Siberian cat. Siberian cat breed description. Standard

Cats of the Siberian breed are ideally adapted for existence in the conditions of the Russian climate, they are famous for their good nature and independence, hunting instincts that have not been lost over the years of living next to a person. These large, outwardly phlegmatic animals turn out to be wonderful hunters and wonderful companions for humans, well adapted for life both in a city apartment and in rural areas with the possibility of free walking.

A real Siberian cat is a calm, beautiful animal with a good character, capable of sincerely and selflessly loving its owners. There are cases when cats of this breed saved their owners from various troubles - fires, gas leaks, earthquakes and other disasters.

The origin of the breed

Siberian and Angora cat breeds have quite a lot in common, however, they grew up in the pampering atmosphere of a harem, and real Siberian cats were hardened by the harsh climate.

Merchants and visiting travelers brought their distant ancestors to Siberia back in the 16th century, after the conquest of this vast territory by Yermak. Then these animals had a different name - they were called Bukhara, because traders from Bukhara often brought such cats in their trade carts.

But the Siberian cat breed itself was formed without human participation, at least to this day. The "newcomers" who entered the new territory freely interbred with each other and with local animals, as a result of which we got the now classic breed of long-haired cats with a characteristic "wild" color.

Most of the "color" variations have turned out already in our time thanks to active breeding work, which consisted in the development of standards characteristic of this breed, in the consolidation of inherited traits.

Constitutional features of the "Siberians"

The Siberian cat is characterized by a rather large size, a large, massive body with a strong bone and not too long limbs. Climatic conditions have left an unconditional imprint on the physique of the animal.

A thoroughbred Siberian cat is distinguished by correct proportions, a medium-sized head on a solid strong neck, a small, delicate and very beautiful, expressive muzzle. The Siberian cat has large clear oval-shaped eyes with a clear outline, large ears with a characteristic tassel on them, a lush collar on the neck and thick, elongated pants, often decorated with wavy hair.

Kittens have blue eyes at birth, then they begin to change and can be yellow, green, amber or copper. Animals with bright blue eyes or heterochromia (multi-colored iris of the eyes) are very beautiful. The snow-white "Siberians" with blue eyes, unfortunately, suffer.

The tail is large, very fluffy, with a rounded end. A characteristic feature of these cats is the presence of thick and long hair between the toes. These peculiar "heaters" are evidence that cats of this breed lived in unfavorable natural conditions.

When figuring out what Siberian cats are, a detailed description will be clearly incomplete, if you do not dwell on the characteristics of their fur. It is very dense, dense, with a quality undercoat, very fluffy. On the stomach and pants it can be curly, on the body - straight. Thanks to its beautiful "fur coat" the animal seems much larger than it actually is.

Existing colors

The description of the Siberian cat breed includes such characteristics as.

The breed standard provides the following options:

  • Uniform uniform color, or "solid". It can be blue, white, black or red (this is how cats are called, which have a bright red coat color).
  • Tortoiseshell.
  • Bicolor.
  • Smoky.
  • Tabby.
  • Colorpoint.

The Siberian cat belongs to one of the few breeds bred in Russia and is very popular in other countries. We can say that this is the number 1 Russian breed. Like the Norwegian forest cat, the Siberian beauty also belongs to the forest cat. It is believed that Siberian cats descended from wild cats that lived in forests and steppes, or rather in the harsh Siberian taiga. Due to the difficult living conditions in severe frosts, these animals have such a thick and long coat.

The Siberian beauty has been a favorite of the Russian people for several centuries. This cat could be found both in a simple Russian hut and in the royal chambers. It was she who became the hero of many Russian folk tales.

Officially, the breed was singled out only in 1982, when it was recognized by the World Organization of Cat Fanciers. It was then that the breed standard was approved, these cats received the right to participate in exhibitions and receive various titles and titles.

  • the body is large, strong, with a wide chest, flexibility and slenderness;
  • the head is large trapezoidal, the muzzle is not elongated, but rounded, the cheekbones are pronounced;
  • the neck is short, strong and muscular;
  • the eyes are oval, large, set wide, green or golden;
  • the nose is large, the same width from the bridge of the nose to the lobe.
  • the tail is of medium length and tapers at the tip;
  • ears are medium with tassels at the ends;
  • the legs are large, muscular, strong, the legs are oval in shape, hair grows between the toes;
  • the wool is fluffy, thick with a long pile and double undercoat, the collar around the neck is especially pronounced, like the peculiar pants on the hind legs;
  • the weight of males reaches 9 kg, females are slightly less - up to 7 kg;

  • marble;
  • black brindle;
  • black spotted;
  • striped;
  • chinchilla;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • tortoiseshell.

