Proverbs about a home for children. Using additional sources of information, write down proverbs and sayings about home

The British have rightfully earned a reputation as a nation of notorious couch potatoes, and the traditional English interior, made in restrained colors and full of lovely details, has long become a symbol of comfort.

Today we will penetrate into the holy of holies of every Englishman, study English proverbs about the house and try to understand what place the hearth occupies in the English picture of the world.

The respect with which the English treat household matters is reflected directly in the language: the unambiguous Russian “house” in English is conveyed by two words “home” and “house”, each of which realizes a special meaning, and in the first proverb this opposition is expressed very clearly :

  • A house is not a home.

Literal translation: A building is not yet a home.

Russian analogue: Don't say hop until you jump over.

Meaning:“House” for English speakers is precisely a physical shell and a really existing structure, while “home” is rather a special atmosphere inside it, which is born over the years and which must be tirelessly maintained. The British put the responsibility for home comfort on women's shoulders:

  • Men make houses, women make homes.

Literal translation: Men build buildings and women turn them into houses.

Analogue in Russian: The house is the mistress.

Meaning: In the understanding of the British, it is the residents of the house that give it a sense of comfort and fill it with a sense of "habitation":

  • The house is a fine house when good folks are within.

Literal translation: A house is beautiful when good people live in it.

Analogue in Russian: The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies.

Meaning: The British even approach the issue of choosing a house with a sober mind, realizing that even the most luxurious Georgian mansion will not become cozy if it does not have a special relaxed atmosphere and the feeling of “at home”, which appears only if well-being reigns in the house:

  • Grace your house, and not let that grace you.
  • Owner should bring honor to the house, not the house to the owner.

Literal translation: Do honor to your home, rather than expect your home to present you in a favorable light.

Analogue in Russian: It is not the owner's house that paints, but the owner of the house. Without a master, a courtyard and a sire and widows.

Meaning: Today, the house has become a symbol of luxury, a way to demonstrate wealth and affirm one's position in society. However, the palace can seem deserted and unfriendly, while the most pathetic shack can warm the heart with memories of home. It is no coincidence that they say:

  • Be it ever so humble, there "s no place like home.

Literal translation: No matter how poor the home is, there is nothing better than home.

Analogue in Russian: Housing with an elbow, and living with a marigold.

Meaning: This phrase was originally a line in the song “Home! Sweet Home! ”, Which was banned in the United States during the Civil War, as it evoked nostalgia for home and provoked mass desertions. Over time, this expression has become common in itself and understandable without context. Anyway, the feeling of homesickness - homesickness - is familiar to everyone, because even if we are experiencing adventures on the other side of the earth, every evening our thoughts invariably return to our home. The British know firsthand what it feels like, so they confirm:

  • The wider we roam, the welcomer home.

Literal translation: The more we wander, the more desirable our home is.

Analogue in Russian: Everyone has their own side. Home and the horses run more merrily.

Meaning: Home for the British has become the embodiment of the key concept of the English mentality - privacy, the inviolability of the sacred personal space. Interference in what is done “behind closed doors” is strongly discouraged:

  • Curiosity is ill manners in another's house.

Literal translation: Curiosity in someone else's house is the appearance of bad manners.

Analogue in Russian: Each hut has its own rattles.

Meaning: The British are sensitive to the observance of decency and the manifestation of respect and tolerance for the private life of any person, rightly noting that

  • Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Literal translation: People living in a glass house should not throw stones.

Analogue in Russian: Do not point your finger at someone else's yard, otherwise they will point at yours with a pitchfork. Do not judge others, look at yourself.

Meaning: The secrets of personal life cannot be evaluated or censured, because the familiar space of the home, hidden from prying eyes, should give a feeling of security. That is why some of the ancestors of the modern English were inclined to think that:

  • He that would be well needs not go from his own house.

Literal translation: Anyone who wants everything to be safe should not leave the house.

Meaning: Going beyond the predictable home environment for the British is tantamount to leaving the zone of psychological comfort and the emergence of a sense of threat. In other words,

  • Far from home is near the harm.

Meaning: Nevertheless, sometimes even in your own home it is impossible to feel safe, especially if conflicts rage inside the house and misunderstandings multiply. Domestic strife weakens each family member:

  • House divided against itself cannot stand.

