Wedding and anniversary gifts are the best ideas. What to give for a wedding? Original, cool and unusual wedding day gifts for newlyweds from friends: the best ideas

"Every gift, even the smallest one, becomes a great gift if you give it with love."
D. Walcot

All of us in our lives had to think, and sometimes more than once, about what gift to choose for a wedding for young people. And in general, to give a gift or money? And often this question most of us, with very rare exceptions, baffles.

True, at first this question causes a very active work of the brain, and only then a little irritation, since we cannot get the desired answer from this work. Young people begin to ask questions, what?, but is this necessary?, or maybe this? Etc.

The newlyweds, in turn, shrug their shoulders, or give the already classic answer: "Money! Better is money!

If you think about it, then you begin to remember that most of the newlyweds at the end of the wedding, most of the money diverges, dissolves, in general, simply disappears without having time to materialize into certain, quite real things. Over time, many newlyweds even forget how much money they were given for the wedding. Although this issue at the time of donation, believe me, is a very important factor, and not only for the bride and groom.

As a result, photos, video frames and, at best, a thing donated by one of the Grandmothers or Aunts remain in memory of the wedding celebration. And believe me, it is this wedding gift from Auntie, Uncle or Grandmother that will just settle in the house of the young, either forever, or for a very long time. And it will even help out the young at some points, although at first glance such things are not considered valuable.

One of the main advantages of a wedding gift for newlyweds will be their personal impressions, and later memories with a touch of nostalgia in their voice. And do not believe that money is more important. Young, they are young for that, so as not to think at that moment. Better think for yourself.

In fact, if you think about it, all this makes up a fairly significant amount of information, and very, very pleasant, and in all respects positive. And if we exclude from the wedding celebration such a moment as the receipt and subsequent “opening” of a huge number of wedding gifts, the bride and groom deprive themselves of another joy from the wedding. After all, how often in childhood we dream that we would simply be overwhelmed with gifts, and we would unpack and unpack them all. In my opinion, it is the wedding that gives young people such a chance, which I think should not be missed.

My friends asked all the invited guests to donate money for the wedding, which the very executive guests did not hesitate at all and did. The young people had a very clear and well-thought-out list of what exactly they wanted to later buy with this money donated to them for the wedding. And everything you wanted, oddly enough, was from the section "everything in the house, everything in the house."

However, after receiving the money in their hands, they miraculously “evaporated” from them, and what was required in the house was never bought. True, then the young people were lucky, at work, in honor of their celebration, they gave out a separate award. And here this money was spent strictly for its intended purpose and everything to the penny. Young people still remember what exactly they bought, although at first glance they bought quite ordinary things, such as dishes, a mattress, because there was nothing to sleep on (they rented an apartment), a camera, a chest of drawers, since they simply had nowhere to sleep fold things.

And there are actually a great many examples of how young people spend the donated money, since often they simply do not know how to properly manage the budget at the beginning of family relations. (Of course, I'm not talking about everyone, there are very, very rational young people who will give odds to our Grandmothers too).

Another friend, having learned that I am writing an article about wedding gifts, with burning eyes, she talked about the impression that the gifts given to them for the wedding made on her. She talked about how after the end of the wedding, having arrived home and, having taken off only her shoes and the overskirt from the wedding dress, she unpacked everything received as a gift of midnight, and her newly-minted husband very actively helped her in this. And during this whole process, she was already mentally arranging and laying out the unpacked things. Among the wedding gifts there were also “understudy gifts”, but she was not at all upset, saying that things are not eternal, one will break, the other is in stock and, so to speak, “there is, does not ask.” And although 15 years have already passed since the wedding day, and she already has two grown-up daughters, for her that moment has still remained incomparable, a truly indelible impression for life.

Now, many young couples, adopting the experience of other countries, in order to get what they really need as a gift and not burden relatives and friends, make lists of what they want to see as a wedding gift. The invitees look through the list and check the box next to what they want to give and Voila!

If you want to give something to the newlyweds, but you don’t have a wishlist, and you don’t see where to start “search” for the right gift for the wedding, then before you think about it, you should do a little analysis of the young couple. Such an analysis may well lead you to the fact that you can really give money to the young. Or maybe so, that you decide to give some kind of wedding gift that is useful for this particular couple.

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So, the first item is their current well-being and potential opportunities. In accordance with this, all young couples can be divided into three categories:

- those couples who, after the wedding, will live with their parents, and, as practice shows, they are in the majority. Accordingly, in the near future they will not need some things, so to speak, of common use (pots, a washing machine, a refrigerator, etc.).

- couples who will live in a separate apartment, which is owned or rented by the young. In this case, they need almost everything, down to the smallest detail (grater, ladle, soap dish).

