The consequence of early termination of pregnancy. In the video about the procedure. Possible consequences of self-abortion

In the case when a woman cannot or does not want to bear a child, she undergoes an artificial termination of pregnancy. This procedure disrupts the natural processes in the body and is harmful in any case. However, there are abortion methods that are less dangerous than traditional curettage of the uterine cavity.

Indications and limitations

All indications for early termination of pregnancy are defined in the 2011 Law on the Protection of Citizens' Health. All medical institutions, both state and commercial, are guided by this document.

Artificial interruption of gestation in the 1st trimester is prescribed in the following situations:

  • the patient's desire to interrupt the course of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks (with medical abortion, the optimal time is up to 9 weeks from the end of the last menstruation);
  • medical indications, including interruption.

List of medical indications for termination of pregnancy in the 1st trimester:

  • severe heart disease - defects, myocarditis, endocarditis, decompensated heart failure, malignant hypertension, life-threatening arrhythmias in the mother;
  • infections - tuberculosis, syphilis, rubella;
  • severe infectious diseases - pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, sepsis and others requiring intensive antibiotic treatment;
  • malignant tumors requiring radiation or chemotherapy;
  • severe course of epilepsy and other neurological diseases;
  • severe metabolic disorders, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, decompensated diabetes and others;
  • severe kidney or liver failure;
  • early developmental defects of the embryo leading to the death of the child or severe disability.

In all these situations, the decision on the need for an abortion must be made by the woman. Doctors are obliged to provide her with full information and warn about the risks of gestation.

There are also social indications:

  • pregnancy after rape;
  • depriving a woman of parental rights in relation to her other children, or limiting them;
  • finding the patient in places of confinement;
  • the death of a spouse or the presence of a disability group I.

In such situations, the decision to carry out the manipulation is also made by the pregnant woman herself. However, in these cases, the procedure is often performed in the second trimester.

Possible reasons for refusing early abortion:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - colpitis, vaginitis, endocervicitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis;
  • purulent foci in the body, abscesses, chronic tonsillitis;
  • acute respiratory illness;
  • less than six months from the previous artificial interruption;
  • suspicion of.

In such situations, termination of pregnancy can be complicated by severe pathological processes from the internal organs, which will pose a threat to life. There are additional contraindications for abortion with medication, then the woman will be offered a surgical method.

Types of procedures used in the early stages

There are the following types of termination of pregnancy:

  • (with the help of medicines);
  • , which includes mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) and curettage (curettage).

The choice of the method largely depends on the capabilities of the medical institution. In clinics funded by the state, this procedure is free of charge. Now doctors around the world have recognized scraping as an outdated method and do not recommend using it in the 1st trimester.

Medical (drug) abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy is the most effective and modern procedure for early induced abortion. It is carried out with the use of studied, registered and approved medicines - Mifepristone and Misoprostol. These medicines come in pill form. They are prescribed for the first 9 weeks of gestation from the date the last menstrual period ended. Injections, if necessary, to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages are not used.

Advantages of the method

Medical abortion is the best method. Its advantages:

  • no severe side effects;
  • efficiency up to 98%;
  • no side effects associated with anesthesia and surgical intrauterine manipulations;
  • low risk of infection of the uterus from the lower genital tract;
  • the absence of the likelihood of infection, HIV infection, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections;
  • good psychological tolerance, no emotional trauma;
  • no negative effect on fertility, even in women who have not previously become pregnant.

Additional restrictions

In addition to the above contraindications, medical abortion is not used in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • long-term treatment with prednisolone and other glucocorticoids;
  • failure of liver or kidney function;
  • porphyria;
  • fibroids of the uterus with a diameter of the largest node of more than 4 cm, deformation of the inner walls of the organ;
  • anemia with hemoglobin levels up to 100 g / l;
  • blood clotting pathology, taking anticoagulants;
  • glaucoma, asthma, hypertension, diabetes;
  • breast-feeding;
  • presence (IUD must first be removed);
  • the onset of pregnancy while taking oral contraceptives (this increases the likelihood of large blood loss).

Execution stages

First, an initial appointment is carried out, a consultation on subsequent contraception, because a new conception can occur as early as 2 weeks after an abortion; usually it is recommended to take from the day of interruption or to insert an intrauterine device immediately after the procedure.

Drugs used for early termination of pregnancy

An examination is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound to establish the gestational age;
  • blood test with the definition of its group and Rh-affiliation, diagnosis of syphilis, HIV infection, determination of hCG;
  • vaginal smear for microflora and degree of purity;
  • consultation with a therapist;
  • if necessary - blood biochemistry, clotting indices, examination by specialized doctors for relevant diseases.

During the second visit, the patient signs a voluntary consent to the medical procedure. In the presence of a gynecologist, she takes an abortion medication. This is Mifepristone - 1 or 3 tablets. The woman is monitored for two hours and then released home.

