Wishes to those flying away for rest. Wish for a good rest for the dearest ones

Today smiles at you since the morning. Such a wide, sincere and promising smile. And there is an important reason for such joy. Vacation start! Congratulations! Hooray! The long-awaited day has finally come! Somewhere far in the past, leaving behind a bustle of work, responsibilities and urgent matters. From now on, time works for you, calendar days have slowed down, the hands of the clock are no longer in a hurry, the gait has become light and relaxed, and the mood soared to heaven! This is the time of pleasure, the time of pleasure and relaxation! A voluptuous pastime awaits you ahead! Freedom of choice! We wish you to get the most useful, the most beautiful from this period of time! We wish you a vacation at the highest level and let the maximum delightful memories remain in your memory! Good luck, all the best!

Today is your incredibly lucky day! The beginning of a wonderful pastime has been laid, without obligations and working days! Vacation! We congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you to spend it as productively as possible! Let your thoughts be far from pressing problems, your mood will take the direction of the runway, your interests and hobbies are gaining momentum, and time will stop! From today on, your alarm clock will remain out of work, the schedule of the day will be free, and the world around you will be beautiful, bright and colorful! We wish you a rest in body and soul in the most beautiful resort in the world! Let the bosses sigh sadly at this moment, planning the next meeting, and the employees will remember you with an affectionate word! And you do not remember anyone and do not sigh! You have more important things to do! Great things lie ahead of you! Happy vacation!

This day sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow! This day is the most long-awaited and positive one! First day of vacation! Congratulations! The hustle and bustle of working days flew away to distant lands and from today your life turns into a fairy tale! Possibilities of indescribable dimensions open before you! Freedom! Congratulations and wish you not to miss the opportunity to use your free time to your advantage! We wish you every day, every hour and every minute to enjoy your time! Let your previously conceived plans come true and bring you pleasure! May dreams and desires come true! Relax, gain strength, recharge with joyful impressions and intense emotions! Let the vacation take your time to end and bring you full moral and physical satisfaction! Good luck!

Today we bring you our sincere congratulations on the upcoming vacation! We wish you to disconnect from everyday worries and get a lot of impressions and an ocean of pleasure! May your expectations come true and your wishes come true with ease! The long-awaited time for change has come and now you are the rightful owner of your time! No commitments, no alarms, no urgent matters! Freedom of thought, freedom of action and time without boundaries! Let your thoughts circle only around the beautiful, and every cell of your body relax under the sun rays of the coast! Let your hearing be pleased with the rustle of the sea wave, the light breeze will give you coolness, and the amount of time in the day does not end! Let your every day turn into a holiday for body and soul! Rest and gain strength for new feats! Let the memories of your vacation stay in your memory for a lifetime!

So the time has come to an end to spend your strength and work in a stuffy office! Congratulations on the start of your vacation! When you don't have to get up in the morning and run to work at the appointed time! It's time for idleness, sleep and fun! And let your exhausted colleagues sigh in the wake of you, and let the authorities lose their power over you, from now on you are a free person in all respects! We congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you to spend your vacation as productive as possible! Don't waste a single minute of your time! Take everything from life and don't look back! An exciting vacation-long adventure awaits you! Let the planet Earth stop its course for you, and the hands of the clock stop! Get out your suitcase, collect your friends and go! Towards the bright sun, blue sky and sea air! Let this picture be complemented by a friendly company, music and soft drinks! Good luck!

In order to work well, you need to rest. Even better than working. This is the law. And therefore, today we have great news for you! You are going in the opposite direction from work, or rather, on vacation! Congratulations! This is an occasion worthy to open a bottle of champagne and to celebrate this wonderful event with the clink of glasses and applause from colleagues! Hooray! We, of course, love and respect you very much, but, excuse me, we do not want to see you at your workplace for the next month! Let the wind blow you away, preferably across the ocean, away from the bustle of the world, where there are no offices, reports and alarms! Let your every morning begin with a refreshing drink and sunbeams on the coast, among the lucky ones like you! Forget about time and lose your memory of the past for a month! Live as if nothing else exists in the world except for entertainment and relaxation! Dissolve in pleasures and enjoy every moment!

