Lightening hair at home with natural remedies. Lightening black dyed hair - is it possible

How few girls have natural light curls, and how many beauties dream of joining the slender ranks of blondes! This is not surprising, because the hair of a golden hue gives the image a special tenderness and airiness. But often a radical change in color leads to disastrous consequences in the form of hair loss, brittleness and sectional hair. Therefore, there is every reason to switch from chemical paints to less aggressive home remedies. How to lighten hair at home without store dye?

Lightening is one of the most popular and most dangerous methods of coloring strands. Before embarking on beauty experiments, you need to understand what happens to hair during bleaching.

  • The pigment is washed out. Under the influence of a clarifying agent, the own pigment dissolves and can be washed out with water.
  • The structure is broken. As the pigment is lost, a void forms inside the hair.
  • Hair is ruined. As a result, curls become light, brittle, vulnerable to external influences.

5 rules for preparing for the procedure

Even if you use natural remedies for lightening, such a procedure causes stress to the curls and can cause a deterioration in their appearance and quality. To minimize the risk, start preparing your hair for lightening two to three weeks in advance. Follow the five rules.

  1. Don't dye your hair. Applying bleach to color-treated hair can lead to unexpected results. Instead of a golden blonde, your hair can turn blue, green or any other color.
  2. Intensify your grooming. Apply nourishing balms regularly, as well as homemade oil-based masks.
  3. Minimize thermal exposure. Completely give up the hair dryer, ironing and curling irons. Do not wash your hair with hot water and do not expose curls to direct sunlight.
  4. Do not use styling products. They degrade the quality of the strands. In addition, if there are particles of varnish or gel between them, they can enter into an unpredictable reaction with the clarifier.
  5. Avoid frequent washing. Wash oily hair every two days, normal hair once every three to five days, and dry hair once a week. If you use shampoo daily, you run the risk of washing away the protective fatty layer from the skin.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

If you dream of becoming a blonde, the easiest and cheapest way is to bleach your hair with hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is to keep the proportions and not resort to the technique too often. Remember that hydroperite can not only discolor curls, but can also destroy hair follicles. The procedure is carried out in eight main stages.

  1. Wash your head. And pat dry with a towel. Leave the curls damp, but water should not drain from them.
  2. Comb your hair well. On tangled lightening will be uneven.
  3. Prepare the solution. Pour the contents of a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Dilute the product with the same amount of water.
  4. Divide the strands. Use clamps to make the process easier.
  5. Process the strands. Moving from roots to ends. After applying the peroxide, immediately wipe the curl with a sponge dipped in clean water.
  6. Wait. The product must be kept from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the initial color and the desired result. To enhance the whitening effect, warm your head with a film and a thick towel.
  7. Rinse your hair with shampoo. It is advisable to use a sulfate-free product so as not to further injure the hair.
  8. Apply a nourishing balm. Abundantly. And wait at least half an hour.

If you have long dark curls, don't risk applying peroxide all over. The best option is to bleach the ends of your hair at home. Just gather the curls into a ponytail and wipe its tip with a sponge dipped in peroxide. To get a smooth transition, increase the area to be treated each time.

Folk recipes without peroxide

If you want to keep your hair healthy, you need to know how to lighten your hair without dye. Of course, folk remedies do not give an instant result, but curls suffer from them much less. And some recipes are even exceptionally useful.

With lemon juice

Peculiarities . If you want to quickly lighten your hair yourself, give your hair a golden hue and a breathtaking shine, try lightening your hair with lemon. The tool will give the hair volume and elasticity.

How to do

  1. Pour a glass of lemon juice diluted with a quarter glass of water into a ceramic container or spray bottle.
  2. Shake the mixture well and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Treat the strands with the composition and leave for a couple of hours. It is advisable to substitute the hair under the sun's rays.
  4. Wash your hair with plenty of shampoo and do not forget to apply conditioner.
  5. The following procedures are carried out every three days for a month. Duration - no more than half an hour.

