Sea tattoos - meaning and sketches for girls and men. Water tattoo Circle wave tattoo

Water is life, no one will argue with this opinion. After all, it is very difficult to live without it, but it is simply impossible. It not only covers a quarter of the land, but is also a component of the human body. Tattoo artists also could not ignore the theme of water. People who imprint it on their body interpret its meaning in different ways. Some show their attitude to the water element. They work as scuba divers, surf the sea, love fishing, while others put a special meaning into this tattoo.

Deciphering the symbolism of water, you notice a certain mystery. On the one hand, it gives people life, and on the other, it can take it away. She can put out the fire, but generate a tsunami. Water can take any form, in which vessel you pour it, this form will turn out. So here are the tattoos, the meaning of some can be immediately unraveled, and some will make you break your head.

Tattoos, where water plays the main role, are very old, but at the same time they do not lose their relevance. The water dragon protects streams and rivers. In Asia, water and waves are used in the form of a tattoo.
Water symbolizes the flow of life, change and purity, it is the essence of life. Almost all legends once again show that the origin of our world is also connected with water. The cleansing value of water is proved by the fact that it is a symbol of baptism, cleanses people from sins, and encourages a person to new achievements.

The fact that water can bypass any obstacles symbolizes it as wisdom, intelligence, the ability to find a way out of any situation, contemplation.

Particular importance is attached to the tattoo, made in the form of the element of water: rain, dew, wave, droplet. All this is sent from above. The image of rain is a descent from heaven of blessing and purification, wisdom, life, health.

Much can be learned about a person who wears the image of dew on his body. This drawing is a symbol of a new day, enlightenment. Dew gives purity and enlightenment. Her image on the human body shows that the owner of this tattoo succeeds in all matters, he prefers to disperse peacefully, rather than start a showdown.

But at the same time, a drawing in the form of a dewdrop shows that a person has suffered a loss, is sad and suffers about this.

If we talk about a tattoo in the form of a wave, then it is a talisman. She protects her master from evil thoughts, attacks, envy. A wave is a natural amulet that will save, save and help. If not one wave is depicted on the body, but three, then protection comes from three worlds.

As you can see, the tattoo of water and its components in the form of a tattoo carries only the most positive aspects. So decide for yourself which of the elements of water you want to see on your body. The choice is large, so you can easily pick up the picture that will show your inner state and your desire. But one more piece of advice, before getting a tattoo on your body, think about whether you need it, and what size of the picture you want to see. Only after much thought, go to the tattoo parlor.

Features and meaning of the ocean tattoo

In the modern world, the art of tattoos is widespread. It has become accessible, fashionable and popular. Only, when deciding to put a tattoo on his body, each person must responsibly approach not only the choice of a master, but also the understanding of the symbolism of the tattoo that he wants to wear on his body for the rest of his life.

One of the most common tattoo themes is the theme of the sea and the ocean and everything connected with them. Such tattoos have been and remain popular among sailors and residents of Polynesia, who treat the ocean with respect and reverence, and most of the symbols are related to the water element and its inhabitants. In ancient times, the symbolism associated with the sea carried the goal of saving the wearer from the raging sea-ocean, shipwreck and helping in a long journey with a fair wind, good weather, etc. Today, ocean symbolism tattoos are most often applied by those who love wildlife, travelers, environmentalists. A sketch of a tattoo is first applied in color and can be located absolutely in any part of the body: shoulder and forearm, back, etc. The image of the ocean in most cases goes together with other elements in the composition: waves, dolphins, fish, sea dragon, eel, seashore, etc.

Ocean tattoo meaning

As mentioned above, the choice and understanding of a tattoo symbol must be approached with all seriousness, since any symbol on the body can change a person’s life both for the better and for the worse. We present you the main tattoos that are somehow connected with the ocean.

Tattoo "Surfer"

It is a symbol of love for the ocean and the sea, their waves, for surfing, as a passion of all life.

Whale tattoo

The whale is a symbol of protection, a strong and powerful animal. It is a talisman of the house, family well-being and friendship. As one of the main symbols of the ocean, this sea giant shows the power of a man's charm: whether it is positive or negative.

Octopus Tattoo

The octopus means that the wearer of the tattoo can adjust and adapt to various life situations and circumstances faster than others. The owner of the tattoo is usually a person of strong character and great willpower. For representatives of maritime professions, such a tattoo acts as a talisman against the elements of the sea.

Photo examples of tattoo drawings:

Tattoo "Eel"

The eel symbol on the body tells that the owner of the tattoo went through unpleasant and difficult life situations.

Tattoo "Stingray"

A stingray tattoo will tell others about elegance, attractiveness and attraction to members of the opposite sex.

