Travel for children under 7 years old. Travel of children in long-distance buses. You can issue this document

Almost every day a person deals with transport. Metro, buses, trolleybuses and trams that we use - an inevitable part of the life of any citizen controlled by the state.

Most parents are aware that the law defines the rights of young children to reduced or free travel on public transport. But how exactly does this system work, some do not fully understand. Let's try to figure it out together.

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According to the law

Article 786 of the Civil Code of our country regulates the rules for the carriage of passengers by public transport.

Every adult can enjoy the right to reduced or free transportation of children.

This law confirms the rights, but does not address them in detail. Specific information is disclosed in another regulatory act - FZ No.259, in article 21.

So, what conditions for obtaining benefits can be distinguished? You can bring your baby for free if he does not take up a separate place, that is, throughout the trip is in the arms of an adult.

This applies to transport that travels around the city or follows between cities. If it is not possible to transport the baby on the bus of your choice without providing a seat, you can take 2 children not yet 12 years old with a certain discount (at least 50%).

So that the person who controls the payment does not have any questions, be sure to take a document on the trip to confirm the right to a privileged trip (birth certificate).

In law you must present the document at the first request inspector. If you are letting your child go on a trip alone, think about whether he is ready for this, and also explain to him the important rules of behavior in public places.

Children rules

How should a child behave on public transport?

This every conscientious parent needs to know.

Following the rules will protect your child and make the trip comfortable and safe.

If you traveling with a child or moving around the city on public transport, you need to know the following information:

  • when traveling on water, it is imperative to put on a life jacket for the child;
  • children of 5-12 years old can travel alone on the plane, while the airline is responsible for the flight;
  • sometimes the fare rules are invalid on commercial routes, the scheme is guaranteed to work only on municipal buses;
  • any capable person who has already turned 18 years old can accompany the child on the trip;
  • if you are traveling by rail, a child's ticket must be issued under any conditions, even if travel is completely free.

When traveling abroad, the child must have a valid foreign passport, or the baby must be entered in the passport of one of the parents.

Learn about new rules for transporting children on buses from this video:

How old is it for free?

Up to what age is free travel for children allowed?

As for the free travel for children, this is possible if you are traveling on the following public transport:

Registration for a disabled child

How to get free travel for a disabled child?

If you have a child with a disability, you can count on additional support from the state.

Travel without payment is provided for all types of public transport, except for taxis.

In this case, the right of free travel can be used by not only a child, but also an accompanying adult: parent, caregiver, or social worker.

To receive the benefit, you must present your pension certificate, birth certificate or passport to the conductor.

Children with disabilities can also use benefits during intercity travel(river, water, air and rail transport). No payment if they are sent for treatment and back (only within the country).

They are also provided with a 50% discount on the fare from 01.10 to 15.05. During the remaining time, the discount can be used only once (round trip).

The benefit is valid from registration to the child's majority... To obtain free travel on intercity communications, you need to visit the social protection authority with the following documents: a birth certificate (or passport) and a certificate that confirms the fact of disability (ITU).

Every responsible citizen must know his or her rights. Especially if he has a child. The state provides for the right to free or reduced fare on public transport.

Now you know, what benefits you and your child are entitled to and how to use them correctly.

Be polite to other people, watch your baby closely, and your trip will be safe and comfortable, and the time will be well spent. Bon Voyage!

Students of higher and general education institutions are included in a special category of the population. They are eligible for certain types of benefits.

One of the most popular methods of government support is a discount on public transport. Who can use this type of benefits and how to do it?

The legislative framework

The provision of reduced travel fares for students is governed by federal law.

But individual regulations, according to which benefits are provided, are issued by each region independently. The size of the discount and the types of public transport will be determined regionally.

A unified system of benefits operates throughout Russia for train and air tickets... The size and percentage of discounts for this type of transport are set federal.

Kind of transport

Discount travel is provided for schoolchildren for all types of public transport:

Sizes of discounts provided

The amount of benefits is set by each region independently.

General indicators are used only by for the purchase of train or air tickets:

A number of regions establish their own rules of travel. For example, in Kurgan, schoolchildren receive free tickets for travel on public transport. Full-time students get the same opportunity. The same situation is developing in Anadyr and the Arkhangelsk region.

Package of documents

To purchase a discount pass, a student must present certificate from school confirming that he is studying there. In the metro, a child must present such a document with each ticket purchase, in addition, in the metro, additional proof of identity is required, that is, the presentation of a birth certificate or passport.

Preferential payment by social card

In Moscow, schoolchildren can apply for social card... What it is? A social card is a plastic card that is issued to a certain category of the population who are entitled to benefits. The most demanded benefit for schoolchildren that the social card provides is discounts on public transport.