If you have dry and damaged curls, it is better to replace the water in the composition with conditioner. After applying the mixture, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel.

With chamomile

Peculiarities . Perhaps the safest method to bleach hair is with chamomile infusion. The option is suitable for hard, thick strands that the grass will gently soften and make more obedient. The effect will be most noticeable on light brown hair.

How to do

  1. Pour three tablespoons of dry chamomile into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. After four hours, strain the infusion.
  3. Soak dry clean hair well with the product.
  4. Put on a shower cap, wrap your head in a towel and soak for an hour and a half.
  5. Rinse off chamomile with clean water without shampoo.
  6. You can repeat the procedure at least every day until the desired result is achieved.

To revive dry hair, add a spoonful of glycerin to the filtered infusion. In this case, it will not work to wash off the composition without shampoo.


Peculiarities . Cinnamon not only has a brightening effect, but also has several other benefits. It is impossible not to say about the heady aroma that remains on the hair until the next wash. And this spice stimulates growth, strengthens the roots and gives the strands a healthy shine.

How to do

  1. Melt two tablespoons of honey and dissolve in the same amount of water. Add three tablespoons of cinnamon and the same amount of your favorite conditioner to the mixture.
  2. Using a comb, distribute the product through damp hair and collect them in a bun.
  3. Wrap your head in plastic, put on a hat and wait a couple of hours.
  4. Wash your hair twice with shampoo.
  5. To bleach your hair without yellowness, rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice.

Cinnamon can be used not only for bleaching, but also for coloring strands. So, if you apply it on blond hair, you can get an interesting reddish tint at the output.

With kefir

Peculiarities . If you have oily scalp, the best solution would be to lighten your hair with kefir. Fermented milk products have been used since antiquity as a brightening and regenerating agent.

How to do

  1. Apply warm kefir liberally to clean, dry curls.
  2. Gather your hair in a bun and wrap your head with a film and a towel.
  3. After two or three hours, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with chamomile decoction.

On dark hair, kefir works poorly. To enhance its effect, add lemon juice. A glass of fermented milk product will need a third of a glass of acid.

With onion peel

Peculiarities . Onion peel will help lighten hair without harming the hair. The process of bleaching strands is rather slow, but it will be accompanied by a complete recovery and treatment of split ends.

How to do

  1. Fill a half-liter jar with onion peel and pour boiling water over the raw material.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave until the liquid has cooled completely.
  3. Dilute the strained infusion with water in equal amounts.
  4. The resulting composition should be rinsed with hair after each wash.

With white henna

Peculiarities . Lightening hair with white henna is suitable for owners of weakened and dull hair. Without any chemistry, you will get the desired shade and completely heal the curls.

How to do

  1. Prepare the coloring composition according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Spread the gruel over clean, damp hair and soak for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with warm water without any detergents.
  4. To give the strands elasticity and softness, rinse them with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.

Judging by the reviews, the esters enhance the effect of henna several times. To speed up the lightening process, add three to five drops of lemon, tea tree, and grapefruit essential oils to the gruel.

With olive oil

Peculiarities . Lightening hair with olive oil requires repeated procedures. But your patience will be rewarded with healthy shine, elasticity and density of hair.

How to do

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with half a glass of olive oil.
  2. After 12 hours, strain the clarifying oil and apply to damp, clean hair.
  3. For one and a half hours, the strands should be exposed to the sun's rays.
  4. Wash your hair by shampooing twice.
  5. Rinse with chamomile decoction or water acidified with lemon juice.


Remember that bleaching does not go away without a trace for the hair. Even if you use natural ingredients for procedures, the loss of pigment can lead to dryness, section and lack of volume. To prevent this from happening, provide intensive care for bleached hair using homemade nourishing masks, the recipes of which are described in the table.