Dolphin Tattoo

One of the most popular symbols of the marine theme. And this is justified, since the dolphin tells that its owner is connected with water and the dolphin acts as a talisman for him, giving him protection and security. A dolphin tattoo on a female body shows that the girl is kind, has a non-standard mindset and that she is quite curious about life. Most often, this is a sign of a creative person. A dolphin tattoo on a male body is always a commitment to speed and passion, showing that a man is a reliable protector.

Medusa tattoo

To find peace of mind and harmony with the worlds, people make themselves jellyfish tattoos. These creatures are very unusual and beautiful, they are constantly in motion and in harmony with the ocean. This tattoo carries a symbol of calmness, grace, balance, harmony and beauty.

Tattoo "Dragon flying out of the ocean"

Today it is quite popular. The sketch depicts a young dragon rising from the deep ocean floor as a symbol of strength and rebirth.

Shell Tattoo

The owner of this tattoo has a strong connection with the house, attachment to everything at home, to where he is expected, understood, loved.

Shark tattoo

Shark is usually applied in multi-colored paints, on the thigh, arm or back. Such a tattoo is usually worn by active, daring, one might even say aggressive and dangerous people, since the shark is one of the most powerful and ancient creatures on earth. The symbolism of the tattoo: fearlessness, danger, strength, aggression, can sometimes reflect a person who is self-confident and purposeful.

Wave tattoo

The wave symbolizes protection and help. First of all, from those who envy or plot bad things about the bearer of such a tattoo; as well as other negatives. Three waves on the tattoo symbolize the amulet from the three worlds.

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Tattoo Sea always evokes positive emotions and memories in others. Tattoos depicting the water element are usually chosen by romantics, people prone to contemplation. Also, marine-themed tattoos are chosen by people whose occupation or hobby is related to the sea: sailors, surfers, rescuers. The sea symbolizes infinity and the creation of the world. Water is always associated with creation, creation.

Sea Tattoo Meaning

Sea tattoo means infinity, time, eternity. The sea keeps a lot of mysteries and secrets in itself, it can be quiet, or it can rage in a storm. Often draw an analogy with human life, which is also changeable.

Sea tattoo could mean struggle, the internal battle of man. An old proverb says that "water wears away the stone", through internal battles people can overcome their shortcomings.

The Sea tattoo can be just a pleasant memory of the time spent at the seaside. Such a tattoo will always evoke pleasant emotions in a person.

Sea - mother image, a symbol of transformation and rebirth. It is also a sign of the infinity of knowledge, and in psychology - the subconscious.

Popular Plots and Locations for Sea Tattoos

Wave Tattoo

The wave symbolizes perpetual motion, struggle, the power of the elements. Waves can have both creative and destructive energy. It is worth noting that the marine theme almost always has a dual interpretation.

Black and White Tattoo Sea

Black and white sea tattoos are usually small wave designs, although it is possible that you decide to get a large realism tattoo in black and white.

Compass and Sea Tattoo

Finding the right path, a clear course in life and loyalty to your principles. Since ancient times, the compass has helped people find the exact direction in the sea and thereby saved them from death.

Sea and Lighthouse Tattoo

If the sea means boundlessness, eternal search and struggle, then the lighthouse is a symbol of guiding light. If you want to show in your tattoo that you will never go astray, you will always see a way out and salvation in any situation, then the image of a lighthouse and the sea is very suitable for such a tattoo.

Sea Inscription Tattoo

As a rule, an inscription with a marine theme is chosen by girls. Most often, this is a short capacious expression that means love and commitment to the sea.

Small Sea Tattoos

Minimalistic symbols of the sea are very popular in the marine theme. For example, you can make a tattoo of a small schematic wave on your wrist. Small tattoos are less aesthetic and attention-grabbing, but have the same meaning as a large image.

Tattoo Sea Sleeve

Sleeves with the sea is an image of a raging sea or a vibrant underwater world. The sea holds many secrets and riches. The underwater world of the sea is full of bright colors, beautiful inhabitants, unusual reliefs. A sleeve in the style of realism on a marine theme will not leave anyone indifferent to your tattoo.

Circle Sea Tattoo

Sea tattoos are often performed in geometric shapes. Tattoos in the circle are especially popular, since the circle is close in meaning to the sea. The circle is a symbol of infinity and perpetual motion. The combination of the sea and the round shape enhances the meaning of the tattoo.

Tattoo Sea for Two

A tattoo for a couple, a symbol of love and fidelity, can be dedicated to the sea. This can carry different messages, for example, you confess to a person that your feelings for him are endless like the sea. Either your acquaintance took place by the sea and then such tattoos will have a special meaning for your couple.

