What does an earring in a girl's nose mean? What does nose piercing mean for a girl and a man? At what age can a navel be pierced? Is there a danger

Nose piercing is considered one of the oldest human body decorations that came to us from India. In our time, purposeful strong personalities with a pronounced individuality decide on it.

The value of a nose piercing in a man

Nose piercing fashion for men came to Russia in the late 60s. Nose piercing has gained immense popularity, especially among representatives of creative professions. Many guys decide on the procedure, paying tribute to fashion.

It is generally accepted that a man with an earring in his nose is a creative and unique person, combining vulnerability and sensuality with courage and vitality. Decisive and assertive. As a rule, this decoration means that its wearer has an outstanding character and an active lifestyle. Earring in the nose gives a romantic look to a man.

The stereotypes of society pose a great danger to men, as sideways glances will drive anyone into depression, so some still have the prevailing opinion that a carnation in the wing of the nose is a purely feminine adornment with which I really disagree

Fans of large circulars have a bright personality. Wearing such jewelry is an indicator that a man wants to attract attention and attract attention.

It was once thought that piercing was a hallmark of subcultures, but now everything is different.

Meaning of nose piercing in India

India is rightfully considered the birthplace of the nose piercing fashion. To this day, in some tribes, the custom of piercing the nose has remained. The tradition of nose piercing goes back to the goddess Lakshmi, the patroness of marriage. In Indian folk medicine, the nostrils are also associated with female reproductive function.

Indian women get their left nostril pierced, usually the night before their wedding. It is believed that wearing jewelry on the left helps in the childbearing process, relieves the pain of childbirth, gives strength to a woman and a newborn baby.

The patronage of the goddess Lakshmi saves a man from impotence. This is the religious idea of ​​the Hindus. In order to avoid problems in sexual relations, Indian men make a puncture in the left nostril. It is believed that if the newlyweds both went through such a ceremony, their marriage will be long, happy and childbearing.

What does a girl's nose piercing mean?

When piercing the nose, most people prefer the left nostril. Apparently, this choice is made on the basis of Indian traditions. In fact, modern nose piercing does not carry any religious and semantic meaning.

To understand what a nose piercing means we've addressed two very common myths about right-sided piercings that aren't based on anything, by the way.

For some reason, there is an opinion that a woman with an earring in her right nostril is a representative of an ancient profession. Many supporters of this point of view have tried to substantiate it with the help of religion, myths and legends. However, it was not possible to find such a justification, there are no prototypes and prototypes associated with this myth.

Unlike India, we do not have a piercing culture and use jewelry only for its intended purpose.

Belly button piercing is beautiful! But what are the consequences of an incorrect navel piercing, how old can it be done and what types of navel piercings are, read!

Punctures on the body have their own history, people who come to the salon often ask the question about the meaning of the puncture, where the roots go, its origin.

Meaning of navel piercing: in ancient Egypt, a puncture in this place meant that the person who did it had special privileges, community rights, belonging to the elite. Over time, of course, everything has changed and many types of such punctures have appeared. At the moment, a piercing on the abdomen is the sexiest and most attractive type of piercing. Girls showing off a nice little earring on their belly raises their sex appeal.

A beautiful belly button piercing is a very attractive decoration that can be shown only to those who want it, it does not look vulgar and is very popular. According to statistics, 70% of the men surveyed expressed their admiration for such an adornment of the female tummy. A beautiful earring is sexy, beautiful and stylish, a big plus is its ability to both demonstrate and not.

The female sex understands what a navel piercing (pierced navel) means in a girl and actively use this means of mass destruction of men.

At what age can a navel be pierced? Is there a danger?

In tattoo parlors offering such services, the question is often asked: “how many (how many) years can you pierce the navel?”. Despite the fact that girls have been practicing punctures since the age of 12-13, doctors still recommend doing this only after 18 years. This is due to active growth, the skin is stretched, and the hole can be deformed. It is also important to consider that you need to make a puncture only in specialized clinics, checking permissions and certificates. The doctor must be in disposable gloves, all instruments are disinfected. Discarding embarrassment, be interested in everything in the nuances, ask to be shown how and where needles are sterilized, otherwise you run the risk of contracting dangerous and unpleasant diseases.

