Recommendations after botox - we keep the result of the injection without harm to health. Botox for the face - a complete list of contraindications after the procedure

Application is a relatively new procedure in the hairdressing industry, however, it deservedly gains popularity due to its extraordinary effectiveness. Recovery and visible improvement in the condition of the curls is achieved with the help of special active ingredients that make up the drug. Among them:

  1. Amino acids.
  2. Vitamins A, B, C, E.
  3. Keratin.
  4. Intra-silane.

Intra-silane is an innovative molecule capable of penetrating the hair structure, strengthening the hair shaft. Scientists and cosmetologists were inspired to create this technology by developments in the glass industry.

First of all, botox is indicated for women with thin, weakened strands, as well as those who are dissatisfied with the lack of shine, dryness and brittle curls.

This procedure has a number of important advantages:

  • The momentality of the effect and its duration relative to other care procedures (lasts up to 3 months).
  • Restoration of hair follicles.
  • Protection against excessive hair loss.
  • Painlessness of application.

ATTENTION! Despite the fact that it is positioned as safe, the drug contains botulinum toxin - an insufficiently studied substance that, like other components, can cause individual negative reactions in the body. Before the procedure, it is imperative to consult with a specialist.

Changing the color of the hair

Hair coloring, known to mankind for over 3000 years, is today one of the most demanded services in beauty salons. This great way of expressing yourself refreshes a girl's hair and overall look. Coloring curls helps:

  • get rid of gray hair;
  • from strands burnt out in the sun;
  • evens out the tone of the hair, or vice versa - makes it diverse in its shade.

Despite the advertising assurances of paint manufacturers, any coloring to one degree or another harms the hair... Being a chemical process in nature, changing the color of curls entails a change in their physical characteristics - the hair becomes drier and more porous, and also loses its natural protection from ultraviolet radiation. That is why experts recommend avoiding staining more than once a month.

It is also important to note that it is better to change hair color in a hairdressing salon, resorting to the services of qualified specialists who will assess the structure of the hair, the condition of the scalp and select the most gentle option for the procedure.

Can a botox procedure be done immediately after painting?

Mostly, hairdressers do not recommend women to recolor their curls just before botox therapy, since the effect of these procedures is mutually exclusive. The pigmented components of the dye loosens the hair structure, while Botox is designed to seal the hair scales.

How long should you wait?

How long after staining, that is, how many days, can a botox procedure be done? Botox will not damage colored hair, but on the contrary, it will help to improve their appearance, relieving dry and split ends. However, after dyeing, it is necessary to give the strands a break from the influence of chemicals, maintaining a weekly interval. At the same time, to ensure the best effect from the subsequent application of the Botox preparation after painting, it is important to use special gentle shampoos, conditioners and styling products.

Is staining allowed immediately after botox therapy?

Hair dyeing immediately after the Botox procedure is unacceptable- the amazing effect of smoothness and silkiness of the hair will be lost, and the desired shade will not be achieved. The hairstyle will take on an unkempt look.

How long and with what?

The optimal break time between procedures should be at least 15-20 days, especially in the case of complete hair dyeing and their cardinal lightening. To achieve the desired color, the paint must be chosen a tone darker, and the use of various tint balms should be completely abandoned - the result of their use on hair treated with botox is unpredictable.

The combination of henna and basma with botox is strictly prohibited.

Dyes used to change the color of strands after botox treatment should not contain ammonia. At the same time, hydrogen peroxide must be present in their composition. Only this component is able to deliver pigmented components to the inner hair structure. Other paints cannot be guaranteed to change color.

Consequences of untimely use


Intra-silane in the composition of drugs used for botox therapy is capable of destroying the molecules responsible for color change - as a result, the shade of the hair will become dull.

IMPORTANT! Applying Botox immediately after staining can cause a severe allergic reaction and lead to the development of an inflammatory process on the scalp.


Using paint earlier than the time recommended by experts will lead to the fact that the tone will lie unevenly, and the shade will not correspond to the expected. The wrong choice of coloring agent, using it at home can provoke chemical reactions that can completely negate the effect of botox therapy, lead to pathological changes in the structure of the strands, make them hard, and also cause irritation of the scalp.

Thus, we can safely summarize that applying botox and changing hair color are perfectly compatible types of care for your appearance... If all precautions are taken, the main of which is the separation of procedures in time, you can achieve an excellent effect of shining smooth curls. It is better to entrust all manipulations to professionals of the hairdressing art, who will help you choose the most effective Botox preparations and suitable coloring compositions, as well as recommend products for subsequent care.

Botox for hair is not at all what is injected in the office of a cosmetologist. The effect is really something similar - the hair is stretched, becomes dense and obedient, saturated with useful substances.

If you go into details, it turns out that a procedure with one name, correcting the hair structure, is carried out in three ways. True, judging by the comments on the forums, it is visually effective - one.

