Ritual for quick money. Strong rite for money (conspiracy for money)

The problem of wealth and poverty has always been, exists now and will not go anywhere in the future either. Some people own untold riches without straining themselves, while others get into debt so much that, probably, their grandchildren will then have to pay loans for them. Life is very expensive these days. A few years ago, a certain amount of money could buy enough food to fill a refrigerator for a week, but now the same amount is hardly enough for a couple of days. No one wants to sit and count pennies so that they have enough for tomorrow. Any person dreams of living well, beautifully, so to speak, so as to never need anything. I want to buy my child any thing that he points his finger to, and not invent excuses like: “Son, today mom forgot her wallet at home. I'll definitely buy it next time." And when you get home, understand that you can hardly buy your baby what he dreams of so much and he will have to play it with friends for whom parents can buy such an expensive thing or toy.

Yes, human happiness does not lie in wealth and money, but, as they say, such a saying was invented by people who do not even consider their money, but are used to throwing it in all directions. Indeed, there are those in the world who have never starved and never borrowed money from anyone. And, you know, not all of them disappear for days at work and save money for decades in order to live well later. Many of them are just lucky people who are lucky to get a good job in life. Do not despair if you are a little less fortunate, because there are real ways that will help change your financial situation.

Has it ever happened to you that one fine morning you opened your eyes and suddenly decided that you want a new laptop, for example, or a smartphone? Now these thoughts will not upset you, because then you could not afford to indulge in such expensive things, but now you can. How? Pretty simple. Magic and simple conspiracies and rituals to bring good luck and money to life will help you with this.

What is a conspiracy for money and can it be done at home

The conspiracy is a small text that programs so that you can achieve what you want and creates the energy necessary for this in the house. Sometimes you will need to perform a certain ritual, consisting of actions that are by no means connected with what you are asking from higher powers, but you should not be too surprised and neglect the rules of this or that ritual. Do not forget that all this is necessary not so much so that you get a certain result, but so that you have time to focus well on your desire and forget about everything else, throw out thoughts that would prevent you from tuning in.

Of course, a conspiracy for money and good luck can be done right at home. No need to look for magicians, hereditary witches and psychics anywhere. Many of them, unfortunately, are the most common charlatans, because those who really have some inexplicable strength and abilities, he will not waste them on such trifles and will help people who really find themselves in hopeless situations. You can, of course, spend time, money, which, by the way, you already have very little, and visit a “professional”. But, before that, you should know that it will work just as well as you could yourself. This person will simply perform certain actions, say something that will create a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. Everything is needed so that you are confident in his abilities and, thereby, program yourself to get the expected result. Just try a home plot for money, and then you can go to someone if it makes you feel calmer. You will not lose anything, rather, you will gain if you do everything right and follow some rules.

Home conspiracy for money - reading rules

1. Once again, weigh all the pros and cons of the situation. You must understand that any magic can turn into unexpected consequences for you that you did not think about in advance. If you are really ready for everything that life will bring you after the money conspiracy takes effect, then you can proceed.

2. If your life suits you completely, and you don’t really need money or luck, then you don’t need to pronounce the plot just out of curiosity. It is clear that there will be no result. A person who resorts to the help of magic must really be in a hopeless situation and really really need what he asks for. Your thoughts should be occupied only with those related to the conspiracy and ritual. You must truly believe in what you are doing.

3. A conspiracy for money and good luck must be repeated verbatim, as written on paper. Do not rearrange words or change them. If a word is difficult for you to read, and you constantly stumble over it, then just reread the plot in your mind several times right before pronouncing it.

4. Conspiracies and prayers for money cannot be read by women who carry a baby under their hearts. The unborn child is very vulnerable to such things. The first rule was about the consequences that can overtake you. If you are pregnant and are still going to read the plot, then consider yourself famously calling on your baby if something suddenly does not go according to plan.

5. Different conspiracies and prayers for money should be pronounced at different times of the day and on a certain day. Be sure to take this into account. If you read the plot on the day you like, neglecting all the rules, then, naturally, you will get such a result.

6. If conspiracies strong for money are made to you by another person whom you asked about it (not a sorcerer, witch, but a simple person), then you need to give him something in gratitude. Please note that in such cases money or alcohol should not be given. It can be anything other than the above.

7. If the conspiracy that you pronounce is directed personally at you, then you need to properly prepare for this. You need to fast for three days before you are going to read a conspiracy to attract money. It is also forbidden to make trouble with relatives and, in general, it is better to stock up on positive emotions. You cannot steal or kill animals.

