Revelation jade village. Revelation Online: types and locations of resources. Resources in Revelation: Trees

Foxes will become the heroes of today's story about the races of the world of Revelation.

They say that foxes are the most ancient people in the world. But you can't tell by their appearance. These are eternally young and beautiful creatures, the most real werewolves. All of them know how to transform into animals and from the very childhood they train hard, honing their skills. Outwardly, nine-tailed warriors can be distinguished from humans only by their large fox ears. But, having communicated with a representative of this people, you will never again confuse their manner of communication with someone else.

Foxes are subject to special magic. Every adventurer has probably fallen under the spell of their sleepy spell at least once. Although, perhaps, I could not always remember this in the morning. Foxes love these jokes and tricky pranks. Sometimes they can bewitch the traveler out of boredom. But do not be afraid - these creatures are kind by nature and do not wish evil to strangers.

Young foxes live in a small village near the Imperial Academy. There they learn the basics of magic and learn the art of transformation under the supervision of attentive mentors. The adult foxes go to the Two Moons Palace. And if you find yourself nearby, then by all means drop in on a visit to these creatures. It is extremely interesting to observe their life. Ancient magic, wealth, luxury - all this arouses admiration or burning envy. But one thing is certain: the fox people leave no one indifferent.

By increasing your reputation with this faction, you can acquire cute accessories that will make you feel like a real werewolf fox.

The peoples of the world of Revelation are waiting for a meeting with the heroes!

29.11.2016 Admin 15 403

Friends! We are glad to present you a small overview of the Fox race from the Russian publisher Revelation. Who are they? Let's get acquainted!

They say that foxes are the most ancient people in the world. But you can't tell by their appearance. These are eternally young and beautiful creatures, the most real werewolves. All of them know how to transform into animals and from the very childhood they train hard, honing their skills. Outwardly, nine-tailed warriors can be distinguished from humans only by their large fox ears. But, having communicated with a representative of this people, you will never again confuse their manner of communication with someone else.

Foxes are subject to special magic. Every adventurer has probably fallen under the spell of their sleepy spell at least once. Although, perhaps, I could not always remember this in the morning. Foxes love these jokes and tricky pranks. Sometimes they can bewitch the traveler out of boredom. But do not be afraid - these creatures are kind by nature and do not wish evil to strangers.

Young foxes live in a small village near the Imperial Academy. There they learn the basics of magic and learn the art of transformation under the supervision of attentive mentors. The adult foxes go to the Two Moons Palace. And if you find yourself nearby, then by all means drop in on a visit to these creatures. It is extremely interesting to observe their life. Ancient magic, wealth, luxury - all this arouses admiration or burning envy. But one thing is certain: the fox people leave no one indifferent.

By increasing your reputation with this faction, you can acquire cute accessories that will make you feel like a real werewolf fox.

The peoples of the world of Revelation are waiting for a meeting with the heroes!

Revelation- this is an open world, flying, PvP on the ground and in the air, a chain of quests, unique dungeons, difficult bosses, sieges up to 5000 players, arenas with a personal rating, more than 15 PvP modes, inter-server wars, three management styles, standard classes, wedding, top guild. The official start in Russia has already taken place! You can start playing Revelation now! Follow

The fox race are beautiful, eternally youthful creatures. By their appearance, you cannot say that they are not the most ancient nationality in the world. Like real werewolves, they are able to take the form of various animals. From early childhood, the Foxes have been improving their skills through hard training.

Features of the fox race

Despite the fact that outwardly these dexterous nine-tailed warriors are very similar to people, their behavior is fundamentally different from the manner of communication of other peoples. Foxes love tricky practical jokes. They wield a special magic that has affected many adventurers.

Often they bewitched wanderers just because they are simply bored. Despite their love for various jokes, the Foxes are very kind and are not able to harm strangers.

Young warriors live in a small village located in the vicinity of the Imperial Academy. It is there that the Foxes master the basics of magic and comprehend the art of transformation. Matured Foxes move to the rich Palace of Two Moons.

This people, possessing ancient magic and surrounded by luxury, leads a very interesting and eventful life. He evokes genuine admiration or intense envy.


The third tab in the craft window contains everything you need for gathering. Here you can get acquainted with the resources, the cost of OR and OM for their collection, as well as read their location. The collection of resources is a priority at the initial levels of pumping crafts, in addition, it is from the collected resources that intermediate items for other professions are made.