So let's start in order.

What does botox for hair look like in action:

  1. Hair is washed with a deep cleansing shampoo. Blot well with a towel.
  2. A prepared Botox composition is applied to the hair, divided into strands. It is worth noting that there are different formulations (some must be applied with an indent of a centimeter from the scalp, others can even be applied to the roots).
  3. Then a rubber cap is put on and the hair is heated with a climazon or a hairdryer. The process lasts 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then the Botox composition is washed off with water (without using shampoo). At the same time, depending on the condition of the hair, from 20 to 50 percent of the product still remains on the hair for further action.
  5. Hair is blotted from moisture and dried with a hairdryer, if necessary, pulled out with irons.
  6. As a result, the hair becomes dense and soft, the scales are smoothed out, and shine appears. The hair is weighted for the first day, some even have the feeling that they have become oily. This is not so, the smooth hairs that are pulled back by the composition just look like that.

By the way, due to its elementary nature, some carry out such a Botox procedure at home.

Other ways of carrying out the procedure:
  • Botox with the use of irons to activate the composition raises many questions and, most importantly, complaints, especially from owners of already thin, split ends and weakened hair.
  • A system with multiple vials and no heat may be useful, but the external effect is small.

We figured out the procedure, and then what? What can and cannot be done with hair, and how long will the result last?

How to care for hair after botox

  1. Hair botox is a cumulative treatment. Depending on the frequency of shampooing, the effect lasts for two to three weeks. After that, a second restoration is necessary. On average, treatment is carried out in a course of 4-5 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks, the exact number of procedures depends on the condition of the hair.
  2. When can you wash your hair after botox? For 24 hours after the procedure, you cannot wash your hair - all this time, the composition remaining on the hair continues to act.
  3. After botox shampoo for hair, balm and mask should be sulfate-free. We are looking for marks on the bottles - without sls / sles.
  4. 2-3 weeks after Botox, do not make oil masks and do not use hair oil.
  5. Is it possible dye your hair after botox? Coloring and lightening can be done two weeks before or two weeks after the procedure.
  6. Many questions concern the use of a hair dryer, irons and curling irons. All styling and drying products can be applied as before.

However, there are some complaints that hair frizz after Botox is not very good.

Sulfate-free shampoos

What complications can there be?

In fact, there should be no complications at all. However, questions remain: then someone's hair is frizzy, dry, falls out or electrified.

To begin with, it is worth analyzing how you performed the procedure / in what way?

Let us remind once again that after Botox with activation of irons on bad hair, all of the above problems are expected.

There are also girls with blue hair - here you have to look when the coloring / highlighting was carried out before. Did the hair turn blue immediately or after a while and what happened with the care at that time, was the dyeing done right away?

- a unique rejuvenating procedure used in modern cosmetology to improve the appearance of hair after painful or age-related baldness, as well as to eliminate natural changes in hair structure with age.

Every year the procedure is gaining more and more popularity, it is more and more often ordered in salons, successfully improving damaged or naturally unhealthy hair. But hair care after Botox is a separate article for attention, since after the procedure they require special treatment.

Condition of curls after botox and caring for them

After the procedure, the hair looks almost perfect - smooth and silky, completely healthy in appearance. The strands fit better into the hair, acquire a healthy weight and do not bulge in all directions - it becomes much easier to style them. Unfortunately, this effect is short-lived - it will last for 2-3 weeks, after which the procedure must be repeated.

All standard procedures - combing, washing, styling, will take place as usual... You will not harm your hair after Botox with these usual preparations. Botox does not affect the frequency of washing in any way, except that you should not wash your hair on the first day after the procedure, since there is a risk of washing off the not completely absorbed composition.

Hair dryers and straighteners won't harm- continue to use the hair dryer and curling iron as you like. Curling hair after Botox may not be as effective as before. This is due to a change in the composition of the hair for the better, filling it with useful substances.

How does botox work on hair?

A special medicinal composition is applied to the hair for a refreshing, rejuvenating and hair-normalizing effect. Most often, Botox is not applied for cosmetic purposes, but for medicinal purposes.

Full the course of such a treatment for hair consists of 5-6 procedures, after which the effect will linger for a long time (subject to proper care) and will delight you for several more months.

  • healthy-looking young hair;
  • prevention of dermatological scalp problems;
  • normal growth;
  • healthy shine;
  • smoothness and manageability of hair, lightweight styling.

The effect of Botox for hair at any age will be extremely positive and beneficial, side negative effects are possible only in case of allergies and already existing serious dermatological problems.

Hair care in the first three days

Botox has a chemical effect on the hair, so it is impossible not to notice such changes in real time. For the first three days, the hair will harden after the procedure, and will take shape after the initial softening.

Of course, you cannot wash them during this, since the main part of the composition will not have time to be absorbed into the roots and “bodies” of the hair, improving them. In a hurry, you can spoil yourself with the full-fledged result that you expect.

