Preparing for the new year action plan. How to prepare for the new year for adults and children. Decoration and preparation of the apartment for the New Year

Hello everyone! The main holiday of the year is coming soon. And it needs to be taken very seriously. To make it go well and cheerfully, without curiosities and uncomfortable situations, a plan for preparing for the New Year is needed. And today I will give you clear and clear advice on how to plan a holiday so that everything goes at the highest level.

In recent years, I have taken this issue very seriously. From December 1, the house begins to move, bustle and bustle. But this process gives me great pleasure. The pre-holiday mood and the feeling of something unusual does not leave me for a minute. I can confidently say that this is the best time of the year.

I involve the whole family in preparing for the New Year. Children especially like it. They are happy to decorate the house, the Christmas tree, make fakes, draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Oh, how I wish this time would never end!

Something I was dreaming! Let's get straight to the point. In order for the New Year to become a pleasant memory for you and your guests, you need to prepare for this event in advance, clearly think over your steps. Cooking meals, setting the table, feeding the guests is just a small part of the preparation. Taking everything into account is not an easy task that only organized people can do. Well, I’ll tell you how to do it now ...

Preparing for the New Year without stress

“Prepare the sleigh in summer” is the main principle of successful events. You need to start planning in advance, at least a month in advance. This time is enough for everything. Stock up on a pen and notepad. Write down everything that comes to mind, ideas and thoughts for organizing the New Year. It so happens that some trifle spoils the mood. This shouldn't happen if you really take preparation seriously.

And so I invite you to participate in the marathon of preparation for the NEW YEAR. This very joyful event should not be overshadowed by everyday troubles. To this end, I have prepared YOU step-by-step instructions, from which you will learn how to plan, perhaps the most important holiday of the year, slowly but surely, within a month. This time of miracles and fulfillment of desires should be remembered for a long time.

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Sometimes daunting tasks fall on the shoulders of the hostess of the house. But we, women, also want to relax, rejoice and not miss a single important trifle in the life of our loved ones. I think each of us is looking forward to the New Year with special trepidation. On this night, insults are forgiven, new plans are made, life begins with a new leaf. And in order for all the pre-holiday chores to go perfectly, without curiosities and unpleasant troubles, you just need to trust me and go through the marathon of preparation for the home New Year to the end.

In what form will the marathon take place?

Everything is very simple. Add this page to your browser bookmarks and glance from time to time, complete tasks, plan a holiday. As a gift, I give you a journal that will help you go through all the steps and not forget anything. It is best to print the letterhead on a printer, but if you do not have the ability to do this, just draw simple tables with a ruler and pencil on A4 sheet. Optionally, they can be decorated with colored markers or pens. You just have to follow the advice, supplementing them, taking into account your desires and capabilities.

Holiday Marathon: “Preparing for the New Year: Week One”.

So the start of the marathon of preparation for the New Year has come. I can't wait to get down to pleasant chores. I hope you too! I am very glad that you and me decided to participate in such an event. It will be fun, I promise you! Thanks to step-by-step instructions, you will clearly know what to do, and the holidays will become a pleasant memory for you. And so, let's get started ... The first 6-7 days of the marathon will be devoted entirely to planning. This is a very important step. In no case should you miss it. Everything will depend on how well you plan all the moments. Every little thing, every detail simply has to be worked out. All the weekly tasks that are here, you can complete in a day or two, or you can distribute them by days of the week. The main thing is that THEY ALL BE FULFILLED.

