Why you shouldn't shave your legs. Shave your legs and not ruin your skin: important rules for everyone Is it possible for a girl not to shave her legs

Smooth well-groomed female legs are beautiful and sexy. Unfortunately, nature has endowed people with vegetation in this place, so the fair sex achieves the ideal silkiness on their own. As a rule, everyone gets rid of dark hairs below the knee. Then the question arises - should I touch what grows higher?

To shave or not to shave

To shave or not to shave legs above the knees, each girl decides for herself. If you have a barely noticeable fluff growing on your hips (as a rule, it is found in blondes and fair-haired people), if you prefer trousers and dresses to the floor over short skirts and shorts, if, in the end, the presence of vegetation does not bother you, you can leave your legs at rest. However, sometimes hard dark hairs can be seen in the fair sex above the knee. In summer, in the heat of lovers of short clothes, they are especially striking. In this case, it is better to get rid of unnecessary hairs everywhere.

How to get rid of hair above the knee, each woman decides for herself. The use of an epilator or wax plates in this area is very effective, which will save you from the problem for a long time. If such methods seem very painful to you, use a regular razor, which is the fastest way to get rid of unwanted vegetation.

Hair removal along with the bulb gradually thins the hairline, making the hair lighter and thinner.

There is an opinion that hair after a razor will grow tougher, but this is not to be feared - experts say that their structure does not change. Hair removal in such a delicate area should be correct, because the skin in the thigh area is delicate, and irritation may occur on it. The procedure should be carried out after a shower, when the skin is steamed and the hairs are saturated with water.

Be sure to apply shaving gel to the area above the knee and moisten the razor blade with water. You can remove hair both in the direction of their growth, and against. In the first case, the skin is less injured, but as a result, your legs will not be as smooth as you would like. Shaving in the opposite direction of hair growth can cause irritation. However, it should be noted that it is more effective.

Shaving is a simple, effective and, most importantly, painless (unlike epilation) way to get rid of leg hair.

With all the undeniable advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example, the lack of a long-term effect, the possibility of cutting yourself, skin irritation, ingrown hairs. However, all this is easily eliminated if you shave your legs correctly!

Below you will find 10 simple tips that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve perfectly smooth legs!

1. Bath first, shave later!

Heat and steam while you lie in the bath (or stand under a hot shower) do several things at once: soften the hair not only on the head, but also on the body, and also open the pores on the skin. Now it will be much easier and more pleasant for you to shave, and the result will exceed all your expectations.

2. The right razor exists!

According to research, smooth legs can be obtained by using a razor with the following characteristics:

- Rounded head shape. This contributes to a better fit of the machine to the skin, and helps to shave the shortest hairs.

- The floating head helps to follow the curves of your body, allowing you to shave even in the most hard-to-reach places.

- Soft comfortable handle - a guarantee that the razor does not slip out of your hands and does not cut the skin.

In other words, leave cheap primitive disposable machines to men. Invest in a good, comfortable razor—consider it an investment in your own beauty.

3. Simple movements.

How do you usually shave your legs? Without lifting the razor, guide it from ankle to knee ( as in the photo above) or even hips? Are you satisfied with the result? We think not. Surely you have to pass the same place with a razor several times, irritating the skin and risking cuts. To prevent this from happening, try to move along the leg in small slow steps (2-3 centimeters each) and do not put too much pressure on the machine.

4. Foam is not a toy!

There is an opinion that shaving foam is a commercial move and, in principle, it is not needed. However, it is she who will allow you to enjoy shaving your legs. Foam moisturizes the skin and provides glide. You can buy special shaving foam. Maybe shaving gel is even better. But your hair conditioner balm would be a perfectly acceptable option. They usually have a very suitable consistency and provide a good glide of the razor over the body.

The main thing is NOT to use SOAP! It will provide foam and even glide, but combined with shaving, it will dry out the skin so that no moisturizer will help you later. And you will wonder where these redness, irritation and itching come from.

5. Body scrub is your best friend!

The skin is constantly renewed. There is always a layer of dead cells on the surface of the body. They affect the quality of the shave - they can get stuck between the razor blades. As a result, smoothness will have to be forgotten. Recommended before every shave exfoliate the skin thoroughly. It is best to use a not very hard scrub with medium-sized particles.