Why is the navel piercing (puncture) dangerous: consequences, painful or not

The family doctor of one Moscow clinic believes: “Violation of the skin without the necessary prescriptions is an irrational act. First of all, there is a high risk of contracting hepatitis, HIV infection, etc. An allergic reaction to foreign materials may also develop. But this is the opinion of pure medicine, while psychologists believe that earrings in non-standard places are a good way to express yourself.” Before piercing the navel, you need to weigh all the risks and consequences, only after that you should make a decision.


  1. Hepatitis;
  2. HIV infection;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Skin diseases such as psoriasis;
  5. pancreatitis;
  6. Rheumatism;
  7. Poor blood clotting;
  8. Ulcer disease.


  • If pregnancy is planned, then the puncture can stretch and become the starting point for stretch marks;
  • Earrings can cause allergies;
  • On the stomach, even with a small fat layer, the piercing does not look very nice;

Does it hurt or not

The opinion of the majority: it does not hurt, the skin is pulled back, and everything happens in a matter of seconds. But then a certain time (about a week),
it hurts a little and needs to be constantly treated (for example, with miramistin).

Will there be a scar after removal

With age, girls are increasingly thinking about how to remove the earring. How to remove the piercing competently and not traumatically?

Carefully unscrew the ball from the earring and pull it out. This is a favorable place for a puncture, it heals without outside intervention within 1-1.5 months. The scar usually does not remain.

predominantly in young people. Teenagers, striving for self-expression, often want a piercing at a fairly young age. And the questionhow old can you get a piercing, for them is more than relevant. He may also be of interest to parents who do not mind their offspring doingpuncture industrial and thus emphasized his individuality.

How to pierce a teenager

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows piercing punctures from the age of majority. In our country it is 18 years. The fact is that, in essence, perforation of different parts of the body is a surgical intervention in the body, albeit insignificant. However, the risks are high, especially for a young and not yet strong organism. In practice, the problem of how much piercing can be solved is easier. It is known thatear piercing allowed even in early childhood. Of course, the child does not decide for himself, he is brought to the salon by his parents. In the future, until the date of the 18th birthday, their consent is also required, regardless of the choice of puncture - be itbreast nipple piercing or ear cartilage. That is, in order for the procedure to be carried out in the salon, you need to come with one of the parents so that he confirms his permission.

What to do if adults are against

When adults are conservatively disposed to the desire of a child to make a puncture, problems arise. You can, of course, fight in hysterics and tearfully beg your relatives for consent to the procedure. Parents surely know how old can you get a piercing, and may be strongly opposed. It's best to find some kind of compromise. Try to explain to adults thatlip ring very important for you, it will make you more confident and increase your self-esteem.

How to convince parents to get pierced

But in return, you need to promise and fulfill something - for example, to finish the school year well or help with repairs, care for your younger sister, etc. Can be shown to dissenting parents photo of male piercing so that they appreciate all the beauty and grace of this piercing. And another tip: do not try to perform the procedure on your own or with the help of friends - so you run a great risk of earning a complication and inflammation that will be difficult to cure.

Piercing various parts of the body (piercing) is an ancient custom, like humanity itself. He survived to this day. However, if the piercing of the navel, nostrils, tongue and other parts of the body is more common among representatives of youth subcultures, then the earlobes are pierced in the vast majority of women.

Indeed, tastefully selected earrings make a woman's face even prettier, emphasizing the natural beauty.

When is the best time to pierce your ears? - the question is not idle. Today there is a trend to pierce the ears of girls of two weeks of age, and sometimes newborns, right in the hospital.

Isn't it dangerous? With confidence to answer: "No", alas, it is impossible.