  1. The first thing you need to do is print the New Year's preparation log. I made the tables the simplest, in black and white, no frills. You can add colors yourself and decorate it to your liking. You can download it here.
  2. Consult with your husband, relatives, children, how and where you will celebrate the New Year, how many guests you plan to invite, whether there will be small children. Will you have people staying overnight, where will you have them. Where are you going to set the table?
  3. Now it wouldn't hurt to take care of the house. It should be clean, orderly and, if possible, organized. Still, you need to enter the New Year without unnecessary unnecessary burdens in the form of dirt and junk. Make a detailed home cleaning schedule for the month. Use the “Cleaning plan” form. There are 3 columns. In the first of them, write down the most important things that must be done without fail. In the second column, the things you want to do, and in the third, devote the maximum to the plan. Walk with a piece of paper through each room and write everything in three columns. You don't just need to take into account what you do every day and weekly, for example, do laundry, dust, pay attention to global problems, for example, clean the closet, sort out the kitchen set, and so on. Do not overload yourself, you should have strength for other pleasant pre-holiday chores. From this day on, devote 10-15 minutes every day to tidy up your home.
  4. Plan your holiday budget clearly. How much are you willing to spend on gifts, menus, home decorations, costumes, and looks? Follow your intended spending plan. Put the required amount of money in an envelope right away so that there is no temptation to use it. Fill out the "Budget" form.
  5. Based on the budget, make a list of gifts, postcards. Use the New Year's organizer form. Write a list of people who need to be congratulated by phone, email or social. networks. Start filling out your shopping list (blank).
  6. Think carefully about your image, the image of your husband and children. Sign up for a beauty salon in advance. If you are going to be going at home, then choose a hairstyle, jewelry, shoes, and a manicure option. Ask your children and husband for advice on how they would like to dress for the New Year. Fill out the appropriate form and shopping list.
  7. Let's move on to one of the most important issues - the menu. Depending on who you will celebrate the holiday with, make a detailed menu. Consider all the nuances. What dishes will you cook for the first, second, salads, drinks, snacks, sandwiches? What will be needed for this besides food, for example, foil, a sleeve, canapé sticks, napkins, and so on? Fill out the “Holiday Menu” forms, keep filling out the grocery shopping list.
  8. Think about how you will decorate your home. What do you have for this, what you will do yourself or with the children, what you need to buy. Fill out the Home Decorations form and list the necessary purchases. Do not forget to devote 10-15 minutes during the week to cleaning according to the compiled schedule.

Holiday Marathon: “Preparing for the New Year: Week Two”.

A week of planning has passed. For me personally, this time is the most difficult of all the monthly preparations for the New Year. You need to take into account every little thing, then to bring it to life and allocate time to. But I think everyone coped with this task. If you have any questions, write to me by mail, do not hesitate, I will try to help you. At first, when I was sketching out the marathon plan, I thought of dedicating each week to a separate area. For example, the first week is planning, the second is gifts and menus, the third is personal care, and the fourth is home. But after thinking it over, I decided it was a bad idea. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you see completely different weekly tasks. It is this method that is the best and gives the maximum result. Moreover, it was checked by me personally last year. And so, these are the tasks waiting for you this week.

  1. We continue to devote 10-15 minutes a day to cleaning the house according to the plan.
  2. We are slowly starting to buy gifts. I propose to buy 1/3 of the entire part. If possible, more can be done. Be sure to check with your holiday budget. Remember that the New Year is a very expensive event. Many of the gifts can be made by hand.
  3. It's time to make home decorations. If you decide that you will buy them, then buy them.
  4. Call the hairdresser and beautician, make an appointment in advance for yourself, your husband and children. In the last days of the outgoing year, all schedules will be clogged. And there is no guarantee that you will be lucky.
  5. This week we will be compiling. We have to look perfect on New Year's Eve. Make a detailed schedule of your treatments, such as which days you will exercise, hair masks, facial masks, foot baths, and so on. Pull yourself together and start eating right. In three weeks, you can lose a couple of kilograms, I guarantee you.
  6. Make a holiday program. Make a selection of music, films. If children are present, think about how they will be entertained. It might be worth coming up with a couple of contests with prizes. Don't forget to prepare a congratulatory speech for your guests.
  7. It so happens that plans change. In this case, make amendments, revise previously made decisions, perhaps you overlooked something. And be sure to consult with loved ones.

Holiday Marathon: “Preparing for the New Year: Week Three”.

