New Year theme and, by attaching it to the glass, fill in the emptiness of the letters with paste.

Stickers for decorating windows for the New Year 2018

To decorate the window, you can purchase stickers from a store or online. Today's market offers everything your heart desires. These stickers can be used to decorate a window or other glass surfaces in the house (wardrobe, mirror). They look very impressive, immersing the imagination in a New Year's fairy tale full of adventure.
Stickers can be:

Decorating windows for the New Year with Christmas wreaths

You can decorate a window in an interesting and extraordinary way with a Christmas wreath. It can be purchased ready-made or made by hand.

To make a wreath you need:

Such a wreath hanging on the window will delight the eye both for the owners and for people passing by your windows.

Alternatively, you can make a spruce bouquet with New Year's decor and put it on the windowsill. These bouquets can also be hung from fancy satin ribbons.

Vytynanka - an original way to decorate windows in the New Year

Initially, let's figure out what are the vytynanka?

Vytynanka Is a trend in the art of paper cutting. We can say that vytynanka is a Russian version of the origami direction called "kirigami", where a three-dimensional picture is created from one sheet with the help of cuts. When making protrusions, the picture turns out to be flat, so it is convenient to place it on vertical surfaces.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, such decorative and applied art began to be actively used in the manufacture of decorations for the holidays, including the New Year.

Vytynatki perfectly "took root" on the windows. For example, on a large window, you can create a large thematic composition from such decorations, in which Santa Claus will ride in a sleigh on a reindeer through the forest, or you can make a round dance of fairy-tale heroes who lead him around a beautiful Christmas tree.
To make a decoration in the form of a vytynanka, you must have a pattern template and a clerical knife, with which the slots will be made.

Since in 2018 the dog will be the mistress of the year, it is this animal that is relevant in the compositions on the vytynanka style windows. You will find templates for such decorations below.

How to decorate a window for the New Year with a paper garland?

If you think that a paper Christmas garland is just rings made of colored paper that are glued together, then you are greatly mistaken. You can make a stylish paper garland to decorate the window with a little imagination. And here are some ideas we will give you.

We offer you to watch a master class for making an unusual garland.

How to print Christmas decorations on windows?

Everything is very simple. Find the template you like - it can be a snowflake, a vytynanka, an angel. Copy the drawing onto an A4 sheet. After - increase to the desired size and print it on the printer. Cut out, the decoration is ready!

Decorations templates for windows, for the New Year 2018

DIY stencils for window decorations for the New Year

In addition to the templates that are already available on the Internet, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need a little imagination and minimal pencil skills in order to draw a stencil on a sheet of cardboard.

Also, as an option, you can print your favorite picture on paper, then transfer it to cardboard and cut it out. This stencil can be used to decorate windows many times.

Window decorations for the New Year from scrap materials

It is quite possible to make jewelry from scrap materials. We offer several options for a non-standard approach to how to decorate your home.

Option number 1: Figures made of threads.

  1. Draw a star, herringbone or snowflake on cardboard.
  2. Fix needles (pins) on all protruding edges.
  3. Wet the knitting thread in PVA glue and pull over the pattern. The photo shows an example of how to do this.
  4. Wait for the glue to dry and the decoration is ready.

You can make a garland out of such figures and hang it on the window.

Option # 2: Snowflakes from plastic bottles.
For such snowflakes you will need:

  • transparent and blue plastic bottles,
  • scissors,
  • gouache white.

Such snowflakes will look great on a Christmas tree standing on the windowsill, and they can also be fastened together in the form of a garland.

Option # 3: Pasta decoration.
Today in the store you can buy pasta of all kinds. With a little imagination and using super glue, you can create original jewelry. After the glue on such a decoration dries, it can be painted with a spray can.

Option # 4: Painted cones.
What could be easier than making a pine cone decoration? You just need to paint it. You can attach a ribbon to a painted cone and get a single decoration or collect such cones on a ribbon. And also, as an option, such cones are folded into a transparent flask and placed on the windowsill.

Option # 5: Snowflake pompons.
To make such snowflakes, you need to make a pompom. There are two options for their execution:

Christmas decorations for windows 2018: a selection of the best ideas

Video: how to decorate windows for the New Year 2018

New Year is a holiday that gives us a truly unforgettable atmosphere. No wonder kids and adults alike are looking forward to this fantastic celebration! And without which the New Year is absolutely impossible? Of course, no festive decor! The anticipation of the holiday appears only when Christmas melodies begin to sound on the streets, the smell of tangerines fills the air, shop windows bloom with themed decorations, and thousands of lights are lit on trees and rooftops.