The ears contain a huge number of nerve endings associated with different parts of the body.

True, there are much fewer of them in the lobes, and if you choose the right place, there will be no harm, but where is the guarantee that no mistake will occur?

In addition, each person is individual and the location of important points on the ear is also.

The baby already experienced quite serious stress at birth, his tummy often swells and hurts, the wound on the navel heals, and then there are the ears ...

The kid can accidentally hook the earring and hurt himself, and the wounds can fester.

On the other hand, children under one and a half years of age tolerate pain somewhat easier and do not experience strong fear of the procedure.

At what age can you get your ears pierced? parents ask, especially young ones. Often they do not think that they want to pierce the ears, and not the child.

Maybe it’s worth waiting until the girl reaches a conscious age and wants to become like her mother herself?

A lot of little princesses 3-5 years old are happy to go to the salon and endure a little pain for the sake of coveted earrings.

How old can you get your ears pierced? Experts believe that it is better to do this before the age of 11, since after that the likelihood of scarring on the lobe increases dramatically.

There is a sense in this, because at this time of the year there is still no strong heat and dust, and the likelihood of infection getting into the wound is lower.

You should not pierce your ears during severe frosts - a warm hat can rub fresh wounds, and bare ears can simply freeze.

Where to pierce your ears? Of course, with a specialist, with a special "gun" with sterile medical alloy earrings.

In no case should you pierce the ears of a child yourself or resort to the services of friends.

Where can you get your ears pierced? In a beauty center, piercing or tattoo parlor. It is best to sign up for the procedure in advance - many salons in this case attract two masters.

Both ears are pierced at the same time - the baby will not even have time to gasp.


Piercing is a minimally invasive medical procedure associated with damage to the integrity of soft tissues and cartilage. When conducting a piercing session, many factors are taken into account, since the risk of developing negative reactions from the body is high. In addition to the state of health, it is necessary to take into account the age of the client. How old do you have to be to get pierced? This is a topical issue that worries modern teenagers and their parents. We invite you to take a closer look and learn the nuances.

Features of punctures in different parts of the body

Body modification with piercing is carried out through punctures of the skin and external organs. What is it for? Everyone chooses their own explanation for the act, but more often it is a way to emphasize individuality and uniqueness.

People who have jewelry on different parts of the body claim that it is aesthetically beautiful, helps them to relax and get to know their body better.

Popular Piercing Locations:

  • Lips. Demanded among guys and girls. In many cases, "informals" decide on a puncture. The lip is pierced anywhere, the main thing is that the earring does not touch the teeth, otherwise regular friction will damage the enamel and, as a result, caries. It looks beautiful, but during healing, the owner has to endure serious pain, problems with diction, and restrictions on food intake.
  • Navel. A popular place with underage girls who prefer to wear revealing clothes. The process of forming a hole is painful and the first week the wound causes serious inconvenience and pain. During the recovery period, sports are not recommended, any physical activity, even a banal inclination of the body, causes pain. During pregnancy, the earring is changed to a suitable flexible product.
  • Ears. The most sought-after place for jewelry with earrings. Unlike other places, the procedure here is painless. Damage heals within a month. Today, you can make punctures not only in the lobe, but also in the hard cartilage of the auricle.
  • Eyebrow. A ring or a barbell in the superciliary arch evokes ambiguous emotions among others. This area of ​​the face contains a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels, which threatens with serious bleeding and prolonged healing.
  • Language. Fashionable, but dangerous to health trend. After visiting the master, there is a strong swelling of the organ, a violation of taste buds, and inflammation. Manipulations should be carried out by a professional piercer. Damage to the arteries can cause severe bleeding and serious health problems.
  • Nose. More often, the earring is inserted into the wing of the nose, less often the septum is pierced. When deciding on a piercing, you should remember that this is a painful procedure that entails a number of unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations for 2-3 weeks or months.
  • Nipples. A painful extreme way of body modification. The puncture of the female nipples entails such an unpleasant complication as clogging, scarring of the milk duct and the impossibility of breastfeeding. How long does it live? You will have to wait 2-3 months, during which pain is regularly felt. Discomfort is felt even during sleep.

