Why do guys like small girls? Why tall guys like little girls

Hello dear readers of my blog!

They say that a woman I am always a little dissatisfied with myself: I want to curl straight hair, straighten curly hair, make thin lips more voluminous, and voluminous ones more graceful ... But there are things that we are powerless to fix: neither plastic surgery, nor cosmetic procedures. Growth is such a thing. Yes, there are complex bone surgeries that allow

to become higher or lower by 5-10 centimeters, but this method is very expensive, moreover, it is so painful and dangerous that it is difficult for me to even imagine that it can be used for aesthetic reasons, and not for extreme medical reasons.

By the way, I already wrote about ... Be sure to read this article if you haven't already.

Actually, low growth - this is not a disease, not a deviation, not an abnormal syndrome , this is our nature. Therefore, the first and best thing that a small woman can do for herself is to admit that there is nothing “wrong” in nature: each of us is perfect in its own way. The second and most important thing is to admit that miniature growth is a virtue, and not at all a disadvantage, as it might suddenly seem to you before. The third and most difficult thing is height - this is almost the last thing that guys appreciate in girls.

Now I will tell you a little more about each of these three points, and at the end there will be a small bonus for attentive readers! But first things first.

Nature is aristocratic

The founder of complex psychoanalysis, Carl Jung, often repeated the phrase “nature is aristocratic” in his writings. He was, of course, right. Look for yourself: everything that is created by nature is initially perfect. Our task is only to maintain what was given to us from birth in the best possible condition.

Let's do one simple thing together now. Let's go to the mirror and look at our reflection from top to bottom. Hair, face, posture, clothing, figure, shoes. Which of these can you influence? For all! Now look at what is given and will be with you invariably: the shape of the eyes, features of the skeleton, height, foot size. What can be changed from this? Nothing! But here's what an amazing thing: sometimes it seems to us that only one detail spoils our appearance, and if we change it, everything will become perfect. This is the delusion that poisons the lives of thousands amazing women.

Nobody from the outside evaluates us “separately”, “in parts”. From the outside, they always evaluate the whole image that we create ourselves: from mood to gait. We have a truly huge field for working on ourselves - this is character , inner world, appearance, which can be polished endlessly, becoming a completely unattainable ideal for thousands of men, but we cycle on what we cannot change - and, as a result, we lose the whole image. Once again, men do not measure height separately from proportion, ankles separate from shoes, and chest size separate from posture. Men appreciate the image that we can completely and completely control, make it feminine or athletic, fast or flowing, graceful or dull. Guys pay attention to shining eyes and healthy hair, to well-groomed hands and flexibility of movements, to a sense of humor and tact. In fact, you can be absolutely anyone with a small stature: full or thin , active or sophisticated, funny or mysterious.

The main thing is that you are happy with who you are, even alone with yourself, and then, just take my word for it, the guys will idolize you.

I have several girlfriends who meet or are already happily married to men, much taller than themselves, literally 30-40 cm. Some of them even gave birth to wonderful children, and, by the way, their pregnancy and the birth was completely hassle-free and easy. Of course, in this matter, health in general, state of mind and other important things are important, but the fact itself - the small growth of the mother will not negatively affect the bearing of the baby in any way.

Observing them from the sidelines, I catch myself thinking that the first thing you pay attention to is the harmony of relationships, the way people look at each other and communicate with each other, and the difference in height does not matter to them so much that you immediately understand a simple truth: there are no conventions for true love.

For myself, I decided a long time ago that there are no drawbacks in the height of 152 cm, there are minor difficulties, nothing more.

Yes, with a small stature, it will most likely be a problem to find good beautiful shoes of size 33-35, but this can be solved - there are boutiques and salons specializing in them. Another tangible inconvenience is the selection of clothes (dresses, trousers and jeans will most likely have to be handed over to the atelier right away in order to fit in according to their height - and this is, whatever one may say, additional costs). Otherwise, these are purely domestic inconveniences - for example, it is inconvenient to get a cup from the top shelf, to clean snow from the roof of a car, or in a store you have to ask a manager to get a product that is difficult to reach.

If it seems to you that growth is a disadvantage, then we are dealing with complex ... The best way to win complex - to find an effective counterbalance to it, i.e. turn an apparent flaw into an undeniable merit.

