Dye your white denim jacket. How and how to dye black or blue jeans at home to update their color? Acrylic paints for painting jeans

Denim is a very durable material! About 20 years ago, in order to return the saturation to the shade, the pants were soaked in a basin with blue diluted in water. Or even cooler - boiled in a saucepan to get an unpredictable print. Fortunately, modern methods are simpler, safer and more effective. I will tell you how and how to dye jeans at home.

Powder dyes for jeans - painting in a typewriter automatically or by hand

An interesting and fashionable solution is partial coloring. For example, the bottom or top of light-colored trousers is painted in black, crimson, gray, or in several colors at once. Beautiful tonal transitions are obtained.

Powder dyes can be used both in a washing machine and in enameled dishes over a fire. In principle, no hassle - the main thing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

They speak well of the Priboy powder dye. It is a versatile fabric dye for home use, suitable for artificial and natural products (cotton, nylon, wool, etc.). The palette includes ten colors. One sachet is designed for dyeing 0.5 kg of fabric. This is if you choose from cheaper options.

If the price doesn't really matter, and only quality is in priority, it is better to pay attention to the paint of the Simplicol brand. It is intended for dyeing natural and semi-synthetic fabrics by hand or in a typewriter. It contains a dye fixing agent - this guarantees color saturation and a long-lasting effect.

The instructions warn that Simplicol jeans dye is not suitable for cashmere, silk, wool, polyamide and polyurethane coated materials. There is a separate paint of the same brand marked “for silk and wool”.

Method 1. Coloring in a typewriter machine

We paint jeans in a typewriter machine using powder dye:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Before the procedure, it is advisable to wash your trousers (even if they are clean) in order to make sure there are no greasy stains.

Step 2

Take everything out of your pockets and turn your pants inside out.

Step 3

For uniform coloring, without streaks and stains, I advise you to pre-dilute the powder dye in 0.5 liters of water. Make sure that it completely dissolves - lumps and grains of sand can ruin the case.

The dye package may say add baking soda and / or salt. Do not neglect the manufacturer's recommendations! These ingredients are often needed to consolidate the color effect.

Step 4

Pour the resulting solution into the drum of the washing machine. Load your jeans there. Set the mode to cotton or linen, and the temperature is 90-95 ºC. Longest wash cycle is preferable.

Step 5

This step is required if the jeans colorant does not contain any color-fixing components! While the machine is washing, pour cool water into a basin and add vinegar - for 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

As soon as the technique finishes its work, take out the jeans and soak them in this liquid for about half an hour.

Step 6

It is better to dry this time naturally, away from the battery and direct sunlight.

After the procedure, it would be good to start the wash "dry" in order to exclude accidental staining of the laundry. In general, powder dyes are harmless to a machine, but their traces can remain on rubber parts. This plaque can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

Method 2. Staining in an enamel pot

A bit outdated way, but there is nothing complicated here:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Before dyeing, dilute the powder dye in 1 liter of hot water. Make sure it dissolves completely. Lumps and grains of sand can leave streaks or brighter stains on jeans.

If it says on the pack that you need to add soda and / or salt, then add the indicated amount and stir.

Step 2

Pour the solution into the prepared enamel bowl, add another 5-7 liters of water and load jeans there as evenly as possible.

Step 3

Put the cookware on gas and “cook” for about an hour at 90-95 ºC, stirring occasionally.

Step 4

An hour has passed! Remove the pants from the solution (just not with your bare hands, you will burn yourself) and let them cool slightly.

Step 5

Step 6

For 20-30 minutes, soak the product in warm water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) to fix the color.

Hand wash using powder.


Alternative dyes + staining techniques

Method 3. Old, proven blue

Perhaps one of the most affordable and cheapest options for dyeing jeans blue. To the pluses of blue, I would attribute the ease of use and harmlessness to the skin.

But, alas, she cannot boast of color fastness - it begins to slowly wash out from the very first wash. So regular touch-ups will be required. Although blue for jeans is short-lived, it requires a minimum of money, effort and time.

Denim blue is sold in hardware stores in the form of a powder or concentrated liquid. I think it's much more convenient to use a ready-made dye than to mess with dry matter.

