Permitted drugs in the treatment of constipation during pregnancy - what can a doctor prescribe? How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy: medicines and folk remedies

Constipation usually means not complete emptying of the intestines from feces, or the absence of this phenomenon for at least several days. In most girls in position, constipation is accompanied by abdominal pain on the left side, as well as a pulling feeling in the pelvic region. In some cases, the removed feces may be streaked with blood, and after the process of defecation, the woman experiences a burning sensation in the rectum and severe itching of the anal sphincter. In addition, the patient is often worried about non-toxic nausea, rumbling in the stomach, bloating and bitterness on the taste buds.


There may be several reasons for constipation in a pregnant woman:

  • The enlarged uterus. Under the influence of fetal growth, the uterus stretches, increases in size and begins to put pressure on the intestines, which worsens the process of excretion of feces, provokes venous congestion and ultimately can lead to hemorrhoids.
  • Hormonal background. During pregnancy, women experience a serious hormonal shift that slows down the digestive processes in the body due to excess progesterone. Thus, peristalsis also deteriorates.
  • Autoimmune and allergic processes. The above-mentioned systemic processes in the body play a role in stool retention.
  • Stress. Pregnancy is not only the joy of motherhood, but also the strongest stress, which can cause problems with bowel movements.

What to do? Treatment

It's just that it is not only very difficult to endure this condition, but also harmful - it needs to be treated urgently!

Remedies for constipation during pregnancy

It is advisable to give preference to natural remedies and only if absolutely necessary, to use medications.

Under no circumstances use classic laxatives, especially those based on hay - they provoke the development of fetal malformations. Conventional enemas only cleanse the intestines, but also activate the muscle activity of the uterus, bringing it into tone, which in turn can provoke a miscarriage. Folk remedies such as zhoster, buckthorn, rhubarb, usually used to facilitate the process of defecation, can also harm the mother and the unborn child. So what do you do?

There are several relatively safe remedies that can be used by the fair sex in an interesting position.


In this case, it would be appropriate to use a small syringe, while only plain clean water should be introduced into the anal passage without adding other means. It is worth remembering that such a procedure can be used only once, since the enema washes out useful substances from the body and destroys the positive microflora, which leads to dysbiosis.


Laxatives Fiberlex, Mucofalk and others that gently increase peristalsis. Such preparations contain enzymes and fatty acids that have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman. The effect from them does not come immediately, but after some time - as a rule, it is 5-7 days.

Osmotic drugs

This type of preparation softens the stool and facilitates the bowel movement without additional muscle stimulation. These types of medicines include Forlax, magnesium sulfate, Transipeg, Karlovy Vary salt. They can be used from the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Laxative probiotics

Duphalac, a laxative with a probiotic effect, is considered quite effective and safe for a pregnant woman. It not only helps to quickly free the intestines from feces, but also reduces the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, replacing it with useful lacto- and bifido-microorganisms.

Vaseline oil

The use of petroleum jelly at the local level (in the anal canal and at its contours) will help get rid of severe constipation, although it is not recommended to use it for an extended period of time, since the active ingredient interferes with the absorption of vitamins and can accumulate in the organs.

Suppositories for constipation

Suppositories are a convenient and functional remedy for constipation that works locally. However, in case of pregnancy, it is necessary to use these drugs with caution: many of them can activate not only peristalsis, but also uterine contractions, and this is already a threat of miscarriage. Of the relatively safe remedies for pregnant women, we can recommend classic glycerin suppositories without additives and papaverine - the former helps to soften the stool and remove them, and the latter relaxes the intestinal walls, reducing the opposition to defecation.

Healthy foods

In case of constipation in pregnant women, do not use rice, semolina, white bread, nuts in any form. In addition, it is undesirable to include strongly strong tea, hard cheese, bran, legumes, currants and strawberries in the diet.