The third visit takes place 1-2 days after the second. The woman takes Misoprostol 2 or 4 tablets, depending on the gestation period. These pills can be inserted into the vagina, that is, they can be used as suppositories to terminate a pregnancy. The vaginal route of administration is the least likely to cause side effects. After the introduction of the pill, the patient should lie for at least half an hour. Misoprostol can be taken by mouth, over the cheek, or under the tongue.

After taking the medicine, the following symptoms appear in the next 3-4 hours:

  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • moderate pain in the lower abdomen, as with normal menstruation.

In the case of a negative Rh factor, an anti-Rh immunoglobulin is administered to a woman to prevent a possible future Rh-conflict.

If the bleeding corresponds to the usual menstruation or a little more profuse (it depends on the period), the patient is allowed to go home. Discharge can persist for a week, extremely rarely - until the beginning of the next period.

If the term was less than 4 weeks, 95% of women experience an abortion as a regular period. Therefore, the medical method used in the early stages is a practically safe interruption of gestation.

The fourth visit is scheduled 14 days after the second. The patient is examined, an ultrasound scan is performed, and an analysis is made for hCG. If the pregnancy continues to develop, that is, the medical abortion was ineffective, the patient is offered vacuum aspiration of the fetus.

Possible consequences

80% of women have no complaints. Short-term side effects occur in 2-20% of patients.

The main immediate consequences of medical termination of pregnancy:

Pain caused by uterine contraction

Occurs in half of women. This is a natural manifestation of abortion. To stop it, Ibuprofen, No-Shpa, Baralgin are used. The unpleasant sensations stop shortly after the release of the ovum, usually a few hours after the last pill is consumed.


Usually up to 150 ml of blood is lost. To determine the volume, a "pad test" is carried out: within 2 hours, no more than 4 pads of the maximum size must be soaked. For more voluminous blood loss, which can cause anemia, the following are prescribed:

  • the introduction of Oxytocin (in 2% of cases);
  • vacuum aspiration (in 1% of patients);
  • blood transfusion (in 1-2 out of 1000 women).

Incomplete abortion

It occurs in 5% of women. Eliminated by vacuum aspiration or scraping.

Developing pregnancy

Occurs in 1% of cases or less. If the patient wishes to save the child, she is warned about the likely negative effect of the drugs taken on the fetus. Although it is still believed that they do not cause fetal malformations, do not disrupt the hormonal cycle, and do not adversely affect fertility. Therefore, the termination of the first pregnancy in the early stages, if necessary, is best done with the use of medication.


Normally, it appears only in some and lasts up to 2 hours. The patient is advised to consult a doctor if the temperature persists for more than 4 hours after taking the last pill or if the fever appears more than a day after the manipulation.

Infectious complications

Endometritis develops extremely rarely, therefore antibiotics for its prevention are prescribed only to patients from the risk group who have:

  • untreated, identified within the last year;
  • chlamydia in a sexual partner;
  • 2 or more sexual partners in the last six months;
  • age up to 25 years;
  • previously transferred intrauterine procedures;
  • low income, social disadvantage.

Such patients are prescribed Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Metronidazole.

Nausea and vomiting

After taking the pills, 50% of patients feel sick, and vomiting occurs in 30% of them. Such symptoms disappear within 5-6 hours after the procedure. If vomiting occurs within the first 60 minutes, Mifepristone is re-prescribed. If a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, then even before using medications, she needs to take Cerucal, eat half an hour later, and after that take Mifepristone.

Dizziness, fainting, loose stools

Appear in 20% of patients and disappear spontaneously after 5-6 hours.

Allergic rash

If a skin rash develops, you should take an antihistamine, and if you have a severe allergy, seek medical attention.

Mini abortion

This is the name of the vacuum termination of pregnancy. This method is used in government clinics along with curettage, but is used only in 20% of cases. However, according to international recommendations, curettage should not be used at all for early induced abortion.

Produced up to 12 weeks of gestation. The effectiveness of this method is 99.8%.

Execution technique

Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration)

Procedure steps:

  • to prepare the cervix, the patient takes Mifepristone 2 days before the procedure;
  • in 1-2 hours she is injected with an antibiotic;
  • the woman is in the gynecological chair;
  • the vagina and neck are cleaned with an antiseptic;
  • the neck is anesthetized by the introduction of a solution for local anesthesia;
  • in some cases, the expansion of the cervical canal is performed, but often this is not required;
  • a plastic cannula connected to a suction syringe is inserted into the uterine cavity;
  • the surgeon carefully removes the embryo and its membranes, then removes the cannula and cleans the area of ​​intervention;
  • aspiration can be done manually or using an electrical device;
  • the patient is monitored for 2-3 hours, but not hospitalized.

Immediately after vacuum aspiration, the removed tissue is sent for microscopic examination to determine if all parts of the ovum have been removed. If the abortion is incomplete, the procedure is repeated. Efficiency control is also carried out using ultrasound.