The most magical night of the year follows. In every house or apartment, boxes with boxes are taken from the mezzanine, they are hung, placed on shelves and installations, and a day or two before the holiday, a beautiful Christmas tree is solemnly installed. However, one place that can also be decorated for the New Year often remains completely unclaimed.

Cardboard and colored paper will create an unforgettable New Year's decor!

We are, of course, talking about windows! There are many simple but amazing ideas for decorating glass and window sills that can give a magical mood both to the residents themselves and to casual passers-by. Beautifully decorated windows will not go unnoticed by guests and relatives who will come to you for a holiday. In addition, this decor will give you the most pleasant sensations and heighten your mood during the winter holidays.

Naturally, on the shop windows you will find a huge amount of New Year's paraphernalia, but lately it has been fashionable to decorate the house with items that the owners made with their own hands. And so that you don’t rack your brains when choosing a New Year's decor, we have selected the most original ideas and master classes on using stickers, creating window paintings, making tucked holes and garlands from the simplest materials!

Idea # 1: Decorating windows with toothpaste

Toothpaste can be used to decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house.

The older generation remembers very well that during the Soviet deficit, toothpaste was the main tool for creating New Year's decor. She painted not only the windows of apartments, but also the windows of schools or kindergartens, involving children in this fascinating process. It should be noted that toothpaste is a universal artistic material that allows you to create several types of painting at once - both decorative and negative.

In the second type of painting, the drawing is similar to the image of photographic film, that is, it is the dark, unpainted places that become the accent. By the way, this is the simplest type of painting that even a child can easily handle. Be sure to involve kids in the process of creating fabulous pictures on the windows! Another positive point is that after the end of the celebrations, you can easily clean the windows from the pattern by simply wiping the glass with a wet cloth. Before you get started, you need to prepare:

  • a foam sponge or old toothbrush;
  • a piece of sticky tape;
  • a bowl;
  • water;
  • scissors;
  • a rag;
  • pencil;
  • paper.


Step-by-step instructions for decorating a window with toothpaste
  • 1. Download a few of your favorite New Year themes on the Internet. These can be Christmas bells, snowflakes, deer, penguins, Christmas trees, or Santa Claus. Print the drawings on paper and cut out with scissors. It is better to prepare stencils with small details first by shading the places that need to be cut out with a pencil, so as not to make mistakes in the process.
  • 2. Soak the template in water by immersing it in a bowl for just a couple of minutes. Alternatively, lay the template on a flat surface and wipe it down with a wet sponge.
  • 3. Stick the template to the selected location on the window pane.
  • 4. Gently blot the paper with dry flannel.
  • 5. Squeeze toothpaste into a bowl and dilute with water until liquid sour cream stands.
  • 6. Take a toothbrush, immerse it in the paste, shake it off a little and, running your finger along the bristles, spray the mass onto the window where the stencil is glued. When the paste evenly covers the window, peel off the paper. The drawing is ready! You can also use a piece of foam sponge for this purpose - soak it in the paste, shake off excess moisture, and then gently press it against the glass around the stencil.

If you have at least minimal artistic skills, you can paint the window by hand, but for this purpose you will first have to make yourself a brush. To do this, twist the foam rubber in the form of a tube and wrap it with a piece of tape. Better to make a couple of brushes with different diameters to paint both large and small details. Squeeze out the pasta onto a plate, dip a brush and paint spruce branches, snowmen, Christmas balls and serpentine.

When the paste is dry, take an orange nail stick or toothpick and scratch out small details - dots or stars on balls, eyes of snowmen, or needles on spruce paws. By the same principle, you can create window paintings painted with gouache paints or artificial snow from a spray can.

Idea # 2: Snowflakes Stickers

Children will like handmade snowflakes much more than purchased ones!

A snowy winter with soft fluffy snowdrifts is the dream of most children and adults. After all, it's such a pleasure to go for a ride on a sled, make a snowman, have a snow battle or go for a walk in the forest! Unfortunately, not every New Year makes us happy with a snowball, and slush spoils the whole impression of the holiday. However, you can create a whirlwind of snow at home. To do this, you need to decorate the windows with unusual stickers made of PVA glue.