How fast our life flies by. You work, work and do not notice the beauty around. Every day becomes like yesterday, home is work, work is home. But not today! This day will turn your life upside down by one hundred and seventy degrees and start a wonderful pastime for your own pleasure! Down with work schedules, layouts, meetings and short breaks! Now time is at your disposal, and you officially become its full owner! Your attention is open to the sea, mountain gorges, endless, cloudless sky, everything that you did not have enough time to notice. But of these beauties, peace of mind, peace and inspiration consist. We wish you to look around and capture the beauty of the Universe in your memory. Let this beauty fill your soul and give strength. Happy vacation!

Attention! We have an urgent matter for you that does not tolerate delay and requires you to start it without delay! Vacation! Congratulations! Put your signature, get a monetary reward, and to the applause of your colleagues led by your boss, we will send you in plain text as far as possible! I would like to wish you unlimited possibilities for achieving maximum pleasure and memorable impressions for a lifetime! Let nothing be able to prevent you from getting what you want and nothing to spoil your festive mood! Only positive, smile and optimistic mood for the next month! We do not wish to observe you during your vacation, and if you show yourself, then only in a photograph, against the background of the Egyptian pyramids or African elephants! We wish to visit as many interesting and mysterious places of our planet as possible and not stay in one place for too long! Let the picture outside your window change landscapes every morning!

The main event of today for you is that from now on you are on vacation! There can be no more beautiful joy! After all, this means that all your direct duties can be transferred to colleagues with a light movement of the hand, push the work drawer with urgent matters and break free! With peace of mind, you can sit in a bar with friends until late in the evening, or even until the morning, because in the morning you will not need to hear this nasty alarm sound! You won't have to run to work to arrive on time, you won't have to prepare an action plan, you won't need to look at your watch and count the minutes until the end of the working day! This is happiness! Without barriers and restrictions, without control and excessive attention to yourself, no problems at all! Congratulations and above all, we want to wish you to spend your vacation the way you want! To your taste. You are the main manager of your time and you have the right to use it as you wish!

Congratulations! Working days are over, and it's time for vacation! Long-awaited, planned, desired, filled with expectations and hopes! This day is like a holiday, it brings so many positive emotions to life that the soul blooms and is filled with inspiration for life! A magical miracle - day! It takes us from reality to a fairy tale and brings a lot of positive emotions! It looks like a rainbow! Colorful, bright and illuminating everything and everyone around! It changes our sensations beyond recognition! We look at the world with different eyes and see what we didn’t even notice yesterday! Every moment of life becomes sweet and stringy, like caramel! We wish you all the delights of your vacation and enjoy all the pleasures without a trace! Use it to the fullest and don't postpone it! Start relaxing right now! Enjoy your vacation!

When, it would seem, there is no strength to get up in the morning, when the way to work is darkened by gray tones, when the clock hands inexorably stand still throughout the working day, he comes. Vacation day! And everything around changes its shape. The transformation is evident. The sun shines brighter, the sky becomes unusually blue, the air is saturated with sweet notes of vanilla, the mood surpasses itself, and there is a reason for joy even in the little things. This is what a seemingly ordinary day can do. You can spend the whole day in bed, in your favorite pajamas with a mug of warm cocoa and a book in your hands, or you can pack your suitcase and get on a plane that will take you away from the bustle of the city. You can get together in a friendly company and get lost in the forest for a couple of weeks, or you can spend time alone. Your own business! And no one will judge you how you will use your time! After all, this is your vacation!

Congratulations on your vacation. May these days be fun, wonderful, unforgettable. I wish you a wonderful holiday, incredible feelings of happiness, unrealistically cool emotions, a huge charge of vital energy and courageous strength. Do not think about problems and work, rest healthy and healthy.