Exactly half of our New Year's marathon has passed! How is it going? How is the mood? Is everything working out? You have already done quite a lot, there is very little left. The main thing is not to stop, but go forward, completing all the tasks. There will be quite a few of them this week.

  1. Take 10-15 minutes every day to clean the house.
  2. Follow your personal care schedule.
  3. Analyze the New Year's menu well. Some adjustments may need to be made. According to the list, buy those products that are stored for a long time (canned food, frozen food, meat, and so on).
  4. It's time to decorate the house this week. After all, everything is ready for this. Set up a tree and dress it up.
  5. Make a revision of the cutlery for setting the festive table. If something is missing, then buy (napkins, tablecloths, decor, spoons, forks, glasses, plates).
  6. If you will be staying overnight guests, think about their sleeping place, where you can accommodate them for the night. Prepare bed linen and towels in advance, and change clothes (if needed).
  7. Prepare the clothes you will be wearing for the New Year, as well as the clothes of your husband and children. Don't forget jewelry and shoes. Iron everything and hang it on a hanger.
  8. Buy or make another 1/3 of your gifts this week, or all of the rest.

Holiday Marathon: “Preparing for the New Year: home stretch”.

Hurray, girls are just a little bit left! We've done a good job and it's time to rest! Don't worry, we are all on time. There will be no surprises or curiosities. You are great fellows!

In a few days we will be sitting at the festive table with friends and relatives. The last week is the most difficult. There is a lot of work to be done. Just what is it worth preparing all the dishes from the planned menu. But we are not afraid of anything! We're ready, right?

  1. Check the health of your camera and camcorder, which will capture happy moments. Make sure there is enough space on the memory card for new content. Charge the batteries.
  2. Pick one day and do your dirty laundry.
  3. Buy all the remaining gifts from the list and wrap them up. Put them in one place, let them wait for the appointed hour.
  4. Continue taking care of yourself and doing beauty treatments. The last 3 days before the New Year, I propose to paint in detail. It is very important.

December 29th- check all the lists again, make amendments (if necessary) to the program of the holiday, congratulations, check the list of New Year's things. Buy any leftover food for the New Year's menu.

December 30th- devote a day to cleaning the house, there is no need to general, because you spent 15 minutes every day, and this is quite enough. Just remove all the scattered things, dust off, put everything in its place. By the way, these things are easy enough and they can be entrusted to the husband and children, or to carry out all the work together. The only thing that needs to be paid special attention is the toilet and the bath. So that the next day is not torture for you, prepare some of the dishes on December 30, for example, salads, snacks, sandwiches. If you don't have time for this, then at least just boil vegetables for salads, marinate meat, cut bread into sandwiches.

31th of December- the most important day. The to-do list on this day is not that long, but still….

  • Prepare all meals.
  • Lay the table.
  • Clean up the kitchen.
  • Take a shower, get your hair done, and change. Dress your husband and children)))
  • Check your New Year's to-do list.
  • Praise yourself and say "What a great fellow I am!"


Well, our New Year's marathon is over. I am very grateful to you that you did not give up and together with me reached the end. Ahead of us is the happy and long-awaited hours of the New Year! The hours when we move to a new stage in our life. In my closing remarks, I would like to wish you all the very best, so that all your dreams come true and your goals are achieved! I love and kiss you all, but new meetings in the NEW YEAR!

Do you remember your past New Year? Yes, I have no doubt that you remember. An elegant Christmas tree, a bunch of gifts, guests, dances, a gorgeous table immediately come to mind ... How good it was all paddle and great!
And now let's get down a little from heaven to earth and remember the preparations for the holiday. Yeah, a completely different picture: running around in a fur coat in stuffy shops in search of gifts, endless queues at the cash register and a lady making out gifts ... general cleaning until late at night, hours of standing at the stove, and, in the end, a hectic shower, curlers and makeup half an hour before the guests arrive.

Preparing for the New Year is a serious and responsible business. If you want to save your nerve cells (which, as you know, cannot be restored), then you need to start preparing for the New Year in advance. Moreover, if you start preparing for the holiday in advance, you will not only not overwork, but, on the contrary, enjoy all the pre-New Year's bustle.