Who would have thought that an extraordinary decor could be created from such a simple material? During the day, while it is light outside, the snowflakes seem almost transparent and do not interfere with the view. But in the evening, when moonlight or beams of lanterns fall on the window, it gleams like a real frost! By the way, this decoration can last more than one year - it is enough to carefully remove the snowflakes, lay them with paper, put them in a box and send them to a dry place until next New Year. To make snowflakes, you need to have:

  • paper or ready-made cardboard or plastic stencils;
  • strong film or files for papers;
  • a jar of PVA glue;
  • medical syringe (no needle required);
  • brush;
  • sequins (you can use those used for manicure).


Step-by-step instructions for creating and decorating snowflakes
  • 1. Place the stencil inside the plastic file or place it between the layers of film. If you do not have a ready-made stencil, choose your own, print them on paper and put them in a file.
  • 2. Trace the lines of the stencil with an adhesive mass, squeezing it out of the medical syringe with a thick layer. Correct the drawing with a brush. Important: do not get carried away with making openwork snowflakes! Small details are likely to just blend in, so choose designs with simple lines and large curls.
  • 3. Carefully move the stencil to a window sill or other location near a radiator. Let the drawings dry a little. When the glue becomes transparent, but not completely dry, remove the frozen snowflakes from the film and stick to the window.
  • 4. To make shiny multi-colored snowflakes, repeat all the stages of production, just sprinkle the blank with multi-colored sparkles before sending it to dry.

Idea number 3: Recessed windows

An example of a window decorated with Christmas recesses

Idea number 9: Compositions from pine needles

can be made from many natural materials!

Traditional decor cannot do without compositions of fragrant pine needles, which fill the house with an incredible aroma. The easiest option is to make small wreaths and hang them on the windows using bright satin ribbons. To make such a decoration, you need to prepare:

  • spruce branches (you can supplement them with thuja or juniper branches);
  • thermal gun;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • viburnum branches;
  • Christmas balls;
  • beads.


An example of minimalistic window decoration using pine needles
  • 1. Take two pieces of thick wire and bend them so that you get rings of different diameters (the difference should be about 3-4 centimeters).
  • 2. Rewind the rings diagonally with a thin wire to make the frame of the future wreath. Make a binding out of a long piece of tape.
  • 3. Disassemble the branches into bunches and attach them to the wreath, overlapping each other.
  • 4. Add small cones, balls, beads, rose hips or viburnum, attaching the decor with a heat gun.
  • 5. Cut a piece of ribbon and tie a fluffy bow, attach it at the top of the wreath.

By the way, spruce wreaths can not only be hung on the cornice, but also simply placed on the windowsill, and a thick candle should be placed inside such a decoration.

Idea number 10: Cotton wool garlands

Step-by-step instructions for making a garland from pieces of cotton wool

Decor for window openings can be made from the simplest items that are in every home. For example, from cotton wool. To make a garland, you need to prepare a large number of cotton balls, roll them up to make them denser and string on a long fishing line, hanging in the window openings. Alternate lumps of snow with snowflakes from napkins - so your craft will become airy, and the illusion of falling snow flakes will appear in the apartment.

Idea number 11: Garlands-plafonds from cups

Master class on creating a decorative glowing garland

You can also make an unusual decor from paper cups by making transverse cuts (crosswise) in the bottom with a clerical knife. Then insert the bulbs into the holes and attach the garland to get the original shades. If you do not have suitable paper cups, the same manipulation can be done with plastic cups. In this case, you will need to decorate them - it can be strips of colored paper or ordinary napkins with a pattern, planted on glue.

Idea number 12: Panorama with a winter forest and animals

Multidimensional paper panorama for Christmas and New Year

We have already described how you can make a fairytale village or a city sparkling with lights on the windowsill, but the panoramic crafts do not end there. On the window, you can equip a magical panorama meadow with Christmas trees and animals. To work you will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • a garland of LED bulbs.


Making a paper installation with a LED garland:
  • 1. Glue several sheets of office paper so that their total length is equal to the length of the window sill. Make 2-3 such blanks so that the panorama has several layers.
  • 2. Find and download Christmas-themed drawings - Christmas trees, bunnies, bears, penguins, snowmen or deer are perfect for this purpose.
  • 3. Cut out the stencils and transfer them to the paper strip, placing the designs continuously one after the other. Before drawing, step back 5-6 centimeters from the bottom edge and bend the sheet so that later the panorama can be placed on the windowsill.
  • 4. Arrange the panoramas on the window so that the higher figures (for example, trees) are located by the window, and the lower ones are at the edge of the window sill.
  • 5. Place an LED strip or a garland of bulbs between the layers and light it up to get a real fairy tale on the window.