Possible complications

These include:

  • intense bleeding, developing in 1 patient in 1000;
  • (risk 1: 1000 and below);
  • cervical injury (risk 1% or less);
  • extremely rare - infection of the uterine cavity.

These complications may require blood transfusion or surgery.


After any abortion, the surface of the uterus is a wound that can become infected. To prevent it, it is recommended:

  • in the first 2 weeks, do not take a bath, do not swim in a pool or pond;
  • take antibiotics as directed by a doctor;
  • before the completion of the first menstruation after the procedure (usually 20-22 days after the procedure), do not have sex.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in such situations:

  • unexpected temperature rise;
  • the appearance of abdominal pain;
  • persisting for 4 hours or more bleeding from the vagina;
  • the onset of menstruation earlier than expected or its delay; the menstrual cycle is not normally disturbed.

Additional ways

Early termination of pregnancy with folk remedies is prohibited. It can result in incomplete abortion, severe bleeding and death of the patient. Those who help carry out an illegal abortion are criminally liable.

Herbs for termination of pregnancy cannot be used, regardless of whether it is early or later. A woman should know which plants can damage her and cause an unwanted abortion. These are bird knotweed, ergot, senna, grass and primrose flowers. Infusions of herbs oregano, tansy, St. John's wort, parsley, calendula are no less harmful for a pregnant woman and can even cause the death of a developing embryo.

To terminate an ectopic pregnancy, a surgical operation is used to remove the embryo from the tube and restore its integrity. Such an intervention is performed in an open way, with an incision in the abdominal wall, or laparoscopically.

Early abortion is the cessation of the development of the ovum and its expulsion from the uterus by spontaneous or artificial means. Consider the reasons, features and consequences of this.


According to statistics, every eighth pregnancy, and only of those known to doctors, is terminated naturally, without deliberate intervention, taking abortion and toxic drugs, etc. But how many women do not come to the doctor immediately when they find out that that in position, and then, realizing that there was a miscarriage.
And the statistics on the number of miscarriages are the worse, the older the woman, because spontaneous abortion at an early stage occurs most often due to accidental but serious chromosomal abnormalities. The risk of their occurrence is especially high in women over 35 years old.

Another cause of failure may be progesterone deficiency. Progesterone is the main hormone required for the development of the ovum. In order to prevent miscarriage, if a woman has regular pain in the uterus, spotting, spontaneous abortion in the early stages has repeatedly happened, she is prescribed progesterone preparations for oral and (or) vaginal administration. The second method is considered by modern doctors to be the best. Thus, progesterone is well absorbed. What is all the more important if a woman has toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting.

Immunological causes. In some diseases, the mother's immunity rejects the fetus itself, as if protecting itself from it. This is antiphospholipid syndrome, the formation of antibodies to progesterone, chorionic gonadotropin. In this case, pregnancy requires serious medical support.

Finally, the third cause is infection. It can be chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and other infections. If they enter the uterus, they have a negative effect on the endometrium, leading to detachment of the ovum. Knowing that this is a common cause of early miscarriage, doctors advise planning a pregnancy. And this means, even before the onset of sexual activity without means of protection, you need to donate smears and blood for various infections. And if any of them are identified - to be treated, and only then think about conception. By the way, infections threaten not only early miscarriage, but also the birth of a child with severe congenital diseases.

Artificial abortion

Any adult Russian woman can get rid of pregnancy at will for up to 12 weeks. There are three ways to terminate a pregnancy. The first two are well known to many women. These types of early abortions have been carried out for a long time and everywhere. This is vacuum aspiration and the so-called cleaning of the uterus, a classic abortion. But in recent years, another type of termination of pregnancy has gained great popularity - medication. The choice of the method of abortion depends primarily on the duration of pregnancy, and secondly on the material capabilities of the woman. Of course, there are negative consequences of early abortions. And this is regardless of the method of termination of pregnancy. However, there are much fewer of them in the medical method.

Pharmacological abortion

With the help of pills, you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy if it is no more than 6 weeks old (it is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. Medical abortion is performed early at home, which is its undoubted advantage. Although you still have to visit the doctor at least 2 times. The first time, when a small examination is carried out, an ultrasound of the uterus is mandatory to clarify the location of the ovum and the gestational age, as well as the issuance of drugs. And the second time after a miscarriage, after 7-14 days, to do an ultrasound again and make sure that miscarriage) was complete.

The advantage of early abortion in this way is that it does not interfere with the uterus. That is, perforation of the uterus with a sharp surgical instrument during cleaning is excluded, there will be no infectious complications. Anesthesia is not required, and the woman experiences relatively little pain that can be relieved with pain medication.

Many women are interested in which early abortion pills are called in order to purchase them on their own. These are "Mifepristone" and "Misoprostol" (active ingredients), but fortunately they are not sold in pharmacies. Very serious drugs with side effects. If a woman takes them later than the permissible terms, then severe bleeding may open, and the miscarriage may be incomplete.