8. Be sure to keep everything related to the conspiracy a secret. Do not tell even the most dear people about what you are going to talk about and, even more so, you should not talk about what you won in the end. Remember that this is purely your business and you should not talk about it.

Strong conspiracy for money on the growing moon

Please note that this money plot for the growing moon can only be done. Otherwise, you will only waste your time and not get what you so desire. To carry out the corresponding ritual, you will need several paper bills of any denomination and exactly the same number of coins. The conspiracy is done only at night. Above the money, the following words should be pronounced: “Magnificent moon, you are growing so fast, so let my income also increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so fast because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house. Take the money and put it in a place where the light of the moon illuminates it, and then go out into another room. The room in which you will be, as well as the room in which the money is lit by the moon, should be dark, you cannot turn on the light until you are done.

After two hours, you can enter the room with the money. Take the wallet you use every day and put that money in there. Memorize these coins and bills or, ideally, mark them with a marker, because they cannot be spent for thirty days. They must be in the wallet in order to attract more money there. These coins and banknotes are endowed with the positive energy of the moon, and it is she who is the best assistant in such matters. When a month has passed, you can safely spend this money and, if you want, perform the same ritual again.

A very strong conspiracy for money from Vanga

I think no one needs to be reminded of who Vanga is. He was a man endowed with special power and gift. No one undertook to challenge her abilities, because it was clearly visible that she was not a charlatan at all. Vanga shared some effective conspiracies with the world. One of them was a conspiracy to raise money.

In order to perform the ritual, take a small piece of black bread. At the time of reading the plot, your stomach should be empty. This means that it is necessary not to eat two or three hours before the ritual. Wait for the night, find the quietest and most peaceful place in your house and you can start. Make sure no one disturbs or interrupts you. If this happens, then you will have to start reading the plot all over again.

Put a piece of bread right in front of you and say the following words over it three times: “God, how did you feed all the hungry and needy during your life, so help you and all members of my family so that they always feel full. Attract good luck to me, and take sorrow away. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone in need. Amen". After these words are said, the bread must be eaten.

This conspiracy is one of the most powerful. If it seems to you that quite a lot of time has passed, but there is no result, then do not worry, it will definitely be, just a little later. Analyze whether you did everything right, how clearly you pronounce the words and whether you stumbled anywhere. If you are sure that you performed the ritual properly, then all that remains is to wait, and if not, then nothing that has been done can be returned back. A strong conspiracy for money from Vanga cannot be re-spoken. This ritual is performed only once.

Home conspiracy for money and good luck

There are also such conspiracies that can bring not only wealth, but also good luck that will accompany you at work, at home, in buying and selling something, etc. If you are unlucky enough to be born a happy person, then you can always make yourself one with the help of a conspiracy for money and good luck.

This conspiracy also belongs to the category of the strongest, therefore it is forbidden to read it several times. Take seriously the preparation of the ritual and its implementation. Take one candle each white, brown and green. Try to find candles of exactly these colors, because color plays a role here. Green indicates the money you are about to call; white symbolizes the purity and spiritual lightness of the person conducting this ritual; brown is the work itself that you are currently doing.

For the ritual, choose any time of the day that is convenient for you. You must be alone. Sit at the table and place three candles on it in such a way that you get a triangle. Light candles from right to left saying these words: “A fire burns in my soul. There is power and strength in money, let me have both strength and power. For a few minutes, look at how the candles burn without looking away, and then connect them with one deft movement. You should get one big candle. Watch her closely until she burns to the end. As soon as this happens, the wax should be collected and hidden in a secluded place. Keep it as a money talisman.

Dear women, if strong money conspiracies really helped you, and a white streak has come in your life that brings good luck, happiness, peace and wealth, then still remember what kind of person you were before all this. Do not forget about the people who supported you in difficult times and surrounded you with maximum care. If one day they need your help, even if it is material, then be sure to give it to them. The more you help others with your money, the more you will have.

Every person dreams of a comfortable existence. Some people, in order to provide themselves with money, get a job at several jobs, look for additional sources of income, someone is waiting for an inheritance from a wealthy relative.

The conspiracy will help improve the financial situation

However, not all mankind lives in anticipation of a miracle. Most people have chosen a different method to increase their finances. With the help of special rituals and prayers, you can attract good luck and money to your home and family. How are conspiracies for good luck and money made? What ritual instructions should be followed?