Truth, like a medal, always has two sides, and those girls who try on only the sunny side of it enjoy life. Just try it, it's not difficult at all.

  • Not “I look 14 years old”, but “my height prolongs my youth”. By the way, a petite girl subconsciously makes people around her want to take care of her - I will immediately make a link that if you have a strong feminist beginning, this is not from the “gender and weakness” series, this is a banal human attention to someone who looks fragile and graceful.
  • Not “I will not become a photo model,” but “I can become an unconventional photo model”. By the way, there are many such girls, I will tell you about their life stories and success in another article.
  • Not “I am complex and I envy tall girls "- and" I can afford any heels and they will always be appropriate ”

Probably, many have heard the phrase “little women are made for love”, and this phrase has a simple explanation: it is easier to carry us in your arms!

Of the domestic advantages, one can also note a few: miniature girls fly in airplanes and ride in cars with great comfort - their knees do not rest on anything, there is more space; easier to master extreme sports; and, according to the assurances of doctors, little people live longer.

The point is in the attitude that you give yourself - and those around you read from you exactly this attitude, your attitude towards yourself + the image that you have made yourself, what you have achieved and who you want to be.

"Mustache, paws ... the main thing is the tail!"

Imagine a situation where there is an ideal girl. She is perfect in everything: she has long thick hair and eyelashes, a wasp waist, neat and strong hips and chest, she looks after herself, attends dances, spa treatments. Let's add a light disposition, an active life position and an amazing lively mind. One "but": small stature. Do you think this can be an obstacle for a wonderful loving person to appear in her life? It seems to me definitely not. I would even give a lot to look at a man who would refuse to build a relationship with her.

Guys, however, are different, and this also needs to be kept in mind. Once I was told a story about a girl suffering. She fell in love with a tall man, and he directly told her that he would not date her because of her height. Just a typical horror story, right? But what a thing I immediately remembered.

In one episode of the TV series "Sex and the City", the heroine analyzes men who are addicted to models. What conclusions does she get? Unambiguous: tall and “typical” women from the catwalk are loved by guys who themselves are not so good in life and business, but a slender tall woman next compensates for their own shortcomings.

This is not a film fiction, these are real patterns of behavior. Why Does craving for "models" give out problems in a man? Because a really strong and confident man never pays attention to growth. Just remember this as an axiom. In a strong man there will always be a desire to take care, take care of, be a support for his beloved girl - and he will never (NEVER!) Even ask himself in jest: “but 150 centimeters in a companion how much is this? - a lot or a little for me? ”. Kindness, understanding and spiritual closeness are not measured by a ruler.

I think now you understand the real answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article.

And I haven't forgotten about the promised bonus!

These are world artists, Russian and Soviet stars, true beauties. , who by their example show us that even in show business, cinema and stage there are no boundaries that a talented person of non-standard growth could not move.

Edith Piaf 147 cm, Shakira 150 cm, Kylie Minogue 153 cm, Yulia Volkova 154 cm, Lady Gaga 155 cm, Christina Aguilera 156 cm, Gillian Anderson 157 cm, Eva Longoria Parker 157 cm, Svetlana Svetikova 157 cm, Salma Hayek 157 cm, Elizabeth Taylor 157 cm, Julia Savicheva 159 cm, Sarah Jessica Parker 160 cm, Scarlett Johansson 160 cm.

Just look at these big names and their small stature. Remember what these look like women , and how much they gave to world culture. Causes their popularity in full self-realization, in self-control and work on oneself - universal human commandments of success. They shone, lived and live a full life, were and remain desirable for millions of men around the world. Because men, if they are really men, choose worthy women of ANY height. This is what the world is based on.

Believe yourself, love yourself and remember ... You do not need all the men of the world, but only the one and only one for whom you will be the whole world.

PS I promised to write to you what I'm wearing

suede skirt freepeople(sutured at the waist) here is a similar one and several times cheaper

sweater freepeople(shortened the sleeves in a knitwear atelier)

PS Special thanks to the wonderful photographer Nadezhda Kirpicheva for the wonderful photos!

A relationship with a short beauty is a real adventure for which guys should prepare thoroughly.