Siberian cats with a white color or color-point are allocated in a separate variety of the breed, called.

The difference between Siberians is that their color has a long formation, the shade of their coat can change up to the age of two years. Another interesting feature of their coat is that it has such a density and density that it is waterproof, so bathing your pet is extremely difficult.

The nature of the Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is characterized by independence, love of freedom and independence. They are smart, cheerful and active, they find entertainment for themselves even in the absence of the owner. Such cats do not really need increased human attention and will not attract it in every possible way, they are self-sufficient and often busy with their own affairs, not trying to attract a person to them.

Siberians choose for themselves a single owner, to whom they will be sensitive and affectionate, and the rest of the inhabitants of the house are simply tolerated. They will not behave aggressively when petted or picked up, but such cats will not be near people for a long time. If a person does not have time to devote to his cat, she will not be offended. For those people who do not like compulsion from pets, this breed is great.

Despite the pronounced willfulness, Siberian cats are very charming, playful, cheerful and unpretentious. They have an excellent reaction, flexibility and mobility are developed, which allows them to easily climb to a height, jump from one cabinet to another.

Siberians are one of the few cats endowed with the qualities of watchmen - they notify the owner about the arrival of guests, they are not afraid of anything, they can even fight dogs. These cats lack aggression and vindictiveness towards people, they meow very rarely, they prefer to let the owner know what they need without words. They are also distinguished by such qualities as prudence. Before getting a toy out of a hard-to-reach place, they may first think about how best to do it. These cats are always happy to play, they like to bring toys and small things in their teeth to the owner.

Siberian cats are wonderful pets for the whole family, they get along with children and other animals. They are able to quickly remember their nickname and respond only to it. They get used to the tray relatively quickly.

But before you get such a cat, you must take into account the fact that she feels much better in a private house than in an apartment. After all, she simply cannot live without walks in nature. These animals are born hunters, they like to walk freely and realize their instincts, catch mice, rats, birds and even ferrets or hares. If the representatives of the breed live in a private house, rest assured that you are not afraid of rodents.

Breeding and care

Despite its density and fluffiness, Siberian wool does not need special care, due to the fact that it does not tend to roll into tangles. To improve her condition, you only need to comb the cat once a week to remove dead hairs and stimulate blood circulation. It is better to do this first with a sparse comb, then you need to use a thicker one, and at the end a brush. The tail can only be brushed. You need to comb it slowly and reaching the very roots of the hairs. During active shedding, this should be done more often, otherwise the wool will remain throughout the house. It is necessary to accustom the cat to this procedure from childhood.

There is no need to wash the Siberian cat often, one bathing per year is enough, if the animal does not leave the house, three procedures are needed when walking freely on the street. It is also necessary to periodically clean the auricles with a cotton pad dipped in any oily solution. Wipe eyes with a damp cloth as it gets dirty. If the cat walks in its natural environment, then she does not need to cut her claws.

The diet of a Siberian cat should consist mainly of natural products: meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, offal. A young animal under three years old needs protein for harmonious development, it should make up 70% of the total diet. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and, with proper care, can live up to 20 years.

These animals quickly enter reproductive age, already at 5 months the female is able to become pregnant and bear offspring, and the breed is fertile, on average there are 5 kittens in a litter. And the ability to reproduce in Siberian cats persists up to 10 years of age. Cats of this breed are good parents, and not only females, but also cats are involved in raising young animals.

How much do Siberian cats cost:

  • The price in Russia ranges from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • The price in Ukraine is from 1200 to 10000 UAH.

You can buy such a cat in numerous catteries. The following people have good reviews:

In Ukraine:

  1. "Zaimka" and "Dubravushka", Kiev;
  2. "Bashbars" Odessa.

In Russia:

  1. "Barguzin", Krasnodar;
  2. Sybaris and Veresk Line, Moscow;
  3. "Legend of Siberia" and "From the banks of the Neva", St. Petersburg.

Choosing a furry friend for yourself in a professional nursery, you will receive a guarantee of purebredness and good health, as well as the possibility of constant consultations with the breeder.