A student who has a social card has the right to buy a metro pass for a month in the amount of 350 rubles. A pass for buses, trolleybuses and trams will cost him only 230 rubles. Also, the cardholder is entitled to additional discounts on commuter buses during the academic year.

Registration procedure in Moscow

To issue a card, you must submit an application either through the MFC, or on the portal of public services.

This card can be used by all students, including full-time students. Children over 14 years old can apply on their own, for this a passport is required. For students under the age of 14, the application is made through a legal representative. You must have a birth certificate with you.

To issue a social card, a student must bring a 3 * 4 photo, or you can take a photo on the spot.

The card production time is 30 days. For this period, the student can receive a certificate from the MFC for the right to concessional travel in ground public transport. You won't be able to buy a discount ticket in the metro with such a certificate. In the metro, you can get a discount only with an expired card. To do this, in the very last month of the expiration, you must purchase a monthly ticket, in which case it will be sold at a discount.

Discounts on public transport are always very relevant for families, especially for those with more than one child. Therefore, despite the crisis situation in the economy, the benefits continue to persist, and in many regions they are only expanding.

The following video tells about the reduced fare on public transport for schoolchildren and pensioners in Nizhny Tagil:

Parents know that free travel for children of a certain age is guaranteed by the state.

However, there is often confusion about how to prove this to the controller. Some people find it illegal to ask for documents. Others are confident that they can take up free space for their young child. Other cases of distortion of the legislation in their direction by both parents and carriers have been noticed.

Let's see what acts establish benefits for children on public transport. Who can use them in 2019.

Legislative framework

The basis for free travel for children is laid down in Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Point 3 of it reads:

Clause 3, Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

"3. The passenger has the right, in the manner prescribed by the relevant transport charter or code: to carry children with him free of charge or on other preferential terms; carry with you free hand luggage within the established norms; hand over baggage for carriage for a fee according to the tariff. "

The subtleties of understanding legislation

The right not to pay is linked to the limitations and responsibilities of the parties.

Parents and accompanying persons should understand some of the nuances.

  1. A seat is not provided for a minor passenger who has not paid for the fare. This means that an adult must sit him on his lap.
  2. One adult can only accompany one child. If two young passengers are traveling with their mother, then they need a separate seat. According to the rules, babies are required to travel while sitting. This means that you have to purchase a ticket.
  3. If the vehicle does not provide for the transportation of babies without a separate seat, then you will have to buy a ticket. An adult has the right to bring two children under the age of twelve with him. Each ticket will cost 50% of the total cost.
  4. The benefit is given to the child, not the mother. Whoever the kid travels with, he does not pay for travel.
Children ride the subway without paying until they reach the age of seven. Accompaniment by adults is required. Each person may only carry one minor passenger.

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Control and responsibility

Disputes and grievances sometimes arise due to the requirement of the conductor to prove the benefits of the baby.

  1. Adults consider them unlawful, as “everyone knows about the benefit”. However, in this case, they are wrong. Art. 21 of the Transport Charter imposes on the conductor the duty to check the rights of beneficiaries. Therefore, he must make sure that the child is less than seven years old. This is confirmed by the date of birth on the certificate.
  2. A number of issues raise the issue in the regulatory legal acts concerning the age of travelers. So, the phrase "up to seven years" is perceived by some incorrectly. It literally limits the cancellation day of free rides to the date of the birthday. As soon as the child turns seven, he is obliged to purchase a ticket.
  3. The legislation does not say anything about schoolchildren and preschoolers. Indeed, at the age of six, a child can attend any educational institution. The privilege is assigned to him on the basis of age, not educational institution.
Accompanying persons are required to have the original document of the child with them. It should be presented at the first request of the supervising employee.

Water transport

By analogy, preferences apply to sea (river) vessels. On the territory of the Russian Federation, kids travel up to seven years old without payment.

The condition is limited to occupying one seat with an accompanying adult. In addition, if there are more than one children, then they also need to purchase a ticket. The one adult - one child rule also works here.

Discounts for children under twelve years old have been established for intercity transportation. Their travel will cost 50% of the total cost. In addition, everyone will receive a separate seat. You don't need to take them on your knees.

Fringe benefits

Free travel around the city is reserved for some socially vulnerable categories of citizens. Their travel is paid by the budget.

These include:

  1. Orphans and children deprived of parental care.
  2. Disabled children.
  3. Pupils of large families.
  4. Young people who have lost their breadwinner.

The first two categories apply to a specialized service to obtain status. They are given a document confirming that they belong to the privileged category. They have the right not to pay for tickets on the metro, buses, and so on until they reach adulthood. If a young person is studying full-time at a university, it is extended to twenty-three years.

The benefit is valid only if there is a document confirming the category.