Optimal foods to help relax your bowels and make bowel movements easier:

  • Black bread and its derivatives;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Muesli and buckwheat;
  • Fresh or boiled fruits, vegetables and herbs (for example);
  • Fermented milk products (except for hard cheese);
  • Pearl barley and millet;
  • Broths with gooseberries, fennel;
  • Cellulose;
  • Dried fruits (etc.);
  • Cold water on an empty stomach.


It is better to prevent the problem than to deal with its manifestations later! Prevention of constipation in a pregnant woman is an important element of protecting the health of the future of mother and baby.

Diet food

Proper nutrition during pregnancy can help solve a number of problems. Be sure to include vegetables in your diet, preferably steamed or boiled. Consume liquid meals in the form of simple soups and borscht every day. Do not forget about the liquid, although if you have problems with puffiness (and they are present in a number of women in an interesting position), then it is worthwhile to approach consumption rationally, regulating the amount of water entering the body.

Do not get carried away with fatty broths, fried foods - it is better to replace them with fermented milk and plant foods rich in fiber. Oatmeal with prunes, as well as other dried fruits, is considered an excellent laxative.


Literally every pregnant woman faces a difficult dilemma - you consume a lot of fluids, and edema appears, and a little - constipation begins. We recommend leaving the usual daily amount of water consumption, but at the same time limiting the use of salt, if possible completely excluding it from the diet, because it is she who delays the withdrawal of water and predetermines the development of puffiness, especially in the last stages of pregnancy.

Active life

Move more and more often, do not lie on the couch for days, because movement is life! Walk in the fresh air, solve household chores, go to work, if possible, go shopping, just do not overwork yourself with huge bags of groceries.

Alternative therapy

Alternative therapy is an excellent preventive measure against constipation in pregnant women! Drink teas with mallow and dandelion extracts, organize aromatherapy sessions, take bubble baths, go to acupuncture massages that are not contraindicated for women in position. Use safe homeopathy and consume approved vitamin and mineral supplements, if you have a tendency to anemia, do special yoga therapy for pregnant women.

Useful video

Constipation during pregnancy can be said when a woman has an irregular bowel movement with a delay in stool for more than two days, or when this process seems to be regular, but the expectant mother feels that the intestines have not been completely emptied, and she is worried about discomfort in the abdomen. Most often, constipation occurs between the 17th and 36th weeks of pregnancy. Their frequency, according to different authors, ranges from 17 to 50%.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

The most common cause of stool retention in the first trimester of pregnancy is increased production of the hormone progesterone, the action of which inhibits the motor activity of the intestine. In the third trimester, this condition can be aggravated by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the colon. All this leads to a violation of the outflow of blood and the occurrence of venous stasis in the vessels of the small pelvis, which means that it increases the likelihood of constipation.

In addition, constipation during pregnancy is also caused by fear of straining because of a false fear of harming the child, the mother's wrong diet, stress, physical inactivity, as well as taking iron supplements.

Varieties of constipation during pregnancy

If problems with stool are associated with a decrease in intestinal tone and a weakening of its peristalsis, as a result of which it simply cannot remove the contents outside, then such constipation is called atonic. In this case, the act of defecation is quite painful, with difficulties, and the feces themselves are dense and hard.

Also, constipation can be associated with spasm of the intestinal muscles, in such cases they are called so - spastic. In this case, a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the large intestine occurs and the intestinal contents cannot move further. As a result of the fact that the feces stagnate for a long time, the stool will be in the form of hard small lumps; flatulence occurs (increased gas production) and bowel movements are accompanied by sharp pains in the abdomen.

Diet solution to the problem: nutrition for constipation

Help products

With atonic constipation, the diet should include foods rich in dietary fiber, which enhance physical activity and timely emptying of the intestines (vegetables, fresh and dried fruits and dishes from them, whole grain bread, unpolished cereals, etc.). As a snack for the prevention of constipation, it is better to give preference to salads of raw vegetables with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar (preferably squash), fruit salads.