If plans suddenly change, and you need to change your mind or correct something, you will have a lot of time for it!

Let's compose together a complete four-week plan to prepare for the New Year without stress!

Week of December 1st.
30 days left until New Year

Guests ... In the first week of December, you need to decide on the number of guests with whom you will count the chimes together. Be sure to ask the invitees to give you an answer, whether they will be able to attend your celebration or not.

Budget. Everyone wants everything at once. And a good table, and expensive gifts, and a new dress, and also shoes, hair, makeup especially for New Year's Eve... With today's abundance, it’s not hard to satisfy even the craziest needs.
The only question is the budget. Determine for yourself the maximum amount that you are willing to spend on gifts, on the table, on decorating the Christmas tree, on your own outfit. And strictly adhere to the plan. Not worth going into New Year with debts acquired from an overly lavish party to start it. If only because, in addition to the headache from the stormy meeting of the New Year, there will be more excitement about how to pay off these debts. Besides, leaving debts for the next year is a bad omen.

Present. Write a list of people for whom you need to buy gifts. Next to each name is a list of ideas, possible gifts, and the approximate amount you are going to spend. You should start buying gifts as early as possible. By the holiday itself, the tension of consumers and sellers reaches its climax, and then you will not escape the stress. No idea how you can please your loved ones? It doesn't matter, you can see the ideas for gifts in the article "" and gifts "Do it yourself!"
Do not forget the elegant wrapping paper and bows, it is much more interesting to open a gift when you do not know what awaits you!

Appearance. Want to meet New Year beauty - it's time to sign up for a hairdresser, for a facial and a manicure. Closer to the holiday it will be absolutely impossible to get to the beauty specialists.

December 7.
There are 23 days left until the New Year.

New Year's outfit. If you decide to celebrate the new year in a new outfit, now is the time to start looking for it. Before you go out on the hunt for the perfect dress, it is advisable to decide what exactly you want to buy: whether this outfit will be exclusively solemn or whether you want to buy something suitable for every day. Or maybe you want to coincide with the holiday the purchase of what you have dreamed of for a long time? Perhaps someone will want to meet New Year therein, . You may want to freshen up something already in your wardrobe with new accessories. Then you can limit yourself to a new decoration, smart shoes, a beautiful belt or a spectacular scarf.

Costumes for children. Do you have small children? Then it's time to think about a New Year's costume for a matinee in kindergarten or for a city tree. Despite the fact that buying a New Year's costume is not a problem now, consider what you can make yourself for your little one. There is no limit to the imagination of parents! In addition, making a costume together with mom and dad is another joyful and magical adventure for your child in all the bustle of the New Year.

Beauty saloon ... It is better to make a visit to a beautician for face cleansing 2-3 weeks before the celebration. Then, by the holiday, the skin will calm down and look its best.

New Year's decor. If we have a plan and time, why don't we decorate the house for the New Year? And what if you put on elegant New Year's pillowcases on the sofa cushions, make touching

Photo: George Tsartsianidis /

There are not so many days left until the New Year, and, on the contrary, there are a lot of things to do. How to quickly prepare for the holiday without worrying? How not to forget about important little things? A clear plan will help.

Making a plan

First of all, you need to. Each area of ​​training must be described.

Most often, you need to prepare a New Year's table, gifts, decorate the house, come up with a festive program, prepare an outfit and put yourself in order.

So, make up the menu of the New Year's table in advance. This will help you not to fuss a couple of days before the holiday. Purchase the required products in advance. For the last days, leave only that which quickly deteriorates. Moreover, be sure to make a shopping plan.

- a separate item of expenditure and a subject of much thought. Better to ask family and friends in advance about what they would like to receive as a gift. If it doesn't work out, just think about what the husband or child will be happy about. And friends and colleagues can just buy funny souvenirs.

It is also better to decorate the house in advance, preferably with the children. It will give them joy, and it will help you to cope with the task faster.

