Family planning: the best age to have a baby. What is the ideal age for having a baby

Pregnancy planning

The importance of preparing for pregnancy

Folk wisdom says that children of love are beautiful children. When the sowing season comes, the seeds are taken and the soil is prepared. Thinking people who want to have a child will take care of the quality of the "seeds", will try to prepare the "soil" in the best possible way.

It has been proven that the state of health of a woman in the months before trying to get pregnant has a big impact not only on the health of her unborn child, but also on how easy the pregnancy and childbirth will be. Many complications that develop during this period can be prevented if properly prepared for it. During pregnancy, the child copies the state of health of the mother, exacerbation of her ill health.

The physical condition of the father also plays an important role in the health of future generations. It is known that a new generation of spermatozoa in the male body matures in an average of 72 days. So with the systematic poisoning of the body with cigarettes and alcohol, it is not necessary to talk about healthy heirs.

Therefore, for the happy nine months of pregnancy, both future parents should begin to prepare in advance.

Age suitable for the birth of a child

Optimal age for first pregnancy

Doctors consider the period from 21 to 26 years as the optimal age for the first pregnancy. By this time, puberty has already been completed, the hormonal background is stabilized, the body is young, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.

However, in most developed countries, the age of women expecting their first child has increased. Previously, the desire to become a mother arose in women by the age of 20-23. Twenty-first century women become psychologically ready for motherhood at 27–30 years old, and sometimes even later. And the thing is that the role of women in society has changed. Before the birth of a child, she needs to have time to get one or more higher educations, make a career, change several sexual partners, and only after that decide on motherhood. The level of modern medicine allows women to give birth at 30, and at 40, and even at 50 years old.


If a woman is practically healthy, she does not have hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, then she may well give birth after 40.

Features of late motherhood and fatherhood

Late motherhood (and we are talking about the first birth) has its advantages. In adulthood, a woman, as a rule, takes a responsible approach to the birth of her first child, she already has an established career, good financial security. However, the "aging" of primiparous causes concern among doctors. They do not object to the emotional and psychological state of a woman, but they are sure that a younger age is physiologically optimal for the first birth.

Indeed, you should not postpone the birth of the first baby for a distant “later”. Insofar as, Firstly, with age, the ability to conceive decreases, the chance of getting pregnant, compared with twenty-year-olds, decreases by 2 times, and by the age of 40, the probability of spontaneous pregnancy is only 10% compared to them. BUT Secondly, in women older than 35–40 years, the likelihood of various gene disorders at the level of germ cells increases, and this can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and malformations in the child. In addition, women over 35 during pregnancy are at risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, complications with the kidneys or liver, etc.). But the complicated course of pregnancy adversely affects the health of the child.

It is not uncommon for women over the age of 35 to have a caesarean section, as the likelihood of a long and more difficult birth increases. Therefore, to reduce the risk of complications, take care of your health now, before pregnancy.

In addition to the generally accepted examination, women over 35 years of age should have a mammogram before pregnancy. It is also advisable for both parents to consult a geneticist. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Most women over 35 give birth to healthy babies.

The opinion that childbirth rejuvenates a woman is a myth. At any age, bearing a fetus, a woman experiences severe stress. The birth of a late child does not delay the onset of menopause, although it reduces the number of menopausal complaints.


Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has a lesser impact on the health of the unborn baby. Now, French scientists have found that starting from the age of 35, male reproductive abilities are deteriorating and postponing fatherhood threatens with miscarriages in partners. Therefore, they believe that gynecologists should pay attention to the age of the father and inform the couple about the influence of this factor, and not focus only on the age of the mother.

In addition, the solid age of the father (more than 50 years) can cause such a congenital disease as Down syndrome.

Determine your best age to conceive

Planning for conception

Seasonal Features

Conception in winter - childbirth in autumn

Conception and the first months of pregnancy fall on an epidemiologically unfavorable season. At this time, the incidence of SARS and influenza increases. But the embryo in the first trimester is very sensitive to the effects of adverse external factors.

Childbirth and the first months of the child's life will take place in the fall. Bad autumn weather can interfere with outdoor walks with your baby, while cloudy days and rains can ruin your mood. However, if the last months of pregnancy fall in the cool autumn or winter months, then the last trimester is more easy. The expectant mother has a less pronounced tendency to edema, insomnia.

Conception in spring - childbirth in winter

Conception falls on the period when the maternal and paternal organisms are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis. Therefore, when planning conception and pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe the necessary vitamins to future parents, which are important for the normal development of the baby. During the third trimester, you need to be very vigilant, as it is cold and slippery at this time of the year. Falls and injuries are very dangerous for mom and baby.

But in winter there is a good production of melatonin. Thanks to this, the expectant mother falls asleep normally. In addition, the last months of pregnancy are easier to bear in the cold season than in the summer heat.

Conception in summer - childbirth in spring

Conception occurs in one of the most prosperous period in terms of weather conditions and saturation of the body with vitamins. This time is favorable for the most vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy.

The birth of the baby and the lactation period will occur in the spring season. This is a period of hypovitaminosis, so both mother and baby will need enough vitamins.

Conception in the fall - childbirth in the summer

In autumn, the body is saturated with vitamins, and this is favorable for the emergence of a new life. However, in the autumn slushy period, the percentage of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza increases. The last trimester of pregnancy falls on long summer days. Due to the long daylight hours, the expectant mother may have trouble falling asleep.

Also at this time, the production of the hormone melatonin, which is very important for the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy, worsens. In addition, in the summer heat, the tendency to swell increases. But in the summer in the last months of pregnancy, you will not need to wear heavy clothes!

And for students of expectant mothers, summer is the optimal time of year for childbirth. With the help of relatives, a student mother can spend the most difficult first months of a baby's life with her child and even continue her studies without interruption.


Cosmobiologists, specialists who study human life rhythms, believe that in the first two months after your birthday and two months before it, vital activity drops sharply. Therefore, try not to get pregnant during these periods, as you will need a lot of energy in the first weeks of expecting a baby.

What to do before pregnancy

Questions to Discuss with Your Husband

1. Will you work during pregnancy and after the baby is born?

2. Discuss all expected expenses associated with pregnancy and the appearance of crumbs.

3. Can your husband provide for the family while you look after the child?

4. Who will help you take care of the baby?

5. Where will you live with your child?

6. Who will make repairs in the nursery or in the whole apartment?

Spend an active vacation

Vacation is best planned before pregnancy. The fact is that trips, flights, changes in climatic and time zones can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the developing body of the baby.

If you and your husband love extreme sports, then do them now. During pregnancy, these activities will be contraindicated for you.

Make repairs in the apartment

The expectant mother must completely exclude contact with various building materials and derivatives of the paint and varnish industry during pregnancy, as they can adversely affect her health and the life of her unborn child.

What needs to be done and how to behave so that the child is born healthy

Necessary consultations with doctors

To be sure of the health of your unborn child, not only mom, but also dad needs to undergo some examinations and specialist consultations. And it is advisable to start doing this a few months before the intended conception.

First of all, future parents should visit a therapist and dentist, dad also a urologist to exclude the presence of diseases and latent infections, and an expectant mother an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist and gynecologist.

The survey will help identify problems that need to be addressed in advance. You will be assigned the necessary tests and consultations of specialists, they will inform you about the prognosis of the expected pregnancy. This is important, since the presence of, for example, latent urogenital sexually transmitted infections can threaten the unborn child with serious developmental disorders. By the way, it has been proven that gum infections in men reduce the fertility of sperm.

Therapist's examination

The doctor will try to find out if future parents have diseases that could interfere with conception and the normal course of pregnancy, and a predisposition to them.

It is important to carry out the examinations that he prescribes before pregnancy, because exacerbations of a previously latent infection or chronic disease during pregnancy can cause great harm to both mother and child. In addition, there may be difficulties with treatment, since many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, detected diseases, if possible, should be cured before pregnancy.


If you suffer from diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, or any other serious illness, you should consult with your doctor before deciding to become pregnant. He may suggest that you switch to another treatment, as some drugs are harmful to the unborn child or may prevent conception.

Gynecological examination

For the next year, this is the most important doctor of the expectant mother.

It is advisable to visit the gynecologist who will continue to observe the pregnancy.

During the visit, the doctor will examine your medical record or the conclusion prepared by the therapist, ask about previous pregnancies, abortions, contraceptive methods, previous and existing diseases; will conduct an initial examination in order to determine the state of your reproductive system; take a vaginal swab for analysis; will give directions for the necessary examinations and blood tests; advise vitamins and diet; if necessary, he will recommend that you visit a geneticist and an endocrinologist.

Tell your gynecologist about your current or past health problems to assess if they may affect your fertility (fertility. - Note. author), your condition during pregnancy, on the development of the fetus. Tell your doctor about all medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking. The doctor will decide what and in what doses can be left, and what can be excluded in order to avoid congenital diseases of the fetus.

Dentist examination

It is best to take care of your teeth and gums immediately after you have planned the birth of a baby, so that during pregnancy this problem does not bother you anymore.

Dentists advise checking the condition of the teeth every six months, so a meeting with the doctor should take place at least once in 9 months. Otherwise, you risk waiting for caries or gum disease, and then the infection from the diseased tooth can travel throughout the body and get to the baby.

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, and this leads to a change in blood circulation in the skin and mucous membranes, in particular, to a deterioration in blood circulation in the mucous membranes of the gums. As a result of this, their bleeding may occur, periodontitis will occur or worsen.

In addition, during pregnancy, the protective properties of saliva are sharply reduced. In this regard, in the oral cavity there is an intensive reproduction of microbes that cause caries. All these factors lead to an extremely high risk of periodontitis and caries. And if you already had "holes", then the destruction of the teeth will go rapidly. In addition, according to recent studies, the presence of periodontitis may be associated with the occurrence of such a dangerous pregnancy condition as preeclampsia (late toxicosis of pregnant women, characterized by headache, visual impairment (flashing, blurring), nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. - Note. ed.)

Inflammatory diseases pose a danger not only to the teeth, but also to the body of the mother as a whole and the unborn child. In pregnant women with hidden foci of infection, in 30% of cases, infection of the fetus is observed. In children, a decrease in the immune status, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases are much more common. This is due to the fact that particles of food are retained in diseased teeth, which set in motion the processes of decay and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. And the products of chronic bacterial inflammation (toxins) can enter the blood and lymphatic vessels. All this can lead to severe postpartum diseases. These women are often diagnosed with staphylococcus and other infections in breast milk, and because of this, their babies develop dysbacteriosis.

The doctor will examine the condition of the oral cavity, conduct examinations and, if necessary, draw up a treatment plan. If you have concerns such as enamel sensitivity or bleeding gums, ask your dentist for recommendations for toothpaste and a medicated mouthwash.

Otolaryngologist examination

During the appointment, the doctor will examine your medical record or the conclusion prepared by the therapist; ask questions about how often you get respiratory diseases, how they occur, which ENT organs cause concern, how you usually cope with the first signs of respiratory diseases (cough, runny nose); if necessary, the doctor will take swabs from the throat and write out a referral for a blood test.

Oculist examination

You need to visit an optometrist in order to be sure that the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth will not negatively affect the vision of the expectant mother. And if you already have deviations in visual acuity, then you need to consult a specialist.

During your visit, the doctor will perform a routine assessment of visual acuity; study the condition of the fundus. This procedure lasts about 20 minutes. First, the doctor will instill a drug in both eyes to dilate the pupil. Then you have to wait about 15 minutes until the pupils dilate. After that, using a special apparatus, the ophthalmologist examines the fundus through the dilated pupils. There is nothing unpleasant in this procedure, however, after it, the pupils remain dilated for some time, so it is not recommended to read and drive during this period. Vision returns to normal after 2-3 hours.

In addition, the doctor will measure intraocular pressure; Give advice on nutrition and vitamins.

Genetic consultation

Genetic counseling is needed if:

1. Relatives had or have inherited diseases or diseases due to, among other things, heredity, such as cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, muscle wasting, hemophilia, fibrocystic disease, congenital heart disease, cleft lip (“cleft lip”) or hard palate (“ cleft palate"), dwarf growth, spinal hernia, etc.

2. One of the future parents suffers from the above disease.

3. Future parents are related by blood.

4. There are justified fears that an unborn child may be harmed as a result of taking any medications (sedatives, sleeping pills, antibiotics, etc.), past infectious diseases or X-ray exposure.

5. If the mother-to-be is over 35 and the father-to-be is over 40.

6. If future parents lived for a long time in environmentally unfavorable conditions or worked in hazardous industries.

7. If in the past a couple or a woman in a previous marriage already had children with malformations or genetic pathologies, and also had problems with conception (prolonged infertility), bearing or giving birth to a child (if the woman’s medical record contains a note about miscarriages, stillbirths or "recurrent miscarriage").

8. Parents want a child of a certain gender.

A geneticist can help you assess your risk of having a child with hereditary diseases or birth defects. To do this, the doctor needs data on the families of future parents and the accuracy of the diagnoses. Therefore, you need to prepare for a visit to a geneticist. It is important to collect information about your relatives and their serious illnesses or their manifestations. The doctor conducts a survey of both future parents. They mark in the pedigree the presence or absence of situations that may have a hereditary origin. Also, a geneticist may prescribe additional examinations to spouses if genetic risk factors are present.

There is a list of recommended examinations. They are divided into two groups: mandatory and special - tests that are prescribed to future parents under certain circumstances (the mature age of the parents, the risk of malformations, etc.)

Special tests and examinations are ordered by a doctor in order to have a better idea of ​​your health. If the future parents have any chronic diseases, then consultation of the appropriate specialist will be required. He may prescribe additional examinations that are not named in this section.

Mandatory tests for the expectant mother

General clinical blood test This analysis is needed to diagnose a number of diseases, including anemia (anemia). It can adversely affect the course of pregnancy, therefore, it requires timely treatment.

General urine analysis This analysis allows you to pre-assess the condition of the kidneys of the expectant mother and their readiness for stress during pregnancy.

Blood chemistry

This analysis helps to evaluate the work of the main organs and systems of the body.


If, as a result of the analysis, a problem was identified, then the examination should be carried out three times and only after that do final conclusions.

This analysis allows you to predict the blood type of the future baby and its compatibility with the mother's blood type. At the same time, the risk of an Rhesus conflict is assessed.

Blood sugar test

Based on the results of this analysis, it is judged whether the expectant mother is at risk for diabetes.

If her blood sugar level is above normal, then in the future it will be necessary to conduct pregnancy in a specialized center.

Analysis for infections

This analysis allows you to timely diagnose diseases that during pregnancy can cause fetal malformations, various complications, and even miscarriage. Some of these diseases are asymptomatic, so a woman may not even be aware of their existence.

This group of analyzes includes:

Analysis for HIV, RW (syphilis), hepatitis B and C;

Analysis for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);

Blood test for the presence of antibodies to TORCH-complex infections.

The abbreviation TORCH-complex was formed from the first letters of the names of infectious diseases: Toxoplasmosis - toxoplasmosis, Rubella - rubella, Cytomegalovirus - cytomegalovirus, Herpes - herpes.