Congratulations on the long-awaited vacation, finally it's time to relax and forget about all the vain! I wish to turn on the "complete relaxation" mode, forget about alarms and get maximum pleasure!

Such a long-awaited and welcome vacation! Great weather, warm sun, beautiful tan and unforgettable emotions. Well, we are waiting for an impressive photo report!

We congratulate you on the onset of the long-awaited vacation, we wish you a good rest, get unforgettable emotions and impressions, gain strength for further labor exploits.

Congratulations on your long awaited vacation. I wish you to spend your time with benefit, pleasure and cheerful mood. Let your vacation inspire and fill you with new strength, vigor, energy, good health, vivid impressions and good emotions.

Congratulations on your vacation and I want to wish that this time was spent with benefit and entertainment. Let the minutes of your vacation drag on slowly, let every day make you happy with something special and interesting. I wish you an incredible supply of strength and energy, good inspiration, crazy fun, happy smiles and a lot of pleasure.

Congratulations on a well-deserved vacation, because vacation is a small life. It's a joke, of course, but every joke contains only its share, so we wish to "live" this life one hundred percent, so that there was something to remember and tell us! Pleasant impressions, a sea of ​​emotions and positive every day.

Congratulations on your vacation. Let these days give you a lot of impressions, let your body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly, let no one and nothing prevent you from getting pleasure and enjoyment from a well-deserved vacation.

So this long-awaited day has come. Let the rest give new strength, new aspirations to conquer the peaks, new adventures, so that the charge of positive vigor and mood will suffice until your next vacation!

Well, a well-deserved vacation is ahead, and therefore I wish you to enjoy every minute of this wonderful vacation! Let it be full of joy, fun and positive! Forget about all your worries and take time for everything that was put on the back burner because of work! Love, live and have fun! We will wait for you with renewed vigor and an ocean of energy!

Vacation greetings


Isn't the last days before the vacation especially exhausting? After all, somewhere out there a gentle sea and new adventures await you ... Accept my congratulations on the long-awaited time of rest, as well as the wish to spend every minute of it unforgettably, relax, bask in the sun and feast on fruit!

Today we take you on vacation and congratulate you on this joyful event! All together, together, we wish you to gain more strength for new working days, as well as new impressions, so that you can write a whole adventure novel!

So we made it to the vacation! Now you have a real holiday! Sleep as much as you want, you can bask in the sun or walk all day, in a word, all the time belongs to you! So let the days and hours of vacation leave only the best impressions, do not be bored at this time and smile more!

Congratulations on your long awaited vacation! Have all your suitcases been packed? Has a person been found to water flowers at the window? Let me wish you an unforgettable, dizzying and very pleasant stay! May good luck accompany you in it!

What a sweet word this is - vacation ... Today you become a person free from work for a while, with which I congratulate you! And besides, I wish you enjoy your vacation to the fullest! Let the impressions be the brightest, let there be adventures and happy moments!

Each of us presents a vacation in his own way, but in any case, it is always free, long-awaited time, which you can use at your own discretion! Congratulations on your vacation! Let every day be like a holiday in it, let a couple of cherished desires come true and some pleasant surprise happen!

Congratulations on your vacation! Let him, so desired and long-awaited, does not fly by quickly, endows you with a lot of impressions and pleasant experiences! I wish you to spend it with benefit, gain strength and vigor for new achievements, improve your health and have a lot of fun!

It's time to send you on vacation, we have gathered to congratulate you on this significant event and together we wish you to spend every day unforgettable! Let the chance bring pleasant surprises to your plans, but at the same time, everything is going strictly in accordance with your wishes!

Congratulating you on your vacation, of course, I envy you a little, but you will tell about everything when you return, right? Let your rest be such that everyone just gasps from your stories! May you have a happy adventure and holiday romance, and every day will be a new, fun series of pleasures!