6. Gentle, even more gentle.

Leather after shaving very sensitive and requires special care. Try not to annoy her. NEVER rub a smooth shaved surface with loofah washcloths or even a towel. Wash with your hands or with a very soft sponge, and to dry your skin, pat dry with a soft towel. Otherwise, you are in for such troubles as irritation, redness of the skin and a rash.

7. Consider your features!

Advertising is advertising, but you need to choose shaving and skin care products based on personal needs. For example, if you have dry, sensitive, and irritated skin, avoid buying alcohol-based and scented products.

8. Don't forget your hips!

Many women do not shave their hair on the top of their legs. It is believed that the hair there is light, thin and almost invisible. But take a closer look and you may find that this is not the case for you! The test is very simple - if you can see these hairs well in any light, then believe me - a man will definitely notice them too, which is not very pleasant. But it will be even more unpleasant for him to feel them when he touches his thigh.

Look at this horror, paying particular attention to the area above the knees.

Don't let those hairs ruin your perfect look - get rid of them!

9. Hydration is key!

Your feet need hydration too. Give them some bliss - after shaving, use special moisturizers and lotions. This will reduce the chances of ingrown hairs and rashes.

10. Ultraviolet protection of the skin of the legs.

After shaving, your skin will be stripped of its protective hairline and become more receptive to sunlight. Therefore, in addition to the face and shoulders, do not forget to put some SPF cream on your legs. Find a product that is non-greasy and sticky so that you feel comfortable applying it.

Use our tips, and shaving your legs will become not only easier and faster, but also much more pleasant! Finally, let's give some more advice. The key to shaving is regularity. Try to shave your legs every day and you will always be beautiful!

Do girls have to shave their legs? Of course not. But smooth legs with silky skin look beautiful and sexy. Nature endowed the vast majority of women with "vegetation" in this part of the body, so smoothness and aesthetics have to be achieved on their own. Most of the fair sex has dark hairs only below the knee, and it is they who are eliminated. But then the question arises: should you shave your legs above the knee?

Should girls shave their legs?

Rigid, dark hairs do not make the girl attractive, but whether or not to shave them, each makes her own decision. Perhaps if you prefer to wear trousers or long skirts, then you don’t have to ask this question. Most still prefer to get rid of unwanted vegetation, but should you shave your legs at the top? As a rule, fair-haired and fair-haired girls in this part of the body have only a light fluff - thin, delicate hairs that can only be seen from a very close distance. You can leave them alone, especially if you don't wear very short shorts. Dark-haired girls were less fortunate, their hairs above the knee are also quite thin, but in hot weather they are noticeable among fans of open clothes. Therefore, in the summer it is better to get rid of them.

Can I shave my legs with an epilator?

The first question that usually arises in girls is whether it hurts to shave your legs with an epilator. Of course, this method cannot be called painless, and the thicker and thicker the hair, the more unpleasant the sensations during the procedure. But the result is worth it, and each time the hair will become smaller, so the duration and pain of the procedure will be less and less. You can remove hair growing above the knees with an epilator. But tender areas (under the knee, in the bikini area) must be treated with caution, at the lowest speed. In this case, the hairs are removed along with the bulb, so they become thinner and lighter over time. The effectiveness of the procedure is high, the next epilation may be required no earlier than in a few weeks. If this method is too painful for you, you can use a regular razor.

Is it worth it to shave a girl's legs with a razor?

It is widely believed that the hairs after shaving become stiffer, however, experts say that there are no changes at the structural level. This effect is created by the fact that the hair is actually cut off and grows upward with a blunt end, and not a thin tip. Over time, to the touch, such hairs begin to resemble male bristles, especially if the hairline is thick enough. Therefore, whether to shave your legs or use another method, everyone must decide for themselves.

The procedure must be carried out after steaming the skin, preferably after a hot shower or bath. Be sure to apply the gel on the skin. Should I shave my legs in the opposite direction of hair growth? No. The razor can also be guided by their growth, but in this case the skin will not be perfectly smooth, but the risk of injury will be minimized.

Do girls need to shave their bikini legs?

Should I shave my bikini legs? If you are going to the beach, definitely yes. In other cases, the issue is resolved based on the thickness of the hairline and personal preferences. In the bikini area, the skin is very delicate, so after shaving it is necessary to apply a special moisturizer to it. If after two days there is no irritation, then you can treat the tender places with a scrub to prevent ingrown hairs.

Should girls shave their legs? Yes, but only if she herself feels the need for it.

