Useful tips. Lump-sum allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy

Benefits and payments from the state are still a significant financial support for many young parents. What will be the child benefits in 2017? Read about it in our new article!

Types of child benefits in 2017

As before, in 2017, young parents can expect to receive the following payments from the state:

  • Allowance for registration in early pregnancy - a lump sum payment to women registered up to 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Maternity allowance - paid to working women who are on maternity leave;
  • One-time allowance at the birth of a child - a one-time payment provided to one of the parents;
  • Child care allowance – a monthly allowance that is paid to the mother or one of the relatives who takes care of the newborn

Note! In this article, we talk about helping new parents at the federal level. You can get information about regional benefits and payments from the social security authorities in your region.

Sizes of child benefits in 2017

As you know, child benefits in Russia are indexed every year for the projected inflation rate. From January 1, 2017, the amounts of child allowances are:

Documents for applying for child benefits in 2017

The list of required documents depends primarily on the type of benefit:

Early pregnancy benefit in 2017

To receive this allowance, the expectant mother must contact the accounting department at the place of work / study, or the territorial body of the FSS (if she has the status of unemployed) with the following package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • A certificate from an obstetrician-gynecologist confirming that the pregnant woman was really registered within 12 weeks;

Maternity allowance in 2017

To apply for maternity benefits in 2017, a pregnant woman must also contact the accounting department at the place of work / study or social security authorities at the place of residence and submit the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • Certificate of incapacity for work due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Certificate of salary for the last two years.

One-time allowance at the birth of a child in 2017

The allowance for the birth of a child is issued at the place of work (study) or in the bodies of social protection. In order to receive a payment, one of the parents must provide the following package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • Certificate of birth of the child;

Child care allowance in 2017

To apply for a monthly childcare allowance, young parents must contact the employer's accounting department or the FSS authorities and submit the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • income statement;
  • Child's birth certificate (original and copy);
  • Certificate from the other parent's place of work, confirming that he does not receive this allowance.

Terms of payment of child benefits in 2017

When should child benefits be paid? The answer to this question depends on where exactly you applied for benefits. If you applied to the accounting department at the place of work (study), then these payments should be transferred to your account on the first day of salary (stipend) after submitting the documents. In the event that benefits were issued at the social protection authorities or the FSS, the benefit must be accrued within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of documents.

Where to complain if they do not pay child benefits?

If you are faced with the fact that child benefits are delayed or not paid at all, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. The complaint is written in a free form, you can file it in a way convenient for you: in person, by mail or via the Internet. The standard term for consideration of a complaint is 30 days from the filing of the application.

An employee hired under an employment contract, who is to be replenished in the family, is entitled to three main benefits, which in most cases she receives through the employer: for pregnancy and childbirth, upon the birth of a child and subsequent care for him up to one and a half years. But there is also an additional amount, which, I must say, is not always paid. The very fact of the appointment of such benefits depends on when exactly the woman reported her pregnancy to the antenatal clinic. It would seem that the right to social payments should not intersect with organizational issues of this kind, but, nevertheless, such are the norms of the law. This article will discuss the benefits paid when registering in the early stages of pregnancy.

How to get early pregnancy benefits

When registering in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can apply for benefits if she applied to the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the sick leave, which she will be given at 30 weeks, will be marked accordingly. She will give the right to this payment, which the company where the woman works under an employment contract will be obliged to make. In this sense, the allowance is no different from other payments related to the birth of a child. In the future, the employer will compensate them at the expense of the FSS: either simply reduce the current deductions by the appropriate amount, or submit documents to the social insurance to reimburse the benefits paid.

In some regions, direct payment of benefits directly from the FSS to individuals is provided. In such cases, the employer does not participate in the calculations, but is obliged to collect and prepare for submission to the territorial department of social insurance the documents necessary for calculating benefits.

Benefit payment procedure

As mentioned above, a note about early registration in the antenatal clinic is placed directly on the sick leave issued to the woman for the period of her maternity leave. This happens at 30 weeks of pregnancy or a little later. Delays can be associated mainly with bureaucratic issues that arise in the work of clinics or antenatal clinics.

However, problems due to such delays will not arise either for the woman in labor herself or for her employer. A woman has the right to apply for the payment of any of the maternity benefits within 6 months from the date of the occurrence of the relevant circumstance. In the case of the payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as benefits for early registration, this period is counted from the last day of the period of temporary disability prescribed on the sick leave.

But the amount of benefits for early pregnancy will depend, on the contrary, on the date of the start of the hospital period. The fact is that this allowance is indexed annually, and in recent years this has happened on February 1. So, from February 2016 to January 31, 2017, the allowance was 581.73 rubles. At the moment, its amount has been increased to 613.14 rubles.

Regardless of how the sick leave period intersects with this date, and when the registration with the LCD itself took place, the amount of a specific payment is determined on the date the maternity leave begins on the BIR.


On February 2, 2017, an employee of Romashka LLC Ryazanova A.N. provided a sick leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, opened on December 25, 2016 for a period of 140 calendar days. This sick leave contains a corresponding record of registration in the early stages of pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

Until February 12, the employer, in addition to the basic amount of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, is obliged to pay benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy in the amount corresponding to the period in which the sick leave was opened, that is, in the amount of 581.73 rubles .

