Where to start a life together. The main female mistakes at the beginning of life together. years - Pearl wedding

Shilajit is a mountain resin consisting of a natural mixture of organic and inorganic elements. The mass is homogeneous and, as a rule, has a brown tint. The product has a specific amber and a bitter taste. Oriental medicine has been using this healing remedy to treat stretch marks for many years. Along with this, it gets rid of scars and affects the acceleration of metabolism.

Cream for stretch marks with mummy: golden rules for applying the product

Ideally, it is best to use it in the morning or in the evening after taking a hot shower in a duet with peeling or a scrub containing sea salt - this component will help to remove dead particles

Instead of a shower, you can use a massage using wooden rollers. You will provide the skin with additional blood flow, which means that the result will be visible after a few sessions. The mummy for stretch marks will really bear fruit, but only if you do it yourself, and not get it in the store.

It is known that factory creams are not able to get rid of annoying stretch marks in a short time and even in some cases cause allergies and skin irritation. Take note, if the cream with the mummy is really high quality and made "in all respects", then it should have a short shelf life. In the event that it is actively in contact with air and skin, then its shelf life is reduced several times.

Cosmetologists are convinced that it is recommended to treat imperfections in a "fresh" form. In other words, until the period when they take on a light shade. It has been proven that it is pink and purple stretch marks that can be cured in a short time.

Before using the product, it is imperative to perform an allergy test. To do this, it is worth applying a small amount of mummy to the elbow. In the event that the itching does not bother you, then the remedy can be safely applied to other parts of the body.

Make it a rule to use a remedy for stretch marks every day - only then can you achieve impressive results.

Apply the product to the skin with vigorous movements. However, in order to achieve the greatest efficiency, you can massage with a massage roller. This approach will enhance the healing process of stretch marks.

In no case should the cream be washed off. Apply it to your skin and leave it on overnight.

In the event that after using the mummy there are traces on the skin, you must use lemon juice or make-up remover.

In the event that there are traces on the bed linen, they can be easily removed with the help of laundry or baby soap.

Cosmetologists are convinced that you can use the mummy for stretch marks during pregnancy. At the same time, the effectiveness of the remedy lies in the fact that you will not wait for the appearance of stretch marks, but will take up the prevention of their appearance. However, be careful: if you feel unpleasant sensations or suddenly there is irritation or burning sensation, then you must immediately stop using it.

Doctors are convinced that the mummy can be used even during breastfeeding, but you should avoid getting the mummy on the chest. This is due to the fact that there is a high probability that the product will enter the baby's body. In addition, due to the specific pungent odor, the baby may abandon your breast. Alternative: You can plan your stretch mark treatment so that there is a sufficient amount of time from using the product to feeding. Before starting feeding, it is recommended to wash off the remnants of the mummy.

Thanks to the mummy, the skin will become smooth and elastic

Mummy for stretch marks recipe

Homemade cream with mummy content in its components is several times superior to store products offered by the manufacturer. Experts are convinced that the matter is in the amount of mumiyo added to the cream. Its content in factory samples is negligible, so in most cases you pay for brand promotion.

Each girl will be able to perform the cream at home. To do this, you will need all the necessary components, as well as patience. The active ingredient here is the mummy itself. However, cosmetologists are firmly convinced that it is most favorable to opt for the one that is made in the form of capsules. The advantage of such a mummy is that when preparing the product, you will not need to weigh it, because it is dosed. In addition, the capsules dissolve faster. However, you can use a mummy made in the form of tablets. They can be used as a whole, but for convenience it is better to grind in advance with a mortar. Shilajit in plates, as a rule, is dissolved in a large amount of water.

In order to prepare an effective remedy with active ingredients, you need to find in your arsenal:

    Cup (non-metallic).

    2-3 gr. mummy (purified).

    A little bit of the cream you use after you shower. Cosmetologists advise using a baby cream without additives. At the same time, take into account that you need to take enough nourishing cream to use the product with the mummy several times.

    Some warm water (it shouldn't be too hot)

Mummy for stretch marks: cooking method

In a bowl or a deep cup, you must gently mix warm water and healing mummy. Then wait until the product is completely dissolved. As a result, a dark liquid should form, characterized by the absence of sediment. You need to put some cream here. Next, you need to properly mix the resulting solution with the cream.

In the event that you grind the product in advance, then in this case it must be immediately mixed with the cream, without resorting to the use of water. Further, an effective natural mix should be infused for 20-25 minutes, then stir the composition thoroughly and transfer to a glass jar. It is most beneficial to keep the product in the refrigerator, because natural cream is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria.

It is known that natural mummy is distinguished by a specific and unpleasant amber. In order to fight it off, you can choose a cream based on aromatic essential oils containing natural active ingredients. However, you can buy essential oils at the pharmacy and add a few drops to the product. They are introduced into the resulting composition after you have mixed the cream with the mummy. As a result, you will receive an extraordinary healing remedy that will not only relieve you of stretch marks, but will nourish, moisturize and add elasticity to the skin during the entire beauty session.