Conspiracy rules

Conspiracies to attract money can be very diverse and differ significantly from each other. However, in order for the spell to work quickly, you must adhere to some rules for performing rituals:

  1. A wealth conspiracy is performed on Wednesdays. This day of the week is the most favorable for attracting urgent funds. Any conspiracy solidified on Wednesday will bring efficiency and increase capital.
  2. A conspiracy to attract money, it is advisable to read for a waning month. The magic of the moon during this period has incredible power.
  3. In order to keep money in the future, carry out the ritual in complete silence, without strangers.
  4. Never tell anyone about the ceremony. This is necessary so that further consequences do not turn out to be sad and unforeseen for the performer.
  5. Follow all the rules of the instructions, read the prayers exactly according to the written words. Magic loves precision, in this respect it is quite delicate.
  6. In order for money conspiracies to work in the near future, believe in the power of magic, in its effectiveness. Any of your desires: capital increase, good luck, an urgent amount of money will be fulfilled thanks to belief.
  7. It is forbidden to read prayers to pregnant women. A baby in the womb is very susceptible to the forces of magic, so the consequences of the rite can be unpredictable.
  8. If the spell is cast by another person (at your request), then be sure to thank him. Give him a small gift.
  9. Fast three days before the ceremony.
  10. Attracting good luck, financial well-being and prosperity at home, be absolutely calm. Peace and complete absence of anger should reign in your heart.

Rituals should not be performed by pregnant women

By adhering to these tips, any conspiracy for wealth and luck will be successful.

Varieties of money rituals

Money magic has several types, it all depends on the choice of the performer of the ceremony. The conspiracy is made in a situation where a person wants to acquire his capital, which he borrowed.

However, the debtor is in no hurry to repay the debt, thus the repayment hours are postponed for many years. After the ceremony, the money will soon return to the house. The debtor will be constantly haunted by thoughts about the return of funds.

To attract wealth to the house, it is necessary to conduct a conspiracy to money. Sometimes people work tirelessly, from morning to night, but there is not enough money. Magic manipulation will help to cope with this problem. Simple prayers and rituals will provide prosperity for every family.

In order for the rapid attraction of finance to follow, it is necessary to conduct a strong conspiracy for money. Income may look like a lottery win, a safe and profitable loan processing.

Conducted rituals to receive money can solve almost all financial problems. Therefore, as soon as troubles begin, do not put off reading magic spells on the back burner!

Coins can attract wealth

In order for the family to have money, it is necessary to make a money conspiracy. This rite is able to improve the financial well-being of a person, and not just once, but for a long period.

Ritual with coins will improve well-being for a long period

Get golden coins, wait for the waning month. After sunset, go to the nearest intersection. Take the coins in your right hand and point them to the light of the moon, and read the prayer:

“Everything grows and multiplies from the sun, and money from the moonlight. Grow, multiply, add. Enrich me (your name), come to me. Amen!".

Say the magic words at least three times. When you get home, hide the money in your wallet, and go shopping early in the morning. When purchasing the necessary goods, be sure to use the charmed trifle. The power of magic will begin to act in just a couple of days. You will be pleasantly surprised by the rapid appearance of wealth.

How to quickly get financial well-being

You can attract quick money with a conspiracy in which a green candle appears. The ritual will be able to solve the most difficult financial situation. For its implementation, you will need a couple of green candles.

In the phase of the waning moon, at exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon, place two wax objects on a table covered with a tablecloth. Then bring a match to the wick, light them and say the plot:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, dragging sacks, there were money in the sacks. Those sacks were opened, all the money fell out! Then I went downstairs, collected all the money and took it home. Candles burn, money go to the house. Amen!".

After the prayer has been said three times, let the candles burn out naturally. While the candle ends are warm, connect them. Put this piece in your wallet and never miss it. Candle stubs will act as your happy, magical talisman. The attraction of money will happen soon.

Water will improve financial well-being

Profits will increase significantly if you do not neglect magic and do money rites. The magical power of conspiracies only works unilaterally: it attracts paper bills to your wallet, brings good luck and luck. All you need is faith and a desire to become a rich and self-confident person.

For the effectiveness of the conspiracy, you must dream of becoming a confident and rich person.