Regional indexation of benefits for early pregnancy

If a woman works in those regions of the country where district coefficients are established that increase salary payments, then such coefficients are also applied to the allowance paid in connection with early registration for pregnancy. Actually, in this case, the general rule applies: if the benefit paid is not related to the level of wages to which such indexation has already been applied, but is established, as, for example, in the case under consideration, by a fixed amount at the federal level, then the amount of the benefit must be indexed separately ( Article 5 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).

A one-time allowance for early registration is one-time payment, relying on a medical organization for early pregnancy. for early registration is a fixed amount, which is indexed annually.

This type of material support is aimed at motivating pregnant women to register as early as possible in order to:

  • timely medical examination reduce health risks mothers;
  • check the fetus for abnormalities as early as possible in order to minimize possible threats.

They are engaged in the payment of benefits, which accrue other types of material support due to pregnant women. you need to contact one of them (depending on the woman’s employment status) and provide the necessary documents. depend on the period of application for benefits, as well as through which organization it will be accrued.

To whom is the lump sum paid?

To receive a lump sum payment upon registration in the early stages of pregnancy, in accordance with Art. 9 Federal Law (FZ) No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children", can be counted by women registered in a medical organization up to 12 weeks obstetric period.

Depending on the fact of employment of the woman claiming the payment, the receipt may be in one of two forms:

  • compulsory social insurance;
  • state social security.

To the women subject to social insurance, include the following categories of pregnant women:

  • officially working employees for whom employers pay insurance premiums;
  • dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the employer or individual entrepreneur or the termination of activities subject to state registration (subject to official recognition of their unemployment within 12 months after dismissal);
  • women in civilian personnel in military units located outside the Russian Federation.

To receive a one-time allowance for early registration in the form state social support The following categories of pregnant women are eligible:

  • full-time students;
  • female contract servicemen, as well as employees in the police department, the Federal Penitentiary Service, fire-fighting state bodies, the National Guard troops, customs and drug control agencies.

The amount of payment upon registration up to 12 weeks in 2019

The size of the lump-sum payment for staging in the early stages is determined by Art. 10 of the law on state child benefits and indexed every year according to Art. 4.2 of the same Federal Law. Upon indexation carried out on February 1, 2019 (the coefficient was 1.034), the amount of this payment is equal to RUB 655.49.

In areas with special climatic conditions (in the Far North and equivalent regions) increasing regional coefficients which must be taken into account when assigning payments. This is regulated by Art. 5 of Law No. 81-FZ.

For example, in the city of Norilsk there is a district coefficient equal to 1,8 . This means that in 2019 the amount of the benefit for early registration for pregnancy in a medical institution for residents of this city will be 655.49 x 1.8 = RUB 1179.88.

These payments are not subject to tax charges and are not taken into account in the base of income subject to taxation.

Who pays the early pregnancy registration allowance?

Payment upon registration in medical organizations in the early stages is assigned and carried out at the destination of maternity payments(BiR).

To receive a lump sum payment, a woman must contact one of the authorized organizations. Depending on her social status, benefits can be assigned:

  • at the place of work (service);
  • at the place of study;
  • in the FSS;
  • in the social security authorities.

Employed women receive funds at the place of work (service), fired due to the liquidation of the official place of work, it is necessary to contact the social security authorities. Full-time students receive payment at the place of study - in their educational institution.

In many regions of the Russian Federation, a pilot is operating, according to which benefits are accrued directly from the FSS to officially working citizens. Submission of documents in this case, as before, takes place through the employer.

If there is a court decision about the fact that the employer did not pay benefits or about its bankruptcy, the dismissed woman can apply for payments to FSS directly.

How to apply for an allowance for registration in early pregnancy?

To receive a lump-sum payment, you must provide the organization appointing it with the following documents:

  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic (or any other medical organization), which confirms registration in the early stages of pregnancy (according to paragraph 22 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1012n dated 12/23/2009);
  • application for payment.

A certificate from a medical organization must be issued by a doctor(he must certify it with his personal signature). It must also contain institution seal who issued it. A single form of a medical certificate is not approved; it is drawn up in an arbitrary form.

The application must contain the following information:

  • Name and position of the head of the organization;
  • Name and position of the employee;
  • content in free form;
  • the gestational age at which the woman was registered with a medical organization;
  • date of;
  • signature.

When is the Early Registration Benefit payable?

In practice, the payment for early registration is most often transferred together with. To do this, in accordance with paragraph 24 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009, when submitting documents for the assignment of payments under BiR, it is also necessary attach a certificate from a medical institution, confirming the fact of registration in the early stages of pregnancy.

If a certificate is provided later at the place of work (in the FSS) or study, then the appointment and payment are made within 10 days from the moment it was presented.

If a woman applies for benefits to the social security authorities, then his appointment takes place within 10 days, and the payment is accrued no later than the 26th next (after the submission of documents) month.

Payment is made in one of two ways, which the applicant chooses at her discretion:

  • money transfer through the Russian Post;
  • transfer to a current account (card) through a bank.

