Congratulations on the 60th wedding anniversary from the children. Congratulations on your diamond wedding

A diamond wedding is a whole 60 years of married life. This anniversary is also called a diamond wedding. A diamond is the most valuable and expensive of all stones. Just like a married life that has existed for 60 years, it is very rare and valuable. Also, a diamond is a symbol of happiness and strength, which corresponds to a sixty-year married life, which is lived in happiness and in itself is already strong and durable, which has been proven by time, namely, most of a century. Another symbol of the wedding anniversary is the diamond, which also symbolizes the strength of the marriage.

If the jubilee of the sixtieth birthday has taken place, then there must be children, children of children and even great-grandchildren on it. Guests should present the spouses with beautiful diamond rings. With such gifts, they show that they do not regret anything for their parents, that they are madly in love with them and are infinitely grateful to them.

People who have dedicated 60 years of their lives to each other are worthy of real respect, and their sixty-year marriage goes down in the history of their generation.

You are exactly sixty today!
We congratulate you on your wedding day!
Let the years fly like a bird
We wish you good health.

Your age is not for ardent passion,
But we've come a long way together.
Now peace, participation is more important,
And understanding is the point!

Any years are good
And those that were in their youth, and these.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live longer in this world!

Diamond wedding - 60.
This is admirable!
The feelings of your young people will surprise:
You look - you smile involuntarily.

To understand each other for so many years
Together to be in joy and in sorrow,
What fate has given meekly to accept.
You are two captains in the life of the sea!

May fate only give you happiness
Joy and fun for many days.
You have become an example for everyone long ago,
Let the anniversary inspire you.

I sincerely congratulate you on your great victory, on the brave merit of your love. Today is your diamond anniversary, and you've been married for a wonderful 60 years. Accept sincere wishes for strong, like a diamond, health, sparkling like a diamond, family happiness and shining like a diamond, joy in your kind and still sincerely loving hearts. Peace to you, kind guests on the doorstep and prosperity in your home.

With joy we can hardly hold back tears
And we bow our heads low before you!
For having lived together for so many years,
We know of no other such examples.

May God generously reward you with health,
So that you are by your side as long as possible!
We need your worldly wisdom,
And we promise to please as much as possible.

Like the edges of a bright diamond
Your eyes are burning with fire,
Even though you got married so long ago,
But you two are so good!
You are a friendly family together
Lived for six decades
Today is the wedding anniversary,
There is no more beautiful pair of yours,
We wish you love, health,
Do not waste your strength
We respect and appreciate you,
And we love you two very much!

Precious Anniversary
I knocked on your door
So meet more fun
This day of kindness and happiness.

Sixty happy years
You live in harmony
Already grandmother and grandfather,
And how you bloom in your youth.

Today is an extraordinary day:
You are together sixty!
You have found support,
When there was no strength to dream.

This path of life is not easy,
But you were always together:
We shared joy, happiness, sadness,
Stubbornly holding on side by side.

This is a super diamond:
Such a strong family.
We wish you to always burn
Burn out the flame from the spark!

An example worthy of wisdom
And a valuable life lesson:
Created a family - be faithful to her
God appreciates this deed!

You have lived side by side 60.
Your strong union has become an example for us.
As before, your eyes sincerely shine,
And your diamond jubilee is filled with faith!

We love you today, congratulations
Happy magic date! We wish you happiness
Strong health and spirit so that they grow stronger,
So that children, grandchildren often visit!

Our beloved, relatives,
Do not hide gray hair on the temples,
You are always young for us
And you will be like that forever.

Diamond wedding let the date
This will be just the beginning for you.
May our dad be healthy
Happy - a glorious mother.

So that your dear eyes
They did not know the traitorous tears.
May your great-grandchildren be older
Let them give bouquets of roses.

So that forever you would be with us,
They gave us warmth and affection,
After all, we value you very much.
You made a fairy tale come true for us!

The years passed like a blizzard
And you won't get them back now,
Life was not very sweet
Like a boat sailed on the sea!

You are exactly sixty together,
You have a great-great-grandchild!
And your diamond marriage
Let it be bright like a poppy!

May God extend your years
Let them not step on the threshold
Trouble, misfortune or grief
And there will simply be a sea of ​​happiness!

Many couples in love have retained their feelings for many years, despite all the difficulties of family life. Such a relationship is very strong and harmonious. Many lovers managed to live in marriage for sixty years. We will talk about such couples and the celebration on this occasion further.

What kind of wedding 60 years of marriage?

