Sophia Loren's first secret of beauty, vigor and good mood: the "sleep, fitness, air and dao" complex. Sophia Loren's beauty secrets

Beauty secrets from Sophia Loren

The beautiful Italian woman is known all over the world not only as an outstanding actress. She is the author of Woman and Beauty, a collection of simple and accessible tips that any woman can use to look irresistible. Written over 25 years ago, it remains relevant today. It seems to us that the advice of a woman who, at the age of 72, was not afraid to play completely naked, is worth listening to.

Sophia Loren on beauty:

“Fresh cheeks, a skillfully powdered nose and well-tinted eyes are not the most important thing in the art of being attractive. Beauty depends on something else - kindness, intelligence and, of course, imagination, without which you cannot become a spectacular woman. "

“To get a bright, expressive appearance, it is necessary, in my opinion, to learn two things: first, everything is in your hands, and second, beauty is worth fighting for.”

“Self-discipline is the key to success in many areas of life. It is difficult to become irresistible if you are lazy. If a young woman has an expressive appearance, but lacks self-discipline, over the years nothing will remain of her beauty. On the contrary, an unremarkable, but self-conscious woman will become interesting over the years. "

“Never explain neglect of yourself by lack of time, excessive employment. In reality, this is an empty excuse. "

Sophia Loren on hair care:

“Use shampoo carefully. Dampen your hair, pour some shampoo into the palm of your hand and add a little water to dilute it. Then apply to hair and massage into scalp thoroughly. Do not scrub it like a dirty floor with a mop, handle it with care so as not to damage wet strands. "

“From time to time you need a penetrating balm. I am Italian by birth and that is probably why I think that olive oil is the best balm. The oil is especially beneficial if you have to spend time in the sun. It protects the hair while nourishing it. Massage the oil into your scalp and comb through your hair. Wash your hair after a few hours. Most likely, your head will have to be soaped several times to remove oil and odor, but thanks to it, the hair will acquire a unique shine. "

“Some women mistakenly see their hair as an opportunity for complete transformation. Sometimes this is justified: you are convinced that the new hairstyle is for you. But too often, impulsive decisions end in drama. Try not to fly headlong to the hairdresser under the influence of a momentary mood. Do not do "chemistry" if the washing machine breaks down. Don't dye your hair blonde if you've been fired. When you calm down, you will regret your haste, and it will take a long time to return to your previous appearance. "

Sophia Loren on skin care:

“If your skin is not so good, it’s easy to fix it. This is quite a rewarding activity, because the skin responds very quickly to care. By caring for your skin today, you are working for your future, because a woman with good skin looks great at any age. "

“It is important to remember that the face changes over time, you must monitor these changes and adjust your skin care accordingly. The most common mistake is that a woman who had oily skin in her youth continues to use strong lotions, at a time when the excess fat has long disappeared, and thereby causes great harm to the skin of the face. "

“I am convinced that the pursuit of flawless skin must have a real basis. Remember that the face is the mirror of the soul and reflects character. You can't read much on a boy's or a girl's face; youth is gifted with serenity. But time does not stand still: we ourselves are responsible for our appearance and not only in terms of skin care. You can see everything - boredom, irritation, bad mood, complaints. Years go by, and their traces are already indelible. However, humor, kindness and tolerance also shape your face and create a timeless look. ”

“Regularly lubricating your hands with cream is the best way to keep them looking well-groomed, even if you don't do anything else. I use nail cream regularly. I advise you to have several jars and keep one in your bag, another in the car, the third by the phone, in a word - everywhere so that you can rub the cream into your nails as soon as you have a free minute. The cream will work a miracle with your hands. "

“If you drink enough water - eight glasses a day - you help your skin stay youthful and fresh. It is not necessary to drink plain water - both mineral and fruit juices, coffee and tea are suitable. But please don't drink eight glasses of coffee a day! "