Mummy with avocado

You can make a great gourmet stretch mark remedy at home. In addition, it has excellent anti-cellulite properties. The active ingredients of the cream effectively fight imperfections, increasing the elasticity and turgor of the skin. After just a few sessions, you will be able to enjoy the perfect reflection in the mirror. Cosmetologists recommend combining these treatments with other advanced targeted treatments.

To prepare the product, you need to take 175 gr. soap base. It is most favorable for these purposes to use baby soap, in which there is no fragrance. In addition, nourishing oils such as shea and avocado, as well as grape seeds should be added. All these components must be taken in equal proportions - according to Art. spoon. You will need natural coffee - 2 tbsp. spoons and 32 tablets, weighing 0.3 grams.

Stretch marks treatment should be started as early as possible.

Method for preparing aristocratic effective composition

The tablets must be dissolved in a large amount of milk in advance, while the soap base should be melted in a water bath and mixed with other components. If desired, you can add your favorite essential oils to the composition, which will give the skin a firm and well-groomed appearance. When the grounds get cold, you need to add about 3-4 drops of rosemary and juniper essential oils into it. However, it is worth remembering that due to the high allergenicity of essential oils, they cannot be used every day.

The indisputable advantage of this tool is that it can be used every day and as often as needed. It is recommended to apply more soap to problem areas with stretch marks than to the rest of the body. Along with this, it is necessary to perform a full massage.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will talk about the use of mountain resin - mummy - for stretch marks and other skin imperfections.

Every woman dreams of looking attractive. But sometimes ugly stretch marks spoil the appearance of the body. Knowing about these defects, a woman loses self-confidence, she develops complexes.

The fair sex is ashamed of her body, she avoids visiting the beach, does not feel sexy around her beloved.

Is it possible to change this situation and again feel irresistible? Cosmetologists say that it is quite possible to eliminate stretch marks. Very effectively relieves the mummy from stretch marks.

However, before using this tool, it is necessary to study how to use it so that the procedures are for the benefit, and not harm.

What constitutes this substance has not yet been established. Some scientists claim that it has a geological origin. Others refer to it as a biological component. But they both agreed on one thing.

Shilajit is a one-of-a-kind remedy. Doctors use its medicinal properties to fight many diseases. Cosmetologists also appreciated the substance and often use it for stretch marks.

The effectiveness of the remedy is confirmed by specialists and women who have taken a course to combat striae.

Stretch mark mummy allows you to solve several important tasks:

  • accelerate the regeneration of skin cells;
  • make striae pale and reduce their size;
  • reduce the depth and relief of stretch marks;
  • increase the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • nourish the covers with vitamins and minerals.

Application of mummy against stretch marks

The substance is of organic origin and contains a number of useful microelements: iron, nickel, calcium, aluminum, magnesium. The product is rich in various amino acids. Thanks to such components, it is a real elixir of health and is able to comprehensively heal the body.

In stores, you can pick up a variety of creams, gels, lotions containing healing mummy. You can easily prepare an excellent remedy for stretch marks on your own, at home.

Altai mummy against stretch marks

This tool has been created by nature for thousands of years. For medicinal purposes, it has been used since the time of Arab healers. The substance is in great demand to this day.

Altai mummy is a piece of black shiny mass with a viscous structure. In addition, it is distinguished by a specific smell and bitter taste. It is these properties that confirm the naturalness of the Altai mummy.

It is often used in cosmetology. Such a mummy for stretch marks is especially effectively used. The substance easily penetrates the intercellular barrier and has an effect on subcutaneous tissues. In addition, he is one of the first assistants.

"Golden mummy" for stretch marks

This is a special preparation containing purified, 100% Altai mummy. It is made according to original technologies, thanks to which all active substances are preserved in the product: amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The drug is available in tablet form. This greatly simplifies the application of the substance.

"Mumiyo" capsules for stretch marks

Convenient to use is the preparation produced in capsules. After all, the contents do not need to be crushed or crushed.

How to remove stretch marks using Mumiyo capsules? First, find the recipe that suits you. We will look at the most effective means below.

To use this product, you need to grasp the capsule and pull it in different directions over the container. The powdery contents will be poured into the desired container.

Shilajit tablets for stretch marks

The tablets and capsules are based on a hygroscopic dry extract of mummy combined with lactose.

Which mummy for stretch marks is more effective: tablets or briquettes? This dilemma plagues many women. Most of them are sure that only raw material has healing properties.

Mumiyo-briquette, like a sponge, absorbs many different components: rocks, microorganisms, plants, soil. These ingredients are useless for the human body.

During the manufacture of the extract, such components are removed by repeated extraction of the raw material. Insoluble salts are especially ruthlessly eliminated from it. We are talking about quartzite, dolomite, calcite, which are quite dangerous ballast in the human body.

It is best to use a purified mummy for stretch marks: in the form of tablets or capsules.