- couples who, in addition to the apartment, also have a complete environment in it, that is, young people who, at the time of the wedding, no longer need anything. Here it is quite difficult to surprise, and indeed to present such a couple with at least some kind of wedding gift they need. But even in this situation, with a little imagination, you can easily come up with a couple of options.

The second point is the interests of the young. You can also use them to cut off and add some types of gifts for the wedding. I mean what they like to do in life, so to speak a hobby. Maybe they like outdoor activities or do some kind of sport.

The third point, it includes the tastes of a young couple. This means that the selection of gifts for the wedding follows the principle of "appreciate, not appreciate." There are people who love something voluminous, big, bright, and for them it is not necessary that this thing be expensive. There are those who, for example, will be presented with an expensive tea pair from England, and they will really be happy with such a wedding gift.

By the way, if you want to give some thing as a gift, but it is very expensive for you, find yourself like-minded people (this can be a group of friends, relatives). Together you will be able to afford to present as a gift a thing more valuable and expensive than if you give wedding gifts separately.

The wedding gifts themselves, which may well be suitable for any young couple, can be conditionally divided into groups:


It is believed that household appliances, like all kitchen utensils, are a gift for a woman. But if you think about it, these things are created not only to facilitate work, but also for entertainment. In fact, everyone enjoys the benefits of these things, and with great pleasure. Below I will give specific examples.

TV. Some of the guests gave a TV to a friend of mine at the wedding, although most of those invited gave money. So, it still stands at their house, and although it is outdated, they are not yet able to buy a new one, and as they themselves say, “there is no special need, because it works.”

Also a good gift for a wedding is a DVD player, in addition to it, you can give discs with romantic films, “karaoke”.

A refrigerator, of course, is an expensive gift, but it is so necessary, and absolutely everyone cannot live without it. As I suggested above, pooling is a perfectly feasible wedding gift.

Microwave oven, the most wonderful invention of mankind, without which almost no house can do without it. It was a gift at the wedding of my friends, bulky, still Soviet-made, not carrying all the functions that current models have. When they turned it on (at that time living in a communal apartment), then all the neighbors ran to her buzz to find out if something had happened. And, nevertheless, she faithfully served them for many years, having already moved from a communal apartment to a separate one, and they threw her out only when she herself broke down.

A washing machine, a vacuum cleaner - these things are simply necessary for those couples who will live separately from their parents.

A coffee maker, coffee grinder, at first glance, not so necessary items for young people, but meanwhile they are very pleasant things, perhaps, for almost every one of us.

Camera. What is not a wonderful wedding gift for a young family, so that they capture all the best moments in their lives, especially if the young are going on a honeymoon trip.

Iron. An acquaintance told me that he gave the young people a good iron for the wedding, so each time they reported how they use it wonderfully, saying that none of the guests had thought of such an elementary, but as it turned out, necessary thing.

Dishes. For most people, things of this kind seem banal and uninteresting, but we can well make sure that they come to the court when they are young, and every time they use it, they remember us. It is not necessary to overwhelm the young with simple dishes, but in huge quantities, they will successfully do this themselves, but if you donate something that the young are unlikely to fork out on their own, and believe me, there are a lot of such things, then I’m sure that your gift will take its rightful place in the house.

Table, tea, coffee sets, no matter how we deny them, but beautiful, stylish items are always nice to see on the table, and not only when guests come to the house.

It can be expensive tea pairs.

Crystal glasses, or from expensive glass, such as Bohemian.

A set of baking utensils, pans, pots, all these items, if of high quality, are quite expensive and good wedding gifts. After all, rarely any of the housewives can afford to buy a frying pan for 2000 tr. (conditional sum), or a set of pots for five thousand.

In the end, if young people are fond of newfangled trends, then a set of dishes for sushi, rolls, or a fondue set may well come up as a gift. Such wedding gifts may be accompanied by additional gifts, such as books on the subject, CDs, etc.

Cutlery is also an integral part of any kitchen, but if you do not want to donate simple knives and forks, you can give, for example, silver teaspoons for young people, or some other beautiful items.

Interior things. With such gifts, the situation is, of course, more complicated, since it is quite difficult to guess, or to assume whether this or that thing will be needed in the house, as is the case with dishes and household appliances. But still, even here you can give no less wonderful gifts that will always come in handy. For example, such as:

A photo album, because after the wedding, young people always need it. But you can give not only a wedding album, but also a simple one, but very beautiful and expensive, which young people are unlikely to be able to afford.

Photo frame.