“Gymnastics is the best medicine for the skin. If the load on the body is large, the heart beats faster, blood circulation is accelerated and thereby cleanses the skin. The blood, as it were, washes the slags from the skin. If blood circulation is slow, this effect cannot be achieved. The blush will revitalize your face - the blood itself will massage you internally. Even if you stop doing gymnastics, its beneficial effects will be quite long-term. "

Sophia Loren on the selection of wardrobe:

“Any woman, if she has the opportunity to wear toilets from Dior or from Balmen, will get an idea of ​​what style is. If not, she's just a fool! "

“There are four considerations that should be followed when planning to make any purchase. It is quality, color, lifestyle and self-expression. "

“If you want to look elegant, learn to distinguish quality items. Good quality is inherent not only in expensive clothes. Its secret is that the fabric, cut, tailoring, color and silhouette must be the best you can afford. "

“Spend the money set aside on fashion, according to your lifestyle: if you spend most of the week in the office, the clothes of a business woman will absorb the bulk of the budget. Many women fall into the trap of wasting huge sums of money on a weekend evening dress, which is worn for several hours a month or even a year. If you rarely wear evening dresses, do not waste a fortune on them, but rather find a beautiful, elegant toilet that suits all occasions, and pay as much as necessary. He will serve you for years to come. "

“Most women, as a rule, know which colors suit them and buy the appropriate clothes. This is far-sighted and correct. Don't be confused by the salespeople: you will be persuaded to buy something pink just because everyone is wearing pink this year. ”

“Clothes are the simplest means of revealing your personality. Shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes will tell you a thing or two about a woman's personality, even if you haven't had time to talk to her. Have fun embodying your personality in clothes. A wide scope for creativity and imagination opens up before you. "

“Most importantly, don't go to the store without knowing what you want to buy. Uncertainty lurks the root of evil and the basis of the collection of loose things in the closet. "

“When buying, imagine your overall look. So, when paying for a new dress, you must be sure that you have shoes, a scarf, a belt and so on for it. "

Sophia Loren on accessories and shoes:

“Don't make the mistake of wearing too many pieces of jewelry in the same style. Identical bracelets, beads, earrings and rings often look boring. Change the combinations to make it interesting, but do not hang on yourself too much. "

“My top tip for shoes is to avoid white. If a woman is wearing white shoes, you will only notice them and nothing else. "

“Make the boots of the highest quality you can afford. With careful care and lubrication with cream, they will last a long time. "

“Wear flats or slippers whenever possible, especially if you wear high heels at work. By changing the height of your heels, you force different muscles to work, which increases flexibility and gives good shape to your legs. "

Sophia Loren on nutrition:

"The way you eat is important not only for your figure, but also for your face, well-being and mood."

“Try to eat a balanced diet three times a day. Coffee alone on an empty stomach is not the best way to start the day. Although in the morning I usually do not have much appetite, I do eat some fruit and bread. Lunch is often the only meal for me during the day - when I eat pasta, some meat or fish, salad and coffee. An evening meal is an easy option for a daytime menu to which wine is added. You should eat with pleasure, without haste. "

“Don't snack on the go. Biting is the enemy of proper nutrition. Snacking not only contributes to excess weight, it can tire the internal organs. This is because after eating, the stomach digests the food and blood rushes to the digestive tract. And if you constantly chew, then the process goes on continuously, so your body gets tired. "

"Try to avoid canned food."

“Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Know that very often, when it seems that you are hungry, in fact, you are just thirsty. "

“Eat less red meat and more fish and chicken. White meat and fish contain less fat and as much protein as regular meat. "

“Eat more pasta! Both gourmets and nutritionists support me here. How do I manage to maintain my figure by consuming so much spaghetti? I am often asked this question while surreptitiously looking at my hips and waist. So, now well-known authorities have confirmed what Italian mothers have known for centuries - dough products benefit the body. "

Sophia Loren on the benefits of exercise:

“Contrary to popular belief, exercise will decrease your appetite and help you burn more calories after exercising. Appetite decreases and the body burns calories faster than usual, several hours after exercise. "

"Exercise relieves stress and anxiety, calms the nerves and helps with depression."