Vegetable side dishes are prepared from vegetables rich in dietary fiber: beets, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. They can be used raw, cooked, and casseroles. You need to be careful about vegetables with coarse fiber (white cabbage, green peas, beans, beans), as they can cause flatulence and, with spastic constipation, aggravate the condition of a pregnant woman. With atonic constipation, they can be used boiled.

For mild stimulation of intestinal motor activity, it is best to consume fresh, ripe, sweet fruits and berries in an amount of at least 300-400 g per day. Also recommended are not very sweet dried fruits soaked and in various dishes (prunes, dried apricots) and baked apples, rich in pectin.

With a decrease in intestinal tone, it is recommended to include cold first courses in the diet (cold, okroshka, gazpacho), cold drinks that stimulate intestinal motility. But with spastic constipation, it is better to eat food warm, so as not to reflexively provoke a spasm.

When preparing a side dish, crumbly cereals and casseroles of buckwheat, millet, wheat, barley are recommended. You can eat cottage cheese fresh (non-acidic) or make puddings, lazy dumplings, cheesecakes in combination with cereals from it.

For any type of constipation during pregnancy at night, soft laxative drinks are recommended: compotes from fresh or dry fruits, infusion of prunes or flax seeds.

It should be noted that fresh fermented milk drinks (one-day kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) relax the stool well, since the lactic acid they contain is a natural stimulator of intestinal motor activity.

Mineral waters of high and medium mineralization, as well as waters containing magnesium ions and sulfates (for example, "Essentuki" No. 4 and 17) also have a laxative effect. Mineral waters should be at room temperature when consumed. They are drunk 2-3 times a day, half a glass before meals (consult your doctor beforehand).

To improve the stool, weak green tea and chicory drink, rosehip decoction and wheat bran infusion are recommended. Also, plum, apricot, pumpkin, carrot, beetroot, cabbage and potato freshly squeezed juices diluted with water (one to one) give a good laxative effect.

When intestinal motility is disturbed in the morning, it is recommended to drink a glass of cold (for atonic) or warm (for spastic constipation) water or rosehip infusion with honey and lemon.

It should be noted that a pregnant woman with a tendency to constipation should consume at least 1.5–2 liters of clean drinking water a day (provided that there is no edema). Water liquefies stool, makes it softer, making it easier to defecate. It is also necessary to increase the amount of drinking water if the pregnant woman additionally takes dry bran.

Non grata products

It is advisable for any kind of expectant mother to limit some products in her menu. This means that the bread should not be fresh, and even more so hot, but slightly dried (better than yesterday's baking). First courses should not be cooked on concentrated meat and fish broths, but soups on fat-free broths or vegetable broth will be a great alternative.

In addition to the fact that fatty meats, including duck, goose, as well as smoked meats and canned meat and fish are undesirable products for pregnant women, they also have a fixing effect and should definitely be excluded from the diet.

It is also recommended to limit dishes that enhance fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines and have a strengthening effect (legumes, sweet culinary products, high-sugar fruits - grapes, persimmons, figs, raisins, blueberries, quince, dogwood, and jelly).

In order not to aggravate constipation, it is worthwhile to eat less polished rice, semolina, pasta, potatoes and exclude radishes, radishes, turnips, garlic, raw onions, as well as mushrooms: they can cause flatulence and intestinal discomfort.

You should not use fixing drinks: cocoa, natural coffee and strong tea.

Constipation or constipation is one of the most common manifestations of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Such a violation can be both situational, that is, episodic, and chronic. Speaking of constipation, experts mean that the patient has no stool or that it is difficult to empty the bowels for 72 hours or more. The most common episodic defecation disorders caused by stress, the use of pharmacological agents, climate change or pregnancy.

Problems with normal bowel movements are a common problem in women during gestation. At the same time, the development of this pathology is not affected by the patient's age, her state of health or lifestyle. This condition is not considered a disease, but it can significantly reduce a woman's quality of life. The disorder can be eliminated by taking medications to improve intestinal motility and following recommendations for further prevention of constipation.