Literal translation: A house divided into itself will not stand.

Analogue in Russian: You cannot break a broom, but you’ll break the whole broom along the twig.

Meaning: This biblical expression from the Gospel of Matthew was gradually simplified and entered into everyday use, but did not lose its edifying power. In addition, in addition to internal conflicts, there is always an external threat to domestic well-being:

  • When the house is open, the honest man sins.

Literal translation: When the house is open, even the righteous will sin.

Analogue in Russian: Where it lies badly, there the thief looks. Do not put bad things, do not lead a thief into sin.

Be attentive to the safety of your home, maintain home comfort and leave home more often so that every time you cross the threshold of your home and make sure that there is no place like home.

House proverbs:

The house is like a full bowl. A house to lead, not to weave sandals. It is good to visit, but at home it is better. Home is not a guest: after sitting, you will not leave. A good marriage teaches you to the house, excommunicates from home thinning. He did not manage the house, and the city cannot be ruled. To live at home is to walk without hanging ears. The house is being built for the facade. The house is great, but he does not order to lie. The house is a house, but the house is a gift. The house is a hole: you will never fill it. Your house is not a stranger: you will not leave it. Without the owner, the house `` An orphan. , but start your own. Not a zaporetsa, not a gateway. Our hut is not evenly warm: it's warm on the stove, it's cold on the floor. A kind wife will save the house, and a thin sleeve will shake it. Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give. Three cola it is hammered in and covered with the sky. Buy a living mansion, but a sewn fur coat. Not a red hut with corners, but red with pies. It is not the owner's house that paints the house, but the owner of the house. Nice mansions, but no defense. bush on chicken legs. No stake, no yard, no suburbs. Woe to the one who lives in disorder in the house. Lovely to the one who has a lot of everything in the house. The owner of the house is like a bear in the forest. Hold on to an old friend, but to a new house! With seven winds, eight streets. Rain covered, wind fenced. A guest is in the house, and God is in the house. It is a good speech that there is a stove in the hut. Thank you to the local house, it was not a miracle to go to another. Beer is no wonder, and food is not praise; but everyone has a head that love is dear. He has nothing to lure a dog into his house. A cat and a woman are always in the hut, but a man and a dog are always in the yard. His own hut is a dear mother. It’s hard to live for someone who has nothing in the house. Hasty at home. Dinner. Hutch on chicken legs. Own corner - your space. Do not judge someone else's house! What is at home, so is it yourself. The owner is cheerful and the guests are joyful. To live at home, to grieve about everything. Whatever is born in the field, everything in the house will come in handy. The pork is covered with straw, in the field with a sickle and a pitchfork, and at home with a knife and a fork. Its own hut is a mother's mother. The sky is covered, the field is fenced. The master is not around the house, but the house is according to the master. Sitting at home - nothing to sit at home. a bowl with a bowl. And the mouse drags the crust into its hole. Our room is not in dispute with God: it is warm outside, and ours is warm. The pork is wrapped in straw. It’s thick where it’s work, and the lazy house is empty. It's always red summer on the stove. Woe to the one who lives in disorder in the house. Even though the house is thin, but the roof is strong. The closet is another hut. Home to lead, do not shake your beard. so that the castle is not needed. Whoever, walking home, stumbles, at that house a quarrel is ready. And he will be born so that he will not be good either at home or in people. There is a lot of money - build a mill; There is a lot of bread - bring pigs! Every house is a master. In a big house, what you don’t miss is not. An owl near the house screams - to a newborn. Without a husband, the head is not covered; The house is not covered without a wife. It would be nice to have a house, but the devil lives in it. A gypsy house: three stakes, and a smut in the middle. To visit someone else’s house - to see in your own rotten log. A magpie gallops at the patient’s house - to recovery. Koli izba is crooked - the hostess is bad. To a lonely person there is a house everywhere. A courtyard is like a city, a hut is like a tower.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

House lead - do not weave sandals.

Without a master, an orphan's home.

Home is not a guest: after sitting, you will not leave.

Every house is kept by the owner.

In my house, I want to and turn around.