Jeans dyeing technology blue:

Image Procedure
Step 1

Dissolve the blue in warm water (no higher than 30 ºC). Adjust the color saturation yourself, "by eye".

The blue color will last longer on jeans if you add 2-3 tablespoons of table salt to the dyeing composition and stir well.

Step 2

Soak the product in the prepared composition for several hours, turning it over from time to time.

Step 3

Rinse your jeans in cool water with vinegar (1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water).

The vinegar will help set the blue color for a while. But this still will not save the dye from washing out from the fabric structure.

Method 4. Hair dye is also suitable for jeans

The paint adheres quite firmly to the fabric and gives beautiful shades. But I still advise using it in extreme cases or exclusively on old jeans that you do not mind ruining.

The procedure for dyeing trousers with hair dye looks like this:

  1. Buy paint in the shade you want... For larger trousers, it is better to take two packs.
  2. Dilute it with enough water, so that the product can be completely immersed there. Stir the paint thoroughly!
  3. Soak your pants in the resulting solution for 1.5 hours.

  1. When the time is up, rinse your jeans first, just in warm water, and then in cool water with the addition of vinegar and salt.
  2. Do it yourself using washing powder.
  3. Then dry the product naturally, away from batteries and the sun.

Method 5. Jeans-boiled with whiteness

Of course, today the market is full of all sorts of different models with scuffs, transitions, patterns, etc. But when you try to dye jeans yourself at home, you get something unique, original, and therefore valuable.

All you need is whiteness, an enamel pot and a gas stove.:

  1. Dissolve 1 cup of regular whiteness in a bucket of water.
  2. Twist the jeans thoroughly and fix in such position with threads or better with rubber bands.

  1. Immerse the product in this solution and simmer for at least 15 minutes on the stove. Make sure that the jeans do not float to the surface.
  2. You should get an interesting large pattern..

Method 6. Aniline dyes for color transitions on jeans

Aniline powder paints were used for a variety of purposes by our great-grandmothers. You can buy them today, and in an improved form.

If earlier aniline dyes were quickly washed out or faded in the sun, now they are more resistant to water and light. You can find them in utility departments, art stores, or on the internet. Better to buy liquid.

Aniline paints are most conveniently applied with soft brushes - squirrel, kolotkov or ferret.

Aniline spreads strongly, which allows you to get an interesting fusion of colors and all kinds of smooth transitions. In this case, nothing can be added to the paint.

If you do not want the smudge effect, use tragacanth glue in combination with liquid aniline paint (in a ratio of 1: 3).

Another way to avoid smudges on fabric Is a gelatin primer. For 1 liter of hot water, take 2-3 grams of gelatin. After its complete dissolution, soak the product in the resulting solution, dry and smooth.

Method 7. Acrylic paint on jeans

Don't want to change the color of your pants, but just crave something “not like everyone else's”? Acrylic paints are ideal for this purpose! I would advise drawing on those jeans that you put on "out". Casual pants are often washed, so a beauty patiently drawn with your own hand will quickly fade or crack.

Acrylic paint penetrates well deep into natural fibers and firmly fixed in them. Such paints can be mixed with each other in any ratio and get unique shades.

  • Before drawing wash, dry and iron your jeans thoroughly.
  • The area on which the image will be applied, can be stretched or simply spread out on a flat surface.
  • To avoid staining the back of your jeans, insulate it from the front with cardboard or heavy paper.
  • To simplify your work, secure the product to the table with adhesive tape.

  • To make the drawing more durable, avoid overlapping the fabric in dense layers.
  • Use hard and soft brushes of different sizes with synthetic bristles.

  • Draw the drawing first with a pencil or special copy paper for tailors (does not stain jeans).
  • The contour of the picture is outlined with light paint. and a soft thin brush.
  • Working with shades remember that it is more convenient to start with lighter tones and gradually move on to darker ones.

  • Keep a piece of similar cloth close at hand to do color proofing.
  • Try to brush as quickly as possible: so, the paints that have not yet penetrated deep into the fabric will mix, leaving no clear boundaries between the tones.
  • When you finish drawing - wait 15 hours, and then secure the image by ironing the jeans with a hot iron from the wrong side for 2-3 minutes. You need to iron slowly and continuously, without stopping for a long time in one place. When finished, check the product, cover the drawing with material and iron it quickly.

