Why are the fingernails exfoliated? Why nails crumble, break, exfoliate. Nail wax mask

Health problems

The nail plate can become softer and weaker due to problems with the liver, kidneys, pancreas, or intestines. The reasons can also be taking antibiotics, stress, nervous exhaustion.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Prolonged strict diet or a poor diet can lead to vitamin deficiency. And it will affect the state of health, the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Check if you are consuming enough:

  • Calcium. It is found in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, seeds, nuts, and soybeans.
  • Silicon. It is found in berries, legumes, whole grains, and chicken eggs.
  • Magnesium. They are rich in peanuts, walnuts, spinach and beans.
  • Sulfur. It is abundant in animal products (pork, beef, fish, poultry, eggs and offal) and peas.
  • Phosphorus. Found in cheese, cottage cheese, fish and seafood.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B3, C, D, E. Pork liver, pine nuts, mushrooms, rose hips, chicken eggs and almonds are considered record holders for their content.

If you do not plan to significantly change your diet in the near future, start taking multivitamin complexes to make up for the lack of nutrients.

Bad manicure

Alas, even sticking to a healthy diet can be severely damaged if you use dull scissors and a rough file or if you improperly work with quality tools. Also, prolonged wearing of extended nails or gel polish can spoil the nail plate.

Excessive cleanliness

If you enjoy doing regular spring cleaning, remember to wear gloves. Harsh detergents and even ordinary dishwashing gel can seriously ruin your hands: make your skin dry and your nails dull, weak and brittle.

What to do to keep your nails from flaking

Check your health

Since weak peeling nails can be an indicator of various diseases, it would be a good idea to go to the doctor. If you are in no doubt about your own health, follow these general guidelines:

  • Get enough sleep. For full recovery, a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep in the dark and without extraneous stimuli.
  • Relax. Less stress, more joy is the key to wellness and health.
  • Observe the daily routine. In addition to sleeping and resting, it can be helpful to schedule regular exercise and outdoor exercise.
  • Eat a variety of foods. The more natural and quality foods you eat, the stronger your nails will be. It is especially important to consume calcium, and it does not matter whether you choose dairy products or pharmacy vitamins.

Get your manicure right

  • A manicure is best done by trusted specialists. If you only trust yourself, remember to keep your tools clean and go for acetone-free nail polish removers.
  • It is advisable to wear extended nails and gel polish no longer than 4–6 weeks in a row, and then take breaks for 1–2 weeks to restore the nail plate.
  • Use a special base polish before applying to your nails.
  • File your nails correctly: with a fine-abrasive ceramic or glass nail file, holding it perpendicular to the nail plate and moving in one direction.

Take care of peeling nails

If the tip of the nail begins to exfoliate, alas, the patient cannot be saved. The affected area must be removed and the growth of its successor should be taken care of. And for him to be healthy, he needs nutrition, hydration, strengthening and good blood supply.


Your nails need to get enough nutrients on a regular basis. To do this, apply various oils or juices to your nails every day. Rub olive, sunflower, mustard, coconut or any other vegetable oil before bed. Use berry juices (cranberry, black or red currant) during the day, holding for 10–20 minutes.


Special baths will be useful for exfoliating nails. During treatment, they are done 5-6 times a week, for prophylaxis, 3-4 procedures per month are enough.

Such baths are a great reason to relax at the end of the working day. Turn on the movie, make yourself more comfortable, place a container of healing solution in front of you, dip your fingertips into it and rest.

  • Salt bath. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of warm water. Leave your fingertips there for 15–20 minutes, and then rinse your hands and do not wet them for at least an hour.
  • Herbal bath. Pour a teaspoon of dry needles or chamomile with a glass of boiling water. Wait 10-15 minutes for the bath to cool down to a comfortable temperature, and put your hands in it for 20-30 minutes. This broth can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole week, warmed up before use.
  • Gelatin bath. Dissolve half a tablespoon of granulated gelatin in 250 ml of hot water and let the mixture cool. Keep your fingers in this jelly solution for 10-15 minutes.
  • Oil bath with lemon. Warm 100 ml of any vegetable oil to a comfortable temperature. Add the juice of half a lemon and the contents of one ampoule with vitamin A. Keep your nails in the bath for 20-25 minutes, and then do a light massage of the nail plate and the skin around it.
  • Beer bath. Mix half a glass of warm beer with the same amount of apple juice. Soak for 10 minutes.
  • Tea bath. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to half a glass of strong green tea. Nails can be immersed in such a solution for 10-15 minutes.