Positive dynamics is noticeable after 1 month of using the mummy for stretch marks. And the first favorable changes, according to reviews, are observed after 2 weeks of using the miracle remedy.

To increase the effectiveness of a cream containing mummy, cosmetologists recommend following these tips:

  1. Only regular use of the substance can accelerate the recovery of damaged skin.
  2. The prepared product must be applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. While mixing the components, you can get a changed consistency of the cream. This should not alarm you. If the product is too thin, use less water or change the brand of cream.
  4. Mumiyo for stretch marks will allow you to achieve the best effect if you apply, after applying the product, a massage roller. This procedure stimulates blood microcirculation and accelerates the healing process of stretch marks. Pregnant women are not allowed to massage their belly!
  5. It is easy to get rid of traces of the mummy on clothes or a towel. The substance is not a colorant. It can be easily washed in warm water.
  6. Make-up remover milk or lemon juice can help eliminate brown marks on the skin.
  7. After applying the product to the skin, it should not be washed off within 2-3 hours.

How to prepare a mummy for stretch marks

It will not take a lot of effort and time to prepare an excellent remedy at home.

The easiest way to use the drug is packaged in capsules. Such a product has already been dosed and is perfectly soluble in water.

If you are using tablets, then the pills must be crushed beforehand. Dip the plates in a small amount of water. After about 15 minutes they will dissolve.

To prepare it you will need:

  • non-metallic cookware;
  • mummy - 2-3 g;
  • boiled water - 1 tsp. (use warm, not hot liquid);
  • baby cream - 50-70 g.

Now let's move on to making an effective remedy that includes a mummy and baby cream for stretch marks:

  1. Pour the mummy into the container (do not forget to grind the tablets) and combine the component with warm water.
  2. Wait for the product to completely dissolve. The liquid will acquire a deep brown color and become homogeneous (no lumps).
  3. Add baby cream to the mixture and stir the product thoroughly.
  4. Leave it to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then stir the cream again.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make a remedy based on a mummy and a baby cream for stretch marks.

It is necessary to store the product in a glass container, in the refrigerator. In other conditions, the main component will deteriorate very quickly and lose its beneficial properties.

Video recipe for cream from JuliaAndRoman

How to apply mummy cream

The prepared product is used very easily. But still, there are some secrets that will provide the most effective result in the fight against stretch marks.

  1. Apply the cream only to a clean, steamed body. Initially, you need to take a hot shower and walk over the body with a washcloth. You can use a scrub. Such procedures will remove the top dead layer.
  2. Then gently apply the cream to the areas of the body damaged by stretch marks. Using circular massage movements (clockwise), rub the product into the epidermis.
  3. The procedure should be repeated daily, morning and evening.

Recipe for stretch marks with mummy

Specialists have developed many products based on mountain resin. Above was the recipe for the most common homemade cream.

However, there are other, equally effective tools that allow you to achieve excellent results.


The cream works great on fresh striae. But what about those young ladies whose stretch marks are no longer red?

In the fight against old stretch marks, more stringent means are needed. An excellent solution would be to use a mask based on coffee and mummy for stretch marks. Read more about it on my blog.

For the manufacture of funds you will need:

  • mummy (crushed) - 1 tsp;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • essential little (eucalyptus or orange) - 5 drops;
  • warm water (boiled) - 1 tsp;
  • anti-cellulite cream (it is possible for children) - a little (it should "bind" the components).

Preparation of a mask containing coffee and mummy for stretch marks:

  1. Combine rock resin and water. Wait for complete dissolution.
  2. Add ground coffee to the mixture. It will provide abrasive particles to the product. They are aimed at activating blood supply in problem areas and cleansing the cover of dead cells.
  3. Add the ester of your choice and combine the mixture with the cream.

Apply the mask to the body, rub in with vigorous movements for 5 minutes. Then leave the product on the skin for another 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the mask with cool water.

Cosmetologists advise using a remedy containing coffee and mummy for stretch marks twice a week. It is not recommended to use the mask more often.


A mummy and sea buckthorn from stretch marks will have a simply amazing effect. The cooked oil has healing powers. After all, the beneficial properties of mountain resin are enhanced.

The last component has the following properties:

  • improves metabolism;
  • ensures the healing of integuments;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration processes.

How to prepare a remedy containing mummy and sea buckthorn for stretch marks? The recipe is simple. Mix the mountain resin and in a 1: 2 ratio.

This remedy is effective against stretch marks. But it can be used not only to get rid of stretch marks. It is suitable for any body integument. After all, the remedy effectively heals wounds and cracks, softens integuments, relieves excessive sweating and even eliminates calluses.


Very popular in cosmetology is a remedy that combines honey and mummy for stretch marks. It gently cares for the skin and provides effective elimination of stretch marks.

You will need:

  • mummy - 2 g;
  • honey (liquid) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients. Apply the product to the problem area. In order for honey and mummy to have the best effect on stretch marks, it is recommended to keep the ointment on the body for about 30 minutes. Then you can take a shower.