This ceremony is performed independently, after twelve o'clock in the afternoon for a waning month. Take a transparent container, pour 200 grams of water into it and drop at least three coins. Relax, think about wealth, and say a prayer:

Read the magic text five times, then hide the glass with change away from prying eyes. No one should know about the magical vessel and the fact that you performed the ritual. To keep money constantly in your family, spray your wallet with the charmed liquid in the morning and evening.

Piggy bank - the path to a stable financial position

The magic of money helps people in the most hopeless situations. A one-time win is good, but a steady income is better. You can attract money to yourself with the help of an ordinary piggy bank.

To do this, you need to go to the store and purchase a new piggy bank. When Wednesday arrives, wait until midnight and drop a large bill into the purchased item and say:

“I do money rituals, I attract banknotes to the piggy bank. So that money goes to my house, they don’t forget the road. One to one, two to two! And all to me!

You need to repeat the magic words at least three times. After that, put the charmed piggy bank in the most prominent place in your apartment. Every day, drop one golden coin or paper, medium-sized money there. The plot will take effect almost immediately. The piggy bank will hourly attract wealth and good luck to you.

How to force a debtor to return money

It often happens that you helped a good person. They lent him a lot of money. Then they came for a debt, but it is impossible to return the funds. How to be in this situation, what to do? Can magic help?

Magic will help repay the debt

There is a special conspiracy that can influence a person's mind, thereby inducing him to return other people's money to the true owner.

This ritual is quite simple and is done at home. To carry it out you will need a regular broom or broom. After sunset, looking at the pomelo, read:

“I send to the servant of God (name) nachet. Let this one burn and bake, drive around the corners, break bones, don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t drink, don’t give peace (name). Until that debt is returned to me. Amen".

Say the spell three times, and in your thoughts imagine how a broom beats a person in debt. Prayer is very strong and effective, its words can cause a person to feel guilty, to awaken conscience. The attraction of funds will follow immediately.

The strongest conspiracy for financial well-being and good luck

Man is the master of his own life. Everyone can be the owner of good luck and wealth, you just need to make a little effort. To attract money and fortune to yourself, you need to perform a magical ritual.

A green candle can attract money

To do this, you need to purchase candles of different colors: white, green and brown. Each color has its purpose. White color animates the performer of the rite, green attracts money, brown accompanies the work of magic.

Place the wax items on a hard surface. You should get a triangle. The white candle should be in front of the person, brown on the right, green on the left. Required in this order. Lighting a white candle, say:

"Flame is like a soul, soul is like a flame."

Then we bring the match to the green candle, saying:

"Profit in profit, money in money." Whisper over the brown one: “Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, all prayers.”

When the candles burn out a little, connect them together, in the center of the triangle and read the prayer:

“Power is in power, power is in power, I am with that power and power.”

Wait for the wax objects to burn out (on their own). After that, collect the remains of the candles and store them in any place convenient for you. To keep large bills, never throw away or part with your magical talisman. This is the only way you can attract money.

What consequences can a person expect

Attracting wealth with the help of magical manipulations is easy. However, not every person thinks about the possible consequences of such rituals. When magic begins to be present in our lives, a person's worldview can completely change. The aura makes the energy completely different, sometimes even changing the colors and character of the soul.

If there is no faith in the power of higher powers, then the conspiracy will not bring positive results. Sometimes it happens that prayers, amulets and spells have a rather negative effect on a person and have a number of negative consequences. Instead of wealth, a large amount of money is lost, instead of good luck, weakness, fatigue and apathy appear, and very often the state of health worsens.

But if you do the ceremony according to all the rules and instructions, then money and luck will be with you for many years. By activating their action once every three years, then the negative will not come.

Perform rituals with faith and a pure heart. Read carefully the conspiracies for money and good luck, do not deviate from the instructions. Always be aware of the possible, unpleasant consequences associated with magic. Adhering to all the rules, it will not be difficult to attract wealth, everyone can expect a positive result!

Today I am happy to offer you a guest post. In it you will find conspiracies for money, conspiracies for wealth and material well-being from our constant wise commentator named Mir.

Those who leave comments on articles on my blog are great fellows. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your opinion and your experience in applying certain techniques is very important to me.

Surely you have read one of the most active and wise commentators of the Field of Joy. This is the World, which regularly shares its knowledge and successfully supplements my articles with it in the comments.

Mir recently provided for publication his collection of conspiracies for money and wealth, which he had collected for many years on the Internet and from all available sources.

