The safest baby water. How is baby water different from regular water? What should be children's water

The fact that food should be cooked on clean, tested water is already a common truth. And, of course, first of all, it concerns our kids. Water for baby food, especially for newborns, must not only meet safety requirements, but also be healthy and have excellent taste. In addition, in children's water, unlike adult water, the content of silver is not allowed. “Soda” is also contraindicated for babies: this means that the composition of water (drinking or preparing mixtures) should not contain carbon dioxide.

It would seem that the solution is obvious - to buy a bottle with the inscription "children's". After all, such products are subject to mandatory certification and approvals issued by the relevant regulatory organizations. But, unfortunately, really high-quality bottled water, usually recommended by doctors both for diluting dry mixtures and for drinking, is a rarity today. Unscrupulous manufacturers put the "children's" mark only in order to exempt their products from the tax burden, but this inscription does not at all guarantee the absence of harmful impurities. In addition, even if such water can be considered safe from the point of view of bacteriology, this does not mean that it has a level of mineralization that is harmless to the child. Therefore, the best solution is to choose a suitable filter, after treatment in which water for baby food will be safe.

Restrictions that parents need to be aware of

For drinking or cooking?

Specialists divide baby water into two types - for cooking and for drinking. It's all about the composition, which you should pay attention to before use: mixtures, as a rule, are already balanced in terms of trace elements and minerals, so it is important not to disturb this beneficial balance. When you use bottled water, you have to rely on the honesty of the manufacturer, who states the standard mineral composition (200-300 mg/l). It is wiser to use drinking water that has been processed in a household filter for preparing baby food. It will be much softer and safer for your baby's health. The microelement composition recommended by specialists, which water for infant formula should have, is only 64-107 mg / l.

Every age has its own water

Here the question also lies in the composition of water: the same concentration of trace elements and minerals is suitable for a 5-year-old child, but completely unacceptable for a 6-month-old baby. For the same reason, therapeutic and therapeutic and prophylactic water containing an increased level of salts is excluded from the children's diet. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate age restrictions on the label. If there is no clear information on the packaging, it is better to refuse to purchase such water. Here you will come to the aid of children's filters BARRIER, which are conditionally divided into categories "0+" and "4+". Thus, you can choose a water purifier to prepare formula for a baby from 3 months or a child 4 years of age and older.

Preparing baby formula in water correctly

According to experts, as the "raw" water for the preparation of baby food, water from underground sources, the most protected from various kinds of pollution, should be used. Since the dry mixes themselves have a certain amount of nutrients and minerals, you can calculate whether this amount is enough for your baby. If necessary, for the preparation of baby food, water can be further enriched with the necessary microelements (for example, thanks to special filter cassettes).

When preparing formula for a baby, remember that the ideal temperature is 36-37 ° C. The powder is poured into the container with a measuring spoon and quickly stirred until completely dissolved. Then shake the bottle well. Put a few drops on your wrist or press the bottle against your temple to check the temperature of the mixture - it should be practically not felt, that is, as close to body temperature as possible.

Do not leave baby food in the bottle until the next feeding. All used dishes must be washed immediately with hot water and baking soda (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

On the shelves of stores now there is a huge amount of products specifically for babies, including specialized children's water. How not to get confused and make the right choice?!

The design of a bottle with a cute baby or a cute and fluffy bunny does not give us a guarantee that the water is intended for consumption by children. Hiding behind a beautiful design, the manufacturer deceives parents by offering ordinary adult water at a non-childish price. Even when studying the label (chemical composition and total mineralization), it becomes clear that in fact this liquid does not meet the required SanPin standards for baby water.

How to recognize: The label says only: “water of the first or highest category (underground or artesian source)”. In the worst case, the "central source of water supply."