Today there are a great many of them, which cannot but rejoice, so you can pick up for every taste and for any reason. This is still a fashionable electronic frame that contains a huge number of photos, actually representing a mini-album. And wedding frames, originally and stylishly designed. And family, in which you can insert several photos. Quite interesting is the variety of such a frame in the form of a family tree, where you can insert up to 12 photos, both of yourself and your relatives.

Textile. Just like dishes and household appliances are considered an outdated type of wedding gift. But as I said above, it is not necessary to give simple, ordinary things, which become abundant in every house over time, because a wedding is a very unusual holiday that requires unusual gifts.

For example, good bed linen, silk, or simply quite high quality and expensive. I think that it is unlikely that anyone will refuse this and say that this is a worthless gift for a wedding, and even those who have lived with each other for 20 years.

Blanket, pillows. You can also be original and donate, for example, special orthopedic pillows, or with some unusual filler, such as buckwheat shell, or some kind of grass. The blanket can also be of different composition, price and quality (from camel wool, sheep, newfangled from bamboo fiber).

Carpet. My parents still have a real wool carpet at home, which they gave as a wedding present, and what is most interesting is that its location is not going to change.

A plaid, for example, from llama wool, merino, is also a chic wedding gift, and most importantly, practical.

Wedding gifts for young people who love outdoor activities, or who are going on a trip:

Suitcase for a picnic.

A tent, if you like to go out into nature, you can beat by saying that you are giving a 2-4 room apartment.

A suitcase, or a travel bag with a guidebook inside for the country that young people are going to, or dream of, visiting.

An inflatable mattress is quite a wonderful gift for a wedding for those who will live separately and at first will not be able to purchase a sofa or bed, or if young people really like to receive guests. There is another option for using the mattress - this is, of course, field trips. You can swim on it during the day and sleep at night.

Unusual wedding gifts.

As mentioned above, this kind of gifts are suitable for young people who no longer need anything, or if you want to give young people some interesting, non-standard wedding gift.

It can be diving for two, especially before a trip to the sea.

Pay for a professional photo session for young people, so to speak, to create a family portfolio.

Shared SPA.

A parachute jump for two is, of course, for fans of extreme sports, as I have already said, when choosing a gift, you should think about whether this gift is suitable for this particular couple.

The origin of the surname is now common, written in antique form in the form of an unfolded scroll, or on the skin and inserted into a beautiful frame.

If young people have a good sense of humor, then aprons with a pattern of the torso of Adam and Eve may well be suitable for a gift, on the one hand it’s funny, on the other hand it also has a practical meaning.

Gift certificates.

If you still don’t like anything out of all of the above, or what comes to mind, or you doubt how exactly the “kettle, iron, hair dryer” that young people want to see at home should look like, then in this case there is an amazing option is a Gift Certificate. To date, most stores have introduced this kind of service, which helps out a huge number of people.

These can be certificates for stores such as a furniture store, a hardware store, for those who plan to equip their “nest” after the wedding.

Sports, where young people can buy gifts for two, such as skis, bicycles, skates, roller skates, etc. things.

A certificate to the "Children's Store" will not be superfluous if the young are expecting an addition.

You can simply pay for the subsequent printing of photographs after the wedding in some photo center, which, be sure, will not fail to take advantage of the young.

Wedding gifts are money. If your choice still fell on the monetary form of a gift, then it is simply necessary that it be presented in an unusual form. This is done so that your wedding gift, even though it is money, will be noticed by both young people and guests and arouse no less interest than other gifts.

For example, the entire amount can be invested in a piggy bank and giving, express your wish about what exactly you are giving money for.

You can give money in a rolled-up three-liter jar, saying that you are giving young people your own “bank”.

You can build a money tree with the appropriate pieces of paper instead of leaves, or you can buy a living plant and again screw bills onto it.

I can offer another option - this is a glazed frame, and there, for example, 50 euros (this is a conditional amount) and a signature, which is only in case of emergency to break the glass. I assure you that this wedding gift will be kept by the young for at least a short period of time.

Maybe, after reading all of the above, you will get even more confused when choosing a gift, or maybe vice versa, you will choose “exactly the same”. And perhaps, based on the article, you will come up with your own, incomparable option, which may well become a good example for other guests at other weddings. Everything can be, but the main thing when choosing a gift for a wedding is the mood and desire with which you do it. Indeed, sometimes we are given things that seem to be good and necessary, but either they quickly break down, or the “soul” does not belong to them, because they were most likely acquired hastily, according to the principle “just to get rid of it”. But if you are in a completely different mood and really want to make a gift that is pleasant in all respects to the young, then the most inexpensive, but from a practical point of view, valuable gift presented by you will serve the young faithfully, because it is made, as they say in people, with all my heart.

Create, do, do! Irina Kravchuk.

