Children's pot for a boy which one to choose. Pot for boys: selection criteria and methods of use. Toilet seat

Hello dear readers! Your baby is growing rapidly, but is still doing "wet things" either in a diaper or in a carpet? How old is he? Perhaps it's time to introduce the child to the pot. And a lot depends on first impressions.

How to choose a pot for a boy and a girl, so that it is comfortable on it? Sometimes it is not easy to please the little tomboy. But probably! You just need to know a few rules!

Tell me, did you have time to run into wet "pee-pee" on your favorite carpet? For sure, yes! After all, the moment of the first steps, respectively, of the first puddles, does not coincide with an organized trip to the toilet. The toddler is still too young to master this difficult task. So why do moms and dads strive to stock up on a pot as soon as the little one starts to sit down? The answer is simple, to get used to it. Only most children have other plans in this regard.

It's all about the peculiarities of development. Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is necessary to acquaint a child with a subject no earlier than 1.5 years. It is during this period that the formation of consciousness takes place. Until now, the child's discharge is uncontrollable. Yes, there are individuals who write according to the rules and up to a year. But not because they wanted to, but because they were put there. That is, if you sat down, then you need to get things done. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy the first pot before 12 months. Although not forbidden. Then hide the purchase, and when the right moment comes, get it out and introduce the child.

But what should this object be? What to strive for when choosing?

Selection options

Our first pot appeared at 3 months. But we didn’t buy it ourselves, they gave it to us. I did not even think about such attributes during this period! Then, by the age of 12 months, 2 more similar accessories appeared. What for? It seemed that the daughter did not like the proposed option. We tried to please.

What did we pay attention to when buying? Of course, for convenience. The very first model was without protrusions, as it should be for girls. But a narrow seat. They took it wide. Then the parents gave the throne on legs, with a wide back. As a result, she herself chose the one where the seat is wider, and she still walks there. What else should you pay attention to so that the baby is not only comfortable, but also safe?

  • Material.
  • Age.
  • Anatomy.
  • Hygiene.
  • Stability.
  • Colour.

I'll tell you a little about each principle.


What baby pots are not made of! Even wood is used. Manufacturers assure that wooden modifications are safe and environmentally friendly. If you buy and just look at this item, then I will agree. And if the tree is constantly wetted, it will develop an excellent environment for microorganisms. After all, it is hardly possible to wash a wooden surface well from waste products. There will be pores and cracks where pi-pi and ka-ka will remain. Therefore, the most demanded is plastic. There are adults who choose metal as well. Yes, it is more natural, but very cold for a tender childish priests. Sitting on this is not very pleasant.


The pots indicate the age from which the model can be used. This is not an item that is bought for a child to grow. But kids come in different sizes, there are no standards. What works for one will not work for another. I know a girl at 3 years old who weighed 20 kg and a boy at the same age 12 kg. The time will come when their weight will stabilize. In the meantime, the main criterion when buying is so that the baby's bottom does not fall through when sitting. He will be scared and will not sit down anymore.


The seat should adjust to the child's bottom. A backrest is required. Do you remember the metal round containers that most of us grew up on? How was anatomy observed there? Now is another century. There are no standard models, you can choose what is convenient for your baby. Where he will sit with pleasure.


There are models with self-destruction of microbes. I washed it with some water and that's it. But in most cases, you need to disinfect yourself. Therefore, see that it is convenient to pour out the contents. The presence of small roughness and grooves, what is called a marriage, is unacceptable. And the crumb can get hurt, and the microbes there will take root in full force!

Stability and strength

The object of the toilet must be stable so that the baby does not turn the contents over when getting up. And durable enough. There are special modifications with a foot stand. When the little one gets up, he will not throw anything. We, as I said, have a throne, or rather, a chair. The very container for pee and pook is inserted there. There are armrests. This one is also unlikely to turn over.


Did you know that boys and girls need different designs? As for the principles described above, there are no differences. But in form they are radically different. Pay attention, there is with grooves, and there is without. And these protrusions do not serve to prevent the jet from getting past the accessory. This is an anatomical difference.