These diseases are very dangerous for the fetus if a woman becomes infected with them during pregnancy, so it is important to make sure before conception that you have immunity to these infections, that is, there are appropriate antibodies in the blood. If they are absent, then it is necessary to make the appropriate vaccination. And if you have an infection, you need to be treated before conception.

Bacteriological culture In this analysis, a smear is examined. The state of the normal microflora of the vagina and the presence of conditionally pathogenic flora are assessed.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction)

This modern research method helps to identify those infections that cannot be detected with a standard study.

These are chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus infections.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs The general condition of the pelvic organs is assessed in order to exclude the presence of problems.

Mandatory tests for the future dad

Determination of blood group and Rh factor

This study is carried out if, as a result of the examination of the mother, it turned out that she has the first blood group and Rh-negative affiliation.

Analysis for infections

Since sexual infections are ill together, it is better to pass this analysis to the future dad. Keep in mind that men are often carriers of thrush pathogens.

Of course, it is necessary to recover before conception.

Special analyzes and examinations

For future mother

Hormonal examination

A hormonal analysis is prescribed if a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, if she has had spontaneous abortions or early births in the past.

Measurement of basal temperature

This method is used by doctors to determine the days of ovulation in cases where a couple has problems conceiving. The essence of the method is as follows: in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed, the expectant mother measures the temperature in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. Based on the data obtained for the measurement period (usually 3 cycles), a graph is built. According to him, the doctor determines the approximate time of ovulation.

An alternative option is home ovulation tests. They can be bought at a pharmacy.

Thyroid examination

This examination is prescribed if the expectant mother had any problems with the endocrine system (in particular, with the thyroid gland). The study assesses the content of hormones in the blood that characterize the state and function of the thyroid gland. An ultrasound of this organ may also be prescribed.

Hemostasiogram In the course of the study, the main parameters of blood coagulation are determined. Deviations in this analysis indicate existing disorders that can be eliminated by appropriate drug prescriptions.

Detection of autoantibodies This examination is prescribed if the expectant mother has previously had problems with carrying a pregnancy or there are problems with conception.

In the course of the study, the presence of early miscarriage factors in the blood of the future mother is determined - lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids.

The definition of lupus anticoagulant is also often included in the "hemostasiogram" analysis. In this case, the analysis for the presence of autoantibodies is done separately.

Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes

This examination is prescribed if the expectant mother has previously had an abortion or has had inflammation of the appendages, a sexually transmitted infection, or there are problems with conception.

It allows you to take timely measures to prevent ectopic pregnancy.

For the future dad


If the pregnancy of the partner does not occur within a year, then the man needs to contact an andrologist and make a spermogram. This analysis makes it possible to determine whether a man can become a father.

For the accuracy of the result, before passing the analysis, sexual abstinence from 2 to 7 days is necessary. The quality of sperm is affected by the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, try to exclude such external factors for about a week before the study. It is preferable to take the analysis directly in the laboratory - there are all conditions for this.

When diagnosing, the volume of ejaculate is determined - seminal fluid. Its decrease may indicate insufficient function of the glands of the male reproductive system. The number and motility of spermatozoa are assessed, since only actively mobile ones are able to fertilize the egg. Based on this, experts give a conclusion about the "work" of the male reproductive system. In addition, the spermogram allows you to identify a hidden inflammatory process and conduct timely treatment.

For both future parents

Blood test for the study of the chromosome set

This analysis allows you to determine whether potential parents are at risk for any genetic diseases and whether they can have a child at all.

The parents themselves may be healthy, but the unique combination of their chromosomes can cause a chromosomal imbalance in the child's body and lead to serious illness.


In many countries, genetic testing is mandatory. A diagnosed problem in time makes it possible to correct the situation and, if desired, avoid the birth of a sick child. In Russia, this examination is NOT mandatory. But it is better to do it to make sure.


General analysis shows the probability of having a sick child, but does not give an exact answer whether he will be sick.

Rejection of bad habits

In order for your child to be born healthy, both future parents will have to say goodbye to bad habits.

When to stop drinking and smoking

If a man or woman drinks moderately, then it is enough for him or her to stop drinking strong liquor about three months before the intended conception. A little good red wine occasionally won't hurt. But immediately before conception, both spouses, of course, must completely abandon alcohol.

It is better for a future mother to give up smoking a year before the intended conception. If your spouse smokes, encourage him to do the same. Then you will avoid the role of a passive smoker, and he will retain his reproductive potential. It is enough for a man to give up this bad habit just four months before the planned conception. It is during this period that spermatozoa are renewed.

The impact of smoking, alcohol and drugs on the unborn child

Smoking limits the fertility of both women and men, and causes great harm to the fetus.

61% of sudden infant deaths could be prevented if mothers did not smoke during pregnancy.

A woman's smoking during pregnancy increases the chance of mental retardation in her child by 50%.

Women who smoke are 30% to 70% more likely to have a miscarriage than nonsmokers.

Smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day by a pregnant woman can lead to premature birth.

In women who smoke, the child lags behind in fetal development 3-4 times more often.

The harmful effect of alcohol on the developing fetus has been noticed for a long time. Even in ancient Rome, all pregnant women were forbidden to drink wine. In ancient Russia, there was a custom forbidding young spouses to drink wine at a wedding.

If alcohol is present in your blood at the time of conception, your baby may be born with many hidden disorders in the metabolic and endocrine systems, and even initially not quite mentally complete.

Abuse of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy leads to an increase in spontaneous abortions and premature births, as well as to underweight newborns and slowed down their mental development.

Fetal alcohol syndrome develops in 30–40% of children born to women who frequently consumed alcohol during pregnancy, even in small doses.

Between 10% and 20% of cases of mild to moderate intellectual disability are attributable to alcohol exposure in utero.

Healthy lifestyle

In order to give the crumbs a decent supply of nutrients, you need to have this supply in your body. You may need to rethink your daily routine. It is necessary to plan your working day wisely in order to have enough time for rest.

A woman should sleep at least 8 hours a day. In this mode, the ovaries work normally. Remember that an hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two after! Even for "owls". Before going to bed, such a ritual is good: wash your feet with water, rub them well, knead with cream; drink half a cup of warm linden or chamomile tea with honey; breathe 5-7 minutes deeply and calmly with lavender aroma oil or another that helps to fall asleep and is pleasant (it is better to consult a doctor on this).

A short nap in the middle of the day is helpful. Several times a day, it is also advisable to lie on your back on the floor or on a hard bed in order to completely unload the spine.


Before you slowly and smoothly get up, rub your palms well, stretch, yawn and turn on your right side, lie down on it a little, bending your right leg at the knee and putting your hands under your cheek.

Give morning exercises at least 3-5 minutes. It will be enough even one sip plus 3 calm deep slow breaths and exhalations. Only necessarily meaningfully and with pleasure, wishing health and vigor to every cell of your body, especially your spine. Then look out the window and mentally greet the world, from the bottom of your heart wish good to all people, especially those you meet today.

Ventilate the rooms often, walk in the fresh air. Rhythmic walking at a pace convenient for oneself, in comfortable shoes (not tight, with a stable heel, with an embedded instep support - you can even pick up a magnetic one) is useful.

Try to strengthen the vessels. In addition to gymnastics, regular walks in the fresh air, swimming also contributes to this. It is also useful to conduct a full course of general massage, including regular massage of the collar zone, and a contrast shower. Start at a temperature that is pleasant for you, warm up well and calm down. Rub the whole body with a hard washcloth (mitten), you can use a saline solution (2 tablespoons of unflavoured table or sea salt per 1 liter of water). It tones very well (carry out cycles of 10 procedures every 2 months). Stand in the shower again and every half minute change the water alternately to relatively hotter or colder. Just 5 minutes every day is enough.

When you can’t take a shower, alternately pour warm and cool water on your face, arms up to your elbows, or legs up to your knees. The main thing in this matter is regularity and a conscious attitude to the procedure. Its use is in training the vessels and nerves responsible for vascular tone.

When appropriate conditions and opportunity exist, take warm baths. They relieve stress. It is possible without aroma oils, just drop 5-7 drops of valerian into the bath. The main thing is to comply with the following conditions:

1. Water temperature - comfortable for you;

2. Duration from 5 minutes (minimum!) And gradually up to 15-20 (maximum!);

3. 2-3 times a week;

4. An hour before meals or two - after;

5. Half an hour before bedtime.

6. After the bath, it is better to lie down for 20-30 minutes.


A man should avoid hot baths, as they inhibit spermatogenesis.

Take care of contraception to avoid abortion. Start taking vitamins. It is important to take them even before conception, when pregnancy is just planned. The fact is that some vitamins are of paramount importance for pregnancy. So, vitamin E (tocopherol) has a beneficial effect on a woman's ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy. Even the name of vitamin E - tocopherol - speaks for itself: tos - (Greek) childbearing, and phero (Greek) - give birth.

Another important vitamin for expectant mothers - folic acid (vitamin B 9) affects the formation of the nerve cells of the embryo, which is very important for its normal development. It is known that taking folic acid before pregnancy and in its early stages in 75% of cases can prevent serious defects in the neural trunk of the fetus (for example, spina bifida - spina bifida).


Before you start taking vitamins, check with your doctor. He will select the drug that is right for you! Most often, a course of vitamin therapy is prescribed one month before the intended conception.

It is desirable that the future dad also take vitamins, since spermatozoa carry part of the genetic material to the baby. It is also beneficial for the father-to-be to take L-carnitine, a chemical similar to amino acids and related to B vitamins, which can increase sperm count and motility. And taking ginseng at 100–250 mg per day will stimulate spermatogenesis and increase sperm count.

Get fit. Aqua aerobics, Pilates, yoga, gymnastics... Choose what you like best. Just stick to reasonable activities, because excessive physical activity can prevent the onset of ovulation, without which you will not be able to get pregnant.


Gymnastics and even sports activities, if they do not cause you discomfort, are good for you and for the future father of your child. Moderate physical activity favorably affects the viability and motility of spermatozoa. It is advisable to give them at least half an hour a day 5 times a week.


It is useful for men to know that jogging (up to 50 km per week) can significantly increase potency and fertility.


1 Lying on your back, raise and lower straight legs smoothly, slowly (do not raise your head!). Inhale - legs go up, exhale - legs go down.

This exercise can be performed in the morning in bed (only if it is hard enough), holding the back of the bed with your hands at chest level.

Start with 3-5 times, gradually increase to 20 and, if desired (possible), more. The main thing is the systematic and smooth movements.

2 Rotation of the hips alternately to the right and left in the doorway, holding hands on both sides of the door frame. Slowly and calmly. Breathing is arbitrary.

Perform, the more often, the better - at every opportunity.

3 Stretch your spine, leaning against the door frame with your back, pressing your heels, buttocks, shoulders, back of your head against it and hooking on the door frame with your hands above your head. Breathe voluntarily.

Stay like this for at least 1 minute. Perform at every opportunity.

4 Lying on your back (on the floor), bend your knees. Take a calm full breath. Without raising your head and keeping your shoulders off the floor, slowly and smoothly lower both legs to the floor to your right (exhale). Then repeat the same on the other side.

Perform 10-15 times in each direction (gradually bring to this amount).

5 Forward bends: slowly, smoothly, low to the floor, knees slightly bent. Up to 40 slopes (gradually bring up to this amount).


With the help of the simplest postures (asanas) of hatha yoga, you can strengthen your health.

It is best, after consulting a doctor, to attend group yoga classes conducted by an experienced instructor. But you can do it yourself at home.

Lesson conditions:

1. An hour before meals, two after.

2. Not for the night.

3. On a wool rug or linen sheet (only use for yoga!).

4. In elastic or loose clothing made from predominantly natural fabrics (linen, cotton).

5. You can listen to slow quiet music.

6. It is useful to drink a glass of clean water before class.

7. When performing asanas (postures), it is better to keep your eyes closed to avoid energy dissipation.

To be healthy, physical movement is not enough. It is necessary to combine them with spiritual, most healthy aspirations. In the East, this has been known since ancient times, which is why they have SPIRITUAL PRACTICES, and not just physical culture.


During exercise, be especially careful to rotate your head. Be very careful with this - sharpness is inappropriate here.

By the way, as a warm-up and light morning exercises, a 3-5-minute dance to music like rock and roll is suitable, that is, rhythmic various (fantasy) movements in a free style. And after completing a light warm-up, you can start hatha yoga classes with the simplest postures (asanas).

I offer you the following poses, easy to perform:

Fetal Pose

Lying on your back. Calm breath in and out. As you inhale, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them and raise your head to them. Hold your breath while inhaling and stay in this position for as long as you want (3-4 seconds are enough). Lower your head, arms and legs to the floor (exhale). Remember to move smoothly!

Repeat the exercise 3-5, later 7 times. This pose is the most energetically economical. Restores the vitality of the body.

Pose of a child (or praying)

I sit on my heels. Inhale-exhale, then inhale and lean forward with your head to your knees, without lifting your buttocks from your heels (exhale). At the same time, stretch your arms forward with palms to the floor or leave them behind with palms up (as convenient).

Stay in this position for as long as you want, breathing voluntarily. Slowly return to the starting position (inhale).

cat pose

On all fours, slightly arched at the waist. Inhale-exhale. And while inhaling, strongly arch your back up with a hump, hold your breath and stay in this position for as long as you want. Return to starting position (exhale).

Repeat up to 16 times (gradually bring to this amount).

Bow pose

Lying on my stomach. Inhale-exhale. Grab your legs at the ankles with your hands and, raising your head, pressing the back of your head to your back, bend over, pulling your legs up (inhale). While holding your breath, swing back and forth on your stomach, calmly lower your legs and head to the floor (exhale). Rest a little, lying on your stomach, putting your right cheek on your hands, relax and repeat the exercise.

Gradually increase to 3-5 repetitions.

Savasana (dead man pose)

This is the basic posture, the posture of complete relaxation. Lying on your back, relax your legs and allow your feet to spread out to the sides and lower towards the floor. Hands with palms up - no further than 15-20 ° from the body. The head lies freely in the middle of the back of the head on the floor, the back of the head should not be thrown back. Eyes closed without effort (not closed). Relax your body completely, imagine that under you there are solid curly white fluffy clouds, nothing but, and you are floating freely above them. After 10-15 minutes, pull your heels down and your hands far behind your head. If you want, yawn. Then rub your palms and return to your room with your eyes open.

Then turn on your right side, bend your right leg under you at the knee and lie a little more on your right side, rest. Then you can, leaning on your hands, slowly stand up.

Proper nutrition


Try to start eating right a year before the planned pregnancy. If not, then at least three months.

WHAT to eat

Deficiencies in folic acid, selenium, zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamins C, E, and B-complex can lead to infertility or at least interfere with healthy pregnancy and normal childbirth. Therefore, eat more food rich in these substances.