  • Acrylic paint for jeans is quite resistant to washout and fade, but still the products painted by her need careful care. Washing in a typewriter on a gentle program at a temperature not exceeding 40 ºC without bleaching agents. Short spin at low speeds. Jeans decorated in this way are best washed by hand.


We figured out how to dye jeans in the desired color using powder dyes, blue, whiteness, aniline and acrylic paints! You can first practice on old home pants, and then boldly paint those that are "on the way out."

Experiment and share your discoveries in the comments. Be sure to watch the video in this article!

Jeans are almost an indispensable item for everyday wear, as they are versatile, comfortable and practical. But it happens that denim things lose their appearance after numerous washes, or paint peels off on them. Do not rush to say goodbye to your favorite thing - you can give it a new look by painting it. Let's see how to dye jeans at home.

Denim is a natural material that is easy to add to almost any shade

Before choosing a method to update the color, you need to decide how to dye your jeans, what tools to use.

To renew your jeans at home, you can use the following products:

  • The most common painting option is blue. This method is very simple, but the result will not last long.
  • The so-called boiled jeans can be obtained using potassium permanganate. In this case, the result depends on skill and experience, since the process is quite complicated.
  • Ready-made aniline paints are available. By following the instructions on the package, you can quickly get the desired effect.
  • For a more lasting result, acrylic paints are suitable.
  • Jeans can also be dyed in the washing machine using powder dyes. The painting process is simple, but there is a small selection of shades.


Affordable and inexpensive painting options include blue. But, using this tool, it will not be possible to radically change the color of the product, you can only make it bluish.

Blueprint can be purchased at any hardware store.

How to dye jeans blue:

  • Dilute the blue in water, the temperature of which is less than 30 degrees. The brighter you want to get the color, the more funds you need to use. To get a lasting shade, you can put 2 tablespoons of salt in the solution.
  • Place the jeans in the solution.
  • Leave them on for a couple of hours. For uniform painting, the product must be turned over periodically.
  • Rinse your pants in cold water.
  • To fix the color, rinse them in a mild vinegar solution.

The result will start to wash off immediately after the first wash, so this method of painting cannot be called optimal.

Powder painting

Powder-painting your jeans won't hurt your washing machine

Using powdered dye and a washing machine, you can dye your jeans black. To avoid unexpected results, do not add detergent and fabric softener to the washing machine. The jeans must be washed beforehand.

How to dye jeans in a washing machine:

  • turn the product inside out;
  • put your jeans in the washing machine;
  • add coloring powder to the drum;
  • set the washing temperature set on the product label;
  • start a standard washing program;
  • take out the painted item and rinse in cool water;
  • rinse your jeans in a vinegar solution;
  • wash them in a washing machine with detergent;
  • dry.

As a result of staining, a persistent bright color will be obtained. You should not worry about the washing machine - the use of the dye will not affect its functionality. The most that can happen is the painting of the rubber seals. But this problem can be easily solved by wiping them with a damp cloth.

Acrylic paints

Using acrylic paints, you can apply any pattern to the fabric, which will help hide problem areas and make the thing unique and inimitable.

The process requires acrylic paint, brushes of suitable sizes with stiff natural bristles, and an iron. After the pattern has been applied to the fabric, the product must be ironed from the wrong side.

But this method is short-lived, since after several washes, the color of the paint will begin to fade, and may even start to fade. Therefore, for everyday things that are often washed, this method is not suitable.

Aniline dyes

Aniline dyes are the most popular among textile dyes. This is due to the ease of use and long-lasting results.

To dye jeans, you need to boil them in a dye composition with salt, stirring occasionally. Then rinse in vinegar solution and dry.

Alternative ways

Denim dyeing products are great for hair dye and fabric dye. You can use bleach from household products.

Hair dye

Hair dye is an alternative way to refresh dark jeans

You can update the color of dark products with hair dye. It is most convenient to carry out the painting process in a basin. The paint should be taken at the rate of 2-3 packs for one trousers.

How to dye jeans with hair dye:

  • dilute the coloring composition in warm water;
  • dip the product there;
  • leave it for an hour;
  • rinse your pants in water;
  • prepare a solution of vinegar, salt and water and soak them for 2-3 minutes;
  • dry the product.