There are children's waters of the highest category, corresponding to all the necessary parameters. However, you need to figure out how it is brought to the "ideal". Most likely, it was purified using membrane technology (reverse osmosis), and then brought to the level of physiologically complete mineral composition standards by the powder method (the necessary minerals were added). Those. first, all substances of natural origin were removed from the water and the powder was added in the required volume. But think for yourself how useful such water is ...

How to recognize: The label says: "water of the highest category (underground or artesian source) for children (for children, for baby food)"

Children's mineral water with a natural balanced mineral composition that does not need additional correction. The very word "mineral" in the name does not mean that there are many minerals, but that it was not purified and restored (this is prohibited by law), i.e. it is clean and meets all standards. Unfortunately, there are very few natural sources in the world, the water of which would comply with the technical regulations and SanPin standards. Since the culture of proper drinking is more developed in Europe, these waters are more often imported (Sulinka Baby, Sierra Cazorla ..).

How to recognize: The label says: “Natural drinking mineral water for children (for children, for baby food)”

"Children's water" ... what, really ?!

Water is the most important link in the biochemical processes of the child's body. The health and well-being of the child directly depends on its quality. Therefore, it is important for every parent to know how to choose baby water so as not to harm the baby.

On the shelves of baby food stores you can often find bottles or various packages with the inscription "Baby Water". Manufacturers actively advertise their product and recommend it to quench the thirst of kids. Being in a period of active growth and development, children usually drink a lot of water and, of course, every mother wants this water to be not only clean, but also safe for the child's health.

But not always a beautiful label and an inscription that children's water should be trusted. For many manufacturers, the appearance of a children's water line is just a marketing ploy. The bottle may contain water that does not meet the applicable standards, which makes its use hazardous to health!

How to choose water for your child?

Baby water (water for the preparation of baby food, with artificial feeding) is allowed to produce only the highest quality category or mineral water that meets the standards of the highest category. In addition, additional requirements are imposed on it: a higher balance of the composition, as well as the absence of preservatives such as carbon dioxide and silver.

Silver in baby water is not allowed! Instead of silver, ultraviolet rays or ozonation are used for bactericidal treatment of children's water. The presence of silver in water can be checked on the label - the element "Ag" (lat. Argentum - silver) should not be there at all, in any quantity.

The physiological usefulness of the macro- and microelement composition of packaged water is determined by its compliance with the standards SanPiN

After studying the data in the table, you can independently calculate the waters that are not suitable for children. After all, a bottle with a pretty baby or a cute and fluffy bunny does not give us a guarantee that the water is intended for consumption by children. Hiding behind a beautiful design, the manufacturer deceives parents by offering ordinary adult water at a non-childish price. Even when studying the label (chemical composition and total mineralization), it becomes clear that in fact this liquid does not meet the required SanPin standards for children's water. If indicated only: water of the first or highest category.

Water of the highest category must be absolutely safe in terms of purity and physiologically complete in terms of micro- and macroelemental composition - all this is assumed by the strict standards of SanPin. But how is it possible to achieve such high standards, and how absolute will be the "safety" of such water?

So, artesian water is much cleaner than water from open sources (springs, wells), where it is protected from anthropogenic impact, but at the same time it needs purification procedures to meet high standards of the highest quality category. And such cleaning can be (and most likely will be) reverse osmosis.

Water purified by membrane technology (reverse osmosis) has the lowest mineralization - 20-50 milligrams per liter (0.02-0.05 grams per liter), which makes the content of substances of natural origin quite scarce. Once in the body, such water will wash out beneficial trace elements. Therefore, minerals are already artificially added to purified water. Artificially mineralized water is less useful than natural drinking water. Everyone knows that it is impossible to get natural freshly squeezed juice from a soluble powder.

An analysis of the children's water market showed that in order for water to meet the highest category standards, many manufacturers resort to the use of membrane technologies. Of course, one cannot objectively consider such water harmful, but one cannot call it useful either.