Table - Recipes for masks for the care of bleached hair

For elasticity- Liquid or melted honey;
- an equal amount of castor oil;
- the same amount of aloe juice
30 minutes
From yellowness- 2 egg yolks;
- a tablespoon of vodka;
- 5 capsules of vitamin A
1 hour
Recovery- Puree of one banana;
- 1 chicken egg;
- a teaspoon of liquid or melted honey;
- 2 tablespoons of yogurt without additives;
- the same amount of burdock oil
1 hour
For volume- Mustard powder;
- an equal amount of olive oil;
- the same amount of green cosmetic clay
15 minutes

For the first time, women began to lighten curls in ancient Greece. It was believed that even the goddess Aphrodite supported the blond color of the strands with a cinnamon-onion mixture. Experiments with chamomile, lime, walnut shells and other brighteners continued until the Middle Ages, when red and fair-haired ladies began to be persecuted. Golden blonde again became the standard of female beauty during the Renaissance. It was at this time that the greatest number of ways to bleach hair at home were invented.

How to give hair a lighter shade at home is a question of interest to many girls. The desire to become the owner of the most popular hair color is not always without negative consequences.

Many of us have paid attention to the results of bleaching with peroxide, such as burnt, so-called "perhydrol" hair, more like cotton wool than a beautiful gift of nature.

Meanwhile, there are wonderful natural remedies that allow you to safely and gently lighten your hair a couple of tones at home. What exactly are we talking about? Of course, about well-known to everyone:

  • kefir;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • honey;
  • decoction of chamomile.

Do not set yourself up for some specific and pronounced effect. The natural color and composition of hair in people vary greatly, and this factor determines the results of exposure to recipes accumulated among the people.

Girls with light brown and light brown hair color can expect the greatest effectiveness from the application.

Their hair will lighten slightly, acquire a golden hue.

Turning to the recipe for girls with a different color will not bring harm, on the contrary, it will heal the roots and the entire structure of the hair, but you should not expect any special aesthetic effect.

With the same remedy as lemon juice, you need to exercise maximum caution.

In addition, the last option is leading in terms of negative consequences.

Method number 1

The method of lightening hair based on the use of lemon was well known to our great-grandmothers. A perforated hat is put on the head, hair is pushed through the holes, and lemon juice is applied to them.

In this form, you need to go for a walk in direct sunlight. A fast, free and ancient method of highlighting is available to every girl who loves experiments.

The effect obtained from this method of lightening at home is definitely impressive: a quick lightening of several tones is combined with a beautiful shade of the whole hairstyle.

However, not everything is so simple: you can damage most strands very badly. The fact is that under the increased influence of lemon and direct sunlight, the hair becomes brittle and dry.

For connoisseurs of self-care, one should not forget: hair must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Method number 2

This option of lightening at home is optimal for hair with high fat content. For drier hair, lemon juice is dangerous with the risk of overdrying.

Juice of 1 lemon is squeezed into ½ liter of water. After the usual shampooing, the hair is rinsed with the prepared solution. Lightening with citric acid occurs due to the lightening of the pigment contained in the hair.

To enhance the effect obtained by this method of lightening at home, you need to go out in the sun for 10-15 minutes.

Very soon it will be possible to notice that the initially blond hair has become brighter and lightened by 1-2 tones. If coloring was previously performed, then the method will eliminate yellowness.

In this case, the hair appears shiny and the property of being electrified will disappear.

Method number 3

The effect of using honey for the purpose of lightening at home is related to the results of using hydrogen peroxide. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to make more efforts than in previous cases.

As for the results, the hair becomes shiny, very soft and lightens by two to three tones. An additional advantage of the method is the rare health benefits of hair.

The method is famous for its gentle effect. For owners of blond or light blond hair, this is an excellent opportunity to achieve lightening by a couple of tones with accompanying brightness and no risk of harm to the hair.

At the same time, the hair is nourished with vitamins and nutrients, acquire volume and shine, and are transformed.