Some ideas for unusual and original wedding gifts.

A wedding is a memorable event not only for the newlyweds, but also for the invited guests. The main concern of the invitees is the choice of a gift. Very often, a couple is given money, but such a gift is best presented if you do not have time and ideas to purchase or make a gift.

Interesting wedding gift ideas

Some of the most common gifts include:

  • Trip to hot countries. Ask in advance about the availability of passports. Most likely, the presentation of vouchers at the celebration will be symbolic, since the tours are issued directly by the participants of the trip
  • Appliances. It is better to ask the newlyweds what they do not have. Since now almost every family has a slow cooker, bread machine and other helpers
  • Certificates. Choose a certificate depending on the preferences of the couple. It could be skydiving, a gym membership, or a spa membership.
  • Antiques. Buy such valuable gifts only after talking with the newlyweds. Often in the apartment there is no place for such unusual things.
  • Jewelry. This should be a set for the bride and groom. Looks good brooch and cufflinks in the same style
  • Set of dishes. Ask the newlyweds what they need. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse a set of quality pots. If the bride loves to cook, give a set of detachable baking dishes

Handmade gifts are always very unusual and interesting. If you are good at embroidery, you can embroider a tablecloth or bed linen. This is a very expensive and valuable gift.

DIY gift ideas:

  • Bouquet of sweets
  • Bouquet of money
  • woven names
  • Time capsule
  • DIY glasses
  • money cake

If you love needlework, be sure to make a gift for the newlyweds. It can be glasses for two. Paint them and glue rhinestones. Often, polymer clay flowers, lace and ribbons are used to decorate glasses.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way and how much?

The amount you want to give to the newlyweds depends on your financial situation. Also, the amount of money is affected by who you are as a couple. Relatives should give more. If you are a friend or employee of the bride, the amount may be small. In megacities, it is customary to donate from 5,000 rubles, but if you live in a small town, then 1,500 rubles is enough.

Options for donating money:

  • money carpet. This product is made of transparent polyethylene and banknotes. They may or may not be real. It is necessary that each bill be sealed in a separate compartment. You can order stitching the compartments with threads
  • Jar. Take a large jar and place bills in it. Write something like "the most reliable bank" on the etiquette. You can roll up the container with a lid and stick a label
  • money picture. You need to purchase a picture or embroider it with your own hands. Attach money instead of leaves on trees
  • Pot of money. Get a clay pot, put large bills on the bottom and fill the pot with small change. Tie at the top with a cloth and write "money pot"
  • Umbrella with money. Get an umbrella, put cellophane on it, and put bills on top. Wrap it up again in a bag, and then wrap it with burgundy cloth or paper. Attach a label that says "Sausage"

donate money for a wedding

Money is one of the best gifts, especially if you don't know what to give. But it is not easy to hand over an envelope with banknotes, but it is somehow interesting to present it. There are many money gift ideas you can make yourself.

Gift Ideas:

  • Money Tree. Buy some tree in a flower shop. Roll bills into tubes and tie with ribbons to tree branches
  • balls. You need to buy beautiful balls. Place a bill inside each balloon and inflate. Tie all the balloons in an armful and hand over to the newlyweds
  • Cake. Make a cardboard base for the cake. The cake can be three tiered or two tiered. Attach the money to the base, wrap with plastic wrap
  • Ships. Get baskets from the vine. Put Styrofoam in them and stick bamboo skewers in. Attach bills to skewers, these will be sails

What gift to give for a wedding from friends?

There are many gift options. If you want to surprise your friends, then choose an unusual gift.

Gift options for friends:

  • Swim with dolphins or water park tickets
  • wedding clip. Invite a videographer and record a clip for the newlyweds in a comic form
  • Sweet table. Ask in advance in which cafe the wedding will take place, and whether the newlyweds are planning a sweet table. If not, please contact the restaurant management. Buy cupcakes, sweets and fruits. Put a table in the hall behind the curtain, and when it's time for the presentation of gifts, show a surprise
  • Wedding night at the hotel. It is worth asking in advance where the newlyweds plan to spend the night. If at home, then the gift will be very useful.
  • Firework. If the newlyweds are not planning to arrange a fireworks show, give them one

wedding gift from friends

If you do not want to give banal gifts, there are a lot of original ideas. Here are a few of them:

  • A bench with names. No need to carry a bench to the wedding. Just set up a bench and shifts, at some memorable place for the newlyweds. Give a photo of the shop with the address where it is located
  • Hot air balloon flight. Unusual and very romantic gift
  • Prank guests at the wedding. Organize the draw in advance, it is better if it is performed by professionals. Contact the agency for organizing holidays and draws
  • Family book. We'll have to try. Get a beautiful album or order it in a photo studio. Paste nice photos of lovers and complete with extended comments