During laboratory studies, silver ions were found in some waters. It used to be believed that silver purifies water, now it is known that silver, like all heavy metals, is toxic if it is ingested in excess. Fortunately, the concentrations of silver were negligible, but the fact that silver was present in the water alerted the experts, since it is forbidden to add it to children's water as a preservative.

Meeting children's waters of the highest category, corresponding to all the necessary parameters. It is worth understanding how it is brought to the "ideal". Most likely, it was purified using membrane technology (reverse osmosis), and then brought to the level of the standards of the physiological usefulness of the mineral composition (the necessary minerals were added). Those. first, all substances of natural origin were removed from the water and the powder was added in the required volume. But think for yourself how useful such water is ...

In order to buy good (healthy, high-quality) drinking water, it is important to know where it comes from and what technology it is used to purify, as well as what is included in its microelements. And it would be very good to understand about this composition - whether it is natural, or is it the fruit of modern technologies, i.e. powder mineralization.

Children's mineral water with a natural balanced mineral composition that does not need additional correction is the best option for use from birth. Natural drinking water not only quenches thirst, but also heals the body, improving metabolic processes. Unfortunately, there are not many natural sources whose water would comply with the technical regulations and SanPin standards. Since to a greater extent the culture of proper drinking is developed in Europe, these waters are often imported.

It should be noted that the problem of lack of water in the body - dehydration - is relevant at any age, but especially for babies. Dehydration is a serious threat to the metabolism and growth of all organs. Water helps the healthy and proper development and growth of the baby. To avoid such problems, it is worth forming the habit of drinking water from childhood.

Water, preserved in its original form, will be the key to the healthy development of your child, and contribute to the formation of the protective functions of the child's body.

Among the drinks for children, water occupies a special place, because you can still do without tea and fruit drinks, and without water it is very difficult. The lack of clean fluid in the body of both an adult and a child can “give” problems with the kidneys and other organs. But ordinary boiled or bottled water is not recommended for young children.

If you carefully choose high-quality baby food, then with no less care you need to approach the choice of baby drinking water. This product has the same effect on the body as food. Now there are many companies that produce children's water, which is created taking into account the needs of the child's body.

What is the difference between "adult" and "baby" water?

Firstly, in such water the amount of minerals is reduced. Excess mineralization is just as harmful as insufficient. Moreover, babies should not be given ordinary water, it should be children's mineral water. In nutrition for children, whether it is powdered milk formula, mashed potatoes, porridge or even breast milk, there are already vitamins and trace elements, so adding plain water will upset this balance and, if consumed regularly, can adversely affect the health of the baby.

Second, baby food water can contain additional missing micronutrients and serve as a "liquid vitamin" for your baby. Iodine or fluorine can be added to its composition, but be sure to consult a pediatrician before introducing such water into the baby's diet. The addition of additional minerals must be indicated on the label.

Always read the label!

By the way, about the label. Read it carefully before buying baby water. It should contain the following information:

  • where the water was obtained (well, area);
  • term and conditions of storage of the product;
  • mineralization (permissible rate 200-400 mg / l);
  • manufacturer;
  • the age for which the water is intended;
  • the inscription is obligatory: "Recommended for baby food by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences."

What is the best baby water? Each parent makes their choice semi-intuitively, semi-rationally, based on the baby's reaction to the product, price, label design and bottle functionality. Manufacturers are doing their best: for example, Frutonyanya baby water is available in blue and pink bottles for boys and girls. Really, nice?

sore point

Often, mothers have a question: should I give a newborn a drink of water? If it is exclusively on, this is not necessary, babies take enough liquid from mother's milk (although there is another point of view on this issue). But if your baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, then he simply needs additional baby water, otherwise it will be very difficult for the little kidneys, which diligently do their job.

What kind of water do we use? Most of us don't even ask this question. Most often we drink water from a bottle, much less often people tend to use tap water as a drink.

Of course, this only applies to adults. It is strictly forbidden for small children to drink water from the tap. Some parents prefer to give their little child the same water they drink, while others are more inclined to use special baby water. So what is the best water to give children?