A large amount of folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, whole grains, fruits, nuts. Selenium is found in milk, fish, meat, whole grains, legumes, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, and garlic. Zinc is abundant in meat, egg yolks, root vegetables, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, and whole grains. Essential fatty acids can be obtained from cold-pressed vegetable oils (especially flaxseed), fatty fish, legumes, nuts, and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds). Vitamin C is rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits. Vitamin E is rich in vegetable oils, eggs, fish, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds. Suppliers of the vitamin B complex are meat, fish and dairy products. Whole grains, egg yolks, bananas, avocados, nuts, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in vitamins of this group. Note that iron absorption from cheese, liver, egg yolks, seafood, and green vegetables is enhanced by the presence of copper in the same foods. But whole grains, although rich in iron, also contain phytates - substances that prevent its absorption, so it is better to eat them separately from other iron-containing foods. You should not get carried away with spinach and rhubarb, which also reduce the absorption of iron.

Even at the very beginning of pregnancy, when neither the doctor nor you yourself may know about it, the lack of folacin creates the risk of developing malformations in the unborn baby. This is not a cause for alarm, because folacin deficiency is so easy to avoid. It is enough to include wholemeal bread in your diet. More often cook cereals from whole grains - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. Mushrooms and beans are also rich in folacin. It is useful to cook a dish of steamed liver at least once a week. Eat cottage cheese

Unfortunately, when boiling, stewing and frying, up to 80% of this vitamin is lost. But there is a lot of folacin in green onions, it is in carrots, green beans, and they can be consumed raw. Fresh frozen green beans do not require long processing and are considered a good source of folacin. Put the pods in a hot pan with oil, fry with eggs, and here you have a delicious vitamin dish in 10 minutes.

Gynecologists have calculated: 76 mg of iron per day increases the chances of getting pregnant by 60% for those women who have problems conceiving. For conception, iron, obtained from plant products, matters. The same dose, but obtained from beef or pork, also rich in this trace element, does not affect the likelihood of conception.

HOW to eat

The most important thing is NOT TO OVEREAT! It is more difficult for an overweight woman to conceive, so it is desirable to "enter" a pregnancy with a normal body weight. It is impossible to switch to a fasting diet during pregnancy - you can deprive yourself and your baby of important nutrients, as well as vitamins and mineral salts.


Overweight women are at risk of having a child with birth defects.

The weight of the future dad also plays a role, since obese men, as a rule, have impaired spermatogenesis. So if you have extra pounds, gradually get rid of them. In case of underweight, on the contrary, it is necessary to gain the missing kilograms.

In recent years, among girls and young women, there has been a fashion for the "acquisition" of an excessively slender figure, accompanied by a decrease in adipose tissue and a lack of body weight. This inhibits the normal production of estrogen by the ovaries, leading to disruption of the menstrual cycle up to the complete cessation of menstruation and the development of infertility. Such a disease is often persistent, difficult to cure and requires the joint efforts of gynecologists, endocrinologists and psychiatrists.

Eat only freshly prepared meals from fresh products.

If possible, diversify the diet, in order to avoid a serious metabolic disorder or the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The use of predominantly protein foods by men (meat, dairy products, beans, peas) and the neglect of others, especially fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, as well as fish and seafood, can significantly disrupt spermatogenesis.

Chew food well for its better subsequent internal assimilation (undigested food is poison).

When eating, think exclusively about food and its benefits to the body. Do not eat right before a night's sleep (sometimes, in case of feeling hungry, it is allowed - bio-yogurt, cracker, fresh apple).

Do not combine meat dishes with bread (other flour products) and potatoes.

Limit the use of sweets, pastries, pickles, canned food and smoked meats.

Use only unleavened bread made from whole grains or wholemeal flour.

Regularly eat fresh vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits.

Be careful with coffee, black tea (they interfere with the absorption of many bioactive substances) - only one ordinary cup of medium-strong coffee or one glass of weak tea is allowed in the morning.

Avoid carbonated drinks, especially sugary and caffeinated drinks (Cola, Pepsi).

It is very useful to drink compotes, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices, both fruit and berry and vegetable.

Men should abstain from beer because the estrogen it contains reduces sperm count.

It is useful to drink fermented milk products (preferably curdled milk or bio-yogurt), eat fresh cottage cheese and cheese.

Use vegetable oil (preferably “live”, cold-pressed) both for cooking hot dishes, and for direct addition to ready-made meals and salads from fresh vegetables, and creamy (no more than 30–40 g per day).

Eat carrots in combination with something fatty, such as sour cream, otherwise the carotenoids (provitamin A) are not absorbed.

For drinking and cooking, use purchased water (non-carbonated, preferably spring or artesian).

Some of the foodstuffs that promote fertility have long been known. For example, traditional medicine for infertility recommends regular consumption of leek (it is rich in folic acid), as well as raspberries in combination with psyllium seeds and Chinese lemongrass (good tonic).

Changing the way you prevent pregnancy

If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, then it is advisable to stop taking them three months before you decide to become a mother, so that three menstrual cycles have passed before conception. Three months before the expected moment of conception, it is also necessary to remove the intrauterine device or hormonal implant. If pregnancy occurs before the regular cycle is established again, it will be more difficult to predict the date of birth of the child and competently supervise such a pregnancy.

Sperm suppressing substances are best avoided 4 to 6 weeks before the time you plan to become pregnant. As a contraceptive during this period, it is better to use a condom.

Potential dangers for the unborn child


Some medicines can cause developmental defects in an unborn baby. In addition, widely used antibacterial drugs such as sulfonamides can lead to infertility, since they significantly reduce the amount of folic acid in the body. Therefore, stop taking medication for at least a month (sometimes 3 to 6 months) before you start trying to conceive a child. And best of all, do not take any medicines at all, even those that are issued in a pharmacy without a prescription, without first consulting with your therapist and especially with an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Sperm is renewed in the male body every four months, so harmful substances can spoil it long before the moment of conception.


If possible, during pregnancy and 6 months before conception, avoid live vaccines, including measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and yellow fever. If you become pregnant shortly after such a vaccination, tell your doctor immediately.

If you haven't had rubella, you should get vaccinated and then wait six months before trying to get pregnant. The fact is that rubella during pregnancy, especially at an early stage, when the internal organs of the fetus are formed, can seriously damage the health of the child. He may be born deaf or blind. More often they suggest having an abortion or inducing a premature birth.

The question of other, including the above, vaccinations is also decided by the doctor, taking into account epidemiological and individual indications and contraindications.

infectious diseases

Try to avoid getting an infection before conception and throughout your pregnancy. Both partners should stay away from anyone with a cold, cough, flu, childhood illness, or other viral infections.

Take precautions against infection with toxoplasmosis (causes damage to the brain, eyes of the fetus, or even death). If you have a cat, ask someone else to clean her toilet. If you have to do it yourself, wear a mask and rubber gloves. Be sure to wash your hands after touching raw meat. Eat only thoroughly heated meat products.

Take steps to avoid listeriosis, a food-borne illness that causes miscarriage. Do not eat pates, soft molded cheeses, cheeses with food mold and feta cheese, ice cream, unpasteurized milk, processed and prepared poultry products, packaged salads (unless they can be rewashed), and prepared frozen food if it cannot be reheated properly. .

Chemicals and radiation

Avoid radiation of any kind. If you are going to have an X-ray, make sure that the minimum doses are used and that your genitals are protected.

Your workplace may present a certain danger if it is associated with the use of toxic or allergenic substances (chemicals: including pesticides, heavy metals, adhesives, solvents, paints, etc.), as well as radiation.

In some office buildings, ventilation does not provide sufficient fresh air, increased levels of ultra-low frequency electromagnetic emissions (from computers and other electrical equipment) and increased concentrations of harmful chemicals in the air, such as formaldehyde released from synthetic wall and floor coverings.


Men should take into account that even if you just sit for a long time (especially cross-legged) or be constantly near a heat source, you can overheat the testicles, resulting in a decrease in the number of sperm produced.

Some professions are statistically associated with reduced fertility in women (!). Among them are nurses in the dental office, as well as professions in which contact with textile dust is inevitable. If your work or your husband's work is associated with constant or pronounced exposure to the above adverse factors, and besides, no official precautions are taken, this can significantly reduce the chances of conception and significantly affect the unborn child. Consult your doctor. Most likely, you will be better off moving to a safer job.

Try not to visit unfavorable areas (industrial, with high levels of radiation), do not inhale fumes from household pesticides (especially organochlorine ones) and smoke from burning plastic containing polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Use extreme caution and caution near construction areas, maintenance, gardening, etc., and avoid visiting related specialty stores.

You also need to be careful and careful in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, perfume salons and when choosing cosmetics. Be extremely careful when handling household chemicals. Get rid of unnecessary things in your home, keep the number of carpets, wool and fur bedspreads to a reasonable minimum. Try to keep books in well-protected bookcases from dust. Regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment and monitor the humidity of the air. The best way to disinfect and, by the way, disinsection (insect control) is hot steam treatment.


If you go to physiotherapy procedures, then you should not try to get pregnant at this time. The fact is that the thermal effect of physiotherapy can cause swelling of the fallopian tubes, and this increases the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the body is affected by various physical factors. Therefore, if you are planning a pregnancy, then do this no earlier than 2 months after the end of the procedures.

If a uterine pregnancy has occurred, then it is not worth interrupting it.

Planning the gender of the child

At all times there were ways to program the gender of the unborn child. And now there are parents who passionately dream of a girl or a boy.

There are many theories that promise a boy or girl "naturally". These ideas, although they are justified, have not yet received serious confirmation in science. Conception is a sacrament in which there is a lot of mystery even for specialists.

Today, the only way that guarantees (almost 100%) parents the appearance of a boy or girl is in vitro fertilization. However, this method is not available to everyone.

Probably, in the near future, without any problems, it will be possible to “order” a child of a certain gender to doctors. In the meantime, we can only rely on nature. She is wiser than us and will do everything right. If the desired and the actual do not coincide, try to rebuild and love your future child while it is still in the mother's tummy, whoever it is - a boy or a girl. Your child needs your love and care. Look forward to its appearance with joy!

Programming the gender of the child in ancient times in different countries

Hellenes argued that if the partners at the moment of intimacy lie on the right side, then this guarantees the birth of a boy, if on the left, then a girl.

Egyptians were convinced that fertilization, which took place on the full moon, favors the appearance of a boy.

Europe in the Middle Ages men who dreamed of a son put an ax under their pillows.

In Germany focused on the weather. If the conception of a child occurred during the rain, a girl will be born, if it is dry, a boy.

ancient chinese were sure that for the birth of a boy, a woman during sexual intercourse should lie with her head to the north, and to conceive a girl - to the south.

Also one of the common methods of gender planning is the Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child. Chinese doctors believe that it is 99% correct. All you need to know is the month of conception of the child and the age of the mother at the time of conception. The vertical shows the age when you decided to become a mother, and the horizontal shows the month of conception.

Perinatal programming in Russia

In Russia, the art of, as we now say, perinatal programming was commonplace! The people revered Rod and Rozhanitsy. In our time, scientists consider them the most ancient gods. God the Father, Rod is the creator of everything visible and invisible, the source of all things, the beginning of all beginnings.

These beginnings, Rozhanitsy, are seven. Rusichi represented Rozhanits as white maidens (sometimes in bird plumage), giving life to all living things. Each of them holds in their hands a burning candle - a sign of that torch that ignites the flame of life. Therefore, they are called kresnitsy (from "kres" - fire).

Old Russian names Rozhanitsa - Zhiva, Moryana, Merya, Golden Mother, Didiliya, Zizya, Makosha. Each of these forces patronizes either the male or the female sex.

In Russia, it was believed: on what day - "male" or "female" conception occurs, the sex of the unborn child depends. Moreover, the forces themselves do not have sex, although they bear female names. They only patronize the appearance of a boy or girl, and the child absorbs the quality of the power that reigned at the time of his conception. Knowing this, the ancient Russians could “order” in advance the sex of the child, his health and longevity, as well as character traits and even appearance!

Apparently, future mothers knew very well that their female cycle is like a lunar month. That is, every woman, no matter what phase the moon is outside the window, has the time of her own new moon and full moon - her own “inner moon”.

The ancient Russians compared "critical days" with the new moon, when it is impossible to enter into marital relations. This was sacred. The period lasted seven days. And the period around the "full moon" - from the 11th to the 17th day was called the "lunar road". This time was considered the most favorable for the conception of a new life. And starting from the 18th day of the “personal moon”, they tried to refrain from intimacy, since the child would not have good health and good disposition. After the 21st day and before the “new moon”, conception is impossible. This time - 7 days before and 3 days after the "critical days" was, as it were, specially allotted by nature for safe love. The rest of the time required careful handling of the generative energy.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child

People of past centuries knew on what day what power patronizes the moment of tying the knot of a new life, and therefore took responsibility for choosing the time of conception.

In our time, these recommendations are not easy to follow due to the fact that in the modern world, the irregularity of menstruation is more the rule than the exception. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to stabilize your state of mind so that your body enters a constant rhythm. And only then can you rely on calculations.

What determines the sex of the child

Let's see what science knows about the mechanism of conception today. Once a month for 10-14 days, an egg matures in the woman's uterus. The bubble enveloping it bursts, and the egg goes directly into the funnel of the oviduct located in front of the ovary. This process is called ovulation. The egg then travels down the oviduct, where it can be fertilized by a sperm. The whole journey takes about 3-4 days. Thus, the time of possible conception extends from the 10th to the 18th day, counting from the moment the menstruation begins.

A female egg always contains one X chromosome. Spermatozoa carry either the same X chromosome or a Y chromosome. When combined with an egg (the actual conception), a combination of either XX or XY chromosomes is obtained. In the first option, a girl will be born, and the combination of XY will lead to the development of a boy from a fertilized egg.

If within 48 hours after ovulation, the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, it collapses and dies. Starting from the third day after ovulation and until the beginning of the so-called "critical days", when a place for a new egg is cleared along with menstrual blood, a woman is naturally protected from conception. The whole process as a whole lasts about a month and then repeats again. Therefore, it is customary to speak of a “monthly cycle”. Its duration is on average 28 days. Almost the same amount of time lasts a lunar month. Esotericists see a pattern in this coincidence. It is believed that the conception of a child and childbirth are under the auspices of the night luminary.

Influence of the time of conception

As you know, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome set of the sperm. If egg X meets sperm X, after 9 months a girl will be born, but if a female cell is fertilized by sperm Y, a boy will be born.

In the 60s of the twentieth century, American doctors discovered that male cells behave differently depending on the “gender identity”. Spermatozoa with X chromosomes, responsible for the female sex, are less mobile, but more tenacious than spermatozoa with male Y chromosomes. Spermatozoa carrying the "boy" reach the meeting point with the egg faster, but if it does not appear within 48 hours, they die. And spermatozoa with "female" chromosomes get to the target more slowly and can wait for the release of the egg. Therefore, on the day of ovulation, it is likely that one of the more active male spermatozoa will meet the egg first.

This discovery allowed scientists to formulate a principle that increases the chances of parents to conceive a baby of the desired gender: if parents want a girl, their intimacy should occur 2 days before ovulation, and if they dream of a boy, then coincide with this event on the same day.