The same goes for the holiday program - get your family and friends involved. Let everyone who will celebrate the New Year with you come up with an interesting competition or game.

An important point is to put yourself in order and look great on New Year's Eve. It's worth starting a week before the holiday. Then you will surely have time to become fresher, lose a couple of kilograms and relax.

Festive table

Now let's look at the plan point by point. The first item is the New Year's table.

If you have already made a menu, everything is very simple. Get everything that has a long shelf life a couple of weeks before the celebration. For example, frozen and canned foods: beans, peas, corn, seafood, fish.

Meat, vegetables, fruits should be purchased just before the holiday. Since they are not stored for long.

If you can prepare a dish the day before the holiday, you should take this opportunity. This will save time. For example, on December 30, you can bake a cake or make a meatloaf, which should be chilled in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. The same can be said about jellied, cheese roll, salads, which should be infused. In the evening of December 30, you can do part of the preparation of the New Year's table. And in the morning or afternoon of December 31, do the rest.

What gifts to buy?

Of course, if you know what your spouse, daughter or mother dreams of, then the problem of gifts disappears. The main thing is to buy gifts in advance and hide them well.

But if you do not know how to please your loved ones, you should think about it in advance.

Best gifts:
something for a hobby - paint for painting, thread for knitting, a fishing rod, and so on;
various gadgets - flash drive, phone, headphones (always useful);
certificates - to the store, to the spa, to the pool (where you really would like to go).

There are also universal gifts that are appropriate in any case. These are sweets (for example, figured chocolate or a gingerbread house), souvenirs (funny figurines - a symbol of the year, a pen holder, scented candles), books (encyclopedia, cookbook).

We decorate the house

This is a very easy and pleasant point of the plan. it is possible both three days before the holiday, and three weeks. It all depends on your desire. How exactly to decorate the house is also up to you and your family members.

If you want to do something original and unusual, create New Year's compositions (from candles and balls, for example), or make a fireplace out of cardboard, or New Year's wreaths on the door. There are a lot of options. But you have to tinker and make these decorations in advance.

If you are pressed for time and want to quickly decorate your home, choose the easy option. You can simply hang tinsel everywhere, cut out snowflakes (entrust this to the children) and spread or hang them around.

Festive program: what to think of?

If you don't want to bother, you can limit yourself to dancing, watching New Year's programs on TV and funny stories at the table. You can also go to the city New Year's festivities, which are held in every district of the city.

If you want to come up with something interesting yourself, do it in advance. You can come up with various competitions: sing, tell a poem on New Year's theme. You can arrange a quest: who will find a New Year's toy or a sweet gift faster. And you can arrange a fun fortune-telling - what awaits in the new year. For example, write wishes on pieces of paper and pull them out one by one. Of course, desires must be good.

Invite all family members or friends to celebrate with you.

Putting ourselves in order

Of course, you shouldn't forget about yourself. , makeup isn't everything. You need to take care to look your best.

So, before the holiday, you should include more vegetables, fruits and various cereals in the menu. Arrange unloading - lose weight by a couple of kilograms. Also, do not forget about the skin, as well as about the hair.

A week before the New Year, start making face masks. Fruit, dairy, vegetable masks are suitable. They will help refresh and moisturize the skin, remove small wrinkles. The same goes for hair. Rinse your hair with broths of nettle or birch leaves three times a week. This will help make your hair fluffy and shiny.

Try to distribute everything evenly and strictly follow the plan. Then on New Year's Eve you will be rested and in a good mood.

Surely each of us is looking forward to the coming of the New Year! But from the beautifully decorated streets and buildings, from New Year's songs, from thinking through the menu for the New Year's table, choosing films to watch on New Year's Eve, it is with these little things that the New Year's mood is created! Therefore, preparations for the New Year should be planned in advance: buy fireworks, gifts for your family and friends, think over various dishes that will be present on the New Year's table, various contests to diversify the holiday. Preparations for the New Year must certainly begin at the end of November. After all, there are many New Year and Christmas holidays ahead. But how to properly prepare for the New Year?