Photos of Siberian cats



I love Siberian cats. My Jesse is already 3 years old, she is white. The cat is very beautiful, fluffy, straight and I want to hug her. Taking care of her is not difficult, the main thing is to regularly scratch the wool so that no lumps appear. He never shits, always goes to the tray and sharpens his claws on a scratching post.

I bought my puffy pet 1.5 years ago. At first, I could not have thought that a cat could be so fluffy. When I brought it home, it was just a little lump. I am very glad that there are no difficulties in caring for him, quiet, there is absolutely everything.


Description of the breed

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their large constitution and long thick fur, which practically does not allow water to pass through.

The roots of the Siberian cat breed are usually sought in Russia, attributing to them a domestic origin. However, this is not entirely true. In fact, these beautiful animals originated from the wild cats of the Trans-Urals.

Such cats are distinguished by excellent hunting qualities, because their ancestors were wild cats. Because of this, the character of the Siberian does not differ in obsession. Such a cat will not spin around you, begging for a treat. If the pet does not appear, this is a normal reaction. If you need a docile animal that will resignedly lie on your knees - Siberian cats are not for you. They are proud animals with a strong character, fearless and independent. Their affection for the owner may not be expressed in anything, however, these pets choose one person and recognize him. They have to put up with the rest of the family and such cats do not feel much warmth for them.

Siberian cat breed standard

The description of the Siberian breed should begin with the physique of these stately animals. They are distinguished by a powerful and sturdy body, with large paws. Hair grows between the toes. The neck is short and muscular. The whole look gives the impression of strength and confidence, which is emphasized by measured movements.

The Siberian's head is round, large, in proportion to the body. The nose is large, equal in width from the bridge of the nose to the lobe.

The ears are medium, slightly rounded. Widely spaced.

The coat is very dense, the undercoat is dense. The outer hair is coarse and long. The wool falls smoothly from the back, forming a collar around the neck like a Persian. The hind legs are covered with longer hair forming "trousers".

The eyes are large, slightly oblong, wide apart. In the standard of the Siberian cat, any eye color is allowed - from golden to green.

The coat and color of the Siberian cat

There are quite a few varieties of colors of the Siberian cat. The only shades that cannot be represented in this breed are chocolate tabby, purple or Abyssinian.

The most famous colors:

  • Tiger (cats with golden eyes are especially appreciated)

    Chinchilla (light coat with a slight color gradient. Can be shaded or with a veil).

    Marble (clear spots stand out brightly on the black shade of spotted wool).

    Solid shade

If the shade is lightened, then it can be called differently. For example, a blue Siberian cat of chinchilla color, marble or spotted. There are options with a darkened color. A monochromatic coat looks very beautiful without color transitions - due to the length and density of the coat, the shade acquires a special depth and saturation.

The peculiarity of young Siberians is that their color takes a long time to form. A fully established shade appears only after two years, so do not abandon the animal if you do not like the color of the coat.

Another interesting feature of the fur is that it is so dense and dense that it is impervious to water. Because of this, bathing your pet can be difficult.

Independent origin of the breed from wild cats laid the foundations for the behavior and character of Siberian cats. Communicating with such a pet, the first thing that catches the eye is its independence. Such cats will not bother you with their antics, paying attention. They are always busy with their own affairs, without attracting a person to them. Excellent hunting qualities help Siberians catch not only small rodents, but even ferrets or large birds.

Reviews of numerous owners of such cats unanimously state that this is the most independent breed that does not require a special manifestation of love. If you need a companion animal that can be near you for a long time, Siberian cats will not work. They are too proud to involve their master in their games.

The Siberian chooses one owner, and simply endures the rest of the inhabitants of the house. His innate confidence does not allow him to react aggressively to an attempt to stroke or caress, but such a cat will not sit in his arms for a long time.

If you do not have enough time to play with your pet, the Siberian will not be offended. In addition, he himself will stop attempts to encroach on his freedom if he gets tired of your attention. These are extremely charming cats, the serious look of which is fully consistent with their character. For people fed up with the obsession of other pets, these pets will be a real boon.

History and origin of the breed

Because of the name of the breed, it is believed that these cats are a truly Russian breed. However, it is not. Siberia was captured and annexed to Russia only during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and before that there were numerous Tatar tribes. The Russian Siberian cat has never been the target of breeders. The formation of the breed took place on its own, as a result of the crossing of many wild forest cats. Therefore, modern Siberians have a strong skeleton, thick wool that protects from the cold and developed hunting instincts that allow their ancestors to get food for themselves.