Men's Sea Tattoos - Sea Tattoo Designs for Men

Sea Tattoos Women - Sea Tattoo Designs for Girls

wave tattoo on forearm

In the list of golden classic tattoos, the wave occupies the top positions of the TOP-10. This is an essential attribute of the marine theme, formed with the direction of the old school. Over the years of the development of tattoo culture, the image has become overgrown with symbolism.

Wave tattoo meaning

On the body of the tattoo, the wave looks beautiful and concise. Graceful curves create a picture that is pleasing to the eye. The silhouette is recognizable anywhere in the world. The symbol is universal for both genders, since the meaning is plastically transformed to the gender of the owner.

To answer the question “Who would suit a tattoo?”, It is worth referring to its original set of meanings. The drawing contains the ideas of fluidity, plasticity and, at the same time, the crushing power of the elements.

Classic meanings of the water symbol:

  • trips;
  • Liberty;
  • the variability of the world;
  • patronage of Poseidon;
  • the favor of the oceans, seas, rivers;
  • flow state;
  • creation;
  • a soul living by its own laws;
  • carelessness;
  • sea ​​wolf;
  • survived a storm near Cape Horn*;
  • vagabond, wanderer, etc.

*In the era of developmentnavigationcrossing the section of the watershed near Cape Horn was considered heroism and a sign of courage for a sailor. Subsequently, the idea has undergone changes. At the moment, among the sailors, the wave is filled by those who survived a strong storm and want to talk about it.

The interpretation of the symbol may be associated with a cultural or ethnic phenomenon. So the wave of Hokusai for Japanese tattoo artists is considered a sign of freedom of thought, creativity in a person's life. Among the inhabitants of Mexico, the wave marks the crossing of the border across the watershed. A wave among the Indians of Oceania, Polynesia and the Bikini Islands denotes kinship with the Deity of the Sea.

Tattoo meaning for girls

On the female body, the wave tattoo is harmoniously woven into the image of femininity and elegance. She continues the very essence of the changeable nature of the bearer. A wave tattoo has a multifaceted meaning associated with the feminine.

Wave tattoo meaning for women:

  • harmony;
  • inspiration;
  • loyalty;
  • variability;
  • the ability to find a compromise;
  • grace;
  • crushing power;
  • unpredictability, etc.

The tattoo is stuffed by girls whose life is connected with art. Most often these are artists, dancers, designers, writers. However, the drawing is suitable for those who feel creative potential in their souls.

The nature of the bearer may be associated with the waves of the raging sea. The sea is as kind to sailors as it is cruel. It gives direction and easy transition, but it can also take away everything. If you feel that your nature is stormy and emotional - this is your symbol. Waves denote passions that flare up and subside suddenly.

Tattoo meaning for men

Among the male audience, water tattoos have a meaning associated with freedom and adventurous spirit. Romance tattoo owners and travelers. They are fidgets for whom there are no boundaries or obstacles. The wave is a symbol of overcoming and testing for strength.

Male transformation tattoo meanings:

  • unbending willpower;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • search for yourself;
  • wandering wind;
  • romantic;
  • discoverer;
  • brave adventurer;
  • "sea wolf";
  • brave conqueror, etc.

If we take the essence of each definition, in all languages ​​​​of the symbolism of the world, a tattoo wave for men will carry the same meaning. In culture, it is a symbol of the conquest of the changing elements, the favor of the patron saint of travelers.

The drawing also denotes a free person who chooses her own path in life. Summing up, wave tattoo carriers are the masters of their destiny, relying on the inner compass and luck.

REFERENCE: If the tattoo is performed as a talisman, you can strengthen the positive value of "sea luck" with a compass symbol.

Variants, styles, compositions

Tattoo water has a rich artistic history. The drawing has undergone a multiple change in style. The universal shape allows you to apply the image in a minimalistic or realistic way.

Among the photos of sea tattoos, there are no favorites in styles. It all depends on the wishes of the customer. As you see the image on your body, it will be better for the composition. Among sophisticated personalities, the realism of the tattoo is popular, which combines artistic skill and photographic similarity. Tattoos look stylish and youthful in minimalism or. Such an image is easy to place on the arm, the edge of the palm or on the ankle.

Old school, Maori, Polynesia, tribal are considered classics. The ethnic and cultural roots of the sign are worked out to the smallest detail. If you are not quite sure about the meaning of the drawing, the master will easily explain it in the context of these currents.

REFERENCE: For questions about the composition of the picture, seek advice from a tattoo artist or salon artist. The semantic meaning of the tattoo will depend on how the crests of the waves will be located and what paraphernalia will accompany the drawing.