The perfect floor will come in handy round without a protruding front part. The princess's legs should be closed when sitting. Boys need an oval shape with a protrusion, the legs are there in an extended position. This is necessary so that the penis is not pinched when writing, but is directed downward. This is the main gender difference.


Here you can focus on the preferences of the toddler. Gender doesn't matter. My daughter also has a purple one, which she likes more than others. Despite the 2 others, beautiful and pink. In general, it is not recommended to take light colors, because stubborn stains are sometimes difficult to remove from them. Even in spite of diligent washing.

Is it clear by the selection parameters? Now let's decide on the types. And today there are a lot of them!


Have you tried to teach your child to write and poop on the potty? How is it going? Did it work right away? I do not have. They explained for a long time, they planted the dolls. Only closer to 2 years, the situation changed, and from the first time. The move played a role. On the very first day, I explained to my daughter that everything is different now, there are new carpets. It will be a pity to spoil them. And I put several attributes to choose from. And, lo and behold! It worked! How long have we been waiting for this. Of course, there have been mistakes. Do not expect from the little one that now he will only go to the "night vase". There will be oversights for some time. But not the same as before.

And before that, we tried to offer several types. All were simple, without bells and whistles and toys. But, apparently, the period was simply not suitable. And for some, this technique works. I agree, the kid should like the urinal. What can you suggest?

  1. The usual classic. Without armrests, additional functions and other things. Tell me, are you planning to take your kid to kindergarten? After all, there are just such models, and in some they immediately put them on the toilet. I will talk about this later too. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately plant the crumb on such a structure. Going to the garden will be stressful for a larger mass of children. New people, no mom. And then there's the incomprehensible pots! In this situation, the kids may generally refuse to do things where they need to. The recorded pants will start again.
  2. Chairs. It's like we have. A good back, armrests, stands on legs, is quite stable. In principle, nothing superfluous either, but the kids should like it. I consider the container, which is removed, to be a plus. It is lightweight and easy to clean.
  3. Musical and with toys. Desperate parents don't go to any lengths to teach their child to the "night vase"! And manufacturers are actively using this. Squeaky models can be found in every store. When the child pees or poops, a sound is emitted. But how will the little one react when he hears the same melody outside the house? You guessed correctly - will do "pee-pee". In addition, the baby must understand that such devices are not at all for play and entertainment, but for other important matters.
  4. Travel pot. A wonderful invention when the kid does not want to walk under the bush for a walk. You unfold the structure, put on a disposable bag and plant the baby. There are folding or rubber ones. What do you like best?
  5. Transformers. A good option for several years to come. At first, this is a pot, and when the crumb grows up, the upper part is removed and serves as a toilet seat. And the lower one will turn into a highchair-stand.

This list is missing one more, sixth option: a toilet seat. This is more for growth, but, I know mothers who are trying to teach a child to go there from the beginning.

Toilet seats

Why can't you just bypass the pots? The answer to the question is simple: a child simply won't get in there. Therefore, he will still have to help even if he has a good seat. Now even ready-made toilets are sold with a built-in small seat. If yours does not have one, then the pad can be purchased separately at any children's or hardware store. They are:

  • Plastic.
  • Soft.
  • Foldable (when you go to visit).

To simplify the task for the mother, chairs or ladders are purchased for such an overlay, along which the child will climb and sit down on his own. But you still need to keep the process under control. Experts recommend such options from 4 years.

Although, if you take those kids who were immediately taught to go to an adult toilet, they learn faster. Why? It's just that kids love to watch and be like adults. That's the whole secret!

Tell us what you liked of the proposed models? What are you guided by when choosing? Have you met other modifications? I really look forward to your comments! Share your experience and become a blog subscriber. Bye. Until next time!

Hello dear readers. Your baby is growing up and the moment comes when you need to get a potty. Some parents start as soon as they learn to sit. However, it is generally accepted that the age is older than a year, because the actions of the child must be deliberate. In this article we will talk about which particular pot is best to choose for your child, we will find out what features must be taken into account when making this choice.


Today, many types of pots are known, therefore, when going for this device, first of all, you need to decide which pot will suit your child best.

  1. The usual classic type. This is the kind of pot that comes from our childhood. There are no special devices or musical accompaniment in it. The main goal is for the baby to sit down and do his job.