It is believed that the breed was formed with the participation of cats brought by settlers. This theory is also confirmed by the fact that when Siberian domestic pets and wild cats are crossed, exactly those initial variations of breeds appear, which, most likely, were the first representatives of the Siberian breed.

The Siberian cat is the only representative of a truly aboriginal breed, on the creation of which nature, not people, worked. After the large handsome men were noticed and entered into the official list of breeds, breeders bred many variations of the breed, but the main features of these cats were laid much earlier.

Despite the fact that the Siberian cat and the Persian are long-haired, the first does not require such careful care. To maintain the beauty of the coat, brush it twice a week. Due to the density of the coat, comb should be done slowly, reaching to the hair roots. Otherwise, tangles may form.

Brush more often as your pet sheds, otherwise your furniture and carpets will be littered with loose hairs.

Otherwise, caring for these pets is no different from other breeds. To avoid damaging your furniture, buy your cat a nail sharpener. Many pets enthusiastically perceive cat towns, some are indifferent to them.

When choosing a tray, pay attention to which tray the kitten used in the cattery. However, if you want to retrain your pet by offering him a different option, this can be done by gradually replacing the old toilet with a new one.

To keep fit, these cats need a walk. The fearlessness of the Siberians has become their trademark, so the sound of the street will not make the pet escape. In order not to lose the animal, accustom the kitten to the harness - it will be convenient to go out with him for a walk.

The animal also needs a set of bowls for water and food. It is important that the bowls are not too high, but that they contain a full serving. You shouldn't put cat dishes together with family plates - it's better to make your own place for it.

So that your pet does not get bored, buy her balls. These cats are very jumpy despite their massive appearance and love to play.


Diet is the most important part of pet care. If the cat receives all the necessary substances and trace elements, its coat will be shiny and beautiful, and its health will be wonderful.

How to make sure that your pet gets a balanced diet? The easiest way is to buy premium or super premium dry food or canned food. In such feeds, the daily requirement of the animal for food is taken into account. Natural food poses many questions for the owner and has its defenders and opponents. The main part of those supporting this type of feeding suggests that natural food does not contain harmful substances, and there may be low-quality products in the feed. It is also possible to refute this point of view - not all products useful to humans can be given to cats, and not all owners can cook separately for pets, taking into account their needs.

There are several basic rules for feeding:

    The portions should not be too large;

    Do not give your cat "snacks" - treats should be no more than 10% of the daily ration;

    Give food by the hour - every time at the same time;

  • A young animal (up to 3 years old) should receive at least 60% of protein food.

Siberian cat health and diseases

Due to the natural appearance of the breed, Siberian cats have retained strong immunity and excellent health. But this does not mean that they are completely immune to disease. Among the representatives of this breed, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is sometimes found, which is usually associated with the structural features of the Siberians.

Otherwise, it is important to vaccinate the animal on time, remove the worms, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the ears and eyes, and keep the cat away from sick pets.

Siberian cat mating and mating

Siberian cats are distinguished by increased mental stability, they are quite unhurried. Therefore, it is rather difficult to determine the exact duration of pregnancy in the early stages (with spontaneous mating of an animal). Drowsiness and toxicosis can become possible signs. During pregnancy for about a month, the pet has an increase in nipples. The belly is further rounded. Never count kittens inside the womb by feeling the belly. This can injure fragile babies and cause irreparable harm to the cat. Better go for an ultrasound. Before giving birth, a cat begins to look for a birth place in a few days. She fusses restlessly, looking for a warm and comfortable place. Place the box with a soft blanket in a draft-free place so that your pet can settle there. Childbirth usually occurs on days 64-72 of pregnancy. All breeders who keep a Siberian cat cattery can tell you exactly when certain kittens were born, so if you want to acquire a healthy pet, it is better to turn to professionals.

Siberian cats are excellent parents and generally do not require human help.

Pregnancy and Siberian cat kittens

Before you bring a little kitten into the house, you need to take care of all the necessary things. The kid needs:

    Small clean bowls that will not slide on the floor;

  • Scratching post;

    Toys for kittens;

Be sure to ask what the kitten ate in the cattery - for the first week, gradually add new products to its menu, without drastically rearranging the entire diet. It's the same with the tray - get one similar to the one in the old house so that the kitten doesn't get confused.

Do not let your pet jump off the heights, do not let him on the sofa. Weak ligaments may not withstand heavy loads and deform.