Before resorting to this method of lightening at home, you need to properly wash your hair. A good simple shampoo is enough for this - this detergent probably does not contain conditioners, silicones, etc.

After squeezing the shampoo into the palm of your hand, you need to add a third or a quarter of a teaspoon of soda to it.

You can wash your hair and rinse as usual. Then you need to dry your washed hair with a towel, eliminating excess moisture. Do not resort to balm or any other hair care products.

Now you can apply honey to your hair. The honey required for the procedure must be natural and relatively liquid. With an excess of density, honey can be warmed up a little, it is also permissible to add a little warm water.

In no case should you use a microwave for heating - it deprives honey of useful properties. When applying the product to the hair, you need to do this along the entire length of each strand - starting from the roots, ending with the tips.

For convenience, you can use a comb. And then you can massage the scalp.

To prevent honey from dripping, you can cover your head with plastic wrap and wrap it with a towel. This is only for protection, and not for insulation purposes.

The mask should be on the hair for about ten hours. The best thing to do is to do it before bed. It is only necessary to properly take care of convenience - to prevent leakage of honey and the appearance of stickiness on the bed.

After the ten hours required for this method of lightening at home, the hair is rinsed with warm water, washed with shampoo and rinsed - either with a decoction of chamomile, or water with the juice of half a lemon.

This technique allows you to lighten up to three tones. But still, it is recommended to focus on the type and color of the treated hair - it is they who determine the final results.

If the effect leaves much to be desired, then you can resort to repeating the procedure. Do not worry about the possible harm - the method will give your hair more shine, health and attractiveness.

Method number 4

And the most popular or gentle method is the use of chamomile. It will help lighten hair to a delicate golden hue. Care must also be emphasized.

To lighten hair with a decoction of chamomile, you need to take two tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant. They need to pour 200 ml of boiling water. Everything is tightly covered with a lid. The cooled infusion is filtered - they are rinsed with pre-washed hair.

To enhance the effect, the juice of half a lemon is squeezed into the broth.

Method number 5

This method differs from the previous one in that a mask made from concentrated chamomile infusion is used.

So, to lighten your hair with this great natural ingredient, 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water. It is necessary to observe the proportions of 1 to 3.

The tool is best poured into a thermos for several hours. After the broth is filtered, the hair is saturated with it. The head is wrapped with a film and left in this state for an hour.

Method number 6

This technology allows you to lighten your hair with a mask of chamomile and glycerin. Recommended for dry hair types.

Two tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant are poured with boiling water. Duration of infusion: two hours. The infusion is cooled and filtered, 60 g of glycerin is added to it.

The mask is applied along the entire length. The head is wrapped in a film - for forty minutes.

Method number 7

To lighten hair with this method, you need to prepare a mask from components such as

  • lemon;
  • chamomile;
  • saffron;
  • essential oil.

The technology of preparation is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile is mixed with a pinch of saffron, brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour to infuse.

The water mix is ​​filtered, the juice of one lemon is squeezed into it and 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil are added here.

To lighten hair, you need to apply the prepared mask for a third of an hour, at the end of which - rinse with warm water. Hair must be kept clean.

Method number 8

The mask used in this case is prepared from turmeric and lemon.

Three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers are taken. They are stirred with the crushed peel of one lemon, one teaspoon of turmeric. Everything is poured with a liter of boiling water.

A solution that can lighten hair should be left for two hours. After that, it must be filtered. Storage time in the refrigerator: several days. They need to cover clean hair once a day for a week or less.

Breadth is always good

However, when choosing a method, one must always weigh the pros and cons. It is necessary to take into account both general approaches to hair and the specifics of your body.

This is the only way to choose the right method - a method that allows not only to safely whiten hair, but also to provide them with nutrition with useful substances and vitamins.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

You can lighten dyed hair with citric acid shampoo.