A one-time allowance for early registration is assigned on the condition that the woman applied for it not later than six months from the end of maternity leave.

The benefit for pregnancy and childbirth is due to women who have given birth and women who have adopted a child under the age of 3 months, who:

  • are subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, that is, they work;
  • study full-time;
  • perform military service under a contract, serve in the internal affairs bodies, the National Guard troops, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and customs authorities.

The maternity benefit is paid for Maternity leave lasts 70 (in case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, in case of birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

When adopting a child (children) under the age of 3 months, the allowance is paid from the date of adoption until the expiration of 70 (in case of simultaneous adoption of two or more children - 110) calendar days from the date of birth of the child.

"> period of maternity leave. For insured women An insured woman who has an insurance period of less than 6 months is paid a maternity benefit in the amount of no more than the minimum wage established in her region, taking into account the regional coefficient. "> with rare exceptions it is paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, to employees - in the amount of monetary allowance, to students - in the amount of a scholarship. In this case, the allowance cannot exceed a certain amount. You can check the current restrictions on the website of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The allowance is paid at the place of work, service or study. To receive it, you must present:

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • for registration at the place of service or study - a certificate from a medical organization.

In In cases:

  • transferring the husband to work in another area, moving to the place of residence of the husband;
  • illness that prevents the continuation of work or residence in the area (in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the prescribed manner);
  • the need to care for sick family members (if there is a conclusion of a medical organization about the need for a sick family member in constant outside care) or disabled people of group I.
"> In some cases, maternity benefits are also assigned and paid at the last place of work or service, when maternity leave came within a month after dismissal.

3. How to get benefits for women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy?

Payout provided only together with maternity benefit. If the sick leave is not paid, then this benefit is also not provided.

The only additional document required to receive this payment is a certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical organization that registered the woman in the early stages of pregnancy.

The citizenship and place of residence of a woman do not affect the right to receive payment.

Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of an organization or the termination of activities by an employer - an individual, within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, receive benefits in.

Expectant mothers should know that you can start receiving payments already in the early stages of pregnancy. One of these benefits is the allowance for registered in a medical institution. up to 12 weeks, the value of which in 2018 is 628,47 rub. For regions in which a regional wage coefficient is established, the amount of the allowance is calculated taking into account this coefficient.

This amount is indexed annually based on the forecasted level of inflation and is not subject to taxes. Payment to employed expectant mothers is made at the expense of Social Insurance. Students and military personnel from the federal budget. Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise from subventions provided to regional budgets from the federal budget to financially support the expenditure obligations of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

This allowance is paid only:

  • working women, i.e. subject to compulsory social insurance;
  • dismissed on liquidation enterprises within 12 months after receiving the status of unemployed;
  • female students, full-time students;
  • expectant mothers passing contract military service;
  • individual entrepreneurs, private notaries or lawyers who voluntarily pay insurance premiums.

How to get benefits for early registration for pregnancy

Exists two cases grant processing:

  1. If a certificate of early registration is provided simultaneously with documents for receiving maternity benefits (M&R), then these two payments are assigned and paid together.
  2. In the event of a referral after applying for B&D assistance.
    • The employer must pay benefits within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the certificate. The transfer of funds to the recipient is carried out on the next day for the payment of salaries.
    • Dismissed in connection with the termination of the activity of the organization, Social Security accrues benefits until the 26th next month after receiving the necessary documents.

According to Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, the allowable period for applying for benefits is 6 months after completion of maternity leave. When processing documents after the expiration of the established period, the decision on the appointment is made by the territorial body of the insurer if the applicant has a good reason for missing the allowed deadline for applying for payment.

Based on Art. 1 of Law No. 67-FZ of May 30, 2001:

  • the costs of transferring benefits to the recipient are made from the same funds from which benefits are paid;
  • There is no fee for banking operations for enrolling payments.

Where can I make a payment

Depending on which category of recipients the expectant mother belongs to, she must apply for the assignment of benefits to the appropriate organization.

As a rule, a certificate from a antenatal clinic or other medical institution on registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy is sufficient to apply for this benefit. To obtain this certificate, you must contact the antenatal clinic at the place of residence and register in it in 1st trimester of pregnancy.

If a personal doctor in a private clinic monitors the course of pregnancy, you can also register in this institution. The supervising doctor will issue a certificate of early registration for pregnancy. Together with a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth, you take it to the place of work or study. In the case when the mother is an individual entrepreneur and voluntarily paid contributions to the FSS for one year, then this medical certificate must be attributed to the same fund for calculating benefits. Within 10 days, the funds must be credited to the recipient's account.

Regional payments to women in early pregnancy

Due to the fact that the size of the lump-sum allowance for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy is small, therefore, in some regions of the Russian Federation, additional regional benefits for pregnant women are provided for social support for families.

For example, in Moscow there are city payments in addition to federal benefits. Expectant mothers who are permanently registered in the capital are paid a one-time allowance for medical registration up to the 20th week of pregnancy, the amount of which is 600 rubles.

You can find out about the availability of this type of benefit in a separate subject of the Russian Federation from the corresponding page of the regional section of our website.