When you are engaged in the New Year's decoration of your home, you should not pay all attention to just one Christmas tree; decorating windows for the New Year can also play an important role in creating a festive atmosphere. Let's consider different options that will be easy for even your children to do.

Artificial snow

Artificial snow can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Buy cans with "snow" in the store.
  2. Use toothpaste.

The first option is more expensive, but the can is easier to operate, and it imitates real snow better, which adults really like. The second option is cheaper, and there is toothpaste in every home, in the city and in the village. In addition, children are delighted with the opportunity to spray toothpaste on the window with impunity. This is the meaning of the New Year's holiday - so that the whole family has fun.

To apply a beautiful picture to the window, follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Download and print interesting artificial snow stencils.

50 artificial snow stencils:

We have prepared for you stencils for decorating windows with artificial snow for the New Year with different characters (monkeys, Christmas trees, snowflakes, Santa Claus, candles and many others). You can print them and cut them out with your kids!

  1. Cut out along the path all the parts that are highlighted in black (that is, the inner paths).
  2. One side of the selected stencil is moistened with water, and it is pressed against the glass.
  3. After that, artificial snow is sprayed on it. If you are using toothpaste, pour it over with water, beat until foam forms with a toothbrush, and spray the resulting foam from the bristles of the brush onto the stencil glued to the window.
  4. After half an hour of drying, the stencil is removed, leaving a "snowy" figure on the window.

You can apply drawings to the window with artificial snow like this:

Video on how to decorate windows using snowflake stencils and artificial snow:

Paper snowflakes

This is a classic window decoration for the new year. An ordinary sheet of white paper with the help of scissors, a pencil and a template turns into a wonderful snowflake. It is very easy to do this:

  1. The sheet is folded several times.
  2. With a pencil, a drawing is transferred from the template to it and cut out.
  3. Snowflakes of various shapes can be glued to the window with soap. It is undesirable to use PVA glue and any other, since it will be problematic to wash it after the holidays.
  4. You can make garlands of any size from the cut snowflakes and hang them on a chandelier or cornice.

70 snowflake patterns to cut:

Interesting patterns of snowflakes for cutting for the New Year only for you. Print them out and do magic!

There are many other ideas for decorating for the new year: creating decor from fir branches, candles and other New Year's materials.

Paper window decorations

Windows can be decorated not only with snowflakes, but also with whole magical stories. This requires only perseverance and sharp scissors. Magic is made from paper like this:

  1. Save the pictures you like.
  2. Print them out on a printer and carefully cut them out with nail scissors (give them regular scissors to children so as not to cut themselves). You need to cut along the inner contour, and first it is better to outline for yourself the places where the through holes should be, so as not to cut off anything unnecessary.

30 stencils of paper window decorations:

Exclusive stencils of decorations on paper windows for the New Year (monkeys, Christmas and New Year's motives), print them and cut out your own fairy tale!

  1. The resulting picture can be hung in front of the window on a curtain on a string or glued to the glass with laundry soap, for which the soap solution is applied with a brush to the template.
  2. It will reliably hold out all the holidays on the glass, after which it can be easily removed.

You can end up with paper stories like this.

A little over a month remains before the New Year. So, it's time to stock up on ideas on how to decorate your home. The easiest way to create a fabulous mood is to decorate the windows of an apartment or office. How to do this, see our photo selection.

1. Stickers on the windows. The easiest way is to purchase special stickers from the store and decorate windows, window sills and even walls with them. Fortunately, the variety of such jewelry is great today and their combination will allow you to show your individuality.

2. Drawings on the windows. This method is also simple, albeit a little more time consuming than buying stickers. This method was also used by our grandmothers and mothers. He is very soulful and truly filled with a sense of magic, anticipation of a holiday and a miracle.

So, we stock up on toothpaste or tooth powder, a toothbrush, white paper and a foam sponge. Let's start the magic step by step:

Cut out the snowflakes. If you have forgotten how to do this, you can download the template on the Internet.

We slightly moisten the snowflake with water and glue it to the window. In this case, excess water must be soaked.

We dilute toothpaste and tooth powder with water in a small container.