Fabric dye

It is not difficult to paint jeans with fabric paint, but this method requires boiling. Use an enamel bucket or large saucepan as a container for painting.

How to dye jeans blue with fabric paint:

  • dilute the composition of the paint according to the instructions;
  • soak the product in the dye composition;
  • put the container on fire and boil, stirring occasionally, for at least an hour;
  • take out jeans and let them cool;
  • rinse them in warm water, but not hot, then cold;
  • place the pants in the vinegar solution for 20 minutes;
  • hand wash with detergent powder.


Using whiteness, you can get jeans not just of a certain color, but with intricate patterns that appear as a result of cooking.

White painting process:

  • prepare 1 cup of bleach and dissolve in water;
  • twist the jeans tightly and fix;
  • dip them in a bowl of whiteness and boil for 15 minutes. During boiling, you need to ensure that they are completely immersed in the bleaching composition;
  • take out trousers and dry.

Caring for painted products

Once the jeans have acquired the desired look, the length of time they are worn depends on proper care.

Be sure to fasten all zippers and buttons and turn the product inside out before washing.

For jeans, hand wash in warm water is recommended. Moreover, you cannot sprinkle washing powder directly on jeans, it must be dissolved in water in advance. Also, you can not use a powder containing bleaching ingredients.

To prevent the paint from washing out for a long time, you can use laundry soap instead of powder for washing.

If there is no possibility of hand washing, you can wash clothes in the washing machine on a delicate cycle.

Subject to simple care rules, jeans will delight you with their appearance for a long time.

It is not necessary to throw out your favorite jeans if the color of the fabric has lost its brightness and former attractiveness. Any clothes can be freshened up with a little savvy. How to dye jeans at home? Trying and experimenting.

Where to begin?

In Soviet times, the assortment of clothes was not very diverse, so for our grandparents, such a procedure as dyeing trousers with our own hands was in the order of things. Reliable and inexpensive means - blue and whiteness - helped to stand out. It was then that the word "varenki" appeared, which was used to describe fashionably bleached jeans.

Modern clothing stores do not know the word "deficit", they can find jeans of any color and texture, with or without decor. But even today, many needlewomen are happy to use proven grandmother's recipes, wanting to extend the life of their favorite pants, with which both fire and water have gone.

So how to dye jeans with your own hands? First of all, two questions need to be resolved:

  1. How can you dye your jeans.
  2. How to do it - manually or using a washing machine?

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Coloring products

It is easy to navigate in the variety of dyes for fabric, if you know for sure what color you want to get and how persistent it should be:

  • Aniline paints are versatile products designed to renew denim or other dense fabrics.
  • Powder paints are permanent colorants in the form of a powder that must be diluted in water. Powders are presented in a narrow range of colors. Recently, a new powder "Dillon" is gaining popularity, offering pleasant shades.
  • Acrylic. Acrylic paints are characterized by increased durability and a variety of color palettes.
  • Potassium permanganate is one of the most inexpensive means. Requires a certain skill and experience.
  • Blue - is present in the house of most housewives in the form of a liquid or powder. Blue is used to tint linen in order to make white fabrics fresh. Refreshing blue jeans is easy, but be prepared for permanent dyeing.
  • Alternative products include hair dye, aerosol sprays, and fabric dyes. Jeans are not intended for staining, so it is difficult to navigate in the palette of shades, and one cannot expect durability.

Almost everyone has jeans that would be nice to update. For some - to refresh or change the color, while others decorate with a bright print. To breathe new life into a thing, it is not necessary to resort to the services of a dry cleaner or a studio. You can dye your jeans yourself. Let's see how to do it correctly.

Nuances of home coloring: expectations and reality

It is not easy to change the color of denim on your own. There are a number of things to do, none of which can be ignored. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to specialists. Have you made a decision to act on your own? Then, so that the final result does not disappoint, you need to take into account the following nuances.

First of all, they look at the composition of the fabric. Uniform coloration should be expected only if the proportion of cotton in it is at least 80%. If the percentage of synthetic fibers (for example: lavsan or polyester) reaches 30-40%, ribs and stripes will appear on the pants. The fact is that artificial threads can only be dyed with special dyes that are not suitable for cotton.

Keep in mind that contrasting stitching on pockets and side seams will probably not stain either, as they are made with artificial yarns.