It is not for nothing that such a wedding is called a diamond wedding. According to esoteric laws, a diamond - a stone obtained as a result of mixing air and earthly energy - acts as a talisman. It is as strong and durable as a diamond and as valuable as gold. These are the same characteristic features of a married couple who have lived together for a long time. They inspire and inspire, delight others. An event such as a diamond wedding is worth celebrating with family and friends.

About 199 years ago, it was the privilege of high society to celebrate round dates. Over the years, anniversaries have already been celebrated by all segments of the population. All dates were given symbolic names reflecting the characteristic features of the period of living together. zni. The day of the celebration itself was then called the Green Wedding. The wedding anniversary of 60 years of marriage began to be called "Diamond" in the second half of the 19th century. It has survived to this day.

How to celebrate the celebration?

60 years of living together is a great occasion to gather the whole family in a cozy cafe, which must be ordered in advance. The gala dinner is diversified by various events. Anniversaries will be pleased to receive, in addition to gifts and warm congratulations, a colorful show in the form of fireworks or fire show, funny clowns. The family concert prepared by the efforts of relatives, children and grandchildren will be especially remembered.

The theme of the event dedicated to 60 years of living together is chosen according to family values. Perhaps, for example, in the spirit of the time when the married couple went to the registry office. 60 years of the wedding can be celebrated in a retro style, pre-arrange the interior. It should be in pastel colors. The furnishings will be decorated with the appropriate accessories: a tablecloth made of handmade linen, paintings and dishes, photographs made in black and white style. Outfits are chosen in accordance with the spirit of that time.

What wedding anniversary of 60 years of marriage would be complete without a good kitchen? The traditional menu will please all guests. At the end of the festive banquet, you need to arrange an original cake, preferably made by the closest relatives. The solemn removal of the confectionery with candles will be remembered for a long time.

If the health of the heroes allows, then you can invite them to relax and celebrate the anniversary of 60 years of marriage together. To do this, you should buy them a tourist ticket to a picturesque place.

What to gift?

What to give for a 60th wedding anniversary? There should be many flowers on this significant day. They can be donated taking into account the preferences of the heroes of the day. It is also important to decorate the festive hall with flower arrangements. Potted flowers are well suited as a gift: orchid or anthurium. They will be a reminder of the pleasant moments of life.

You can also donate home appliances, photo frames, jewelry, handmade cards, textiles, an original collage or a set of slides for the 60th wedding anniversary. After all, no celebration can do without it. A good option for a presentation is a gift certificate for purchasing the necessary goods in a branded store.

Perhaps someone prioritizes money as a gift. Many consider them a universal present. They can compensate for the costs of the event, you can buy something on your own to your liking. You should not give money for the celebration, since after a while the heroes of the day will not remember such a present.

However, there are cases when it is necessary to donate money. For example, when the celebration turned out to be spontaneous, the heroes of the day are limited in funds if you are a close relative.

60 years of marriage is a special date in the life of a loving couple, an important event for all their relatives. Therefore, I would like to celebrate this family event in a special way. Here it is important to show imagination, to plan and organize everything in advance.

What cannot be gifted for a wedding anniversary?

There is a belief that some items presented for a wedding celebration can bring troubles and troubles to the house, they symbolize parting with loved ones. These gifts include: sets of forks and spoons, various kinds of watches. It is not customary to give mirrors and scarves. It is believed that they lead to early aging and disease, betrayal and betrayal.

Memorable gifts that will be original and will be remembered for a lifetime include:

  1. Carrying out a photo session for the heroes of the day. Professional make-up artists and stylists will help you create an original look for "newlyweds" in the style of different eras. They will select outfits, accessories and matching makeup to choose from.
  2. Copies of diamond heroes of the day in miniature in the form of author's dolls, made from photographs. This gift arouses admiration among the heroes of the day and guests of the holiday.
  3. For loved ones, you can order bed linen with the image of the heroes of the occasion.
  4. Create an original family crest based on family traditions with monogrammed anniversaries. Such gifts can be ordered from specialized firms that deal with heraldry.
  5. Family tree made in the original style.
  6. Romantic trip for two: sailing on a yacht, limousine or carriage.
  7. Gift certificate: a visit to the spa, where you can relax together and relax after the celebration.

Traditional greetings

60 years of wedding is a symbolic date that speaks of fidelity, happiness and love of two close people. They deserve a separate original congratulations on their anniversary: ​​wishes for long life, mutual understanding and respect for each other. Of course, no one canceled congratulations in verse. Here it is important for children and grandchildren to pay attention to the heroes of the day, to surround them with care and warmth in response to their love and warmth.

Congratulations options

You are an example for us,

After all, you are a living legend.

Your love inspires you,

Gives you strength and goodness.