The duration of the procedures and the quality of hair lightening depend on the applied paint. You can speed up the wash of color by some procedures:

  • Wash your hair immediately after unsuccessful painting with a deep cleansing shampoo that washes away some of the paint from the curls.
  • Do not use cosmetics for color fastness.
  • Apply oil compresses to the curls, which eat away the coloring pigment.

In addition, a conditioner with lemon juice will help to gradually lighten dark dyed hair. To do this, add the juice of one lemon to any suitable conditioner, apply the product as needed.

How to lighten dark hair at home?

Hot oil compresses will help lighten hair without damaging its structure. To lighten dark hair, burdock oil is used, which is evenly distributed over the strands. To improve the effect during the procedure, put on a shower cap, and then wrap your head with a towel. This mask can be left overnight, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Soda masks quickly and effectively lighten hair by one tone. Baking soda is mixed with water to a mushy state and applied to the hair, being careful not to get on the skin. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. After the soda mask, the hair is softened with a balm.

A quick and noticeable result is given by a mask based on lemon juice and chamomile infusion. Pharmaceutical chamomile is brewed in a glass of boiling water, combined with the juice of one lemon and a couple of tablespoons of castor oil

Naturally dry hair can be bleached with kefir. It will not only remove the coloring pigment, but also improve the structure of the curls. To prepare the mask, use 2 tbsp. l. kefir, cognac, juice of one lemon, egg yolk and a spoonful of shampoo. All components are mixed and applied to dry, clean hair. During the procedure, the head is warmed with a towel. Maintain the mask for 30 minutes.

There are no women who are completely satisfied with their hair. Coloring and haircut are the main procedures that most of the young ladies of our country regularly undergo. If a haircut heals curls, returns freshness, lightness, then dyeing, especially lightening hair, sometimes causes irreparable harm. The chemical components of paints over time affect the health of the hair. Lost shine, silkiness, there is a strong loss (alopecia). Some ingredients of paints (ammonia, p-phenylenediamine and its derivatives, diaminobenzene, amino-mercuric chloride) cause fatal diseases, change the structure of DNA. Bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis - all this develops due to the regular use of industrial paints, as well as hair lightening products. It's hard not to agree, it sounds alarming. However, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse an even, beautiful color of curls for lack of an alternative. But she is!

Folk remedies will help lighten hair a couple of tones without harm to health. Non-traditional methods are based on the use of natural products of natural origin without additional artificial additives.

You can lighten your hair by 2 tones with lemon, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, baking soda, salt, rhubarb, honey, chamomile, cinnamon. A beautician who understands the peculiarities of using folk remedies for hair will help you choose the most suitable option.

It is not always necessary to run to the hairdresser in order to lighten hair a couple of tones.

Benefits of folk methods

Non-traditional means are completely safe for health. They can be used in pregnant and lactating mothers. This is a great way to change hair color for adherents of everything natural. In addition to the brightening effect, they have a therapeutic effect on the hair, contributing to the healing of curls, restoring the smooth structure of the hairs, preventing brittleness and loss. Lightening hair by several tones with the help of natural remedies gives an unusual effect of natural burnout. It is this effect that is in demand in the modern beauty market.

New-fangled coloring techniques "ombre" and "balayage" create a style of natural lightening of the strand. Soft shades of light create a romantic image of burnt curls.

Among the other advantages of folk staining are:

  • availability. To lighten hair two tones, you need simple ingredients that are available in every home;
  • low cost. Compared to salon procedures, lightening hair by a couple of tones using folk remedies is much cheaper. Ingredients for brightening masks (lotions, rinses) cost significantly less than industrial paints;
  • the possibility of lightening one or two tones at home. You no longer need to make an appointment with a stylist, adapt to the schedule of the beauty salon. Carry out the procedure at any time convenient for you;
  • natural remedies do not have a negative effect on curls, on the contrary, they contribute to their recovery, recovery after aggressive external influences (using a hair dryer, curling iron, ironing, hot rollers, curling, dyeing, straightening);
  • using folk remedies is simple, it does not require special training, the availability of specific tools.