If you do not treat the puncture in time, violate the rules of hygiene, then inflammation, blood poisoning and rejection of the earring threaten.

Piercing is a serious procedure. Wherever the hole is made, pain and healing await, and wounds will need care.

What age is allowed to get pierced

According to the law, punctures on the body are prohibited for people under 14 years of age. At this age, the master does the piercing, but only with the written permission of the parents. After 18 years, a person has the right to independently make such decisions and the salon will carry out the procedure if they have the relevant documents - a passport, foreign passport or driver's license.

A puncture in adolescence threatens with a number of negative consequences. Girls who want to insert an earring into the navel should clearly understand that they are in the active growth phase, their skin is stretched and there is a high risk of deformation of the hole, displacement of the jewelry, and the appearance of scar tissue.

If the parents give their consent to the piercing, they must accompany the child, stay nearby all the time or write permission, in accordance with applicable law.

No salon with a good reputation will make a puncture if it doubts that the child has reached the age of 18. To confirm their right to the procedure, a person is required to provide identification documents.

When You Don't Need Parental Permission

Parental consent or their personal presence is required for any type of piercing, including manipulations in the earlobe area.

How long can you get pierced without notifying your parents? As already mentioned, from the age of 18. No other cases are described in the law.

Many piercers, working from home or in unsanitary conditions, perform the procedure on underage clients, guided by the Citizens' Health Act, which states that from the age of 15 a person has the right to independently consent to medical interventions. This is a direct violation of the laws, since medicine and cosmetology, according to the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, are separate concepts.

Also read:

What is the responsibility of the master

If the master performs the procedure on a minor child without the written consent of the parents or guardians, then he faces a fine. The management of the salon is also liable for violation of the law.

If a child has been pierced, parents have the right to sue and seek punishment, especially when the piercing caused serious damage to the health and appearance of a minor.

If you're dreaming of a piercing, but mom and dad won't give you permission, don't go to unknown piercers who work from home or in small offices. This threatens with blood poisoning, hepatitis, HIV, AIDS. In no case do not carry out the procedure yourself, as the body can give an ambiguous reaction, and the intervention will end in serious health problems. It is better to wait for adulthood and maturity of the body.

Many centuries ago, wild tribes were fond of body punctures. But they were made not only for beauty, but also with meaning.

Let's look at some examples:

  1. In Egypt, only priestesses could pierce the navel.
  2. Some tribes used piercings in rituals so that a man, enduring pain, could prove his courage.
  3. In India, married girls wore an earring in their nose.
  4. The Indians pierced their tongues for ritual purposes.

Nowadays, piercing is considered an adornment. It does not carry any semantic load.

What is a piercing?

Industrial. It is either horizontal or vertical. It consists of several punctures in the upper part of the ear. They are connected by one decoration.

Tunnels. The earlobe is pierced and expanded. Diameter more than 10 mm does not overgrow.

Tragus (tragus). The puncture is located at the level of the auditory canal. An earring in the form of a ring or a carnation looks beautiful.

- Earlobe. The most painless way. Made even for small children.

Helix. It is done on the curl of the auricle in the cartilage zone.

2) Navel (popular among the fair half). Emphasizes the beauty of a toned tummy. Consider some types of navel piercing:

Multiple center navel piercings.

Standard (done vertically). To avoid discomfort, the top ball of the jewelry should rise slightly above the puncture site.

3) Coccyx (a very rare and painful type of piercing). Healing takes a long time, it is impossible to sit for about 2 months. The puncture is done horizontally in a strictly designated place, so it is recommended that a professional do it.

4) Language (an extravagant way to stand out). The earring is completely hidden in the oral cavity. The healing of the puncture takes a long time.