Don't call her cute

A girl can perceive such a remark as another hint of her small stature. Any woman wants to feel, first of all, sexy.

Never ask if you need to pick her up

There is no need to ask questions like "pick you up?" Sounds like she's a puppy or a small child.

Lack of growth is often compensated by a rich inner world.

Short people, as a rule, turn out to be very interesting and versatile personalities. So why not love your girlfriend even more just because she's so special?

Don't embarrass her

Too high shelves are not a problem for a tall man, but a huge inconvenience for a petite woman.

No jokes

Even if you jokingly call the girl tiny, it can offend her.

She chose you for a reason

Small ladies usually date tall guys. And it's not about discrimination. It's just that deep down they want their children to be slightly taller.

Small but remote

It is easy for short girls to get into even small places in the apartment and the narrowest aisles.

Stretch your neck

Yes, it is this part of the body that will constantly flow numb. After all, kissing a girl with such a difference in height is difficult.

Don't underestimate her

Well, even if your lady is short, this does not mean that she is somehow worse than the rest. Perhaps the opposite is true.

A romantic dinner is better than a walk

Do not forget that girls compensate for small growth with heels. Therefore, a long walk will wear down the young lady.

Bend over to her face more often

If a lady wants to say something in your ear, do not be too lazy to bend over to her. This will save the girl from having to jump and try to reach her man.

Don't keep your hands above her head

Such a gesture seems to indicate a desire to protect. The girl will be uncomfortable from the fact that she will feel as if a load is hanging over her.

She likes to be small

Most short women are overjoyed at one advantage. Unlike the rest, they can wear even the largest heels.

Fool around with her

Just think: you can lift your soul mate in your arms, twist and even place it anywhere you want.

Always hold the girl's hand

Heading somewhere together, firmly hold your companion by the hand and never let go.

Don't ruin your first date

You, most likely, will not be able to build a relationship with a girl if, when meeting, a remark is made about the small stature of the lady.

Opposites attract

You may be completely different, but do not let each other get bored. Appreciate this. Together you are like yin and yang.

Forced loneliness does not affect the fair sex in the best way. Psychologists note the fact that the longer a girl is in a lonely status, the lower her self-esteem becomes. Confidence in one's own attractiveness goes away, and in return there are many misconceptions and myths about what kind of women men like.

In this article, we will break down 10 of the most common misconceptions. Perhaps the readers will see that they are not 100% true, but with them they will be able to meet a good man much faster.

What kind of girls do men like?

1. Men only love thin ones.

This phrase often flashes in the head not only among fat women weighing a centner, but also among girls with only a couple of extra pounds. "First, I need to lose weight, and then I will be actively looking for a loved one!" - isn't this your thought?

But take a look around, take a closer look at women on the street, in transport, in shops. Of course, there are also models among them. But after all, you can regularly see plump wives and mothers of adorable babies, and next to them - their husbands, who look at them with admiring eyes. Do you see that you cannot equate between extra pounds and failures in your personal life?

2. Men like glamorous girls.

This myth is often heard from the TV screen, and glossy magazines in every issue write that it is impossible to win a man without a military arsenal in the form of false eyelashes, nails, and hair extensions. They also give a list of one hundred items that every self-respecting girl should have in her cosmetic bag.

Of course, it is beneficial for cosmetics manufacturers to maintain this myth. But girls looking for their man should remember how their guys told them more than once that they love naturalness. Guys won't mind a moderate make-up when going to a party or a friend's birthday party. But at home, they want to see their companion with natural beauty.

3. Men only love girls with big breasts.

This is what the owners of the first size say to themselves and decide that their chances of finding a decent man tend to zero. It is nothing more than a complex. Men care about the appearance of their chosen one, but not every one of them will appreciate your desire to undergo breast augmentation surgery.

Some will worry about your health, others cannot afford the price of such an intervention. And after all, there are cases when a girl made up her mind, and the guy took it and evaporated. In addition, many women with small bust have families, children, and even - believe it - feel happy.

4. Men like short girls.

Taller than average girls feel like they are losing to their smaller rivals. Is it really? The thing is that in our society it has traditionally developed that a man should be taller than his beloved, at least two centimeters, but taller.

