Calculate the size of the ring. International conversion of ring sizes. Other ways to find out the size of the ring

Almost every person in his life bought, gave or received rings as a gift. Sometimes parents give such a present to their daughter when she comes of age, or the girl can please herself or her friend with an adornment. The most common option is a gift that a man presents to his beloved for the New Year or March 8, her birthday.

A special place among the reasons to give a piece of jewelry is a marriage proposal. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the future groom wants to make a surprise, and for this it is necessary to know how to determine the size of the ring on the girl's finger without asking her directly.

Of all jewelry, the ring is the most iconic, it is a symbol of love, fidelity, eternity. Moreover, only when buying it, you need to know the exact size. A few millimeters - and the ring will be small or, conversely, will not stay on the finger.

When buying a pendant or earrings, you don't have to think about the size at all. Chains and bracelets only require approximate information. A successful purchase of a ring depends on trying on in a store or knowing how to correlate the volume of a finger and the diameter of a jewelry.

Who needs to determine the size in absentia?

  • For those who want to make a surprise and not inform in advance about the intention to donate the ring.
  • For those who order jewelry in the online store.

What do you need to know first of all?

  • Finger thickness. It is a key parameter for wearing comfort.
  • The width of the jewelry. The more massive the decoration, the more free space is required.

Features to know before buying

First, when determining what size ring you need, consider the specific finger of the right or left hand on which it will be worn. This is important because, for example, the little fingers, middle or unnamed on different hands have their own individual girth. Another factor - right-handed or left-handed is the person to whom the gift will be intended.

Secondly, the size of a finger's circumference depends on the time of day, temperature, and state of health. Therefore, the jewelry should not fit too tightly. For example, many women have to take off their wedding rings during pregnancy, as they suffer from swelling, others are uncomfortable on tourist trips in hot countries - the rim begins to press.

When buying jewelry in winter, you need to remember that fingers in cold conditions are, by definition, narrower than in summer, so there is no need to purchase a tight-fitting item.

Thirdly, the jewelry should be easy enough to put on and take off, and during this it passes through the joint. Each person has his individual width, for some this place is expanded due to constant housework, production peculiarities, diseases. This moment cannot be ignored when thinking about how to determine the size of the ring. Usually, for such people, the jewelry sits somewhat more freely so that it can be removed if desired.

Some men and women have non-standard fingers, so they cannot find a product for themselves in the store by size. However, the ring can always be returned to the jeweler for revision, who will correct the situation, and the jewelry will fit.

Sizing Methods

  • It often turns out that before ordering a ring, a person wants to determine the size of his finger. To do this, he goes to the master, who takes measurements and expresses his expert opinion. If a girl wants to know exactly her size and do not hesitate to name it when buying, she can use this method.
  • Take a stretching thread or strip of paper. Wrap it around the bottom of your finger, not tight, but not too loose. Mark the point of contact and cut the measuring material. Straighten the paper / tape, take a ruler and calculate.
  • Print out a special blank, which is easy to find on the Internet - a strip of paper with centimeter markings in order to determine the size of a girl's or a man's ring. Wrap your finger around it and fix the resulting number.

How is the size calculated?

Sometimes there is no opportunity or desire to go to a jeweler. How to determine the size of the ring at home in this case and not make a mistake? In jewelry, indicators are determined by diameter, that is, the line that connects strictly opposite ends of the circle. You can accurately calculate it using a mathematical formula. Take the resulting length of the trying-on thread (it is important to write it down not in centimeters, but in millimeters) and divide by pi, which is 3.142. The result is precisely the size of the ring.

Sometimes the data that a person has independently determined does not coincide with generally accepted indicators. Therefore, some other way is often needed. Experts recommend in order to find out the exact size of the ring at home, set slightly different parameters and use the following method. Wrap the thread around your desired finger five times. Do this loosely enough without sagging the meter. Cut the thread at the desired location, straighten and carefully write down the results obtained with the ruler. Divide that number by 15.7. This is how a more accurate size is determined.

Any method allows errors, therefore the most optimal is to find out what is necessary before buying, trying on several pieces of jewelry in the nearest jewelry store. So you will immediately understand what finger size you have.

Round the result to half a millimeter. For example, if your finger is 16.3 in diameter, then the ring size is 16.5.

Size charts and their features

The data in the Russian table are equal to the diameter of the jewelry. However, if you decide to buy a ring for a girl or a men's ring abroad, while on vacation, or ordering a thing in an online store, you need to focus on local sizes and correlate them with those that are accepted in our country.