Of course, medical termination of pregnancy is not a free service. But it is not worth risking your health by purchasing drugs from your hands, taking them without knowing exactly your gestational age, the fact that the ovum develops in the uterus, and not somewhere in the fallopian tube, is not worth it.

Vacuum aspiration

This surgery is also called an early mini-abortion. The prefix "mini" is used because the procedure does not require the expansion of the cervical canal and curettage of the walls of the uterus. It is performed without any restrictions, in the case of good smear results (no inflammation in the vagina and cervix), confirmed uterine pregnancy for a period of less than 7 weeks (20 days of delayed menstruation). Although early vacuum abortion can be performed a little later. However, this will already require the use of cervical dilators. Therefore, anesthesia is necessary. A very painful procedure.

If the time permits, a vacuum abortion in the early stages is carried out directly in the antenatal clinic, after anesthetic injections, which are usually placed intramuscularly and into the cervix, there can also be an injection of an antispasmodic. The whole procedure takes literally 5-7 minutes. In the process, a woman may feel a pulling pain, as happens during menstruation. After the procedure, it is usually advised to lie down on the couch for a while, and then go home.

In very rare cases, a woman has to repeat the procedure after a few days due to the fact that the abortion was incomplete. Bleeding after a mini-abortion is almost never profuse. Lasts no more than 5-7 days.

Curettage of the uterus

This definition hides the most famous surgical abortion, which is performed with the expansion of the cervix and curettage of its cavity. It is performed exclusively in stationary conditions and now, in most cases, under general anesthesia, since the procedure is very painful, local anesthesia does not help relieve pain very well.

A woman is sent for uterine curettage if she wants to terminate a pregnancy for a period of 7-8 to 12 weeks. And first, he must be tested. And in the case of general anesthesia, a conversation with an anesthesiologist is also mandatory.

Surgical abortion lasts about 15-20 minutes. After that, the woman is taken to the ward, where she remains for another 2-4 hours, until she completely recovers from the anesthesia.

This type of abortion is the most traumatic of those that we have already talked about. Both the cervix are injured as a result of its expansion, the imposition of bullet forceps on it (especially if they suddenly bounce off), and the cavity, especially if the doctor cleans it too thoroughly. All this can negatively affect the ability to conceive and bear a child, that is, on a woman's reproductive abilities. Although a method that allows a smoother abortion to be carried out is now actively used - these are kelp algae, which are inserted into the cervical canal of a pregnant woman so that it smoothly begins to expand. By the same principle, the cervix has been preparing for a long time for childbirth in women.

Severe uterine bleeding can also be a consequence, especially if the pregnancy was more than 8 weeks. Then doctors prescribe a hemostatic drug. Endometritis can begin if infectious pathogens enter the uterine cavity. As a prevention of this, antibiotics are prescribed. Well, so that they, in turn, do not provoke vaginal candidiasis (thrush), "Fluconazole" (a drug with any trade name, but containing this chemical) is prescribed for two doses.

If the pregnancy turned out to be unwanted

If you are wondering how to get an abortion at an early stage of pregnancy is the most affordable and safer for your health, contact the antenatal clinic at your place of residence or a private clinic. Regular (non-medical) abortion in government clinics is free of charge. Just do not try to get rid of the child on your own! Criminal abortions are often fatal.

Not many girls, having learned about pregnancy, are ready to become parents and be responsible for the little man. But for successful motherhood, it is necessary that conception is planned, and the child is desired. If pregnancy was not part of the woman's plans, and conception was accidental, then girls, as a rule, do an artificial termination. Someone applies to the ZhK, and someone is trying to carry out an early termination of pregnancy with folk remedies. How effective and safe such methods are, is it worth using them, the probable complications and other subtleties we will consider below.

Serious planning can help avoid unwanted conception

Pregnancy must necessarily be desired for both parents, who prepared in advance and planned such a crucial step. Then carrying will not be a burden, and the ongoing changes in the body will only delight.

If a woman finds out about a pregnancy that is not desirable for her, then she begins to look for ways to get rid of such a conception. Not everyone applies for professional medical care, many use traditional methods of termination of pregnancy. The safest terms for interruption by folk methods are the first 5 weeks. A miscarriage at such a time has a minimal likelihood of developing adverse complications. The fertilized cell has not yet properly anchored to the endometrium and does not have much protection against negative factors, which complicates the preservation of gestation and increases the chances of termination.

Various factors such as overheating and nervous stress, infection, etc. can provoke an interruption. Some medicinal herbs have a similar abortive effect, so they have long been used to perform home abortion. Such techniques make it possible to do without surgery, because the fetus comes out naturally along with bleeding. But it is difficult to control such processes at home, bleeding can become too strong, which is dangerous with blood loss or incomplete fetal output, fraught with purulent and infectious complications. Traditional techniques are still safer in this regard.