Before vaccination, do not let the kitten go outside - it does not yet have immunity, and any disease can easily cling to your pet.

In terms of popularity and success, the Siberian cat occupies almost a leading position among other breeds.

Often, the representatives of the species are considered to have Russian roots, although in fact, exclusively Asian cats acted as their ancestors.

And yet, even a foreign origin did not prevent them from gaining the respect and title of real Russian heroes, whose goal is to protect housing by any means, help its inhabitants in everything and expand their habitat up to the most extreme borders of not only our state, but also climb beyond its borders.

Breeders, in turn, are repeatedly asked questions. For example, is it possible to pay attention to this fluffy handsome man if there are children in the house? What are the representatives of the Siberian cat breed? How to properly care for and feed for the full happiness of a pet?

It's time to reveal all the ins and outs and dispel the existing myths about these charming creatures, leaving room for the truth.

History of the Siberian breed

Siberian cats owe their origin and further existence as a separate species to aboriginal cats that moved to the conditions of the harsh taiga climate from Asia. Even then, the first representatives of the breed preferred thick wool, which became a peculiar feature and a sign of distinction.

Bukhara cats, as these pets were called before, are often found on the pages of folklore. For example, the scientist A. Pushkin's cat that walks in a chain in a circle, and the notorious assistant of Baba Yaga - both are proudly among the representatives of the Siberian breed.

Every year they more and more won the respect of a person, and with it the amount of information increased.

But even then, the common people often said that although cats owe their appearance to the severe frosts of Taiga, they learned their habits from their forest brothers.

At one time, Bukhara cats, by general decision, were to be called Moscow cats, but after lengthy discussions they settled on the name, which one way or another would indicate the place of origin of one of the ancestors - Ural Siberia.

The existence of a wide population of Siberian cats in Moscow and the Leningrad region did not affect the decision, the name stuck. The habitat of the breed spread throughout Russia.

Often, Siberian cats provided tangible assistance in the fight against rodents during the Second World War. It is believed that after the blockade was broken, it was the representatives of the Siberian breed that were brought in first outside the walls of the barely survived city and handed out to the surviving residents.

The first mention of Siberian cats as a species was recorded towards the end of the 20th century, along with this a standard, a list of features, was formed. As for the present times, Siberian cats, in their advantage, moved back abroad.

Description of the Siberian cat

Often, one glance at a photo of a Siberian cat is enough to be under the enchanting influence of representatives of the breed - they really attract attention with a muscular body in tandem with a powerful bone.

Initially, they have a firm belly, the neck and legs are endowed with special power, which does not affect graceful movement in any way.

Ears are most often characterized by a special slope, sometimes tassels are found, they stand out among other breeds with an insanely beautiful fluffy tail of great length. Round eyes of a predominantly yellow or green color palette.

A feature of the breed is the characteristic elongation of the muzzle, the special expressiveness of the cheekbones, the breadth of the forehead and the power of the chin.

The length and hardness of the coat with the second undercoat are due to the harsh climate of Siberia, for the same reason they have a "collar" in the neck area. The origin is excellent health.

The only thing that can disturb a pet is a congenital defect, the presence / absence of which should be established from the very beginning.

Attention! The weight of Siberians ranges from 5-10 kg, depending on gender. For this reason, cats occupy almost the first place among large cat breeds, second only to forest Norwegians and Maine Coons in size.

A distinctive feature can be called a record number of colors of Siberian cats, among which black, white, gray and red color textures are recorded, blue and beige palettes are often noted. It happens to meet Siberians with a double color (for example, a lineup of black and white).

A continuous combination of shades, which in the common people is called a tortoiseshell color, is observed only in cats. Cats, by no means, cannot boast of such a mixture of colors; its presence may indicate the presence of genetic abnormalities.

Siberians with a tabby color are especially popular - this is a pattern of dark spots, in connection with which there is a persistent association with tigers. In this case, the representative of the breed will have a light chin, and dark rings on the legs and tail.

Smoky cats, in which the roots of the hair are predominantly light, but the tips are dark, are equally successful. You can rarely meet such handsome men.

It makes no sense to look for Siberians with Abyssinian, point and lilac colors, such palettes are unacceptable.

It should be noted that kittens of the Siberian breed are characterized by a long duration of development.

They reach the classic size only at the age of 5, which is an excellent option for those who like to tinker with "babies".

