The most beautiful cards for mother's day. Pictures and cards happy mother's day beautiful to tears with inscriptions, congratulations and verses for mother's day, animation pictures from children

Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, in contrast to International Women's Day, when congratulations are accepted by all the fair sex. In different countries, this day falls on different dates. In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In this article, we have prepared for you a large selection of beautiful mother's day cards. Any child will be pleased to make a do-it-yourself card on Mother's Day for his dear mommy.

1. Postcards Happy Mother's Day. DIY Mother's Day Cards

We will start our review with a very beautiful voluminous postcard on Mother's Day. To make this DIY Mother's Day card, you need colored double-sided paper and narrow satin ribbons. Use our ready-made template to make this mother's day card with flowers. Download sample... How to make a postcard on mother's day will become clear to you after you carefully examine the photo.

2. Postcard for mom on mother's day. Mother's day beautiful cards

Here is another original and beautiful card for mom on Mother's Day. It was made in two techniques at once: vytynanka and paper plastic. To cut a paper basket, you will need to use a utility knife or nail scissors. It is clear that only school-age children can do this, and then under the supervision of an adult assistant. The flowers on the mother's day card are made of double-sided colored paper. To add volume to the applique, each flower petal and each green leaf were first folded in half, and then straightened a little. To make this beautiful DIY Mother's Day card, we recommend that you use a ready-made template. Download sample .

3. Mother's Day photo cards. Happy mothers day

See what a beautiful postcard you can make as a present for your mom on Mother's Day. This volumetric postcard is made using the vytynanka technique. First, on the front side of the card, you need to draw the outlines of three flowers, and then cut them out with a clerical knife or nail scissors. Behind each flower, you need to glue a square cut out of colored paper. Inside the mother's day card, you need to glue a sheet of white paper to the size of the card over such "patches" to hide the "patches". The center of the flowers on the Mother's Day card is made of colored buttons.

4. Do-it-yourself cards for mother's day. Mother's day card

Colored paper cupcake molds can easily be used to make a mom's card for Mother's Day. Admire what a charming postcard!

Making such a beautiful mother's day card is not difficult at all. You will need two sheets of heavyweight paper. It is better if they are of different colors. Decor elements for decorating mother's day cards can be cut out of colored paper or thick felt. For a detailed master class, see the photo.

6. Postcards Happy Mother's Day. DIY Mother's Day Cards

You can decorate your mother's day card with such an original applique made of pencil shavings. It is easy to glue pencil shavings to cardboard using ordinary PVA glue.

See what a delicate bouquet of snowdrops you can give your mom for Mother's Day. It is quite easy to make this paper flowers applique.

7. Postcard for mom on mother's day. Mother's day beautiful cards

A rose print leaves a celery root on the paper when painted over. Try to make a do-it-yourself card for mom on Mother's Day with your child using this unconventional drawing technique. Paint the stems and leaves of the flowers with a brush.

To make such original and beautiful mother's day cards as in the photo below, you will need to learn how to fold special blanks from paper squares using the origami technique. How to do them, we will now tell you in detail and show you.

1. First, fold a piece of square paper in half diagonally.

2. Fold the resulting triangle in half to mark the centerline.

Mother's Day is very soon, which means it is worth thinking about what you plan to add to your congratulations. Of course, we're talking about postcards: this small symbolic detail is like a confirmation of what you want to convey. In this article, let's try to make a postcard together, moreover, not trivial: how do you, for example, the shape of a donut or a piece of cake?

Idea 1: Beautiful Mother's Day Cards in the Shape of Sweets

You will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • thick cardboard;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • good glue;
  • markers and pens;
  • scissors.

Such original cards for Mother's Day are made simply:

Idea 2: make awesome pom-pom cards

We never cease to be surprised that all fresh ideas are ingenious and simple to execute! For example, these postcards with pom-poms will take you about twenty minutes. You can buy the necessary material for crafts at almost any store for needlework and creativity. So let's get started.

You will need:

  • if you plan to use thread pom-poms, you will need a piece of cardboard. For standard store pom-poms, just thick paper is suitable.
  • pencils
  • glue gun,
  • PVA glue or a needle and thread.