November, perhaps the best time to carefully compile a list of all your addressees. Think about who to send a New Year's card, and who to send a New Year's parcel, who should be called by phone, and who can be sent to an e-mail with a colorful New Year's card, congratulations.

The closer the onset of the famous holiday, the more tension and feelings of forgetting something about preparing for it. Therefore, you should think over to the smallest detail a plan for preparing for the new year, namely, how to beautifully decorate your apartment or house, how to decorate a New Year tree, what unusual dishes should be on the New Year's table. And, of course, gifts that should be bought in advance for your relatives, friends, friends and, of course, colleagues. And also you should definitely buy New Year's cards and festive paper, in order to beautifully wrap all the gifts and souvenirs, your loved ones will be very pleased ...

So how do you prepare for the new year in a month? The November period is the right time to carefully, to the smallest detail, plan the entire holiday. You should decide where you will spend New Year's Eve, if guests gather in your home, then you should already take care of the invitations, think over the menu carefully, think about the atmosphere in your home, this is a very important factor. If a New Year's dinner is ordered in a restaurant, it would be good to book tables at this moment, so that later it would not be too late. And also, just in case, look for good places in your city where you could have a good time for this wonderful New Year's holiday.

Preparing for the new year from early December to mid, do it yourself - this is a great time to buy gifts. It is very important to pack them very nicely in a New Year's wrapper. Don't forget to sign your New Year card. Bright New Year's packages create a truly festive atmosphere. After all, this is one of the main elements of the New Year's interior of an apartment or house. You should write the entire list of gifts that you are going to give. It is necessary to take care of those New Year's gifts that will be sent in advance by mail. Probably the biggest advantage in early New Year's shopping is that you don't have to stand in huge queues for New Year's gifts, because, as you know, on the pre-holiday day, you simply cannot crowd into supermarkets.

Closer to mid-December, you should collect all the parcels prepared in advance, and do not forget to sign postcards for your relatives. Of course, everything depends on the work of the post office, because, as you know, the Russian post always sends parcels very late, and the place of residence of the addressees is also an important factor. To begin with, you should send international parcels, and only then parcels to those people who live inside the country. But do not forget that on New Year's days the mail is simply overflowing with various parcels and New Year's cards, therefore parcels and New Year's cards can go quite a long time, not as usual.

Young children can also get ready for the New Years and actively participate in all this pre-holiday preparations. Children can make toys for the Christmas tree, garlands, snowflakes with their own hands, and they can also help you design gifts for relatives. It is very important for your child to take an interest in all of this.

The very middle of December. This is the best time to carefully think over the menu of the festive New Year's table to the smallest detail. Learn basic tips for preparing for the new year. By this time, you should compile the entire necessary list of products that you need to buy in the supermarket. For example, first you should buy those products that have a long shelf life, for example, canned food, alcohol, various sweets, which should be stored in the refrigerator. In addition, buy better in advance: foil, paper towels, film, napkins, candles, various souvenirs that will decorate your entire festive New Year's table.

Your new recipes that you found on the Internet. It is better to experiment in advance on your household. Do not forget about Olivier, which is considered a symbol of the New Year; the symbol of the coming year should also be placed on the table. And you will immediately see whether your guests will like your dish for the holiday or not. No one knows how long all this preparation for the New Year will take, so everything must be done in advance so as not to forget anything. In advance, you should choose a festive New Year's music that will sound throughout the holiday. In case you are planning to arrange a dance evening, then you should rehearse during the day to make everything great.

Also, you should clean up the whole apartment in advance, sort out your closets, throw away all unnecessary things, because the new year is a piece of new life, so you should get rid of unloved and old things that litter the boxes. You can also rearrange the furniture, change something.

And of course on December 23-25 you should decorate the Christmas tree, here you can show your creative and design skills, for example, place gifts under it, decorate the whole apartment with festive garlands and toys. Do everything at your discretion in order to feel the arrival of the New Year.