The second step is to compare the original color of the product and the desired end result:

  • The shade "as in the picture" will be obtained only when dyeing white trousers. The exception is black. White jeans will take on a dark gray color, but a "radical" black color is unlikely to be achieved.
  • The dye always interacts with the original dye of the thing. For example, if you immerse green jeans in black paint, they turn olive and red jeans turn reddish brown.
  • The best result is to be expected when coloring a faded product with the same or even darker dye. So, black jeans can be obtained by immersing a product made of gray, blue, brown or faded black denim in the dye composition. The more concentrated the solution is, the richer the color will be.

The third step is to test. Before you start painting your jeans at home, you need to make sure that the chosen coloring agent will give the desired effect. To do this, you should first experiment with a piece of denim. If the result is satisfactory, you can start painting the thing. If not, change the concentration of the prepared solution or prepare a new one.

A wet product always looks much darker than a dried one, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of painting only after drying.

Preparatory stage

If you plan to return the brightness to faded jeans, partially or completely repaint them in a different color, or hide scuffs, you cannot do without preliminary preparation of the product. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Weigh the jeans dry. This is necessary in order to further understand how much dye is required.
  2. Turn the pockets outward, remove any remaining items, and clean loose dust from the seams.
  3. Was it worn? It needs to be inspected for contamination (greasy). If they are found, it is imperative, otherwise it will not be possible to get an even color.
  4. Wash trousers without using a fabric softener. Rinse the treated item especially thoroughly, first in warm water and then in cold water.
  5. Slightly wring the pants, turn them inside out and smooth out all the folds and creases with your hands. If this is not done, stripes and spots will appear on the product after dyeing. Then immediately start painting.

New jeans should be immersed in hot water with soap chips and washing soda dissolved in it (50 g and 30 g, respectively, for 10 liters) and boiled for half an hour. This will help remove factory-processed starch from the fibers, which may prevent the dye from penetrating properly into the fibers.

When it is required to repaint a thing with a saturated shade, it must first be discolored. For this, soaking for 30-60 minutes in one of the hot compositions is suitable:

  • in an aqueous solution of laundry soap, ammonia and soda ash (1 part of each component to 10 parts of water);
  • in a solution of hydrosulfite (2 tablespoons per 10 liters);
  • in water with bleach (1 liter of strained solution (10-15 g of substance per 1 liter of cold water) per 10 liters).

Hydrosulfite and chlorine emit vapors harmful to the body, therefore, during bleaching, the container should be tightened with a film and the windows should be opened. The respiratory tract and hands should also be protected.

Not new, but completely clean product, soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes.

Dry fabrics are less dyeable, so pre-soaking must be done. If the item has been treated with a solvent, it is dried, ironed, and then soaked in clean water.

photo: depositphotos.com/Thamkc

Choice of colorant

You can freshen up or renew the color of denim with synthetic or natural dyes. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. Among the chemicals that can paint over cotton, it is worth mentioning:

  • Liquid and powdery aniline dyes for fabrics, for example: “Jeans” series dyes for manual and machine dyeing. Their advantages: color variety, good miscibility with each other, low price.
  • Powder dyes of varying stability and intensity, for example: "DYLON", "Marabu Fashion Color", "Anles".
  • Blue. The substance can make the denim color quite uniform and rich, but it will hold up until the first wash. After using an alkaline cleaning solution, the painting will have to be repeated. In addition, the product is only capable of blueing jeans that have faded.
  • Hair dye. Undoubtedly, its use for fabric is one of life hacks. Nevertheless, quality products give good and lasting results.

You can freshen up the color of jeans using natural dyes, for example: herbal teas, strongly brewed tea and coffee, infused onion peel, turmeric. But, these funds penetrate very poorly into denim fibers and give, rather, an additional shade than a new color, namely:

  • turmeric - cream;
  • cinnamon - creamy with a pink haze;
  • onion husks - sand;
  • tea, oak bark, coffee - brown of varying degrees of intensity.

When choosing a coloring agent, you need to consider:

  1. How often the product will be washed and exposed to direct sunlight. If jeans are intended for daily wear, it is better to refuse to use cheap unstable dyes.
  2. What weight is the amount of powder in the bag calculated for? One package may not be enough.
  3. There is always a danger that the color of the desired saturation will not work the first time, and the procedure will have to be repeated twice. Therefore, you must always have a bag or jar of dye "in reserve".

