True stories: how prom changed my life. Graduation ball in Russia: the history of cleaning cities after graduation in China

The graduation party is the most striking event, the onset of which any schoolchild is eagerly awaiting, because in addition to saying goodbye to school, on this day he says goodbye to childhood and enters adulthood. Graduation parties from the past centuries were held beautifully, solemnly and on a large scale, because every effort was made to ensure that graduates remember such a beautiful day for life.

history of the holiday

Graduations were held during the reign of Peter l. The first graduates were students of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were inventive to the event. They ordered rings from the masters, on which symbols were applied, which were a specific sign. This sign helped to get to know each other after many years when they met. It should be noted that the fair sex initially could not be present at such a holiday, that is, a kind of discrimination reigned. The appearance of noblewomen at such a holiday became possible only in the 19th century, but going out "into the world" was a kind of bride - parents tried to find gentlemen for their daughters.

The amazing tradition of holding graduations was interrupted in 1917, but already in the 30s it was resumed, but, naturally, there was no trace of the former scope. Now the fiery speeches of teachers who released schoolchildren, who are still remembered as first-graders, have become an indispensable attribute, but it should be noted.

The tradition of holding proms was interrupted in the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday, June 22, 1941, schoolchildren celebrated their graduation from school. Many young men, who were dressed in beautiful suits, and girls in evening dresses, went to the front in the morning to fight for their country. After the war, graduation parties began to be held as a farewell to a carefree life. A wonderful tradition has appeared, with the whole class to meet the dawn on the embankment of the city.

In the 70s, proms took another turn. Beautiful evening dresses were replaced by the recently banned mini-skirts, bright makeup and chemistry, because the main goal of the graduates was not to beautifully say goodbye to school time, but to outshine their friends and become the most beautiful. For parents, as a rule, the organization of such a holiday cost a lot, because to organize a beautiful holiday they had to spend up to 45 rubles - and at that time this money was simply exorbitant for most families.

In the 90s, it was chic to hold a graduation party on a motor ship, which was rented by parents for graduates. On the deck, a table was laid with many treats, and live music or a collection of favorite songs were chosen as musical accompaniment. The musical accompaniment of the event also underwent a change, because the beautiful waltz was replaced by youth music.

Today, parents spend not 45 rubles, but several thousand rubles on organizing a graduation ceremony for their children. A beautiful hairstyle, stylish clothes, shoes, payment for the institution in which the celebration will take place and the limousine, which will take the graduates to the banquet hall, flies into a tidy sum. In addition, it is customary for many schools to give mementos from the whole class for graduation, and they, as a rule, also cost a lot of money.

How is graduation celebrated today?

Graduation is a kind of reward for students who graduated from an educational institution and wish to celebrate such a joyful holiday "in grand style".

Today, you should approach the organization of the graduation ceremony in advance, because many graduates book institutions six months in advance, pay for the reservation, and therefore, if you do not take care of choosing a place in advance, then it may simply not be possible to find it.

Modern youth makes great efforts to ensure that their holiday is fun, unconventional and remembered for a lifetime, because they perceive graduation from school as a kind of end to torment, not taking into account that they have an adult life ahead of them, which is by no means carefree.

Many students will have another graduation in their life in honor of the completion of higher educational completion. It should be noted that not everyone goes to the institute for one reason or another, so many parents and their beloved children try to organize a creative, large-scale, beautiful, funny and filled with an incredible atmosphere graduation, which will be remembered as one of the best days.

The tradition of organizing graduation in their native school has already faded into the background, because many graduates choose a cafe, restaurant, nightclub as a place for such a holiday, which they rent for the whole night or a ship, where you can set a chic table on the deck and relax with live music ...

It is customary to decorate the room in which the celebration will take place beautifully and in an original way with the help of beautiful arches made of balloons, flowers or fabrics. In addition, tables are set where, in addition to delicious dishes, sweets and juice, alcoholic drinks are also present.

On such a day, limousines act as a vehicle, which perform a given route or minibuses, in which graduates, parents and teachers can comfortably accommodate.

In most cases, parents and teachers are present at the graduation ceremony, but they only sit at a table with graduates, but at a separate table or in different rooms, so as not to embarrass young people.

