Professional creams for face skin care. Professional face care. Which facial treatments need a license

It is important for every woman to stay young, maintain beauty and attractiveness, because, as you know, good looks are the key to success in any endeavors. But, unfortunately, many of us start taking care of our skin too late: the skin color has become dull, wrinkles have appeared, the oval of the face has lost its elasticity.

Wanting to get rid of problems, women resort to the help of a beautician in the hope that he will "magic" return youth and make us beautiful. Of course, specialists can do a lot, especially when it comes to invasive or hardware techniques. However, you can solve the existing aesthetic problems yourself, with the help of professional cosmetics for facial skin care.

We'll tell you where to start and how to find the right product for you.

Stage one - determine the type of skin

Depending on the natural grease and moisture content, the skin is conditionally subdivided into normal, oily, dry and combination.

● Normal. It is characterized by a healthy shine and the absence of pronounced problems.
● Oily. Differs in excessive shine, enlarged pores, a tendency to acne formation.
● Dry. Thin, sensitive to weather changes, often peeling.
● Combined. It is characterized by increased fat content in the T-zone while the remaining parts are dry.

If you are sure that you know what type your skin belongs to, use the filter of the catalog "Skin Types". Also, when looking for the right product for you, use additional parameters, for example, "dry and dehydrated", "dry and sensitive" skin.

If you still find it difficult to determine the type of skin, use a proven folk trick: after 2-3 hours after washing, blot the skin with a paper towel or apply a mirror to your cheek. If an oily stain appears on the mirror or paper, then the skin is oily, if there is no stain, the skin is dry or normal.

Stage two - focusing on age

When choosing products, be guided by your age, because, depending on this, the composition of cosmetics is significantly different. For a young girl, the use of products for aging facial skin is fraught with the opportunity to "overfeed" the skin with stimulating substances. From this, she will simply stop producing the necessary components on her own and will look older when she stops using the product. For aging skin, the use of cosmetics for the care of young skin will be simply ineffective.

Stage three - defining the problem

In search of a solution to your problem, use the filters "Application (for face)" and "Assignment against (for face)".

Let's say you need to find. We put a tick opposite, and we see how a complete list of such funds opens. To narrow the range, go to the "section" filter and select the necessary tool, for example, or. Filters such as: "Ingredients", "Application area", "Brand" will also come in handy.

Stage four - check the calendar

The choice of means also depends on the current season. Summer cosmetics for facial skin care, as a rule, are aimed at sun protection and enhanced cleansing. Winter - for hydration and recovery. In the spring, weakened skin will come to the rescue. In the fall, it becomes important to maintain the water-lipid balance.

Stage five - we clarify the time of application of the product

It is important to understand that each product has its own application time.

● Daytime. They are better absorbed, retain moisture, and protect against irritating environmental factors.
● Nightly. More oily, focused on nutrition and regeneration of the skin tired during the day. They work deeper than daytime, protecting the skin from drying out, adding smoothness and elasticity to it.
● Comprehensive care - products for 24 hours. They are convenient, however, to achieve the best effect, it is wiser to use more narrowly targeted cosmetics.

Having chosen a suitable tool, feel free to click the "buy" button and add it to the cart. Place an order and choose delivery terms. The further fate of the product is already our concern.

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Preserve the beauty and health of your skin - start taking care of yourself now.

Professional facial care at home is difficult, but possible.

Women's beauty is always the result of hard work. A woman exhausted by her career, who falls asleep on the beautician's table during procedures, will look honest, no matter how many procedures she goes through - a well-groomed woman older than her years. The thing is that appearance requires attention. And taking care of yourself regularly is a manifestation of that kind of attention that, like a currency, accumulates and pays dividends - a beautiful appearance.

Professional facial care at home is difficult, but possible. I will not dwell on the daily routine, there are hardly many questions on this topic. I will try to tell you about how to independently carry out procedures that are as close as possible to the effect of the salon. It is generally accepted that for a serious positive effect, you need to visit a beautician at least once a week - try to carve out at least an hour on weekends for independent procedures to begin with, and try to make it your tradition. The effect will be very noticeable.

salon facial

Classic salon facial treatments (if we are not talking about hardware cosmetology) consist of four important blocks:

applying a mask that solves a specific problem
facial massage
nutrition and / or hydration

Cleansing and massage are two important steps that are really difficult to do on your own, but you can.


Cleansing is carried out in two stages - we wash off the cosmetics and then we carry out a deep cleansing of dead cells using a scrub or special masks. You can wash off cosmetics with your usual means, if the skin is sensitive, then it is better to take special lotions, oily and normal skin easily tolerates various foams, etc. ...

The next stage is the removal of dead cells. Here you can't get off with foam, you need a stronger impact. I'm not a fan of homemade recipes like lapping cucumbers or Indian gull poop masks, but when it comes to scrubs, folk recipes are often quite adequate. You can choose professional cosmetics (you need products that say “exfoliator”) which can be in the form of a scrub, curing mask-film, etc., or make your own potion. Here are a few recipes that I use occasionally:

1. classic scrub:

A quarter cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup milk powder
a tablespoon of sea salt

To enhance the effect, you can add finely ground coffee, but only if the skin is not sensitive. Place all ingredients in a blender or coffee grinder and grind until smooth. During the grinding process, you can add a few drops of essential oil, choose what you need depending on your skin type and the desired effect.
Pour a little of the mixture onto a damp palm and dilute it with your finger to a state of gruel, then apply it on your face and rub in a circular motion. Have you rubbed it? We wash it off!

2. The mask is classic:

A quarter of a mango or 2-3 strawberries (winter is possible)
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 drops of lemon oil

Everything is crushed in a blender and applied with a special brush on the face, left on for 10-15 minutes and washed off thoroughly. Berries and fruits contain acid, which gives a mild chemical peeling effect and removes dead skin particles. Attention: after this mask, do not go out into direct sunlight, there may be problems with pigmentation (reaction to vitamin C).

Attention: when choosing from the mass of "folk" recipes, which are abundant on the net, be very careful. Most of them are based on a combination of yolk or protein, honey, cereal, fruit, dairy products - in fact, great allergens. If you have problems with allergies, then it is still better to choose professional products, carefully reading what is included in the composition.


Nourishing, moisturizing, tightening pores, relieving irritation, etc., etc., there are a lot of options. After you have removed the top layer of keratinized cells, the active substances of the mask will penetrate into the skin better, it's time to smear with something useful.

Choosing a mask is a responsible business. First, identify the problem. Or rather, even so: first you need to determine what type of skin you have, but, I think, we have already passed this elementary stage and everyone present understands what Mother Nature has rewarded them with. Next, we need to figure out what we want to achieve: in winter we need nourishing masks, in summer - moisturizing masks. Women closer to forty need masks with a lifting effect. Girls can use a mask to fight acne, and so on. ... One visit will not ruin you, but it will help you not to waste time and energy on useless or even harmful procedures.

When it comes to nourishing and moisturizing skin that is not prone to allergies, then it is quite possible to try calm recipes. "Zero effect" is the term used by cosmetologists to denote the result from the use of mass market products, they do not bring harm, but also special benefits too. Although, if it's just about maintaining tone, then why not try it? You can regularly make masks from products that do not harm you personally and supplement them with professional cosmetics. Do not forget that the most important cosmetic component is attention to yourself. Here are a couple of winter masks that you can safely do at home:

1. Winter nourishing mask:

One ripe banana
3 tablespoons oatmeal
one yolk
a teaspoon of your winter nourishing cream.