Cold dyeing method

The cold method of dyeing jeans is the easiest to perform. It is especially relevant if it is not possible to purchase a special dye, for some reason it is impossible to do this in an automatic machine, or if you do not want to stand by a hot stove.

What is needed

For him you will need:

  • large (unnecessary) container made of stainless steel or enamel;
  • plastic or rubber gloves;
  • a small container made of plastic or glass;
  • wooden or plastic spoon.

The nuances of cold staining depend on the type of dye. Here is the sequence of work with dyes of different types.


The easiest way to dye jeans blue is to use methylene blue. You need to act like this:

  1. The container is filled with water and gradually, stirring the solution periodically, pour the blue into it.
  2. When the color saturation of the solution seems satisfactory, food or Glauber's salt (1 tablespoon per 3 liters) is added to it as a fixer.
  3. The wet product is dipped into the resulting composition for 2 hours (during this time, the jeans need to be turned over several times), then rinsed in several waters.
  4. The water for the last rinse is mixed with vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) so that the products fade less.

Hair dye

Will paint jeans black, and also give them unusual shades of hair dye. The product is prepared in a glass container, stirring the concentrate with a non-metallic spoon, then, stirring, add to warm water until the required tone is obtained. The product is kept in a solution for 1.5 hours, then rinsed in a fixative and washed.

The dye can be applied directly to the fabric with a brush and then rinsed as if dyeing hair.

Industrial dyes

Some industrial dyes, for example: "DYLON", also act on fabrics in cold water. Dissolve the paint separately, according to the instructions, then add it to a bowl of water along with 5 tbsp. l. salt.

Dyeing time for jeans is 1 hour. In this case, the first quarter of an hour, the product must be turned over frequently. In the remaining time, his position is changed only a few times. The dyed denim is rinsed and washed as before.

In order for the dye to dissolve more efficiently, the water in the container is softened with baking soda or ammonia (1 tsp. Or 1 tbsp. L. Per 10 l of water, respectively).

Hot way

You can also dye jeans by hand by boiling them in a dye solution. First of all, in this way, denim is processed with aniline and most other powder dyes.

For this method, you will need equipment, as for cold staining. In addition, you need to stock up on wooden tongs or two long sticks to turn the product over. The process of painting jeans takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Dissolve the dye in the glassware, following the directions on the package. If necessary, filter the resulting mixture through cheesecloth so that there are no lumps that will prevent the paint from lying evenly.
  2. The prepared composition is poured into a container with water, mixed with baking soda (1.5-2 tbsp. L.) Into the solution. For dark denim, add 2 tbsp. l. substances.
  3. The mixture is put on fire and wait until it reaches a temperature of 60 °. If soda foam forms on the surface, it must be removed.
  4. Wet jeans are dipped into the container and, periodically turning them with tongs or sticks, they are heated for about half an hour.
  5. Add 2-5 tbsp to the solution. l. salt to enhance the color, and turn up the heat to bring the water to a boil.
  6. Light jeans are boiled for half an hour, dark ones - 15-30 minutes longer, black ones are boiled for up to an hour and a half.
  7. When the specified time has passed, the fire is turned off and the things are allowed to lie in the solution for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Then the jeans are rinsed. The water should be changed until it stops staining. At the last rinse, vinegar is poured into the basin.

When dyeing cotton in dark colors, the ratio of the weight of the product and the volume of liquid should be 1:20, in light colors - 1:30 or 1:40.

photo: depositphotos.com/ivan_dzyuba

Digestion is also used when processing cotton with natural dyes. Here are a few recipes as an example:

  • Henna is diluted according to the instructions in ceramic dishes, dissolved in hot water and the trousers are boiled in it for half an hour.
  • Add cinnamon (ground coffee or tea leaves) to hot water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and bring the mixture to a boil. The tissue is digested in the solution for 10 minutes.
  • Dry onion husks (4 handfuls per 1 liter of water) are boiled for a quarter of an hour, then put a cloth in a container and continue heating for another 10-15 minutes.

After finishing, the jeans should be hung up on a rope to dry immediately. Leaving them in the basin can cause unwanted smudges on the denim.