As a rule, in a woman, the release of the egg occurs exactly in the middle of the cycle. You can determine ovulation (the moment of its occurrence) using special ovulation tests, which are sold in pharmacies.

Effect of maternal age

According to statistical studies by British scientists, in a marriage where the husband is older than the wife, the birth of the first-born boy is much more likely, and in a family where the wife is older than the husband, the situation is reversed - the girl is more likely to be born first. At the same time, it should be noted that this pattern applies only to the first-born.

Influence of the season

Nature favors the conception of boys from September to November, and girls from March to May due to the fact that the evolutionary mechanism is aimed at maintaining a 50:50 sex ratio. Usually, the balance is upset in favor of girls due to the higher mortality rate of male infants in the prenatal period and during childbirth. Therefore, nature tries to even the odds by playing in favor of boys in the months that are most favorable for conception. The fact is that in the fall, conception occurs more easily than in the spring.

Influence of numbers

Some researchers believe that everyone defines numbers. Let's say a woman's age is an even number, like 26 years. In this case, the conception of a girl should be planned for even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October, December).

If the age of the future mother is determined by an odd number - in odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November). For the conception of a boy, the relationship is reversed.

Influence of mother's character

Energetic and determined women with high self-esteem are more likely to have boys. The fact is that the body of a female leader contains more of the male hormone testosterone. It acts on the shell of the egg in such a way that the advantage is given to spermatozoa with male Y chromosomes. This also explains the phenomenon of the birth of more boys after wars and epidemics. Women during such periods experience stress, as a result of which the level of male hormones in their blood rises.

Impact of women's health and living conditions

A woman's health and living conditions affect the gender of her children. It has long been known that women in developing countries who eat less well have more girls than boys. One explanation for this fact is that evolutionary adaptation provides humans with the greatest number of grandchildren. The point is that if parents can raise a strong and healthy, attractive son, he will provide them with a large number of grandchildren from many women. However, the "expenses" for boys are greater both during gestation in the uterus and later, in the process of education. Therefore, if parents have few resources, it is easier for them not to take risks and have daughters who will provide at least a certain number of grandchildren. How exactly the female body regulates the sex of the unborn child is still unknown. According to one hypothesis, women in a prosperous environment have an increased level of testosterone, which contributes to the survival of the male fetus in the womb.

Impact of Diet

Scientists advise starting to eat in accordance with the chosen diet (and, of course, with the desired sex of the child) 4 months before conception, and then abandon it. They believe that the microelements included in the menu affect the biochemical structure of the eggs, facilitating the penetration of spermatozoa with the XX- and XY-pair into them.

According to the Austrian professor Feuchtinger, conception of a boy contributes to a diet of foods that are dominated by potassium and sodium ions, but very few magnesium and calcium ions.

This: fish, potatoes, mushrooms, legumes, sausage, rice, pasta, canned cucumbers, egg whites. As well as fruit: cherries, dates, apricots, prunes, peaches, bananas. The drinks: teas, fruit juices, hydrocarbonate mineral waters.

In addition, the expectant mother is advised to salt food as much as possible.

limited confectionery products, which include eggs, milk, as well as green salad, green beans, raw cabbage, dill, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate.

Diet that "guaranteed a girl" should contain a minimum of salt and sugar and the same amount of potassium and sodium ions. Preference should be given to foods rich in magnesium and calcium. This combination provides: milk and dairy products, fresh fish, meat (in limited quantities), crayfish, shrimp, eggs (yolks), cereals, baked goods without salt and yeast, peanuts, green beans, peppers, onions, tomatoes.

Fruit- everything except plums, apricots, peaches, bananas, oranges, currants, cherries. nuts- almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts (unsalted). Honey and chocolate you can eat as much as you want. The drinks- cocoa, calcium mineral waters, citrus juice. Carbonated drinks and canned juices are not recommended.Undesirable: cheese, ice cream, corn, any canned food, spicy sauces, fried potatoes, smoked meats, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, lentils, olives, margarine. Salt should be limited, yeast and soda should be avoided.

Influence of emotions experienced by future parents

There is a theory according to which mood future dads and moms "at the most intimate moment" affects the final result. This is also confirmed by experienced gynecologists, whose opinion is based on knowledge of human nature in general and on the ratio of hormones in particular.

Many scientists have agreed that the female egg is able to choose its own sperm, which wants to be fertilized. According to the principle: like - do not like. The ancient Chinese sages spoke about the same thing, suggesting that during conception, the energy of a man struggles with the energy of a woman, and the name of the winner is announced by the future baby.

The Chinese argue that this is due to the fact that a man during an act subconsciously dreams of a kind of continuation of the object of love, and a woman, they say, dreams of compensating for the inferiority of her body. Therefore, those who want to get a boy will have to love the lady with all their might. And in bed think about her pleasure more than about your own. And women who want a daughter will have to inspire themselves with reverence for their spouse at least for a while.

Adherents of this opinion argue that there is also information on this subject in the Talmud, that is, if a woman wants a girl to be born, she should not experience an orgasm, since at this moment an alkaline secretion is released, which favors the promotion of spermatozoa with male chromosomes .

The influence of the zodiac signs of future parents

As you know, astrology divides people into 12 psycho-physiological types - 12 zodiac signs. And the signs themselves are for male and female.

Male signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Female signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. In large India, it is believed that the more signs of the zodiac are among the members of one family, the better for this family and the children brought up in it. The fact is that in this case the child turns out to be comprehensively educated and adapted to life, because he has many astrological teachers.

First magic rule

If a woman belongs to a male zodiac sign, then most often her first child is a boy of a female zodiac sign or a girl. The rule of sympathetic magic becomes even more revealing if the spouse in the parental couple belongs to the male zodiac sign. In this case, a girl should be born in this marriage.

The second magic rule

If a woman belongs to a female zodiac sign, then, most likely, she will give birth to a girl of a male zodiac sign or a boy first. If the spouse in the parental couple also belongs to the female zodiac sign, then the probability of having a son becomes even greater.

fertilization in vitro

According to experts, a real opportunity to choose the sex of a child is in vitro fertilization in special laboratories or clinics.

It happens in this way. Specialists separate spermatozoa with X- and Y-chromosomes from each other, mark them, select the appropriate one and combine them with an egg taken from a woman in advance. A pair of XX chromosomes in a fertilized egg means that a girl will be born, XY - a boy. After some time, the embryo is implanted in the uterus.

This method is used when there is a threat of severe hereditary diseases associated with a particular sex. For example, hemophilia is transmitted exclusively to boys, so in vitro fertilization allows parents to have a healthy child - a girl. In some countries, this method is also used by quite healthy couples who dream of a child of a certain gender. The efficiency of the method is approximately 85%. At the same time, it is easier to get a boy artificially.

However, this procedure costs a lot and not everyone can visit the center for artificial insemination ...

Astrology tips. What will your child be like?


Element - Fire.

Main character trait: fight and be first.

positive character: strong, self-confident, energetic, independent, enterprising, purposeful.

Negative character: impulsive, headstrong, eccentric, self-centered, wants to be ahead of everyone at any cost, fickle, rude, self-confident.

Get ready for the fact that your child will require a lot of your time and attention. You "got" a mobile, active and curious baby. Know that the baby cries only for some reason: either he is wet or hungry, or he cannot reach the toy that he needs right now. He has absolutely no patience.

He is sensitive to temperature, so his room should be warm, but not hot.

It will be especially difficult for you when the baby begins to crawl and walk. Everything new will attract him, and therefore he will grab everything and try to explore. Keep all dangerous objects away from him so that he cannot get hurt. Baby Aries loves to climb stairs, trees, overcome obstacles that will meet on his way. It is harmful to limit him in physical activity, so it would be wise to equip him with a sports corner where he could spend his energy, and often take the baby to the playground. When your child grows up, he will love sports, as he loves competition.

Aries love noisy games. They love drums and sharp-sounding musical instruments: pipes, whistles, moving mechanisms. The more noisy and stormy the game is, the more interesting it is for him. Aries rests by running, jumping, competing and attacking the “opponent”. You just need to find a safe place for your recklessly brave little Aries and step aside, unless, of course, you are going to run along with him. Sitting in one place for a long time or the need to adhere to the rules of adults and tight control can make him nervous and aggressive.

Your child loves to be first. However, if he does not succeed, then he quickly loses interest in this activity and is looking for another in which he could succeed.

Aries kids usually develop faster than their peers. The Aries child can speak very early. He learns faster in an active environment. The kid learns more by rushing into battle, taking on a challenge or challenging, proving something.

Little Aries are always eager to move forward on their own. But at the same time, they are easily vulnerable. Therefore, you need to handle the baby carefully. Don't limit him too much, but at the same time give him a sense of security. Trust the baby more so that he fully demonstrates his abilities.

Treat your child firmly but kindly. Note that it is useless for him to read notations. It is better to always try to captivate him and direct his indefatigable energy in a useful direction. You can not use physical violence, you must try to convince him.

Teach your baby to discipline and order, teach him to achieve goals and not give up the work he has begun because of difficulties. In addition, since the Aries child is self-centered, it is important to try to teach him to care for others.


Element - Earth.

Main character trait: build and protect.

positive character: stubborn, persistent, constant, faithful, resolute, industrious, independent, unhurried. Loves comfort, music, art.

Negative character: stubborn, slow, loves luxury and pleasure.

It is not at all easy to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. The thing is that your baby will show the stubbornness inherent in the sign.

You can rejoice at how your child achieves his goal: building a house from a designer. But sooner or later he will show remarkable perseverance in achieving a goal that, from your point of view, is harmful. For example, one day he may declare that he does not want to go to kindergarten because he does not like it there. And it won't work! If you drag him there by force, he will behave in such a way that you still have to take him out of there. Shouts and threats backfire.

It is not worth wasting energy on the fight "who wins", as it is useless. It is better to convince the child why it is necessary to act this way and not otherwise, giving arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for him. Try also to appeal to the sense of justice, which is very developed in Taurus, and your efforts will be rewarded, and you will not have to repeat the same thing every day. The nature of Taurus is such that, having made a decision, he will stick to it.

Your child has a trait that can annoy both you and his caregivers. Compared to other children, he is slow. Keep in mind that this slowness is not from "harmfulness". The fact is that Taurus (just like other people born under earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn) do everything carefully and do not know how to rush. You will have to come to terms with this feature, although it can be difficult for you to get used to such a slow pace, especially if you yourself are a fire or air "sign". Don't rush your child. If you get nervous and shout endlessly: “Faster, faster, what are you doing there?”, the child will also begin to worry, and everything will fall out of his hands. It is better to calculate in advance and take as much time as the child needs to feel comfortable.

Little Taurus thinks and speaks carefully, a little and slowly. Much more than most children are distracted from their studies. Don't rush him - he's "thinking". He will need a little more time to memorize, but he will remember much more than others. The kid may not answer your questions too quickly simply because he does not like haste in anything. And you, telling him the same tale, do not try to finish it quickly - the baby will be against it, because he remembers all the details very well - he "savor" them.

Just like Virgo and Capricorn, Taurus doesn't handle life changes well. They are very attached to their home, parents, relatives, comrades. For a Taurus child, a change of scenery is a big stress. It is not easy for him to get used to a new routine, a new home, new comrades. Even as an adult, he will continue to adhere to the principle of "better familiar old than unfamiliar new."

Taurus are hardworking and active. They love to craft, sculpt, draw and cook. Once they've set to work, they won't rest until they finish the job.

Treat your child with supportive support. Your baby does only what he likes. If you want to get something out of him, cook something tasty as a reward for obedience. In general, little Taurus love to eat, so you need to carefully monitor their diet.

From an early age, Taurus is very practical. Periods of obedience in their lives are replaced by bouts of laziness.

They are not afraid of cold, heat or inconvenience, the main thing is a good company. The desire for leadership will push them to various pranks.


Element - Air.

Main character trait: invent and communicate.

positive character: intelligent, thinks and reacts quickly, able to do several things at the same time, sociable, resourceful.

Negative character: naughty, infantile, fussy, nervous, contradictory, fickle, takes on several things at the same time and does not bring any to the end.

Your baby is very active and impressionable. He may startle at the slightest sudden noise. You will probably find it difficult to put him to bed. To prevent stress from building up, give him the opportunity to sleep a little longer on the day off. Don't scare him, don't leave him alone in the dark. He should not watch scary movies before going to bed and listen to scary tales.

The Gemini child is constantly striving for something, he is interested in everything new. He is very capable, grasps everything on the fly. However, any occupation quickly bothers him. Without finishing one thing, he takes on another. You will have to be patient to teach your child to complete the work he has begun.

Your child has a very active mind, so it is important to make sure that he always has interesting, exciting activities for him. The child is capable of foreign languages. He can easily learn a few already in early childhood!

Keep in mind that a bored Gemini might do things on their own initiative, and you might not like it.

Gemini children are peculiarly stubborn. If they do not want to do something, they will not enter into open conflict, but still find ways to evade unwanted activities.

You should also not force him to do anything, otherwise the child will easily learn to lie. If you want to get something from him, it is better to explain to him why it is necessary to do this. Treat Gemini as a smart, understanding person, otherwise he may lose respect for you.

Encourage your baby to express gratitude, as it is not very developed in children of this type.

Take care of the physical development of the child, although he himself may not show any interest in physical education and sports. He benefits from mountain air and outdoor physical activity.

Element - Water.

Main character trait: prophecy and education.

positive character: sensitive, receptive, imaginative, responsible, independent, caring and attentive, sympathetic, thrifty, cautious, romantic, tactful.

Negative character: hypersensitive, suspicious, suggestible, lonely, dependent, stingy, timid, secretive, caustic, touchy.

A person born under the sign of Cancer can be anyone.

Rachonok is very sensitive and vulnerable. He doesn't like being bullied or laughed at. Therefore, he often puts on the mask that his loved ones would like to see in order to protect himself from intrusion into his inner world. Because of this, different people can have completely different opinions about the same child.

Small Cancers are characterized by hypersensitivity. They react very sharply to the attitude towards themselves and therefore are emotionally vulnerable. You should always remember this. Respect your baby's secrets. You can't scare or threaten him. You can't laugh at him. Don't label your child. If you tell him that he is lazy and ugly, then he will grow up like that.

In addition, please note that a child born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those who he does not like, as he may get sick from this.

Arrange surprises and holidays for your child. He loves miracles.

Keep in mind that your child is very sensitive to your mood and if you are nervous, he will become nervous. Do not scold or punish your child if he does not behave the way you want. It is enough to show him that you are upset. Your child is sensitive and will never want to upset the person he loves.

As a child, Cancers are very attached to their mother and follow her, never letting her go. Try not to be overprotective of your baby and teach him to make his own decisions. It is important that children's fears do not develop into unconscious complexes. Let the kid draw what he is afraid of, and then solemnly throw out his fear.

The baby of the Cancer sign can absorb information like a sponge and remember forever. He has an excellent visual memory. His thinking is based on intuition. It is easier for a child to express himself in a friendly environment. The kid thinks, learns and reacts on an emotional level, so you should not push him to join the competition.