5) Nipples. Quite a dangerous type of puncture. Not recommended for women. Must bypass the mammary glands. Types of piercings: horizontal, diagonal, vertical, multi-piercing (several holes are made in one nipple).

6) Nails (the most painless). It is done on artificial or medium-length nails to emphasize the beauty of the manicure. Decorate with a variety of earrings (rings, with pebbles or beads, carnations, pendants with chains).

7) Corset (extreme piercing). At a certain distance, punctures are made in several rows, rings are inserted and the tape is pulled in. This is a very rare species. It is done on the back, arms and legs, hips, neck.

1) Eyebrow. This procedure causes bleeding. A swelling may appear under the eye, which will disappear after healing.

Parallel, the most difficult puncture (done by a professional). Curved barbell decorations are used.

Vertical (perpendicular to the eye). The earring sticks out a lot, this kind is not popular.

Opposite (under the eye in the area above the cheekbones). Straight bars are used. The upper part of the jewelry is closer to the ear.

Diagonal (common and safer).

2) Lips. In order for the jewelry not to destroy the enamel, the clasp should be comfortable and not touch the teeth.

Monroe. It is done on the cheek, the puncture looks like a mole. The cap on the decoration should be small.

Underlip. The earring is inserted at the junction of the chin and lips.

Lateral part (upper and lower lip can be pierced).

3) Nose (pierced septum or wing). Not recommended for people with narrow nostrils. Let's take a closer look at what types of nose piercings exist.

Puncture of the septum (the most painful). It is carried out perpendicular to the nose. The decoration in the form of a ring or a horseshoe looks great.

Bridge - piercing (deep). Above the nose below the eyebrow.

Nose wing (most popular). Healing takes place quickly, without bringing discomfort to the owner.

extreme piercing

Split tongue. It is a bifurcation of the tongue, like a snake, surgically. Lives for about a month.

Brain piercing (the most dangerous). With the help of a drill, several thin holes are drilled in the skull. Decorated with carnations, rings, spikes.

Planar. It is done on any flat areas in the form of paintings.

Eyeball. The platinum plate is implanted into the mucosa.

Piercing Jewelry

It will be extremely difficult to choose jewelry, as the huge assortment of earrings is simply amazing. They come in different sizes and shapes, with precious stones and rhinestones, from expensive metals, in the form of flowers or animals, etc. They are made from a variety of metals, which makes it possible for a person prone to allergies to make the right choice.

There are the main types of earrings for piercing:

1) Rod - along the edges of the balls, the basis is the rod. Decorate the tongue, eyebrows and lips.

2) Horseshoe - similar to a barbell, but there is a difference in the form of a bend.

3) The ring is a universal decoration, because it can be used for any part of the body.

Name of popular earrings:

  1. Navel (pierce-banana, pointed).
  2. Lips (banana labret, ring).
  3. Language (twists).
  4. Nose (nostril).
  5. Ear (tunnels).
  6. For intimate places (rod, rings, horseshoe).

intimate piercing

Nowadays, more and more people are resorting to this type of puncture. This way of showing your originality is very painful. And the puncture heals for a long time. Divided by gender:

Male. Piercing is done in the scrotum, penis and foreskin. For decoration, use the "Prince Albert ring" or a metal pin.

Female (clitoris or labia).

Careful care is required during the healing period. What are the types of intimate piercings? Let's look at some examples.

1) Female.

Inner Labia. Small and large labia (heals rather quickly). The decoration looks like a ring with a ball.

Christina (clitoral hood puncture). Long lasting look.

Ciltoris. Clitoris (center or base).

Nefertiti. A deep puncture is made along the nerve of the clitoris.

Hood. The puncture is made on the skin under the clitoris (very painful).

Superficial (on the pubis).

2) Male.

Frenum. The procedure is done at the base of the head, and a ring is inserted.

Ampallang (horizontal through the head).

Dypoes (the head is pierced from 2 sides).

- Prince Albert (a puncture is made through the urethra).