Grind the flakes in a blender to a state of sand, add banana, yolk and cream, mix everything until a uniform mass. Apply with a brush on face, neck and décolleté, lie down and relax for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off gently with warm water and rinse with cool, blot your face with a gentle tissue and apply a nourishing cream.
If your skin is very dry, you can add a teaspoon of olive oil instead of a nourishing cream. But do not get carried away: it clogs the pores, forming a film on the skin, so it is better to be careful with this component.

2. Another winter nourishing mask:

2 tablespoons honey
1 protein
2 tablespoons glycerin
3 tablespoons flour
Mix honey, protein and glycerin, then add flour, you should get a liquid gruel. Apply it with a brush on the face (avoiding the eye area, of course), neck and décolleté, and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. Attention: if there are problems with the capillaries, then we do not use honey.

For the mask to work better, you need to lie relaxed so that the skin around your neck does not wrinkle. The classic pose is with a towel under your head, lying or half-sitting. If you focus on feeling young and beautiful at this point, the effect of the mask will triple, I promise.


In fact, massage is included in the full range of procedures, indicated in the paris-list of the salon as "face care", or should be included there. Regular massage is one of the most serious conditions for maintaining skin tone; no wonderful creams and serums can maintain this tone for a long time. Massage can and should be done regularly on your own, but even better - to learn with a friend, and help take care of each other's face on a barter basis. The rules are simple:

1. oil.

For a face massage, you need a massage oil or a massage emulsion, and here I am in favor of professional cosmetics. No, you can also take olive oil if your skin is dry. But it clogs the pores and leads to the formation of blackheads. Grape seed oil is better, avocado, jojoba - there are a lot of options, study the effect and choose the best. I prefer light natural massage oils, some manufacturers have series specifically designed for facial massage (look for the “facial” tag). You cannot take the massage cream, it will be quickly absorbed and you will begin to stretch the skin.

The skin should be cleansed, if you have not done the previous procedures, then simply remove makeup and dirt from your face (using lotion or any basic cleanser such as rose water).

3. hands.

Before starting the massage, warm up your hands - rub against each other to keep them warm. Pour a little oil into the palm of your hand and rub it, it should also be warm. You don't need a lot of oil, the main thing is that your hands slide freely.

4. movement.

The direction of travel must always be from bottom to top. We are fighting the effects of gravity, so for obvious reasons it is not worth pulling the skin down additionally. If you are giving a massage to a friend, then lay her on the sofa and stand behind, then all your movements should be from yourself - to yourself.


Start with stroking movements and gradually increase the pressure. It is important to maintain a balance - the massage should be effective (we need a significant increase in blood circulation), but at the same time, you should not additionally stretch the skin with your movements.

6. eyes.

The skin around the eyes is NEVER massaged. We can work along the edges of the orbit of the eye - along the bottom and along the line under the eyebrows. In no case do not rub the cream or oil with intense circular motions, only point, very gentle pressure. The skin is a living organ, all nutrients circulate in it. The working finger is the ring finger. We perform all movements only with this finger, it is the weakest and it is difficult to harm them.

These are simple rules that you need to learn before moving on to practice. If you are ready, then go ahead to a toned face!



Using light stroking movements, apply the oil to your face and neck, starting at the bottom and working your way up. Warm up the skin of the face, very gently and gradually increasing the intensity of the movements. It takes 3-4 minutes to warm up.

2.the forehead

On the forehead, we have two problem areas - horizontal wrinkles and two vertical ("zone 11"), with which we work. Start with light stroking movements from the bottom up, from the bridge of the nose to the top of the forehead, changing hands. Increase the intensity. Try not to pull, but the pressure should be firm enough.
Fold the "Zone 11" into a horizontal fold and slightly pick this fold (in other words, pinch the bridge of your nose). No fanaticism: remember that there is a very sensitive eye area nearby and one awkward movement can lead to a fingal. 3-4 minutes.

3. eyes

As mentioned earlier, we massage the area around the eyes indirectly. First, go along the line of the eyebrows - "pinch the eyebrows." Very carefully, from the bridge of the nose to the temples, pinch the eyebrow between your fingers, squeeze lightly and move your fingers further. This helps a lot, by the way, when the eyes get tired of the computer - this way you improve blood flow and relieve stress. Minutes 2-3.
Then we go to the lower edge of the orbit. Ring finger, from the inner corners of the eye to the outer, slightly pressing. Minutes 2-3.
Once again: no circular motions of fingers on thin skin, no rubbing oil into it, very carefully.


The jawline shows age more than the area around the eyes. The skin on the chin sags the fastest and needs a toning massage the most. Pinch the skin between your thumb and forefinger and lift your fingers away from your face with a vigorous motion. It should be such a big pinch, so to speak. From the center of the chin to the ears, repeat the "pass" 3-4 times.


The skin on the neck is thin, delicate, and also very much in need of careful care. Most often, we are worried about horizontal folds, in order to make them less noticeable, do not forget to massage the skin on the neck too.
The muscles here are arranged vertically, and we walk along the muscle fibers, from the bottom up. Gently but perceptibly squeeze the skin between the index and thumb, slightly pull it back and release it. It is difficult to do neck massage on your own; it is better to seek the help of a friend. Again, remember that our task is not to stretch the skin on the neck by 2 sizes, but to improve blood flow so that the regeneration process is more efficient. Listen to the sensations.


When the individual zones are worked out, you can move on to an intensive study of the entire face. The task of this stage is to disperse the blood, the skin may turn slightly red. Squeeze the skin between your thumb and forefinger, and squeeze lightly, release it. Go over your chin and cheekbones again. Always from bottom to top, always from the center of the face to the temples.
Small tingling is the final stage. Many small movements along the massage lines: chin line, cheeks and cheekbones, "zone 11", eyebrows.

Finish the massage with light strokes, you can remove the remaining oil with lotion or simply pat dry with a towel. The face should burn slightly, this sensation will pass in a few minutes. An honest massage once a week brings very good results both as a prophylaxis and for combating pre-existing wrinkles. Make it your tradition, this is a good rule that will be very useful to you in the future.

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If you choose the right cosmetics and follow the rules of care, the results will exceed all your expectations - the skin will always be young, fresh, velvety.

Agree that you need some knowledge to properly care for your skin, to understand what it needs. The article "Skin Anatomy" will help you understand why it is important to follow the rules of cosmetic procedures.
To correctly determine your skin type, read the advice of the beautician "How to determine the correct skin type?" In this article, you will learn how to determine your skin type visually and using a special questionnaire.
But cosmetics should be selected not only by skin type, but also taking into account age. Therefore, in the article "Why is it necessary to choose funds that are appropriate for your age?" I will tell you what changes occur in the skin after 25 years and what tasks are solved by cosmetics intended for the care of such skin.
Now in stores and markets there are a lot of cosmetics of various quality and price. The question arises, where to choose? You will find the answer in the article "Analysis of the cosmetics market", in which I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetics of different classes. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of different classes of cosmetics, you can make a decision deliberately and competently.
Skin care must include the following procedures: cleansing, nutrition, hydration, protection and stimulation. The main stages of care: cleansing, deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection, are standard for all skin types, only care products are individually selected. From the article “Stages of Skin Care”, you will find out which cosmetics of medicinal cosmetics are suitable for each stage. And I will also tell you what will be the positive effect of the correct, step-by-step skin care.
Choosing the right skin care products is only half the battle. For the skin to be healthy and to get the maximum effect from creams and masks, they must be applied correctly. Some women rub the cream very hard into the skin, thinking that it will definitely help with wrinkles. And the wrinkles are getting bigger. What to do in this case? Read the beautician's advice in the article "Facial massage lines and cream application technique."
One of the most common causes of acne and acne is improper skin cleansing. The problem of the appearance of teenage acne deserves a separate article, since there are many factors. But in this article, "What's Behind the Phones?" I will only touch on one - the destruction of the acid mantle of the skin. Pay attention to the acid-base balance diagram and the pH values ​​of various cosmetics.
Looking and feeling good in winter is not easy. Due to the effects of snow, wind and cold, the skin becomes moody. Of course, you need to properly care for your skin at any time of the year, but you should especially pay attention to this in winter. What products to use for each skin type, and what to avoid, you will learn from the article "Proper skin care in winter is very important!". This article also discusses little tricks on how to improve the condition of each skin type.
I advise you to carefully read all the advice of a beautician, then the results will exceed your expectations.
If you have any questions, write, I will be happy to answer.