"Exercise promotes good sleep."

“Exercise develops grace. If you are doing gymnastics, then walk as if the whole world belongs to you - proudly and smoothly. "

Sophia Loren on the benefits of sleep:

"Sleep, as a true source of tranquility, is often overlooked."

“Well-being during the day depends on a good night's rest. Before falling asleep, try to adjust yourself to a calm mood so that you sleep well and soundly. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, try to develop a bedtime ritual. Go to bed at the same time so your body gets used to shutting down. For relaxation, you can take a short warm, but in no case hot baths. It is good to drink a glass of milk: the calcium it contains acts as a sedative. "

Sophia Loren on the most important thing:

"No beauty in the world can compare with the beauty of self-knowledge and the satisfaction that comes when you accept yourself for who you really are."

Tags: Sophia Loren, "Women and Beauty", book, advice, secrets

To preserve your beauty. This woman has won the hearts of millions of men around the world. Despite the star's age, her skin shines with youth, and she herself is still the embodiment of elegance and charm. The actress thoroughly knows the secrets of attractiveness that help her always and everywhere.

Sophia Loren revealed to everyone the secrets of self-care in the book "Woman and Beauty". According to her, she always followed a non-aggressive and natural skin care program that consisted of simple rules. Among the main methods used by the star is a rejuvenating face mask from Sophia Loren.


It will take you a night to prepare this composition, but the delightful effect of its use can last a whole week. If yours is normal, take one small spoonful of gelatin and dilute in one hundred grams of milk. In the case when the epidermis suffers from high fat content, it is better to use kefir or yogurt.

The anti-aging mask that Sophia Loren came up with should be infused in a cold place overnight. During this period of time, the gelatin will completely dissolve in the liquid. Then pour the mixture into a blender and add the following ingredients to it:

  • a small spoonful of olive oil, it perfectly nourishes the skin with nutrients;
  • the same amount of honey and dry white wine, thanks to them, the dermis will receive a lot of useful substances that smooth it, make it soft and elastic.

Then the rejuvenating mask from Sophia Loren is carefully mixed and poured into a glass container. You can store this product in the refrigerator for a very long time. It does not deteriorate thanks to the preservatives in the wine.


Gelatin, which is part of the mask, creates a lifting effect. Therefore, it is recommended to apply it in courses of 10-15 sessions. The mixture must be applied to the skin every other day. At the end of one stage, a month must pass before you start a new run. This mask will tighten sagging cheeks and help you get rid of a double chin.

In the morning it should be applied cold to "invigorate" the skin. And before going to bed, the composition must be slightly warmed up in a water bath or in the microwave to enhance the nutritional effect. Attention! No need to heat up the whole composition! Type in exactly as much content each time as you plan to use.

How to use Sophia Loren's rejuvenating mask? First cleanse your face, neck and décolleté and apply the mixture in a thin layer. After 15 minutes, gently rinse it off with running warm water or a napkin soaked in warm milk. Then rinse with cold running water.

Application features

If you have oily skin, before starting the procedure, you can make a steam bath to better open and For dry and prone to peeling dermis, a warm compress is well suited: moisten a towel in heated water or herbal decoction (for example, chamomile) and apply 2-3 times on the face.

If during washing you notice that the anti-aging mask from Sophia Loren does not come off well, then you need to choose other proportions of its components. The whole problem may be too much gelatin. Try adding more of the other ingredients on your next session to correct this deficiency.


With regular and correct use of this tool, you can achieve the following results:

  1. The skin will tighten and the swelling will diminish.
  2. Wrinkles will be reduced (especially so-called crow's feet).
  3. You can apply the composition to the skin under the eyes for a fresh and radiant look (this should be done a maximum of twice a week for a month).
  4. becomes more expressive and fit.
  5. The dermis is cleansed, its surface is leveled and softened.