What you will learn from the article:

A conspiracy for wealth, which is read at dawn

Conspiracy from lack of money

Conspiracy to make money come

"Pike" conspiracy for money

Conspiracies for money (read in the house, you can also in a rented apartment)

A conspiracy for large cash incomes (read over the wallet) (A.M. Krasnova)

Conspiracy for daily well-being

Ritual with pins

You will need a jug or pot, put seven pins, seven needles and seven coins in it, fill it all with sugar to the top. Shake seven times and close the lid. Read these words seven times:

“Needle-needles, sew prosperity to the house. Pins, pins, pin the money to your pockets. So that the coins multiply, and we (they give the name of the family) do not worry about them. So that there is an abundance of money, and we will never live at a loss!

Seal the lid with candle wax and put the container in a secluded place.

Conspiracy for a coin and candy under a tree

Arm yourself with a coin of any denomination, a candy of any taste and an hour of free time. Write the words of the conspiracy in advance on paper, take a leaf with you.

Head to the park, planting, or into the woods. Read the words of the conspiracy over the coin three times. Then you wrap the coin in paper on which the words of the conspiracy are written, put it under a tree, determine the candy for the lure from above. The conspiracy will attract money to you for 2-3 months, then the ritual can be repeated for a new effect.

A conspiracy to attract money, more suitable for women

The ritual is performed on the full moon. Take a bill, put it on a bag of grain, a bag of cereals (you can on a chair), strip naked, sit on top and say:

Put the banknote in your wallet. The text is hard to remember, so copy it on a piece of paper. After reading, in order not to confuse the bill, wrap it in a sheet with a plot. Do not spend the banknote during the year.

Conspiracy for indoor flowers

Conspiracy to get money into your hands

Surely you have more than one handful of little things at home. Pour metal money into some kind of dish, smear your hands with honey, and mix the coins with the words:

“Like flies for honey, so money for me. As everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen."

Conspiracy for the new month

Green candle spell

To marry rich

To marry a rich man

Conspiracy to get the long-awaited money soon

Conspiracy for material luck

So that your money is not jinxed

Conspiracy for common well-being

This conspiracy is read in order for a person to have good luck and profit in all matters: work was argued, the house became a full bowl, money flowed like a river and people treated him well.

Embroidered plot for wealth

For big money to come quickly

Early in the morning, take a handful of any coins and scatter them around your house in all corners. When you scatter, speak out loud, by heart, repeating as many times as there are corners in the house.

The golden chariot flew across the sky, rang with gold, shone with gold, threw gold to the ground. I put my hands up, collect gold, thank God that he remembers me, sends gold from heaven. Come, money, in the house. Amen.

Leave the money lying where you threw it for a day. The next morning, collect in your wallet and spend as usual.

For the money to start coming

For promotion

Walk up the stairs saying:

I'm going higher, closer to the roof. I'm going up, everything is closer to the sky. Everyone loves me, everyone reveres me, they set up a ladder, they put me above everyone else. Who sits at the bottom, and I'm always at the top. May my word be strong and stucco. Amen.

In order for you to be lucky in business and always attract money, carry with you any image of a ladybug (embroidered, painted, engraved on a stone, or a decoration, a brooch of the appropriate shape).

There will be success if you drink tea from a mug with a ladybug on it at work.

An old conspiracy for the keys to work (for a big income)

This conspiracy in the old days was read by merchants over the keys with which they locked their shops. At the present time, a conspiracy for a large income can be read over the keys to any room where you work and earn money. Then your income will increase many times over.

Coin conspiracy

Exchange five kopecks for a ruble or ten. When midnight comes, put them in a container of clean water and place them on an open window. Wake up before dawn and read the plot over the coins:

Let the coins remain on the window until the water dries or completely evaporates. Then collect the coins, put them in a linen bag (or other natural fabric) and take it to the temple on the eve. After this ritual, your income will multiply many times over.

Popular Islamic money spell

“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Greetings, happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, oh happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness! Make it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, oh happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around! Come, happiness!"

Below is the Russian transcription of this conspiracy in Arabic. It can be used by those who do not know Arabic, but want to read the conspiracy only in this version, because they consider it a more reliable way to get money.

“Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim, slam galeikem, ya bhet-dlt! ya v hush kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kylr beln kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kn to koyash kebek tua kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Yagmur kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Karkebek java kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Sgadt kabalyn ala kil, ya bhet-dlt! Senechlek berl kil, ya bhet-dlt! Nigmt kapugyn acha kil, ya bhet-dlt! Rkhmt nuryn chch kil, ya bhet-dlt! ”It is read at dawn 7 times. You can write it on a piece of paper and use it as a talisman by putting it in your wallet. Or read on water then spray around the house.

Dear friends, these are the money plots that I collected. Hope they help you!!! I also collected money mantras, prayers, which I will soon transfer to the site.

Some of the conspiracies presented will not be used, due to the fact that they belong to a different faith. But do not worry - use them, God is one! Even conspiracies from a different faith can help you very significantly, because a religious egregor can thus try to lure you to him. Good luck!

Rites, fortune-telling and conspiracies were hundreds of years before modern computers, banks and textbooks, and as they worked earlier, they brought to life the requests and desires of the believer, so they work to this day. Everyone can be convinced of this, the main thing is to clearly follow the advice of a psychic in this article! Being a psychic, I wrote a number of tips and rituals that I personally tested, everything works, the main thing is to believe!

Of course, the most popular of good conspiracies is a conspiracy for money. From time immemorial, we have all strived to live in abundance, have the necessary amount of money for the cherished purchase and quickly receive money from our debtors. But when trouble happens and conversations and requests no longer help, and there is no more time and energy to wait, that is, a time-tested and hundreds of thousands of people means for getting money into your wallet - spell for money and luck. You could have read about this before, but I will share with you effective rituals, as well as all the details of preparing for the rites and related instructions.

How to read a money plot

To money conspiracy was successful, it must first of all be taken as seriously as possible. It is necessary to prepare both mentally and physically before turning to higher powers. Magic is actually revealed not only to psychics, if you perform the rite correctly and read the prayer, then help will come to your home! You must believe in what you are doing, believe in yourself and sincerely desire the fulfillment of what you have been talking about. In addition, I advise you:

  • Decide in advance on the spell, prayer, conspiracy, ritual. Among the magical conspiracies, there are those that are aimed at increasing profits in business, bringing prosperity to the family, personal enrichment of the performer of the ceremony, help in obtaining money for their loved ones, as well as conspiracies for obtaining a loan, spells on the consciousness of the debtor so that he repays the debt as soon as possible and other.
  • Learn by heart money conspiracy(all words, order of actions, etc.);
  • Prepare in advance all the necessary things for the ritual;
  • While reading the rite, stay alone in the house or room;
  • No one should know what you are doing or eavesdrop on you (so it's best not to tell anyone that you are going to turn to money magic).
  • Perform the ritual on Wednesday. The best day for these rituals is Wednesday. If you perform the ritual on this day of the week, then the chances of a result increase by half.
  • I know from personal experience that rituals have great power during the waning moon (refer to the lunar calendar and check the period).
  • You should not read several rituals in one day (better even in one week). If you guessed at one and did everything strictly according to the instructions, then wait for the result. Mixing diverse rituals threatens with complete failure and an empty result.
  • It is better to turn to light magic and resort to reading conspiracies as soon as possible, as soon as problems arise. If you do not bring the situation to a crisis, help will not require much effort.
  • When one rite helped you, repeat it in the future, even if it is needed in a few years. When you have discovered the power, you need to respect it and support it in the right way.
  • After the ceremony and receiving the desired profit, secure the financial condition of the family with a talisman.

Ritual to attract money at home

The magic of money is complex on the one hand and simple on the other. No matter how complex and strict the rituals are, most of them can be performed at home, and not so many things are needed for implementation. Moreover, I can assure you that if this is your home, there are forces within its walls that will help and support you. However, do not forget to believe, a house in which prayers are regularly read has a positive effect on any ritual with a request for prosperity. Therefore, it would be better if ritual to attract money will be held by the mistress of the house or her heiress.

So, fill your heart and mind with faith in success, check the lunar calendar and the day of the week, prepare everything you need for the ritual and proceed. Ritual to attract money will definitely help you. You will succeed!

A simple and quick ritual to attract money

For this ritual, you will need 2 green wax candles (pay attention to the color of the candles, non-green ones will not help!).

So, pick up two identical green wax candles, hold them in the house for several days (better if closer to money) so that they are saturated with your energy. Then, left alone, at noon on Wednesday, light them. And, looking into the center of the flame, read the words by heart:

Conspiracy for money with candles, read without a long pause three times, and then let the wax candles burn out completely. Collect the wax that remains after them, mold a small plate from it and place it in your wallet. Next, try to carry your wallet with you all the time and pay for most of it. Believe in the conspiracy and soon get a positive result!