Improving blood circulation

In the cold season, often the tips of the fingers and the normal blood supply to the nail plate is disrupted. To keep your nails perfect even in winter, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Keep not only your feet warm, but your arms. Thick mittens will protect the skin from premature aging, and the nails will not flake and break.
  • Wash your hands only with warm water.
  • Apply a hot compress once a month. For it, mix half a teaspoon of hot red pepper with the same amount of hand cream or vegetable oil. Heat the resulting thick mass to a comfortable hot temperature and apply on nails for 15-20 minutes. Then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. During the procedure, be careful not to touch your face with your fingers.


Making nails stronger is easy with affordable and familiar components:

  • Lemon juice. It not only whitens the nail plate, but also gives it strength and elasticity. Apply lemon juice to your nails 1-2 times a day. Or just cut the citrus in half and keep your fingers straight in it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Salt. Wet your hands with water and dip your fingertips in fine table salt. Gently rub the grains into each nail for 30-60 seconds, then wash your hands and apply a moisturizer. It is enough to carry out this procedure once a week.

Are peeling nails bothering you? How do you deal with the problem? Share your beauty secrets in the comments.

There are several reasons for weakened, brittle and peeling nails: fungus, lack of vitamins and minerals, unsafe use of household chemicals. ELLE is in the fight for exploring the most effective ways to restore nails.

Nails, hair and skin condition, like a litmus test, give the most accurate characteristics of how healthy the body is inside. Take a closer look at your hands: how satisfied are you with the condition of your nails? Sometimes the reasons why fingernails and nails are exfoliating are not so obvious. There were no serious illnesses in the recent past, we did not experience any chronic illnesses either, but the nails are still weakened and do not grow. What to do?

The question of why nails exfoliate is one of the most frequently asked questions in a manicure parlor. As in the case of split ends, dry and flaky skin, you should start with a global revision of the diet. To maintain a strong nail plate, the body must regularly receive all the necessary amino acids - glycine, alanine, cysteine. Therefore, the diet should always contain protein-rich meat, fish, eggs,. If you regularly adhere to strict mono-diets, then exfoliating brittle nails are a sure sign that the body is deficient in nutrients.

Useful minerals

If the nails exfoliate strongly, then you need to introduce emergency measures and help the body in the accumulation of keratin, which makes up the nails. Nails are also composed of trace elements - sulfur, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. With a high content of these minerals, nails are strong, healthy, shiny, and grow by an average of 1 mm per week. If the level of trace elements is insufficient, then the nails begin to exfoliate, break quickly, and white spots appear.

Must-have foods for nail treatment are calcium-rich cheese, dairy products, cottage cheese, broccoli, spinach, and legumes. You can replenish your magnesium supply by eating whole grains, seeds and nuts, seafood, and legumes. Sulfur is also called "the mineral of beauty", it enters the body with food as amino acids. The source of sulfur for healthy nails in vegetables is onions, all types of cabbage, green vegetables, legumes. But most of all sulfur is in garlic, so you should not categorically refuse it.

To enrich the body with microelements, including phosphorus and silicon, you should daily eat salads from fresh vegetables and herbs, boiled meat and poultry dishes, eat dried fruits, nuts and seeds as a snack.

Specialized vitamin and mineral complexes for the beauty of skin, hair and nails, sold in pharmacies, will help to replenish the deficiency of trace elements. To obtain the result, they should be drunk for at least three months.

Additional protection

Another enemy of healthy nails is an excessive love of cleanliness. Make it a habit to always use thick rubber gloves during any homework, then you will not have to lament why your nails are peeling after each cleaning. After washing dishes, doing laundry and other household chores, wash your hands thoroughly, dry them with a towel, spread with cream or oil until completely absorbed.

Gentle manicure

For the treatment of brittle nails at home, massage with a firming oil helps. Rub it in before bed for about 10 minutes. For these purposes, apricot or grape seed oil, olive oil is ideal.

The best treatment in every sense is vacation. Sea salt water is especially useful for nails. You can repeat this beauty procedure at home. Regular warm baths with a diluted teaspoon of sea salt and two tablespoons of lemon juice will help strengthen the nail plate. Do this procedure daily for two weeks.

When making a manicure, do not use metal files that split the nail plate. Glass files provide more gentle care. When filing your nails, hold the file perpendicular to the nail plate and move it from top to bottom.