Anatomy of the skin

The skin is the largest organ that protects us from the negative effects of the environment and needs constant and thorough care. The skin consists of three main layers - the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The appearance of our skin is determined mainly by its two layers - the dermis and the epidermis.
Let's take a closer look at the structure of the skin. The deepest is the hypodermis or subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Hypodermis (subcutaneous fatty tissue) is fatty tissue that provides thermal insulation and the accumulation of nutrients. Why does the skin need hypodermis? It protects internal organs from mechanical damage. What could have happened without this layer? The traumatic effect would be directly on the vital organs located under the skin. In addition, the hypodermis protects the body from excessive cooling, protects against external stimuli, serves as a depot in which stores of fat are stored, spent during illness, starvation or in case of pregnancy.
The vascular network is present in the hypodermis. It transports arterial and venous blood. The vascular network also includes the lymphatic system. The sweat glands are located at this level. This part of the skin is very rich in nerves and fibers.
An important feature of subcutaneous adipose tissue is that in women and in men it is very different in its structure, mass, nature and localization. These differences are due to the function of procreation. In the stronger sex, the fibers of the subcutaneous adipose tissue are arranged horizontally, like bricks, in several floors. In women, they run vertically, like stripes in a zebra. The share of adipose tissue, in men, accounts for about 12% of the total body weight, and in women - 25%. In men, adipose tissue is concentrated mainly on the waist, abdomen and shoulders, in women - in the hips and buttocks. This knowledge will come in handy when we talk about the problem of cellulite.
If you look at the illustration, the next layer above the hypodermis is the dermis.

Dermis- it is the skin itself, as an organ that has a lot of functions. These are breathing and protection, thermoregulation and excretion. The dermis consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. It contains collagen fibers, elastic and reticular fibers that make up the skin frame. Collagen fibers are composed of collagen protein and are responsible for giving and maintaining the shape of the body, such as the oval of the face. Elastin fibers consist of elastin and are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, the ability to return to its previous state after stretching.
The dermis can be compared to a mattress, in which the function of springs is performed by elastic fibers of collagen and elastin proteins. The space between the springs is filled with gel - water absorbed with hyaluric acid. The cells of the dermis produce the intercellular substance (which holds the epidermis). The dermis contains fibroblasts - cells that synthesize blood vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands.
Why do we need all these details? Any disturbances in this layer entail a loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin, as well as the formation of wrinkles. If a small network of wrinkles or deep large wrinkles appear, then the problem is at this level of the skin.

What else can you find interesting at this level of the skin? For example, hair muscle that attaches to the hair shaft and to the very last layer of the skin. The hair muscle does not have a rigid attachment, and strong massage and hard rubbing contributes to its displacement, which generally contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and deformations.
In most cases, our muscles are attached to the bones of the skeleton. If we try to move any muscle, it will still remain in place. For example, the facial muscles of the face allow us to reflect a whole range of feelings, however, if the muscles did not have the necessary attachment, it’s scary to think what our face would eventually turn into.
But for what purpose does the hair muscle serve? In extreme situations, our body releases a number of hormones, such as adrenaline, under the influence of which these muscles can contract. If we are frightened, frozen or "lay down" a limb, the hairs on it will rise "on end", this is a protective reaction of our body.
In the illustration next to the hair muscle and hair, we see sebaceous gland that comes out to the surface of the skin. Let's remember this location, we will need it in the future. The sebaceous glands secrete a secretion called sebum, which softens the skin and gives it elasticity.
Let's go back to the illustration. The next layer above the dermis is the epidermis.
Epidermis consists of several layers, the topmost of which is formed by flat cells. The life cycle of such a cell begins in the very depths of the epidermis (embryonic or basal layer) and ends in the outer layer, called the stratum corneum. As the cells move to the surface of the skin, they lose moisture, fill with a horny substance - keratin, and become flat. The process of renewal (regeneration) of the skin is also called skin cycles .
If you lead a healthy lifestyle and properly care for your skin, the outer layer should be completely renewed within a month. At the same time, the skin has a smooth surface and a healthy appearance. But there are many reasons that make this process difficult.
For example, the detachment of horny scales slows down with age, as well as in people with oily skin, giving it a pale, grayish tint. The thickness of the stratum corneum increases during sunbathing, as this forms a kind of protective barrier against ultraviolet rays.
The basement membrane also contains the pigment melanin, the amount of which determines the color of the skin. When we have a problem with skin pigmentation, especially after childbirth, we already know at what level of the skin this problem starts.
The next layer of the epidermis is spiny , it is unique in that it contains an abundant lymphatic network. The lymphatic system is the borderline barrier of our immune system. As soon as we suffer from any infection, for example, we have a swelling, the lymph nodes enlarge. They don't just get bigger, they start making their own antibiotics. Each person has an individual, unique set of antibiotics. We will talk about this a little later, when we consider the problem of acne.
After the thorny layer goes - granular layer ... The granular layer contains the Rhine barrier. It is very subtle, but important in our body. What is Rhine's Barrier for? It prevents excess moisture from getting inside and too much liquid to get out. This property works when someone decides, for example, to take a bath. Without Rain's barrier, the person would swell like a cotton swab and absorb all the water. Or, on the contrary, he went out into the sun, and all the moisture would have left his body ... In addition, not all cosmetics can overcome this Rhine barrier. We will also return to this feature of our skin.
The next layer is brilliant ... It lies above Rhine's barrier. From its name, shiny one can understand that its task is to reflect ultraviolet light so that it does not penetrate the skin and does not contribute to the formation of cancer cells.
The next one after the shiny layer - stratum corneum ... He, in turn, is divided into three more levels. Omitting complex details, we only note that the lowest is a very dense layer, the cells are tightly adjacent to each other. At the second level, this density weakens, and at the third level, the skin cells are “in free swimming”, ready to exfoliate.
The formation of epidermal cells can be compared to a large construction site, where the result depends on many factors: are there the necessary materials, what is their quality, are they delivered on time, etc. In addition, it is important in what condition the object itself is: whether a new building is underway or a dilapidated building is being renovated. An important role is played by the protection of the object from "vandals" - pathogenic microorganisms. Obviously, the more problems accumulate, the more difficult it is to solve them with the help of any one means.
So, we found out that the skin is the largest organ, performs various functions related to metabolism, participates in water-salt, carbohydrate and protein metabolism and is of great importance in the functioning of the immune system.
The respiratory function of the skin plays a special role. Cutaneous respiration and redox processes are closely related and depend on the functions of the sweat glands.
Here we met with the anatomy of the skin. This knowledge is enough to properly care for the skin, to understand what it needs. This material will help you understand why it is important to follow the rules for conducting cosmetic procedures.
To choose cosmetics, you should determine your skin type, as well as correctly assess its current condition. Therefore, pay attention to how to determine your skin type visually and using a special questionnaire.