Constipation is a violation of the normal process of the digestive tract, accompanied by the absence of stool or insufficient emptying of the intestines during bowel movements. During gestation, this dysfunction occurs in more than 70% of women.

The disorder is manifested by a decrease in the frequency of stools normal for a person and a number of symptoms that arise against the background of this:

  • cramping and cramping pain in the abdomen caused by impaired intestinal motility;
  • anal fissures, hemorrhoids, anal bleeding due to strong straining;
  • hardness of feces;
  • bloating, nausea;
  • soreness and burning in the posterior region after stool.

Attention! Regular constipation also negatively affects the general well-being of patients. Partial reabsorption of fluid from feces leads to intoxication of the body, which is manifested by rapid fatigue, weakness, dry skin, brittle hair and nails. In pregnant women, this condition can develop even after 3-4 days of constipation.

Causes of constipation in women during gestation

The main reason for the development of constipations in the early stages of pregnancy is hormonal changes in the woman's body. In the normal state, the patient's blood contains a large amount of biologically active substances that stimulate the contraction of the intestinal walls. However, during gestation, the amount of these hormones is drastically reduced. This is due to a single system of innervation of the digestive tract and uterus.

Attention! Innervation is the supply of nerves to tissues, due to which their connection with the organs of the central nervous system is ensured.

The peristalsis of the intestinal walls leads to a similar contraction of the myometrium. A similar process during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the woman's body during gestation suppresses the production of hormones that ensure the normal movement of the chyme along the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, a kind of protection of the embryo is created. However, a negative consequence of this process is the development of constipation.

In the later stages of pregnancy, constipation occurs as a result of the intensive growth of the embryo and the increase in the size of the uterus. This leads to compression of the intestine and a decrease in its lumen. In addition, during the last weeks of gestation, the fetus descends to the entrance to the small pelvis, as a result, significantly impairs the functioning of the digestive tract.

Factors leading to constipation

Also, the following factors can lead to constipation at various stages of pregnancy:

  1. A sharp increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body. This hormone reduces the muscle tone of the internal organs from the first weeks of gestation.
  2. Eating foods and vitamin-mineral complexes with a high iron content. Many pregnant women take medications to prevent anemia. Such remedies have a fixing effect and are capable of provoking constipation.
  3. Decreased physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle, which is natural for women during gestation, leads to a decrease in the tone of the intestinal walls and, as a result, the development of constipation. Patients who are prescribed bed rest to prevent the threat of miscarriage are especially susceptible to constipation.
  4. Lack of fluid. During pregnancy, a woman's body requires an average of 2 liters of water per day. Dehydration leads to a worsening of the general condition, cephalgia and bowel disorders.

Constipation has a detrimental effect on the condition of both the woman and the fetus. Therefore, it is required to eliminate dysfunction when primary symptoms appear. Otherwise, constipation can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. Violation of the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract of a woman, which then causes dysbiosis in the body of the newborn.
  2. Accumulation of waste products in the patient's intestines, which can negatively affect the fetus.
  3. Painful attacks, which a woman experiences when necessary to push hard. In the second or third trimester, pain is so severe that it can lead to fainting or vomiting.

So that constipation does not harm the woman and the embryo, it is necessary to take measures for the timely therapy and prevention of this condition.

Video - Constipation in pregnant women

Treating constipation during gestation

Today there is a huge variety of means to combat constipation in pregnant women. In this case, the treatment of constipation should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. The patient is recommended:

  • change your diet and diet;
  • use pharmacological drugs if necessary;
  • perform exercises to improve intestinal motility;
  • use herbal remedies with a laxative effect.

Attention! Before applying any measures to eliminate dysfunction of the digestive tract, you should definitely consult with a specialist. The possibility of using certain means depends on the state of health of the woman and the embryo.