Why do children's nails exfoliate?

Children's nails are very thin, and delamination can occur even from a strong blow with a hand or foot. The reasons why nails exfoliate in children are about the same as in adults. Parents should pay attention to a complete diet. Often, children are fed with what they eat quickly and without bickering, without going into the details of a complete, balanced diet. The child's body should receive vegetables and fruits, protein and grain products every day.

Fungus can be the cause of split nails. In this case, you need to see a doctor who identifies the infection and prescribes treatment.

If a woman's nails exfoliate and break, first of all, before starting treatment, you need to understand what the cause of this problem is - vitamin deficiency, health problems, improper nail care. This will allow you to more efficiently select the desired therapy and quickly solve the existing problem.

Women are very worried if their nails exfoliate and break. The causes and treatments for brittleness and flaking can be different. In any case, if such a problem has arisen, one should not delay with therapy, ideally - undergo a full examination.

Reasons for fragility and lamination

Vitamin deficiency

One of the main reasons why fingernails flake and break is vitamin deficiency. The nail plates are composed of fibrillar proteins (keratin). For their synthesis, amino acids are needed, which are found in eggs, meat, sea fish and poultry:

  • glycine;
  • cysteine;
  • alanine.

One of the most important trace elements necessary for normal nails is calcium. It helps build connective tissue, bone and muscle contraction. That is why, you must definitely use:

  • spinach;
  • egg whites;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sesame seeds;
  • white cabbage and cauliflower;
  • figs;
  • nuts;
  • legumes.

Phosphorus is very important for nail health. This trace element is "listed" in all bone tissue and is involved in biological and chemical reactions in the body. Phosphorus-rich foods include:

  • chicken eggs;
  • seeds;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • bird;
  • fresh fish;
  • nuts;
  • unrefined grain.

To keep the marigolds firm and healthy, you can recommend eating foods high in silicon. These are mushrooms, turnips, carrots, radishes, lettuce, leeks and young nettles. Silicon is one of the key elements in tooth enamel, marigolds, hair, blood vessels and bone tissue.

Health problems

Flaking and brittle marigolds are a direct indicator that the body's metabolism is disturbed. Consequently, the body does not receive proteins for the formation of healthy nail plates. Also, stratification of marigolds often becomes a consequence of inflammatory processes, especially if a person has undergone a course of antibiotics.

Problems with nails may indicate that the functionality of the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys is impaired. This is a sign of endocrine system diseases. It is also a "signal" about the exhaustion of the body caused by stress and overwork, and about a decrease in immunity.

Hazardous detergents

Often nails break, exfoliate? Perhaps the reason is detergents and cleaning agents that aggressively act on the nail plate. That is why, in order to avoid problems, when working with powders, detergents, it is imperative to wear protective rubber gloves.

Physiotherapy for healthy nails

Diathermy: for whom is the procedure suitable?

If your nails start to break, you can try diathermy. This procedure is indicated for fragility, furrowing, thickening of the marigolds.

Diathermy is of two types:

  • local
    these are baths.
  • reflex
    this exposure to UHF current provides an excellent effect, because trophic nail changes are often interconnected with problems of the endocrine apparatus and the nervous system.

Treatment in the salon

Features of the "sealing" procedure

If your nails begin to break, you can do a "sealing". The procedure is performed three to four times at intervals of two to three weeks between sessions. One session does not guarantee the effect, you need to go through a cycle of procedures to get the desired result and really strengthen and heal them.

The following cosmetic tools and ingredients are required for the seal:

  • four-sided disposable file for grinding;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • special cream with vitamins E1 and A, beeswax and keratin;
  • specially prepared oil mixture.

The technique of "sealing" is as follows:

  • Manicure is performed - nails are cut straight and short.
  • A hot bath is made with sea salt. If desired, you can add a little soda to it.
  • The nails are lubricated with an oil mixture and left for ten minutes.
  • They are re-lubricated with an oil mixture - using a nail file, the oil must be rubbed into the nail plate, the oil must penetrate deeply.
  • Rubbing in a special wax cream with a nail file.
  • Rinsing the marigolds under running cold water.

It should be remembered that during the "sealing" sessions, the marigolds should be trimmed short; it is also not recommended to apply decorative varnish on them.