This does not mean that you need to shake over the hair for the first day and do nothing with it. Do styling, comb after sleep without fear, but in no case sign up for other cosmetic procedures and even more coloring (more on that later).

!Important Interacting with other types of treatments can destroy the effects of Botox, and in the worst cases, cause a real disaster on the head.

What should not be done after the procedure?

Despite the minimum of restrictions, there is still a danger of spoiling the newly renewed hair. For the most part, the negative effect occurs due to the incompatibility of chemical components that are key in different procedures. Due to unforeseen contact of inappropriate means, rejection begins.

Can i dye my hair after botox?

The main danger is staining, especially with discoloration of the strands. The chemicals used to color and lighten hair are very aggressive. If used incorrectly, there is a chance to “burn” even completely healthy hair to the state of a washcloth of an indeterminate color.

The effect on hair after Botox can be varied, but always negative. For example, you will most likely get a shade that is not at all what you expected. Hair can be colored unevenly, remain the same at the roots. There may be scalp irritation or if you have oily skin.

Of course, the dye or bleach will completely destroy the remainder of the nutritional composition on the hair, so that the effect will not be fully achieved. The hair will not have time to nourish and will bristle, will take on its former unhealthy appearance.

Hair tinting after botox

Toning is a lightweight staining option. A light, unstable dye is applied to the hair, which does not penetrate deep into the hair and does not eat into the root bulb. The effect of toning is relatively short, but it is impossible to spoil the hair with such a procedure.

Toning after botox is not recommended if you have weak or painful hair and scalp problems. Normally, toning will not hurt, but refrain from the procedure in the first three days after the procedure, since at first any effect on top of Botox is harmful.

Baths and saunas

In the early days, it is highly undesirable to subject hair to heat and steam treatment.... Steam is harmful to the structure of the hair, which after the procedure is sensitive and susceptible to any negative effects. A trip to the steam bath and sauna can destroy the result at the root and get frizzy and unruly hair without a hint of smoothness and a healthy look.

Sea water

For the first three days, protect weak hair from exposure to sea water. The sea salt will react with the incompletely absorbed product and prevent it from working completely.

How to dry hair after botox

As mentioned above, you can use a hairdryer - it will not damage the hair structure and will not interrupt the chemical process of strengthening and rejuvenation in any way, which lasts some time after the procedure (2-3 days), but it will be much better if you wipe them properly before the main drying ...

It's worth starting from the ends - blot them, get rid of excess moisture. Then, with the same careful blotting movements, rise higher to the roots. Try not to confuse them too much. After there is no running down water, you can safely use a hair dryer.

If you do not want to use any devices or are not used to drying your hair with a hairdryer at all, do as before, without changes. Straighten the strands a little so that they do not dry out tangled, and wait until completely dry.

Is it possible to curl hair after botox

There will be no bad consequences after curling hair after botox on curlers or an automatic device. Both physical exposure and curling with high temperatures will in no way affect the integrity and healthy appearance of your hair.

Since the hair after the procedure will become heavier and shinier from natural substances, it may become more difficult to curl it. Curling with the help of devices may not change in any way, but curling by hand or with different types of curlers will become more complicated. Heavier hair will stay less in the curl position and such styling will straighten faster.

How to properly remove botox from hair?

Botox is absorbed into the hair roots and body so that the effect is long-lasting and the product is not washed out after each wash. If for some reason you need to remove the product from your hair completely (you need to dye your hair or the procedure itself was unsuccessful), it will not work to do this with the help of a regular rinse - you need special products.

  1. Your first option- shampoo with deep cleansing of curls. These in stores are separate from conventional, medicinal and tint shampoos and are designed just to eliminate unsuccessful hair renewal. To remove Botox, you may need to repeat washing with this shampoo several times.
  2. Second option- a special cleaner released on the market specifically to remove the effects of Botox on hair. Acid emulsions come under the brands of many manufacturers, their choice is wide enough and you can choose an option for any type of hair. One or two applications are enough to completely wash off the botox.

After botox shampoo for hair

In principle, no special hair care products that have recently undergone botox renewal are required.

Enough shampoos from the usual lines, but with features. They will help a lot in leaving:

  • shampoos with a thorough cleansing function without harming the structure;
  • shampoos with a light and maximally gentle effect.

Similar inscriptions on bottles of hair products can be found on all major brands. Ask a store consultant about a suitable one or search the shelves yourself. It is best, of course, to choose the option without sulfates - this will be the best, most beneficial and gentle option for proper care.

Sulfate-free hair shampoos

Shampoos without the content of harmful, destructive substances - sulfates, a novelty in the field of hair care products. Unfortunately, until recently, cosmetology could not abandon the use of sulfates, because without them the cost would have been increased several times.