Protects you all the time.

She is strong, strong as steel

Like powerful granite.

She is a beautiful diamond

Quite a rare specimen -

60-year-old hero of the day.

Today is the wedding anniversary,

Your family congratulates you

Happy 60th anniversary.

Beloved and adored people,

Live together for up to a hundred years,

We will be near you somewhere,

Keeping your two loving hearts.

Holiday scenario

On such a significant day, the spouses should congratulate each other on the anniversary and thank each other for all the good things that happened in their lives. Indeed, only thanks to endurance, mutual understanding and disinterested feelings, the couple withstood all life's difficulties.

You can create a festive mood for the heroes of the day already in the morning. "Diamond" newlyweds will be pleased to hear congratulations on the phone. You can send traditional postcards with warm wishes or give a telegram.

If the elderly do not like the hustle and bustle and quickly get tired, then the best option for holding a celebration would be a home dinner or lunch with your family in a country house, in nature. Relatives should take care of all the preparations for the celebration, protecting the elderly heroes of the day from unnecessary fuss and hassle. Perhaps the hostess will get in the mood and she will cook her favorite dish, which is traditional for the whole family.

Preparations for the celebration are always pleasant chores for all family members. Here it is important to decorate everything with soul and mood, to choose transparent dishes and table decorations. Indeed, on a holiday celebrating 60 years of marriage, everything should radiate a shine like a diamond.

On this day, various kinds of congratulations are appropriate: original toasts and poems from both adults and the smallest family members. You can look at photo albums, remember touching and funny stories from life. A pleasant pastime with the family, which brings all family members closer. And most importantly, it will give great pleasure to the heroes of the day.

One of the interesting traditional customs is giving instructions to grandchildren. The married couple will describe all the subtleties of harmonious relations in writing. Children and grandchildren will receive advice and knowledge in building a strong and friendly family as an invaluable gift. Perhaps, on the day of the "Diamond Wedding", they will learn some interesting unknown facts of their life of a strong family.


Many couples have lived together for 60 years. What is the name of this wedding? We have already found this out. We also talked about what presents can be presented for this celebration.

Love and understanding, warmth, attention from close relatives is the most desirable, important and necessary gift for a married couple on such a special day of their life.

A diamond wedding is an important date, because it is celebrated after 60 years from the date of marriage. This is a record time for a married life, especially by modern standards. The diamond symbolizes strength: this gemstone undergoes numerous treatments before it becomes beautiful. Draw a parallel between the diamond and the 60th anniversary, they are almost identical, because in both cases, efforts were made to obtain the final result. How to celebrate this wedding?

Ancient traditions and customs for 60 years of wedding

According to legend, 60 years of weddings have always been celebrated magnificently and richly. All familiar couples were invited to the anniversary. It is interesting what to celebrate a diamond anniversary, as well as wonder how many years Europeans have been together, just recently. Therefore, there are relatively few traditions associated with this anniversary. Still, there is an ancient ceremony that should be performed by a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

In Russia, on the eve of the holiday, the spouses wrote to their offspring a so-called mandate, a joint letter, which laid out the secret of family happiness and harmony. The couple mentioned how they managed to maintain love, respect, devotion to each other for so many years of life together, because how much they had to go through together! This order was hidden in a beautiful box. In the future, the mandate could become a family heirloom, passed on from father to son or from mother to daughter.

Diamond wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

A traditional diamond wedding is a real holiday, because the spouses have experienced a lot of events, and now they can relax and have fun. For all sixty years of marriage, they have repeatedly faced problems, as well as with real grief, perhaps even partings and ardent reconciliation took place. This wedding anniversary is worthy of lavish decoration, expensive gifts, close guests.

To celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary successfully, check out this good example video to help you organize your event with a bang:

Choosing a venue for the celebration

As a rule, a diamond significant wedding is held at home, in a close circle of family, close people, because due to their age, the couple is unlikely to want to celebrate their anniversary outside the home. But if the heroes of the occasion can be persuaded to celebrate the event in some cozy cafe or restaurant, it will be great.

After choosing a place, it is important to take care of the correct decoration of the room. It is advisable to place a photo of diamonds on the walls in a company with photos of spouses in different years of life, to decorate the hall with shiny decor items. The color scheme should be in golden-white tones.


What to wear for a wedding?

Spouses are encouraged to wear loose, comfortable attire for their wedding anniversary. So, a dress of an interesting non-fitting style, white or black, decorated with embroidery or lace will suit the wife. And the husband should choose a neat light suit, combining it with a bright tie. People who are going to visit a couple should prefer clothes decorated with shiny stones and embroidered with gold threads.