  • Sheet "Kama Sutra" with spicy images of intimate positions will bring young people a lot of fun minutes
  • Souvenir saw. It is handed over to the wife with the corresponding words: “drank not for firewood, for marital purposes: they drank to her until the roosters crowed!”
  • Certificate, confirming that the couple receives as a gift ... a plot on the moon.
  • Bag with the inscription "pood of salt"(some originals donate exactly 16 kg of salt) as a symbol of the fact that a husband and wife should eat exactly this amount of salt together in order to get to know each other well
  • Boxing gloves(two pairs). You can beat the gift by saying that it will be useful for resolving family disputes and troubles.

If you want to surprise the newlyweds and guests, present an unusual gift. Here are some of the best options:

  • Family coat of arms. Order in the studio to embroider a family coat of arms. It can be designed in one of the design programs
  • Shards. This is a prelude to a gift. Take a large box and put broken bottles in it. Wrap in a pretty wrapper. While handing out, accidentally trip over and hand over a box of broken glass. Everything needs to look natural. Then give an envelope with money or a real gift
  • Casket. Get a box that closes with a key and invest in it. Hand over the box, and accidentally lose the key. It is best if it is an outdoor wedding, it is easier to lose the key by the river. The lost key must not be real. Give the original key to the couple later

  • Matryoshka. It is necessary to put a valuable gift in a small box, and put it in a larger box. There must be several boxes. So, the couple will open one by one box until they get to the real present.
  • Party fountain. This is a multi-tiered structure of several vessels into which alcohol is poured for parties. The gift will be appreciated by couples who love guests and noisy parties
  • Butterfly fountain. Present a box of butterflies. After opening it, butterflies will fly out and decorate the hall

Musical wedding gift

If you sing or dance well, give the newlyweds a musical present in your performance. Prepare costumes in advance and arrange with the toastmaster and musicians about your number.

A wedding is one of the most important events in a person's life. At the same time, the guests worry no less than the bride and groom. Especially when it comes to choosing a gift. What to give for a wedding? Something necessary and useful in everyday life, memorable or symbolic? These questions concern every invited guest. We will analyze all kinds of presentation options in our article.

What can you give for a wedding?

One of the most popular wedding gifts is money, but even that is not always a universal present. For example, it will be much more pleasant for a wealthy bride and groom to receive a symbolic spiritual gift than a few banknotes. In a different situation, of course, money will be one of the most desired gifts. They are suitable for covering wedding expenses, and for a honeymoon, and for arranging joint housing.

Recently, the Western tradition of compiling a list of desired gifts is gaining popularity. The young people make a list of things they would like to receive, and the invited guests, so to speak, book any wedding gift. Thus, young people do not receive 5 irons and 6 bedspreads per bed, and guests are sure that their gift will be necessary and one of a kind.

When choosing a gift for the newlyweds, it is necessary to take into account their nationality and traditions. For example, in China it is customary to present gifts wrapped in red paper, symbolizing prosperity. The French give sweets, and the gypsies give gold.

How to donate money?

Most often, at a wedding, donated money is collected in a bag or chest prepared in advance by young people, but you can make a memorable and beautiful gift from banknotes:

There are many options for how to present money in an original and unusual way. As a last resort, if there is no time to prepare, you can buy a ready-made postcard or the most ordinary envelope.

Practical wedding gifts

First of all, it is necessary to determine which category the newlyweds belong to:

  1. A couple who will live with their parents. In a rented apartment. Or have been living together for a long time. In all cases, in the near future, young people will not need a new refrigerator or iron.
  2. A couple who plans to move into a separate apartment. In this case, absolutely everything is required to the smallest detail.

Wedding gifts for newlyweds, which belong to the first category, should be selected according to their interests. For example, young people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle can make such a practical and necessary gift:

For young people who are fond of hiking or mountain tourism, suitable:

For travelers, a good gift will be:

Creative individuals who are fond of art, drawing, etc., can be presented with:

  1. Sketchbook, easel, set of paints, canvases, brushes for a family of artists.
  2. Musicians - creative covers for instruments.
  3. Photographers - lenses, tripods, cameras.

If there are difficulties in choosing a gift, you can safely give certificates to specialized stores. There young people will be able to choose what they like.

The best gifts for young people who are planning to move to a new home can be selected at a home appliance store. It can be:

Another popular store that people go to to choose a gift for a wedding is tableware. A few options from what they give to young people:

  1. A set of frying pans.
  2. Dinner or tea service.
  3. A set of pots.
  4. Bakeware.
  5. Glasses, glasses, beer mugs.
  6. Sushi set.
  7. Graters, ladles, cutting boards.
  8. Dishes for cakes, bowls, salt shakers, gravy bowls.