Now there is an opportunity to buy a harmless shampoo, although most of them are in the premium class for the price. Next to the price is quality, so the use of such shampoos will only have a beneficial effect on the hair.

The best sulfate-free shampoos for botox hair care are:

Sulfate-free shampoos will not only preserve hair after Botox, but also improve its general condition. keep using them and see how big the difference is between professional mild products and mass-market shampoos with artificial bases and active ingredients.

Can balm be used?

There are no prohibitions on the use of hair balms. On the contrary, if the hair after the balm is easier to comb, then during styling you will less injure them with sudden movements and attempts to smooth out tangled parts.

It is better not to use the hair balm in the first three days, moreover, apply it after washing. A chemical composition foreign to Botox may interfere with its correct operation.

Can i use hair oil after botox?

Hair oils are not only permitted but highly recommended after the Botox procedure (after the first 3 days). Of course, we mean only natural ones: sea buckthorn, coconut, real olive oil. Using them will double the anti-aging effects of Botox and also work for your hair in the long term.

Hair that has been treated with oils remains young and healthy looking on average one third longer than those that have not been treated with such treatment.

Use these oils after washing your hair and before bed. Can be combined with natural herbal tinctures.

Moisturizing masks and oils

One of the main reasons oils are used in body care is for their moisturizing effect. The same applies to hair.

Moisturizing Hair Oils:

  1. Almond. Its high cost is justified - the oil contains a unique set of substances that is impossible for an artificially created product.
  2. Burdock. Natural burdock extract is one of the most effective medicines for hair. It has a moisturizing and softening effect on healthy hair.
  3. Jojoba. The famous oil, good for both skin and hair, life-giving and emollient. It is highly recommended for daily use before bedtime.

If you want to take care of your hair seriously and do not spare the time to care for it, pay attention to the abundance of masks - regenerating, moisturizing, strengthening, freely available for everyone. You will be surprised how many ways you can improve your hair.

After botox, masks are completely safe and highly desirable (only natural). So you will strengthen the effect after the main procedure and consolidate it for a long time.

The best masks after botox:

  1. Honey and oil. Mix 2 tablespoons of liquid honey with olive and almond oil, warm until warm (not hot), apply to hair and wrap in plastic. Leave it on for a full hour.
  2. Banana. Combine bananas (preferably overripe) with honey and olive oil. The resulting gruel is applied to the roots and the entire length of the hair, where it should remain for about 25 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo.

!Important Remember that you do not need to apply masks, especially those with a long holding period, in the first three days after the Botox procedure.

Aroma combing after botox

Aroma combing is a method of applying oils to the hair roots using a conventional comb. Such a comb must have massage balls-ends on the bristles, a small distance between them.

Choose any oil you like from the above and gently apply it to the comb so that it only gets wet. After that, gently run several times along the roots, from the crown to the back of the head. The movement should be soft, so before that it is better to comb your hair in advance, so that there is no difficulty.

Using Botox for hair renewal and rejuvenation is an affordable, high-quality and safe procedure. If you have unhealthy or problem hair, be sure to give it a try - the result will not be long in coming, and with proper care it will be delayed for a long time.

  • the beauty
  • Hair care
Svetlana Markova 0

Are there procedures that can instantly transform strands and make them more manageable? There are several of them, and one of the most popular is botox. After just one procedure, the strands are restored from the inside, become smooth, shiny, well-groomed. The effect lasts for at least 3 months. Learn more about Botox hair restoration.

What is botox hair

This is a modern, highly effective salon service aimed at improving the appearance of the hairstyle. Botox is a drug containing active ingredients that can be absorbed into the molecular structure of the strands and restore them from the inside. The tool has nothing to do with the drug used to eliminate wrinkles (a marketing ploy is used here). Hair treatment with Botox allows you to make your hair healthier, more voluminous, smoother, and shiny. The tool used during the procedure contains:

  • vitamins E, A, C, B;
  • keratin;
  • green tea extract;
  • intra-silane;
  • amino acids and other components.

Botox for hair - pros and cons

The service has appeared recently, therefore, the effect on the body as a whole has not been sufficiently studied. There are no clear guidelines on when it should be used. One thing can be said with confidence - the service is effective for aesthetic purposes when a woman is not satisfied with the condition of the strands. Before doing botox for hair - the pros and cons should be carefully studied so as not to cause harm. There are few disadvantages to the procedure:

  • the need to repeat the service from time to time;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • high cost in salons.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • hair restoration with botox helps to quickly improve the appearance of the hairstyle: eliminate split ends, add shine, eliminate "fluffiness";
  • strengthens the hairs, saturating the bulbs with useful substances;
  • stops the balding process;
  • has a long lasting effect - at least 3 months;
  • improves the appearance after staining;
  • painlessness.