Effectively relieves honey and mummy from stretch marks, fights cellulite. In addition, this ointment is an excellent acne remedy.

Cream for stretch marks at home

Its effectiveness can be enhanced by recognized and:

  • orange;
  • rosemary;
  • lemon;
  • tangerine;
  • lavender;
  • pink;
  • neroli oil.

When using mountain resin, remember that this substance is not able to dissolve in oil.

Therefore, prepare the cream using the usual recipe, and only when finished, add 7-10 drops of ether to it.

Questions from readers

Women who first use mountain resin in the fight against stretch marks often face many nuances.

To dispel the fears and doubts of beautiful young ladies, beauticians answered the most common questions.

Is it possible to remove old mummy stretch marks

A natural substance created by nature itself, endowed with the strongest regenerative properties. It starts the recovery process in the body.

There are no analogues to this tool. It not only masks stretch marks, the substance acts on the subcutaneous layers, restoring damaged cells and fibers. Use essential natural a little. 2-3 drops are enough to make your product start to smell great.

Oils are excellent for these purposes:

  • citrus- can effectively get rid of cellulite;
  • mint- provides skin relaxation;
  • grape seed oil- will take care of the hydration of the epidermis;
  • pink- disinfects and removes irritation;
  • ylang-ylang ether- since ancient times it has been considered a natural aphrodisiac and an excellent antiseptic.

Many have heard about the mummy, but not everyone understands what it is. In short, this is a natural substance containing a whole complex of minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes - only about 80 various substances that are very necessary for health. "Tears of the mountains", "resin of life" - such figurative names eloquently characterize the unique properties of this natural balm. According to the official classification, it is a dietary supplement.

The healing properties of mummy have been known for a long time, especially among the peoples of Asia, although they have not yet been deeply studied. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several different forms, including tablet formulations.

Indications for use

The indications for the use of the product are based on its unparalleled qualities. Shilajit tablets for stretch marks

  • makes the skin elastic, restores it;
  • intensively saturates it with useful substances;
  • prevents formation and relieves stretch marks;
  • heals wounds;
  • has no harmful or side effects.

Shilajit is a real miracle elixir, effective in various dosage forms. Due to its versatility, the substance is actively used not only by pharmacologists, but also by cosmetologists. Creams, lotions, gels, mummy pastes - the entire arsenal is at your service. But a cosmetic product can be made with your own hands. Such a cream or mask is no less effective, but much cheaper than purchased ones.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

It has a positive effect on the course and activity of redox processes, metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water-salt and mineral.

It stimulates the immune system, regenerative processes in damaged tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect.

It relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates postoperative recovery, eliminates the negative effects of radio and chemotherapy.

Active ingredients stimulate cell division, participate in the synthesis of DNA and RNA

Shilajit has a cumulative ability. However, the cumulative effect is sometimes undesirable, as it can lead to overdose and provoke unexpected reactions. They, however, quickly disappear when you stop taking Shilajit.

Use of mummy for stretch marks during pregnancy

The use of mummy in tablets for stretch marks during pregnancy is also effective. There was no negative effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy and on newborns during breastfeeding. Although some doctors still recommend during this period not to use the mummy in any form, but to get rid of skin imperfections after a successful birth and completion of breastfeeding.

Contraindications for use

The main condition for using mummy is a guarantee of naturalness and high quality. The drugs purchased from random people or in questionable places can be ineffective and even dangerous.

If the mummy is used according to the dosage and timing, then there are practically no contraindications to use.

Caution will not hurt, because the mummy is a strong stimulant, and its uncontrolled intake in some cases is fraught with surprises. So, the mummy is capable

  • increase blood pressure;
  • speed up your heart rate;
  • reduce blood clotting.

It is forbidden to take mummy with a high pulse, palpitations, nosebleeds, intestines or uterus.

  • Hemophilia is also a contraindication for mummy.

When using mummy in tablets for stretch marks, hypertensive patients should be especially careful: take in small doses and always in combination with drugs for pressure.

  • During the period of use, alcoholic beverages, even weak ones, are strictly prohibited.

Some believe that you should not take mummy during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But this is not a categorical prohibition.

  • The drug is not recommended for children under 12 (in some sources - up to 14 years), older - after 70.

Malignant and benign neoplasms and other serious chronic diseases are contraindications for the use of "mountain wax".

The possibility of individual hypersensitivity, as well as incompatibility of the product with other pharmacological substances, cannot be ruled out.

There is, however, the opinion that pure mummy of high quality, as a natural regulator of the body, in small doses has absolutely no contraindications.

Side effects

It is estimated that in 94% of cases, when used correctly, mummy gives the desired result. Do not think that the larger the dose or the longer the period of use, the better the result. On the contrary, uncontrolled self-medication is unlikely to improve it, and may even worsen it.

Side effects of mummy in tablets for stretch marks are possible only as an allergy to the ingredients that make up ointments or creams.

Symptoms of poisoning in the form of diarrhea, nausea or vomiting are possible with an overdose.