How to determine the correct skin type?

To properly care for your skin, you need to know its type. The further care program and the characteristics of cosmetics depend on the type of skin. Why do I draw your attention to what it takes right determine your skin type? Sometimes I have a consultation with women who say, "I have oily skin, please choose something for me," or "I have very dry skin, like parchment, help me choose what works best for me." However, one should distinguish between the type of skin that is naturally formed and the problems that appear on the skin after some time, if you have not cared for it properly.
For example, a woman complains of increased oily skin, but her natural skin type is dry. In this case, she could apply a cream that makes her sebaceous gland work actively and use up its potential earlier than it was laid down by nature. Agree, this is a completely different kind of problem? Or, another situation, someone has an oily skin type in all respects, but complaints of dryness. This is due to improper care, the sebaceous gland has already used up its potential and needs to be treated.
If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to treat the skin based on its current condition.
The questionnaire below and the signs of different skin types will help identify problems that appear when using low-quality cosmetics.
For example, if by all indications (the skin is shiny, has a grayish tint, the pores are enlarged) you have an oily type, but according to the results of the questionnaire you have some other type, then you need to treat the skin.

Note that any person's skin should be normal, but due to various factors, it becomes either dry or oily. Correctly selected medical cosmetics after a certain time will bring your skin to its normal state.

The main signs of dry skin are:

it is very thin, delicate, matte; has small, almost imperceptible pores, in the sun, cold or wind reacts with redness and irritation. Wrinkles, milia (in common people - "milia") appear early on such skin.

The main signs of oily skin:

excessive sebaceous shine, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands (seborrhea), enlarged pores, infiltrates (dense red spots) often appear, there is a tendency to the appearance of white and black comedones, acne, cysts of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin is usually thick, rough, has a grayish tint, and does not hold makeup well.

The main signs of normal skin are:

almost always clean, fresh, elastic, smooth and firm to the touch. It does not peel off, has a pink tint, which is an indicator of uniform blood supply. Normal skin contains a sufficient amount of moisture and grease; blackheads are practically not visible on it.

The main signs of combination skin:

on the forehead, nose, in the middle part under the nose, on the chin there are more sebaceous glands, the skin is more oily and porous - signs of oily skin. This area is called the "T-zone", as together with the forehead and nose, it forms a T-shaped zone. On the temples, cheeks, the skin is smooth, thin, the pores are almost invisible - signs of dry skin. If the difference between oily and dry skin is small, then such skin is classified as normal. If the difference between dry and oily areas is large, then such skin is usually referred to as a combined type. Therefore, the T-shaped area is treated like oily skin, and in the area of ​​the cheeks and temples, products for dry skin are used. The following questionnaire will help you determine your current skin condition.

Application form

1. What sensations do you experience on the skin after treating it with foam or soap?
a) taut, as if the skin "has become small" for your face;

c) dry, itchy in places;
d) gentle, very pleasant;
e) dry in some places, smooth in some places.

2. What is your skin like after treatment with cleansing cream or milk?
a) pleasant;
b) smooth, without discomfort;
c) in places pleasant, in places itching;
d) very oily;
e) in places oily, in places smooth.

3. How does your skin usually look in the middle of the day?
a) peeling spots appear on it;
b) fresh and clean;
c) peeling spots, slight redness appear on it;
d) shines;
e) shines in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-shaped zone).

4. How often do you get acne?
a) almost never;
b) occasionally before or during critical days;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) often in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-shaped zone).

5. How does the skin react when you apply toner or lotion to your face?
a) there is a burning sensation;
b) no problems;
c) burns and itches;
d) feeling of freshness;
e) in some places a feeling of freshness, in some places a burning sensation.

6. How does your skin react to oily night cream?
a) very pleasant sensations;
b) pleasant sensations;
c) sometimes it is pleasant, sometimes irritation is felt;
d) the skin becomes very oily;
e) oily skin in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin (in the T-shaped zone), unpleasant sensations on the cheeks.
Now review your answers. If the answer prevails among them:
a - your skin is dry;
b - normal skin;
c - sensitive skin;
d - oily skin;
e - skin of a mixed (combined) type, with a predominance of oily.
Now we know how to correctly determine the type of skin.
When choosing cosmetics for your skin type, it is also very important to understand the condition of your skin. What is meant?
How do you imagine dry skin? If it is like a desert with dry soil and absolutely still air, then everything is correct. This is exactly what she looks like. What needs to be done to make it shine again and become elastic?
What do you usually do if your code pulled? You reach for a jar of fatty cream. Let's compare our skin with dried fruit, for example, dried apricots. Spread it with greasy cream - has it turned into a juicy peach? No! And if you put it in a glass of water, then it will smooth out and become more or less elastic.
For the elasticity of our skin, first of all, moisture is responsible. But our pretty face can tighten not only due to lack of moisture. For example, if the protective layer of the skin is broken. It is enough to wash with soap a couple of times to disable the hydrolipid layer of the film for three hours, which retains moisture and controls its level in our skin.
Do not confuse the concept " dry"and" dehydrated "skin. The first is the type of skin, its permanent condition. And dehydration is a temporary phenomenon. Dry and normal, combination and even oily skin can experience dehydration.
There are several ways to recognize dry and dehydrated skin.
If you pinch small a piece of skin, and a wrinkled fold remains on it for a long time, then you have dry skin. On dry skin, vessels are clearly visible, constantly reacting to temperature changes. Also on dry skin wrinkles are noticeable and they are difficult to correct.
If you pinch in crease dehydrated skin, it straightens very quickly. Vessels on dehydrated skin do not cause concern for their condition. And if you restore the normal level of moisture, fine wrinkles on the skin are quickly smoothed out.
Often in dehydration skin we are to blame. But there are also those factors that are beyond our control - aging of the skin. Over time, the process of lipid production slows down, and moisture in our skin is no longer retained. The situation is also spoiled by various bad habits. Among the factors affecting dehydration, you can also highlight the passion for sunburn, the frequent use of laxatives and diuretics, sudden changes in temperature and dry indoor air.
Pay attention to why you need to choose products that are appropriate for your age. To answer this question, let's trace the changes that occur in the skin after 25 years, and consider what tasks are solved by cosmetics designed to care for such skin.
The surface layer - the epidermis consists of cells that are continuously dividing and, as they grow, gradually moving towards the surface of the skin, die off. When in contact with clothing or during water procedures, these dead cells are exfoliated, making way for new ones. Thanks to this continuous process of cell renewal, the integrity of the skin is preserved and one of its main functions is provided - protective.

Skin renewal cycle is a cycle of skin and tissue regeneration. From the moment the cell is born until the moment it emerges on the surface of the skin. At each age, these cycles are different, because with age, the regeneration process slows down. What is skin stabilization? This is a slowdown in regeneration up to 3-4 months.
Other undesirable changes occur with age: the skin loses moisture, the production of collagen and elastin - the main proteins of the dermis - slows down, respectively, the structure of collagen and elastin fibers is disrupted. The skin loses its ability to effectively protect itself from the negative effects of the environment; its firmness, elasticity decreases, wrinkles appear.