Home ways to lighten hair

How to lighten hair by 2 tones without resorting to expensive salon procedures? This question is asked by many women who want to whiten curls at home. According to the reviews of ladies who are convinced of the effectiveness of folk remedies, we have compiled the top 5 home methods for lightening hair:

  1. Lemon juice. Freshly squeezed citrus juice has been repeatedly proven to have bleaching properties. How to lighten hair a few tones with this fruit? Recipes for folk remedies differ depending on the type of hair. For the dry type, the juice concentration is lower than for fatty or normal types. Squeeze the juice from 4 medium lemons, combine with 50 ml of warm water. Pour into a spray bottle, apply to dry, unwashed strands until completely wet. Sit comfortably in direct sunlight for an hour and a half. To avoid drying out the curls, rinse off the juice after the procedure is completed. Ultraviolet enhances the effect of lemon, contributing to the instant whitening of the hair. This method is suitable for normal hair. For dry type, water is replaced with conditioner. Apply to the head with your hands, then distribute with a rare wooden comb. The procedure is completed according to the above algorithm. Precautionary measures:
  • when applied to the head, protect the eyes;
  • do not allow chlorinated pool water to get on lemon-treated curls;
  • to avoid overdrying the strands, always use a balm;
  • for a dry type, it is good to add a little olive oil to the mask;
  • Lemon is successfully replaced with lime.

Lightening with lemon. The resulting color directly depends on the duration of the procedure - the longer you hold the mask, the lighter the hair will be

    1. Chamomile will help you quickly lighten your hair by 1 tone or more, depending on the individual characteristics of your hair. In addition, chamomile has a lot of useful properties that have a healing effect on damaged strands. Chamomile products improve blood circulation in the scalp, prevent cross-section, breakage, restore shine and silkiness. For bleaching, use a decoction of chamomile: pour 2 tablespoons with a liter of boiling water, insist in a water bath for 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, the concentration of the decoction is increased by reducing the amount of water. The resulting fragrant infusion is rinsed with hair after the standard washing procedure. If desired, chamomile broth for rinsing is enriched with nettle, lemon juice. Alcohol lotion is rubbed into the scalp twice in 7 days. Pour half a glass of vodka over a spoonful of rosemary and chamomile, close tightly in a glass container. Insist in a dark place for 14 days. Before use, it is advisable to strain so as not to toil with the remnants of grass in the head. Tincture is best used on strands prone to fat content.

After one procedure, the hair will lighten at least one tone

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent natural bleaching agent. The main advantages are universal availability and low cost. Let your hair rest before using peroxide. A week before the procedure, exclude thermal exposure, the use of styling products, shampoos with harmful chemical components (sodium lauryl sulfate, fragrances, preservatives, dyes). A 3% solution is suitable for bleaching. Start the procedure by thoroughly washing your hair. Do not use a hair dryer, leave to dry at room temperature. To improve the effect, it is recommended to apply the solution to slightly damp strands. To facilitate the whitening procedure, divide the scalp into zones. For an ombre effect, apply the 3% solution with a cotton pad, moving from the tips to the roots, stopping at the desired length from the roots. For uniform clarification, it is more convenient to use a spray gun. Keep wet strands for about 30 minutes. The intensity of lightening depends on the color and type of hair. To bleach dark curls, keep the peroxide on for about an hour. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, test on a small area of ​​​​the head. Choose a small strand in an inconspicuous place, smear it with a product, leave for half an hour. Rate the result. Depending on the result, adjust the duration of the exposure of the mask. After completing the procedure, wash your hair with a balm.
  2. Did you know that baking soda has a whitening effect? This is true. To bleach the hair at home, this penny substance, which is available in every home, is often used. Soda is effective on both natural and dyed hair. It is an excellent washer for regular hair dye. Pour 10-15 tablespoons of soda into a glass of warm water, put a teaspoon of table salt, stir until the components are completely dissolved. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair, twist into a bun, leave for 45 minutes. At the end of the set time, wash off the soda mask using shampoo and balm. To obtain a lasting effect, several procedures are needed. Baking soda can damage your hair, so it's not recommended to use it more than once a week.