What water should be used to dilute infant formula?

It is not for nothing that serious demands are made on water, because it is indispensable for both any baby and an adult. It is not necessary to buy water only in pharmacies, exactly the same can be found in any supermarket. Manufacturers all, as one, claim that their water can be given to children from the first days of life, without the need to boil it first.

Watch the video film "Children's Water":

What is the best baby water?

OZPP, in order to check the quality of water we buy, and also in order to find out if this water is safe for children, a test purchase of water of frequently purchased water brands was made: FrutoNyanya, Agusha, Malyshka, Zhemchuzhina Baikal", "Shishkin Forest", "Winny", Baby", "Hipp", "Arkhyzik Water", "Children's Encyclopedia" and others.

Such checks have already been introduced by various services before, but there have not yet been such shocking results: 9 out of 14 water samples taken did not meet sanitary standards, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found in one of the samples. Much to our disappointment, water for children also showed not the best results. Namely: "Fairytale Forest", "Baby", as well as "Senezhskaya Baby" did not meet the declared characteristics, some samples did not meet sanitary standards at all. The absolute "winner" in this nomination was the brand of water "Baby".

Can baby water really be dangerous for a baby?

Andrey Nosov, the doctor and manager of the NP Roskontrol, said about this whole situation:
“When conducting a conventional numerical analysis of water, the cultivation process occurs at two parallel temperatures - 22C and 38C. In our study, an excess of indicators was observed at a temperature of 22C.
Most often, at this temperature, bacteria that are neutral for the human body develop in water. But the standard is the standard and its excess clearly indicates that it is better not to give such water to children.

Pediatrician, gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Department of Pediatrics RMAPE Irina Berezhnaya expressed her opinion on this matter:
“Immediately after birth, the intestinal cavity of the child is absolutely clean and sterile. For several days, the intestines are gradually saturated with various bacteria, not only useful and necessary, but also quite dangerous. To protect the baby's body from dangerous bacteria, it is important to choose the right water for him. If you make a mistake with the choice of water, the child's body may react poorly. So, sharp colic can begin, the temperature rises, and inflammatory processes are not excluded. Regardless of what is written on the bottle of water, it must be boiled.”

After all, any water, even from underground wells, contains impurities that can be toxic. Sources of such substances can be: sewage, runoff from fields, city roads, and precipitation. Children's water in the laboratory was also tested for the content of nitrates, phenols and formaldehydes.

All parents want their children to be healthy, and the basis of health is proper nutrition and clean, wholesome water to drink. However, this is absolutely not the water that flows from our tap, it is not suitable for a child to drink. In addition, not every water that is sold on the shelves of a supermarket can be suitable for drinking a child and preparing food for him. Although water manufacturers assure consumers that their product is clean and healthy, but water for children has a special composition and high quality requirements, which significantly distinguish it from ordinary drinking tap water sold in bottles. What are the requirements for baby water and do all manufacturers meet them? Will tell MedAboutMe.

For a breastfed baby, an additional amount of fluid is needed as complementary foods are introduced, that is, closer to six months. But children receiving artificial formula need additional fluid from the first days of life. Also, supplementing children with water is necessary in extreme heat to prevent dehydration and with the development of fever, diarrhea or vomiting, to replenish fluid losses. On average, young children need from 30 to 100-150 ml of liquid per day, depending on external conditions and characteristics of the body. After six months, fluid needs gradually increase, by the age of two, a child needs to consume about a liter of water per day, this is without taking into account other liquids (soups, juices, fruits). The more active children are, the more they sweat, the more fluid they need to consume to meet all their fluid needs.

In childhood, we were given ordinary boiled water to drink due to the fact that there were simply no other options. This is still considered by many to be the best option, although numerous studies have shown that such water is of little use. Children should receive special drinking water, which has strictly specified indicators. Tap water, even after boiling, does not even come close to them.