Apadravya (vertical).

How is the procedure?

Piercing is the piercing of a part of the body with a special needle. Its diameter may vary. How is the piercing procedure carried out in the cabin?

1) The workplace and tools must be sterile clean, for this the master prepares them in advance.

2) Before the puncture, a place on the body is treated with a special antiseptic agent. And a mark is placed where the piercing will be located.

3) A needle with a cap is inserted into a special device for piercing, where the selected decoration is attached.

4) When the needle is removed, the earring remains at the puncture site.

5) After the procedure, all types of piercing are processed by the master.

6) The specialist is obliged to instruct on care.

Nowadays, modern methods of puncture are used. But there are a number of restrictions prohibiting this procedure:

Allergy to pain medications or materials used;

Colds, including fever;

Skin rashes, poor blood clotting;

Minors (must have written permission from parents);


Weakening of the immune system;

Especially serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, HIV).

How to properly care?

The puncture is washed with a special disinfectant solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin). All types of piercings are processed for about 2 weeks (until complete healing) twice a day. They take a cosmetic stick, moisten it with a solution and gently clean around the jewelry. Dried blood can be removed with a moistened cotton swab (the compress is applied for 10 minutes). Experts categorically forbid removing dried crusts.

Important to know: do not stretch or turn the jewelry until the puncture is completely healed.

To care for a piercing in the mouth, you need to purchase rinse solutions (Stomatidin, Peridex). The antiseptic effect of such drugs minimizes pain and prevents infections from developing. Rinse about 5 times a day. Do not consume: alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods. During the healing period, they refrain from kissing and oral sex to avoid infection.

When can the decoration be changed?

Each organism is individual and copes with healing in different ways. If the puncture is no longer a concern, this does not mean that you can change the jewelry. It all depends on proper care.

Approximate puncture healing time:

On the face - about 2 weeks;

Navel - up to 6 months;

Nipples - up to 2 months;

Labia - up to 1 month. Clitoris piercing heals longer (horizontal - about 3 months, vertical - up to 2 months). Only after complete healing can the earring be changed.

Possible Complications

  1. First of all, all types of body piercing are accompanied by pain, as evidenced by the reviews. But more serious complications are also possible.
  2. The puncture violates the structure of living tissues, and the wound heals more slowly due to a foreign body. If the procedure or care was not followed correctly, inflammation, blood poisoning, and an allergic reaction may begin.
  3. Poor-quality intimate piercing on the clitoris can cause frigidity (loss of the ability to feel an orgasm).
  4. Some jewelry, being in the body, brings discomfort.

1) Before you decorate your body, you need to think carefully about the place.

3) Heat slows down the healing process, so the optimal period for a puncture is the cool season.

4) First, choose the lightest earring made of medical steel, so as not to load the wound.

5) The procedure is performed only with disposable instruments.

6) The master and the salon are selectively chosen.

7) If sensitivity to pain is increased, an analgesic is suggested.

8) The master must tell about all the shortcomings, about the right choice of jewelry, about the consequences, answer all questions of interest.

9) Proper piercing takes place with minimal blood loss.

This is not the first time I see girls with nose rings on the street. What does this mean?
I have an association from childhood that either cows or wild tribes have rings.

I read that in some cultures it is customary to prick the left nostril, and I see piercings in others on the right.

Reply (4)

With different types of nose piercing, different types of tissues are pierced - skin, cartilage, however, on average, most nose piercings heal in 6-8 weeks.

The tradition of decorating the nose with earrings in our country appeared not too long ago. The rebellious youth was the first to undertake such an experiment with their appearance. Today, this type of piercing is actively used by girls and guys. If you decide to decorate the most protruding part of your face with an earring, then it remains to decide on its type and the place where the nose will be pierced. Bridge- piercing of tissues in the region of the nose. As a decoration, as a rule, a barbell is used. There are horizontal and vertical puncture options.