Diet change during pregnancy constipation

The most effective remedy to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is to change the principles of the patient's nutrition. To get rid of constipation, you should follow a number of principles:

  1. You need to eat regularly, but in small portions... Pregnant women are advised to eat about five times a day, but the volume of meals should be small. This measure allows food to be thoroughly digested.
  2. You should stop eating fatty, excessively high-calorie or fried foods... Preference should be given to steamed, boiled or baked dishes. The basis of the diet should be foods high in fiber: fruits, vegetables, cereals. Such food stimulates intestinal motility.
  3. To prevent the accumulation of waste products in the woman's body, it should be during the day drink at least one and a half liters of liquid... Otherwise, the patient may develop flatulence, which only worsens the excretion of feces from the intestines. To stimulate peristalsis, you can drink 1 glass per day of mineral water with a high content of magnesium, for example, “ Essentuki" or " Moscow».

Healthy foods for constipation

The diet of patients with constipation should include the following foods:

  1. Rye or cereal bread... The baked goods must be dry. Instead of bread, you can eat unsweetened cookies, biscuits, crispbread.
  2. Soups... Vegetable and cereal soups should form the basis of nutrition for women during gestation. These meals improve intestinal motility and allow the body to get enough nutrients and fluids. It is recommended to cook soups with chicken, beef or fish broth.

  3. Milk and dairy products... Preference should be given to fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and dishes made from it: cheese cakes, casseroles, dumplings, etc. Cream and sour cream can be consumed in small quantities.
  4. Eggs... Boiled or fried eggs are quite heavy foods, so steaming omelets with a little milk or butter is recommended.
  5. Cereals... Cereal dishes are easy to digest and provide a woman's body with many nutrients. Especially useful are steamed oatmeal in water, oatmeal with skim milk, muesli, barley porridge.

  6. Vegetables... Beets, pumpkin, cauliflower and broccoli, cucumbers have a beneficial effect on digestion. You should stop eating cabbage, legumes and potatoes.
  7. Fruit... Fruit or fresh juices from them are recommended as a dessert. Dried fruits are also beneficial for the digestive system: apples, dried apricots, prunes, apricots.
  8. Sauces... Ketchup and mayonnaise should be discarded. Sauces and gravies should be prepared on their own, in addition, dishes can be seasoned with olive, vegetable or linseed oil. To relieve constipation, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of bearberry oil 2 times a day.

In order for a pregnant woman's nutrition to be complete, it is recommended to draw up a menu in advance one or several days in advance.

Approximate diet for the day

BreakfastSteamed omelet, vegetable salad with olive oil, rosehip broth
LunchFresh apple, orange or nectarine
DinnerChicken broth soup with noodles, beef zrazy with beet salad, unsweetened compote
Afternoon snackPear Uzvar, biscuits
DinnerBoiled fish with rice, cucumber, tea, prunes
Second supperKefir or fermented baked milk, cookies

Exercise for constipation

Exercise is an essential tool in the fight against digestive disorders. Gymnastics allows not only to improve intestinal motility, but also to increase the overall tone of the body.

Gymnastics classes involve the following exercises:

  1. Get on all fours. Knees should be hip-width apart, arms not shoulder-width apart. Tear off your right palm from the floor and reach for your left knee, leaning slightly downward. Take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.
  2. Sit on the mat with your legs extended. Place your palms on your knees. Perform turns of the head and body to the right and left.
  3. Sit on the rug with your back to the wall. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. Take deep belly breaths for two to three minutes.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Touch the left knee with the right heel. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  5. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, spread them to the sides, press the feet together. Try to bring your knees as close to the floor as possible.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees. The feet should be flat on the floor. Turn the pelvis to the right and left, trying to touch your knees to the floor.

Attention! You need to perform each exercise 10-15 times. At the same time, gymnastics should not lead to excessive physical exertion or cause a deterioration in well-being. Before starting classes, you should consult with a specialist.