How effective are these methods

The decision to have an abortion always remains with the patient, but before resorting to folk remedies for abortion, it is worth considering that there will be no way back after such actions. If the interruption process is not entirely successful and the fetus continues to develop, then this can lead to the birth of a disabled child. In addition, complications may develop during a home abortion or termination simply will not occur. Therefore, having decided on such a risky act, it is necessary to be prepared for possible problems and not resort to such methods at a later date of gestation.

Before using the broth, consultation with a doctor is required.

To avoid the absence of an abortive effect or the development of any complications, it is necessary to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its duration. In addition, you need to competently approach the choice of a home method, study it, read the reviews of those who used a similar method of abortion. You also need to take care of your own safety, so it is better that someone from the household is nearby, and there is always a phone at hand to call an ambulance.

After such an interruption, it is imperative to undergo a gynecological examination and do an ultrasound scan of the uterine cavity in order to know for sure that a miscarriage has occurred and there is nothing left inside, otherwise the development of complications cannot be avoided.

Home interruption with medicinal plants

Alternative medicine has many recipes to help terminate pregnancy with folk remedies without the use of surgical intervention. Medicinal plants with an abortive effect are widely used for home abortion. Such herbs work in different directions, they can provoke the development of the tone of the uterine body or stop the vital processes of the fetus, which in the future will lead to spontaneous interruption.

For the purpose of causing a miscarriage, plants can be used in the form of infusions, enemas or decoctions. As a rule, they contain toxic components, therefore they have a toxic effect. Therefore, when using such interruption methods, the recommended dosages must be strictly observed.

  • Anise. Abortions often include this herb because it causes uterine bleeding to develop. The herb of anise has long been used by doctors for the purpose of disrupting gestation and getting rid of unwanted fruit. Two large lodges of crushed dry raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, and then insist for another half hour. When the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and 50 ml is drunk before meals for 20 minutes.
  • Barberry. For abortive purposes, an alcoholic infusion of the foliage of this plant is used. Two large spoons of raw materials are insisted for two weeks in 100 ml of alcohol or high-quality vodka. The container must be removed to a dry and dark place. As you age, the medicine will begin to turn yellow, and then it will acquire a brown tint. You need to take barberry tincture 25 drops three times a day, you can dilute them with water. Often, such a remedy is used as emergency contraception.
  • It is widely believed that an abortion with folk remedies can be carried out using the well-known aloe. It would seem that such a harmless plant, which is often used to treat even children. However, when it is used, active contractions of the uterine muscles begin, which leads to the expulsion of the ovum. For an abortive effect, the plant must be taken in the form of juice. A single serving is the juice of one leaf of a medium-sized plant. You need to take the remedy 4 times a day. You can also just chew the leaves.
  • Oregano. Another medicinal plant, better known for its healing properties, rather than abortive effects. To interrupt bearing, it is necessary to prepare an aqueous infusion of 0.5 liters of boiling water and 2 large tablespoons of a dry plant. As a result of the use of such a drink, bleeding begins and the fetus is expelled.

Other herbs

It is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy to a particular plant.

Marsh Ledum. The finished dried plant can be purchased at pharmacies. A teaspoon of dry herb is brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled for a minute, and then insisted for another hour and a half under the lid. It is necessary to take such an infusion three times a day, two large spoons before meals.

Tansy. A strong decoction must be prepared from this plant. Tansy provokes the occurrence of uterine contractions, which lead to the expulsion of the fetus. Two small spoons of plant flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is taken before meals 3 r / d for 50 g. When pronounced cramp-like pain sensations appear, the reception is stopped. After taking the remedy, some girls did not have pain, but just bloody discharge, similar to menstruation, appeared.

The above methods of termination of pregnancy can have dangerous consequences, therefore, it is not worth resorting to them once again, because there are more qualified abortive methods.

Disruption of pregnancy with pills

There are many drugs that can cause miscarriage. Usually, their effectiveness is explained by the ability to block the production of progesterone, which makes the further development of pregnancy impossible. Such pills will help to successfully interrupt conception only with a short gestation period (up to 5-6 weeks), that is, they must be taken from the first day of the delay.

The most famous of this category of drugs for home abortion is Mifegin. Experts say that the abortive efficacy of the drug is 100%, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is negligible. Pencrofton is also widely used for drug interruption, and its effectiveness is also quite high if taken up to a 6-week gestation period.

Usually, already a few hours after taking the drug, the patient develops a pulling soreness in the abdomen and bloody discharge, which indicates that an abortion has begun. Approximately 3-4 days after such a procedure, a woman must undergo an ultrasound scan in order to exclude complications. If, during the interruption, the woman felt a sharp deterioration in health, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Additional interrupt methods

If you feel unwell, you should seek medical help.

There are other methods of home interruption of unwanted conception, but they must be used with extreme caution, since such methods can lead to very dangerous consequences, up to irreversible infertility or death. And experts are extremely negative about such dangerous experiments with their own health.