To create a cheerful atmosphere, it is customary to invite a presenter who will develop the evening program and coordinate it with the main organizer of the evening. The presenter also coordinates all competitions in advance so as not to put the students and invited parents and teachers in an awkward position. The highlight of the evening can be a guest star who will perform your favorite youth songs or show program.

It is customary to invite a videographer and a photographer to the holiday, who will present holiday photographs and video recordings, which graduates will view and remember themselves.

The evening ends, as a rule, with a festive fireworks display on the street in the late evening, when darkness reigns in the street, or the launch of burning balls.

There is another option for the development of events, but it is chosen by those graduates who do not like the official parts of the event and prefer to relax without their own parents, who sometimes do not allow them to spend time the way they would like.

Since the graduation party falls in the summer, very often graduates prefer to rent gazebos in the forest, where they can organize barbecues and a delicious table. Some people prefer to rent apartments, summer cottages or country houses for several days, where you can have fun in the company and spend the night in rooms.

There are also classes where students are one big friendly company that prefers to relax away from their parents. Of course, this option to celebrate is quite expensive, but many people, children prefer to choose it: they go to the warm side, where they can have fun, swim and visit all the local entertainment venues.

Four candid stories about the main school night.

Text: Victoria Pavlenko, Yulia Shakirova, Victoria Malyarova, Anastasia Strochilina June 22, 2018

Vika, 22 years old

It was six years ago, and I still remember every second of this exciting day. It all went wrong from the start - I overslept. Without having breakfast and without even washing my face, I ran with all my might to the hairdresser, which I was lucky enough to sign up for 2 (!) Months before the X day. And now I fly into the salon, like a superman, shouting "I made it!" and I see ... that my master is doing another girl's hair. When I ask her, and WTF in general, she calmly informs me that she thought I would not come, and decided to take another client. Here is my wonderful mother, thanks to whom I survived this whole event, turns on the dragon mode and practically demolishes the whole salon with her roar (sorry, mom).


This magically affects everyone, and after 10 minutes I find myself in the chair of another master. She asks: "What do you want?" I say, “Hollywood curls. Today I am Marilyn Monroe. " “OK,” she says and turns me away from the mirror. While she twists my hair, I think about how the sequins on the chest of my dress will sparkle, and the white skirt will flutter in the wind, just like in the well-known scene. I will wave my bouncy curls and smile with scarlet lips. My blissful reflections are interrupted by the voice of the master: "Everything, one is ready, the next!"

I turn to the mirror and sit back in my chair.

“Oh gods, I'm a poodle. No, Shawn the lamb. But no, it's a poodle after all. Straight Artaud, like Kuprin's. " I myself do not notice how a stingy and very salty tear is running down my cheek, and my mother pulls my hand with the words: "Well, nothing, in 10 years you won't remember." Further the road to the house, as in a fog. For clarity, I was traveling in a trolley bus in my grandfather's baseball cap. And all the same she caught sidelong glances on herself. When I walked home, I was attacked by my overly punctual dad in a tuxedo and Boss Bottled by Hugo Boss. With the words "Oh, you decided to be a fluted chip!" (here I start to sob) and "We are leaving in 10 minutes, we are already late" (I am already sobbing), he leaves to drive the car to the entrance. I convulsively climb into the dress, according to tradition, tear tights, then the second, then decide that it was not in vain that I shaved my legs with a razor for 1000 rubles, and confidently go to paint with bare legs.


Dad calls and says, unhappy, that he is already waiting for an extra 5 minutes. Mom grabs me in one hand, in the other - a cosmetic bag and forcibly drags me down the stairs. I get wedged, TP syndrome turns on (a typical paranoid, actually, and not what you thought there), I shout something from the series “I'm not going anywhere!”, “I'll stay at home!”, “Everyone will have a finger at me poke ”,“ Why do I need all this ?! ”,“ Why am I so ugly ?! ”. Since we lived on the 5th floor of a building without an elevator, and I ran out of suffering phrases on the third, I had to repeat the same thing two more times. At the entrance, dad gave me a look like "Girls are always meaningless and merciless" and put me in the car. I had to put on makeup in the 10 minutes that separated our home and my school. And all would be fine if I: a) knew how to paint, b) there were no 100,500 lying policemen on the road. But those two things gave me a look a la Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman Before I Met Richard Gere. Well, with my curls it looked quite convincing. I walked into the school door with my head held high and a wet napkin on my face, with which my mother diligently wiped off my red lipstick smeared on my cheeks and chin. And then I saw my friends. And you know, like in the film, everything around was lit up with a warm heavenly glow. I realized that I was at home. Well, what else to name a place where people love you and are glad to see you, even when you are a Joker panda. We started hugging, joking and taking photos endlessly.