Special razors were invented for women: with softening strips, gel pads, a cooling effect and plant extracts. But if you do not follow all the steps of the procedure, the hair may grow in, the skin may turn red and peel off, and its surface may remain imperfectly smooth. Check if you are doing everything right while shaving your legs at home?

1. Shave in the morning

In the morning, the skin is firmer and more elastic, and the likelihood of injury is much lower than in the evening.

2. Steam your skin

Soak in a warm bath or steam your legs with hot water from the shower before shaving. This will soften the hairs, and make the skin itself more elastic. This is important for one of the next steps.

3. Scrub

Steamed skin easily parted with dead skin cells, exposing the lower part of the hairs. If you neglect this stage, you leave hair “stumps” on the surface, which will begin to prick after 12 hours.


4. Apply shaving foam or gel

Many girls use shower gel, soap or shampoo for shaving. This is a big mistake! Only special shaving products envelop the skin and hair as tightly as possible, ensure the razor glide along the very base of the hair and soothe the skin directly in the process of shaving.

5. Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against

It sounds counterintuitive at first glance, but it's a guaranteed way to avoid ingrown hairs. Only "in the direction of travel" and never - "against the grain." Moving in the wrong direction, you injure the skin, a micro sore forms at the site of the hair cut, and the growing hair can become ingrown.

6. Don't overdo it

How to shave your legs? For each area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, you need to walk with a razor exactly once. If the razor has not coped, it's time to change the blades or buy a new one. Running the razor over the skin several times, you are almost guaranteed to injure the top layer, and the hair ... yes, will grow.

7. Soothe the skin

After shaving, even under all conditions, the skin is irritated. Apply a cooling body cream or a special “after shave” product to it. Important: do not use products containing alcohol to avoid itching and redness.

But hardly anyone heard that the hair on the female body harmed someone. Many of us hate shaving and waxing: it's long, painful, and often uncomfortable. So why do we go through this again and again? Many people think that this makes a woman more attractive, but here's a little secret: women didn't always do it. They just stayed hairy.

And enjoy all the benefits of it.

You have time for more important things. Think about how much time you spend on hair removal. All these hours could be used for sleep, pleasant books, self-education or delicious breakfasts. To be honest, all this is much more important and more pleasant than scraping your skin with a razor or sitting in a beautician's chair, biting your lips in pain.

If you need additional reasons, then there are more than enough:

1. Additional insulation in winter

Let's start with the question: why do we need body hair at all? Like any other mammal, they help us better regulate our body temperature. Yes, leg hair will not replace thermal underwear, but it will make it much more effective.

2. Regular shaving leads to dry skin.

Don't believe? Ask a man you know. In this case, the razor acts as a peeling tool - and a very rough one at that. And although the skin on the legs is less sensitive than on the face, it can react negatively to the constant peeling of the protective layer.

3. Hair removal leads to irritation, cuts and ingrown hairs

Another reason sufficient for refusing depilation or shaving is the discomfort that they cause. Razor burns are almost inevitable, especially with frequent use of a cheap razor in combination with sensitive skin. The constant "openness" of the skin due to the removal of a layer of dead cells leads to irritation, and hair grows more often - because they enter into an unequal struggle with shaving.

4. Save time and money

Shaving and waxing can often be incredibly time consuming, no matter how often you do it. Remember that this requires strength and energy that you could direct to more useful and enjoyable activities.

Another useful exercise is counting the amount of money you spend annually on visits to the beauty salon or trips to the shaving counter. Leg depilation costs from a thousand rubles - and if you go to the salon once a month, then in just a year you leave about 12 thousand there. A blade that will last you a month and a half at most will cost at least 200 rubles - and this is not to mention shaving foams and moisturizers, which for some reason are more expensive in the women's segment than in the men's segment.

5. This is a spectacular attack on stereotypes and double standards.

Surprisingly, just half a centimeter of hair on a woman's legs can be the subject of heated debate - although this does not happen with men. That women going out into society are required to have smooth legs is a blatant double standard - given that men can usually be as hairy as they want.

6. Your body (and hairiness) is your business

First of all, it is important that each of us has the right to independently decide on issues related to our own body - whether it is hair removal or hair growth.

If you really love shaving, no one will stop you from continuing to remove hair.

Do what makes you feel as comfortable and beautiful as possible. But if you hate every hair on your thighs just because you are afraid of judgment and criticism from the outside, it might be worth straightening up and resisting it, rather than obediently buying razors and depilatory strips.