In international tables, the initial unit is usually not the diameter, but the circumference of the finger. The numbers vary greatly, since somewhere measurements take place in millimeters, somewhere in inches, and, for example, in Great Britain, they are generally denoted by letters of the English alphabet with the addition of numbers.

Features of the choice of men's rings

In some cases, the girl herself wants to present jewelry to her brother, father, beloved. Often the choice falls on a ring, and buying such massive jewelry requires certain rules. In order for a man's rings to sit comfortably on his finger, not to fall off and not sting, when putting on they should slightly get stuck in the joint.

How to determine the correct size of the ring if it is wide enough? The finger must be measured with a strip of paper that is identical in width to the ring, then the error will be minimal.

Buying a ring, especially a real piece of jewelry, is a big investment. Jewelry made of gold, silver and platinum with precious stones live for many years, in some cases it is inherited or purchased as an investment. Therefore, you should take your time, carefully try on the ring, consult with a specialist in order to avoid mistakes.

Looking at rings on the pages of specialty stores, but not sure which product is right for you? Measure the diameter of your finger yourself or go to a store that offers these products. They will tell you how to find out the size of the finger for the ring, or take the necessary measurements.

If you decide to proceed without outside help, remember that the value may not be accurate. Errors are acceptable for such techniques. Please consider this information before placing your order and making payment.

By measuring the ring, you get its inner diameter, this is the desired value. When it is required to measure a finger, they are guided by the diameter of the middle phalanx. All numbers are displayed in millimeters.

Knowing the required indicator, you can easily pick up a ring for yourself or another person. Find a suitable home method for yourself or apply several methods, then by calculating the average you will find out the exact diameter.

Basic measurement methods

Use the table

Determination by table is the simplest option. Print out the actual diameters of the rings, then attach the ring you have to the circle that matches it the most.

If there are two suitable diameters, choose a larger value. Focus on the line that is inside the ring, and not on the outside, then the size will be correct.

Take measurements with a paper strip

Prepare narrow paper (0.3 cm wide) short (12 cm is sufficient). Go through the following steps.

  1. Wrap the prepared paper over the finger that you plan to use for the decoration.
  2. Lock the strip and draw a line where the sides touch.
  3. Keep in mind that the product will pass through the joint - measure the thickness of the finger in this area as well.
  4. You have two values, calculate the average.

Let's figure out how to determine the size of the ring on the finger with a thread. It is important that the prepared thread is strong, of medium thickness. Proceed as follows.

  1. Wrap the thread around the desired finger, making sure that it does not squeeze the joint too tightly.
  2. Carefully remove the thread from your finger without breaking its integrity.
  3. Divide the thread into two equal parts.
  4. Measure half of the thread with a ruler.
  5. Use the figure in millimeters, divide by 3.14.

If you decide to use this method, it will be very easy for you to obtain the desired diameter. For example, if your finger girth is 58 mm, then your size is 18.5.

Other methods

We will explain how to measure the size of a finger for a ring using other methods. Perhaps they will be more convenient for you to use.

The methods available for independent use include the mathematical method and the method of measuring with a control ruler. Delve into their essence and choose the one that you think is the most accurate.

We will tell you how to find out your ring size using the knowledge of mathematics. There is nothing complicated in this method, you just have to do some calculations.

  1. Use a thread or paper strip.
  2. Determine the length of the part of the strip that wraps around your finger.
  3. Divide the resulting figure by π (3.14), this will be the desired diameter.
  4. To make sure which ring size is yours, see the data presented in the table.
Length of thread or paper, mmDiameter


47,12 15
48,69 15,5
50,27 16
51,84 16,5
53,41 17
54,98 17,5
56,55 18
58,12 18,5
59,69 19
61,26 19,5
62,83 20
64,4 20,5
65,97 21

Explaining how to find out the size of the ring on your finger, we suggest understanding this technique. To implement it, prepare a thread or narrow paper.

  1. Place the material on the phalanx as close to the joint as possible and determine the point of contact.
  2. Do not press too hard, allowing the strip to move freely over your finger.
  3. If you used paper material, make an incision in the area where the joint occurred.
  4. If you are using thread, wrap your finger around it. You will end up with a ring that needs to be split in two.
  5. Attach material to the printed guideline (available online). The length of the printed and used strips must match. Find the option you want.
  1. Do not choose the ring in the morning, as after a night's rest, the body accumulates a lot of water and the fingers swell slightly. Choosing after sports is also not recommended.
  2. In hot and cold weather, you should also not take measurements, as the ring may be large.
  3. Determine the desired values ​​during the day. To get an error-free result, measure your finger three times throughout the day - at different times of the day, and check the difference.
  4. Peace of mind is as imperative as a comfortable air temperature.
  5. If you do not know how to determine the size of a girl's ring, take her ring and go with it to a jewelry store. There they will tell you the size you need and help you choose the right product. Can't take your ring with you? Place it on paper and trace it neatly. Since jewelry varies in thickness, trace on the inside, not the outside.