Information about a complication in the form of a mental disorder (if used incorrectly, requires proper verification - for qualified confirmation or refutation. There are also reports that intravenous administration leads to interruptions in the work of the heart, arrhythmias, and impaired ventricular conduction.

A new topic about the side effects of the mummy was its radioactivity.

Golden mummy tablets

Golden mummy tablets are a dietary supplement useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In particular, dietary supplements:

  • helps to neutralize toxins in the liver;
  • improves hematopoietic processes;
  • improves metabolic processes in the myocardium;
  • restores bone tissue, skin cells;
  • increases efficiency, improves general condition;
  • successfully resists pathogenic bacteria;
  • as a prophylactic agent protects against inflammatory processes in various systems and organs;
  • prevents the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • accelerates the healing of burns, fractures and other consequences of trauma;
  • strengthens the immune forces against adverse environmental factors.

The golden mummy in tablets is made from the most purified raw materials, while the technology allows you to preserve the healing and assimilation of natural substances. Neither as a prophylactic nor as a therapeutic agent, mummy in tablets for stretch marks does not cause side effects, allergic reactions. Individual intolerance is very rare.

Contraindications: their minimum. Pregnancy and breastfeeding - in women, age (up to 14 years) - in children.

Mask for stretch marks with mummy tablets

Mask for stretch marks with mummy in tablets is made on the basis of a classic baby cream. For one tube (80 grams), two mumiyo tablets dissolved in a teaspoon of boiled water are enough. Recipe:

  • squeeze the cream out of the tube;
  • add mummy solution;
  • stir thoroughly until smooth;
  • transfer to an airtight jar;
  • Keep refrigerated.

To enhance the desired effect, as well as aromatization, you can add a few (about ten) drops of essential oils, for example, lavender, rosemary, orange, pink.

The resulting mask with mummy in tablets for stretch marks should be gently rubbed into problem areas. It is recommended to do this for three months, and if necessary, even longer. After all, the skin of each person is individual, and the result of the procedures is different in time.

Method of application and dosage of mummy for stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body can ruin any figure and mood. In women, they appear on the abdomen, thighs due to pregnancy, after childbirth, or simply with a sharp weight loss. Men also face this unpleasant problem.

Mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks is a rather effective remedy. But you should know that it will take a long time to apply it, that is, several weeks, so be patient and do not stop the procedure before what you want becomes valid. A few tips:

  • the earlier you start the procedure, the easier and easier it is to achieve the effect;
  • the drug is also suitable for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • it is best to use fresh products prepared before use.

The method of administration and doses of mummy in tablets for stretch marks are standard: for a tube of baby cream - two tablets of dietary supplements. For a compress, 1 g of a substance dissolved in water (about a teaspoon) is mixed with a tablespoon of fragrant oil.

To achieve success, creams and compresses for stretch marks, cellulite should be applied to the problem area and rubbed in with light circular movements. Do this regularly, every day. Before that, it is advisable to steam the skin.

It is best to use a remedy made on the basis of a baby cream with the addition of mummy in tablets for stretch marks. Sometimes, for a faster effect, crushed tablets are added to medications that already contain mummy (for example, the popular larkspur ointment).

A very effective way is a compress from heated in a water bath and olive oil. Two tablets are smeared on gauze and pressed against oiled stretch marks.

Tablets with mummy for stretch marks are also used by massage therapists. Rub two tablets, mix with olive oil and rub into problem areas with gentle movements.

An interesting recipe with the addition of coffee and honey:

  • 50 g of ground coffee beans;
  • 2 tablets of mummy, ground into powder;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • 10 drops of aromatic oil.

Rub the mixture into the body until absorbed, then rinse. Carry out the procedure twice a week for a month. Acts as a natural scrub.

Perseverance and assertiveness will be fully rewarded: old stretch marks will significantly decrease, and fresh ones will completely disappear, the skin will be enriched with vitamins and rejuvenated, it will become firm and elastic.


The dosage depends on the weight, age, health of the person, as well as the purpose of administration and the dosage form of the mummy. Usually the daily allowance is one or two tablets, taken with meals, one at a time. The course of treatment is three to four weeks, with bone fractures it is longer - two months. Some specialists practice other schemes, with or without breaks. The calculations are based on the amount of pure substance.

However, this dietary supplement "does not like" alcohol, so it should not be used if the patient is prescribed drugs made with medical alcohol.

When using a cream-mask, cream-balm or a self-made product with a mummy in tablets for stretch marks (or for another purpose), it is not recommended to use other ointments at the same time.

Experts also warn about extreme caution while taking mumiyo and medicines containing aminophylline.

A healthy person can use mummy for prevention.

Storage conditions

Shilajit in nature looks like a viscous amorphous substance. In this state, it contains impurities - sand, pebbles, dust. The origin of the mummy is biological (there are several versions, for example, that it is the excrement of bats), the composition is organic matter plus mineral rocks that are removed during processing. The cleaned mummy becomes homogeneous, it is dark brown in color, with a specific smell, a sharp bitter taste. Melts at 80 degrees, dissolves well in water. Over time, the mass, losing moisture, becomes harder.