Gathering resources


Required level 1-5

  • Round pebbles. During the collection, pebbles and limestone are mined. Most often found on the coast.
  • Copper vein. By processing a vein, you can get copper ore and limestone. Most often found in coral bay and in the imperial grounds, as well as under water.
  • Iron vein. Sandstone and iron ore are mined in iron veins. Found in vast swamps to the south of the capital.
  • Morion. It is found on the border of the empire, as well as in large numbers in caves on the border.
  • Silver vein. Limestone and silver ore are being excavated in silver deposits. Most often found near the lost city.
  • Goldmine. From it you can get gold ore and sandstone. They are found in foggy marshes, centuries-old forests and on the bear's mountain.

Required level 6-10

  • Spinel vein. Vein mining brings spinel and sandstone. You are guaranteed to get a mid-level stone, and there is also a chance to find a fire stone. Occurs in water bodies and forests of the capital.

Required level 11-15

  • Bauxite vein. Bauxite and oil shale are extracted during the development. They are found in the maple courtyard and near the forests of Sitan.

Required level 16-20

  • Limonite vein. Limonite and shale are mined, and a touchstone can also be found. They are found in the abyss of flame, in the cave of blacksmiths and in the Orisa gorge.
  • Ametrine vein. Ametrine and slate are mined, there is a chance to find a natural gem. Found in the west of Miracles District and in the northern frosty lands, as well as at the fox palace.

Required level 21-25

  • Jade vein. Granite and jade are mined, while mining there is a chance to get talc. You can find it at the Teos Academy.

Required level 26-30

  • Rhyolite vein. Rhyolite veins can be found near Yarmont Fortress and the Secret Camp. When developing, you can get rare earth and a stone of a special level is guaranteed.

Required level 31-35

  • Corundum vein. Veins are found in Oris Stone Forest, in the Loose Sands, and near Nolin Rebel Camp. When developing, a valuable stone is given and there is a chance to find crystals.


Required level 1-5

  • Champignon. After collecting mycelium, you will receive herbs of the lower level, and there is also a chance of obtaining mushrooms. Champignons are found in humid areas of the Umbrella Village.
  • Fern. Medium-level herbs are collected, and there is also a chance to get greens. The fern grows around the marshes of the Misty Lowlands.
  • Nasturtium. After collecting, get herbs of the lower level, and you can also get flowers. Nasturtium grows in the Sea of ​​Starflowers.
  • Rose hip. When collecting, get herbs of the lowest level, and you can also get cabbage. Rosehip grows in groves in the east of Sulan, in small numbers in the north, west of Sulan and in the soaring abode.
  • Ginseng. Harvesting ginseng provides medium-grade herbs and mountain ginseng can also be obtained. The plant can be found in the shade of the trees of the Floating Abode and its surroundings.

Required level 6-10

  • Rattan. Collecting this plant will give you medium-level grasses and rattan stems, and you can also get a vine. Located near the Jadeite Village.

Required level 11-15

  • Coriander. When collecting coriander, you will receive herbs of the highest level, there is a chance of obtaining edible medicines. Coriander is located near the Imperial Academy.

Required level 16-20

  • Almond. When collecting almonds, you will receive herbs of the highest level, there is a chance of getting a sprout. Almonds are often found under the trees of the Maple Courtyard and in the bushes by the Sea of ​​Starflowers.

Required level 21-25

  • Blue orchid. When collecting a blue orchid, you are guaranteed to receive a special type of grass, there is a chance to catch a red frog. The blue orchid only grows in select locations in Wonderland and the Fox Palace.

Required level 26-30

  • Snapdragon. After collecting snapdragon, you will receive herbs of a special level, there is a chance to catch a centipede. Snapdragon grows in Orisa Gorge, Orisa Stone Forest, Birch Grove and Dead Desert.

Required level 31-35

  • Mulberry tree. When collecting a mulberry tree, you will receive valuable herbs, there is a chance to get a silkworm. Mulberry trees grow in a grove to the east of Yarmont Fortress and are found in the Oris Stone Forest.

Wood harvesting

Required level 1-5

  • Young bamboo. Chopping down young bamboos will yield an inferior tree and a chance for delicate bamboos. It is located in the Emerald Grove, as well as in the forests near the Theosophical Academy.
  • Peach tree. When harvested, get a medium-tier tree, you can also get peach resin. You can find trees in Sulan's Peach Garden, the capital and its surroundings.
  • Bamboo. Allows you to obtain low-grade wood and bamboo plates. It grows in locations where young bamboo is.
  • Termite mound. When felling down, you will get a medium-level tree, there is a chance to catch white ants. It can be found among the dry trees near the Ruins.