Some girls, having learned about conception, begin to actively carry weights, overloading the body and trying to provoke a pregnancy failure. Indeed, lifting weights causes tension and spasms of the uterine muscles, which can trigger a miscarriage. Various jumps, including from a height, are also referred to physical overloads, but it is only unknown how much to jump and how. Therefore, in practice, such methods rarely end with a successful interrupt.

Among the most famous home methods for terminating pregnancy are the following:

  1. Mustard bath. This method is considered one of the oldest, and quite dangerous. You need to take a hot bath and add mustard powder to it and mix well. They take such a bath for about half an hour, adding hot water if necessary to maintain the desired temperature. Under the influence of mustard and hot water, blood circulation increases, the pressure in the uterine body rises and abortive processes are triggered. If you nevertheless decide on such a dangerous method of interruption, someone must always be nearby, because due to hot water loss of consciousness is possible or the bleeding that opens will be too profuse. In such cases, it is imperative to call a doctor.
  2. Bay leaf. Also a fairly old method based on the reception of laurel broth. A package of leaves is steamed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. The broth is drunk in one go, and the remaining leaves are wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina at night.
  3. Iodine solution. To interrupt in this way, you need to heat a glass of milk and add 10 drops of iodine to it. Drink the drink immediately. The method quite often leads to freezing of the fetus, and then its rejection. But practice shows that after such an interruption, the ovum is not always rejected, so a woman still has to cleanse the uterine body. In addition, if after using such a method, a breakdown does not occur, then the child will most likely be born with congenital abnormalities.

Home abortion methods are risky and can lead to very dangerous complications.

Possible consequences of self-abortion

Among the most common consequences of traditional abortive methods is the lack of a result. A woman drinks some kind of decoction and is waiting for a miscarriage, but it does not happen. Well, if the effect is completely absent, then the development of the fetus will continue without any deviations. It is dangerous if such events lead to freezing of the fetus or the egg does not come out completely. Then putrefactive processes will begin inside and infection will occur.

Also, uncontrolled bleeding, poisoning with herbal poisons, irreversible infertility and even death become a frequent complication of home abortions. Therefore, it is better to take care of contraception in advance, so that later you do not have to look for artisanal methods for disrupting unwanted gestation.

A group of medicines for emergency termination of pregnancy is presented in pharmacies. The tablets should be taken immediately after unprotected intercourse, within the first 1-3 days. Of course, pregnancy for a period of several hours does not diagnose any tests. The drugs are designed to rather prevent the fertilization of the egg and its implantation. Among these drugs, the following are the most popular:

  • Postinor, Escapel. A pack of two pills contains a large dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which acts on the ovaries, and also provokes endometrial detachment and profuse bleeding. The egg cannot attach to the uterus and leaves it.
  • Ginepristone. The medicine does not interfere with the fertilization of the egg, but inhibits the production of the hormone progesterone. Without it, the development of the embryo is impossible and the pregnancy is terminated.
Attention! The effectiveness of the interruption depends on the length of time the tablet is taken. On average, it is about 85%. After admission, it is imperative to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, and refute the fact that the pregnancy continues. Although the girl can freely buy the named medicines, they cannot be used more than twice a year. After the first intake, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted for 3-4 months.

Preparing for an abortion

When thinking about how to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at an early stage, a woman has a fairly large choice. However, each type of abortion includes contraindications, so you first need to undergo a full examination. As soon as it became known about an unwanted pregnancy, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. He does an examination, takes swabs and does an ultrasound scan. Next, laboratory tests are assigned:

  • analysis for blood group, Rh factor, coagulability;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • general urine analysis.

If the gynecologist is inclined towards a surgical abortion using general anesthesia, additional examinations are needed:

  • blood chemistry.

When all examinations are completed, the doctor determines how to terminate the pregnancy early and sets the date for the patient's visit. On the day indicated, it is better for her to cancel all cases. Usually, you only need to spend a few hours in the clinic, but in case of unexpected deterioration, it is better not to plan serious events. And the general state of health after termination of pregnancy is not conducive to serious stress.

Attention! It is important to rule out an ectopic pregnancy before an abortion. With her, any type of abortion is impractical, a more complex abdominal operation is performed.

Early abortion with pills

There is no easier way than to terminate early pregnancy with pills. Of course, it is not completely harmless, but the consequences for the body are much less than with surgery. The effectiveness of medical abortion during the first 7 weeks of pregnancy is quite high. However, according to doctors, in women over 35 years of age, pharmaceutical abortion often ends with an ongoing pregnancy.

Medical termination of pregnancy has a number of contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • low blood clotting;
  • uterine fibroids and other types of tumors.

Preliminary examinations are directed to their identification. If no health problems are identified, the patient comes to the doctor. He gives her a few pills to drink (Mifegin, Mifepristone). These funds reduce the level of the "pregnancy hormone" (progesterone), which leads to fetal fading. Reception must take place in the presence of a gynecologist. The next few hours also need to be spent under the supervision of doctors. They must make sure that the medicine is absorbed without consequences.