After dipping a toothbrush in the solution, shake it (to remove the first large drops), and then run your finger along the bristles, directing the spray onto the glass and snowflake.

When the spray is dry, carefully remove the snowflake from the glass.

The toothpaste is washed off the glass easily and easily.

With its help, you can simply paint fabulous pictures on the windows. And if you attract children to this, their delight will have no boundaries.

Stencils will help speed up the process of painting on windows. To draw small details, when the solution on the window dries up a little, use a dry brush or toothpick. On top of the toothpaste, the drawing can be painted with colored paints.

3. Paper snowflakes. An ancient, but no less fascinating and colorful way of New Year's decoration. We fold a sheet of paper, cut out the lace beauty and glue it on the windows.

By the way, different pictures can be created from snowflakes of different sizes, for example, a Christmas tree:

Or this beauty:

4. Paper decorations. You can also involve the whole family in this painstaking business. It's a very fun process to create magic from plain white paper.

Download special stencils on the Internet, apply the design on paper and cut out carefully. Now all that remains is to stick it on the window. You, of course, know how this is done: using soapy water or scotch tape.

By the way, the owner of the upcoming 2017 is a rooster.

5. Garlands of New Year's toys. Garlands of Christmas tree decorations look very nice on the windows. You can collect them in various ways:

You can also create garlands from snowflakes:

6. Electric garlands. A special holiday feeling is created by a window decorated with an electric garland. Today there is a huge selection of garlands. Calling on your imagination to help, you can create a real fairy tale on the window.

The idea to paint on the windows arose even before the curtains appeared - this is how evil spirits were driven away. A little later, decorating glass with patterns, people simply hid their personal lives from prying eyes. Ornate figurines of animals - dogs, horses, birds were applied to glass before the holidays, bringing into the house a joyful atmosphere of expectation of something good and good. If you, too, intend to create beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, examples of images on glass, applied with brushes and stained glass paints, as well as toothpaste, will inspire you to create real masterpieces. Find out how and what you can draw using stencils in school and kindergarten - master classes with photos and videos will give you great ideas.

Thematic drawings on the windows with toothpaste for the New 2018 of the Dog, stencils

The easiest and quickest way to create “frosty” windows and bring the spirit of the upcoming holiday into your home is to use stencils. By applying them to the glass and painting over the part that is not covered with a stencil, you will get neat, even patterns. In general, the history of stencils goes back tens of thousands of years. Even before our era, templates were used to apply cave paintings. In France, stencils reached their peak in popularity between 1700 and 1800 — they were widely used in the mass production of items such as playing cards, fabrics, and wallpaper. With the advent of new computer technologies in the 21st century, designers have the opportunity to offer consumers the most intricate templates. Modern themed drawings on the windows for the New Year stencils for 2018 Dogs can be created using acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste. In no case should you paint with oil - then you simply will not wash the glass.

Ideas of drawings on the windows for the New 2018 of the Dog on stencils

Since the New Year 2018 is under the sign of the Dog, you can make or buy ready-made templates with dogs and, using a sponge, transfer the image of the symbol of the year onto the glass. We also have photos of other templates related to themed drawings on the windows for the upcoming New Year and stencil ideas for 2018 of the Dog.

Drawings patterns on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste - Ideas and examples

Ever since childhood, many remember how their parents and grandparents were preparing for the New Year and painted on the windows the most incredible curls, delicate snowflakes, funny Santa Clauses. Of course, painting windows with paints or paste for a holiday is the dream of every child. However, since children are not always able to accurately depict their plans, adults should help them draw patterned drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste. For ideas and examples of such New Year's "glass illustrations" see here.

Examples of New Year's drawings on window glass with toothpaste

In December, everyone begins to actively prepare for the upcoming New Year holidays - decorate an apartment, buy original decorations for interior decoration. However, there are those who are in no hurry to make purchases. These people know for sure: the best patterned drawings on the windows for the New Year are obtained with ordinary toothpaste. . Try to save on the purchase of window stickers and other decor and you - Ideas and examples of how to turn a window into a magical winter picture using a simple toothpaste can be found in our photos and videos.

Beautiful drawings on the windows in gouache for the New 2018 - Master class with photos and videos

If you want to give your home a festive look, start decorating windows a week or two before December 31st. Someone, perhaps, will choose special stickers on the New Year's theme for this, while others will prefer more economical, budgetary options. One of them is to create beautiful drawings on the windows in gouache for the New 2018. You will not need anything other than paints and brushes, but a master class with photos and videos will help you choose a theme for a window painting.