My best friend said that I was always super, and the nasty nerve knot in my stomach immediately untied.

And then everything started at an incredible speed: graduation, gala dinner, the first stain on the dress, hugs. And then it was time for a disco. And it was then that the event that my story is dedicated to happened. My first dance for love. Yes, I know what you say: “Oh, think, dance. Now, if you were kissing ... ". But this is different. After all, I have not yet had time to admit to you that my greatest school love was ... My teacher. And while I doubt he reads the ELLE Girl website, I won't go into detail about it just in case. I can only say that he was very young, aristocratic, pumped up (oh, those biceps in his arms!) And just terribly smart. I "dried" on him from the fifth grade (from the very moment when he first entered our class with the words: "Gentlemen, be so kind, shut up").


Everything was as it should be: slow motion, a ray of light and Sarah Connor in the background. And 7 years later, to this very Just One Last Dance, he invited me to a slow dance at my last school disco. Instead of consent, I fell on his shoulder. And those three minutes lasted forever. He talked to me about the importance of the future, about the complexity of choosing a profession and how he was always fascinated by my writings. And I didn't listen and just melted, spreading over his shoulder and muscular chest. A thousand pictures a second flashed through my head: here I am graduating from university, and he gives me flowers; but we stand at the altar and swear to each other in eternal love; and now we are at the alumni meeting 10 years after graduation, we have 30 children, and everyone envies us. My dreams were smashed to smithereens by the voice of the classroom girl who yelled that we were moving out of school to meet the dawn on Vorobyovy Gory. And then my tale ended. Just like Cinderella's: the clock struck midnight, it was necessary to return to reality. I thanked him, kissed him on the cheek and slipped out into the street.

When the sun rose and illuminated the Moscow State University, in which I had dreamed of entering (and now, by the way, I have already graduated), I realized that a completely different, new and so interesting life awaits me.

And that school is really over. And also that most of these people who are now giggling strangely and staggering drunkenly, I see for the last time. An eerie sentiment washed over me, and I ran to hug everyone. And then they took us home. My best friend and I sat on the steps at my entrance for a long time and recalled the most enchanting moments of these 10 years. And when sleepy neighbors slowly began to creep out to work, we said goodbye and vowed to be friends forever. And we kept our promise - even though we see each other now at best once every three months, we still adore each other.


I remember my prom night with a smile and warmth every year when I see smart and beautiful boys and girls with graduation ribbons everywhere at the end of June. I still remember my beloved teacher, although I have not seen him since then. They say he was bald, put on weight and got married. Well, even so, in my memory he is forever alone, young and beautiful. And gallantly holds out his hand to me, inviting me to dance.

Julia, 22 years old

Graduation is the main event of the entire school period. It does not burst into our life suddenly: we wait for it, prepare, anticipate. Every girl literally from the first grade dreams of a ball, of a fluffy dress, of enthusiastic glances directed at her, dreams of becoming a crowned person at least for one evening. Everyone is happy and sad at the same time - after all, graduation is not only a bright, but also a sad holiday. But not for me! The graduation party for me was not just a bright holiday, it was the brightest holiday in my entire school life! Ask why? Because in 11 years I have changed 4 schools, and the relationship with my classmates was not very good. Because I was not afraid to leave the past and boldly walk towards the future, however, just like now!

I dreamed of leaving school life in the past, and graduation was a great end to it.

Preparing for the prom didn’t take much of my time and nerve cells, as I had thought out my image in advance, which included a beautiful powder-colored dress and the most uncomfortable, but maddeningly chic shoes in the world. On day X, when the beauty stylist conjured up my hairstyle and make-up, when I’m already all dressed up and running out of the house, I heard my mother’s loud “Stop!”. “Yul, please take ballet flats with you. Believe me, they will be useful to you. " What?! Ballet shoes?! How I did not want to spoil the image with ballet shoes, and even a bag in which I had to carry them. Then I decided for myself that, they say, I was strong and would never take off my heels! Oh, how wrong I was then ...