The pharmacy mummy in tablets for stretch marks does not like sunlight, so storage conditions provide for dry and dark places. Heat is less harmful, but the temperature in these places should not exceed plus 20 - 25 degrees.

Ready-made creams, which are offered by pharmacies and perfumery stores, lose their effectiveness due to a short shelf life. In an open container, even in the refrigerator, the cream is oxidized. Due to this specificity, a remedy freshly prepared at home is considered the most effective.

Shelf life

In addition to pharmaceutical forms, there are homemade cosmetic, immune-strengthening recipes using mummy in tablets for stretch marks. They need to be used as soon as possible.

Like all other drugs, the mummy must be stored out of the reach of children.

Stretch marks (striae) are a common, not dangerous, but very ugly formation. The appearance of stretch marks spoils the joy of motherhood for every second woman. After all, who, if not a young mother, should be beautiful, self-confident and happy. We learn to get rid of stretch marks with the help of mummy - an organo-mineral complex of natural origin.

  1. The main cause of stretch marks is breaks in collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis.
  1. Tears in the deep layers of the skin are most often associated
  • with pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • with a sharp increase in weight
  • with heavy physical activity (for example, bodybuilding)
  • with hormonal disruptions and a sharp increase in adolescence
  • with a hereditary predisposition
  • taking medications, for example, a group of glucocorticoids
  • with problems in the functioning of the endocrine system (adrenal dysfunction)
  1. Stretch marks (stretch marks) occur in both women and men
  2. The most common sites of stretch marks in women

  1. Stretch marks have two stages of "maturity"
  • initial. The color of the scars is deep pink-purple
  • old. Scar color pearl white

Ripening time of stretch marks from appearance to discoloration: 6-8 months

  1. Unfortunately, stretch marks can be made less noticeable, but they cannot be completely eliminated.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? Before and after photos

The experience of many generations confirms the positive effect of using mummy in the fight against stretch marks

Interesting fact. Mumiyo - a word with Greek roots, translated means "preserving the body"

As a traditional medicine, mummy was used not only by the Greeks, but also by the inhabitants of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Near and Far East.

Using the mummy for many millennia, people have not been able to give an exact definition of this substance, to determine the origin and composition.

Shilajit is known as

  • mountain resin
  • mountain wax
  • tears of the mountains

There are two versions about the origin of the mummy:

  1. mummy is a type of geological rock that forms in mountain cracks
  2. mummy is a product of decomposition and subsequent fermentation of organic substances
  • animal excrement (mainly bats)
  • wild bee wax
  • the remains of mountain plants, etc.

If the mention of animal excrement discourages you from using a mummy, think of Kopi Luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world. Coffee beans necessarily pass through the digestive tract of civet trees, acquiring a unique taste that is so appreciated all over the world.

The composition of the mummy depends on the place of origin of the substance. Not a single laboratory in the world has been able to identify all the components of mountain wax. It is precisely known that the mummy consists of:

  • essential oils
  • bee venom
  • metal oxides
  • humic bases
  • amino acids
  • protein compounds
  • 85 different macro- and microelements, etc.
  • activates the processes of skin regeneration
  • improves metabolism at the cellular level
  • nourishes the skin with essential vitamins and elements

How to use a mummy for stretch marks?

Stretch marks control is a complex of measures that includes

  • appropriate nutrition
  • drinking enough fluids
  • correct physical activity
  • cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures, in addition to applying medicinal creams, must necessarily include scrubbing the skin. The use of a scrub significantly enhances the effect of mummy products

Scrub for stretch marks

What to cook from

  • 2 parts butter
  • 1 part ground coffee
  • 1 part cane sugar or sea salt

How to cook:

  1. Mix all ingredients
  2. Correct the consistency if necessary: ​​the mixture must be thick enough
  3. Put the resulting mass in a clean nylon sock. You have got a kind of massage ball

How to use:

  1. The skin should be steamed
  2. Thoroughly, but gently, massage the damaged areas for 10 minutes with a massage ball with a coffee-salt mixture
  3. Rinse off the mixture with water
  4. Pat dry your skin with a towel
  5. Apply a nourishing mummy cream

Scrubbing frequency: at least 3 times a week

Soap-scrub for stretch marks with mummy and ground coffee

This soap can be used every day.