The nature and habits of the Siberian cat

Siberian cats are characterized by absolute dignity and amazing calmness in conjunction with a free character, and nature has provided the ability to adapt to the changed conditions of life, a change in environment will not cause deterioration in well-being.

Often Siberians resemble dogs by their loyalty to the display of guard habits. Representatives of the species get along well both in the house and in a modest apartment, but in each case there must be a so-called "black" exit for the pet for a walk when it thinks about it.

Amenable to learning, but not voluntarily. It does not give in to irritation, there is no aggression from the side of the cat, which makes it an excellent friend for the child - even when experiencing discomfort and disrespect from the side of the baby, a Siberian will sooner leave or remain impartial calm than pounce on the offender with claws.

Beautiful peace-loving nannies, but they are not accustomed to flattering the owners, obey only one person, who is considered the main one in the family. Affectionate and balanced, they will not bother or intrude.

They are also peaceful in relation to other pets, they prefer to immediately establish peaceful, friendly relations. Siberian cats are bright sanguine cats.

Fluffy beauties will become loyal and independent friends that will always be there at the right time.

Siberian cats by their nature love to give love and care, rather than demand it from the owner. This is an excellent choice not only for a single person, but also for a married couple, the pet will keep the company of even a tiny baby.

Photo of a Siberian cat

The appearance of these cats is reminiscent of folk tales and legends. And this is natural, because the Siberian cat is a primordially Russian aboriginal breed, spontaneously formed on the territory of present-day Siberia. Looking at the Siberian cat, one can easily imagine his ancestors - wild forest cats, from which he inherited a powerful physique and tassels on his ears.

Siberian cats as a breed are one of the first achievements of Russian felinology. However, they started to isolate signs rather late. Before that, the long-haired Siberian cat had been forming independently for a long time, almost without interference from the outside.

Written references to Siberian cats begin with descriptions of the 16th century. True, these cats for some reason were then called Bukhara. Modern experts hypothesize that they were brought to Siberia by settlers and merchants in order to fight the ubiquitous mice and rats. Long-haired suggests that Siberian cats, Angora and Persians have the same blood and similar genes.

Under the influence of frosty winters, the density of the undercoat changed: the cover became thicker, which helped to hunt in any weather. Wild forest cats also contributed to the formation of the phenotype, which made Siberian cats good hunters and left a certain imprint on their appearance.

A good hunting instinct makes the Siberian cat an excellent hunter and even a watchman. In some chronicles from monasteries, cats are mentioned, similar in description to the Siberians, who carried out a guard duty on the walls and guarded the monks' supplies from rodent raids.

The identification of breed characteristics began in the 80s of the last century. The first representative of the breed to meet the standard was born in 1987. After that, the Siberian cat rapidly gained international recognition. Along with Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats, Siberian cats are an aboriginal breed.

Description of appearance

The Siberian cat belongs to the category of long-haired large breeds. The weight of an adult can reach 12 kilograms, a cat is half that. The peak of the form falls on the 4-5th year of life. The standard description of the breed assumes the following characteristics:

  • body. The Siberian cat is a muscular animal with a powerful bone and medium body length. The shoulders are set higher than the back, the belly is not sunken, firm, with age it can give the cat "merchant significance." The rib cage and body as a whole are large, developed; limbs of medium length on neat round legs, tufts of wool are knocked out between the pads;
  • head. The skull is wedge-shaped in shape, proportionate to other parts of the body, the head is set on a short, muscular neck. The muzzle is round, short. The ears are medium, proportionally spaced, rounded at the ends. Preferably the presence of brushes on the ears and brushes inside the shells;
  • eyes. Rounded, large, set wide apart and slightly elongated towards the ears. They can be of any color, from olive to golden yellow, and do not depend on the color of the cat. The representatives of the Siberian color-points - the Neva Masquerade cat - have blue eyes. In general, the appearance of blue eyes in Siberian cats most often indicates the manifestation of genetic deafness;
  • wool almost does not absorb moisture. It is long, with a double undercoat, very dense and dense. In the "pants" zone, the cat may develop spontaneous curls, but they are not a defining characteristic of the breed. A prerequisite should be the presence of protruding tufts of hair between the toes.


Felinological associations recognize all color variants of Siberian cats in the breed standards. An exception is made for unacceptable color characteristics such as cinnamon, smoky, chocolate, purple, and silver.

The absence of contrasting spots and the following coat colors are considered acceptable:

  • golden;
  • striped;
  • white;
  • red;
  • cream;
  • tortoiseshell;
  • black brindle or black spotted;
  • chinchilla;
  • marble;
  • redheads.