Strengthening nails with biogel

If the nails are badly broken, cosmetologists offer to undergo a procedure for strengthening with biogel. The latter is an elastic dense material consisting of natural wood resins, protein, calcium. Biogel is the first gel in the world to receive an official medical license. It is harmless to the nail plate and non-toxic.

Strengthening with biogel is the completion of a regular manicure when the marigolds are opened with non-fixing varnish, namely biogel. This material is fixed under the action of an ultraviolet lamp. When cured, biogel looks like a standard varnish. Perhaps a little brighter. Interestingly, to remove biogel, it is enough to use a special solution, which contains essential oils.

The main advantages of biogel are as follows:

  • protection against mechanical damage;
  • increased growth;
  • harmlessness;
  • making the surface smooth and even;
  • restoration of the structure.

Homemade recipes

A bath with celandine decoction

To strengthen nails so that they do not break cosmetologists recommend doing high temperature home baths. For example, with a decoction of celandine. The same tool effectively removes the fungus.

To make a bath, you need:

  • Pour five large heaped spoons of dry celandine with one and a half liters of boiling water.
  • Insist the broth for fifteen minutes in a water bath.
  • Pour the infusion into a prepared basin. Dilute the broth with two glasses of water at a temperature of 60-65 degrees.
  • Steam your legs and arms.

Plantain baths

To prepare a bath with plantain, you need to grind one tablespoon of plantain leaves, fill them with a glass of hot milk on the floor and hold for twenty minutes in a water bath. Cool and strain the composition, put your hands in it for about fifteen minutes.

Iodine salt bath

Combine a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of 5% iodine solution and three tablespoons of table salt. For fifteen minutes, lower your hands into the composition, then wipe your fingers dry with a soft towel.

Trays of iodine and orange juice

Pour two teaspoons of table salt into warm water (in a third of a glass), add a third of a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice from one fruit and drip four drops of iodine. To mix everything. Dip your fingers into the solution for ten minutes. At the end of the sessions, you need to wipe the nails dry with a towel and lubricate with cream.

Preventing the problem

Rules for safe grinding of the nail plate

Grinding is a specialized manicure procedure, during which the nail plate is given a glossy shine and perfect smoothness.

Grinding allows you to make the nail surface not only perfectly flat and smooth, but also to give a healthy look and well-groomed.

In addition, this is also an important preventive procedure - during it, the upper stratum corneum, which is often a carrier of harmful bacteria, is removed.

The advantages of grinding are as follows:

  • elimination of various defects - undulations and grooves;
  • acceleration of growth, due to the stimulation of the work of small blood vessels of the nail bed;
  • elimination of part of the stratum corneum.

Important rules to follow when sanding:

  • Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water - this will remove the fatty film from the skin surface.
  • Movements should be done from the base of the nail bed to its edge.
  • After all procedures, the nails are cleaned of white dust.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to rewash the handles with soap.

Women tend to be very upset if their nails are peeling and breaking. Causes and treatment are the most important things to focus on in this case. Determining the root cause of brittleness and delamination will allow you to quickly and effectively solve the problem.

Video: care for flaking and breaking nails

We have prepared an excellent video cassette in which you can learn the main methods of caring for problem nails.

Why do nails exfoliate and break, what should I do? Brittle flaking nails. How to treat? Sealing nails. Vitamins.

Beautiful, healthy, attractive nails are a decoration of women's hands. A sign of a healthy nail is its pink color and strength.

Brittle flaking nails. Causes of delamination of nails.

One of the big "troubles" of nails is their delamination. The most common reason for this is calcium deficiency. Lack of calcium is "eliminated" by combining it with vitamin D, since calcium, in its pure form, is poorly absorbed by the body. This vitamin is found in foods such as fish, cabbage (young), cheese, nuts.

Another reason - a lack of silicon, is also the cause of nail delamination. Eat bananas, lettuce, currants, parsley, and green beans.

Eat foods that contain iron: dried fruits, lean meats, herbs, legumes, liver, and egg yolk.

Being in a humid environment and detergents can also cause your nails to delaminate, this is also a negative cause of delamination of nails.

Nails exfoliate and break. What to do, how to treat? Treatment.

Now is the time to tell you about the means, methods and ways to get rid of nail bundles on the hands and other extremities.

First of all, do not forget about hygiene. Avoid minor injuries by trimming your nails regularly and evenly.

Buy oil (olive). Heat (steam) one tablespoon. Add a few drops of iodine to it. Rub, into the nail plates, the composition that turned out. Grab the skin around the nail plate.