Hair botox procedure

If there is no experience in carrying out the procedure at home, it is recommended to try it with a specialist, making sure that there are no contraindications. How is botox for hair done? The treatment process takes about 45 minutes and is carried out in several stages. Sequencing:

  1. The head is thoroughly washed with a cleansing shampoo, slightly dried.
  2. Each strand is treated with a medicinal preparation using syringes or directly from ampoules.
  3. A greenhouse effect is created - the head is covered with polyethylene, warmed up for about 20 minutes.
  4. When the strands cool, the product is washed off.
  5. A little more product is applied to the roots, the strands are laid at the request of the client.

Hair Botox - Effects

The manufacturers of the product write that the product is absolutely safe if used according to the instructions. Overdose cases, poisoning were not recorded. So is Botox bad for hair? You need to be careful with the product - it contains botulinum toxin, which has not been sufficiently studied by scientists. The tool should be used intermittently between courses, otherwise it will worsen the condition of the strands, make them brittle, thin. The drug may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Botox for hair - contraindications

The procedure is easily performed in the salon and at home. In the latter case, before starting work, you should definitely study the instructions for the cosmetic product. Botox for hair has the following contraindications:

  • allergy to the contained components;
  • the presence of wounds, pustular formations on the head;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • days of menstruation.

Botox for hair - before and after photos

The photographs show the results before and after the treatment. You can see that the strands in women look like after lamination: they are brighter, more voluminous, healthy. Curly curls after the procedure do not lose their structure, but become clearer and more vibrant. Hair Botox is an ideal solution for those who have weakened, dull strands.

Hair botox at home

If you wish, you can purchase a cosmetic product and apply it yourself. Attention: if the strands are damaged, fall out strongly, you should consult a doctor before use. Botox for hair at home is used as follows:

  1. You need to thoroughly clean your head with shampoo, dry it and comb it.
  2. Take a syringe dispenser and use it to distribute the contents of the ampoule to the strands.
  3. For additional exposure, apply a mask, cover your head with polyethylene and warm up with a hairdryer.
  4. After 15-20 minutes, wet your head, wash off the remnants of the product with a sulphate-free shampoo with massage movements. A permanent mask can be applied if desired.

Hair care after botox for hair

Often women ask the masters how much Botox lasts on the hair. It all depends on how you care for them. If you follow the instructions, the effect lasts for at least 3 months. Features of hair care after botox for hair:

  • so that the useful components have time to be absorbed, the head should be washed 2-3 days after visiting the salon;
  • shampoo after botox for hair should be sulfate-free;
  • you can not tighten the strands into the tail;
  • do not use a hairdryer, iron;
  • strands must be combed from bottom to top;
  • it is recommended to eat dairy products, legumes, cereals;
  • it is advisable to moisturize the strands, for example, with essential oils;
  • you cannot go out into the cold without a headdress;
  • it is advisable to drink vitamin complexes.

Hair Botox Price

The exact cost of the procedure and the drugs used for it cannot be said. The final price depends on the manufacturer of the product, the length of the woman's strands, the place of execution, the city and other things. Medicines can be bought in the online store, specialized departments of professional cosmetics, through catalogs, from salon masters.

The average price for botox for hair in Moscow is about 3-4 thousand, excluding the cost of drugs. A well-known company that produces remedies for treatment is Loreal. Prices for its products start from 2 thousand rubles. The Honma Tokyo H-Brush set will cost customers 12,000 rubles. More affordable funds from Kashmir, Estelle, Matrix - from 700 rubles and above. They can be used at home.

Video: hair straightening with botox

Reviews about botox for hair

Olga, 24 years old

When I was pregnant, I really wanted to try botox for hair, but decided to wait because of the possible risks. I ordered Loreal products from a friend in advance, and a couple of months after giving birth, I experimented at home. A wonderful thing! My curly locks have retained the texture, are so chic! My review is only positive.

Irina, 32 years old

A week ago I went to the salon to get a haircut, try some procedure to restore weak, dull strands. I was offered to try botulinum toxin. As for me, the price is very high - I left 4 thousand rubles for the work and the material used. As long as it lasts, there are no negative consequences. I think if you do it yourself, it will come out inexpensively.

Julia, 23 years old

I listened to the girls' feedback on how much they like Botox. Finally, I tried it, choosing inexpensive Kashmir products. The product does not damage the hair, it lasts for 3 months. I liked the effect. I know that it cannot be used too often, because negative consequences are possible. It is lasting for the third month, probably in a few weeks I will repeat my visit to the salon.

Should you do botox for your hair? How is the botox procedure for hair? Photo "before" and "after" botox for hair

☆☆☆☆☆☆ GOOD TIME OF THE DAY TO ALL !!! ☆☆☆☆☆☆

For a long time I doubted whether to do Botox for hair or not, curiosity took over and I did the hair care procedure "Botox for Hair" in the salon.