On the third day, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist again and take a drug of the prostaglandin group (Mirolyut, Misoprostol). They soften the cervix and cervical mucus and cause muscle contraction. Within a few minutes, the uterus begins to actively free itself from the contents. The process is accompanied by profuse discharge and pain. For the first few hours, the doctor monitors the patient's condition, and then lets her go home. Before leaving, she receives strict recommendations in case of deterioration in well-being.

Vacuum abortion

Termination of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration refers to a gentle surgical intervention and is carried out in a hospital setting. This method is used during pregnancy 6-8 weeks. The entire procedure is performed in one visit. The abortion itself lasts several minutes, and the patient spends 2-5 hours in the clinic. Vacuum aspiration is performed under local or general anesthesia, so women do not experience pain.

A small-diameter tube is inserted into the uterus through which the ovum is sucked in. The cervical canal expands slightly, so the risk of injury is low. It is also important that the deep endometrium is not damaged. That is, no scars are formed on the uterus, which can lead to subsequent infertility.

Important! To make sure that the ovum is removed, the gynecologist must use an ultrasound machine during the abortion.

And yet, a surgical abortion is fraught with the risk of infection and subsequent inflammation of the uterus, therefore, a course of antibiotics is prescribed after it.

Curettage of the uterus

Even in the early stages of pregnancy, after the examinations, the gynecologist can prescribe a curettage of the uterus. This operation is considered the most difficult, but with a good qualification of a specialist, it also takes place without consequences. It is carried out in the presence of polyps, scars or other complications of pregnancy.

In a hospital setting, a woman on a gynecological chair is immersed in anesthesia. The cervix has to be expanded more, which carries the risk of tissue rupture and further muscle weakness. The endometrium, together with the ovum, is completely separated from the walls using sharp surgical instruments. This is accompanied by profuse blood loss, as well as the danger of damage to the myometrium and perforation of the uterus. However, we must pay tribute, professionals make such oversights extremely rarely.

Curettage lasts about 30-40 minutes, then the woman recovers for several hours in the ward. If her health is within the normal range, she can be discharged from the hospital on the same day. Before leaving, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives to restore the body. He also advises on possible aggravations after termination of pregnancy, which require immediate hospitalization. It is better to stay in bed at home until the end of the day.

Folk recipes for termination of pregnancy

Today, traditional medicine is quite developed and offers pregnant women several relatively safe ways to terminate a pregnancy early. Girls over the age of 16 have the right not to notify their parents or ask their permission for an abortion. However, there are still those who prefer alternative methods of termination of pregnancy.

How can you get rid of your unborn child at home? The most common use of herbal decoctions. Infusions from some harmless plants in high concentration help to increase the tone of the uterus and terminate pregnancy. Among such herbs are barberry, bay leaf, field carnation, marsh wild rosemary, watercress. After a few days, the pregnant woman begins to experience cramps and profuse bleeding. However, no one can guarantee that the uterus is completely cleansed. Even a small blood clot will lead to inflammation or prolonged bleeding. If the termination of pregnancy does not occur, the risk of developmental pathologies increases sharply in such a child.

Another recipe is to drink milk with iodine or tansy decoction. This leads to the death of the fetus in the uterus, however, the tissues do not exfoliate, but decompose right inside.

Some women find hot mustard baths to be an effective method of abortion. It causes blood flow to the uterus and heavy bleeding. Of course, the likelihood of a miscarriage is high, but the risk of being hospitalized with bleeding is even greater.

Important! None of the traditional methods guarantee a positive result. In this case, complications occur more often and take longer to heal. A woman is threatened not only with infertility, but also with death.

Rehabilitation after abortion

Proper rehabilitation after an abortion will help maintain women's health. You should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take all prescribed medications. They will help prevent the spread of infection and restore hormones. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene and proper nutrition. Early abortion, while easier, still hurts the immune system. Often after him, a woman suffers from colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases for a long time.

Important! Contraception needs to be taken seriously. If the first abortion today rarely causes infertility, then each subsequent one reduces the chances of conceiving and carrying a child normally.

You can get rid of unwanted pregnancies in the early stages with a minimum of health risks with the help of special drugs. What is contained in the composition of the funds, and how is the procedure for medical abortion.

Pharmacological properties

In gynecology, medical abortion is one of the most common procedures.

The preparations contain a large amount of hormones. It is this composition that makes it possible for the muscles of the uterus to contract strongly and lead to miscarriage. After a mini-abortion, a woman begins bloody discharge, with which the ovum, rejected by the uterus, comes out.