Nose tip piercing - piercing the upper part of the nostril from the inside to the tip of the nose. As a decoration, as a rule, a barbell is used.

Austin Bar- horizontal puncture of the tip of the nose. Named after the first owner of this type of piercing. Only the tissues of the tip of the nose are pierced, the cartilaginous septum (septum) is not affected.

Nostril piercing- nostril piercing, a single puncture or a combination of several punctures of one or both nostrils is possible. Rings with a ball clasp, rods, rods with one flat side, special stud earrings for nostril piercing are used as jewelry. Nostril piercing is common among both sexes.

high nostril variant does not involve wearing rings. It is done at the height at which the client desires, but as far as the anatomy allows. Caring for such a piercing is more difficult, since it is also more difficult to “get” to it, respectively.

Septum- puncture of the central nasal septum between the nostrils with the installation of jewelry so that it can be seen from the nostrils, above the upper lip.

Septril- puncture of the lower side of the tip of the nose. The puncture is made in the center through an extended septum puncture towards the lower flat projection of the nose. As a rule, a barbell is used as decoration.

Nasallang- a combination of piercings of both nostrils and a piercing of the nasal septum (septum) united by a common decoration, usually a barbell. Europe was “infected” with the fashion for nose piercing by hippies who brought it from India in the late 60s. Indians have long pierced the left nostril, connecting the earring in it with an intricate chain with the ear. Men pierced the left nostril, fearing impotence. Women - to protect themselves from the tragic consequences of childbirth.

Judging by the latest research, a person who prefers nose piercing to all other types is very active in life. He achieves a lot, but, as a rule, does not have reliable and devoted friends. Too arrogant and ambitious, while he believes that he skillfully disguises himself. And in the case when the right nostril is pierced, narcissism is not even hidden.

At first glance, it is not difficult to pierce your nose at home. However, holding an event within the native walls is fraught with trouble due to unprofessionalism, the lack of the necessary sterility and tools for the procedure. Therefore, it is better to go to professionals.

Body piercing is a painful, minimally invasive procedure that should ideally be done in a salon. But it is quite possible to pierce your nose at home. The main thing is to observe sterility and use special tools. For a puncture, you need to tune in and show some courage, because. Not everyone can hurt themselves. But if you still decide to pierce your nose at home, you should prepare.

Who Shouldn't Get a Nose Piercing? Let's start with the negative factors. If a person has a predisposition to keloid formations at the site of wounds, he should not get a nose piercing. In such people, the skin around the puncture wrinkles and a scar is created, which is very difficult to treat. It is possible to pierce any area only for patients with a sufficient indicator of blood clotting. The nose is a rather capillary part of the body, and an incorrect puncture can lead to profuse blood loss.

Nose piercing is a type of facial piercing in which a piercing is made in the nose to insert and wear jewelry. There are different types of nose piercings with different types of jewelry. The most common types of nasal piercings include piercing the nostrils and septum (the skin below the nasal septum). Other variations of nose piercings have emerged with the spread of piercing culture in modern society.

Which side to pierce the nose? The choice of a place is a purely individual matter. There are no specific recommendations in this regard.

A puncture can be made in the wing, septum or on the bridge of the nose. A nose piercing is considered one of the most common ways to decorate the face. It is performed both on the left and on the right nostril and is considered the safest. If treated correctly, it will heal in a month. But when you decide to stand out and pierce your nose at the highest point of the wing, get ready for the fact that it will not heal well, and you can only use a carnation as a decoration.

How can you pierce your nose? Nose piercing is now mainly carried out with a gun, occasionally with a special needle. The most popular type of puncture is the one that is done in the area of ​​​​one or two nostrils.

How to pierce your nose:

  • Treat the puncture site. Wet a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the area where you will pierce.
  • Use a piercing clip.
  • Take it easy.
  • Pierce your nose.
  • Immediately insert the ring or stud as quickly as possible.

We treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic napkin or chlorhexidine bigluconate, clear the nose of mucus, lower the earring into an antiseptic solution for 15-20 minutes (95% alcohol, disinfectant solutions).

If there is a runny nose at the bottom of the nose, it is better to postpone the piercing until the moment of recovery. If it starts in the process, you need to suppress it, but so that the remedy for the common cold does not get into a fresh puncture.

Nose piercing is traditional in India, which means that the woman is married.

Most often, men decorate their earlobes, due to which many do not classify these punctures as “piercing”. Small earrings can be seen in the ears of not only famous football players and actors, but also office workers, and even representatives of working professions. It is important to understand here that ear piercing also has its limits. If small rings or studs in the earlobes are suitable for almost everyone, then three-centimeter cylinders, bone plugs or dumbbells in the cartilaginous part of the ear will not always be appropriate and will not suit everyone.

In general, if you are a bearded man with a deep look, then a neat little ring will suit you: Or if you are a rock musician or other subcultural element, even a larger ring can be: Or if you are an androgynous model: But sometimes it turns out to be a solid “ku”: Be on trend, but in moderation!

It is worth noting that you need to more carefully select the nose piercing for men. This is due to the fact that male nose piercing requires full compliance with the style of clothing.

What is the nose ring called? When piercing the nose, the most popular is the insertion of earrings into the wing. A nostril earring is a special screw that looks like a small pebble or ball on the outside, and inside there is a hook along the wall of the nostril. if for the wing of the nose, then nostril, and if the septum, then a barbell or horseshoe or whatever ring you want.

Yes, it doesn’t mean anything, young people express themselves like that.

Since a professional nose piercing is expensive, you may decide to do it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to find out how the piercing is done and follow the rules of hygiene. If you are not afraid of pain and are willing to take risks, then try to pierce your nose yourself. Although a professional, most likely, will do it faster, better and without undesirable consequences.

How much does a nose piercing cost? It is better to do piercing in specialized salons with a license and good recommendations. Be sure to sign up for a consultation: the conditions and cleanliness of the office, the presence of an autoclave for sterilizing instruments will help you make the right choice of salon and master. The cost of the service varies from 600 to 3000 rubles. It is not worth saving, but it is better to order the entire package of services, which includes: preparation of a nose piercing, the work of a master, jewelry, necessary medicines.

Where can you get your nose pierced? If you want to wear a ring, the puncture must be done no further than the diameter of this ring from the edge of the nostril. Ideally, you need to take a ring of the desired size with you to the procedure and mark the puncture, guided by this ring. - If you just want to wear a carnation, you need to pierce where you like it best. But the higher the puncture is made, the more difficult it will be to get to it when replacing, etc.

By getting pierced, people are asserting their personal freedom and combating the impersonality and constant pressures of modern life. Piercing can be a very effective way to take control of your life. Even if the modifications are not visible, people working in a conservative environment can use them to remind themselves of their individuality despite outward appearances.

Some use piercings to restore physical and mental health after injury, or to gain some control over their bodies and minds while struggling with a chronic illness or feeling vulnerable.

Many people get pierced with the intention of changing something bad for good: this form of symbolic healing is used today when women regain their bodies by getting intimate pierced after childbirth or sexual abuse. Through the conscious act of piercing skin and shedding blood, these people win back their integrity, their connection to their bodies, and control over their lives.

Piercing as a rite.

For thousands of years, ceremonial practices have given structure and meaning to people's lives. Unfortunately, there are not many of them left in modern society, so people are trying to create their own rituals to mark the changes in their lives. Piercing is well suited to commemorate a certain milestone: for example, many people come to the piercers on their eighteenth birthday to celebrate finally entering the legal rights of ownership of their own bodies. Whether consciously approaching piercing as a kind of ritual or not, this procedure does involve a physical, and perhaps emotional or spiritual transformation. I have pierced people who wanted to celebrate births, deaths, college graduations, divorces, decisions to stop drinking, promises made in relationships, all sorts of anniversaries and other special events in life.