Places of application

So, you have decided to get a tattoo with a wave pattern. But you can not determine where to place it on your body. Not all tattoo connoisseurs can boast of an accurate vision of the project.

Experienced professionals offer:

  1. Comprehend the meaning of the tattoo in your understanding.
  2. Conduct a consultation session with a salon artist or tattoo master on the composition of the picture.
  3. Having put both puzzles together, think: what area of ​​the body should the tattoo cover?

There is a legend among old-school tattoo connoisseurs that a drawing is applied to a place that they want to protect. This one can also become your guide in choosing an area. However, the personal perception of the aesthetics of the drawing remains in the first place.

Raging waves inspire more than one generation of artists. It doesn't matter if the master is running the brush on the canvas or the needle on the skin. The energy of the drawing fills the filled area with movement, brings the power of transformation into the life of the owner.

Before starting work, consider sketches of finished works by recognized masters who have linked their careers with the theme of water. Such sketches are full of expression and originality of presentation. This will help to put your imagination on the path of creative search.

Otherwise, the water tattoo is depicted according to the laws of a certain style. Before going to the salon, choose one or a couple of them. This will help you find professionals who specialize in this area.

Wave tattoo video - photo gallery

Richard Ricky Hale more

Richard Hale is a tattoo enthusiast who studies and explores tattoo symbolism, meanings and history.


The meaning and symbolism of water

When it comes to life, nothing can survive without water. Every living animal, person and plant needs it to live. Like humans, our bodies are made up of water. In the world of tattoos, this can be very symbolic. In this article, you will learn what symbols are associated with water and what they can represent.

  • In many cultures, ancient and modern, it is believed that water is connected and associated with the soul. They believe that it has the ability to purify the body, soul and mind.
  • It has always been one of the most important elements and building blocks of the life of every person, plant and animal. Without it, life is not possible.
  • It is also one of the four basic elements of the world, along with fire, air, and earth.
  • Ancient cultures knew the importance of the early stage. They knew that it was important for every living being. They also believed that he had the ability to wash away evil and nothing bad. No other culture can be shown this more than the ancient Celts.
  • It can also be seen as a Christian symbol that means purification or purity. In Christianity, holy water is used to purify the body and soul. It is also used during baptism, for prayer, for healing, and to ward off evil spirits. For these reasons, water tattoos can also represent protection, healing, and purity.
  • It can also symbolize rebirth and regeneration. This could be due to many different reasons. In Christianity, as already mentioned, since holy water is used in baptism to purify body and soul and receive forgiveness for your sins, you end up being born again in the name of Jesus Christ. Since she also brings life to all living things, it could mean creating for others. Water has the ability to bring back the living on the verge of death.
  • As you read earlier, it is one of the four basic elements of the world. In addition, it can also be associated with the moon and femininity. The moon actually governs the movements of the oceans. Because the power of water is undeniable, the tattoo version can represent power and strength. You may see some tattoos of the moon passing through the water, for example.
  • While he has the ability to create life, he can also take life away. Water is powerful and can be destructive, as seen in hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis.

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There are many different water tattoos to choose from.

  • You can have it so that it appears to be a splash of your skin, or you can get one that depicts waves or ripples.
  • Some people may choose to get a full ocean back design, while others may opt for a pond, lake, or some other type of standing water.

There are also such symbols and animals that can be associated with it.

  • Sharks, whales, dolphins, turtles, starfish, and koi can all be done with water designs.
  • Nautical symbols, ships and boats were also depicted with him.
  • Lotus and other flowers can also be seen.
  • Some tattoo artists may have put their own creative twist on this for you, such as skulls and water, or a moon made from water.

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Meanings and ideas

There is a huge array of meanings. In cases where another symbol is added, such as a shark or a dolphin, the meaning changes. However, when it is presented as a splash, wave, or standing, it may be due to:

  • Spirituality
  • cleansing
  • Purity
  • Mirnoe
  • Serenity
  • Power
  • calmness
  • Strong
  • rebirth
  • Regeneration
  • Life
  • Creation

It can also represent peace, tranquility and serenity. . From a good hot bath to the sounds of a peaceful waterfall, she carried the opportunity to relax the body, soul and mind.

In the Western Zodiac, the signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are all associated with water, so these signs may play a role in tattoos as well. The possibilities are endless.

Depending on which symbol is associated with water, the meaning of your tattoo may differ from pure water. The most common meanings of purity and purification. It is used to represent many things in life, so in the end, your tattoo represents what you want.

Important Tip

You should always take your time and research multiple tattoo symbols, designs, and meanings. You want to allow yourself the time to understand what your design represents and stands for. Remember, take your time and don't rush into getting a tattoo.

If you feel that water design is not for you, there are plenty of other options out there.

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