Travel by plane without pay

Benefits for toddlers that parents take with them on the flight are significantly age-limited. So, only the smallest can travel without spending on a ticket. These are children who are under two years old. The accompanying persons are obliged to hold them in their arms without taking up additional space.

If there are two or more children per adult, then it is necessary to purchase a ticket for a seat. The kid should sit. At the same time, the cost of the ticket has been reduced by half.

Discount coupons for flights are established for young people under the age of twelve. The size is determined by the carrier.

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Every day, a modern person overcomes considerable distances in land transport. The state guarantees free travel for children up to a certain age. Travel discounts for babies depend on various aspects related to your children and the road trip. To enjoy all possible benefits and save money, carefully read this article.

Up to what age is free travel for children

Article 786 of the Civil Code confirms the right of every parent to free travel for children on public transport. Detailed information on the rules of carriage is indicated in another regulatory document: No. 259-FZ (21 articles). Please note that regardless of the transport where you want to receive the benefit, you must have a birth certificate with you to confirm the age of the baby.

In public transport

To find out up to how old the metro ride is free, the legislation (decree No. 259 FZ) clearly states that up to 7 full years. This rule applies to all municipal transport, both urban and suburban. Remember that in the case of free metro travel for children, they are not entitled to their own seat, but must sit on your lap. In order for children to travel on the metro for free, you must provide an appropriate document confirming the age of the child. The rule does not set any restrictions on the number of children.

If you need to travel in transport, where you must sit in a separate seat, then another rule comes into force: 2 children under 12 years of age are allowed, with half the cost of the ticket for each. Please note that a child's intercity bus ticket may cost more than 50% of the total cost. This is due to the fact that the discount does not apply to some of the tax charges (depending on the route and conditions of transportation).

In rail transport

One child under 5 years old can travel free of charge by rail. The baby is not provided with a separate seat. Please note that if two parents are traveling, then two children can travel for free. It is possible to transport citizens aged 5 to 10 years on a separate seat, with payment of a preferential child fare. The fare is assigned separately, depending on the conditions (type of carriage: compartment, reserved seat, SV), direction (travel abroad or across the country), etc. In general, the discount is up to 65%. A birth certificate is required to register a discount.

If the children have already started school, parents can take advantage of the 50% discount provided to all students in general education institutions (no more than 10 years old). To apply for a discount, you must take a student's certificate. The privilege applies to all types of railway transport (electric trains, electric trains) running on the territory of the Russian Federation.

By water transport

Article 181 (second point) of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation states that children under the age of 12 are transported by water transport with a 50% discount (a separate seat is not provided). A special fare is provided not only on the territory of the country, but also for all foreign destinations, but with a lower percentage of discounts on the ticket. On long-distance ships, the baby may be provided with a separate seat, for more details check with the company that sells the tickets.

In the airplane

When flying abroad, regardless of destination, children must have their own foreign passports (age does not matter). All airlines provide free travel for persons under 2 years old, but without a separate seat. If children are transported without parents, the cost of air tickets must be checked independently, it is significantly different.

There is a general discount system for a toddler from 2 to 12 years old. If one child is transported and a separate seat is not allocated - free of charge. In the case when there are 2 or more children (large families) - each of the kids, not counting the first, is given a separate seat, the parent pays only 50% of the ticket price. At the same time, a small citizen receives all the privileges of a full-fledged passenger - he can carry up to 20 kg of luggage, he will be fed if a meal is planned during the flight. In the Russian Federation, control over the conditions of the flight of children is fixed in Article 106 (paragraph 2) of the Air Code.

Bus benefits for schoolchildren

The discount on bus travel for schoolchildren is regulated by federal law. It is impossible to talk about a specific price reduction that will be in effect in all regions of the country. This is due to the fact that each district independently sets the amount of benefits. In most cases, they fluctuate around 50% of the total ticket price.

Please note that such a discount is only available for intracity transport (trolleybuses, buses, trams) owned by the state. To receive a discount, you must issue a student card (travel card), which is valid for one year, after which it must be renewed. Some regions of the Russian Federation also provide great benefits for travel on buses, check directly on the regional websites of transport services.

Children's tickets for socially unprotected categories of citizens

To arrange free travel in transport for unprotected categories of citizens (orphan, disabled child), you must contact the social protection authorities. The discount is valid from the moment of registration until the onset of majority. You will need the following documents:

  • certificate confirming disability;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • a document proving the identity of the parent or guardian.

The discount is provided for all types of transport, except for taxis and road transport. This means both city and private transport (fixed-route taxi). Not only the socially unprotected person, but also 1 accompanying person (parents, guardians, social workers) has the right to free travel. To get the benefit, show the conductor your disability document and the escort's passport.