Now you know how to find out the size of your finger in a variety of ways. If you are not lazy and ready to act on your own without involving specialists, implement several measurement options. Get the average value, this will be the number you need to buy jewelry.

We hope the tips on how to measure your finger size will be useful for you and will help you quickly and accurately solve your problem.

Material Topics

When you buy jewelry in a regular jewelry store, you can easily find out your ring size with the help of the sellers and a few trial fittings.

But in the case of purchasing a ring in an online store, you need to accurately indicate the size of the product. And here you no longer have the opportunity to try on an accessory before buying, in order to know for sure whether it will suit you or not.

Today we will tell you how you can find out your ring size using measurements and special tables.

How do I know the size of a finger for a ring?

The diameter of your fingers is a key indicator of the size of your future ring.

Measuring it is quite simple:

  • Use a small sturdy thread, a strip of paper, non-trailing thin tape, or any other suitable material;
  • Wrap the thread around your finger at the base, marking the area where the thread has already overlapped;
  • After that, take another thread and measure in the same way the place where the joint is located on the finger (the one that is closer to the palm);
  • Measure the length of both strands accurately, and determine the average;
  • Then, assuming that this number is the longest circumference of your finger, divide it by 3.14. This is how you know the radius;
  • Round the resulting value up to 5 mm.

Now, knowing your indicators, you can use a special table.

Russian ring size chart

Pin size (in mm)Pin diameter (in mm)Ring size
47,6 15,3 15,5
50,8 16 16
52,4 16,5 16,5
54 16,9 17
56 17,5 17,5
59 18,1 18
60 18,5 18,5
62 18,9 19
64 19,4 19,5
65 19,8 20
67 20,5 20,5
70 21,1 21
72 21,5 21,5
74,5 22,2 22

Often, in online stores, the sizes of the rings are indicated using other markings adopted in certain countries. Among Western jewelry, the most common are items from the USA, Canada, England and Japan. To find out what Western size your Russian size corresponds to, the table will help you.

International Ring Size Chart

Russia / GermanyUSA / CanadaEnglandJapan
14 3
14,5 3,5
15 4 H 1/27
15,5 4,5 I 1/28
15 3/4 5 J 1/29
16 5,5 L11
16,5 6 M12
17 6,5 N13
17 1/4 7 O14
17 3/4 7,5 P15
18 8 Q16
18,5 8,5 17
19 9 18
19,5 9,5 19
20 10 T 1/220
20 1/4 10,5 U 1/222
20 3/4 11 V 1/223
21 11,5 24
21 1 / 4Y12 Y25
21 3/4 12,5 Z26
22 13 27
22,5 13,5
23 14
23,5 14,5
23 3/4 15
24 1/4 15,5
24,5 16

How to measure your ring size without asking questions?

It often happens that a husband, brother, or a young man, wanting to give a girl a ring, cannot do this due to the fact that he does not know what size it should be.

In this situation, you can proceed as follows:

  • Having seized a moment when the girl is not "on the horizon", and her ring is on the nightstand, take it and put it on paper;
  • Then, very accurately, preferably with a very thin pen or pencil, circle it from the inside;
  • Then measure the radius of the resulting circle and calculate the size according to the tables above. You can also, along with your drawing, go to any jewelry store, where the master will use it to determine the size of a woman's finger.

Determine the size of the "thread" ring

This method is good because it gives a fairly accurate result. For such a measurement, you will need a dense, non-stretching thread, preferably cotton, about 50 cm long.

We measure:

  • Wrap your finger tightly with thread in five circles, but do not overdo it;
  • Then tie the ends and cut off the rest;
  • After that, try to remove the impromptu ring. If you succeed in doing this, then the experiment has succeeded;
  • Cut the thread and measure its length;
  • First divide the resulting number by 5, and then by 3.14.

As a result, you will know the diameter of your finger and can use the table above to accurately calculate the size of the ring. Do not forget that if you received an odd 5 mm figure, then your diameter must be rounded up.

How to determine the size of the ring by clothing?