It turns out that with a height of 160 cm, a woman really has more choice than a tall and long-legged model twenty centimeters taller. But you shouldn't consider growth to be a serious cause of failure on the personal front. After all, there are also enough tall men. And among couples where the wife is higher than the husband, harmony in the relationship is quite possible.

5. Men have little interest in women over thirty.

This myth arose, probably, thirty years ago. In those days, a girl whose age was approaching the ominous figure of "thirty" had little hope of getting married. She either remained alone, or agreed to the most seedy option, just to start a family.

And now many girls get married at twenty. Nevertheless, another approach to this problem has appeared: first, climb the career ladder, provide the rear for yourself and your future baby, and then look for a worthy companion. But for some reason, men put forward very high demands, believing that they have benefited the "poor old maid."

6. Men love weak women.

This point deserves close attention. In modern realities, a "weak woman" is not one who is not able to earn money for food and new lipstick, but for her child for diapers and toys. No, men, on the contrary, are very positive about women who have achieved success in their careers.

At the same time, all the fair sex, including strong business women, must learn not to emphasize their leading role. Even if their salary is ten times higher than the salary of their husband, they need to unobtrusively and naturally emphasize that he is the head of the family. If the task seems too difficult, you will have to pay for your superiority with loneliness.

7. Men are not serious about marriage.

No, to think that the family is needed exclusively by women, and the stronger sex does not at all strive for family and children - this is a wrong position. Of course, up to about 25 years old, this opinion can be fair, and the guy seems much attractive to the idea of ​​going to a nightclub, and not taking the baby out for a walk.

But several years pass, men become more mature and responsible and also begin to think about the life partner and the keeper of the family hearth. As shown by the data of statistical surveys, 80% of men are looking for a companion not for meetings once or twice, but for serious relationships and creating a family.

8. Men like bitches, not calm, "homely" girls.

This myth, most likely, was invented by harmful girls, for whom communication with a guy without showing bitchiness is a fantastic phenomenon. What can you say about this? Indeed, a relationship with a bitch can evoke a whole range of different emotions in a guy. He may even assume that he has met the love of his life.

But a little time passes, and the guy gets tired of being in constant tension, waiting for a call, fulfilling more and more new requirements of such a fatal beauty. And it is possible that he will get tired of such "roller coasters" and for family life he will choose a girl of a completely different kind: kind, calm, affectionate.

9. Men like women who are experienced in bed.

And again, like the previous point, two cases are possible here. When a guy is just set up for a few meetings, he will choose the option of an experienced girl with whom you can simply relax and have fun, enjoying her liberation and passion.

Nevertheless, when choosing a future wife and mother of their child, men consider the great intimate experience of their chosen one more as a minus than a plus. Some guys go even further and want to marry an extremely innocent girl. Perhaps they understand that over time they will begin to ask their soul mate about her experience and experience the pangs of jealousy: "But it was not I who taught her this position."

10. Men do not like girls who argue with them.

But now the arrangement of family life according to Domostroi is not at all in vogue. Husband and wife are equal partners, each of them has the right to express their opinion and express dissatisfaction if something does not suit him. If a woman always says "Yes", she may even begin to be suspected of insincerity and a very strong desire to keep her companion - to keep at any cost.

Arguing with a guy and expressing your opinion is possible and even necessary. Just don't start doing it from the very first meeting. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, it is not recommended to discuss politics, religion and other topics that can easily lead to conflicts.

And in conclusion, we want to say that men like a variety of women: brunettes and blondes, thin and fat women, self-confident business women and quiet "gray mice". We wish you in the Year of the Horse to meet your soul mate.

Redheads, blondes and brunettes, slender women and ladies in body - all girls are individual in their own way and differ both in appearance and character. Of course, such significant differences make the fair sex constantly wonder which girls guys like and what should be changed in themselves in order to achieve the location of a handsome young man.

It should not be denied that men love with their eyes and female appearance plays a significant role for them. At the same time, a man's tastes can be influenced not only by his own preferences, but also by pressure from society, as well as by established stereotypes. Therefore, it will be useful to read about the most different aspects of female appearance and discover some secrets of male choice that you can use in the future.