Hello readers of my blog. For some reason, many girls want to become blondes without fail, and try to change their appearance with different colors. There are many ways to lighten hair at home.

How to bleach hair

There are very affordable ways. The very first method of obtaining a light mop is the use of peroxide.

To prepare the coloring composition, take:

  • Peroxide - 60 g,
  • Water - 50 g of water,
  • Liquid soap - 40 g,
  • Ammonia - 3 teaspoons.

Peroxide can severely damage the bulbs, so follow some rules:

  1. Before painting, do not wash your hair for 3 days so that a protective layer of fat forms on the skin.
  2. Lubricate the forehead with a fat cream.
  3. Apply peroxide with a wooden stick with cotton wool wound around it.
  4. Start staining from the back of the head. And the strands themselves begin to lighten from the ends, as the roots of the hair lighten faster.
  5. To prevent the paint from dripping from the strand, add liquid soap to it, but not shampoo, otherwise the lightening will slow down.
  6. Wait until you get the color you want.
  7. Then moisten the strands, and again apply a brightening composition to the roots.
  8. When the shock acquires the desired color, rinse it with water.
  9. Then wash with soap without lye. Rinse with lemon juice or vinegar to stop the hydrogen peroxide from working.

Folk ways of staining

At home, use available folk remedies, such as chamomile.

Chamomile will give the hair a light golden hue.
Cooking: 2 tbsp. Art. l. dry raw materials, pour a cup of boiling water, put in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then cool, rinse cleanly washed hair. Chamomile can not only color curls, but also treat hair follicles.

Lemon staining- one of the most gentle methods. Pure juice should not bleach all hair, but only individual strands, since citrus can provoke dandruff.

  • dilute the juice of half a citrus with water 1: 3,
  • pour in a decoction of chamomile at the rate of 0.5 packs per 1 cup of boiling water.
  • add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil.

Such a recipe will help lighten the hair, soften the effects of acid, and prevent the scalp from drying out. The mask stays on for 2 hours.

An unexpected recipe honey staining. Natural hydrogen peroxide is present in honey, due to which curls are lightened.

Cooking: combine honey and olive oil 2:1, add half a banana, mix with a mixer. After 15 minutes, apply the mass on the head, hold for 45 minutes.

Lightening with cinnamon- a rare way to give the hair a light shade.

Cooking: to 3 tbsp. l. cinnamon add 3 tbsp. l. honey, diluted with water 2:1, add 100 ml of balms, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 100 ml olive oil. Leave the mixture for 1 hour to infuse.

Application: generously lubricate wet strands, put on a shower cap. Leave on the head for 4 to 8 hours.

Suitable for colored hair clarification with kefir. This product penetrates the hair scales, washes out the pigment, so the paint is partially washed off.

Cooking: mix 1 egg with kefir (0.5 cups), two tbsp. spoons of vodka, add a little shampoo, juice of half a lemon.

Application: apply the resulting mass on the head, wrap, hold for 2 to 8 hours.

Lightening oily hair

How to change the color of curls without paint? You can lighten individual strands or all curls with soda:

  • Water - 100 ml
  • Shampoo - 50 ml
  • Soda - 7 tbsp. l.

Apply the mixture on the head, hold for 20 to 30 minutes. Due to the large amount of soda, this composition is best used for oily hair. Dry strands can be very dry.

gentle method

Many blonding products can disrupt the structure of the hairs. Therefore, choose Estelle paint and follow the instructions.

How is this tool different? Manufacturers introduce natural substances into the paint, for example, peach oil, chamomile extract. The staining procedure takes place in 2 stages. After the first stage, 14 days should pass.

Spend at home powder lightening. All types of hair are subject to blonding, including dyed. To get a noticeable blond, take Solo Super Blond, brightening immediately by 5-6 tones.