Recently, a new variety of the breed is gaining popularity - the Siberian color-point, or Nevskaya Masquerade. Foreign breeders are especially fond of the Siberian blue cat due to its smooth and rich coat color, as well as coal-black and fiery-red Siberians with beautiful emerald eyes.

Features of character and behavior

Independence of character, willfulness and intelligence are the motto of the Siberian cat. Wild ancestors are fully manifested in it, who call the cat for adventure, spring fights and gatherings on the roofs. The Siberian cat is an excellent hunter and will not miss the opportunity to catch prey. When Sibiryak appears in the district, the owners of dovecotes need to be on their guard. In a country house, he will be a guarantee against all kinds of rodents and even more serious pests - ferrets.

The Siberian cat cannot stand familiarity in dealing with its majestic person and does not like to be squeezed like a toy. He rarely uses his voice, preferring to attract attention in other ways. At home, this is more of an outside observer than an active participant. The Siberian cat is strongly attached to the person he chooses as the main one in the family, the rest will be calmly tolerated, as well as competitors in the form of other pets. In general, the breed is non-aggressive, with a balanced and calm character, however, it will not give itself offense.

Kittens love to play and can jump high; Siberian cats have incredible jumping ability even in adulthood.

If you are allergic to cats, feel free to get a Siberian cat - its coat is literally hypoallergenic.

The fact is that usually an allergic reaction does not develop to the coat itself, but to special antigens that are contained in the saliva of cats and, after drying, enter the air, causing an allergic reaction.

So, the Siberians have very few of these antigens, so they were included in the list of hypoallergenic cats. According to the owners, they do not cause a characteristic reaction in 75% of people prone to the disease.


The Siberian cat is distinguished by truly good health. Long-term formation of the breed in harsh conditions and natural selection have led to the fact that the breed has no genetic diseases and excellent immunity. They are hardy, with a properly formed diet and timely vaccination, they can live a long and happy life.

  • long hair and thick undercoat do not require frequent water treatments, and Siberian cats are reluctant to endure bathing. They tolerate combing out with a frequent brush much better. This is a necessary procedure, since, returning from the street, the cat can bring not only dirt and burs, but also ticks. Therefore, an animal walking on the street is regularly combed out and examined, especially its head. If the need to bathe nevertheless arose, use a special shampoo, rinse the thick coat well and dry it so that your pet does not catch a cold;
  • siberian cats are a completely non-flat breed. But if you have already got a kitten, be sure to organize a play corner and a place where he will sharpen his claws. An adult animal needs walks, this is an absolute must;
  • be sure to monitor the condition of your eyes and ears. They are gently wiped with cotton sponges dipped in a special composition or in oil. The eyes are also rubbed with cotton swabs;
  • claws of adult cats are not cut off, as they willingly use scratching posts.

All hygienic manipulations and grooming procedures need to be taught to small kittens, adult cats are reluctant to go on various unusual adventures like bathing.

Breeding features

Siberian cats become sexually mature very early, starting from about six months of age. The female usually brings 3 to 6 kittens and continues to feed them for up to 2 months. Siberian cats are very caring and serious parents; the male can partially take care of the offspring. According to the owners, it is better when kittens are raised by both parents, since Siberian cats often form permanent pairs.


The diet of Siberian cats is made in such a way as to feed the animal mainly with meat food (from 70% in the diet), the rest is vegetables and cereals.

From meat products, preference is given to chopped raw low-fat beef with a high vein content, as well as boiled chicken or rabbit. Variety can be made by adding raw turkey and boiled offal to the diet, which should not be given more than once a week.

It is not recommended to feed excessively fatty dairy foods to adult cats. From raw fish, Siberian cats can get upset. Boiled boneless fish is acceptable as an infrequent supplement to the diet. A real hunter, she will not be able to refuse such an addition herself, so you should not offer it more often than once a week.

If you choose to feed your cat dry or canned food, choose a well-balanced, expensive food. However, even this does not guarantee a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, especially during the molting period. Therefore, you need to provide your cat with balanced supplements at least a couple of times a year.

Animals of extraordinary beauty with long hair and green eyes seem to have come to us from Russian folk tales and epics. They carefully guard the family hearth, sitting on the threshold of our houses. And they will certainly become a talisman from dark dreams, bad thoughts and from ... mice.