What attracts guys to girls

The question of the relationship between a man and a woman always remains open. Over time, fashion, communication norms and rules of behavior change, and as a result, men's preferences in choosing a partner also change. History is clear evidence of this. In the days of da Vinci, men liked the splendor of girls - in many of the works of the great artist, women are depicted as very plump. Now men are looking more and more at slender girls, because they are constantly shown on TV, they do not leave fashion catwalks, and the world without exception sits on diets for a slender figure. Thanks to changes in art and fashion, the general attitude towards beauty and beauty has changed.

Nowadays, the criteria for choosing a partner have not been reduced at all, but on the contrary, they have expanded to their full height. Now only one attractive appearance for a man is worth little. Character, lifestyle, interests, aspirations, psychology and much more will be on a par with a charming appearance. The beautiful half of humanity, as a rule, is more prone to emotionality. Therefore, a girl's attitude to something is quite easy to understand by the emotion that she shows, be it embarrassment or a feeling of falling in love. But the male half of humanity is a mystery for any lady. Cold-bloodedness, restraint, avarice of emotions - all this makes it difficult for girls to understand the preferences of men. Sometimes one can only guess, but it can be assumed that appearance, clothing, makeup, as well as a girl's demeanor are important to men.

What appearance attracts the male sex more?

Do you know the phrase: "Men love with their eyes, and a woman - with their ears"? This is the very case when the secret of a phrase is hidden in its literal sense. It is useless to show a man your inner world, versatility and excessive kindness, without showing his eyes in all its glory. No matter how kind and generous a girl is, the first thing a man pays attention to is external beauty. Consider this a calling card for any girl. The appearance will tell a lot about a person, much more than any conversations and correspondence: a man appreciates the ability to take care of himself, a sense of taste and style, features of a figure, and even a girl's height. It is enough just to look at the girl, and the man is already forming in his head the first, most important visual impression about her.

What should you pay attention to in your appearance so as not to hit your face in the dirt? You need to include just a couple of points - vigilance and imagination. Then you will always attract male attention. And then your task is to preserve and increase this attention. Vigilance will consist in the ability to timely assess the reaction of a man to your appearance, and imagination will help correct those moments that I would like to correct in order to achieve an enthusiastic male gaze. It is worth paying attention to the following important points.

Well-groomed. A girl should always take care of herself, in any situation and at any time of the day. Any man will appreciate the girl's cleanliness, her neatness. It is advisable to pay attention even to the little things: hair, nails, eyelids, hands and neck. Burrs or peeling varnish, a dirty head or an unkempt hairstyle - all this is unlikely to make a man want to be with you, touch and hug. And if you think that a man will not notice any little thing, then be sure - he will notice it faster than you have time to think about it.

Makeup. Not every girl is satisfied with her natural beauty, I want to fix some points - lengthen eyelashes, even out skin tone, add shine to her lips. This is understandable. But when, in a fit of achieving the ideal of make-up on the face, it becomes many times larger - this is a mess, a man is repulsed by a "mask" of make-up on a woman's face, because not everyone is pleased to kiss a girl and instead of the warmth of her skin feel the taste of foundation. Remember that beauty should not be flashy and intrusive, and makeup should discreetly emphasize your strengths. It is the sense of modesty and restraint of makeup that especially attracts men in terms of female appearance. Therefore, for example, instead of bright shadows, prefer the classic black arrows, they will highlight the eyes much more and at the same time they do not cling so much to the male gaze, create a more natural effect. It is also better to leave lipstick for special occasions - men adore kissing women's lips without feeling the taste of lipstick.

Cloth. For many girls, this is a sore subject (there is nothing to wear, it is difficult to choose things that would hide figure flaws, etc.), and meanwhile, men very often pay attention first to exactly how their companion is dressed. And the main problem of some girls is the inability to dress properly. Some do not observe the color ratio, others choose the wrong style, and others do not dress at all according to the situation. For example, they come to the theater in jeans and a sweatshirt. In general, if there are such gaps, it is more expensive to run them. Choose an outfit that is appropriate for the situation, hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of your body, choose the appropriate colors and style of clothing and, having done this, calmly enjoy the male attention to yourself. Observing such simple rules when choosing clothes, the girl's success will be guaranteed. By the way, the rule of grooming also applies to clothes - it must be clean, ironed, and in no case torn. Otherwise, the chances of male attention will be clearly several times less.