The rejuvenating mask from Sophia Loren stands out among other products for its versatility. It is great for all skin types. But she also has contraindications. In particular, they include an allergy to honey. In this case, this component should be replaced with one diluted in any liquid or melted vegetable oil.

A charming woman and a wonderful actress - Sophia Loren looks great and is in great shape even in her mature years.
How does she do it?
When Sophia Loren is asked about her age, she says that I have no secrets. You just need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, eat right, sleep at least 7-8 hours and play sports. The source of a woman's youth is the mind, as the star says, the form of expression is simplicity and tranquility.

A day in the life of a star .

Sophia Loren goes to bed at 21.00, gets up at 6.00. In the morning, he definitely does exercises, the star is charged with positive emotions, staying in the garden, enjoying the aroma and beauty of flowers. She does not drink alcohol, does not smoke (at the age of 50, Sophia Loren got rid of this addiction and regrets very much that she did not do this earlier), does not eat fried foods. To maintain skin elasticity, he drinks at least two liters of mineral water a day. The actress is convinced that in this way the cells receive the lost moisture, the body is cleansed of toxins, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced. Her daily diet includes a glass of yogurt with a spoonful of brewer's yeast. Such a vitamin cocktail will give your hair shine, a skin elasticity. The air in the room should always be humidified. To do this, place a vessel with water near the battery and start indoor plants.

Makeup from the eyes Sophia Loren removes with vegetable oil, she is sure that this is the best makeup remover. Olive oil is the main cosmetic she uses for a flawless complexion. After the morning cleansing, the actress applies a moisturizer to her face, and a nourishing cream with active ingredients at night. Hair washes with baby shampoo.

The star arranges fasting days for 2 days, once every 3 months, during which she drinks freshly squeezed juices and eats fruits. And, of course, to maintain a slim figure, eats a pineapple in a day. It removes excess fluid from the body, promotes the breakdown of proteins and skin regeneration.

Diet from Sophia Loren .

The secret of the actress's diet is that she eats food in small portions with few calories. Add low-fat sauces to the spaghetti:

  • 1st day. Breakfast: 1 egg and 170 grams of orange juice. Lunch: 60 grams of turkey, vegetable salad and low-fat cottage cheese. Dinner: spinach salad, 115 grams of pasta with shrimps, an apple for dessert.
  • 2nd day. Breakfast: a cup of low-fat milk with cereals. Lunch: half a cup of cottage cheese, fruit salad. Dinner: salad leaves with lean dressing, 115 grams of spaghetti with lean turkey meatballs. For dessert, a pear.
  • 3rd day. Breakfast: half a dried bagale and a low-fat slice of cheese. Lunch: boiled chicken, 115 grams of green salad. Dinner: a large salad of various greens with lean dressing, 170 grams of low-fat cheese lasagna. For dessert, 2 peaches.

Sophia Loren is the author of the popular book "Woman and Beauty". The book was written more than 25 years ago, but the advice is popular and relevant to this day: "If every woman takes care of herself regularly, she will undoubtedly become more beautiful."

List of items for home beauty salon: scented soap, foam, bath oil or scented salt, powder, pumice stone, body brush, face mask, liquid body cream, razor and hair bleach, radio. While water is being drawn into the bath, add oil or salt to it. Steam your face, apply a mask (dilute oatmeal with water, apply a thin layer on the face, avoiding the eye area; for dry skin, use powdered milk instead of oatmeal) and take a bath. The main thing is, don't think about anything! Pumice your feet, clean your nails, massage the body with a brush (blood circulation will improve, muscle sagging will decrease). Shave your armpits and legs. After the bath, you can take a relaxing cool shower, it strengthens the immune system and maintains the shape of the bust. Finally, apply a moisturizer to your skin and powder your body.

Dry milk bath. In the winter, take a bath by dissolving a cup of milk powder in water. This treatment softens, moisturizes and firms the skin.

Strengthening nails. Sophia Loren uses a cream, and advises everyone to use the cream whenever they have free time. This will relieve brittle nails and give your hands a well-groomed look. Start a few cans and keep one in your bag, one in your car, and one by your phone.