Dyeing in the washing machine

Most synthetic dyes are suitable for dyeing fabric in an automatic machine. Depending on the type of chemical product, this method of updating the color of jeans has its own nuances, but the general rules for dyeing are as follows:

  1. A wet wardrobe item is loaded into the drum along with dye and salt. In some cases, the paint is preliminarily diluted, in others it is left dry and placed in the car along with the bag. Sometimes there is no need to add salt (for example, Simplicol paints already have it).
  2. The panel is set to a temperature acceptable for the fabric. Usually 60-80 °, but sometimes 40 ° is enough.
  3. Jeans are dyed in cotton mode and then double rinsed.
  4. Powder for colored fabrics is poured into the cuvette of the device and a regular wash is performed. To consolidate the effect, 50-100 g of vinegar can be poured into the conditioner container.

It is not recommended to dye jeans in the vending machine with aniline dyes, as in this case the color turns out to be paler than when boiling by hand.

Denim creative options

If you want to create original jeans, you need to dye them differently. There are several types of creative processing of products:

Uneven staining

To make original stripes of various types appear on jeans, they can be processed in two ways:

  1. Wet, twist with a tourniquet and bandage in different places with rubber bands. In this form, immerse in a basin and paint in a cold or hot way.
  2. Rip all metal accessories from your pants, including the zipper. Then tie the legs in knots several times or crumple along the entire length. Dissolve the paint in a fireproof glass container, dip the trousers into it. Wrap the container on all sides with cellophane and place in the microwave for 4 minutes. Then the wardrobe item is washed and rinsed without undoing. Straighten the product only during drying.

Applying color stripes

Aniline dyes will help make jeans in whole or in part multi-colored. They are painted on a damp cloth with a brush in different ways:

  1. To create the effect of iridescent colors, paints are applied immediately, in places overlapping each other.
  2. To clearly distinguish between colored areas, liquid pigment is mixed with tragacanth glue in a ratio of 1: 3 or painted jeans are soaked in gelatin dissolved in water (2-3 crystals per 1 liter).
  3. Drawn prints. Acrylic or plastisol paints are used to apply designs of various colors and sizes to denim. They are applied to a dry, clean cloth, pre-stretched on thick cardboard. First, the light details of the template are painted over, then the dark ones. After 15 hours, the fabric is ironed from the seamy side for several minutes, and then from the front through gauze.

In hand-painted things, it is not advisable to go out for a walk in the cold. It is best to wash re-dyed fabrics with laundry soap in a basin.

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Have your favorite jeans lost their color?

Jeans are comfortable, practical and appropriate for almost any event. But over time, they change color, stains may appear on them, but not everyone decides to throw away their favorite thing. The way out of this situation is coloring. In this article, I will explain how and what you can dye black jeans at home.

Jeans - versatile clothing

Before painting

There are a few things to consider before painting things:

  • Analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure... This is a risky business, and the result may not meet expectations.
  • Consider the composition of the fabric... It is easy to change the color of natural fabrics. But if synthetic threads are present, then the color may turn out to be paler.
  • The density and composition of the material affect the final result

  • Consider the original color of the garment... If you repaint white to black, the result will be gray or dark gray. But not black! It is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  • Be sure to work with gloves..
  • Rubber gloves protect the skin of the hands

  • Follow the recommendations indicated on the dye... The instruction will explain the necessary proportions and the procedure.
  • Preparation

    Before changing or updating the color, a denim item must be prepared:

  • Wash. Check for grease. When washing, do not use rinse aids, they can complicate the painting process.
  • Cut off all shortcuts... Labels on jeans in most cases are also stained, and therefore deteriorate. After the process, they can be re-sewn.
  • Cut the shortcut

  • Whiten if necessary... If your jeans are not blue, you will need to use bleach.
  • Preparing a place for work... We clean the surface, cover it with newspapers so that the dyes do not get on the objects that are nearby.
  • Correct preparation - 75% success!