For children's water, which is offered to children for drinking, there are strictly prescribed standards - these are the requirements of SanPiN A careful study of this regulatory act, we can conclude that the water for drinking children is very different from the drinking water of the "adult" type, due to the fact that the needs of the child's body are different.

The first is the total amount of minerals, which has certain concentrations that do not exceed 250-400 mg / l. It is important not only their total number, but also the content of individual elements that give water certain properties - these are potassium, calcium, iodine and fluorine ions, magnesium. In children's water, the presence of carbohydrate dioxide and silver ions is generally unacceptable, they can negatively affect the health of children.

Water for children must receive a special certificate of state registration with the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as a special declaration that it meets all the requirements for technical regulations in the Customs Union. Based on all the requirements for baby water, it can be divided into two categories:

  • Water for children to drink;
  • Water for formula and baby food.

The composition of these two liquids is different and drinking water is not recommended for dilution and mixing, it contains more additional minerals that can interfere with the composition of mixtures. In water for drinking children, there are about 300 mg of minerals, and in water for mixtures, only 70-100 ml, due to this difference, the purpose of liquids is different.

Ideally, water for children should be obtained from an artesian well deep underground in a region with favorable ecology. In addition, before bottling, it must go through many stages of purification. However, it is worth considering whether we have many such regions and compare their number with the volume of production and sale of “children's water”. Many of the water producers draw beautiful landscapes, mountains and lakes on the labels, but for verification, a careful study of the label makes it clear that the water was taken from the tap and passed through the filtration system. It makes no sense to buy such water for children, and for a lot of money, it’s cheaper to buy a good water filter.

It is strictly forbidden to give children water from open sources (springs, wells, wells), even if you are assured that these are the cleanest places and water is famous throughout the district. Not only biological objects (microbes, viruses, helminth eggs) can penetrate into the water of such springs and sources, but also various dangerous substances - nitrates, toxins and heavy metals.

Tap water is not suitable for small children to drink, even boiled. It is chlorinated for disinfection and after boiling, some of the chlorine still remains in it. This substance is harmful in itself, and can also react with special compounds that enter the water, which negatively affects children's immunity. There are few useful substances in such water, and most of them are lost during the boiling process. But what then to drink to children?

Not so long ago, a special society for the protection of consumer rights (Roskontrol) conducted examinations of several of the most popular brands of children's water at once. They revealed violations of the microbial level - the water "Bebi", "Snezhskaya Malyutka" and "Fairy Forest" did not pass the test. Although these microbes cannot be classified as particularly dangerous, the indicators of this water have gone beyond the standards, and it cannot be called completely safe and useful.

Further, the same water samples were tested for the content of hazardous organic substances. In “Bebi” water, nitrates were at the limit of the norm, the amount of ammonia and ammonium ions exceeded the norm, and “Vinni” children's water also excelled in these indicators.

According to the indicators of usefulness, the water “Hipp”, “Bebi” and “Pearl of Baikal” did not reach the norm, the concentrations of potassium and fluorine are violated in them. In the composition of the water "Agusha" and "Fairy Forest" silver ions were identified, which should not be in the composition of children's water. Their concentrations are low, but regular consumption of such water can lead to its accumulation in the body.

As a result of the examination, three brands were recognized as the safest children's waters - Frutonyanya, Malyshka and Agusha, the last two with some comments and repeated studies after recommendations were sent to the manufacturer to strengthen quality control.

According to the results of the check, it was found that even the “children's” marking on the label does not guarantee the quality and safety of water. Only one sample out of nine tested received no complaints. The rest had at least minimal, but claims. However, large manufacturers took into account these examinations and carried out internal quality control and corrected the shortcomings. Therefore, when choosing water for children, be guided by the composition on the label, as well as the results of examinations. If there are doubts about the quality of water, ask for quality certificates and expert opinions.