Rite to attract money to the family

Among the various rituals, there are those that bring a one-time profit and those that strengthen the well-being of the family as a whole. The second option is this ritual for money.

Take a faceted glass cup, fill it with water and prepare three low-denomination coins first.

At noon on Wednesday, perform a ritual with dropping coins into a glass and reading the following prayer five times:

After that, hide the glass from prying eyes and sprinkle the charmed water on your wallet every morning. The money will come gradually. A month later, the ritual can be repeated to strengthen the financial situation of the family.

An effective ritual for great wealth

To carry out this ritual, you need a new piggy bank, preferably in the form of your favorite animal, and a brand new (rustling) banknote of a low denomination. Having prepared mentally and believing in your actions, put the bill in the piggy bank and repeat three times from beginning to end the magic words:

After that, put the piggy bank in a safe place. And then just strengthen this ritual by dropping one coin or a low-denomination bill into the piggy bank every day. As the piggy bank fills up and over time, your financial condition will also grow rapidly.

In contact with

In this article I will talk about the seven shortest money conspiracies that are very effective. The conspiracies are working, and I can vouch for each of these conspiracies, because I tracked them all. It is clear that not everyone can get help from such conspiracies, some people are sufferers and losers in life, someone has heavy karmic debts, someone else may have damage or some other negative. But if you are destined to come to money, then these conspiracies can speed up this process.

All conspiracies should be done only on the growing moon. You need to choose one plot and make it, and then wait for the result. It makes no sense at all to do all the conspiracies together - in the end you will get a vinaigrette, but you will not get any material sense from this.

Conspiracy to always have money

For this conspiracy you need a comb. In the evening, retire, sit down and comb your hair with a comb and say three times:

"Like a comb through my hair, so the money is in my pocket. And so that the money multiplies, but does not end. Amen."

Once done, the comb must be burned (this can be done in the stove or at the stake). The money will come to you in a week or two.

Vanga's conspiracy for money and good luck

This conspiracy is from Vanga herself. For him, you need a spoonful of rice milk porridge. Take porridge (with a spoon) and say to it:

"Just as the Lord ate porridge, but did not live in poverty, so I will eat porridge, but I will not live in poverty. But as soon as I start to get richer, and everything will work out for me, no matter what I think. Let money and good luck go to my house."

And eat the porridge right away. The effect of the conspiracy appears after 4-6 weeks.

Conspiracy to have a lot of money

A conspiracy can only be done on a clear night. You need to go outside to a place where you can clearly see the starry sky (so that the lights do not interfere, but the view is not blocked at home). And start counting the stars. Count to 333 and say the plot right away:

“Like the stars in the sky, so I have money. You can see a little, but once you start counting, you won’t count in life. Amen.”

The conspiracy does not take effect immediately, usually after two to three months. But his action is very good, the money comes big.

Strong conspiracy to attract money

For this conspiracy, you need a little honey and little things. Spread honey on your hands, and wag your hands in trifles. And after the hands raise and conspire against them, whisper three times:

"Keep it and remember it, now it will always be like this. Money will begin to stick to me. Amen, amen, amen."

And wait for money.

Conspiracy to make your money grow

This conspiracy is good to carry out if you have some kind of collected capital, at least a couple of million rubles. You need to put everything in front of you and say to them three times:

“How the money lay idle, but they got tired of lying. And after that they began to call their money. A day goes by - one of their own goes, two days - two of their own, on the third day already three of their own have come. And every day more and more. And replenishment of money and I'm fine. Amen."

After such a conspiracy, your money will definitely grow in growth (i.e., multiply).

Conspiracy to find money

Do you want to find money? This plot helps in this matter. In the evening, go outside and say to the growing moon:

"The moon from the sky you see everything, teach me, Moon, how to find money. So that any money catches my eye. Amen."

Repeat three times and go home. And then you will see for yourself - you will find money very often, do not miss a single coin or banknote. You need to repeat the plot every month (lunar).

Water conspiracy for money

Pour a glass of water in the evening, and put it at the head of the bed. And in the morning, when you wake up, take that water with your right hand and say to it:

"Lord, do not leave me in disfavor, give me infinite wealth, so that I live and rejoice, and the money is not transferred. Amen.

And drink water. Well, then stand up and cross yourself three times.

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