    To improve the dyeing result, it is better to bleach a denim product. For this:

  • We dilute water and bleach in a 1: 1 ratio... It is best to use a deep container, such as a bucket or bowl. If the jeans are light, then a weaker solution is made.
  • Whiteness is a great bleach

  • We place the denim in a container and leave it for 1-2 hours... Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of things, that is, stir.
  • After bleaching you need to additionally rinse the clothes.
  • Jeans should not turn pure white, they will most likely have a yellowish tint. Don't worry, black pigment will paint over everything!

    How and how to dye denim clothes black?

    Now many will ask themselves the question, why complicate things if it's easier to go and buy new pants of any color and size? However, it is not a fact that they will perfectly fit and become loved.

    But small flaws can be hidden under the paint. By changing their color, you will revive the jeans, and they will look like new.

    Give a second life to old jeans

    How to dye jeans black? I have highlighted 3 main ways to change the color. Let's analyze each case separately.

    Method 1. Special paints

    You can buy specialty powder paints online or at your local hardware store. With their help, you can paint a thing in the washing machine. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package.

    This is what a paint bag looks like

    If you have acquired a foreign-made composition, then we proceed as follows:

  • We prepare the jeans, turn them inside out, look at the optimal washing temperature on the tag.
  • Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top.
  • We start the selected washing mode.
  • Add dye instead of washing powder

  • After that, we rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help to fix the color.
  • Then we wash it in the usual way with powder.
  • There are paints that do not spill into the drum, but are placed directly with the packaging in the washing machine. Read the instructions carefully!

    Read the instructions on the packaging before use.

    Method 2. Hair dye

    How to dye black jeans at home if there is no way to purchase a special paint? For such purposes, ordinary hair dye is useful.

    Be careful with shades! And if the jeans are large, then buy 2 packs of paint.

    You can dye jeans with hair dye

  • We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with the solution.
  • We leave everything for 1 hour.
  • We take them out and rinse them first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.
  • This work is best done with gloves.

    Method 3. Dye for fabrics

    My favorite way remains! Now I'm going to show you how to dye black jeans at home using fabric dyes. This method differs from the previous ones in that you have to tinker a little.

    The photo shows fabric paint

    If you have purchased such a paint, do the following:

    • diluted in water (proportions in the instructions for the composition), it is better to use a bucket or a deep container;
    • we put our jeans into the prepared mixture;
    • put it all on fire and boil for 1-1.5 hours;
    • we constantly mix the pants so that they are colored evenly and without streaks;
    • after that we rinse in salt or vinegar water to fix the pigment.

    Rinse your jeans well to avoid streaks.

    other methods

    I'll tell you about rare and interesting ways to change or update the black color on clothes. To refresh the color, you can soak the item in coffee, tobacco or black ink.

  • Coffee or tobacco... We prepare the solution with our own hands:
    • we breed 50 grams of ground coffee or 15 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water;
    • soak black trousers for half an hour, the water should be cool.

    Coffee is a natural color

  • Markers... Of course, we will not directly color our jeans with them! We take a rod from a felt-tip pen, break it and lower it into water so that it changes color. And the paint is ready!
  • Blue, black, blue - choose any for yourself!

    What to look for when choosing coloring agents:

    • on the instruction, it must be indicated on the package;
    • what material it is intended for;
    • if you don’t know what your pants are made of, use all-purpose paint.

    It is best to choose an all-purpose paint

    If lavsan or nitron is present in jeans, then the paints may not saturate the fabric. The result is that the thing will not be colored.

    Specialty powder paints can be expensive and often difficult to find. Ordering via the Internet will take some time, but it is possible to buy.

    Black jeans are practical and comfortable clothes

    Care after staining

    Dyed clothing must be carefully monitored and cared for. Improper washing or drying can change the resulting shade, the item may shed and must be thrown away.

    After staining, you need to properly care for black things.

    I'll share with you a few simple tips:

  • Dry your clothes out of direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  • Wash the first 2-3 washes separately from other items to prevent new paint shedding.
  • Add vinegar in subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.
  • Vinegar keeps the color much longer

  • When washing, use only powder for colored fabrics. White laundry powder contains bleach.
  • Black jeans fit any outfit


    Above, we've covered the most effective ways to dye jeans black. Choose the one that suits you best and don't be afraid to change your style and wardrobe.

    Watch the video in this article for more information on this topic. If you know other methods for dyeing denim clothes, share them in the comments! I would appreciate that!

    Here are some simple tips to bring back or re-color your jeans