What figures do guys like

Since a man still prefers to "love with his eyes" for the most part, the figure for a girl is her secret weapon, which must and can be used. However, there are no comrades in taste and color, different men may like absolutely opposite representatives of the fair sex. Any man has his own preferences regarding the appearance of a girl, based on his own considerations and sympathies. Therefore, it makes no sense to give any specific classification, because none of them will be reliably correct. You can only give a figurative definition of which figure and which of the men might like the most. Below are the most popular options.

Bbw or skinny is more likely to attract the male gaze.

The choice between a thin or a fat woman can hardly be called sincere and one-sided (i.e. a personal decision of the man himself). And this is facilitated by several factors that are important to take into account.

Firstly, now there is a fairly strong imposition of opinions about girls on the part of society. If in ancient times in art a girl was portrayed as magnificent, then later she was perceived by almost all men as an image of an ideal. At the same time, thin girls were considered ugly in every sense. In modern society, on the contrary, thin girls are actively praised (this is facilitated by various beauty contests, films, etc.). A man simply does not have time to develop his own final preference under the pressure of society, it is much easier to take for granted what public opinion dictates to us. As statistics show, men over the age of 50 prefer fat women, while younger men still sympathize with thin and slender ones.

Secondly, intimate life also plays an important role for every man. Very often, men, when choosing between a thin or fat woman, automatically draw a parallel in their head with an intimate life. Everyone wants to have at their disposal a girl with gorgeous breasts and hips, but at the same time with a slender waist. However, although some curvy girls are also very mobile and active, unfortunately, they do not have such popularity among men. Hence the problem of a long-established stereotype. The solution to this problem is the movement and activity of the girl. Men love active and plastic women, so even with excess weight, a man will love you with all his heart if you satisfy him in bed. So only one slender figure is not yet a guaranteed indicator of a successful relationship with the male sex.

Thirdly, pride plays a big role. The fact is that every man, in one way or another, manifests his nature as a male and a breadwinner. Well, if he also managed to win a pretty girl, then he will be proud of himself in a special way. The catch is that the fact that his girlfriend is pretty and attractive will give him pride. After all, then she will attract the attention of other men, and your man will be flattered that others see - he managed to get the most beautiful girl. Due to such thoughts, a man, albeit imaginary, becomes higher than his other rivals in the struggle for female attention. Therefore, a beautiful girl is a kind of indicator of male success.

Based on all of the above, we can say that in modern society it will be a little more difficult for a curvy woman to find her chosen one, but still possible. Now, even despite the public opinion that slender girls are more attractive, 2 out of 10 representatives of the stronger sex will definitely pay attention to a full-bodied girl, contrary to all established norms. And of course, when choosing, not only the figure will play a role, but also other important criteria given below.

Do men like tall girls

60% of men have sympathy for tall girls. And this is quite reasonable. As a rule, tall girls have a special appeal: long legs, thin neck, slender waist. Their movements are graceful and fluid. To make it clear, ask any girl a question: why does she need high-heeled shoes? The answer is simple - to visually appear taller and slimmer. After all, this will not only allow you to look charming, but also give freedom in choosing long outfits. And this is just a small drop of those advantages that can be found. So do not be ashamed of your tall stature - this is a great way to gain affection and attention from the man of your dreams.

Why do guys like small girls?

The final answer is difficult to give. Some men believe that a man should look huge and strong when paired. Choosing a girl of small stature, they become more self-confident, as they visually look taller and larger. Others proceed from their views on beauty. It is believed that short girls look more cute and fragile than tall ones. Still others are completely denied with one answer: "It is easier to hug." One way or another, girls of small stature have no less male attention than tall girls. And statistics say that more than half of men subconsciously selects a girl not taller than her own height in order to be able to visually dominate in a pair.

What character of girls attracts guys

If we talk about the female character, then according to their preferences, men in this regard are divided into three camps. The first will include men who prefer extremely quiet and calm girls. This is due to the fact that a man himself is looking for stability for himself, and thereby seeks it from his chosen one. He likes a measured life, without surprises and unexpected turns - this is the same man is looking for from his companion.