Lightening black and dark hair

Many black-haired beauties suddenly decide to radically change their color, especially in spring. Brunettes and girls with dark hair always want to look, but how will they look with a light hairdo?

There are recipes that will allow you to see yourself as a blonde, for example, with honey. Add some water to honey to make it easier to apply it on your head. The product is applied to wet hair, covered with a shower cap for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo. Of course, in one session you will not get the expected effect, but continue to make masks until the result you need.

An effective brightening composition will be obtained from mixtures in equal parts of honey and olive oil. Such a mask will help not only lighten the hair, but moisturize, nourish it with useful substances.

An excellent remedy is lemon juice. To apply on the head, mix 100 ml of lemon juice with 100 ml of water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture generously to clean, damp curls, let them dry in the sun for 1 hour.

Under the influence of the sun, the acid begins to open the hair follicle, which leads to cleansing of the pigment. After an hour, rinse your head, apply a composition consisting of olive oil and chamomile infusion. This will be another means for blonding.

To lighten black hair, prepare the following remedy:

  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Chamomile flower tea, (3 bags per 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes)
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.

Mix everything, apply on the head, wrap up, hold for 4 to 8 hours. This composition will strengthen the hair follicles, give the hair a splendor, healthy shine.

To see noticeable results, apply this mixture 1-2 times a week for several weeks.

Light hair care

Having turned blonde, be prepared for the fact that in a few days your hair will no longer look perfect. Your hairstyle will require more care, you will have to do various wraps more often.

Remedy for blondes and brunettes:

  • Yolk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vodka (for blondes), cognac (for brunettes) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamin A - 5 capsules.

Mix everything, apply on the head, hold for 1 hour.

For hair restoration after clarification, make the following composition:

  • Ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Fatty yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • - 2 tbsp. l.

Keep the mixture for about an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Express mask for restoring hair structure after blonding:

  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Green clay - 1 teaspoon.

This mixture should be kept for only a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Image change

To change your look again, try toning your hair after bleaching. Get high-quality paints that will change the color of individual strands by 2-3 tones. They are produced without ammonia, and they last for about 1 month.

For a quick effect, you can use coloring mousses, foams or sprays. The funds are washed off in several washes, but the shade can be changed every week.

If you are going to a party, then protonate the strands with foam and mousse. The color will last until the first wash. By the way, you will produce an unexpected effect!

Paints for thorough toning with a light oxidizing agent are produced. They will last approximately 2 months. Using a similar dye, you will lighten the curls by 2-3 tones.

Toning differs from coloring in that the paint does not penetrate deep into the hairs, but remains on their shell. Therefore, the color is washed out faster - and we again have to tint with a vending shade.

Modern tinting products are produced with a gentle formula, leaving tinted curls obedient, elastic, which do not break when combed, do not lose their shine from washing. Many products are available with caring ingredients, which is very useful for hair.

Which shade to choose

  1. Blondes with a honey tint are better off choosing a tint with a golden sheen: caramel or champagne. They will give the strands a youthful glow, refresh the face.
  2. It is better to give the effect of slightly burnt strands to long curls.
  3. A smoky shock can be refreshed with pearl, platinum, silver or wheat shine.
  4. Dark blondes can take copper shades or catchy red shine.

Wide streaked strands look luxurious, as well as hairstyles with horizontal overflows. It is very fashionable to mix three different shades that are close to the existing color of your hair. Then light and dark highlights will give the curls a 3D format.

Attention! Apply pigment to damp hair, as dry hair absorbs faster, so it falls on them in unsightly spots.

How to restore healthy looking hair

Hair restoration after lightening is an important step in hair care.

A mask will help to revive the hair after blonding: pour gelatin (2 tbsp.) With water (100 ml) for 10-15 minutes. Then dissolve in a water bath. Enter 1 raw yolk and 1 tbsp. l. balm.