Element - Fire.

Main character trait: power, might.

positive character: proud, self-respecting, sincere, artistic, benevolent, generous, hospitable, responsible, serious.

Negative character: vain, arrogant, demanding attention and worship, capricious, self-centered, littering with money.

Leo is a small king, so he likes to command most of all. If you indulge him in everything, then do not be surprised that your child will turn into a small domestic tyrant.

Your baby always wants to be first. If because of this he had a conflict with peers, do not punish him. Do not encourage in him the desire to command everyone around him. Better appeal to his sense of justice. Try to convince him that if today he was the main player in the game, then tomorrow it will be his comrade's turn.

Your child is very sensitive to praise. Therefore, by all means praise him for his success, and he will strive to earn praise again.

Leos don't like being alone. He constantly needs comrades with whom he can prove himself as a leader. Invite your child's peers into the home. Both boys and girls - Lions know how to take care of their guests and make sure that every guest is interested. These children are kind and generous, but at the same time self-centered. The role of a hospitable host or hostess will help them develop an attention to other people. It will also be useful for the child to have pets. He will gladly command cats and dogs and will not suffer from loneliness and, in addition, will learn to take care of someone else besides himself.

Never punish your child physically. He must not be humiliated and scolded in the presence of his comrades.

Your child is energetic and cheerful. He is driven by a love of pleasure and entertainment. The child is very mobile at times. Keep in mind that you should not limit its activity.

Lions are strong personalities and can achieve a lot in life, unless, of course, they are overcome by laziness. You should accustom your child to a strict daily routine from childhood. Toddlers love adventure. Especially if fame or something tasty awaits them at the end of the journey, as they are real gourmets. Little “kings of beasts” show a sense of humor from an early age. They need people who will admire them.

The Leo child loves to be the center of attention. Classes, the result of which cannot be demonstrated, seem useless to him. The more admiration and approval his stories meet, the more he will try. The Lion cub perceives information concretely, and when retelling, it can use both expressive facial expressions and theatrical gestures - all in order to interest and amaze you.

Lion cubs love music and theater. Encourage these hobbies.

Your child has attraction and intuition. If you teach him to reckon with other people and to work purposefully, then he will be able to achieve great success in life.


Element - Earth.

Main character trait: criticize and improve.

positive character: calm, measured, efficient, attentive to details, practical, selfless in work, devoted, intellectual, has a developed sense of duty.

Negative character: unemotional, cold, limited, obsessed only with work, attaching great importance to trifles, suspicious about his health, critical, petty, restless, fussy.

The best parenting for your child is an example. So, if it seems to you that your child is not very generous, draw his attention to a generous act - yours or someone you know.

Your child is a careful thinker. He listens attentively to you and is in no hurry to speak out. You may have to repeat the same thing over and over. But not because the child did not understand you, but so that he could simply make sure that he remembered everything absolutely correctly. Information must be presented clearly and consistently. The kid "collects" details.

Virgos are critical not only of others, but also of themselves, they strive to do the work carefully. Any business argues in their hands, it is easy to teach them to sew, embroider, plan, draw, sculpt.

The Virgo child is lively and agile, but at the same time more peaceful and calm than other children. It can give a controversial impression due to the alternation of softness and irritability.

Keep in mind that your baby is very vulnerable. He can forgive his friends everything except betrayal.

The Virgo child is usually shy. He hardly admits that he needs parental affection. But you should caress him more often, otherwise, when he grows up, he may have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Praise your baby, convince him that he is cute, charming.

Your child needs a daily routine that is strictly followed. Just like children born under other earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn), Virgos do not tolerate a change of scenery, so try to make your child as few changes as possible and show more warmth and love, even if the child seems unemotional to you.

It is good for your child to study music or some other kind of art. These activities will relieve nervous tension and expand his horizons.


Element - Air.

Main character trait: to judge with justice, to improve.

positive character: light, sociable, charming, tactful, tolerant, non-conflict, able to find the "golden mean" in everything, with a stable system of values.

Negative character: indecisive, incapable of action in a situation of choice, intolerant of loneliness, with unexpected mood swings.

Libra children are charming and calm. They are born aesthetes. Therefore, toys should not be bright, pastel colors are better. The child cannot stand stormy and gloomy music and loves quiet and melodic music.

Conflicts between parents are especially bad for him. It can even make him sick. Therefore, never quarrel in front of a child and do not raise your voice in his presence. Also try to exclude such methods of influencing the child as violence, screaming, spanking.

Be prepared for the fact that your baby may have unexpected mood swings. Just now he was laughing out loud, and now he suddenly sits upset and upset. Try not to let your child go to bed in a bad mood. Let him feel happy. Then he can sleep peacefully.

Already from an early age, Libra has a noticeable tendency to "fluctuations", which they can indulge in at the expense of more productive activities. Most Libras have difficulty making choices. They doubt the choice of the right solution for so long that the choice is sometimes not needed, because over time the options disappear by themselves. The indecision of Libra sometimes crosses all boundaries. With its slowness, endless arguments, inability to make a decision, Libra can bring decisive and impatient people to white heat. So teach him to make a decision. At the same time, do not offer him too difficult tasks, for example, choosing from 3, 4 possibilities. Invite him to choose one of the two.

Baby Libra does not like loneliness. The presence of other people, even if they do not interact with him, calms the child. Therefore, it is easy to learn it in a small company or with one of the parents. It's much more fun to play with a friend. True, he will not mess around in the mud even for the company.

He loves the holiday atmosphere. Therefore, if you offer theater, exhibitions and musical evenings as a recreation, the Libra child will gladly agree. He also likes to bring friends to the house and visit himself. You should not limit him in this, as for him this is a necessity.

The Libra child shows great interest in arts. He is especially attracted to drawing and music, which soothe and delight.

Your baby doesn't need punishment. It is enough to show him that he upset you. The Libra child does not like to upset anyone, especially parents. If you calmly explain to him that his actions harm someone, he will never do this.


Element - Water.

Main character trait: manage or inspect.

positive character: purposeful, temperamental, independent, with a developed intuition, able to penetrate the essence of any phenomenon, patient, decisive, responsible.

Negative character: stubborn in achieving personal goals, power-hungry, possessive, jealous, self-willed, ruthless, vindictive and secretive.

Scorpios are naturally fighters and independent natures. They do not care what others think of them, they are sure that they themselves know how to act.

The kid can either be violently happy, or very angry. The whole family will have to calm Scorpio. From such increased attention, the baby will quickly learn to command others. Try not to indulge his whims.

From an early age, an experimenter will wake up in your baby. Keep matches away from him and keep away from sockets. By nature, your child is a maximalist, unable to compromise.

Young children have quite pronounced likes and dislikes for food. It is better not to fight with him, but to trust the taste of your child, as he intuitively feels what he needs and what he does not.

Little Scorpios (especially boys) are quite aggressive and can hurt others. You need to teach your child to control their emotions. If he hurts you, tell him about it, but do not respond in kind, otherwise he will grow up cruel.

Boys love to play with soldiers. Surely your fidget will like the drum. Girls love to play boy games.

Scorpios are demanding of their friends and can be intolerant. Try to gently explain to your child that all people have their shortcomings.

Scorpios are difficult to educate and sometimes it is not easy for you to resist punishment. You can temporarily deprive your child of some privileges, but in no case do not use physical or moral violence. If you do this, then sooner or later he will answer you the same. If you think your child is wrong, use his ability to reason and prove. Be fair, and then the child will respect you. Keep in mind that your baby will remember your offense at you because of unfair punishment for a long time, so try to control your own emotions.

Teach your child to forgive and see the good in life.

Element - Fire.

Main character trait: confer and lead.

positive character: active, open, friendly, sincere, cheerful, truthful, freedom-loving, fair, brave, inquisitive, ambitious, purposeful.

Negative character: superficial, impatient, straightforward, tactless, curious, reckless, selfish, infantile, commanding.

Sagittarius is a very lively, inquisitive and sociable child.

When your baby starts walking, he will be incredibly active in and out of the house, so it's important to take care of safety. Spend as much time with your child as possible on the playground and in the park.

Just like people born under fire signs - Aries and Leo, Sagittarians have increased energy and a penchant for leadership. They are friendly and optimistic. But unlike Leo and Aries, Sagittarians are able to admit their mistakes.

Sagittarius children are very honest and truthful. Remember that they do not forgive the lies of others, even if it is their parents. But on the other hand, such children are easier to educate, since they do not know how to deceive.

You will have to show a lot of patience and ingenuity in order to accustom the child to order, cleanliness and discipline. It is necessary to come up with something in order to make reading attractive for him. It is better to alternate mental activities with physical activity, as it is harmful to limit these children in activity.

Usually Sagittarius children are brave. They are not afraid of much, and danger can only spur their pride.

The number of his "why" may well exceed all your expectations. Incomplete answers give rise to new questions, and rigid rules only get in the way. The kid manages to have extensive knowledge with a minimum of classes. The child needs a learning environment in which he can freely ask any questions, discuss any topic. Most likely, you will be aware of all his interests and plans and will be able to offer the child relevant information.

Sagittarius children are always busy with something. They have a cheerful disposition and a sense of humor. The generosity and sincerity of Sagittarius often tempt other people to use it, regardless of its interests. Arrowheads rarely create difficulties for their parents. True, unless they try to severely limit them in some way.

Your child needs a lot of physical activity. He likes to be in large and open spaces - to feel his connection with nature. A child perceives hiking or cycling as a discovery of distant and unknown countries. Baby Sagittarius can run, jump, climb trees and splash in the pond to the point of exhaustion, because the game is his native element.


Element - Earth.

Main character trait: forward with small steps in the chosen direction.

positive character: purposeful, hardworking, cautious, responsible, constant, thorough, equally well able to command and obey.

Negative character: boring, limited, adamant, conservative, inflexible, suspicious, jealous, prudent, prone to loneliness, power-hungry, melancholic.

Capricorns are like little adults in that they take life too seriously. They lack a sense of humor and are not easily made laugh. They are tense all the time. Therefore, your task is to teach your child to relax and laugh. Try to create a warm environment for him.

Your baby will very early show a rare industriousness, which in his character is associated with ambition and a desire to command.

The child cannot be called talkative, as he carefully selects his words and is in no hurry to speak out. Everything he learns must have practical application, otherwise he may refuse to study. The child must try and check everything for himself before speaking or writing, so do not rush him. Having received a task, he will carry it out carefully and with concentration for a long time. The kid can't move fast.

A child born under the sign of Capricorn can keep aggression in himself for a long time and not give vent to tension, which sooner or later will lead to an explosion. Therefore, it is important to teach him to direct energy in the right direction and pronounce grievances.

If the child does not understand something, he will pester adults with questions until he gets to the bottom of the truth.

Capricorns do not like big noisy companies. For them, 1-2 friends are enough. You should not force your child to receive guests or go to visit if he does not want to.

Sometimes Capricorn children develop more slowly than others. You shouldn't be afraid of this. The fact is that they move through life in small but methodical steps and sooner or later come to success.

But you are unlikely to face the problem of discipline, since such children have a sense of responsibility from birth. They love to be talked to like adults.

Your child loves quiet games and will never make as much noise as children born under the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Visit museums and exhibitions with your child. This will give him pleasure and benefit.


Element - Earth.

Main character trait: search for truth.

positive character: independent, original, sociable, constant, humanist, persistent in search of truth.

Negative character: selfish, extravagant, tactless, talkative, fickle, irresponsible.

Everything that is written about Gemini, for the most part applies to Aquarius. They have the same active mind that needs constant intellectual food. If a child has to solve a problem, in addition to the standard methods, he will probably want to try everything possible, including his own original methods to achieve the goal.

Children born under the sign of Aquarius are, in most cases, extraordinary. From early childhood, they show a penchant for philosophical reflection.

Aquarians easily assimilate any information. Unlike Gemini, Aquarians are quite persistent in achieving their goal. True, this is so, if only they are interested in what they do.

Pay attention to an important feature of your child: he can learn new knowledge only in complete solitude. Therefore, it is desirable that your child has his own room in the house.

Little Aquarius has a mind that can quickly grasp everything new and unusual. He is excited by change. But the strict established order causes boredom, protest and a desire to immediately break free. The traditional approach with strict rules in training, most likely, will not work. Little Aquarius needs a huge space for the development of free and original thinking. He is drawn to everything unconventional, fantastic. Your little one is full of many different ideas, and his children's ideas are always original.

He is not a practitioner, but a thinker. Emotions do not make a big impression on him. He tends to trust reason and logic. In no case should you put pressure on your baby, but you should not completely leave him to himself. It is best to stay on an equal footing, helping him navigate his aspirations.

Keep in mind that traditional fairy tales leave him indifferent. He loves science fiction literature.

The Aquarius child is very shy and timid. However, having matured, he will become the soul of the company. Usually, Aquarius does not have problems with peers. The guys are drawn to them, because it is interesting with them. But Aquarius themselves often divide people into good and bad. Explain to your child that humans are much more complex.

Aquarius children are most often indifferent to sports. Try to make every effort to ensure that your child spends enough time in the fresh air and exercise.

Keep in mind that family conflicts between adults have a very harmful effect on your child, destroying his nervous system. You should also not quarrel with your child if he shows stubbornness or anger. Leave him alone, and after a while he will forget about it. Don't overreact to his extravagant antics, as he just wants to be different.


Element - Water.

Main character trait: interpret.

positive character: flexible, soft, emotionally sensitive, idealistic, religious, kind, caring, always ready to help.

Negative character: indecisive, going only with the flow or only against (not flexible), amenable to any influences, impractical, sad, living in a world of dreams, divorced from reality.

Your child is quiet, peaceful and friendly.

In food, the Pisces baby can have strange likes and dislikes. Mom should not be upset, let alone scream. If you want your child to eat the food you offer, come up with some funny game. The child will have fun and imperceptibly do what you want from him.

Pisces children love to play with water, adore fairy tales with miracles and reincarnations.

They cannot stand noise, screaming and violence. Therefore, they should not watch TV before going to bed, listen to sad and gloomy music.

In general, such children are easily upset and upset and can get sick because of this. A quiet environment is very important to them. They find it difficult to communicate with noisy or violent people. Therefore, invite into your home those whom the baby loves.

It can be difficult for a child to focus on one thing, to make a certain decision. Develop in him the ability to make a decision on his own and insist on it.

Most often, people born under the sign of Pisces are capable of everything in the world. It is useful for them to engage in art, as this improves their mood. It is also useful and pleasant for a child to have pets.

Pisces learn easily. However, sometimes they lack confidence.

Spanking, screaming and punishing you will never reach the goal in communicating with them. But peacefully you can settle many problems.

Give your child a specific place to practice. Try to keep your child on a fixed daily routine - it will benefit him.

Keep in mind that children born under the sign of Pisces easily absorb both good and bad influences. Therefore, parents should keep track of who his friends are.

Pisces children often have creative abilities and extraordinary intelligence. But their character is not easy: they are both capricious and unsure of themselves, besides, their mood often changes. Therefore, you need to be patient.