So what is botox for hair? THIS IS:

Hair botoxthis is not botulinum toxin, which is used to inject into the muscles of the face to relax them and get rid of expression lines. Hair botox - this is a specially developed cocktail of active ingredients that are able to penetrate the molecular structure of the hair and restore it from the inside.

In order not to be verbose, I will show my hair "Before" the Botox hair treatment

The photo shows that the hair does not have that lively shine, the ends of the hair are overdried.


1. The master washes his hair with a special "nuclear" shampoo, which will thoroughly wash away the remnants of the mask, hair oils from your hair, and if you dyed your hair not long before the procedure, then the hair dye will wash away, therefore, it is necessary to paint 5 days before the procedure and 5 days after the procedure;

2. After washing, hair is slightly dried with a towel and a special composition, the so-called "Botox", is applied to the hair. The master applies "Botox" to every thin strand carefully.

3. After applying "Botox for hair", put a hat on your head and sit for 30 minutes.

4. After the expiration of time, the master begins to dry the hair with a hairdryer (without rinsing the composition from the hair), then passes through each strand with a hair straightener, until the strand dries;

5. As soon as all hair has been treated with a hair straightener, we go to rinse off the composition.

6. When washing the hair, the master did not use shampoo, she just slightly washed off the composition with water, then applied a hair mask for 5 minutes

7. Dry your hair as usual with a hair dryer, I want to note that the hair did not seem to be washed, since the hair was washed without shampoo, so that the hair was saturated with the composition.

After the procedure, the hair seemed heavy and as if oil had been poured on it, an hour after the salon this feeling was gone, but the desire to wash my hair remained, but I decided to wash my hair the next day.


After the "Botox for Hair" procedure, you need to take care of your hair more thoroughly:

1. Choose a sulfate-free shampoo, you can always find it in professional stores, I personally chose the ESTEL brand for myself - the price and quality suit me

2. Also, after each hair wash, apply a hair mask for 2-3 minutes, the mask should be applied only to the ends of the hair.

3. After shampooing, do not walk on your head with a wet towel, dry with a hairdryer

4. If you go to the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, wear a hat


The action of the solution is based on the latest Into-Silane system. This is a substance that, when used, is capable of multiplying and branching its structure under the influence of water. When the liquid begins to evaporate, a very rigid frame forms on the hair, which acts as a curl hardener. The strands stop falling out, become more elastic and shiny. The main difference between using Botox and lamination restoration is that the curl is strengthened from the inside, and not from the outside, which significantly prolongs the effect.


Having washed my hair for the first time after the "Botox" procedure, I did not notice anything on wet hair, but when I dried my hair with a hairdryer, the hair seemed to come to life, became shiny, smooth as after keratin, the fluffiness of the hair went away, the hair became dense and, most importantly, stopped breaking off.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, I recommend the BOTOX FOR HAIR procedure to all girls whose hair has lost its vitality, strength and beauty.

Also my other hair care procedures:

- Hair polishing

- Keratin hair straightening

Procedure "Botox for hair" step by step, pros and cons, for how long the effect will last, the brand of the manufacturer matters. Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home. What is the real price.

Hello everyone! Today's review is about "sore", about my hair.

Since childhood, I suffer from the fact that the hair is not combed well, gets tangled by the slightest breeze, as a result, when combing, it breaks off, which affects its length.

So: my hair is dry, dyed, tangled.

Photos without styling:

The hairdresser, she's a good friend of mine, suggested this procedure. They said that I would actually get it at cost, for my length - 1,500 rubles (at home it is even cheaper, but more on that below). I agreed. And they promised that this procedure will not "eat" the volume.

Do not confuse this with keratin straightening, although ironing will leave your hair straight and smooth before the first wash.

Let's go directly to the procedure itself, step by step:

1. My hair with deep cleaning shampoo. We do not use any balms, masks, oils.

2. Dry your hair completely.

3. Divide the hair into strands and apply the composition.

4. Leave the composition on the hair for about 30 minutes.

5. We wash the hair by 80%.

6. Dry your hair with a hairdryer. We use brushing.

7. Divide the hair into parts and straighten the strands using a thin iron. The ironing temperature should be 180 - 210 C on bleached, damaged hair, and 200 - 230 C on normal, hard hair.

They told me not to wash my head for a couple of days, so that the product is better absorbed.

Here's what we have:

The volume has become smaller, but rather not at the expense of funds, but due to the use of an iron.

For example, this photo is only after styling, brushing (the photo was taken earlier, on the other day after painting):

Here's another: I want to say that I felt the effect (namely, light combing) for 3 weeks (they promised a couple of months), then it gradually faded away. My volume returned after the first wash of my hair. Hair styling has become easier. Although almost 3 months have passed since the procedure, I cannot say that my hair is also badly combed.

Photo exactly one month later, without styling:

Unfortunately, I did not think that I would write a review on this topic, so there is no photo from the back.