Discounts on river, air, water and rail transport for disabled children are available. If they go for treatment, the round trip is free, but only within the country. In other cases, the benefits are set individually - it is 50 percent or less. Discounts for international flights are calculated individually, depending on the carrier company. From 1.10 to 15.05 unprotected categories of citizens can take advantage of a 50% discount traveling around the country, the rest of the time - only once (this means a round trip route).


Traveling by bus is costly and hassle-free. And a trip with children, in addition to everything, also requires responsibility.

In order not to face serious problems at the time of departure and not spend extra money on transporting a child, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the rules and benefits that apply to children.

In 2019, there is no single instruction that regulates the rules for the travel of babies. Certain benefits are provided for each type of transport. Therefore, the question of how old a child's bus ticket is valid is.

To understand this, it is necessary to provide for all possible nuances. Then parents can easily travel by bus with their children for free or at a discount.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that according to the laws of Russia, children have the right to free travel or with a 50% discount in such transport:

  1. Buses.
  2. Air Transport.
  3. Railway transport.

Discounts and benefits for children apply to all types of public transport without exception.

But parents who take their children on a trip should know that free travel can be provided for only one child. Only discounts will be provided for the second and subsequent children.

In the case when two adults and two children go on a trip, you can get free general tickets. They are distributed to one child and one adult.

This is precisely the saving on tickets, but in this case the children must be at their parents' place for the entire trip.

How much a bus ticket costs will mainly depend on the age of the children. Therefore, if students pay the full fare, then children can qualify for substantial discounts.

The cost of a child ticket is regulated by the internal policy of the regions of Russia and is based on the tariff, which includes the following:

  • fuel cost;
  • staff salary costs;
  • payment of taxes;
  • public transport service costs.

A children's bus ticket within the city costs from 25 to 35 rubles per trip... In the suburban and intercity directions, the ticket price directly depends on the mileage.

In any case, it is important to take into account that the discount ticket price is 50%. And parents have the right to transport their children up to a certain age free of charge.

The possibility of free travel is provided for by Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this regulation, passengers have the right to:

  1. Carries children up to a certain age free of charge or on preferential terms.
  2. To transport hand luggage free of charge, without violating the established norms.
  3. Transfer your baggage for transportation for a fee at the established rate.

The legislation establishes that the child is entitled to benefits or free travel.

Each parent should find out how old a child's ticket is in Russia. On buses for specialized children's passes, certain benefits are provided.

This discount is provided only on condition that the relevant documents are presented, which confirm the grounds.

In many cases, you only need to submit a certificate from an educational institution. From how old a child's bus ticket is valid depends on some circumstances.

The main criterion for free travel in public transport in Russia is age and the absence of the need to provide such a passenger with a separate sitting or reclining seat.

Age restrictions include children from 2 to 7 years old, depending on the type of transport:

If there is a need for a separate place for a child under 5 years old in intercity transport and up to 7 years old in suburban directions and urban public transport, then you can count on a 50% discount.

If the child is older than the specified age, then the tickets must be paid at full price without privileges.

In accordance with Russian legislation, in 2019 you do not need to issue a separate ticket for free travel on the bus.

You just need to have a document with you, which confirms the age of the child who is eligible for the benefit or discount.

When boarding a child on the bus, it is imperative to provide documentary evidence of his age. This is the only way to qualify for a bus ride for free.

You can issue this document:

  1. When registering electronically, specifying the passport details of the accompanying person.
  2. Before the trip itself at the ticket office of a bus station or other institution. In this case, you must first present an electronic or paper ticket for the accompanying person.

It is important to take into account that for one adult ticket according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, one child ticket is provided free of charge.

If there is a need to issue more discount tickets, then travel documentation for other accompanying persons should be presented. Otherwise, you will have to buy a ticket with a seat at the current rates for children from 5 to 10 years old.

When planning a trip with minor children, you need to check or complete all the necessary documentation:

The documentation needs to be prepared depending on the specific situation.

When traveling with a child, it is extremely important to take into account all possible nuances. When buying tickets, you do not need to take tickets for children near the bus door.

After receiving the ticket, you must immediately check the correctness of the information specified in it in order to minimize the risk of misunderstandings during boarding.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that for a long-distance or international trip, it is better to take tickets in both directions.

Thus, you can significantly save your own money. There are a lot of peculiarities and nuances during the registration of children's tickets.

Thus, the passenger can exercise his right to carry a child under the age of 5 with him free of charge, but only if he will sit in the parent's seat.

In the event that there is a need for a place for the baby, the ticket can be purchased with a 50% discount. A child aged 5 to 12 can also buy a child ticket.

For a child over 12 years old, the bus fare is charged at the full fare... The age of the child is determined on the day of the trip.