Required level 6-10

  • Sandalwood. When felling down, you get a medium-level tree, there is a chance to get sandalwood. Grows at the altar of the Black Lady.
  • Cedar. Allows you to get a medium-level tree, you can also get tail leaves. Grows in the Big taiga and forests of the Bear City.

Required level 11-15

  • Spruce. When collected, you will receive a tree of the highest level, you can find needle leaves. Grows in secluded places near Fox Village.

Required level 16-20

  • Glowing mushroom. When collected, you will receive a high-level tree, you can also get a blackberry. Often found near Wonder Village.

Required level 21-25

  • Maple. When collected, a special tree is mined, and maple leaves can also be found. It grows in Maple Courtyard and around Miracle County Hot Springs.

Required level 26-30

  • Golden oak. When you collect it, get a special tree, you can also find tree resin. Grows in the Birch Grove.

Required level 31-35

  • Dead tree. When collecting, you will receive a valuable tree, there is also a chance to catch a death scorpion. Trees only grow near the explosive funnel and Sunset Castle.

Faction materials

In addition to gathering resources, there are factional materials in the game. The main thing that you need to know about them is the impossibility of the usual collection. They are sold only by representatives of factions with which you need to have friendly relations, otherwise they will refuse to sell you the desired material, for example, corals or pearls from Falmari, rare types of meat in Sulan, etc. For convenience, there is a place in the game where representatives are all factions. You can find them in Asterion, in addition, representatives of factions are present in their locations.

It may happen that you need to buy factional material from an NPC belonging to a faction with which the level of relations is insufficient for trade operations. In this case, you can buy items that increase reputation from a particular faction in the same place from reputation merchants.

There is another way to buy the necessary resources, even if you do not have enough reputation, but keep in mind that the price in this case will be higher. You can contact the material merchant. You can find it next to the Craftsman.

How to pump the last level of the craft

For crafting, there is another important window accessible by pressing the "C" button, the fourth faction tab. The point is to pass an exam to reach the maximum level of the craft. Each faction has an examiner in order for the quest to become active - you must have a reputation in the status of "deification".

  1. Here you can select the factions located in the specified locations.
  2. By clicking the "examiner" button, the character will start the auto-path to the NPC, who will issue the quest. After completing the examiner's tests, the scrolls of the highest order will become available.
  3. If you do not know where the faction trader is, select the faction you are interested in and click on this button, you will start the auto path to the NPC.
  4. The window of reputation and bonuses when increasing the level of indicators.
  5. This tab contains the faction decorations available for sale.
  6. Faction quests with which you increase your reputation. There are three types of tasks available: work, faction events and orders.

One aspect of playing Revelation Online is the opportunity to engage in a craft that you like. You don't have to fight constantly. You can be a chef, creating a wonderful kitchen that will also benefit you, create siege weapons and various details.

But, as you know, you cannot create anything out of thin air, so for successful crafting you need resources. They also do not roll around anywhere, so you have to strain yourself getting them. And it is important to remember that it will not be possible to extract resources in Revelation Online just like that: you will also have to use health points or OP. And some require inspiration points OV or both.

We will describe what resources can be found in Revelation Online, as well as indicate their locations.

In Revelation Online, resources are needed to craft various items.

Resources in Revelation: Trees

The first tree you are going to use is Young Bamboo. It can be mined from the entry-level and is located in the Bamboo Grove. The bamboo grove is located between Sulan and the Kuromi Altar. There is also another one near the Theosophical Academy. If you start collecting it, you can also find rotten wood or bamboo shoots.

Next, you need bamboo. It is in the same place as the young bamboo. But already an adult can be found near the Academy of the Emperor. If you wait for the young bamboo to grow, you can get the one you want. And if you start chopping it down, you get rotten wood and bamboo stalks.

The next tree you need in the game is a peach tree. It grows in the Sulan Peach Grove, also in and around the capital city of your game country. Chopping down a peach tree gives you simple wood and the opportunity to find peach flowers.

At the fifth level, in addition to the peach tree, you may need a Termite. It sprouted right on the dry and withered trees that are in the Ruins. If you cut down an ant tree, you can get simple wood and even get termites.

Sandalwoods in Revelation are resources that are very important. The sandalwood tree itself grows near the Kuromi Shrine. It can also be found in the Lake Village. To cut down such a tree, you need to reach level 10. After felling, you get regular wood and sandalwood.