Interior gifts

Things are somewhat more complicated with the choice of a gift for the interior, because it is very difficult to choose the color and style to the taste of the newlyweds. The most versatile options are:

Suitable as decor and other interior items:

If young people live in a private house or often go out of town, then excellent wedding gifts will be:

Choosing a gift for the bride and groom for a wedding, you can also purchase items for arranging a summer residence: curtains for windows, bed linen, blankets, pillows, and more.

What to give wealthy newlyweds?

Situations often arise when the bride and groom are wealthy, wealthy people who do not need money or the usual household items. What do they give for a wedding in this case?

The first option is attention

The second option - emotions as a gift

If the bride and groom are wealthy people, there is no need to try to allocate an unbearable amount for a gift. It is better to choose a bright present that will give young people a lot of emotions, for example, a box with tropical butterflies or a song written especially for them.

What do friends usually give for a wedding?

Depending on the level of wealth, friends usually donate various interior items, useful household items and equipment, money or certificates for goods and services. Often the bride and groom receive more unusual gifts from friends:

A popular gift is a short film about the newlyweds in a playful or touching form, or a video message with wishes for a happy family life.

What do parents give their children for a wedding?

Of course, the most desired and expected gift for a wedding from parents is a house or apartment. Unfortunately, not all parents are able to give their children the keys to a brand new home, so other valuable gift options are also suitable:

Two tablets or laptops are also popular gifts from parents, so that there are no disputes in a young family when separating gadgets. Knowing what young people need, parents can donate the necessary large household appliances for the wedding: air conditioning, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.

When choosing a gift for a wedding, you should remember that some things should not be given: piercing and cutting objects (weapons, knives, sabers, tool kits), antiques, handkerchiefs, watches and mirrors.

Traditionally, young people are congratulated with flowers. If the choice fell on roses, then you should take care of the thorns - cut them carefully and wrap the bouquet so that the newlyweds do not prick themselves.

A wedding gift is always very individual, because what one likes to one person may not be to the taste of another at all. If during the choice of a gift there are doubts, then it is better not to be shy, but to clarify with the young people their opinion. Perhaps they will be quite satisfied with a banal envelope with money.

On the eve of the wedding, each invited guest tries to prepare not only an original congratulation, but also an unusual gift. If the long-awaited celebration is approaching, and you still do not know what to give your friends for the wedding, consider ideas for romantic, comic, original surprises. A well-chosen gift will evoke pleasant emotions in the newlyweds not only on the wedding day, but will also bring joy for many years.

Wedding gift ideas from friends

Having received an invitation to the wedding of friends, immediately proceed to the choice of a gift. A carefully selected surprise will pleasantly surprise the newlyweds and make the celebration unforgettable. Remember that the presented presents should not cause resentment or embarrassment among the newlyweds. Therefore, when choosing a wedding surprise for friends, do not forget about the sense of proportion.

Inexpensive gift options

The wedding of friends is a long-awaited event that gives you the opportunity to prove the sincerity of your feelings in the form of toasts, wishes and gifts. When going to an event, pick up surprises that are commensurate with your financial capabilities. We offer you to use the ideas of inexpensive presentations:

  1. Appliances. It is customary for newlyweds to give practical things that will become indispensable in everyday life. A budget option would be a present in the form of a bread machine, multicooker, blender, toaster, coffee maker, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, food processor. Together with other friends, collect the necessary amount and purchase useful home appliances for the young family. To make an ordinary gift acquire a touch of originality, accompany its presentation with a comic verse.
  2. Bed sheets. To decorate the marriage bed for the newlyweds, a sheet and a duvet cover with a beautiful print will help. Choose high-quality bedding so that the bride and groom can use it for a long time. You can consider the option with a blanket, bedspread or warm blanket.
  3. A set of towels. This is the best budget option for friends for a wedding. To make the surprise look presentable, buy a set in a beautiful package. Towels given to the newlyweds on the day of the wedding celebration symbolize a strong and friendly family.
  4. Statuette. A memorable and inexpensive gift for a wedding is a porcelain or ceramic figurine in the form of an animal, a human figure or a horseshoe. Such an item will become a talisman in the apartment of a young family.
  5. Dishes. A traditional wedding gift is a service, a vase or a set of dishes. These things for a young housewife will become indispensable for preparing family dinners or when receiving guests.