What to cook from:

  • 6 g mummy in plates or tablets
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground natural coffee
  • 2 tsp milk
  • 150 g soap base. Can be replaced with quality baby soap
  • 1 tbsp. l. shea butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil

Advice. Each of the oils can be replaced with olive oil

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm milk
  2. Place the crushed soap in a heat-resistant container.
  3. Place the container with soap in a water bath, wait until the soap dissolves
  4. Add mummy, ground coffee and oils to liquid soap
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  6. Transfer to a convenient container with a hermetically sealed lid
  7. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

Daily for the care of problem areas of the body

Cream with mummy for stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 4 g mummy. The substance can be either in plates or in tablets
  • 1-2 tsp clean warm water
  • 100 g quality baby cream

How to cook:

  1. Put the required amount of mummy in a glass container and fill it with warm water
  2. An important feature of high-quality mountain wax: the substance is completely soluble in water
  3. After complete dissolution of the mummy, thoroughly mix the resulting extract and cream
  4. Transfer the mummy cream to a sterile, airtight container
  5. Store in the refrigerator

How to use:

  • Apply the cream to well-steamed skin with light massage movements. Massage time: 5-10 minutes
  • Wait for the cream to be absorbed into the skin
  • Remove any remaining cream with a cosmetic tissue

Frequency of use

  • every evening - with mild stretch marks in the initial stage
  • twice a day - with old stretch marks or severe damage to the skin until the condition of the skin improves

Course duration: 20-30 days. If necessary, the course should be repeated after a 1 week break.

Important: mummy-based cream can be used during breastfeeding (2 months after childbirth)

Remedy for chronic stretch marks with mummy

Wraps with mummy for stretch marks copes well with old traces of skin atrophy. Essential oils added to the medicinal mixture enhance the effect of the remedy.

The best pairs of "Oil and mummy for stretch marks" are ethers

  • sweet fennel
  • sweet orange
  • rosemary
  • juniper
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • lavender
  • geraniums
  • peppermint

The use of aromatic oils not only enhances the effect of mountain wax on the skin, but also allows you to "mask" the sharp aroma of mummy

What to prepare the mixture for the compress against stretch marks

  • 1 g mummy
  • 1 tsp water
  • 7 drops of any oil from the list

How to cook:

  1. Add aroma oil
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly

How to use:

  • Wrap time: 2-3 hours
  • consider the ability of aromatic oils to cause allergic reactions
  • some oils are not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • you cannot use essential oils if you have any skin diseases
  • be sure to consult your doctor before performing the wrapping procedure. This procedure has a lot of medical contraindications!

Masks with mummy for stretch marks

What to cook from:

  • 10 g mummy (plates or tablets)
  • 100 ml of water
  • 200 ml of quality vegetable oil (better than olive oil)
  • 300 g blue clay

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water
  2. Add all ingredients gradually and mix thoroughly

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture to the problem area of ​​the skin, after thoroughly cleaning the skin
  • Cover the treated areas with clean cling film.
  • Lie down and be sure to cover yourself with a light blanket.
  • Wrap time: 2-3 hours
  • Take a contrast shower at the end of the procedure

Frequency of use: no more than 1-2 times a week

What is the best mummy for stretch marks?

What to look for when buying mountain wax

Plates or tablets?

Many manufacturers insist that mummy in plates is a better and healthier product. In the production of mummy in tablet form, the beneficial properties of mountain wax are lost

Varieties of mummy, taking into account the origin

  • indian
  • Burmese
  • Mongolian
  • japanese
  • Altai

The qualitative chemical composition of all species is similar, but the proportional ratio of the components is different.

Gradation of mummy by color

  • red - golden mummy
  • brown-black color - dark mummy
  • white or copper-blue color - silver mummy

This is not to say that one type of mummy is better than others. The main thing is that the manufacturer of the product is responsible for the quality of its goods.

Stretch marks, or striae, are not the best adornment for the human body. To combat them, ready-made creams and oils are used, as well as various cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery. However, the well-known mumiyo will help to make this skin defect less noticeable at home.

What is mumiyo

As soon as this substance is not called: "mountain resin", "tears of a giant", "stone oil", "blood of a mountain", "juice of a rock", "mountain oil".

Mumiyo is a mixture of a wide variety of organic (plant and animal) and inorganic (mineral) inclusions.

How the substance is formed is still unknown. There are several versions of this. The most plausible one sounds like this: finely dispersed mountain minerals interact with beneficial bacteria and for many years form a sticky resin, which includes components of plant and animal origin.

The mountain resin contains vitamins (A, E, C, group B), amino acids, fatty acids, phospholipids, resins, essential oils, more than 60 minerals, enzymes, flavonoids, tannins and other biologically active components.

Shilajit is found in cracks in rocks and in mountain gaps around the world, so the composition of the product is unstable - it depends on the location of the mountainous relief. Altai mountains are also rich in mountain resin.

Raw materials come on sale in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, gels, lotions, ointments, pastes, plates, briquettes. The usual color of mountain resin is black or light brown. But you can also find a red tint. This is a golden mumiyo, which is mined in the Altai Territory, or, as the govayart, Gorny Altai.

Shilajit is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It is used not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology, including for the elimination of stretch marks.

Gallery: forms of release of mumiyo

Mumiyo tablets - the most common form on the market Mumiyo is cleaned and sold in the form of plates One of the forms of mumiyo release is paste

Types of stretch marks

Stretch marks occur as a result of tearing the inner layer of the epidermis with excessive stretching of the skin. Stretch marks often appear in pregnant women, bodybuilders, teenagers, and other people undergoing hormonal changes.