Not so long ago I wrote a review about hair fillers, so there was much more hair volume (but their effect is short-lived):

After the procedure "Botox for hair" the hair itself broke off a little, but this is due to the use of an iron (this is my problem). Having a decent hair straightener, I don't use it for this reason. Hairdryer and even then in rare cases.

As I promised about the cost ... Of course, a lot depends on the company that the salon uses. For my hair length, the standard cost of the procedure is from 3000 thousand rubles (I will not advertise this particular brand). I got it done for 1500 (which is the equivalent of short hair). I found a bank of this money in the online store for 9 thousand, it is designed for 25 procedures! (1000 ml) Maybe 25 is not enough for long ones, but it will come out much cheaper !!!

I recommend the procedure, but you shouldn't wait for a miracle!

Now my hair always looks messy. I completely forgot about the volume!

I think the procedure is good in principle. It's just important to understand what kind of hair it is suitable for. And it is suitable for:

  • painted;
  • damaged;
  • brittle and split ends;
  • thick.

I have smooth, straight hair, devoid of volume. A friend persuaded me to go for this procedure. I expected that the damaged strands would be restored, I would get rid of split ends, the hair structure would become more voluminous and even.

This is what they promise in the salons and on the websites. But in reality, this is not the case.

The procedure itself lasted 1.5 hours. Price 2500 r.

At the first stage, the master washed and dried her hair a little. Then I applied a Botox preparation for hair to each strand.

Then the master put a plastic cap on her head and began to dry with a hairdryer with hot air.

This is how my hair looked before the procedure:

But my hair looked right after the procedure:

After the procedure, with a friend. She really liked the effect of Botox on her hair.

Personally, I noticed that the volume of my hair has disappeared altogether. Hair looks dirty. And they get dirty faster. The shine disappeared after several times of shampooing. And the effect itself did not last long. Botox and keratin treatments are definitely not suitable for my hair.

✾ ✾ ✾ My story: botox on thick, coarse, damaged, colored hair ✾ ✾ ✾

Hi everyone!

˜”*° . Introductionツ. °*”˜

So, here I finally, after many years of passive reading of IRecommend, decided to write my first review. Therefore, for the sake of such a case, I will give a few words about me, for those who are not interested, you can go straight to the main part =)

My name is Yana, I am 24 years old. I live in the glorious city of St. Petersburg. I am fond of, if I can call it that, collecting all kinds of means for beauty and health =)

Well ... let's go ツ


I'll start with a description of my hair (I am of the opinion that people are very different, and when it comes to grooming, it should be selected depending on your hair type). My hair: very dry (mine no more than 1 time in 5-6 days), thick, colored (highlighting + toning), naughty, thick hair, rather hard. If you have a different hair type, you may get a different effect from the procedure.

To begin with, a few words about what is " HAIR BOTOX"and what do they eat it with? =)

As the master in the salon explained to me, the word "botox" in the name specifically to botox has a very dubious relation. The composition that is applied to the hair consists of the amino acids keratin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, oils and vitamins. And the name "Botox" was given to promote this procedure. There are also other procedures when injections are made into the scalp (for example, hair mesotherapy - injections of vitamins), but this procedure also has nothing to do with botox.

In general, according to the explanation of the master, the procedure itself is very useful, the composition nourishes the hair and is "sealed" into the hair under the influence of high temperatures. In the composition, according to the master's answer, there is nothing harmful, only natural "ingredients" for the hair. The effect promises the following: first of all, restoration of damaged hair along the entire length, strengthening of the structure, the composition gives softness and shine to the hair. Hair looks more lively, manageable, easy to comb.

I emphasize that this composition is not intended for hair straightening.

When I signed up for the salon, I wanted to straighten my hair and chose between keratin straightening and lamination. But I was persuaded to do botox. Why? I told the administrator about my hair - as I said, it is thick, voluminous, coarse, thick hair, colored, somewhat damaged (not quite a neglected case, but the paint did its job). And I was told that for hair like mine, Botox is well suited for hair - the result will be visible from the first application. Although, as I was later told, the result accumulates and you should do Botox for your hair once a month.

The procedure was performed by the GRAYMY Professional composition and for me it cost 3990 at a discount (price without discount 8000 rubles).

Let's find out if the effect of this case and is the game worth the candle? ツ

˜”*° . How was the procedure. °*”˜

I went to the salon, they sat me in a chair and started.