The presentation of the certificates has been completed, the last general photo has been taken, and now the most long-awaited moment has come for me - we are going to the club! We celebrated our graduation together with several other schools in the B1 Maximum club, now Yotaspace. What could be better than a concert club to mark the end of school life ?! :) Upon arrival at the club, I thought that I would immediately find myself in the hall, but it was not there! To get inside, we had to stand in a long queue. It was at these moments that the ballet flats that were in the bag began to attract me, but all this time I heroically defended myself in heels! Once inside, I was heroic for about an hour, until I realized that it would be easier to "light up on the dance floor" in ballet shoes. When I did change my shoes, there was only one thought in my head “OMG! Mom, thank you! " And after that, I could calmly anneal with everyone under the track "Out of the Window" by Noise Ms, while the girls in "the most uncomfortable in the world, but madly chic shoes" were sitting with sour faces at the table. I will never forget my prom.

The realization that everything was left behind, and that incredible changes in life awaited me ahead, excited me the whole prom night!

My heart demanded a change! And despite the fact that over the entire night of the prom, I still "killed" my legs, stained my dress (sitting on the sofa where someone had forgotten a chocolate cake), ruined an expensive clutch by pouring champagne on it, I had a great time and forever said to the school "Bye, Bye".


Conclusion: Graduation ball is exactly the day when you have every right to have fun from the heart with your classmates, without receiving a reprimand from the class teacher. And so that nothing bothers you, take a change of shoes with you, in which you will spend the whole night and meet the dawn. Try to enjoy this day as much as possible, because you will remember it for a lifetime.

P.S. And listen to your mom, she definitely won't advise anything bad;)

Lisa, 21 years old

For three years I was in love with my classmate. We practically did not communicate, only sometimes we looked at each other during recess. I was sad at the thought that school would end and I would never speak to my love. Like all girls, I hoped that something would happen at prom that would change my life. And I was not mistaken.

Graduation history

Graduation balls in Russia began to be held during the reign of Peter I. The first graduates to celebrate graduation on a grand scale were the students of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The pupils of the Corps of Pages were distinguished by their particular ingenuity during the celebration: especially for the graduation ball, the pupils ordered rings with the same symbol. This allowed the pages, graduates of different years, to recognize each other. By the way, girls were not allowed on such evenings at first. The appearance of young noblewomen became possible only in the 19th century. But the "conclusion" of the girls into the world was an exclusively commercial enterprise - the parents were looking for gentlemen for the young beauties.

After the 1917 revolution, the situation changed dramatically. Graduation balls were banned as bourgeois fun and a relic of the past. But in the mid-30s, school graduation was resumed. Of course, not a trace of the former splendor of the outfits and the luxury of the halls has remained. Instead of them, parting speeches became mandatory: the cadets and coquettes were replaced by Komsomol members and Komsomol members. But they still could not do without dancing: in addition to classical waltzes, even bourgeois foxtrots and Charleston were performed.

The tradition of graduation balls was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday evening, June 22, 1941, graduation parties were held in many schools and colleges in the country. Young people and girls carelessly circled in a waltz, and the very next day many of them put on their greatcoats and went to the front. In the post-war years, graduation balls began to resemble the modern farewell to school life. A tradition has emerged to walk in class until dawn.

In the 70s, there was a revolution in attitude to graduation. The girls wanted to outshine all their friends: they put on previously forbidden mini-skirts, did chemistry and makeup (at that time they had already stopped being kicked out of the ball for cosmetics). For parents, the holiday began to cost a pretty penny. They spent up to 45 rubles on graduation - money was unreal at that time!

With the opening of the Iron Curtain, the tradition of celebrating the holiday on a grand scale has returned to Russia. In the 90s, it was especially chic to meet a new life milestone on the deck of a pleasure boat rented by parents. The sounds of the waltz were replaced by the rhythms of modern music.

Today, parents spend not 45 rubles on their graduation party, but several thousand. Dress, hairstyle, restaurant, limousine - no one will be surprised by this. Graduates book the evening not only in cafes and bars, but also rent entire nightclubs, invite fashionable DJs and all kinds of exotic shows. After all, the main thing is to remember the graduation for a lifetime!