How to make New Year's drawings on windows in gouache - Master class with photos and explanations

If only white images can be made with toothpaste, then with the help of gouache, an artist who knows how to skillfully combine different colors can create a real multi-colored winter fairy tale! Why not put Santa Claus in a red fur coat on the glasses, a green herringbone decorated with yellow, orange, blue, purple balls, red chanterelles and gray bunnies? To create the most beautiful pictures on the windows in gouache for the New 2018, use our master class with photos and videos. Here is a general description of how to work properly with gouache when applied to glass.

Prepare a template drawing for work (you can do with only imagination), gouache of different colors, a brush and an onion.

  1. Before starting work, lubricate the window pane with an onion cut in half. So the paint will better lay on the glass and wash off faster after the New Year.
  2. Place a stencil on the window and paint over the exposed parts of the design with gouache of a suitable color.
  3. Wait for the paint to dry. Then draw in the details of the image by hand.

Patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows

With a bath sponge, you can paint New Year's patterns and designs with acrylics on windows and create a whimsical, festive picture. This technique is quite simple and does not require any special experience. To work, you just need to cut out a New Year's figure from a sponge (a snowman, a Christmas tree, an asterisk), prepare all the necessary tools at hand and start work.

How to draw Christmas trees on the windows with a sponge - Master class with photos and explanations

Before you start applying patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows, get liquid soap or dishwashing detergent from the store. By mixing it with acrylic paint, you can quickly clean your drawing later.

What to paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush

Before the New Year's paints, the teachers suggest that the children decorate the group's room with garlands, balls, decor. And what can preschoolers and adults draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush? It can be funny snowmen, and funny Santa Clauses with granddaughters Snow Maidens, hares, chanterelles, dogs. When decorating windows, adults without fail help their pupils.

Examples and ideas of drawings for the New Year 2018 in kindergarten

Since 2018 is under the auspices of the Dog, this animal of the Eastern Zodiac will tell you the idea of ​​what to paint on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush with a brush. Draw on the glass with the little ones funny puppies in Christmas hats, doggies in the snow, or even dogs carrying Santa Claus on a sleigh.

What to paint for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints

Do you want to feel the real New Year's atmosphere, but are not yet sure what to paint for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints? Our ideas will show you how to choose a drawing and how to transfer it to glass.

Ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

Think about what you want to get in the coming year and try to paint it for New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home using paints. Before starting work, imagine what you associate the coming year with. What would you like from him? Perhaps you will try to depict the Wish Card on the glass? Then, with the chimes, Santa Claus will learn about all your cherished dreams and help them to come true. However, no one has canceled the traditional New Year theme either.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018

Stained-glass windows are a rarity in modern apartments. They cost a lot, and it is difficult to find them in stores. But how fantastic they look at home! Find out what you can paint on glass with acrylic or stained glass paints for the New Year 2018 and create an atmosphere of New Year's magic!

As you ponder what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for New Year 2018, check out examples of how non-visual artists have created truly enchanting window paintings. Do not chase the size of the picture - the windows must let in enough light. Use black as little as possible; don't get carried away with red. When painting stained glass, choose more shades of blue-green and yellow.

How to Draw Patterns on a New Year's Window with a Brush and Sponge - Step-by-Step Steps and Instructions

If you have a desire to decorate the apartment in a special way for the upcoming 2018, remember how to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and a sponge. The step-by-step steps and instructions of the master class and the accompanying photographs will help even a novice artist to understand the simple technique of applying paint on glass.

We draw New Year's patterns on the window with a sponge and a brush - Master class with photos and explanations

If you have a dishwashing sponge, toothpaste, and paintbrush in your home (preferably new), you can create beautiful window décor. How to accurately draw these patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and a sponge will tell you in detail the step-by-step steps and instructions of our master class .

Important: now there are pastes of different colors on sale - you do not have to limit yourself to only the white version.

So start painting on the glass ...

Having decided to create drawings on the windows for the New Year of 2018 of the Dog, stock up not only with stencils on the New Year's theme, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste and brushes, but also with great patience. You will need it when you study our master classes with examples and photos explaining how and what to draw on glass for the holidays at school, kindergarten and at home. Create the most incredible patterns, and with them, and a unique New Year atmosphere.