Whom to invite?

It is customary to invite only the closest people of the couple to such a wedding: children, grandchildren, relatives, friends. If a friend of a young married couple has a child, it is also worth bringing him to this wedding, because children are a symbol of longevity. In a narrow circle of relatives, it will be easier for spouses to relax, to truly relax their souls. Having created a pleasant family atmosphere of celebration, guests will be able to hear many interesting stories, because over 60 years of living together, the spouses have accumulated a decent number of interesting stories.

What should be on the table?

Since the wedding is called a diamond wedding, the table should be set accordingly. Original, unusual dishes of fish, meat, poultry, seasoned with a hearty side dish, are perfect for an event. Cold appetizers, sandwiches, canapes, rolls will be highly appreciated by the guests. A traditional diamond wedding will not be complete without pies and other flour products baked by the hostess herself. A wife with this kind of family experience should, by definition, prepare delicious meals that should surprise guests.

Choose hot drinks for the diamond anniversary, they will serve as a kind of fuel for the future relationship of the spouses. These include teas of unusual varieties (black, red, green), natural coffee and vodka. It is better not to overdo it with the latter, otherwise the holiday will end unpredictably. Cover the table with a yellow or white tablecloth, because these colors are symbols of the diamond anniversary.

Celebration scenario

There are many options for the development of events during a significant wedding. It is allowed to compose a script for a diamond wedding yourself, but it is not forbidden to use a ready-made sketch. Let's take a look at some ideas on how to celebrate a diamond anniversary.

The children and grandchildren of the spouses may well organize a small concert for the elderly, consisting of songs, poems, and funny scenes. Mini-concert numbers should be interrupted for snacks, during which it is necessary to celebrate the couple. It is also worth arranging some interesting games. A well-rehearsed concert will attract the attention of the husband and wife, give them joy and new impressions.

It is also a good idea to organize a beautiful theatrical performance, where the close people of the spouses will play out the love story of the couple. Include the highlights of the couple's married life, such as dating, wedding, having children, traveling, etc. In an impromptu play, you need to take into account the place where a husband and wife meet, be it a school bench or an institute. It is worth ending the performance with congratulations from the characters of the play.

What to give for a diamond wedding?

The 60th wedding anniversary involves the presentation of items from the appropriate material to the spouses. But the point is that a diamond is an expensive stone, which the average person can hardly afford. However, there is an artificial diamond called cubic zirconia. It is as durable and high-quality as a diamond, and outwardly does not differ much from it. Therefore, we will consider examples of gifts from cubic zirconia:

  • Ceramic vase, decorated with rhinestones, cubic zirconia.
  • Cubic zirconia jewelry chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.
  • Wedding rings for both spouses with the names of the second half, carved on the back of the product.
  • Chandelier decorated with cubic zirkonia.
  • Cufflinks with cubic zirconia inserts.

The main thing is that your gift is sincere. Therefore, be responsible when choosing a present for the spouses for the diamond anniversary.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

The 60th anniversary is worthy of respect from the community. Anniversary greetings should emphasize dedication and love for the spouses. Elderly people will be glad to hear pleasant, warm words addressed to them. If you don't know how to show your love to a couple, check out more greetings here:

The Diamond Anniversary will be at the highest level if you carefully think over the script and organize the event yourself. The reward for your efforts will be immense gratitude and smiles from the elderly spouses!

Dear _________ and _______ (names of the celebrated spouses)! You are God's chosen ones, since the Lord does not grant everyone such a long and
happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time kept
their love and raised worthy people - their children and grandchildren. So you have a truly golden heart, golden mind and golden
hands. I congratulate you on your "precious" anniversary and wish you that your future life is as bright as:
today's holiday!

60th wedding anniversary

Don't get old, dear parents,
I wish you happiness, health, many years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We have no one dearer!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for raising us
For long care and patience
May God give you health!


Diamond wedding! Sixty

Diamond wedding!
Sixty is not an easy time!
To the ageless soul
The anniversary will come like this!

You are two heroes today:
Sixty lived together! ..
And here they sit side by side,
They touch everyone with themselves!

We wish you good health.
The evening of life is so good
If a friend is still good
For conversations over fresh tea.


Has drawn the way for you
Whimsical fate:
Six decades is a lot,
Only the wedding is young.
Smile dear ones
And love like the first time.
Let the elements rule
Over the drooping grass.
But for you they are empty:
From everything - love is a barrier.
Yes, make noise and sing the feast,
Yes, play glasses clinking!