In Revelation, on the resource map, there are places where the next tree grows - cedar. It can be found inside the Century Forest, and you will also need to search Bear Mountain. After you cut down the cedar, you will get a mid-tier tree and even cedar needles.

In Revelation, the timber resources are very rich in conifers. Spruce is one of them. It can be obtained by reaching level 15, and it grows in the west of Bear Mountain, not far from Fox Mountain. When you cut it down, you will get high quality wood as well as spruce needles.

At level 20, you can collect glowing mushrooms. They produce high quality wood as well as berries that glow. They are worth looking for near the Village of Wonders.

Maple is mined starting at level 25. Its wood is very valuable and you may also need its leaves. Look for maple trees near Hot Springs in Wonder County.

You will also need golden oak. It can be mined starting at level 30. As a result of felling, this tree yields valuable wood and resin. It grows in a birch grove.

And the last tree that can be mined is a dead tree. It is available for felling, starting at level 35, and gives the opportunity to get special wood. It also gives the scorpion death in some cases. A dead tree only grows near the crater that explodes or near the Sunset Fortress.

Revelation Online Resources: Ore Deposits and Locations

From the very beginning, you will only be able to mine round pebbles. Together with it, you can find limestone rocks, and all these resources are located on the coasts.

The next important resource is silver. Silver veins are located near the Lost City, and limestone can be found along with silver.

Copper veins are equally important in Revelation. They become a source of copper and limestone, and you can find such deposits near Coral Bay or the Emperor's lands. Also, copper can be found even in underwater locations.

From the fifth level, iron mining becomes possible. The iron vein becomes a source of sandstone and iron ore, and they are located in the marshlands south of the capital city.

Gold is mined in the Misty Marshes, the Age of Forests. You can also find mines on Bear Mountain. Gold veins are sources of sandstone and gold ore.

From the tenth level, it becomes possible to mine spinel ore and sandstone using the Spinel Vein. It is located in rivers, lakes and forests near the capital city.

Shale ores can be mined from level 15. They are found in bauxite veins that are located next to the Maple Courtyard or the Sitan forests.

Limonites and Shale can be mined by reaching level 20. They are found in limonite veins. The same ones are located in Orisa, the blacksmith's caves and the fiery abyss.

Look for the ametrine vein on the western lake, where miracles take place. They are also found in the north in the lands of frost. Some are located near the Lis Palace. Shale and Ametrine can be obtained from these veins. And sometimes semi-precious ores come across.

Shale and ametrine are mined in the ametrine vein (20 lvl.). There is a chance to find natural gems. Ametrine Vein is commonly found in western Wonderland and the northern Frostlands. Few can be found at the Fox Palace.

Jade deposits can be found starting at level 25. They contain jade ores, talc and granite deposits. Look for these veins near the Theosophical Academy.

Rhyolite and Granite can be obtained from level 30 in their respective veins. They are located near Yarmont and the Mystery Camp.

Corundr is a unique ore that can be mined from a vein, starting at level 35. They can be found in the forests of the Oris stones, in the quicksand, or near the rebel hideout of Nolin.

To craft armor, you will need a lot of ore

ResursRevelation: herbs, their locations

In Revelation Online, the resource map is rich in herbs. For example, you can collect champignons on the first level in the Umbrella Village. They will give you low level herbs and mushrooms. If you collect rose hips, then you will get cabbage to the grass. Rosehip grows in the eastern Sutan, and also slightly in the western and northern directions. You can also find a little in the Floating Abode.

In the Snowy Mountains, you can find medicinal herbs:

From the fifth level, you can find a fern near the Misty Valley. In addition to medium-level herbs, you can find greens.

The ginseng you need grows in the floating abode. And on the Sea of ​​Starships it is possible to find Nasturtium, which, in addition to medium-level herbs, gives flowers.

At level 10, it is possible to get rattan, which grows near the Jadeite Village.

From 15, coriander is available, which must be collected near the Emperor's Academy.

At level 20, it is possible to harvest almonds, which gives high-level herbs and sprouts, they grow in the Maple Courtyard and the Sea of ​​Starflowers.

At level 25, it becomes possible to search for a blue orchid - it gives a special herb, and a red toad. Grows in the District of Miracles and the Fox Palace.

Snapdragon is available at level 30. It can be harvested in Orisa, Stone Forest, Birch Grove and Desert of Doom. It produces a special herb and a centipede.

Finally, valuable herbs provide the opportunity to get a mulberry tree that grows in Yarmont.

We hope we've helped you gather resources in Revelation Online. Successful search!