Two days before the new year you can prepare in advance those dishes that could be stored in the refrigerator. The very last foods that you should buy for the New Year's festive table are meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, since these foods quickly go bad.

On the very last day before the holiday, you should complete the preparation of the holiday menu. Spend this day in peace, freshen up your house, buy everything you forgot.

And now, finally, it has come 31th of December, which the whole family has been waiting for so long. To begin with, on this day you should have a good night's sleep, watch New Year's films, and only in the late afternoon, take out the dishes from the refrigerator, direct your beauty and wait for the guests to come.

Now you know how to prepare for the New Year, so you don't have to worry that something will not work out, everything will be the best. Spend this time well and pleasantly with your close people and friends, because the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday. Therefore, thank the year for everything that was both good and bad in it, because this is a great life experience, wish that next year everything was much better than the previous one.

New Year is coming soon. Many people associate New Year's Eve with hustle and bustle and stress. No matter how hard we try to think through everything and make it in time every year, we still forget something: congratulate someone, buy something, cook or decorate the house beautifully. So, in order to reduce the level of stress, have time to do everything on time and finally embody New Year's ideas, which have been postponed for years, you need to prepare in advance and thoroughly. And for this you need a clear plan, or even better - a special planner that you can download, print and fill out in peace.

You can wait for a holiday, gifts and a New Year's miracle ... or you can create it! A holiday is, first of all, a state of mind and atmosphere! Let's create a festive mood for ourselves and around us! So, we are getting ready to celebrate the New Year!

What you need to take care of on the eve of the New Year

1. Come up with a gift for yourself.

What gift do you want to receive for the New Year? After all, in order to get something, you first need to want it))) Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, you must definitely declare your desires to the Universe - write your Wish-list, a letter to Santa Claus (and ask your husband to send this letter)) As a gift for yourself, you can buy a new dress for the holiday, good cosmetics, chic underwear, elegant earrings and jewelry, a beautiful weekly, a bag or shoes that you have wanted for a long time, or.

2. Think over congratulations and gifts to loved ones.

At this point I suggest make a list of those who need to be congratulated , and on the contrary write - to whom and what to give for the New Year. For the husband, you need to prepare a surprise (), order gifts in advance for children in online stores (for example, or), and send postcards to grandmothers by mail. By the way, postcards must be sent at least 20 days in advance, because on New Year's Eve the mail is overloaded.

My childhood New Year's memories are also associated with writing a letter to Grandfather Frost and an exciting expectation, whether the letter will reach him and whether I will receive the hidden one)) It seemed like a real miracle that wishes were fulfilled, and the greatest happiness was to find a dream gift and a bag of sweets under the tree in the morning. fruit. This year I will already create such a miracle for my baby and even think about inviting Santa Claus home))

3. Home decoration.

Creates a New Year's atmosphere at home, of course, tree with toys and garlands. I have had an artificial tree for many years now, which is very convenient and environmentally friendly. But I want to add new toys - as an option, you can make them yourself. As well as garlands, snowflakes for windows, postcards, holiday posters and elegant wreaths for the front doors. In general, there are many options! If you like to create coziness and atmosphere in the house with the help of decor - I will share my ideas;)

Here are some ideas on how to decorate your house for the New Year with your own hands:

  • Paper snowflakes familiar from childhood
  • Drawings on windows (there are special balloons for drawing on windows)
  • A wreath of cones and Christmas tree branches for entrance doors
  • Christmas paper garlands (the simplest option is a chain of colored paper)
  • Christmas tree toys (papier-mâché, sweets, fruits, nuts)
  • Postcards with appliques or painted with watercolors
  • Gingerbread (can be painted with glaze)
  • Holiday posters with photos of all family members and the main events of the outgoing year "What was the outgoing year?")

Lots of interesting ideas about New Year ideas can be found at Pinterest- for example, my board with New Year's home decorating ideas.