Isn't it a talent -
Six decades of journey?
Isn't it talent -
Above happiness can not be found?
Well, of course, talent!
Give a diamond
Affectionate, the only one
The most faithful, sincere,
Let uda be elderly
Bored and gray-haired
But dear forever
Sweet and warm.
Call all your friends
For a wonderful anniversary
Rejoice, create
Live up to 100 years!

60th wedding anniversary

Six decades pass
By fate, not milky -
Do not find a needle in a shock,
Do not flutter carelessly.
Only love alone led
She alone kept
And the reward was
And gave strength.
Congratulations, wise, you,
I wish you happiness, health,
And the burning of clear eyes
And goodbye to the new!


Dear Father! I congratulate you on your anniversary. Your life with your mom is a wonderful example of love and mutual help. The bonds of marriage did not become for
chains, and turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, the hardships of life did not bend your back
mothers, thanks to your love and tenderness, mother's eyes still sparkle with diamonds, thanks to your example, and your advice I
learned to overcome any difficulties. Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the very best! Sunshine and joy to you!


If a husband and wife have lived together for 60 years, such a wedding anniversary is called a diamond wedding. Such marriages, which have existed for 60 years, are very rare, therefore they are also called a diamond wedding, because as you know, a diamond or a diamond is one of the most expensive and valuable stones. For such an anniversary with a married life, the whole family must gather, children, grandchildren, and often great-grandchildren come. Usually, diamond rings are presented as a gift for a diamond wedding.
People who have lived together for so many years deserve the most real respect, in addition to the gift, think over the congratulations on the 60th wedding anniversary very carefully, it would be nice to come up with and play out a whole scenario of such a congratulation, to attract all relatives and relatives.
In this section you will find a selection of beautiful and sincere congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary. You can choose ready-made wishes, or you can take our poems as a basis and remake them for your own scenario.

You have confirmed: the world has
Great light of good -
Happy anniversary, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
Happy wedding! Hooray!
It's been sixty since then
Have a happy day -
Before the diamond wedding
You had enough fire!
Happy, warm, smart meetings!
Let's sing, circle:
You protect your fire of love,
And - to live as much !!! Diamond wedding!
Sixty is not an easy time!
To the ageless soul
The anniversary will come like this!
You are two heroes today:
Sixty lived together! ..
And here they sit side by side,
They touch everyone with themselves!
We wish you good health.
The evening of life is so good
If a friend is still good
For conversations over fresh tea. The wedding is in progress, the wedding is in full swing:
Ah, sixty diamond pair!
Even in magazines and even in movies
Such a wedding has not happened for a long time!

Loyalty and dedication are not in vogue these days,
Life often breeds lovers ...
But sixty, a diamond term
Great lesson for future couples!

60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding.

To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of champagne wine
We congratulate the heroes of the day,
We wish them happiness in full.

And every day lived nearby
Let it become a diamond tear
And nothing else is needed
And the stone looks like a star. There are few words and little admiration here.
You have been together for 60 years.
You have brought up many generations
But they never revealed their secret.

Soul to soul connected with a gaze,
Love and respect merged.
You told a lot next to
And they waited for the diamond wedding.

We wish you health, strength and happiness.
You live in harmony always
And how reliability, the power of a diamond -
Remain strong for all your ages.

We wish you a walk in the park in spring
And hold it so kindly by the arm,
Passing the flowers of the heavenly arch,
We were always able to support each other.

You are worthy of all the praise in the world
And in admiration from you there is no strength to get drunk.
Let the whole planet talk about you,
After all, young people have something to learn. Congratulations on your diamond wedding,
You have been together for 60 special years!
What can you wish for? I wish you well!
After all, there is nothing more important in life,
Than every moment and every minute
To constantly share with each other,
The rain is not terrible, the frost is not terrible,
If you can understand each other!

Short congratulations on the wedding 60 years

I am with great gratitude
I appeal to you, dear ones!
I wish you peace and quiet
You are almost saints to me!
We lived together for 60 years
I wish I still live!
Be gentle to my mother, like a bride,
Father - how to be on your wedding day! You were once a bride and groom,
And now sixty have already been lived together,
We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you health and joy in life! Scattering diamonds on gentle palms!
Scattering diamonds on the palms of the faithful!
In the overflowing joy, how tears glisten!
We wish you happiness! Let love sparkle
Turning into a flame, they keep you warm!
You also love, tenderly and without falsehood!

Congratulations on the diamond wedding from children

Accept congratulations from the children,
You have lived for 60 long years,
We wish you, without any doubt,
You will have amazing victories in your life!
Health is the main victory
You know how to achieve your goal!
May troubles always go around
We wish you only the best!