This method is one of the most conditional, and it should be used only when other options are not available. The principle on which this definition of size is based implies that all parts of the human body are proportional.

Correspondence of sizes is as follows:

  • S - rings with a diameter of 15.5-16.5 millimeters;
  • M - 16.5 - 17.5 mm.
  • L –17.5-18.5.
  • XL –18.5-19.5 mm. Each "X" adds one ring size.

Regardless of which method of determining the size of the ring you choose when taking measurements, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • You can not measure the circumference of the finger in the morning and after exercise. At this time, the hands become swollen;
  • Measure exactly those fingers on which you plan to wear the ring. Remember that the same fingers on different hands are of different sizes. If you are right-handed, then your right ring finger will be 0.5-1 sizes larger than your left;
  • You can also not measure your fingers on hot and especially frosty days. At this time, the hands also swell a little;
  • Keep in mind that the size of the ring also depends on the jewelry. If an exquisite piece of 17 size jewelry fits you. That wide and massive jewelry of the same size may be hopelessly small and in this case you will have to take the ring already marked with 18 or 18.5;

You should be especially careful when choosing wedding rings. An ordinary ring, which turned out to be small or large, you can simply wear on the other finger. However, this cannot be done with wedding rings.

Therefore, when choosing a wedding ring, be extremely careful. And here it is better to give preference to a simple classic rim, which, if necessary, for example, when gaining weight, can always be “rolled out” or, on the contrary, reduced.

More recently, when buying wedding rings, the bride and groom had to go to a jewelry store and choose their only ring. The choice was limited to the assortment that was available in the store. If there was no suitable piece of jewelry, one had to go on a long hike in search of the right copy of the ring in other stores.

Our age of information technology gives modern brides and grooms a wide opportunity to choose wedding rings from electronic catalogs and make the necessary purchases in online stores right at home.

For the correct purchase on virtual marketplaces, it is important to know your wedding ring sizes in advance so that you do not return the selected wedding jewelry back later.

A table, a thread, a ruler - all these simple techniques (devices) help newlyweds determine the size of the ring before purchasing. It is not difficult to do this at home. There are several ways to determine the required size.

The simplest method is to measure your finger with a tight thread.

  1. First, prepare a dense thread of wool or cotton up to half a meter long.
  2. It is recommended to wrap the finger to be measured with the prepared thread 5 times.
  3. The thread stretches freely around the finger: thus, a kind of thread ring is obtained.
  4. You will get a ring of threads with a width of 3 to 5 mm.
  5. The resulting ring is carefully removed from the finger.
  6. With a ruler or sewing tape measure the diameter of the resulting ring of thread.

Length is measured in millimeters and is divided by a factor of 15.7.

The resulting number after calculations means the desired size of the wedding ring. Sometimes, after mathematical operations, a number of non-standard size is obtained, then it is best to round the number and choose a larger size.

For example, if the measurement is 17.2, it is recommended that you round the number and select the 17.0 standard size. For an accurate result, the thread ring should be removed from the finger, not forgetting about the larger middle phalanx of the joint.

In this case, the error will be minimal, and the result will be more accurate. It is known that the fingers of the left and right hands are different in thickness, so it is so important to measure exactly the hand on which the jewelry is planned to be worn.

A narrow ring is chosen strictly on the finger, a wide jewelry item, for example, a ring is chosen a little larger.

According to the table

Determining the required ring size from a ready-made table greatly simplifies the selection of wedding rings and other jewelry.

To find out your size according to tabular data, you must:

  • print a ready-made table of size templates;
  • put a suitable ring or ring on the circle corresponding to the size;
  • the outer edges of the stencil circle should line up with the inner edge of the jewelry.

To clarify the correctness of the printed patterns, the table contains a qualifying marker, which has a standard length of 10 mm.

Ring sizes in different countries - correspondence table

Sometimes, in order to please a loved one and make him a pleasant surprise in the form of a wedding ring, a gift is chosen even in overseas stores. When counting on a purchase in foreign stores, you can face a big problem of the difference between the accepted standard sizes in our country and foreign countries.

Indeed, in a number of countries around the world, their different systems of jewelry sizes have been adopted. In European countries, the Vienna scale of measurement is used. This measurement system is convenient because it is enshrined in international standards.

The main indicator of the Viennese scale is considered to be the circumference of a piece of jewelry, measured in millimeters.

Therefore, to convert our standard Russian size into the European system, it is enough to use the well-known arithmetic formula for the circumference and multiply our size by a constant number of 3.14. For example, the usual ring size 17.0 in our country corresponds to the European size 53 of a piece of jewelry.