The resulting tears are overlapped by connective tissue, resulting in the formation of scars - stretch marks. Initially, they have a red or purple tint. But over time, capillaries die off in the connective tissue, and striae gradually turn white.

By the shade of the stretch, you can determine its type: new or old.

New stretch marks are characterized by the fact that there are still blood vessels in the connective tissue, which give the stretch marks a red or purple hue.

In old stretch marks, there are no longer capillaries, since the connective tissue has a rather dense structure, vital processes do not take place in it, and the need for vessels disappears (they gradually die off). Old striae are characterized by a whitish tint.

Old stretch marks are much more difficult to get rid of than new ones.

Gallery: types in the photo

Bright red striae often occur in the abdomen during pregnancy New stretch marks are colored red or purple Old stretch marks have a characteristic whitish tint Old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove from the skin surface

Ways to use mumiyo for stretch marks

Before you start fighting stretch marks, you need to be patient. You need to understand that this defect on the skin is difficult to treat, so you should not expect results after the first application of mumiyo.

In order for the mountain resin to effectively act on the skin, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • before applying a composition based on this medication, you should take a hot shower, preferably with a scrub. In this case, the skin will be well steamed and cleaned of the stratum corneum, which will allow the active components of the mountain substance to penetrate as deeply as possible into the epidermis layer;
  • funds with mumiyo need to be rubbed vigorously enough;
  • it is best to carry out the procedures in the evening before bedtime.

Ready-made cosmetic product

To eliminate stretch marks, you can use a ready-made cream with mumiyo, elastin and collagen daily.

The product is applied to problem areas and rubbed thoroughly. According to consumer reviews, the cream is best used in the evening, since it has a strong specific odor due to its constituent oils and plant extracts.

According to the manufacturer, there are no restrictions on the duration of the use of the product.

Anti stretch marks cream

At home, to combat stretch marks, a cream has proven itself well, which contains the following ingredients:

  • mumiyo - 4 g;
  • purified water - 2 tsp;
  • baby cream - 100 g.

Mumiyo should be dissolved in water. Since the mountain resin dissolves for a long time, it is better to grind it, and take warm water (up to 40 ° C). In hot water, the mumiyo will dissolve faster, but at the same time it will lose many useful properties.

The resulting solution must be combined with baby cream, mixed. This amount is enough for 1 month of use, so the cream should be stored in the refrigerator.

The finished product is rubbed into the places of accumulation of stretch marks until the composition is completely absorbed. The cream can be used daily 1-2 times a day after showering for 2 months. Then you should take a break for 10-14 days and again, if necessary, repeat the course.

Homemade stretch mark cream can be enriched with 3-5 drops of essential oil:

  • mint and lavender activates blood flow in the problem area, increasing the effectiveness of the fight against striae;
  • incense makes scars less noticeable;
  • rosemary has a beneficial effect on cell renewal.

Video: cream for stretch marks based on mumiyo


For the procedure you will need:

  • mumiyo - 3-4 tablets;
  • purified water - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Crush mumiyo tablets and dissolve in warm water, add honey and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. The treated areas must be wrapped with cling film. After 25-30 minutes. the composition must be washed off with warm water.

The course of body wraps consists of 15 procedures, the break between sessions is 2-3 days.

If the result was insufficient, then after 10-14 days the wrapping can be resumed.

Scrub that removes stretch marks


  • mumiyo - 3-4 tablets;
  • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • shower gel - 1 tbsp. l.

Crush tablets of mountain resin, combine with shower gel and allow them to dissolve. Then add ground coffee to the prepared mixture.

The resulting scrub is rubbed into problem areas for 5 minutes. After that, the product is left on the body for another 10 minutes. Ground coffee removes the stratum corneum, and mumiyo helps to smooth scars.

The procedure should be carried out 2 times a week for 1.5-2 months.


Stretch marks become less noticeable with massage. This is due to the fact that during the procedure, blood flow to problem areas is stimulated, which contributes to cell regeneration. The effectiveness of the massage will be higher if mumiyo is added to the massage agent.


  • mumiyo - 3-4 tablets;
  • oil of your choice (jojoba, avacado, grape seed, etc.) - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the tablets and dissolve in oil. With the help of the received funds, you need to massage problem areas for 15–20 minutes. The remaining oil should be wiped off with a napkin.


The procedure makes the skin more elastic, and old stretch marks are less noticeable. For lotions you will need:

  • mumiyo - 3 g;
  • purified water - 100 ml;
  • oil of your choice (coconut, apricot, etc.) - 2 tbsp. l.

Mumiyo dissolves in water and oil is added to the solution. The gauze should be moistened with a solution and applied to the stretch marks for 30–40 minutes. Lotions are best done at night every day for 2 months.

Contraindications for use

When applied externally, mumiyo has practically no contraindications to its use. The only limitation is individual intolerance and manifestation of allergy to mountain resin.

It is also necessary to take into account the body's reaction to other components that are used in the prepared formulations.