Hair care... Regularly, a few hours before washing your hair, rub heated olive oil into the roots. Hair will look great!

It turns out that everything is very simple, in order to look good, you need to fully rest, eat right, load yourself with physical training and regularly take care of yourself.

Sophia Loren is the most famous actress, not only because she starred in almost a hundred films, but also because her beauty still can only be envied. This lady is almost 81 years old, and she still looks gorgeous. At the same time, the secrets of Sophia Loren's beauty are not at all something mysterious and incomprehensible. In fact, every girl knows about them, but not every one uses them. As Sophie herself says, laziness can kill any beauty.

The actress is really constantly working on herself, both physically and mentally. In order to remind girls all over the world how to stay beautiful, or even how to become one, Sophia Loren released the book "Women and Beauty". But it would be too much to quote the entire book, and the basic truths are always the most effective. Sophia Loren's simple beauty secrets are available to any woman every day.

Good mood and good thoughts

Yes, you heard right. Such a simple truth, and much is hidden in it. To begin with, our face, while still young, cannot tell about the kind of life we ​​lead. More precisely, it does not give out how many experiences there were in this very life. But if you constantly walk gloomy and grieve about or without, then as a result, deep wrinkles on the forehead, swollen eyelids and sullen folds at the mouth will give out an alarmist. But the wrinkles in smiling look much nicer. In addition, more cheerful people get sick less and suffer from various ailments.

Therefore, in order not to see strange changes in your own face in the mirror in a few years, focus only on pleasant thoughts. Let them be the sculptors of your future face.

Daily self-care

These are the very secrets of Sophia Loren's beauty that all women know, but which are sometimes neglected. Indeed, do not be lazy to wash off cosmetics, apply day or night cream, hand and body cream. For loving yourself, you will be richly rewarded. Moreover, when you yourself feel good, your body and face will respond in kind to you.

Taking care of yourself day in and day out, even if you are not too happy with your appearance, you will thereby be able to form all undesirable and problem areas. If the matter is in problem skin, then it is with it that you need to communicate every day through various care products, massages, special creams. If you do not like a protruding tummy or not elastic buttocks, then you should form a simple set of exercises that you personally will easily maintain for at least 10-20 minutes a day. And most importantly, you can always track all age-related changes and immediately warn them.

As for age, it is worth paying attention not only to new wrinkles or elasticity and silkiness of the skin, but also to what means you take care of yourself. Each age group has its own cosmetic procedures and creams, do not forget or ignore this. In the same way, you do not need to sound the alarm ahead of time and switch to creams for those over 40 at the age of 20.

Proper nutrition

Sophia Loren does not claim to be a nutritionist, but her beauty advice on this part makes sense. The actress advises drinking a lot of fluids throughout the day, while you can not be limited to one simple water, as it is fashionable to think nowadays. The main thing is that the body gets enough liquid, even from juices, even from tea. In addition, the body itself loves to suggest what it needs, which means that if you prefer mineral water or juices more, drink them. Coffee lovers and tea lovers can be content with their favorite drinks.
Also, during the day, sometimes there is a completely inappropriate feeling of hunger, which, according to Sophie, is often confused with thirst. After all, you also noticed that sometimes it is worth drinking a glass of water or juice, as there is no trace of hunger.

The actress is a recognized lover of Italian pasta. At this stage, everyone who deny themselves flour products sadly shakes their heads and, perhaps, suspects Sophia Loren of expensive operations or constant visits to spa salons. But here, too, the most important thing is to find your own. In addition, the nutritionists, to whom Sophie addressed the same question as to why flour is harmful, only shrugged. The trouble lies precisely in confectionery sweet products, so the love of pasta and spaghetti is unlikely to have a catastrophic effect on the figure.