Enema as a remedy for constipation

The use of enemas for the treatment of constipation during pregnancy should be extremely careful. This method makes it possible to quickly get rid of excess feces in the intestine, however, it has a number of contraindications. It is impossible to give enemas and microclysters to women with the following pathologies:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • the patient has a history of miscarriages;
  • the threat of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • underdevelopment of the placenta.

Attention! Even if the patient has no contraindications to the use of an enema, then it should be used only after contacting a gynecologist. The presence of a doctor's suspicions about a violation of the condition of a woman or a fetus is the basis for a ban on carrying out this procedure.

The most gentle type of enemas are microclysters. Their volume is usually 5-15 ml. One of the most commonly used rectal drugs for the therapy of pregnant women is Microlax.

Pharmacological remedies for constipation

In early pregnancy, the following medications are usually prescribed:

Experts try not to prescribe classical pharmacological laxatives to women during gestation, since such drugs sharply increase peristalsis. Medicines such as Senade or Regulax have a strong irritating and stimulating effect, due to which they are able to cause uterine contraction.

To normalize the stool, patients in late gestation are prescribed osmotic drugs. They allow bowel movements to be emptied without additional mechanical stimulation.

Attention! Osmotic drugs increase the pressure in the digestive tract. In addition, these funds do not allow the reabsorption of liquids to occur, that is, they protect the body from intoxication.

The most popular are the following:

Folk remedies for constipation

You can improve bowel function with the help of traditional medicine methods. The following recipes are most effective:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of castor oil with one egg yolk and 15 grams of honey. Dilute the resulting mixture in 150 ml of warm water. You need to take the solution 1 tablespoon every two hours.
  2. Mix potato juice with warm water in proportions 1: 1. The solution should be drunk 3 tablespoons before each meal.
  3. Stir 1 teaspoon of olive oil in one glass of fresh low-fat kefir. Take the mixture before bed.
  4. Mix together 100 grams of prunes, grated beets and oatmeal. Pour the mixture with two liters of hot water, cook over low heat for 60 minutes, strain and cool to room temperature. Take the broth one glass at a time before bedtime. Store the solution in the refrigerator.
  5. Pour 500 ml of warm water over three tablespoons of flax seeds. Leave it to brew overnight, strain and drink the resulting liquid, 100 ml three times a day.

Constipation is one of the most common complications during pregnancy. This condition as a whole does not pose a danger to the health of the woman and the fetus, but it can give the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations. To eliminate constipation, you should take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem: do gymnastics, lead a healthy lifestyle, and only if necessary, take medications with a gentle osmotic effect.

Pregnancy is the time of a global restructuring of the body of a future mother. Back pain, heaviness in the legs, chest distention and many other symptoms do not leave a woman alone. Changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are no exception.

Constipation occurs due to slow digestion of food. How to deal with constipation during pregnancy, this material.

This is difficult fecal formation, which interferes with the conduct of a normal life. Constipation can be considered the absence of regular bowel movements for more than one and a half days. Everyone, young and old, suffers from this uncomfortable condition. The greatest risk group is women, in particular of childbearing age.

The classification of constipation is as follows. Distinguish between an episodic type and a chronic form. The first type is typical for certain short-term situations (stress, climate change, pregnancy), the second is a regular delay in defecation for more than two days).

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

There are many factors causing. The main ones will be considered:

  1. Improper nutrition.
  • Insufficient intake of water and other fluids due to the appearance of edema.
  • Drinking enough fluids and eating fruit will help restore proper bowel function and regulate bowel movements.
  1. Taking medicines containing calcium and iron.
  • These chemical elements have a bonding effect, which provokes a retention of feces.
  • A laxative will help solve the problem.
  1. Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Due to the large amount of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) production, digestive function is impaired.
  • Progesterone lowers the tone of the uterus and thereby relaxes the intestinal muscles responsible for emptying.
  1. Lack of physical activity in the later stages.