We suggest nourishing your nails with cream or cuticle oil. Apply them to the cuticle and rub in (in a circular motion). For the treatment to be effective, use gloves when doing household chores.

Are the nail delamination permanent, especially on the hands? Recommended - Treatment. If your nails are constantly exfoliating, take the eggshells and add them to food for several weeks. It is great if, at the same time, with the shell, you will consume 2 capsules of fish oil.

Baths with sea salt are another great tool. They need to be done three times a week (a teaspoon of sea salt for one glass of warm water). Repeat the procedure for 10 days. After a month, repeat the course (for prophylaxis).

Firming nail compress: 25 milligrams of glycerin, 70 milligrams of water, 5 grams of alum.

Splitting nails? Pepper will help. Strengthens nails and peppers (red). Mix one to two teaspoons of cream (nutritious) with 0.5 tablespoons (teaspoon) of pepper. Heat the mixture for a couple of minutes. and apply the composition to the nail plates. Wash off this mask after 15 minutes. The procedure should be done once a month.

Rub essential (jasmine, sandalwood, rose) or sesame oil into your nails and palms.

Gelatin helps. It is, for example, in jelly, jelly and jellies. Vitamins group A will help just as well. It is found in the following foods: apricots, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, caviar.

Eat seaweed, honey, walnuts, and foods containing iodine at least once a week. Eat bran, bran bread, and herbs as well.

Make a bath of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil, or a bath of olive oil (warmed).

Splitting nails? Don't forget about folk remedies. Use cranberry juice. Rub it regularly into the nail plate and rub it into the skin (around it).

Massage your cuticles. Lather a soft brush with baby soap or glycerin and start the procedure. What will be the result? Prevented the formation of cracks, which can get dirt, release, from frozen skin flakes, cuticles.

Having bought, in any pharmacy, in capsules - vitamin E, lubricate them, every day, nails. Open the capsule, rub the contents into each nail. You will notice the effect in a week.

Remember to rub the oil around your nails before going to bed. Do not be afraid of such experiments.

Mix lemon juice (a few drops) with iodine (also a few drops). Add a couple of tables. tablespoons of olive oil. Let the mixture sit on your nails for 10 minutes. Wash it off with water (no soap).

Sealing nails. Cosmetologists have their own idea: sealing nails. Special preparations are applied to the nails, which remain on them for 2 - 3 weeks. Why is this method effective? Due to the content, in preparations, trace elements, proteins, vitamins and special minerals.

Let's say a few words about manicure. When delamination of nails, it must be done in time at least once every 2 to two weeks. When removing varnish, do not use a liquid that contains acetone: the composition of acetone dries out the nail plate very strongly. Some rest is required from nail polish (if every five days in nail polish, then 2 days without it). Replace the file. Metal nail files are a "step" towards delamination, since a metal file can scratch and injure them. Look for varnishes that mechanically strengthen your nails: they have nylon or silk fibers.

Dear ladies, know: nails that have undergone delamination cannot be sanded. Indeed, after polishing such a nail, it breaks down very quickly, as it turns into a very thin one. Apply, preferably, the fixing agent (several layers).

Do not process, with a blunt instrument, the free edge of the nail: it does not cut the nail, but presses on it. The keratin layers are displaced, which leads to delamination.

It is very important to hold the file correctly. file the sore nail from top to bottom, to the center - on the sides. Do not file a nail with a metal file.

There are varnishes that save from delamination of nails. They are composed of small inclusions of nylon or silk fibers. Contain medicinal varnishes and other substances: minerals, moisturizers, vitamins, proteins.

Question: can a beautician help to get rid of such a misfortune? Answer: and no, and yes. The fact is that in order to overcome this unpleasant ailment associated with nails, the efforts and professionalism of a cosmetologist are not enough. In the process of combating the disease, the participation of the client is extremely necessary. A positive effect can only be achieved through joint efforts. Otherwise - defeat.

The task of the cosmetologist or consultant is to inform, one hundred percent, the client (patient) about the possible causes of his problem, suggest methods of dealing with it. The client needs to listen to the advisor and follow all the recommendations given to him. Then - success is guaranteed.

If, however, none of the listed funds gave a positive effect, you should consult a doctor.

Changes in the shape and condition of the nail plate occur due to improper care and health problems.

The reason may be age, poor nutrition, fungal infection. To solve the problem with nails in children and adults, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

What is this article about?