Unusual gifts

You can surprise your friends at the wedding with the help of unusual surprises. If you are planning to give a unique item that will be special for the newlyweds, you should carefully consider all the ideas. Remember, perhaps your friends told you about their dreams, desires. Then you will have a unique chance to bring them to life. But if you do not know what to give your friends for a wedding, use the following ideas:

  1. A handmade gift. If you are fond of needlework or can create unique things yourself, give a young family a surprise made by yourself. Such a gift will be original and will not duplicate the surprises of other guests.
  2. Photo collage. To give the newlyweds an unusual surprise, create a collage of joint photos for them. You can make a small poster or a huge wall panel.
  3. Flash mob. Organize an interesting dance in the form of a flash mob. For this action, use all the friends invited to the wedding.
  4. Candy bar. Modern traditions of weddings suggest using special zones at the event, where there is a huge amount of sweets. You can place the candy bar under a thin curtain, and open it at the right time, surprising the newlyweds. Ask the young people in advance if they will have such a sweet table so as not to duplicate the idea.


The whole wedding day will be full of positive emotions, romantic feelings and reciprocity. To keep this mood with friends throughout their family life, give them a gift that will once again remind them of their strong, true and eternal love. These ideas will help you choose a romantic surprise for friends:

  1. Fireworks. You can end your wedding day romantically by giving your friends a fantastic fireworks display. In order for the action to take place in compliance with fire safety, do not forget to invite experienced pyrotechnicians.
  2. Honeymoon trip. If your friends dream of spending their honeymoon on the seashore, then give them a ticket to the resort. So that this present does not turn out to be very expensive for you, organize a joint purchase with the parents of the newlyweds.
  3. Wedding night at the hotel. The final stage of the wedding for the newlyweds is considered a romantic night. Its holding will become exclusive if you book a room in a luxury hotel for friends.
  4. wedding clip. Invite an experienced videographer to capture your friends' wedding. Some professionals will be able to demonstrate the video at the end of the evening.
  5. Swimming with dolphins. If your friends are a romantic couple, they will certainly appreciate the gift of a ticket to an exciting dolphin show. Don't forget to book your sailing date in advance.


You can surprise with a gift not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests present. With the help of an original present, you will receive a lot of applause from your parents and friends. An unusual wish or a toast in the Armenian style will be an additional decoration for the gift. Rehearse your congratulations in advance so that everything goes perfectly. If you are looking for ideas for an original presentation, these ideas will help you:

  1. Money Tree. If an ordinary gift is presented in an original form, then it is perceived in a special way. To give money for a wedding, arrange it in the form of tree petals. Build an original crown yourself.
  2. Candy bouquet. You can replace traditional natural flowers with a bouquet that consists of sweets. Newlyweds will be delighted with such an original and sweet gift.


A surprise presented to the newlyweds on their wedding day will be remembered for many years if it caused a storm of positive emotions and a cheerful mood. To create a friendly and joyful atmosphere at the upcoming celebration, give the newlyweds comic presents. Before giving a gift, do not forget to rehearse the speech in advance. Comic surprises should be given under a humorous toast. The following ideas will help you decide on the option of a wedding gift for friends:

  1. Personalized t-shirts. T-shirts with their names, photos or funny phrases will be a fun surprise for the newlyweds. In this outfit, the newlyweds will be able to appear on the second day of the wedding.
  2. Joke certificate. On the eve of the celebration, purchase a comic diploma, certificate or certificate in the wedding paraphernalia store. If you are good at graphic computer programs, then you can make such a surprise yourself. For example, it is customary for newlyweds to be awarded the right to drive a baby carriage or a diploma of the best husband. An alternative to such a certificate would be a medal with a comic engraving.
  3. Cake in a comic design. You can surprise all the guests present and make the newlyweds laugh with a gift in the form of a cake, on which funny figures or inscriptions are laid out of mastic. Order a unique masterpiece from a professional confectioner or bake it yourself.
  4. Pillows with inscriptions. Give the newlyweds pillows with an original print. Going to bed and waking up in the morning, your friends will remember you with a smile.
  5. Caricature. Pre-order a comic picture of the newlyweds from a professional artist. For this, the personal presence of the bride and groom is not necessary, an experienced portrait painter will quickly draw a caricature from a photograph.

The birthday of a new family is the most significant event in the life of the newlyweds. And wedding gifts should be extraordinary. Of course, you can put brand new banknotes in an envelope, learn the correct verse and solemnly hand over the amount with an announcement (or without an announcement?). But, probably, if you are reading this article, this option does not suit you. An analogue of money will be gift certificates, which can be used to buy any gift from furniture to a trip to a resort.

So what to give to the newlyweds for the wedding? They will certainly be happy with an apartment, a car and a honeymoon trip. If this is still not your option, you can check with the bride and groom. In the West, there is a good tradition: the young people make a list of desired gifts, and the guests distribute it among themselves. In our case, you can clarify the details with the parents of the newlyweds.