The main functions of cosmetic products for skin care after 25 years:

  • restoration of the rate of renewal (regeneration) of skin cells.
  • intensive hydration of the skin, which occurs due to the use of long-lasting moisturizing ingredients.
  • acceleration of the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
However, it should be noted that the use of age-related cosmetics which contains potent active ingredients, undesirable for the care of very young skin (up to 25 years)... For young skin, the components that slow down aging are not only not useful, but also harmful: the skin, when using such funds, will very soon begin to "lazy", will not be able to recover on its own, and will sooner use up its potential.
It is believed that products for young skin can be used at an older age. However, it is not. Some processes in young and mature skin are radically different: after 30 years, collagen synthesis begins to slow down, and the upper protective layer of the epidermis becomes thicker. Cosmetics for young skin will not provide mature skin with the necessary nutrition, therefore it will be useless.
There are women who are 40-45 years old, and their skin was 25-27 years old. The condition of the skin is good, the care was correct. You can keep the skin cell renewal process at a certain level. With proper care, the skin stabilization process can begin by the age of 100. It is not at all necessary that at 45 years of age your skin's renewal cycle will be 30-31 days. But there is also a situation when a girl is only 20 years old, and the age of the skin is 31-32 years old, as far as the skin was depleted. The girl used makeup incorrectly, and was faced with a secondary sign of a skin defect.
So, the skin renewal cycle is not determined by your biological age, but by the condition of your skin. It is important to define the update cycle correctly because the duration of the treatment program will depend on this, and after it - the duration of the use of various creams.
Thus, we will select cosmetics taking into account the type of skin, its condition and the season. Now in stores and markets there are a lot of cosmetics of various quality and price. The question arises, where to choose?

Analysis of the cosmetics market

Everyone noticed that the same type of products from different manufacturers are very different in price. What determines the price, and how does it compare with the quality of the product?
In world practice, it is customary to distinguish four main categories of cosmetics. It is classified both by the level of prices, and by technologies, traditions of manufacturers and methods of sale.

Professional cosmetics

Professional cosmetics are usually called salon cosmetics. It is used by professional cosmetologists in beauty salons and specialists in cosmetic clinics. Cosmetologists are specially trained to work with this cosmetics and have a fairly narrow profile. The quality of professional cosmetics is very good. In such cosmetics, as a rule, there are a lot of active substances, so it is unsafe to use it uncontrollably. It is selected individually, depending on the needs of the skin, and the effect of its application is quite noticeable. Professional cosmetics are produced, as a rule, systemically and are very expensive. It uses high-tech synthetic ingredients.
When a woman regularly goes to the salon, and some procedures are done to her, then she gets a good result. But if she is late with the next visit to the beauty salon, then complications occur inside the skin.
Professional cosmetics act as a doping agent, expending the potential of the skin. The potential of your skin is calculated, let's say, for 90 years, and since the stimulants have got into the skin, the skin begins to work intensively. Yes, of course it regenerates, but your skin's potential will be used up faster. It turns out that people are "addicted" to this cosmetics. And if they refuse this cosmetics, then complications arise on the face. And the manufacturers began to think that it was time to change something in this. They are looking for new technologies to move to the healing level.

Cosmetics "Lux"

As a rule, these are cosmetics for regular home use, which are based on the development of this company directly.
This is the most expensive class of cosmetics. She is prestigious. It is sold in specialized boutiques. It is offered to us by trained sales consultants. The packaging was created by designers, the names of manufacturers sound in our souls like a song. The cosmetics are certainly great, but the prices are sometimes fantastic.
We often think that expensive cosmetics are so expensive because they contain expensive (and quality) ingredients. Is it so? In part, yes. But most often, the cost of ingredients is a fraction of a percent of the cost of cosmetics. Only biologically active additives are relatively expensive. As a rule, the main "contribution" to the cost of cosmetics is made by advertising. And the wonderful bottle in which the product is enclosed is sometimes not cheap. Cosmetics "Lux" will suit those who are ready to pay for the prestige of the brand and impeccable packaging.

Cosmetics "Mass Market"

The lower level in the hierarchy is occupied by the mass market / middle market class. In this class, sometimes the "subsection" of the middle up is also distinguished - somewhat better than just the "masses" (Revion, Mary Kay). Cosmetologists, however, put all these "markets" on the same level, although they admit that the best samples of cosmetics in some middle-up series are adjacent to luxury cosmetics.
Such cosmetics are sold through retail stores. Prominent representatives: L "oreal, Nivea, Synergie, Lumene, Florena. The main part of Russian cosmetics also belongs to this class.
The mass market also includes cosmetics sold through network marketing consultants, as well as through catalog sales, sometimes through branded salons-stores: Oriflame, Faberlic, Yves Rocher.
You should not place too high demands on this cosmetics. Its main purpose is daily skin care without any problems. As a rule, it pleases buyers with relatively low prices and quite acceptable design.
Ingredients can be of high quality or cheap. The complex of vitamins is absent, but there may be single inclusions. For example, "Black Pearl" night cream with vitamin E - one vitamin. Mass-market cosmetics are not produced in a complex or haphazard manner.
High quality mass market at least will not harm the skin. However, a low level of mass market can cause complications or secondary skin problems. There are primary problems that arise due to the organism itself, for example, the internal slagging of the organism. But secondary, when there were primary problems, we began to look after, but incorrectly, or use cosmetics of the mass market level, and aggravated the situation.

Medical cosmetics

Medicinal cosmetics are in about the same price range. Placentol cosmetics based on placenta emulsion, cosmetics based on Baldon mud, Selena cream based on mink oil - all of these are medicinal cosmetics. It is not affordable because it is sold through network marketing. Many companies produce products based on thermal water, the healing properties of which have been known for 2,000 years, and such cosmetics are available in pharmacies.
The purpose of using such cosmetics is to heal the skin. It is issued systematically and is very effective. If you wish, you can then switch to any other cosmetics. The level of quality of medical cosmetics is equal to the level of luxury and the level of professional cosmetics.
Almost all cosmetics from the patented complexes, there are practically no analogues in the world. The availability of modern equipment and highly professional specialists made it possible to quickly organize the production of unique drugs for the prevention of diseases and the treatment of people.
So where to stop? Just decide what is important to you in cosmetics. The suite is suitable for those who are ready to pay for the prestige of the brand, professional cosmetics - who have extra money and a lot of free time, who have to deal with problems (but then they cannot do without constant visits to a beautician, or even to other specialists).
The only thing I would like to warn against buying cheap mass-market cosmetics. Unless, of course, you are going to smear the purchased cream on your boots. The best option, in my opinion, is medical cosmetics.

Benefits of medicinal cosmetics:

  • has an affordable price, but is not inferior in quality to "Lux" cosmetics and professional cosmetics,
  • cosmetics are developed by candidates of medical sciences, doctors of sciences and are produced in biochemistry laboratories, tested for years, under the supervision of dermatologists.
  • cosmetics are created using high technologies based on natural raw materials,
  • cosmetics do not cause complications, but on the contrary heals the skin,
  • creams penetrate down to the basal layer, other cosmetics do not penetrate so deeply, therefore, they do not nourish the cells when they arise,
  • if you wish, you can switch to any other cosmetics, but I assure you that you will not want to do this.
Now we know the advantages and disadvantages of different classes of cosmetics and can intelligently make a decision. I recommend using medicinal cosmetics, which you can order at the LiSa store.

Skin care steps

Skin care must include the following procedures: cleansing, nutrition, hydration, protection and stimulation. The main stages of care are standard for all skin types, only care products are selected individually.
It is important to remember that any skin needs daily cleansing, deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protection. Moisturizing is necessary for the skin after 25 years, because the regeneration process slows down, it is very important to give the skin cells "building material". Stimulation is especially important for aging skin after 40 years, when the elastin-collagen complex is disturbed, deep wrinkles appear, and the face has acquired an earthy tint.
Young skin does not need stimulating and nourishing creams at all, but proper daily and deep cleansing is important.
Please read carefully about the steps of skin care, paying attention to the positive results. In the articles I give the names of cosmetic products for procedures that you can buy in the LiSa online store

Cosmetics are more effective when applied to cleansed skin. I recommend that you refuse to wash your face with tap water and soap, as this leads to the destruction of the protective water-lipid mantle, leaching of moisture-retaining substances, as well as lipids from the stratum corneum, which can lead to the fact that even oily skin turns into dry. And the skin will need to be treated for a long time.