The main causes of nail problems

A saline solution helps well from peeling, a small spoonful of sea or iodized salt is dissolved in a liter of warm water, and hands are immersed in the solution for 15-20 minutes. A systematic procedure will ensure good nail strengthening.

From essential oils it is best to choose oils of pine, bergamot, cedar, patchouli. They are bred in a small amount of vegetable oil, added to a liter of warm water. Hands are kept in the bath for at least 20 minutes, all this time they do a light massage of the fingers.

For the lemon bath:

  • Dissolve a tablespoon of juice in 5 large tablespoons of warm olive oil;
  • lower nails for 15 minutes;
  • get wet with a napkin.

Nails will stop exfoliating if you use chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, cooled a little, hands are kept in the solution until the water becomes warm.

A soda bath is made from a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of iodine, half a glass of warm water. The duration of the procedure is at least 5 minutes.

Positive dynamics of fungal disease is observed when using nail masks. They are prepared on the basis of natural herbs, essential oils, vitamins.

An effective recipe based on:

  1. lemon;
  2. sea ​​salt;
  3. olive oil.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, rubbed into the nail plate, the skin around it with massage movements. The manipulation is carried out every evening for two weeks, on average, 10-15 minutes.

Masks are made from two drops of vitamin A, apple cider vinegar, sunflower oil. A large spoonful of oil is calcined in a hot skillet, but not brought to a boil. Then the product is cooled, mixed with a small spoonful of salt, half a spoonful of vinegar, an ampoule of vitamin A. The resulting mass is rubbed into the nails, left to act for 15 minutes. Treatment is carried out within a week. After this time, the nails will stop bending, grow in, and acquire a healthy shine.

Alternatively, use herbal, fruit masks. For example, you can pamper your fingers with kiwi pulp, avocado. The fruits are chopped with a blender or simply by hand, immersed in them fingers for half an hour.

Products are used according to the same principle:

  • carrot;
  • sour cream;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • lemon;
  • cottage cheese.

Wax masks will help to heal your nails and prevent them from curving creepyly. The wax is melted in a water bath, then allowed to cool to room temperature. Fingertips are dipped in wax, wait until it hardens. The procedure is done before going to bed, after waking up, remove the remnants of the wax with warm water.

The use of medicinal oils will be beneficial: avocado, olive, castor, sea buckthorn, lemon. They are rubbed overnight for two months.

Alternatively, therapeutic mud is used. It can be muddy, peaty, hill mud, rich in vitamins, biologically active substances. Means:

  1. diluted in warm water;
  2. applied to the legs;
  3. wait 15 minutes;
  4. washed off with salted water.

It is noteworthy that mud relieves skin diseases, fungal infections of the nails. Plus, it is necessary to regularly do hygienic manicure, adhering to the rules, carefully remove damaged areas of the nails, and apply medical coatings.

Applying masks to eliminate nail diseases is the best solution, a simple and cheap way of treatment. Any of the proposed methods of therapy should be applied regularly, be patient before the course of treatment.

Nail massage

Massage will not be superfluous in the fight against nail fungus, thanks to simple manipulations it is possible to accelerate blood circulation, improve the condition of the cuticle and the nail plate as a whole. Before the procedure, the nails should be prepared: remove the remnants of varnish or other coating, wash, dry.

You need to sit comfortably, you can just put your hands on the table in front of you. With the free hand, stroke the lying hand, starting from the tips of the fingers and ending with the wrist. Actions are carried out three times, then change hands.

For the next exercise, the hand is clenched into a fist, the middle phalanges are kneaded, smoothly moving to the lower nails. Each nail is massaged separately. During the massage, the skin is lubricated with a fat cream, cosmetic oils. For these purposes, sea buckthorn, castor, burdock, sunflower oil is suitable.

Massage is carried out:

  • fingers;
  • an old toothbrush;
  • manicure brush.

Before each procedure, hands should be held a little in warm water, apply a little soap suds on the brush, gently massage nails and cuticles. After the completion of the procedure, a greasy cream is applied, the product will provide nutrition, recovery and protection.

You need to understand that cosmetics are effective only if the problem is caused by external factors. With hormonal changes, systemic diseases, folk remedies and salon procedures will not give a positive result.

Prevention measures

To prevent nail disease, you need to regularly engage in prevention, monitor your health, avoid stressful situations, and try not to damage the nail plate. Maintaining an optimal balance of water in the body will help to positively affect the condition of the nails.