First of all, where the heroes of the occasion will live. If a housewarming party is being prepared, then the choice of gifts is greatly expanded. If you are still with your parents, you should not give them household appliances: as long as they really need it, the model may become outdated. Are you aware of their financial plans and want to contribute to the purchase of a home? Let's think about how beautiful it is to give money. It is obvious that a young family is waiting for replenishment in the near future? You can experiment with gifts for children. And, finally, your newlyweds are already provided with everything, they have been living together in a civil marriage for a long time. So, the present should be unusual, for example, a gift - an impression.

traditional gifts

If the newlyweds begin family life in their home, all interior items will be appropriate, and first of all:

  • household appliances (refrigerator, washing machine - automatic, microwave, food processor, TV, iron, vacuum cleaner, video camera);
  • crockery made of crystal and porcelain (make sure that your service does not turn out to be the fourth of the same in the number of gifts). Serious purchases need to be coordinated all the more;
  • silverware can be an addition to dishes - a symbol of financial well-being and prosperity of the family;
  • An alternative to traditional services is a fondue set, consisting of a container for heating cheese or chocolate, a burner stand and a candle with skewers. You can complement a romantic present with chocolate bars, exotic fruits and other sweets;
  • the theme of gifts that create a family idyll can be continued by a breakfast table in bed;
  • bed linen of original exotic colors - romantic and practical;
  • a cozy family atmosphere will be created by a beautiful electric fireplace or something for relaxation (a fountain, an aquarium - if you are sure that the young people will have a desire to take care of it);
  • to update the interior - a chandelier, a carpet, a picture, a vase, a digital photo frame.

Non-standard presents

What to give the newlyweds an unusual gift for the wedding, which will definitely not be on the list of presents?

How to present money in an original way?

What to give the newlyweds an original wedding gift? Even if you know for sure that money will be the most desired gift, you can present it in a very creative way:

  • a blanket of banknotes inserted into pockets, sewn, for example, onto polyethylene;
  • similarly, a tablecloth or umbrella is made;
  • a money bouquet can also be the only one at a wedding;
  • in the same spirit they give a money tree in the appropriate design;
  • a long ruble - a symbol of the financial well-being of the family - is made from many banknotes connected with adhesive tape.

What to give the newlyweds for a wedding inexpensively, but with taste?

When choosing a gift, it will not be superfluous to remember some rules

Rules of etiquette: who gives to whom

Let's try to classify the guests: relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors ... . In wedding etiquette there are some conventions in this regard.

What does the groom give to the bride?

An ancient romantic custom. Most often, jewelry is presented (except for rings, because wedding rings have already been presented).

bride's gift

For the groom, it can also be in the form of jewelry, albeit inexpensive, but with a twist (with engraving and a declaration of love, for example), something handmade (if the bride is a needlewoman) or an erotic dance.

From parents of young

Perhaps the most serious. In the old days, the bride was given a dowry in the form of household items, and her betrothed had to take care of housing. And now parents help to buy real estate or hand over a real amount for them to the family piggy bank.

For the bride from the groom's relatives

According to tradition, the bride receives family jewels at the wedding, which were passed down in the family from generation to generation, a kind of blessing for a difficult life in a new family. The bride must wear jewelry at the wedding. If your family does not yet have such a tradition, it's time to create it.

What a surprise can make girlfriends

A certificate to the salon for a make-up artist, a hairdresser would be appropriate on the eve of the wedding from the girls. Coordinate your intentions with the first beauty, plan trial visits in advance and do not forget to announce your gift at the wedding.

Presents for guests

An essential element of wedding etiquette. The newlyweds prepare them in advance and put them on a separate table. When leaving, each guest will certainly take with him a piece of the holiday - a bonbonniere, a wedding chocolate medal, a disk with a video of thanks from the young.


A real wedding cannot do without symbols, amulets and other handmade gifts that convey a piece of warmth. What to give the newlyweds for a wedding with their own hands?

  1. First of all, the powerful family amulet "Svadebnik" is an ancient Slavic symbol denoting the merger of two genera and two systems (body, soul, spirit and conscience) into a new single life system, where the masculine principle is combined with the feminine.
  2. If you are fond of needlework, an embroidered thematic picture with a wedding date and wishes like "Advice and love!" definitely not lost in a pile of gifts.
  3. Big wedding cake. If you feel in yourself a talent for such a feat, then such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed.
  4. Among all wedding flowers, a bouquet of sweets will be the most original and durable, just prepare it in advance.

Even if you do not have the opportunity to attend the celebration, a hand-made musical video greeting with interesting photos of the bride and groom will delight everyone present.