6. Where and with whom to celebrate the New Year and Christmas.

It is important to decide early where and with whom to celebrate the New Year. The most traditional option: a family meeting of the New Year at home in front of the TV, with Olivier, tangerines and champagne. Although other options are also interesting - in a noisy company with friends in a restaurant with an entertainment program, at a tourist center, in a nightclub, in a forest, near a city tree or in another country. In any case, you need to decide in advance in order to have time to organize your holiday - to reserve tables, invite friends, prepare gifts for them, buy tickets, book rooms, etc. And for fans of fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers, you need to prepare in advance and buy everything you need.

For me, Christmas, for example, is greetings to the godfather, a trip to the godfathers and a 12-course table. It is difficult to guess in advance who will come to us - therefore, you have to make sure to plan meetings in advance so that there is no one to miss and congratulate everyone you want.

5. New Year's menu.

"What to cook for the New Year?" Is a headache for most women. And it is better to plan the New Year's menu in advance too.

The essential “+” of celebrating the New Year outside the home is that there is no need to set the table and cook. And with our gastronomic traditions (it is necessary for the table to be full of seen and unseen dishes) New Year for women is not so much a holiday as a test of endurance in the kitchen. And if you still have strength, then you can put on a dress, quickly put on makeup and sit at the table with buzzing legs.

This is all about me in past years - and I don't want that anymore)) This means that this year you need to choose the optimal number of dishes, think over everything in advance and unload as much as possible on December 31st. I have a holiday menu option to which I plan to add 1-2 new dishes and maybe a new dessert (this is my weakness)). And, of course, it is better to make a list of food and drinks in order to make purchases in advance, if possible, and not to crowd in queues on the eve of the holiday.

  1. Festive outfit, jewelry, make-up.

According to the saying "How you will celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it" , then you need to meet him beautiful! First, it creates a festive mood. And secondly, I really need to celebrate the New Year in beautiful clothes, joyfully and positively. Therefore, you need to find a beautiful dress, make-up, styling, and manicure options in advance. And by the way, if you are planning a trip to a beauty salon, then it's time to sign up to get to your favorite master on the desired day.

Two words about children's outfits - you need to take time to prepare ears for bunny boys and crowns for girls with snowflakes for matinees))) You need to find New Year's costumes in advance - to sew, rent, borrow from friends to buy or your version.

  1. Take stock and set goals for the next year.

This point has been mandatory for me for several years: setting goals gives great results. Last year, I developed a special planner for setting goals for the year and working with them systematically. If you subscribed to the blog news, you have already received a link to download a set of planners, and the New Year is a great reason to fill them out.

Summing up the results of the year for me is a whole event that requires concentration, attention, analysis. It is important to understand what the most important thing happened in the past year, what he taught me, what acquired knowledge I will take with me next year, and what is better to leave in the past forever. It's the same with goal setting - I need time, silence for an attentive inner conversation with myself. After all, to understand what you really want is half the key to the success of the implementation of your plan.

Personally, I plan to set aside a separate day for myself to work with annual goals - and it will definitely not be December 31, full of hassle and fuss. And here I will add the purchase of calendars, diaries, notebooks for the next year - I really love all these things))

Read the article

  1. Program for the period of New Year's holidays

Usually New Year's weekend is a long vacation time. And if you do not plan your leisure time in advance, it can turn into a boring pastime.

Idea for interesting leisure activities during the winter holidays:

  • New Year's performance / performance for children,
  • travel or trip to family or friends,
  • a walk in the winter forest / park,
  • winter active entertainment: skates, sledges, skis, hockey.

How to spend a romantic time together with your beloved, I wrote.

There can be many options, but they all require preparation and preliminary organization.

In order for this post not to be in vain and to be really useful to you, I have prepared for you a short summary in the form of a table, which you can download and fill out in order to effectively plan your holiday.

You can download a free step-by-step plan for preparing for the New Year.

I wish you easy preparation for the holidays and a festive atmosphere for you!

Next related article

in which I share ideas for New Year's gifts to relatives, children, friends, girlfriends, parents, grandparents)

Wishing you fabulous holidays,

Sasha Leonova