Daily skin cleansing

It is necessary to use special products designed for daily skin cleansing. Cleansing should be done twice a day. In the morning we remove the products of the "night" vital activity of skin cells, and in the evening - the dirt accumulated during the day, cosmetics. Cleansing is done with a product for your skin type to remove dirt without stripping your skin of vital moisture.
Most of my clients ask Why wash your face thoroughly in the morning, can you just rinse your face with water? If you live in a city, then you breathe carbon monoxide gases, resins, slagging of the body inevitably occurs. The skin removes slags, toxins, heavy metals to the skin surface during the night. In the morning you need to wash your face to remove these harmful substances. If we do not wash ourselves thoroughly and apply day cream, then all the dirt, together with the cream, will penetrate deep into the skin.
So, we gently and along the massage lines with our fingertips apply the cleanser to the face and décolleté. Leave it for 1 minute, then rinse it off along the massage lines with filtered water, use a sponge to cleanse the skin with special water - micellar, cleanse very dry skin with milk, then tone it with a special tonic for each type of skin.

Means for daily skin cleansing

  • PURETE THERMALE (foam, milk 3in1 Integral, micellar water), for oily skin - NORMADERM (gel, gel scrub, means 3in1, micellar water), Vichy
  • Physio (foam, gel, micellar water), for oily skin - Effaclar (gel, micellar water), La Roche-Posey.

Deep cleansing of the skin

Besides daily cleansing, skin needs deep cleansing... Absolutely everyone, regardless of skin type, age and gender, needs to deeply cleanse the skin. The only difference will be in the frequency of the procedure from 1 to 3 times a week. Deep cleansing helps to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse pores, stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes, and also accelerate the process of skin renewal.

Means for deep cleansing of the skin

  • for normal, combination, dry skin: Exfoliating exfoliating cream PURETE THERMALE (Vichy);
  • for oily skin: Gel scrub NORMADERM, Means 3in1 NORMADERM (Vichy).

Benefits and results of using special skin cleansers

Benefits of the skin cleansers you can buy online:

  • peels do not contain coarse particles that can injure the skin;
  • preparations do not contain chemical elements that have a toxic effect and can damage cells;
  • high efficiency is due to biologically active ingredients that act mildly, but very effectively.

Positive results from daily and deep cleaning:

Cleansing the skin without removing natural oils and breaking the acidic skin of the skin, which makes the skin softer and fresher. Skin cleansers remove impurities and make-up, remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and activate blood circulation.
After cleansing, the skin must be protonated and moisturized. The toner should be tailored to your skin type. The tone is created due to the fact that the complex penetrates deep into the skin to the dermis. The tonic acts on the hair muscle and pore fibers, due to which it narrows.
Toners remove all traces of dirt, dust and grease left by the cleanser, leaving your skin fresh.
Any skin can suffer from a lack of moisture, a violation of the water-lipid balance of cells, so any type of skin must be moisturized. Moisturizers not only replenish the loss of moisture, but also promote the penetration of vitamins, biologically active components into the deep layers of the skin and other substances necessary for skin cells.

The skin can lose moisture when:

  • improper care (for example, washing with tap water or soap);
  • unfavorable climatic conditions (sharp temperature drop, dry air, etc.).
Due to the lack of moisture, the skin becomes sensitive, covered with fine wrinkles, quickly loses its elasticity and firmness.

Skin toning products

Over time, the skin gradually loses lipids, the water-lipid mantle is disrupted, the skin becomes dry, sensitive, begins to peel off; there is a feeling of discomfort and a feeling of tightness. Applying nourishing creams, masks can eliminate the above problems.

Nutrition of the skin is necessary in order to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, maintain elasticity, compensate for the loss of fat and relieve the skin from flaking. For this purpose, nutrients are used that are suitable for your skin type.

Means for skin nutrition

Due to the slowing down of the skin regeneration process, wrinkles appear, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Skin stimulants act on the factors and processes that lead to skin aging. As a result, these cosmetics stimulate metabolic processes in tissues, activate collagen synthesis, regenerate cells, and restore the integrity and uniformity of the skin.

Skin stimulation products

Our skin needs daily protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, from unfavorable environmental conditions, sudden changes in temperature, cold, wind, etc. Therefore, after cleansing and toning the skin, it is imperative to apply a protective cream.
A protective cream is needed to activate the shiny layer in the epidermis and protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Figuratively speaking, at this stage of care we fill with cream, i.e. useful elements, all layers of the skin up to the basal. And in the end, when we go out into the street, our skin, figuratively speaking, is armored. Impurities and ultraviolet light cannot penetrate deep into the skin. This is exactly how the healing creams presented in the online store work.
The impact of mass-market creams, even of high quality, is somewhat different - they only go to the Rhine barrier and remain there. Healing creams of the store can go deeper due to their fine dispersion..

Skin protection products

  • for 25-30 years old AQUALIA THERMAL, Vichy
  • for 30-40 years old LIFTACTIV RETINOL, Vichy
  • for 40-50 years old LIFTACTIV DERMORESURS, Vichy
  • for 50+ years NEOVADIOL Gf, Vichy;
  • Hydraphase Intensive , La roche-posey
  • Nutritic, La Roche-Posey.

Facial massage lines and the technique of applying the cream

All procedures must be carried out not only on the face, but also in the décolleté area. In women and men, the décolleté area is above four fingers, set horizontally from the nipple halo. We do not touch the area of ​​the thyroid gland and do not apply anything, it is enough to rinse with filtered water. The area below the décolleté area, we also do not touch and do not apply anything, because the mammary glands are located in this area.
In order to achieve maximum results from the use of medicinal cosmetics, it is important to follow the technique of applying cosmetics. Therefore, before I tell you about the stages of skin care, let's turn our attention to the skin, in other words, massage lines.
  • Using your fingertips, spread a small amount of the cosmetic all over your forehead. We make movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples, alternately in opposite directions.
  • Apply the product first to the area under the eyes, moving from the temples to the nose, then to the area under the eyebrows - in the direction from the nose to the temples.
  • Next, spread the product evenly from the middle of the chin over the lower jaw to the earlobes. We barely touch the skin.
  • Smooth the skin with your fingers from the wings of the nose to the temples and from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear.
  • Apply to the left and right neck, alternately. Spread it evenly, moving up to the chin, bypassing the thyroid area. Do not forget about the back of the neck, distribute the cosmetic, moving down to the shoulder blades.
  • With the outside of your hand, lightly pat the bottom of your chin with frequent, energetic but very light strokes.
Your hands should be relaxed when applying the cosmetic product. so that when you touch your face, you have the impression of softness and tenderness. Lovely women, love yourself, no need to rub your face.
Why do all cosmetics need to be applied along the massage lines? Because the lymphatic system and collagen fibers are located along the massage lines, and if we do everything across, we will destroy our collagen.
It is important to apply cosmetic products not only along the massage lines, but also at a certain time. The skin has its own biorhythms when it is best adapted to cosmetic procedures.
If you apply the cream later than 22:30, then swelling may appear in the morning. The washing system can also be carried out after 22:30 if you do not have time.

What's behind the letters pH?