The closer to childbirth, the woman begins to limit herself in movement due to weight gain and pain in the spine (associated with fetal pressure).

  1. Fetal position.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the fetus presses its head against the intestinal walls.

  1. Emotional changes.

Frequent mood swings, fear and anxiety about the upcoming birth also provoke constipation.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy at home

Constipation overtakes almost all pregnant women, causing great discomfort and risks of hemorrhoids. Diseases of the circulatory system in the pelvic organs. How can a pregnant woman get rid of constipation? There are plenty of answers to this question: the use of medicines, with the help of folk remedies, other methods. The question is, to what extent these methods are valid, which will be discussed later.


Intestines during pregnancy

How to quickly get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home? Using drugs for these purposes will help solve this problem. The list is as follows:

  1. Lactulose based preparations ( ).
  • Absolutely safe remedy for pregnant women, which allows you to soften feces.
  • Has a slight laxative effect and removes feces in large quantities.
  • Significantly eases the condition of a pregnant woman.
  • Safe for children and adults.
  • It is inserted into the rectum in a supine position.
  • It has a mild effect on the rectum, provoking the act of defecation.
  • Substance - glycerin is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not tone the uterus, which is very important during pregnancy.
  • They act similarly.
  1. Mini-enema Mikrolax.
  • Fast and softening effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
  • The laxative effect occurs within 10 minutes.

It should be remembered that there is also a list of prohibitive medications for pregnant women:

  1. Irritant drugs on the gastrointestinal tract (Gutalax, Senade, Regulax).
  2. Salt-containing drugs (Fotrans, Foralax) increase intestinal pressure.
  3. Laxative based on methylcellulose (increases the contents of the intestines and presses on the gastrointestinal tract).

This is a list of those classic ones that are not allowed during pregnancy due to the fact that they can lead to uterine tone, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of constipation at home during pregnancy using traditional medicine?

With the folk advice of a pregnant woman, you need to be extremely careful so as not to cause a spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

During pregnancy, decoctions and herbal infusions can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Taking laxative herbs such as senna leaves, rhubarb, aloe, wormwood, nettle, yarrow, alder buckthorn bark, joster fruits - prohibited. By improving the functioning of the digestive organs, herbs relax the muscles of the uterus, which is dangerous. Flax seed infusion also tones the uterus. A decoction of chamomile pharmacy can provoke bleeding and lead to the threat of fetal loss.

The following plants are allowed:

  1. Plantain.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Ginger.
  4. Dill.
  5. Mint.
  6. Collection based on calendula.
  7. Mountain ash.
  8. Dandelion.

At the beginning of pregnancy, you can use decoctions and herbal infusions only after consulting a doctor.

How to get rid of constipation during early pregnancy? The answer is simple. Movement is life, walking in the fresh air miraculously affects the blood circulation in the pelvis and improves the well-being of the pregnant woman. Sports activity - yoga, swimming, gymnastics on a fitball help to cope with defecation disorders.

The main rule- do not abuse long hikes, excessive physical exertion, due to the fact that in the early stages there is a great threat of miscarriage.

Constipation is often spastic in nature (associated with nervous feelings); to improve the situation, it will not be superfluous to take tea based on soothing herbs. They are also prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy? The chair will be soft if you drink a glass of water every morning half an hour before a meal. It will also be effective to add lemon juice or a spoonful of honey. You can make a laxative tea by adding some dried apple fruits to hot water.

The stool will be soft if you drink a glass of water every morning before meals.

Prunes will work great, raw, boiled, shabby - no difference. It will perfectly adjust the work of the intestines of the pregnant woman and move the feces to the exit.

Recipes for constipation of pregnant women

Beetroot broth. For two liters of water, you need about 100 grams of prunes, oatmeal, beets. Wash all components and grate on a coarse grater. Place in a deep container and cover with water, cook for an hour, strain and consume chilled. Store the broth in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin and honey mixture. Take 150-200 grams of ripe pumpkin, grind with two teaspoons of honey. Bake in the oven.