As you can see, Sophia Loren's beauty secrets are not at all difficult, and self-discipline will help to apply them day after day, according to the actress. When you yourself get used to performing certain self-care rituals every day, you are too lazy to simply evaporate. You will become uncomfortable if you don’t put on a night cream at night, don’t wash off your makeup, overeat too much, or simply don’t do a morning stretch.

Love yourself every day!

Also watch the interview with Sophia Loren on The Larry King Show. The actress talks about herself and her lifestyle, shares her revelations.

The legendary actress, winner of numerous awards and the title of sex symbol, looks incredibly attractive at 79! We decided to recall the 5 main secrets of her beauty.

Sophia Loren recommends avoiding stress and worrying less

Positive attitude

According to Sophia Loren, a good mood and positive are the keys to a happy life and attractiveness. “I always think positively. Very rarely you can see me in a sad or melancholy mood, says the star. - You should enjoy life, every moment. This is very important in order to make a good impression. Always surround yourself with people you love, with whom it is pleasant to talk or learn something new. " In addition, the actress recommends avoiding stress and worrying less: “You have to take care of yourself. Relax, read, watch the sunset. Do the things that will please you. "

Sophia Loren believes that self-discipline is one of the main secrets of female attractiveness. Photo: Splash News / All Over Press According to Sophia Loren, with age, you need to adjust your care and pay special attention to various cosmetic procedures. Photo: Splash News / All Over Press

Self-discipline and self-care

"It is difficult to become irresistible if you are lazy" - this phrase of Sophia Loren has long become an aphorism that has been passed from mouth to mouth for many years. The actress is sure that one of the main secrets of female attractiveness is self-discipline. “If a young woman has an expressive appearance, but lacks self-discipline, then over the years nothing will remain of her beauty. And if a woman with a completely ordinary appearance takes care of herself, then over time she will undoubtedly become even more attractive, ”the actress is sure. One of her favorite beauty products is extra virgin olive oil, which she uses in food, as well as adds to baths and applies to her skin. According to the star, with age, you need to adjust your care and pay special attention to various cosmetic procedures that help women to be beautiful, but in makeup, you should adhere to the principle “less is more”: “As you get older, you should use less cosmetics ... This is a simple rule. It is always noticeable when older women try to compensate for their age with a thick layer of makeup, but this does not make them more attractive. "

Sophia Loren starts her day early enough - at 5-6 in the morning, and goes to bed at 8-9 Photo: Splash News / All Over Press Sophia Loren can't imagine her life without her favorite job Photo: Splash News / All Over Press

Active lifestyle

According to the star, she starts her day early enough - at 5-6 in the morning, and goes to bed at the same time at 8-9 in the evening. This time is enough for her to feel cheerful and look attractive. Every morning she does a light warm-up and walks in the fresh air for an hour, forcing herself to always adhere to these principles. “I always wake up early and jump out of bed, even if I don’t want to. You don't need to make excuses for yourself not to exercise. I walk a lot and advise everyone - it is very good for the heart and figure, ”says the actress. Sophia Loren spends a lot of time in nature with her family, and also cannot imagine her life without her favorite work: “I think I was born for this. When I had long breaks in filming, I literally could not find a place for myself and began to mope. "

Sophia Loren admits that she does not go on diets and does not starve, but at the same time she always monitors what her diet consists of. Photo: Splash News / All Over Press

Proper nutrition

In 2006, at the age of 72, Sophia Loren posed nude for the Pirelli Calendar, and these photos made a splash! However, at 79, Sophia Loren also remains incredibly slim and boasts very feminine forms. The actress admits that she does not go on diets and does not starve, as she loves to eat very much, but at the same time she always monitors what her diet consists of. “Be careful with what you eat! Eat very little and very small portions, you don't want to be fat, do you? " - says the star. Sophia Loren usually starts her day with a small breakfast, followed by a hearty lunch, and in the evening - a light dinner: “I eat a lot of vegetable salads, a little meat and some fruits. It's all. But I also like sweets and pasta, so sometimes I indulge myself. " The actress claims that weight has never been a problem for her: "I could gain a few pounds, but then I easily returned to shape."