Hydrogen exponent (pH)- a value characterizing the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Acid-base balance (acid-base balance)- the relative constancy of the hydrogen index (pH) of the internal environment of the body, due to the joint action of the buffer and some physiological systems of the body.
Almost all living cells (including a number of bacterial ones) are very sensitive to changes in pH, and even a slight acidification is destructive for them. Only the skin, covered with a layer of dead keratinized cells, can afford to put on an acid mantle (it is also called the Marchionini mantle).
The acidic mantle of the skin is formed by a mixture of sebum and sweat, to which organic acids are added - lactic, citric and others. These acids are formed as a result of biochemical processes in the epidermis. The acidic mantle of the skin is the first link of defense against microorganisms, since the acidic environment is often destructive for them. And yet there are bacteria that live permanently on the skin, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, lactobacillus. They prefer to live in an acidic environment, and even produce acids themselves, contributing to the formation of the acidic mantle of the skin. The bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis not only do not harm the skin, but even release toxins that have an effect similar to antibiotics and inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microflora.
Let's take a closer look at the acid-base balance diagram

5.2 - 5.7 normal skin type
4 - 5.2 oily skin type
5.7 - 7 dry skin type

The maximum level of alkali permissible for human skin is 9 pH units

Maximum acid level permissible for human skin 3 pH units

Frequent washing with alkaline soap can destroy the acid mantle. Then the "good" acid-loving bacteria will find themselves in unfamiliar conditions, and the "bad", acid-sensitive bacteria will have an advantage. When we are deprived of acidic defenses, the skin ages very quickly. Everything from infection to ultraviolet light goes deep inside - the skin wears out faster. Therefore, it may happen that at the age of 20, the skin looks 30 and older.
The acidity of the skin can change under the influence of environmental factors: exposure to direct sunlight, changes in perspiration, prolonged exposure to acidic or alkaline environments (hard water, detergents, etc.).
The most common skin problem in adolescents is acne, acne. Often, to get rid of this problem, teenagers begin to wash with soap. Soap has a pH of 9-11. As a result, oily skin (4 - 5.2 pH units, i.e. closer to acid), soap converts into an alkaline state. Irritation of the skin provokes a protective reaction - the skin begins to produce even more oil. A vicious circle is formed. That's why it is very important to properly cleanse the skin using special cosmetics.
The acidity of the skin is also disturbed in some diseases. For example, in case of fungal diseases, the pH rises to 6 units. (slightly acidic reaction), with eczema up to 6.5 units. (almost neutral reaction), with acne up to 7 units. (neutral). It should be noted that at the level of the basal layer of the epidermis, where the germ cells are located, the pH of the skin becomes equal to the pH of the blood - 7.4 units.
What is important for us to know? The normal environment of our skin is acidic, it should always be that way. If we take proper care of our face, then the pH factor will necessarily be neutral. pH-neutral values ​​are considered to be from 5.2 to 5.7 units.

Looking and feeling good in winter is not easy. Due to the effects of snow, wind and cold, the skin becomes moody.
Of course, you need to properly care for your skin at any time of the year, but you should especially pay attention to this in winter.
You can say: the lower the thermometer, the more attention our skin needs. Only special care will help you to winter comfortably.

What happens to the skin in winter?

Our skin is very sensitive to the effects of cold. Each square centimeter contains more than 20 receptors that react to cold, and only 3 to heat.
In winter, the skin of the face is especially affected, which is not protected by anything from snow blizzards and frost. What's going on with her?
  • The skin flakes off, because in the cold, the activity of the sebaceous glands sharply decreases, the production of nourishing and protecting sebum is reduced.
  • The skin becomes dehydrated because the percentage of moisture evaporation from its surface increases. This is due to a drop in the natural humidity of the air.
  • The skin turns red, because due to sudden changes in temperature, the load on the vessels increases and, as a result, the blood supply deteriorates.

"Frosty laws"

  • In no case do not rub frozen skin with snow... The ice will only hurt your skin. It is better to periodically massage your cheeks and nose in the cold with pressing and pinching movements. Or try taking a deep breath and holding in the air. You will feel the blood rush to your face. Exhale.
  • Any apply the cream at least an hour before leaving from a warm room.
  • Do not get carried away with scrubs and peels. It is enough to use placenta-based pilling once a week.
  • Do not forget, going out of town, and even more so to a ski resort, take an ambulance with you- face cream (Emulsion for dry skin type - La Roche-Posay Nutritic Emulsion 2.5%, Cream for very dry skin type - La Roche-Posay Nutritic Cream 5%) and lipstick . AQUALIA THERMAL lipstick protects lips from cracking. A distinctive feature of this lipstick is its powerful moisturizing and protective components.
  • Don't get carried away by washing your face with ice cubes since contrast treatments are good in summer. In winter, it is better to keep the skin - it is already difficult for it to withstand the weather conditions.
  • It is better to refrain from gel-based creams in winter., or use them 2 hours before going outside.

In winter, the skin needs nourishment and hydration.

In winter, our skin, like the entire body, especially needs vitamins. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, kiwi, persimmon, pomegranate). Apply nourishing, moisturizing masks. Be sure to use a night cream, because in the evening the skin recovers from stress and absorbs active substances well.
When choosing products for winter skin care, be sure to match them with its natural type and age.
Is always keep thermal water on hand in the form of a spray- it will save the skin from the aggression of dry air in an office or apartment.

Dry skin care in winter

Skin of this type reacts to frosty weather by peeling. For thorough cleansing of dry skin, you need to use mild products - milk or cream, which restore the acidic skin of the skin and have a slight moisturizing effect. After this procedure, it is better to use tonics. The skin around the eyes needs especially reverent care. The formation of wrinkles under the eyes occurs because the secretion of the sebaceous glands in these areas is negligible. Thin skin in the cold season becomes drier and drier, loses its elasticity and firmness. Masks are best absorbed by the skin between 17.00 and 20.00. Use once a week to get rid of flaky skin flakes. To do this, use the mask AQUALIA THERMAL, Vichy.

Oily skin care in winter

This type of skin feels good in winter. The skin is slightly shiny, but this deficiency is easy to deal with. Cleanse your skin morning and evening with NORMADERM gel or micellar water. When washing your face, you can use a sponge. Then the face must be well dried with a soft terry towel and rubbed with lotion. As a day - a moisturizing NORMADERM treatment with a global effect, and for a night - a chrono-active targeted cream in the same range.

Winter care for normal to combination skin

When the difference between the T-zone and other areas of the face is not too great, the skin is considered normal. If the nose and chin have an oily sheen, and the cheeks are flaky from dryness, in this case the skin is of a combination or mixed type.
Cosmetologists say that most often combination skin occurs in adolescents. With age, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, the pores become narrower, comedones, pimples and redness disappear, and the skin usually returns to normal. Usually, but not always! So, many women continue to suffer from an ugly oily sheen on the skin.

Is there anything you can do in such a situation?