Your baby is a dreamer and dreamer. He can avoid too noisy and assertive children, but is ready to protect those who are weaker, and devote all his free time to caring for birds, mice, dogs. You may have to force him to look up from his book or TV and leave the house. But, once on the street, he enjoys the beauty of the world around him and sees a miracle in every blade of grass. Feel free to go with your baby to nature. You will get real pleasure from a family hike along unknown paths.

Getting Started with Creating a Child

If the ovulatory cycle is in order, menstruation is regular and there are no infections, then you can not be afraid of problems and stop using protection.

Not all couples manage to conceive a child as quickly as we would like. The onset of pregnancy within a year is considered normal with regular sexual activity of a married couple of reproductive age.

The success of a married couple depends on many factors. Firstly, fertility, or the ability to conceive, is important. Secondly, fertility. It characterizes the time that has elapsed since the abolition of contraception until the onset of pregnancy.

Fertility and fertility can be negatively affected by various reasons. Among them are organic and functional deviations from the pelvic organs in both men and women. The psycho-emotional factor is also important (stress, high workload, quarrels in the family). In addition, bad habits and addictions (propensity to drink alcohol, smoking) are of great importance. It is known that a smoking woman has a one-third lower fertility compared to a non-smoking woman.

It is possible to conceive a child at the very beginning or at the end of the menstrual cycle, although the likelihood of this is not as high as in the middle of the cycle.

Spermatozoa, entering the vaginal environment, are able to maintain their viability for three days (with fertile, that is, healthy sperm and a normal acidic environment of the vagina). After conception, sperm is important as a hormonal factor, as it contains a large amount of prostaglandins.

Now, after you have adjusted your diet and lifestyle, visited all the doctors, passed all the necessary examinations and received vaccinations, you should relax.

Stop measuring rectal temperature, notify your husband about the days "when you can." It's better to go somewhere to relax. Just at such a time, women usually get pregnant easily.

Favorable time for conception

If you make love at a fertile time, then your chance of getting pregnant is very high.

The day of your ovulation is considered ideal. The probability of conception is 40%! One or two days before ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant are 30-35%. If sexual intercourse occurs 4-6 days before ovulation, this probability decreases to 10%. The days after ovulation, as well as after menstruation, of course, cannot be considered absolutely infertile, but even the most liberal sexologist will not give you more than 2%.

There are several ways to determine the day the egg is released.


Within 6-12 months, you need to monitor your monthly cycle and write down the dates of its beginning and end, as well as the duration. Now you are ready to calculate.

Subtract 18 from the shortest and 11 from the longest cycle. For example, your shortest cycle is 25 days and your longest cycle is 30: 25-18 = 7; 30–11 = 19. This means that conception is most likely from the seventh to the nineteenth day of the cycle. This method is very approximate.


Every morning, without getting out of bed, measure the rectal temperature (in the rectum) and display the data on a graph. This should be done within 3-6 months. This is quite a sufficient period to establish the pattern of fluctuations. On the day of ovulation, the temperature reaches its lowest point, and then rises again.

For fertilization, the most favorable are 4-6 days before ovulation and the next 1-2 days after the temperature rises. In total, the most likely days for conception, including the day of ovulation, are from 5 to 9.

Ovulation in most women occurs 12-13 days before the next period (with a regular cycle of 26-28 days). This method is quite reliable, but long and unaesthetic.

Sensory Your vaginal discharge can also tell you when you ovulate. At this time, they become more liquid and less viscous than usual.

It is best to draw conclusions about the onset of ovulation using all 3 of the above methods.


Doctors know that in women, depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, the level of the hormone estrogen in saliva and other secretions changes.

In the first half of the cycle, its level gradually increases, reaching a maximum on the day of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovarian follicle), and then begins to decline.

Scientists have noticed an interesting connection - the higher the level of estrogen in the body, the more sodium chloride (salt) is contained in saliva. If you put a drop of saliva on glass, when it dries, the salt crystallizes in the form of fern leaves. It turned out that the phenomenon of crystallization appears 3–4 days before the onset of ovulation, most clearly manifests itself on the day of ovulation, and then disappears after 3–4 days, that is, the pinnate fern under the microscope eyepiece appears exclusively on days that are favorable in terms of conception, and on barren - disappears (there is no crystallization during this period, and a picture in the form of dots and pebbles is visible in the eyepiece of the microscope).

So you only need to purchase a microscope. Now on the market there are a variety of devices for determining the day of ovulation. To get the result, you just need to put a drop of saliva on the eyepiece, dry it for a few minutes, and then look through the mini microscope with the backlight turned on. Any non-professional can distinguish a drawing in the form of a fern from simple dots.

In addition, there are special ovulation tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. They "issue a conclusion" in urine or saliva. The indicator reacts to estrogen.

This is a simple and fairly reliable way to "catch" ovulation.


In medical centers, ovulation is monitored using ultrasound (5-6th, 9-10th, 12-14th day of the cycle). This technique allows you to predict not only the day, but, with greater or lesser accuracy, even the hour of ovulation. In addition, it shows whether an egg is maturing in the right or left ovary. This is important if a woman has a spike in one of the fallopian tubes, and, therefore, fertilization from the “wrong” side becomes impossible.

This method is very reliable (almost 100%), but quite expensive.

As a rule, for 3 ovulatory cycles there is 1 anovulatory, or infertile, when the ovaries are resting.

Auspicious days for men

Men also have "favorable days". Or rather, the seasons. Sperm is most saturated with germ cells in early spring and late autumn. And sperm motility peaks in late summer or early autumn.

The perfect rhythm of sexual contact

The ideal rhythm of sexual intercourse with the aim of reproduction is every other day. The fact is that sperm consists of two parts: seminal fluid and spermatozoa floating in it. And with too frequent contacts, the spermatozoa do not have time to mature, and the sperm becomes sterile.


At the time when your beloved man caresses you, endorphins (hormones of pleasure) begin to be produced in your brain. As a result, a complex chain of hormones is launched, the cervix softens, cervical mucus appears ... All obstacles are removed from the path of the sperm, which strives for the goal.

No artificial lubrication

Be aware that any artificial lubricant may contain spermicides (substances that kill sperm). Fat-based lubricants, such as petroleum jelly, disrupt the vaginal microflora and interfere with the advancement of spermatozoa.

Correct postures during and after sex

It is important that the penis penetrates as deep as possible into the vagina and that as much semen as possible remains inside you.

If you throw your legs over your partner's shoulders, then the safety of the sperm and, therefore, the likelihood of conception, will greatly increase. But it is better to refuse standing sex and the “rider” position on favorable days.

In addition, the position after sex is more important than the position during it. Sexologists recommend that after intercourse, stand in the “birch” position or lie down for half an hour on your back.

Simultaneous orgasm

Simultaneous orgasm promotes conception. The muscles of the vagina, contracting during discharge, act like a powerful vacuum cleaner, dragging the seminal fluid up towards the egg. This phenomenon significantly increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant.

People's Councils

There are "people's advice" on how to achieve what you want. Let's see how true they are.

1. Having sex is good for sunrise.

This is true. Gynecologists believe that the egg is most active at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Keep in mind that sunrise occurs at different times of the year, so it's best to focus on the clock rather than sunrise.

2. You need to move closer to a river or pond

Oddly enough, but moving to this place can help. The fact is that the air near water bodies contains many so-called air ions - the smallest air particles that accelerate cell division. Accordingly, the woman will mature more eggs, and the man will increase the number of sperm.

3. Putting a heating pad on a woman's stomach after intercourse

From heat, blood vessels expand, blood flow becomes more active, metabolic processes and reactions are accelerated. As a result, female and male cells will begin to move faster towards each other.

Of course, you should not rely only on a heating pad, but you can try it as an additional tool.

4. For men, before contact, drink a decoction of the herb elecampane

This method is quite efficient. Elecampane changes the composition of the seminal fluid - it becomes more tenacious (the number of enzymes that seem to preserve spermatozoa increases). And this means that, once in the vagina, spermatozoa retain their activity not for 3 days, but for a week. As a result, the likelihood of conception increases.


Drinking four cups of coffee or other caffeinated beverages daily reduces your chance of conception by 26%!

Relax and wait

The law of life says: only with complete peace of mind and harmony, love will give its most important fruit - a healthy and beautiful child. Therefore, you need to bring your spirit to balance and peace. If you are tense and preoccupied with the thought of conception, you may have serious difficulties in getting pregnant.

It is important not to worry, not to strain, but to have a slightly relaxed, almost lazy confidence in success. There is even such a thing as “psychological” infertility. Scientists have found that when a woman is shackled by fear, negative experiences, this affects the reproductive system, inhibiting the onset of ovulation and preventing conception. Having received an alarm signal, the body throws all its strength into the fight against stress, and the main thing for it at this moment is to survive, and not to procreate. You do not realize it, but the brain gives a command to postpone conception until better times. So, if you don’t feel like making love, but this day is favorable for conception, and therefore you decide to “get down to business”, you can’t expect any physiological readiness for conception: lubrication will be scarce, muscles will be tense. The body will protest against the untimely male "invasion". But if everything happens by mutual agreement, then the production of endorphins and other hormones is activated in the female body, which makes the cervix softer and the vagina more hydrated. As a result, it is easier for spermatozoa to get inside. Back in the 17th century, the Italian physician Carlo Musitano wrote in his treatise: “During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to restrain from any sad thoughts, feelings of grief, fear and strong anger, since these addictions are the cause of infertility ... It is advisable to feel emotions such as joy, satisfaction, tenderness, in a word, what makes people happy.

On auspicious days, try to be the first to take the initiative. Let it be not an order: "Let's go make a boy," but "solid erotic joys": massage, a warm bath by candlelight ...

To achieve peace of mind, do something interesting. Choral singing, oriental dancing, yoga classes, swimming... anything. As soon as a woman comes to terms with the idea that she has not yet succeeded in becoming a mother, and begins to live with other problems, how pregnancy often occurs!


What is called infertility

Infertility is the absence of pregnancy in the family within one year (if the woman is under 35 years old) and six months (if the woman is over 35 years old) after the start of regular unprotected intercourse. Regular sex life is considered in the presence of intimate contacts at least 2 times a week.

Infertility does not apply to one person, but to a couple of spouses, so it is more correct to call this condition a barren marriage. In about a third of cases, the childbearing function (fertility) is reduced in both the husband and the wife. And it also happens that in 20 cases out of 100, both spouses have ideal indicators of reproductive function, but pregnancy still does not occur.

Infertility is primary and secondary. Primary - if a woman has never had a pregnancy, secondary - if a woman has had at least one pregnancy.

They talk about female infertility if the reason for a fruitless marriage is one or another disorder in the woman's body, about male infertility - when the woman is healthy, and the man has a sharp decrease in the fertilizing ability of sperm. With a combination of female and male infertility, they speak of a combined form of infertility. In the case when both spouses have normal indicators of reproductive function, however, special tests indicate their incompatibility, the latter is considered as a special form of infertile marriage, which requires a special approach in determining treatment tactics. In addition, infertility can also occur among perfectly healthy and well-compatible married couples. In this case, even a complete examination does not allow to determine its cause. Then the diagnosis of infertility of unknown origin is made.


According to statistics, millions of people suffer from infertility for various reasons. One in five couples take more than a year to conceive, and one in ten takes more than two years.

Causes of infertility in women

Causes of infertility in men

Mumps can lead to male infertility.

In every 5-7th infertile man, the cause of his infertility was a testicular injury during sports, mainly in adolescence.

Almost half of men suffering from infertility have a sharply reduced sperm production due to varicose veins of the scrotum (varicocele). To solve this problem, Columbia University specialists have developed a special surgical method of treatment, which will soon be carried out in most hospitals in the United States.



In many couples who are considered infertile, conception occurs repeatedly, but the fertilized egg (or embryo) dies almost immediately. Often this is due to spontaneous abortion or because the fertilized egg fails to successfully implant in the uterine wall, and not due to infertility per se.

If the diagnosis of "infertility" is justified

Frankly, this problem overshadows the lives of many families. Women are especially affected by it. Indeed, in their subconscious, the thought “lives”: “there are no children, therefore the whole life was in vain.”

First of all, think about the fact that the absence of your own children is not the end of the world. Doctors say that today about 30% of men are infertile, and among women this percentage is even higher.

In fact, this is not accidental. Just in this way, our planet, which is a living organism, is trying to regulate the number of people inhabiting it. After all, the Earth is overpopulated, and it is hard for her. So don't beat yourself up unnecessarily. If you really want a baby, take him from the orphanage. You can’t even imagine how happy he will be to find kind and affectionate parents.

By the way, it is not uncommon for childless couples to unsuccessfully try to have a child for many years until they finally adopt someone. Not even a month passed before the woman became pregnant. This happened because the painful feeling of the absence of children ceased to torment her.

Your body is very wise and knows what is best for you. Everything happens for your good. Try to get rid of guilt and live a fulfilling life.

Solution to the problem



You should be examined if pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular sexual activity in a woman under 35 years of age and six months after 35 years of age.

Address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. If you trust the doctor and follow all his prescriptions, then the likelihood of treatment success is very high. At the first conversation with the doctor, discuss the treatment plan: what will be the first procedure, what is it aimed at, what to do if there is no result. You must understand whether the doctor sees the prospect or not.

It is easier and cheaper to examine a man, and, in addition, it is important to immediately exclude the option when pregnancy does not occur due to the fault of the spouse. Then already, if conception still does not occur, you can begin a long and expensive examination of a woman, because there are almost 2 times more causes of female infertility than male ones. In order to discover the truth, you need to go through a huge number of checks and analyzes.

So, if it turned out that everything is normal with the husband and the problem is in the female body, depending on the identified cause of infertility, the doctor will prescribe a way to eliminate it.


You should be patient, as the prescribed treatment may not immediately lead to the expected result. If one method does not help, you will have to try another, third ...

Scheme of attempts to achieve fertilization

If doctors do not find any abnormalities in the couple's reproductive health after a complete examination, they offer a scheme to try to achieve fertilization. This scheme includes stimulation of ovulation, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization. These technologies can be used in various combinations.

Stimulation of ovulation

This is the name given to the use of drugs to obtain several mature eggs at once during one menstrual cycle, which increases the chances of fertilization.

These can be hormonal, antiviral drugs, immunocorrectors. During treatment, ultrasound monitoring of the growth of the follicle (ovum) and the reaction of the endometrium is carried out. If during the first menstrual cycle it is not possible to achieve the goal, in the next one a new, adjusted course is assigned.

Ovulation stimulation can be repeated for 3-6 menstrual cycles.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Often the reason that a woman cannot become pregnant is the incompatibility of spouses (immunological infertility). In this case, the woman's body rejects the husband's sperm.

Such a couple can use the technique of assisted reproduction, one of which is artificial insemination.

In a natural cycle or against the background of hormonal stimulation of ovulation during the period of ovulation, a woman is injected with her husband's pre-prepared sperm, after which fertilization occurs naturally.