The second camp is distinguished by its activity and inconstancy. Men will look for an active girl - a "lighter" who runs in the mountains today, and will go diving tomorrow. She is able to organize her own active leisure, taking a man with her, cheer him up and bring new and bright colors to life. The third camp is the so-called golden mean. Representatives of the third camp firmly believe that a girl should be quiet in society and active at home (and vice versa). This is the case when peace and tranquility are compensated for by activity and changes in female behavior. By the way, it is these girls who attract guys more than others, because they know how to feel the situation and the mood of a man, and adapt to him.

Nice manners and behavior of girls to the liking of guys

It doesn't make much sense to talk about generally accepted behavior. Obviously, a girl should have a sense of tact in conversation and actions, correctly express the appropriate attitude towards certain people. A man highly appreciates behavior in society in girls. If we talk about personality traits, then it is worth noting patience, restraint and a moderate sense of humor. A man will definitely make mistakes, seeking the location of the chosen one, and it will be very difficult to do without patience and humor. But rest assured that when he reaches a woman's heart, the reward will exceed all expectations. Therefore, it is very important to culturally present yourself in public, and especially in the circle of relatives and friends of your man - he will appreciate their opinion most of all. You should not be pretentious, too noisy and mannered - this often annoys a man. Also, in society, you can never speak negatively about your man, or demonstrate such behavior that can be called disrespectful towards your chosen one. He will quickly notice this and draw not the most positive conclusions.

Personal qualities of girls, influencing the choice of men

Choosing his second half, a man no doubt takes into account her personal qualities. A real girl should always be faithful - betrayal or betrayal for a man will be the strongest blow, an indicator that he does not suit the girl and could not win her favor. Very often, after such situations, men cannot successfully form a good relationship for a long time. Also, an important quality for a girl is the ability to take care, because a man sees her as not only the keeper of the hearth, but also the mother of his future children. Caring will play a significant role for a man. Another quality that males pay attention to is the stability of the girl. Men are mostly conservatives and prefer to know the girl as closely as possible, to have confidence in her behavior, tastes, and communication manners. Therefore, it is much easier for them to build relationships with girls who are prone to stability in life.

Statistics: which girls do guys like best

Of course, it will be curious to get acquainted with the statistical data on which girls are more popular with men. These numbers do not mean that if most men find a particular type of girl attractive, then you definitely need to try to match it. There is always a man who will love your beauty.

Statistics show that more than 80% of men prefer a girl with small breasts (second or third size), and 90% consider it important that the girl should not be taller than their height. At the same time, men want girls' hips to be outstanding and fit, without cellulite.

Every second man is repelled by crooked legs, as well as excessive female thinness, which looks unhealthy. Therefore, you should not once again poison yourself with diets in an attempt to lose extra pounds, and clog a man's head with talking about his own weight. If we talk about the general picture, then in surveys, men most often describe the ideal female appearance as a tall and thin girl, with slender legs, a thin waist, and small breasts. Many people say that they like tanned female skin. According to hair color, 55% of men prefer brunettes, another 40% prefer blondes, and the rest of men are almost evenly divided between redheads or girls with an extraordinary shade of hair.

The statistics in terms of clothing will also be interesting: more than 89% of men are crazy about stockings, high heels, office-style skirts and tight-fitting dresses. But too bright mascara and lipstick can completely kill this image and make it vulgar, so you should be careful with makeup when choosing such clothes. In terms of hairstyles, a third of men love long hair and classic styling (curls, straight hair, braids), and every second man simply does not digest shaved heads or hair dyed in different colors. It is rather fun for young people, but in no way is the man associated with the image of a caring girl and the future mother of his children.

Here are some more interesting facts - more than 80% of men do not like:

  • Dirty women's shoes;
  • Lipstick that leaves marks;
  • Boy haircut;
  • Rudeness and aggressiveness in the style of clothing;
  • Smoking or drinking girls.

Taking into account the mass of these factors, it is important to remember: a loving man will be ready to close his eyes to women's shortcomings. But still, you should try not to give him a reason to see these very shortcomings, always look the most beautiful and well-groomed in his eyes. Appearance plays a big role and there is no need to deny it. Then you don't have to worry about whether your man looks at other girls and whether your relationship is fine with him.