First of all, owners of combination skin need to take good care of it, especially the T-zone. The beginning of all beginnings is a thorough cleansing, which must be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. By removing not only external impurities, but also the greasy film, you prevent the appearance of acne and normalize the pH level of the skin.
Facial cleansing gels or foams are usually suitable for combination skin, but never use - alkaline soaps. Be sure to wash your face with gel, paying special attention to the oily areas. If the skin on your cheeks is very dry, then use milk to cleanse it, and use the gel or foam only for the T-zone. The cleansing procedure is completed with a tonic that normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
The most the main thing in caring for combination skin is an individual approach. That is, different means should be used for different parts of the face. On the T-zone, for example, in no case should you apply oily nourishing creams. These should be either moisturizers or special creams for combination skin (Hydrian Legere moisturizer, Hydraphase Legere Intensive, La Roche-Posey), which normalize the hydrolipid balance and minimize the difference between dry and oily areas.
By the way, on dry skin, you can apply the cream more abundantly than on oily... After application, listen to your feelings: if the skin does not feel overloaded and tense, if it is calm and relaxed, then the product has been chosen correctly.
For excessive sebum production on the nose, forehead and chin, use lighter creams (Efaklar K Anti-relapse Daily Correcting Replenishing Emulsion for Oily Skin, La Roche-Posey).
remember, that with a change in the weather, cosmetics should also change! The contrasts of winter, such as frost and piercing wind, dry air from central heating and a sharp temperature drop when we leave warm rooms on the street ... All this severely traumatizes the skin, and it needs reverent care.

Timely and professional facial skin care will help prolong youth and preserve beauty. Current cosmetics allow to postpone the approach of age-related changes by providing a countermeasure to time. All cosmetic procedures can be done in beauty salons by highly qualified cosmetologists.

Cosmetic skin care

This procedure is divided into a regular one, performed independently on a daily basis, and a professional one.

Professional care consists of a procedure for cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and restoring the skin of the face. This cosmetic facial skin care is done in beauty salons, it is advisable to choose well-proven ones, with the help of modern cosmetics and devices under the supervision of experienced cosmetologists.

Cosmetological procedures, depending on the age, skin condition of a woman, are divided into:

  • supportive;
  • restoring.

Supportive care includes regular skin cleansing, removal of sweat particles, sebum, dust and make-up accumulated during the day. Revitalizing facial treatment includes procedures that maintain the skin's moisture level and nourish it with the necessary substances. Any woman is able to do all this herself, using modern cosmetics, which are available on sale today in a large assortment.

Salon skin care

The professional care that is carried out in the beauty salon begins with the selection of the most suitable cosmetic procedure for each skin, depending on its type. For women with oily skin, the hardware cosmetic restoration of the surface of the face and masks are selected. All this can fundamentally improve the condition of the skin. Facial treatments for oily skin include:

  • whitening;
  • moisturizing;
  • treatment of inflammation processes to which such skin is prone.

A course of beauty treatment using fresh modern methods for a face with this skin type usually consists of 10 procedures, carried out 1 - 2 times a week. The duration of such a procedure is at least 40 minutes, during which the woman is invited to relax in a soothing and comfortable environment.

The owner will also receive special facial care. It includes a peeling, hydrogenation and restoration session using special special masks containing vitamin C, as well as a light facial massage.

Treatments for a person with dry skin are carried out in a course of at least 5 weeks, 2 times a week. Such a routine will bring her into excellent condition soon enough.

The use of the latest facial skin care products in beauty salons makes it possible to carry out various revitalizing masks for women with oily sensitive skin.

After performing such procedures by professionals, the condition of the problem skin is normalized, the inflammatory processes disappear. Its duration is at least 3 weeks a week, 2 times.

The course of such cosmetological treatment consists of:

  • cool soothing hydrogenation;
  • all kinds of absorbent masks.

The benefits of facial skin care with any type of skin in modern beauty salons are obvious. This helps to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, using only the latest achievements of the cosmetic industry.

By engaging exclusively specialists in the work, one can hope that they will approach the work on beauty from the standpoint of health safety.

Therefore, salon skin care begins with a personal selection of the most effective hardware cosmetology products. In order to stay young and attractive longer, it is enough to go through 1-2 courses per year, which are suitable specifically for your facial skin.

Facial skin care will provide you with:

  • the correct selection of cosmetic procedures;
  • the use of fresh developments and skin care products that effectively fight old age.
  • elimination of existing skin problems;
  • correct and timely passage of its deep cleaning and moisturizing;
  • exemption from useless spending on unnecessary cosmetics;
  • preservation of youth and health of the skin for a long time.

Do not be afraid to seek the services of professional cosmetologists. With their help, you can choose only the right cosmetics for you. They will provide you with professional advice and advice on how to take care of your skin at home.

Although they say among the people - do not drink water from the face, however, the beauty of the face has always been put in priority over the beauty of the body. If you believe the latest research of domestic psychologists, the overwhelming majority of men, when asked, "What is preferable in a woman for you - a beautiful face or a beautiful figure?", Answered that they would rather prefer a beautiful face. They motivated this by the fact that you can work on the figure, correct it with clothes, but if the face is ugly, then only the veil will save it! Indeed, if a woman has a beautiful, clean face, without visible skin defects, then the flaws in the figure are practically invisible, especially if she also has a good, positive character! What is the conclusion? He begs himself - a woman should take care of the beauty of her face, not forgetting about the figure, of course!

Proper facial care

Proper home and professional facial care allows a woman not only to look great day after day, but also to maintain her youth for many years! It is thanks to the excellent means that the age limits of female youth have shifted so significantly - today each of us can take advantage of the opportunity to rejuvenate without resorting to plastic surgery!

A variety of professional procedures can restore the skin to a blooming appearance, tone and healthy glow - all the attributes of healthy and youthful skin. Among the procedures used by thousands of women every day, the most popular are cleansing, peeling, and microcurrent therapy.

Each of them, in its own way, based on individual indications, cares for the skin and eliminates all kinds of defects. All types of cleaning, from mechanical to enzymatic, allow you to remove acne, pimples and inflammation, to even out the surface of the skin, and return it to its normal color.

Peelings are able to intervene in a situation where superficial cleansing are powerless, which is why a professional cosmetologist will choose from the types of peeling (chemical, laser and ultrasonic) the one that is necessary in a particular case. All types of peels help get rid of wrinkles, age spots, rosacea and other age-related manifestations. Peeling will help young girls overcome the problem of youthful acne and comedones, and mature women will be happy to use peeling for a noticeable rejuvenation! It is because of this that many of us also prefer microcurrent therapy, a procedure that comes first in the provision of services for tightening the contour of the face and eliminating wrinkles, both small mimic and pronounced nasolabial.

Professional facial skin care also involves the selection of special cosmetics, but only in accordance with the skin type, which can be normal, dry, oily and mixed. Creams, tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs and oils - this is not a complete list of everything that should be on the dressing table of a modern woman who takes care of her skin!

When using professional cosmetics, do not forget that there are also home remedies and cosmetics for facial skin care, which contain all the experience accumulated by many generations of women who dream of the beauty of facial skin. Among them are wonderful masks based on medicinal herbs that can soothe irritated skin, such as calendula, string, chamomile and sage, as well as nourishing masks created from the gifts of nature - sea buckthorn, honey, eggs, cottage cheese, cereals, vegetables and fruits! Wonderful aromatic oils that can help give your skin a blooming and youthful appearance perfectly complement the readily available home care products.

Our skin needs constant care, and for its normal functioning, not only masks, but also cleansing are needed - folk recipes for facial care allow you to cleanse your skin at home using available products and substances. There are many recipes for cleansing the skin at home: using scrubs based on crushed cereals, cleaning masks using honey, hydrogen peroxide, soda and other components familiar to us.

Special home massages and exercises, which you will find in our tips, will help to maintain the tone of the skin of the face and restore its youthful shape! This is massage along the massage lines, and "tear-off" massage with honey, exercises to tighten the face contour and to relieve fatigue and swelling of the eyelids - in general, we tried to find answers to all questions of concern to women! Folk recipes for facial care, supplemented by professional advice from cosmetologists will allow every woman to achieve an amazing condition of the skin of the face and a good mood!