Getting started:

To begin with, a sheet of cardboard or paper must be folded in half: this is how you get a blank for a future postcard. Now let's start drawing the background: it can be anything related to the theme of motherhood. We offer funny drawings of animals and birds with cubs. We attach the pompom to the right places with glue and paint the missing details. Even children can make such greeting cards on Mother's Day!

Idea 3: a card with an embroidered heart for mom

A card like this turns out to be incredibly cute! Its production should be entrusted to children who can already be trusted to work with a needle. And everything you need to make such a postcard will probably be found in your home.

You will need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • thick needle;
  • simple pencil;
  • set of multi-colored threads.

Getting started:

We take a sheet of thick cardboard and cut out a rectangle from it, which will serve as the basis for a future postcard. In the center of the postcard, carefully draw with a simple pencil the outline of the heart, which will be used for embroidery. You may not be able to draw a freehand heart perfectly straight. In this case, we recommend using a cookie cutter or a pre-made paper template.

Without threading a thick needle, make a perforation along the contour of the heart, as in the photo below. Then we thread the needle and embroider. The holes on the cardboard must be connected in any order. Now you know how to make a card for mom that will surprise you!

Idea 4: a voluminous card for Mother's Day

Making a voluminous postcard is not as difficult as it might seem. Our next master class is a vivid confirmation of this.

You will need:

Getting started:

Cut out small hearts from colored paper. The minimum quantity you need is eight. Keep in mind that the scale of the flower on the card will depend on the size of the hearts.

We fold all the paper hearts in half, and carefully begin to lay out in the shape of a circle, thus forming a flower. The petals on the base must be fixed with glue (just do not overdo it, one small smear is enough). You can use double-sided tape instead of glue. Admire the result: a stylish card with Mother's Day for your friend, sister, mom, grandmother or even a colleague is ready!

Idea 5: postcard with spring birds

You will need:

  • a set of colored cardboard;
  • a sheet of paper with a stylish ornament (sold in specialized stores, can be replaced with beautiful paper for gift wrapping);
  • a template with a silhouette of birds (feel free to take any that fits in size: we presented several options below);
  • workpiece in the shape of a circle with a curly edge;
  • some foamed tape.

Getting started:

Idea 6: card with voluminous flowers for Mother's Day

This postcard is not as easy to make as the previous versions, so please be patient: everything about everything will take you about two hours.

You will need:

  • a sheet of thick white cardboard or paper (approximate size 23 x 31 centimeters);
  • several sheets of thin colored paper of different colors;
  • several types of floristic tape (at your discretion: you can use one type);
  • green chenille wire;
  • glue sticks or glue gun;
  • several glue crystals;
  • ruler;
  • a small amount of thin rep tape (preferably pink);
  • scissors.

For each of us, this is the most important word - mom. It is pronounced in all languages ​​of the world. Mother's love begins long before the baby is born. They are the first to take us in their arms, feed us, pump us, take us to the kindergarten, heal us if we are sick, and help us to study at school.

We trust her with the first secrets, we share the most important things, it is to her that we come already in adulthood, when we feel bad or need help. Therefore, there is no one more important than mother in our life. But we do not understand this at once. And only years later. We begin to appreciate every day spent with her. Our parents - who can be more precious?

Several years ago, Mother's Day was celebrated in Russia. The holiday is new, young, but we are so fond of it! After all, we congratulate our sweetest and beloved mothers. We give them flowers, gifts and, most importantly, our attention and love. How can you express them? Come to visit, invite to a cafe, talk on the phone. You can also send pictures of Mother's Day.

Let your dearest person wake up early in the morning and see from your daughter or son an original picture of "Beloved Mom" ​​or "The Best Mom". She will know that you love her and remember. She will be so pleased. And it's not difficult for you: they can be downloaded for free. And any and the most different: with wishes, congratulatory, animated. Do you want to surprise? Send GIF or live image.

And if your mom has a sense of humor, choose a funny or cool card. And remind about yourself, and add mood!

I give you these stars
That burn so brightly above
As once upon a time in the spring at dawn
You gave my life to me!

Cleverly folded the logs,
To keep us warm in the cold.
I oiled my knees with iodine,
He cured the soul with a wise word.

You baked pancakes mountains.
I remember my hands in the air test.
Mom, dear, how dear
Every day spent together!

You prayed before the images:
- Take away all sorrows from them!
And with crystal voices
Quietly the angels answered!