At least swim up to your ears, but be at home.

The house is painted by the owner.

Woe to the one who lives in disorder in the house.

What is born in the field, everything in the house will come in handy.

And the walls in the house help.

Bring it to the house, not from the house.

Houses and walls help.

Do not wash the litter out of the hut.

There is nothing better in the world than your own house.

My home is my castle.

Bring the house to the corner.

House for two, wife - for two.

Each hut has its own toys.

The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies.

The house does not stand on the corners of the sin.

Houses are not built on sand.

All roads lead to home.

The poorer the hut, the more crowded.

It is good for those who are in their own home.

They don't bow to anyone in their home.

The house is strong not by the way, but by the way.

What a pancake in honey is like a hostess in the house.

A house without an owner is an orphan.

What is the owner - so is the house.

If everything in the house is upside down, then the owner is thin in it.

Where there are many owners in the house, there is no use.

A house cannot be built without the Trinity.

Houses that the hare has hills.

Thanks to your house, and now let's go to another one.

Don't buy a house, but buy a neighbor.

My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything.

Whoever sheltered a homeless dog is the owner.

That we should build a house.

She is not a mistress in the house, not a guest in people.

In the house of the hanged man, they don't talk about the rope.

The house is so dressed that there are supports everywhere.

In the house, the owner is more of an archire.

There is a cat, a mosquito and a midge in Makar's house.

House of 6e from the prize - the pit.

A house without an owner is an orphan.

To lead a house is not to weave a bast.

To lead the house is not to shake your sleeve.

The house will find the case.

The house does not indicate the house.

The house is not large, but it does not order to lie down.

The house is no older than the owner.

The house smells of smoke, and the coffin smells of incense.

To build a house is not to put a hat on your head.

A house with children is a bazaar, without children is a grave.

The house is good, but the owner is not good.

At home he is mad, but in people he goes mad.

At home - a bite, and away - a bite.

At home, everything is contentious, but elsewhere life is worse.

At home - as I want, and in people - as ordered.

He doesn’t stay at home, and they don’t invite him to visit.

There is no house, but there will be a house.

At home there are only bones: at least eat, at least gnaw, at least put in a reserve.

At home there is a master, but in people there is a fool.

You will stand at home, you will sit at a party.

Sitting at home means not sitting out anything.

At home, they eat straw, but they don't eat oats at a party.

Home walls help.

At home, it's not hunger, but the gift is dear.

At home you can't get the price down.

At home, cabbage soup without cereals, and visiting a hat in a ruble.

You can't protect your home thief.

A domestic thief is more dangerous than a stranger.

The home guest will not judge.

A domestic calf is better than an overseas cow.

Household thought dear is not good.

A home penny is better than a visiting (visiting) ruble.

The house is not big, but it does not order to sit down.

The house is something to lead - not to shake the reins, but it is necessary to make ends meet.

To live at home is to walk without opening your mouth.

The house is small, but it doesn’t let you sleep.

Houses and straw are eaten.

Bad for someone who has disorder in the house.

Home is the root and the side is boast.

Home is a full bowl.

Home is a bowl by a bowl.

The house is a pit: you can never fill it.

A house without a visitor is a pit.

To lead the house - do not shake your beard.

To lead the house - do not shake your head - everything must be saved.

The house is high, with sand underneath.

The house for the facade is being built.

The house is home and requires.

A house is a home, but a brownie is a gift.

A house is not a decree for a house.

Buy a covered house, an embroidered caftan, and an unwashed wife!

The house is not a thief: if you set it on fire, it will burn down.

The house is waiting for the hostess, and the hostess for the owner.

The house is good, but the owner is worthless.

At home - a rooster, on the street - a chicken.

To live at home is not a rank.

At home on the stove everyone is held in high esteem and honor.

At home, an arm and a leg are asleep, on the road and the little head did not sleep.

Everybody is Dyoma at home.

Household thoughts are not suitable for the journey.

Home hryvnia is better than the outgoing ruble.

A home penny is a waste of a ruble.

Home and the horses run more merrily.

You come home - you will find bread and salt.

House lead - do not shake your backside.

To live at home is to walk without hanging ears.

To live at home is to grieve about everything.