In this video, you will learn in more detail how to determine the size of the ring for your finger:

Knowing the size of the ring according to the Viennese system, you can easily pick up jewelry in any country in the world.

There is no big problem in determining the size for buying a ring yourself. To do this, it is only important to determine the circumference of your finger and boldly select jewelry for making online purchases as a gift to your loved one. The table contains the sizes of wedding rings for each person, so choosing the right ones is easy. Do you agree with this?

Never choose the size of the ring in the morning, because there is still water in the body last night, so your fingers are slightly swollen, you intend the wrong size - it will be larger than usual. Also, there is no need to measure after sports (swollen fingers), in too hot or cold weather. In hot weather, the size is larger, in cold weather (when the fingers are frozen) - less than necessary. Body temperature should be normal and calm.

It may turn out that in the summer you wear rings on one finger (ring finger), in winter the same rings "move" to the other finger - middle or index, they are usually thicker than the ring finger.

It happens that the fingers on the left hand are slightly thinner than on the right - the difference is by half size or even by size.

If you want to wear a certain ring only on a certain finger (like, for example, a wedding ring), you need to approach the fitting very carefully; if this is not so important and you just buy a beautiful ring with a gem, then this is not so important - if the size is about yours, then it will fit on one or the other finger.

For example, your average size is 16.5 - most likely you can also wear rings in sizes 16, 17, and maybe 17.5. However, this method should not be relied upon - the adjacent size may not be suitable for your fingers. The ring can be small or large, so it's best to use one of the more accurate methods. Read below for the most effective methods for checking the size.

Ring size determination methods


This is a method of determining the size from the ring you already have. Place your most comfortable ring on the circle. Make sure the line is inside the ring and not outside.


Find any piece of non-stretch thread or twine. You can take a cut piece of paper 3-4 mm wide. Wrap it around your finger for a snug fit without over-tightening it. Take a pen or pencil and mark the points on the thread where the ends meet - much like we measure the waist. Attach the thread to the ruler and use the chart (see below) to determine your finger size.


Print out and cut a measuring tape around the outline. Make a slit in the line and twist the ring as shown. Place the tape over your finger and pull the latch so that the paper is firmly against your finger. Look at the end of the scale.

Ring sizes in different countries

A table of correspondence between the sizes of rings is necessary for determining the sizes of, first of all, wedding rings. There is a clear mathematical relationship between the European and Russian scale for matching ring sizes. In Russia, the size of a wedding ring is the inner diameter of the ring. European Size - Inner Circumference.

L = 3.14D, i.e. the Russian size must be multiplied by the PI number (3.14) to get the European size, or divide the European size by 3.14 to get the Russian one.

In the store, when you can measure rings, there are no problems - you choose exactly what you need.

Ring Size Correspondence Chart

Ring circumference (finger coverage), mm USA Italy Diameter (our size), mm
5.5 11 16-16.5
51.5-52.8 6 12 16.5-17
52.8-54 6.5 13.5 17-17.5
54-56.6 7 14.5 17.5-18
56.6-57.8 8 17 18-18.5
57.8-59.1 8.5 19 18.5-19
59.1-60.3 9 20 19-19.5
60.3-61.5 9.5 21 19.5-20
61.5-62.8 10 22 20-20.5
62.8-64.1 10.5 22.5 20.5-21
64.1-65.3 11 23 21-21.5
65.3-66.6 11.5 24 21.5-22
66.6-67.9 12 25 22-22.5
67.9-69.1 12.5 25.5 22.5-23
69.1-71.3 13 26 23-23.5
71.3-72.6 14 27 23.5-24
72.6-73.8 14.5 28 24-24.5
73.8-75.1 15 28.5 24.5-25
75.1 15.5 29 25

The easiest and most accurate way to determine your ring size is to go to your nearest jewelry store and ask to measure your finger and tell you what ring size. It is better to do this at least three times, since the size of the ring can change depending on the time of day.

Please note that unlike clothing sizes, the ring size for a girl and for a guy is determined from the same table! It's just that men usually wear larger rings than women. The stone in a quality product does not affect the size of the ring.

In ancient times, at the time of the patricians, sources report that "such and such wore at the same time up to a hundred year old rings on his hands." How then the summer and winter rings differed - it is unclear, maybe the stones were different (most likely), or maybe it was somehow connected with the size - the winter rings are slightly smaller than the summer ones. We won't put so many rings on our hands today, of course. :-) It's just inconvenient.