Artificial insemination is carried out 2-3 times during one menstrual cycle.

In the same way, the problem is solved if the couple has a Rh conflict or there is a risk of hereditary diseases on the part of the husband, or he is recognized as absolutely infertile (in this case, instead of the husband’s sperm, the woman is injected with donor sperm).


Under the conditions of compulsory health insurance, examinations necessary to determine the cause of infertility are free of charge. However, not all health facilities have the equipment necessary for the examination, and then the woman is referred to larger centers or offered to be examined in commercial centers.

Ovulation stimulation and intrauterine insemination can also be performed under compulsory insurance.

IVF method - in vitro conception

Who can IVF help?

In some cases, it is simply physically impossible to achieve natural fertilization. For example, with complete obstruction or the absence of both fallopian tubes.

Indications for IVF can be not only female, but also male problems. If a man before marriage suffered a viral infection that was not cured, he may develop obstruction of the seminiferous tubules. In this case, a testicular puncture is performed, a spermatozoon is obtained and injected into the wife's egg. And when the embryo develops, it is planted in the woman's uterine cavity. Two weeks later, they do a blood test and see if the patient is pregnant or not.

Today, IVF is performed for any form of infertility. With unsuccessful treatment of various forms of infertility for 1.5-2 years, IVF is recommended as the most effective way to achieve pregnancy (on average 30-40% at the first attempt).

What is IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) translates as "out of the body". The principle of the method is as follows: to replace the function of damaged fallopian tubes with a process that takes place in the laboratory, which is as close as possible to natural in all respects. Thus, the "meeting" of spermatozoa and the egg does not take place in the woman's body, but in a "test tube", and then the embryos are transferred to the mother's uterus.


IVF efficiency does not exceed 50%, so in case of failure, you need to keep trying. There are no restrictions on the number of IVFs. Basically, as a result of IVF, twins appear.

After 40 years, according to statistics, the effectiveness of IVF is about 10%.

Stages of IVF


Preparation for the IVF program takes 1-2 months. At this time, infectious and hormonal examinations are carried out, in some cases, if necessary, consultations are held with an endocrinologist, mammologist, andrologist and other specialists.

The entire program is carried out on an outpatient basis. Analyzes and examinations for each couple are determined by the results of admission.

First step

With the help of special preparations under the control of ultrasound, ovulation is stimulated. A reproductive specialist monitors the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries, determines the dosage of drugs and the duration of stimulation.

Once a day, a woman is given an injection of a drug that stimulates the growth of follicles.

Second phase

Also, under ultrasound control, using short-term intravenous anesthesia, the follicles are punctured through the vaginal wall. A woman is given an intravenous injection, she falls asleep, and several eggs that have matured after stimulation are taken from her.

All eggs obtained are fertilized with the husband's (or donor's) sperm. For fertilization, the healthiest spermatozoa are selected, which are carefully placed in special cups with eggs.

Third stage

This stage is embryological. It lasts 2-5 days.

At this time, the development of embryos, their quantity and quality are monitored, the optimal day is determined for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

Fourth stage

During this stage, the embryo transfer takes place. This is a painless procedure that is performed under ultrasound guidance using a special catheter for embryo transfer. Most often, it is carried out on the 3rd or 5th day of embryo development.

To avoid multiple pregnancy, no more than 2 embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. Three embryos can only be transferred in exceptional cases. For example, after undergoing operations on the uterus, with several ineffective IVF programs in the past, women over 40 years old, when the chances of successful implantation of embryos in the uterine mucosa are significantly reduced.

After that, the doctor prescribes to the woman special drugs to support a potential pregnancy, which must be taken for 12-14 days, until the result of the program is known. Two weeks after the embryo transfer, the woman takes a pregnancy blood test. If it is confirmed, then another week later, an ultrasound is performed to determine the presence of one, two, or sometimes three fetal eggs in the uterine cavity.


Multiple pregnancy is a kind of "complication" of IVF programs. Reproductionists around the world are puzzled by the search for possible ways to solve this problem.

Cases when IVF is contraindicated:

¦ congenital malformations or acquired deformities of the uterine cavity;

¦ somatic and mental diseases preventing pregnancy and childbirth;

¦ ovarian tumors;

¦ benign tumors of the uterus requiring surgery;

¦ acute inflammatory diseases of any localization;

¦ malignant neoplasms of any localization.

Donation in IVF

There is a bank of germ cells - spermatozoa and oocytes (eggs).

At present, the demand for donor oocytes in Russia significantly exceeds the supply. Perhaps this is due to the fact that, first of all, a woman seeks to realize herself in her studies, then in work, and only then she thinks about childbearing. Often this happens by the age of forty. But at this time, the ovaries work worse or do not work at all, so it is no longer possible to use your own oocytes. In such cases, the use of donor eggs is the only way out. Donor eggs will also help young women who have had their ovaries removed for any medical reason.

Egg donors are women under 30 who have at least one healthy child older than 1 year. They undergo a full clinical, genetic and ultrasound examination, they are consulted by a psychiatrist. If a woman is suitable as an oocyte donor, then her data (age, height, weight, eye color, blood type, etc.) are placed in the clinic's database under a special code number, since the donation of germ cells is anonymous.

It happens that the ejaculate of a man does not contain spermatozoa at all, or it is impossible to use spermatozoa due to genetic disorders that are incompatible with the birth of normal offspring. In such cases, donor sperm is used.

IVF funding


In vitro fertilization procedure only in some regions of the country can be free for a fairly limited number of patients.

Since 2006, a program of federal funding for high technologies, including IVF, has been launched in Russia. In this regard, a much larger number of infertile couples have the opportunity to undergo IVF for free.

To do this, first of all, the couple must contact the local gynecologist, get a list of necessary documents. After the couple collects them, she will have to pass an interview at the Ministry of Health and Social Development. After that, a special commission makes a decision on the possibility of free IVF. In the case of a positive decision, the couple is sent to a specific clinic that conducts these programs.

In Russia, several fertility clinics have received the opportunity to conduct free IVF programs.


According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Moscow Region dated August 29, 2007, the service is provided to couples who are married to each other and do not have common children due to female infertility, provided that the woman is not more than 38 years old. Within the framework of this program, the Government of the Moscow Region finances the residents of the region to conduct 2 IVF attempts. With a positive decision, the couple undergoes an examination at the place of residence and is sent to a recommended IVF clinic.

Conservative treatments

Healing mud Mud treatment can only help with certain types of infertility: with obstruction of the tubes, in some cases, anovulation.


If conservative methods of treatment do not bring results, then an operation is used, which is performed without an incision in the abdominal cavity. This examination and treatment is called laparoscopy. It consists of the following: through 3 small punctures, a laparoscope (video camera) and instruments are inserted into the cavity. Sophisticated equipment allows you to track the entire course of the operation on the monitor screen.

At the first stage, diagnostics is carried out, during which the causes of infertility are clarified. The second stage of the operation is to eliminate them. For example, adhesions between organs are dissected, uterine fibroids are removed, etc. After that, the likelihood of pregnancy increases many times over.

Folk remedies

In different countries, since ancient times, there have been folk ways to get rid of infertility. So, in South America, women were treated with the help of mate, the Chinese preferred shrimp dishes with ginger, in Russia miraculous properties were attributed to the seeds of angelica (angelica).

In addition, there is an opinion among the people that for the onset of pregnancy you need to drink a glass of breast milk.


If a woman, for health reasons, is unable to bear a child on her own, her husband is absent or he is not capable of childbearing, you can use a donor sperm or egg bank.

Deciding on a surrogacy program is not easy, and first of all from a psychological point of view, because your baby will not grow in your body! But sometimes it's the only way. The biological mother will be able to observe the course of the surrogate mother's pregnancy and be present at the birth to hear the first cry of her baby.

If a child from two parents is conceived in a test tube by IVF, theoretically the resulting embryo can be transplanted into any healthy woman. This method was called surrogate motherhood.

Officially, healthy women under 35 who already have their own child become surrogate mothers.

By law, a surrogate mother has the right to keep her child for herself. Therefore, if a married couple decides to take this extreme measure, it is best to look for a surrogate mother among relatives. Then, in any case, the child will remain in the family.

If surrogate motherhood is the only chance to have a child, then it remains either to give up your happiness, or to agree to surrogate motherhood. And if the financial base allows, then it is necessary to decide without arguing. After all, the older the woman, the less chance of success.

The legislative framework

The surrogate motherhood program can only be used by a married couple whose marriage was registered before the implantation of the surrogate mother's embryo.

During IVF under the surrogacy program, an embryo obtained from the genetic material of both spouses is transferred. No other options for obtaining an embryo - using a donor egg or donor sperm - do not fall under the definition of "surrogate motherhood" and are not protected by law.


Russian legislation does not provide for a fee for the services of a surrogate mother. Therefore, in the contract with the sur-mother, it makes sense to specify only the payment for additional food, housing, medical examination, delivery and restoration of health upon completion of the process.

Astrology. Pregnancy


Having become pregnant, the Aries woman feels a surge of energy. She does not slow down her pace, and sometimes even “accelerates”, loading herself with chores. At the same time, she ignores the advice of doctors and relatives. Sports help her regain her strength, especially swimming or special exercises.

It is important for her to take care of herself, not to make sudden movements, as they cause bruises, burns and sprains.

Very helpful trips. They will give you a boost of energy and new impressions.


The future mother-Taurus is very responsible for her pregnancy. She is trying to establish a regimen, rest conditions and nutrition.

Taurus women often have toxicosis. In this case, self-hypnosis can help. Tell yourself that you are now on a healthy diet. To enjoy food, try to beautifully set the table, diversify dishes.

The care of the future father is important for the unborn baby and his mother. Every day you should show tenderness and affection, stroke your growing tummy.


There are two types of Gemini: swift and slow. Those future mothers who lead a passive lifestyle have a harder time enduring pregnancy, since inactivity entails excessive weight gain, colds, and metabolic disorders. Therefore, expectant twin mothers need to walk and move more. You can not limit their freedom.

Socializing with friends and relaxing in warm places will benefit.


Sensitive Rakinya is sure that you need to communicate a lot with your unborn child, and that he needs to be regularly shown to the doctor.

For her baby, she is ready to sew or knit something. During these classes, the pregnant woman really rests. She also relaxes reading spiritual literature.

Nutrition occupies an important place in the life of a Cancer woman, so the future dad should make sure that there is always a variety of food in the refrigerator.

a lion

The expectant Lioness mother is seriously thinking about the future of her baby. She imagines how she will educate him, in which schools she will lead. It is useful for her to just sit quietly and relax.

If a pregnant Lioness is naughty, it means that she feels tired and has not received love. In this case, invite her to go shopping and choose beautiful clothes, go to visit or a good restaurant. And she will bloom right away.


Most likely it was not easy to persuade Virgo to conceive a child, as she constantly worries about her health and losing her job.

But having made up her mind, she will start a new life: she will collect a lot of information about gestation, birth and recovery after childbirth.

It is easy for doctors with her, since the future Virgo mother unquestioningly fulfills their prescriptions. But the partner will certainly have a hard time. He will be forced to accept her rigid rules.

Virgo will be able to relax and stop being nervous over trifles away from household chores. Auto-training, psychoanalysis, vitamins and regimen will help her.


As a rule, the future Libra mother feels better than doctors what needs to be done in a given situation. She knows how to discard everything superfluous and focus on the main thing.

Sometimes she seems thick-skinned. However, it is beneficial for the unborn child and her health.

It is difficult for Libras to do without communication, so it is important to keep in touch with friends during pregnancy.


As a rule, the child of a Scorpio woman is desirable, as she considers him a natural continuation of her relationship with her beloved.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother continues to lead an active lifestyle. The result is severe fatigue. You should get rid of it with the help of sleep, trips (a change of impressions transforms a Scorpio woman), hobbies, yoga.


During pregnancy, a Sagittarius woman feels like the center of the universe, an object of care and attention. It is much easier for her to think about the past and plan for the future. But in the present, she always does not have enough time.

The huge workload unnerves her, she even has no time to eat and sleep. A loving partner influences her well. He should find her a doctor he can trust.

In an inactive period, it is important to provide the future Sagittarius mother with communication with friends and the opportunity to receive information.


Usually, the future Capricorn mother is a model of prudence. She understands that pregnancy is a crucial time in her life.

She even has time for solitary reflections, from where she draws strength, and evening walks. However, from time to time, melancholy or depression can flood over her.

Auto-training, meditation, communication with animals, visiting exhibitions, theater help to restore nerves.


At first, pregnancy can cause an ambivalent attitude in an Aquarius woman. On the one hand, she looks forward to the joy of communicating with the baby, and on the other hand, she does not like the idea that her personal freedom and career may suffer.

The future Aquarius mother should openly express her feelings and emotions, get enough sleep, visit doctors, eat well. It is also important to have a place where she can retire and good friends.


The Pisces woman is aware of her special destiny as a woman who is preparing to give life to a new person. She worries if she can handle it.

She will be able to get rid of melancholy by going to nature, to the sea, where she will lie and be silent, eat and sleep. In addition, it is useful for a future mother born under the sign of Pisces to laugh, as laughter brings her inspiration and emotional release.

The optimal age for the first pregnancy, doctors consider the period from 21 to 26 years.. By this time, puberty has already been completed, the hormonal background is stabilized, the body is young, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. However, in most developed countries, the age of women expecting their first child has increased.

Previously, the desire to become a mother arose in women by the age of 20-23. Women of the 21st century become psychologically ready for motherhood at the age of 27-30, and sometimes even later. And the thing is that the role of women in society has changed. Before the birth of a child, she needs to have time to get one or more higher educations, make a career, change several sexual partners, and only after that decide on motherhood. The level of modern medicine allows a woman to give birth at 30, and at 40, and even at 50 years old.

Features of late motherhood and fatherhood

Late motherhood (and we are talking about the first birth) has its advantages.. In adulthood, a woman, as a rule, takes a responsible approach to the birth of her first child, she already has an established career, good financial security. However, the "aging" of primiparous causes concern among doctors. They do not object to the emotional and psychological state of a woman, but they are sure that a younger age is physiologically optimal for the first birth.

Indeed, you should not postpone the birth of the first baby for a distant “later”. Since, firstly, the ability to conceive decreases with age, the chance of getting pregnant, compared with twenty-year-olds, decreases by 2 times, and by the age of 40, the probability of spontaneous pregnancy is only 10% compared to them. And secondly, in women older than 35–40 years, the likelihood of various gene disorders at the level of germ cells increases, and this can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and malformations in the child.

In addition, women over 35 during pregnancy are at risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, complications with the kidneys or liver, etc.). But the complicated course of pregnancy adversely affects the health of the child. It is not uncommon for women over the age of 35 to have a caesarean section, as the likelihood of a long and more difficult birth increases. Therefore, to reduce the risk of complications, take care of it now, before pregnancy.

In addition to the generally accepted examination, women over 35 years of age should have a mammogram before pregnancy. It is also advisable for both parents to consult a geneticist. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Most women over 35 give birth to healthy babies.


Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has a lesser impact on the health of the unborn baby. Now, French scientists have found that starting from the age of 35, male reproductive abilities are deteriorating and postponing fatherhood threatens with miscarriages in partners. Therefore, they believe that gynecologists should pay attention to the age of the father and inform the couple about the influence of this factor, and not focus only on the age of the mother. In addition, the solid age of the father (more than 50 years) can cause such a congenital disease as Down syndrome.

The opinion that childbirth rejuvenates a woman is a myth. At any age, bearing a fetus, a woman experiences severe stress. The birth of a late child does not delay the onset of menopause, although it reduces the number of menopausal complaints.


If a woman is practically healthy, she does not have chronic diseases: hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, complications with the kidneys or liver, then she may well give birth after 40.

Most women sooner or later think about having a baby. At what age should this be done? Hurry up to have time to become a mother early or wait until better times? There is no single correct answer to this question. Each woman decides for herself what age for the birth of a child is optimal for her. It is important for one to get an education and make a career before a planned pregnancy. Others dream of a big family, and they do not want to waste time on obtaining material wealth. But all these women, so different and dissimilar, sooner or later think about a possible pregnancy.

What is the best age to have your first child?

Many years ago, our great-grandmothers at the age of 16-18 were already nursing their own children. If a girl never got married before this age, she became the object of gossip and gossip. It was believed that a young healthy woman should give birth to a second child by the age of 20, and at 30 she should marry her eldest daughter and take care of her grandchildren with renewed vigor.

Times have changed. Now, from a medical point of view, the optimal age for the first birth is considered to be between 20 and 30 years. Experienced mothers can confirm this version. Let us consider in more detail why this particular age is considered the best for the first pregnancy.

Between the ages of 20 and 30, a woman's body is fully formed and ready to give birth to children. This is no longer a teenager with an unstable hormonal background, this is an adult who can cope with any difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth. As a rule, the expectant mother already has some kind of education or even work experience. She has some financial savings that allow her not to fear for the future of her children.

After the age of 20, a modern woman is psychologically ready to become a mother. She is able to take responsibility for her kids, give them care and love. In addition, strong couples are usually formed at this age, based not only on attraction, but also on mutual respect for each other. Such a family will be able to find the right approach to raising children and will be able to cope with any possible problems.

According to doctors, this age is also optimal for the birth of the first child. The woman has not yet managed to get the whole bouquet of chronic diseases, which awaits her at an older age. She is relatively healthy, her reproductive system works smoothly, her body is ready to bear a healthy child. The bones of the pelvis are supple, the ligaments are easily stretched, which facilitates the process of childbirth. In the postpartum period, recovery occurs quite quickly. In addition, after the age of 35, the risk of giving birth to a child with various genetic abnormalities and developmental pathologies increases significantly.

It should also be borne in mind that the supply of eggs in the female body is finite. New cells are not formed, which means that after 30 years, not every menstrual cycle will be ovulatory. Bad habits, taking various drugs, unfavorable environmental conditions also do not add health to a woman. After 30 years, every year the chance of getting pregnant becomes less and less.

At what age is it better to have a second child?

Each couple independently determines for themselves how many children will be in their family. Their decision is influenced by the social and financial situation, traditions and beliefs, as well as the state of health of both spouses. In our country, most married couples have two children. What is the optimal interval between births?

From a medical point of view, giving birth to a second child should be 2-5 years after the appearance of the first child. During this time, the woman's body has time to recover after the first birth. The older child is already quite independent and requires much less attention. In addition, the body of the expectant mother has not yet forgotten how to behave in childbirth. That is why the birth of a second child is usually faster and easier.

Experts say that if 10 or more years pass between births, the body forgets the acquired skills. In this scenario, repeated births in terms of duration and severity of contractions will be similar to the first ones.

Up to what age can children be born?

According to gynecologists, 35 years is the age limit for having children. In fact, the ability to get pregnant lasts until the menopause, which usually happens around the age of 45. But the older the woman, the higher her risk of giving birth to a child with intrauterine developmental pathologies or genetic abnormalities. In particular, the likelihood of having a baby with Down syndrome after 35 years increases several times. The risk of miscarriage, severe preeclampsia and other pathologies of pregnancy also increases.

If a woman decides to have a baby after 35, she should weigh the pros and cons. Before a planned pregnancy, you should be examined by a therapist and a gynecologist, and also make sure that chronic diseases do not make themselves felt in an interesting position. You can give birth to a healthy child even after 40 years, but still you should not delay motherhood for so long.

To increase the chances of a successful pregnancy outcome, you should give up bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol can adversely affect a mother's health regardless of age, as well as cause irreparable harm to the child in the womb. Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, adequate physical activity will help to cope with any problems that arise during pregnancy and childbirth.

What is the best age for pregnancy?

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood, but not all of the fair sex think so. Some are extremely concerned about career or personal well-being, believing that a child can become a hindrance. Others want to have children, but their personal life does not add up or their financial condition does not allow them to think about procreation.

Many fear that the years go by, and they may not have time to give birth to a healthy baby. What is the best age for pregnancy And is there any reason for concern?

  • Medical reasons for the best age for pregnancy
  • Social aspect
  • Pregnancy after 35 years
  • Late fatherhood

If it was previously believed that giving birth was the lot of the young, now in a gynecological consultation you can meet both a young girl and a pregnant lady well over 30 years old. The opinion of gynecologists and sociologists differs in terms of the most optimal age for childbearing. They justify their views.

Medical reasons for the best time for pregnancy

According to most gynecologists and obstetricians, according to medical indicators, the best age for pregnancy is from 19 to 26 years. By the age of 19, the girl had already turned into a woman, the body was in its prime. The formation of internal genital organs has occurred, the ovaries maintain hormonal balance. The muscles of the vagina have firmness and elasticity. The bones of the pelvis are quite mobile, and this will have a good effect during childbirth.

In addition, in young people, the muscles of the abdominal cavity are usually well trained, so such women in labor more effectively follow the commands of the obstetrician during attempts. At a young age, the expectant mother has not yet accumulated chronic diseases. Childbirth, as a rule, proceeds safely, there are fewer perineal ruptures, and there is practically no bleeding. It is easier for young women in labor to restore their physical form, postpartum complications are less likely.

Swedish scientists from the Karolinska Institute conducted thorough research and named a favorable age for pregnancy - up to 30 years. They do not recommend postponing the first pregnancy for a long time, because every year the chances of successful conception are significantly reduced and childbirth can be premature. Scientists studied a group of primiparous women aged 30-34 years and found that problems during pregnancy are mainly influenced by age, and only secondary - bad habits, overweight. The risk of complications is 20% higher compared to 25–30 year olds.

Reproductive activity begins to fade after 25 years. Gynecologists say that late childbearing is harmful to the health of not only the mother, but also the baby. Scientists at the British University of Newcastle conducted research and found that children with genetic disorders, congenital diseases, in particular, with Down syndrome, are born to age parents.

Social aspect

According to psychologists, planning the first pregnancy by the age of 30–35 is considered normal. This is what women do in Europe, where the average age of first-time births is around 32. In London, primiparas under 30 are not considered at risk. Social factors of late pregnancy often depend on ambitions, material well-being. An ambitious woman cannot decide on pregnancy until she achieves certain success in her career and does not feel that she is firmly on her feet.

When she is mentally and physically ready to become a mother, the child will not be a heavy burden, but a welcome gift of fate. According to Forbes magazine polls, among the two thousand polled women with higher education, the vast majority - 76%, are sure that the most suitable age for the birth of the first child is in the range of 25-34 years. At the same time, almost half believe that it is necessary to give birth no earlier than 29 years old, because before these years it is impossible to have time to get an education, build a career and provide a material base for the future child.

Pregnancy at an early age - good?

It happens that girls become pregnant at the age of 13-16. At this age, children usually appear unplanned. The young mother herself is still almost a child, she has not matured physically, and her partner does not have the material components to support his wife and baby. All these factors affect the nervous system of a woman in labor, stress can adversely affect a fragile young body. On the medical side, it is still developing, the genitals are not fully formed.

The hormonal background of young girls is unstable, there may be a lack of the necessary hormones - and estrogen, which affect the formation of the placenta. Gynecologists warn that pregnancy in childhood, although possible, is undesirable. During childbirth, there may be bleeding and various complications. Psychologists are also categorically against early pregnancy, because a young mother, due to everyday difficulties, cannot devote enough time to her child and is not mentally prepared for his birth.

Pregnancy at a young age

The most suitable age for pregnancy, recommended by doctors, is from 19 to 26 years old, when, from a physiological point of view:

  • pelvic bones are mobile;
  • the birth canal is elastic,
  • the body does not yet suffer from age-related diseases;
  • the risk of miscarriages is lower than at a later age;
  • the likelihood of developing pathologies in an infant is less.

You can have time to give birth to a second baby before the age of 30. In the second pregnancy, the difference in the age of the children should be approximately three years. During this time, the body will fully recover, and the first child will grow up, so it will be easier for a young mother to care for a newborn.

Pregnancy after 35 years

Previously, thirty-year-old women who first decided to become a mother were referred to by gynecologists as “age primiparas”. Now even 35-year-olds are not considered a rarity. Although modern medicine works wonders, the first pregnancy at a late age is a rather risky step. Even getting pregnant is more difficult, because the number of cycles without ovulation increases, the uterus becomes less receptive to the development of a fertilized egg. It may even come.

Health problems can appear both during gestation and during childbirth. There is a high risk of placental insufficiency. , weak labor activity, heavy bleeding, ruptures of the soft birth canal.

Possible complications:

  • prematurity;
  • toxicosis in the second half of the term;
  • postmaturity;
  • premature discharge of water;
  • insufficient labor activity;
  • fetal hypoxia.

The desire to have a child does not stop some even at a later age. The older you are, the less likely you are to conceive. In 64% of women 40–45 years old, infertility is manifested. The risk of miscarriage, compared with 30-year-olds, increases by about 3 times. During gestation, pathologies such as placental abruption and chronic diseases may worsen.

This is a dangerous, critical age for pregnancy, so you need to undergo a more thorough medical examination. Each organism is individual, pregnancy can proceed in different ways. It is not the actual age that is important, but the biological one, which is determined by the psychological and physical condition. Doctors note that those who give birth after forty later menopause, they are less at risk of oncology of the genital area and live longer.

Late fatherhood

The possibility of conception and the physical condition of the unborn child is affected by the age of not only the mother, but also the father. In men older than 45 years, the probability of successful conception is 3 times lower. Active spermatozoa do not decrease with age, but their quality deteriorates. Sperm is affected by negative factors - bad habits, ecology, taking dangerous medications. It has been established that older fathers often give birth to children with developmental defects, including Down syndrome.

Both early and late motherhood and fatherhood have their pros and cons. And yet, according to sociological studies, many respondents believe that the optimal age for pregnancy is up to 30 years old, when young parents have already taken place as individuals, have a strong material base, and are full of physical strength to raise their child.

This article is about the topic of childbirth. It talks about the ideal age for both men and women to conceive their first baby.

The birth of the first child is an event that changes the way of life of all family members, especially young parents. It is good when parents consciously take this step and prepare in advance for the birth of a baby. In the article we will try to answer the disturbing question, what is the ideal age for the birth of the first child, is it necessary to rush to become parents?

Age and conception: what is the relationship?

Scientists have long proven that the age of a woman greatly affects the ability to conceive a child.

With each ovulation, healthy eggs decrease, and with age, a small number of female reproductive cells capable of fertilization remain.

The reproductive function in women ages along with her body and the ability to conceive a baby on her own decreases significantly.

Medicine, of course, has come a long way in recent decades, and people have learned to deceive biological age through medical drugs and cosmetic procedures. But when conceiving a child, it is worth thinking about the health of both the future mother and father.

A man and a woman need to prepare for pregnancy at least 3 months before conceiving a baby. A man should lead a healthy lifestyle because seminal fluid is renewed every 3 months.

The ideal age of the firstborn for a woman: reasons

The conception and birth of the first child is an important event for parents, especially for mothers.

She carries the baby for 9 months, and her body is undergoing strong changes. Doctors believe that the ideal age for a first pregnancy is between 20 and 30 years old. There are several reasons for this opinion:

  • The young body is healthy and strong both physically and emotionally.
  • There are no chronic diseases.
  • The reproductive organs work without interruption and in full force.

If a woman wants to have not one, but several children, then the sooner she becomes a mother for the first time, the better it will be for subsequent pregnancies. A baby for 9 months requires a lot of vitamins and nutrients that he takes from his mother. The body of a young woman will be able to recover faster than an older mother.

This ability will allow you to give birth to subsequent children as healthy and strong. Looking younger, women hope that fertility does not decrease, however, this is a misconception, and as the number of eggs in the ovaries decreases, the aging process starts.

The best period for a man

The male body is different from the female, and it is ready for conception at any time, because the spermatozoa mature continuously.

Sexual maturity in the stronger sex occurs later than in the weak. The male body is considered to be fully formed and ready to conceive a child and to fatherhood from 25 to 35 years.

The readiness of men for fatherhood is determined not by physiological parameters, but by psychological factors. For complete psychological comfort, men need to be realized in a professional way. And by the age of 30, most often they think about family and procreation. The quality of sperm up to 35 years is high, and spermatozoa are not subject to pathologies.

What can get in the way?

There are some factors that prevent the conception of a child, for example:

  • Taking medications, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Alcohol consumption negatively affects both female and male reproductive function.
  • Smoking negatively affects the health of the smoker and conception, including.
  • Improper nutrition, starvation and adherence to a strict diet.
  • Going to the bath or sauna.
  • Unstable psycho-emotional state.

Optimal age according to statistics

The physiological health of a mother between the ages of 21 and 25 allows her to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child. Statistics do not say that all women after 30 give birth to unhealthy children, but the risk increases.

Doctors believe that psychological maturity comes to the mother at the age of 26–35; during this period of her life, a woman is considered to have taken place both in terms of her profession and in family relationships.

Indeed, in youth one wants less to mess with children, and more to participate in all life processes, this statement applies to both women and men.

Medicine helps to endure and give birth to a healthy baby at 40 and 50 years old. The main thing is that the expectant mother has good health, and she does not have age-related changes in the body. But doctors are very wary of age-related motherhood, because with age, changes occur in the body at the genetic level and this negatively affects the fetus.

A small difference of a married couple

Many are interested in the issue of conception with the age difference of parents. The optimal and comfortable difference between spouses, according to scientists, is from 3 to 6 years. Such couples easily agree among themselves and the relationship in them is harmonious.

The reason for mutual understanding lies in common interests, the same level of development and partnerships. It is recommended that such couples conceive their first child before the age of 35.

Large age gap between spouses

With a difference of more than 10 years, misunderstandings sometimes arise between spouses. It often happens that the spouses have a failed marriage behind them, and he wants to transfer the lessons learned from it to a new family, which is a mistake. People are different and relationships between them are individual. Doctors believe that the difference in age at conception between spouses does not play a big role. It all depends on the health of the partners and their sexual compatibility.