So that you like the work,
Yes, the family was not worse.
And also, so that someone beloved
I would make a delicious dinner ...

You asked for your children
She did not even think about herself.
We say "Thank you!" For everything.
Only this is very little ...

Mom, you can believe this is not a dream... I have a wonderful gift in store. This is the best medallion in the world. For you, dear, I found him. How much I searched, personal files. And now he will guard your sleep. He will forget his peace, he will become a friend ... He will preserve his health, preserve peace. It will remind me of a simple one.

It shines hot, you can't find it brighter! The stars of the Milky Way shine in it. In it are the tails of colored icy comets, and the glow of new young planets. For you, dear, and the outfit is ready, woven from thousands of admiring words.

Pictures with Mother's Day can be sent to your dear grandma. After all, she is also a mother! Yes, and what! Sometimes even the most important one. Well, how not to express your love and attention to your grandmother on Mother's Day?

Beautiful and touching congratulations will surely cause a smile, and, perhaps, a tear. Surely now every grandmother has both a vatsap and a vibe. Yes, you can just send a photo with flowers. Or, in extreme cases, download and print a postcard. Add stylish and festive decoration. And ... voila! A surprise for grandma is ready! And if you also buy a beautiful gift, and a bouquet of flowers, consider that your grandmother is unlikely to have someone more beloved than you.

Grandma is like mom squared:
In the square of love it was distributed to everyone.
I congratulate you today on Mother's Day,
Although this is not enough, of course, not at all.

On Mother's Day I wish you
May life be full of flowers
And, like forget-me-nots in May,
Love will envelop mine.

Take care of yourself, granny,
Don't be nervous about trifles.
And like begonia in July
You flourish for the joy of us.

It will be nice for your girlfriend to receive cards with Mother's Day. It is unlikely that when she became a mother, she has a lot of time to meet with you - her girlfriends or friends, as before. And if she has a daughter or a son, this is her holiday too. Send her a funny animation or a stylish postcard, you can even with poetry or prose, and she will definitely like the gif image. She will see, smile and remember you with a warm word.

Are you a grandmother? Congratulations! You are modern and stylish, with a great knowledge of the Internet. Therefore, you can send postcards with Mother's Day to your daughter. How long has she been little? And now mom herself! And she already has her own daughter or son. Choose a suitable image, it can be with captions or a cute animation, you can have a gif postcard.

I know what to give you on this wonderful day.
Little can I tell you that Lunar's shadow has fallen. And there, among all the survivors, an unearthly flower bloomed. Each silk petal is transparent and even ghostly. He is called the lily, the mistress of the full moon. I call her the sweet guest of a foreign country. May the appearance and aroma please you for a long time, one small lily smells like a whole garden!

Happy holiday, I congratulate you,
I give you seven wonders, dear!
Let the miraculous sun shine brightly!
It will be the first gift for you.

And let the second month be a clear one.
The third will be my beautiful bouquet,
And the fourth, fifth and sixth
I will give crystal bridges.

Into a new fairy tale beyond the seven colored seas
You will go after the one who is sweeter than everyone!

On Mother's Day, dear mother,
I whisper "sorry" for being in a hurry
I drop my heart's words to you,
Confused at times in their own affairs.

I wish you strength, patience, enthusiasm,
Health, optimism, beauty!
The beat of your heart is immeasurably dear!
For a hundred years, shine with the happiness of completeness!

Life gave me, raised, loved,
I never asked for anything in return
She took care of me, you did not sleep at night.
And here everything is clear, because we are talking about mom.

It's easy to become a mom, but it's harder for her to be
After all, you need to love the child with all your heart,
Monitor health, study, friends.
Oh, how hard it is for mom.

I want you never to get old.
And so that fate does not turn you around.
Health to you and family happiness,
And to avoid bad weather!

Mothers are not only ours. There are many of them - our sisters and aunts, grandmothers and girlfriends, colleagues and just acquaintances. And if you just want to please someone, surprise or remind of yourself, congratulations on Mother's Day in pictures is one of the most uncomplicated gifts. Our free postcards are sure to be loved by lovely women. They are suitable for social networks and various messengers: for whatsapp and vibe. And even for kindergarten and school - after all, cute mothers work there too! Give them a few pleasant minutes.

We love mom more than anyone else in the world.
She gave us life, gave us everything!
And for her we are little children
We are growing at least two meters.