Flaxseed infusion. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water. Insist covered for four hours. Drink the infusion at night. Accepted only after visiting a doctor.

Dill seed infusion. About two tablespoons of dill are taken in a glass of boiling water. Pour, leave for two hours and drink one tablespoon half an hour before meals. This broth will help with flatulence.

A decoction of rowan flowers. Take 10 grams of flowers and pour a glass of water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. It is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml each, having previously filtered.

Violet herb tea. Put 10 grams of violets in an enamel pot, fill with a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist for about an hour, then dilute with 200 ml of water. Then filter and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion on dandelion roots. Pour about two teaspoons of the root in 200 ml of boiled water, leave for 8 hours. Take three times a day for 1/3 cup.

Other ways to relieve constipation

How to quickly get rid of constipation during pregnancy using other methods. First, you need review the nutrition of a pregnant woman... It should include whole grain cereals, muesli, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil. Also boiled and steamed vegetables (beets, carrots, turnips, etc.).

Eating fruits such as prunes, green apples, cherries, melons.

Eat honey, watermelon, apricots, grapes with caution - they contain substances that can cause allergies. Banned are thick rich soups, white bread, strong tea, pear, blueberry, pomegranate, etc.

Proper nutrition is the best way to prevent constipation

A combination of diet and regular exercise will be more effective.... When choosing a complex, you should ask the doctor for permission, because some sports exercises provoke labor activity.

Positive emotions, which are so often deprived of expectant mothers, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract system.

Therefore, you need to be able to see good moments, and enjoy the world around you. Then the stress will recede into the background, and this will save you from the painful difficulty of going to the toilet.


The health of the expectant mother and child is fundamentally dependent on the lifestyle. One should not be silent about such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation. About all exciting topics, it is imperative to talk to the doctor who monitors the pregnancy.

Exercise regularly and consume adequate fiber in food. The problem of constipation is due to the fact that the main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the adjacent intestines. This "relaxed" condition of the colon is a side effect of lifting the tone of the uterus. In late pregnancy, constipation is also caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the surrounding abdominal organs. Therefore, every pregnant woman can face the problem of constipation.

To eliminate constipation during pregnancy, it is recommended to use drugs of only one group - osmotic laxatives. These osmotic laxatives have a mild and delicate effect, do not provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, and cause stools, the consistency of which is as close to normal as possible. Under the influence of osmotic laxatives, the colon is emptied easily, without trauma and stretching of the anal sphincter, which is very important for women suffering from hemorrhoids.

Currently, osmotic laxatives are drugs that contain macrogols (PEGs), lactulose or magnesium sulfate as active ingredients.

Currently, the following macrogol-based drugs are the most effective, gentle and safe osmotic laxatives:

  • Lavacol;

  • Osmogol;

  • Realaksan;

  • Tranzipeg;

  • Forlax;

  • Forpega;

  • Fortrans.
The above osmotic laxative drugs can be taken throughout pregnancy. Moreover, drugs based on macrogols can be taken both regularly with chronic, persistent stool retention, and sporadically in the event of a single constipation.

In Russia, the most popular osmotic laxatives prescribed to pregnant women to eliminate constipation are drugs based on lactulose. Lactulose preparations are less effective than macrogol preparations, but they can also be used during pregnancy. Lactulose is effective for occasional constipation, but is practically unable to eliminate persistent stool retention. Currently, the following drugs are the most effective and safe lactulose-based osmotic laxatives:

  • Good luck;

  • Lactulose Poly;

  • Lactulose Stada;

  • Livolyuk-PB;

  • Normase;

  • Portalak;

  • Romfalak.
In addition to drugs based on macrogol and lactulose, magnesium sulfate powder can be used to relieve occasional constipation. For the purpose of a laxative effect, it is necessary to dissolve 20-30 g of powder in 100 ml of warm water and take it internally.