Vacation is an event, the approach of which gives strength on the most difficult and boring working day, and therefore, I consider it my duty to congratulate you on this event! I wish you more fun and laugh more often, and so indulge your whims, in a word, go as soon as possible towards the sun and adventure!


I wish you a great rest and gain fresh strength. Let this vacation become unusual, vivid and memorable, so that with your interesting stories about these happy days, you make your colleagues plunge into this wonderful atmosphere and kindly envy you. Happy Vacation!

Congratulations on your vacation and I want to wish you a cool and full rest from the bustle and bustle, from important matters and responsibilities. May life seem more fun and happier, more diverse and brighter from the first day of your vacation, may these days fill you with inspiration and strength, health and wonderful mood with which you can infect everyone around you!

Congratulations on your vacation and I sincerely want to wish you finally take the furrows into your own hands and leave the whole routine behind your back. May these days be filled with joy, pleasant surprises, happy meetings and smiles, may a lot of good, exciting and interesting things await you on vacation. The main thing is not to be in pain and do not lose the rhythm of cheerfulness and optimism.

Congratulations to the lucky one on the start of the vacation. I wish you bright sun, good weather, energy for all your planned events. I wish you had time for these days, everything that I dreamed of for a year. I wish you to see everyone, talk to everyone and lie on the beach. And let the biggest concern during this time will be the fine beach sand poured into your slippers.

So such a wonderful and desired vacation has come, and I congratulate you on it! I wish you a lot of pleasure, an unforgettable time, more fresh air, nothing to do, just relax, eat and sunbathe.

Congratulations on your vacation. I wish you to forget about business, duties, meetings at work, alarms, calls, interviews, folders and other fuss, I wish you to plunge headlong into the world of bliss, happiness and pleasure, enjoying your rest and managing every day as you only want.

Congratulations on your vacation. I wish you to put aside work plans and any problems in a distant box, take your dream with me and go on a trip around the world to the lands of wonder and happiness. And let there be not a single extra call, not a single boring day, not a single reason for disappointment. Have a cool rest and a lot of fun!

Well, finally, you will have a good rest! I wish you spend this vacation the way you wish! May all plans succeed so that the rest is enchantingly wonderful! I wish you to gain new strength, stock up on energy and recharge yourself with positive, so that you can return to your favorite job with pleasure!

Well, the working days are over and you can relax! I wish you a bright, fun and positive holiday! Let everything that was postponed finally come true, because you will have a lot of free time! By the way, about the sea! I wish you to fully enjoy the warm waves, hot sand and bright sun!

Collection title: Wish you a good rest in your own words. I wish you romantic sunsets and fun company this summer.

I want to live and enjoy all the gifts that summer gives us!

We wish you a sea breeze on your back, a chocolate tan on your body and a soft drink inside!

Let every minute of a summer day be special for you, light and airy, filled with bright colors.

Man is so created that he takes a break from one work, only taking up another. A. France

We, as children, rejoice in the first summer day. So let's not stop.

Happy summer! Backpack on shoulders, bathing suit and to the beach! Rest for body and soul!

I would like to wish that everything you have planned will certainly succeed, that every day of your vacation is eventful, interesting, unusual in its own way, funny and happy.

Sun, sea, beach, cocktails, ice cream, parties and dancing until the morning. This summer and the way it remains !.

Let these days give you a lot of impressions, let your body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly.

We wish everyone a rainbow reflection in the eyes and a radiant mood!

I wish you a wonderful holiday, incredible feelings of happiness, unrealistically cool emotions, a huge charge of vital energy and courageous strength.

I hasten to congratulate you on the opening of the summer season, on the beginning of the long-awaited holidays. Hooray!

To be able to wisely dispose of leisure is the highest level of civilization. Bertrand Russell

Long live summer! We wish everyone to spend the coming three months of this sultry time surrounded by friends and family.