Call your mothers, come to your mothers,
Give flowers to them, kiss them
And never, please, offend.
After all, mothers are dearer to us than all relatives.

Only mom understands
Even if you're wrong.
Only mom hugs
Becoming all relatives in the world.

Only mom knows for sure
I feel bad or good
I wish mom this day
So that all bad things go away!

I sincerely congratulate you
I am happy with my mother's day
I wish you good and peace
We will come to the light!

Mom is the best of words!
This means: a clean house,
Delicious lunch on the table
Good sincere advice.

And a prayer before bed
So that the child is healthy
So that the Lord always keeps
Preserved and protected.

My dear mom
On your day I wish you
Be happy and cheerful
And always, always healthy.

For nights without sleep and for a kind word,
For gentle hands, your smile
Today, on Mother's Day, my dear mom,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sorry for the insults and inattention,
After all, life carries away with its vanity,
But know, despite the distances
I remember you and I am with you again.

You are so beautiful - lovely sight!
It's like your birthday today.
Another great reason turned out to be:
Mom's day went down to every city.

I congratulate you, dear!
I wish you joy and vigor.
Always be healthy and beautiful
Every year let
Adds strength!

Mother's heart is like a violin.
It contains rhapsodies and whims.
And there is also a smile
Unsolved Monna Lisa.

Mom's hands are stronger than damask steel,
When help is most needed.
Her hands are dearer than gold
The precious stones are more important.

I kiss my mother's hands
But it is not given, it hides.
Congratulations to her, dear,
Mom is crying quietly with happiness ...

Beats for his own son
Old shred hearts.
It will rise, then it will start up:
Isn't her son coming?

I prepared cabbage soup with potatoes,
Broke half a dozen eggs
Yes, I baked some cutlets.
She covered the table with a white tablecloth.

She sat down to wait for him at the window,
Yes, I put on glasses "for distance"
Murka the cat is washed.
Everything to ensure that the guest is expected.

Knock and thunder! What are these sounds?
Happiness to the house! Dear son and grandchildren.

“Mothers carry the keys to our souls with them all their lives” - everyone should remember these surprisingly accurate and heartfelt words of the writer Cassandra Clare. After all, mom is not only our closest person, but, above all, the one who, as best as possible, knows and understands us, will sacrifice everything at any moment and come to the rescue. So let us and we will remember her, give warmth and love not only on holidays, but every day.

Mother's Day holiday is relatively young. Celebrated in Russia since 1998, on the last Sunday of November. All mothers and pregnant women should be congratulated. Download beautiful pictures, animation and with poetry, congratulate your mothers and women you know.

Lyrics of M. Magomayev - Mom

Mom, there are so many hearts, and warmth, and confessions in the world,

From early childhood, you were with me
All the great light was in you alone
Sky and foliage, herbs and flowers
The first words, you gave me

Mom, there are so many friends and people and dates in the world,
Mom, you are the only one in the universe!

Because of a hundred seas, you were waiting for me
My joy, I was happy
And when on the way, sadness went to meet
My grief, you took it for yourself.

Mom, there are so many worries and partings and sorrows in the world,
Mom, you are the only one in the universe!

You in my soul, kindled a light
There are no relatives in the world, this warmth
Your night dreams, your simple words
The eye of your relatives, the hands of your saints

Mom, there are so many roads and hopes and wanderings in the world,

Poems by Jacques Monty
Russian text by A. Dmokhovsky

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
Hundred paths, roads around
Walk around the light:
Mom is the best friend
Better than mom - no!

Pavel Sinyavsky

My beloved mother,
Happy Mother's Day I want to congratulate you!
I want to kiss you and hug you
And all the best to you, dear, to wish.
So that you always remain so beautiful
Always to be happy and smile.

Beloved mommy
You are the most beautiful.
Today is your holiday
We are celebrating with you.
More joy for you
Warmth, flowers and sweets
I wish you loving.
Happy mother's day to you

On Mother's Day, a lump comes up to the throat
I can't put it into words
My soul would be cold without you.
I do not want to live without my mother and the enemy.

I congratulate my mother on this holiday
And I bow to her feet to the ground.
Happy days to you, the most beautiful
Let your eyes smile.

Health to you, mommy, good luck
And endlessly long life years.
And just add to everything in addition:
There is no dearer person in the world!