  1. First, they washed my hair with a very strong shampoo (why strong? Because it cleans the hair right "to a squeak", it removes everything that could be on the hair - oils, varnishes, the remains of masks, balms, etc.) this is a mandatory step even if you just washed your hair before going to the salon.
  2. Having slightly blotted my hair, they took off the towel from me and I saw in the mirror something like a lion cub and a mop. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, let's face it.
  3. Internally, I prayed that the master would not comb my hair in this state)) it seemed to me that it would be wildly painful. But no, they divided my hair into several large strands (prepared for applying the composition) and began to apply this mysterious BOTOX :)
  4. Feels like ... but there was no sensation. You sit and you are ironed every strand. The composition smells nice. The master was careful, she was in no hurry, in a cozy atmosphere, during a casual conversation, time flew by imperceptibly. When the composition was applied to all the strands, the head was wrapped in a thick towel.
  5. After wrapping in a towel, a hairdryer was pushed through the hair and turned on. As the master explained, this was necessary to heat the hair for better penetration of the composition into the hair structure.

If you do this procedure, I advise you to listen to the sensations - the hair should be heated evenly from all sides, if you feel that it is colder somewhere - ask the master to "blow" the hair dryer there =) this phase lasted about 30 minutes, the master came up and "heated" hair several times.

Important! When dyeing and botoxing procedures are performed on the same day, the opposite effect is exerted on the strands.

When dyeing, the hair scales open up under the influence of chemicals in the dye composition. This allows the pigment to penetrate deep into the hair and gain a foothold in it.

During botox therapy, the hair is saturated with nourishing, strengthening and protective components that create a barrier, as if sealing the curls from the inside. Part of the coloring pigment is washed out in this case.

As a result, the hair gets a lot of stress. Besides, the color of the strands may not be what you wanted, and the quality of the hair will leave much to be desired. As a result, additional financial and time costs will be required to restore the previous type of curls.

When is it better to apply botox therapy - before or after painting, and why?

The Botox procedure can be performed either before or after dyeing the hair. This is not so important, the main thing is that at least 7 days pass before or after botoxing. As a rule, the desire to heal and smooth hair with the help of a salon procedure appears after applying hair dyes.

Repeated use of dye compositions leads to a deterioration in the quality of the strands. Curls become brittle and lifeless. And, as a rule, after the next dyeing, the owner of a luxurious head of hair thinks about a visit to a beauty salon for a hair botox procedure. After all, this drug literally seals the hair from the inside, keeping both the color and shine of the curls longer after applying the paint.

Those who dye their curls after applying the medicinal composition, as a rule, want dramatic changes in their appearance. But they too will have to wait a bit after botoxing before dyeing their hair. Perfectly you need to dye the strands 15-20 days after the salon procedure.

Important! After hair treatment, when buying a dye, you will have to pay attention to the content of hydrogen peroxide in its composition. Unfortunately, without this component, the coloring composition will not work.

The minimum interval between treatments

The combination of hair coloring procedures and the use of Botox for hair is undesirable. If there is a need or desire to color the curls, then it is better to do this 1-3 weeks before botox, or 1-3 weeks after it. Thus, the risk of harming the strands will be minimized.

What happens if you break the sequence or decrease the interval?

As such there is no established sequence for performing staining and botox procedures... Therefore, nothing will happen if you break the sequence. You can independently determine what will be more convenient for you - painting before or after the salon procedure.

It will be more difficult if you cannot withstand the required time between procedures. In this case, there is a high probability that the entire effect of botox therapy will be lost, and the desired shade will never be obtained. As a result, the curls will take on a sloppy, untidy look. And all the efforts and funds spent on achieving an excellent result will be in vain.

How can you dye the strands before using the drug, are tint products suitable and will they hold better?

If botox therapy is planned, the hair can be dyed with regular dye. The one that you use constantly. And the use of aggressive means for styling curls will have to be abandoned for a while. It is also recommended to switch to mild hair shampoos in order to minimize damage to the strands before a salon botox procedure.

After botoxing, you will have to pay attention to the composition of hair dyes. It will be possible to use only dye formulations with hydrogen peroxide. Other paints will not have the desired effect, and the use of tint products can even lead to unpredictable results. They will have to be abandoned for at least one month until the effect of botox therapy wears off.

Is it possible to carry out the procedures in one day and what will be the effect?

It is not recommended to combine these procedures. the following reasons. During dyeing, the coloring pigment penetrates the hair structure and changes the previous color of the hair.

During the Botox procedure, the substances contained in the mixture penetrate deeply into the structure of the curls and partially wash out the coloring pigment. Because of this, the coloring effect is reduced or reduced to zero. In addition, the general condition of the hair may deteriorate, the hair will become dull or frizzy at the ends.

Perhaps the best precaution is not to combine these procedures, since the consequences of their combination are unpredictable and do not bode well for the owner of hair who has decided on such experiments.

Reference! After the botox therapy procedure, it is advisable not to wash your hair for up to three days. And in the future, use special shampoos without sulfate additives. They are more expensive than regular shampoos, but they are enough just for the duration of the Botox effect on your hair.

Despite the simplicity of botox therapy, it is worth remembering that it has a serious effect on the structure of each hair. And it is worth combining this procedure with staining very carefully, taking into account all the nuances that have been described in this article.