Smile and have fun, summer has come!

Let the big and small stupidity bring only positive things this summer. Warmth and comfort to you!

Rest is the right kind of laziness. Gerasim Avsharyan

Urgently pack your suitcase, urgently put off your urgent matters in a distant box, lock it, and live light for three months.

Let worries and responsibilities await us tomorrow, but today we are resting on the first day of summer!

Pension: rest imposed on you when all you can do is work. Georges Elgozi

Happy first summer day. Vacations, vacations and many days off, I wish you.

May you spend this summer in wild emotions and on the best beaches.

I congratulate you on the beginning of summer. Let all sorrows and anxieties go away, and the summer sun will warm you.

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell. Bernard Show

I congratulate you on the beginning of summer. I really want you to have only wonderful memories of your summer vacation.

We wish that summer will give new romantic stories a sea of ​​positive and drive to every single person on this earth.

Happy first day of summer! It's time to feast on ice cream, walk barefoot and look for a saving shadow

May all your ideas and plans for this time come true.

I wish you a lot of pleasure, an unforgettable time, more fresh air, nothing to do, just relax, eat and sunbathe.

In the sun, in the water, at the dacha, in the forest, by the fire, gain strength while walking, summer has come!

We wish that not a single cloud spoiled your mood, not today, not tomorrow, never!

Be extremely lucky this summer and smile more often!

I want to congratulate you on this event! You have plenty of rest. Forget about the routine of everyday life, the usual vanity and plunge into the world of bliss and tranquility that will envelop your vacation days. Do not deny yourself anything, enjoy every minute and recharge with new strength and emotions for the upcoming labor battles.

Happy first day of summer! It's time to feast on ice cream, walk barefoot and look for a saving shadow

Let your company be sincere, warm and cheerful! We wish you this summer to take from life everything that brings pleasure to the maximum!

Only forward, towards the sun's rays, clear sand, blue sky, white clouds, warm water, azure shores.

Let, at the same time, as the sun warms our world, and you shine from the fact that everything in your life is wonderful!

May sweet fruits, juicy berries, happy sunrises, romantic sunsets, gentle wind,

This is the time of the year when life is full of rich colors! Happy first summer day to you!

I wish you new meetings and great beautiful love this summer.

We wish you to recuperate, gain energy for new achievements, get unforgettable vivid emotions and impressions.

Let there be not a single extra call, not a single boring day, not a single reason for disappointment. Have a cool rest and a lot of fun!

We wish you more rest than work, because the direct purpose of summer is to make your life as beautiful and carefree as possible!

The first day of summer has arrived. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, the long-awaited rest begins.

We wish you the planet to revolve around you, so that happy stars rain down on you every night!

We wish you that from this moment your life spins on a happy merry-go-round, and you would like to enjoy life twice as much.

I wish you new experiences this summer so you can write a whole adventure novel!

Shortest distance between two points: The distance between the start and end of the vacation. Yanina Ipohorskaya

May the beginning of summer bring you a lot of hope and success, may luck open the door for you.

Happy first day of summer. An amazing time has come, which often abruptly changes our life, decorates it with joy, laughter and tireless bright sun.

I wish you a good health and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

We wish you good health, bright sunny days and pleasant surprises this summer, and then, too.

We wish you a great time with friends, walks on the sea, great mood and gentle sun!

Great weather, warm sun, beautiful tan and unforgettable emotions. Well, we are waiting for an impressive photo report!

You should even have fun with commercial benefit for yourself Aristotle Onassis

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks. Leonard Levinson

Pleasant pastime both night and day! Here, I wish you this on the first day of summer.

I want to live and enjoy all the gifts that summer gives us! - Wish you a good rest in your own words.

To rest from something, you first have to get tired of something. Well, at least - get tired of resting. Stas Yankovsky

I wish to turn on the complete relaxation mode, forget about alarms and get the most out of it!