Abortion pill names:

  1. Emergency contraceptive Postinor based on synthetic hormones. The main active ingredient of the drug: levonorgestrel. Acts in a complex way: interrupts ovulation and has an abortive effect. Postinor for early termination of pregnancy is taken in stages. The first reception of Postinor - no later than 72 hours after sexual contact, the second reception of Postinor - 12 hours later. Postinor can be purchased in pharmacy chains without a prescription, but with uncontrolled use and non-compliance with dosages, it can cause a number of side effects.
  2. Mifepristone and Misoprostol according to the scheme. Increase the contractility of the myometrium, exfoliate the ovum. The funds are shown in the early period of conception (up to 42 days). Medicines based on mifepristone are considered to be highly effective, with a minimum of side effects and contraindications. On the basis of mifepristone, a number of similar pills for early termination of pregnancy have been released: Pencrofton, Mifolian, Mifegin.

What pills will terminate a pregnancy with a 100% result? Manufacturers claim that the effectiveness of all medications is close to 100%, and there are almost no complications. But each organism is unique and therefore the procedure is best carried out after the appointment, under the supervision of a gynecologist.

To terminate a pregnancy with pills, until when can I see a doctor? According to the protocol, the interruption procedure can be carried out for a period of up to six weeks. It is during this period that the pills instead of abortion will act with minimal risks of complications.

Advantages of drugs

With the help of medical abortion, unwanted conception can be interrupted without surgery. But pills for abortion can be prescribed only in the initial stages, when menstruation is delayed by no more than 49 days.

Pill abortion has several advantages:

  1. The lowest rates of the likelihood of post-abortion infertility.
  2. If surgical intervention involves trauma to the cervix with frequent unwanted complications, then pills for early termination of pregnancy, taken in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse, will not harm the patient's health.
  3. The patient does not require inpatient conditions or hospitalization. The medicine can be taken on an outpatient basis.
  4. For medical termination of pregnancy with drugs, a long recovery period is not required. After three days, the patient can return to her normal life.
  5. Women who have not given birth are allowed to drink pills. This interruption procedure does not give complications in the form of secondary infertility.
  6. With a medical procedure, there is no risk of contracting HIV infection, hepatitis.
  7. In terms of pain, it does not differ from ordinary menstrual pain.

From a moral and emotional point of view, the patient tolerates drug interruption much easier, and there is no need for a long rehabilitation period.


Drugs for early termination of pregnancy are classified as potent drugs. Abortion pills are prohibited for the following categories of patients:

  1. Women under 18 and over 36 years old.
  2. If the woman has taken oral contraceptives in the past three months.
  3. Women with an intrauterine device.
  4. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy.
  5. With an irregular menstrual cycle.
  6. Women with diseases of the hematopoietic system (anemia, hemophilia, coagulation disorders).
  7. After prolonged use of steroid drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  8. If there is a history of the following pathologies: bronchial asthma, erosive diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, hypertension, endocrine diseases, a tendency to allergic reactions, severe kidney and liver failure, chronic diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Medication interruption is also not indicated for patients with individual intolerance to the main and additional components of drugs.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can affect the effectiveness of drugs. It is forbidden to take them together!

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can provoke irreversible hormonal disorders. Therefore, any of the tablets should be selected individually by the doctor. Abortion with the help of pills requires compulsory medical supervision.

Procedure steps

Before prescribing pills for medical termination of pregnancy, the specialist conducts a full gynecological examination of the patient. Additionally, laboratory tests, an ultrasound scan to clarify the time frame, and consultations of narrow specialists will be prescribed.

What pills can terminate a pregnancy, in what combinations they will be used - the choice is exclusively a doctor. He will take into account laboratory data, comorbidities, the patient's age.

After that, the doctor writes out a prescription for the pills, and the woman signs a document in which she expresses her consent to the procedure.

The patient takes pills for pregnancy, and is under the supervision of a doctor for four hours. If she feels well, the doctor lets the patient go home. Within a few days, the muscles of the uterus will begin to reject the ovum, and profuse bleeding will begin with moderate cramping and throbbing pains. According to the doctor's prescription, the patient is allowed to take analgesics.

On the background of drug interruption, the patient may feel a headache with dizziness and weakness. Usually, these symptoms go away on their own and do not require additional medical intervention.

By the end of the third week after the procedure, the gynecologist prescribes a re-examination of the patient. If an ultrasound examination reveals the remains of the ovum in the uterus, the doctor will prescribe vacuum aspiration or curettage. In very rare, severe cases, the doctor decides to perform an open operation.

According to medical statistics, in 8% of patients, medical interruption ends in incomplete abortion with surgical intervention.

Dangerous pills

The composition of Chinese pills for abortion, according to the instructions, contains the same active ingredients: levonorgestrel, mifepristone.

But, according to practicing gynecologists, they give a large number of complications and unwanted side effects: profuse bleeding, fever, dyspepsia, hormonal imbalance, incomplete rejection of the ovum, allergic reactions, bacterial infection, endometritis, infertility.

Therefore, the use of Chinese pills for abortion is allowed only if he has a complete, translated instruction in Russian. Often manufacturers from China supply counterfeit drugs, it is better to completely abandon them.

In such a crucial period in life, it is important not to harm your own health and in the future to be ready for the planned conception.