It is important to understand that in most kindergartens, these are ordinary pots, and therefore it would be nice for your baby to initially get used to just such a device, so then it will be easier for him to adapt in kindergarten.

  1. The pot is in the shape of a chair. A very convenient device, as the baby can lean on the back. In addition, the reservoir is usually removable in it, so it is easier to take out and wash it. There are also armrests here, the pot is covered with a lid.

We had just such a pot. It was more comfortable for the child to sit. I compare it to my little sister's pot (they have a 5-year-old difference with my son). She didn't have a back. The son always covered it after the finished process. And when he got older, he took out the tank himself after peeing.

This is exactly what happened to my friend's son. Buying a potty in the shape of a typewriter, she thought that she would instill the child's love to go to the potty. Instead, the kid just played with his device, and constantly, and did not even think to sit on it. And when my mother tried to fit him, she strongly resisted and was nervous. My friend had to leave this venture and buy a pot in the form of a chair.

  1. A pot with a special skirt. Such a device has a special footrest on the bottom of the front part. Thanks to this detail, when the baby rises, he cannot accidentally throw the pot, because it remains fixed.
  2. Pot-transformer. This device can initially serve as a pot, so over time it will be modified into a toilet seat and a stool as a stand.
  3. Collapsible pot. The greatest value is that it is convenient to use it when traveling or walking. It has a hard part (base) that folds easily, takes up little space, and a soft disposable liner.
  4. Inflatable pot. Recently, such a model has appeared. On the one hand, it is quite convenient, as it takes up little space and can even fit in a purse. If necessary, it can be easily inflated in just a minute. However, the problem lies in the fact that it is not always possible to immediately wash it after use and release it from the contents.

Criterias of choice

Today there is such a wide variety of these devices that allows you to choose the most ideal option for your child. When it's time to buy a pot, you need to think about what to look for when choosing this product:

  1. Age restrictions. As a rule, the age from which it can be used is marked on the pot. These are average recognized indicators, but after all, children are individual and a child of a certain age may have a build and weight that will not meet the manufacturer's assumptions. Therefore, this issue must be approached with special care, it is desirable that the child can personally try on this device. It is important that the toddler is comfortable to be located, so that he does not fall through and is calmly placed.
  2. Form and construction. A pot with a back will be very convenient, because this way the baby will be able to lean on his elbows, and not sit in tension. In addition, there are pots with a lid that can be used to cover the contents if there is no way to get rid of them right away. There are pots with a skirt, thanks to which this device is more stable, and the baby does not throw all the contents when lifting from it. There are also pots with a comfortable handle, which makes it easier to move the fixture from one place to another.
  3. Material. It is very important to pay attention to what the pot is made of. Today you can find plastic, metal and wood products. Of course, each parent can independently choose the material that they like best, but it must be borne in mind that when sitting on a metal pot, the child can be elementary cold, and when using wooden pots (no matter how environmentally friendly they seem), due to constant wetting, this device may start to rot or become a breeding ground for pathogenic flora. Therefore, most parents still prefer plastic products.

When we thought about choosing a pot for our child, the question of the material was not even raised, since we were 100% sure that it would be a plastic pot.

  1. Stability. When choosing a pot, you must definitely pay attention to how strong the materials from which this device is made are, and take into account the type of construction in terms of stability. After all, if your baby rises from the pot and at the same time all the contents turn over, this will not only upset you, but may also scare the child. Therefore, pay attention to the fact that there are stable legs if we are talking about pots in the form of a chair. There are also pots with a stand, the so-called skirt. They also allow you to fix the device, thereby preventing sudden coups.
  2. Hygiene. When choosing a pot, consider how you can handle it. There are some models that have a built-in function of destroying pathological microorganisms. However, in case you still have to carry out the disinfection procedure yourself, when choosing a pot, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no cracks, roughness in the tank, that is, places where the remains of the child's secretions can linger, and therefore will begin some pathogenic process is formed, microbes can develop in full swing.
  3. Gender. Great importance should be given to whether you have a boy or a girl, because due to the anatomical features of children of different sexes, the pots differ visually.

If you are wondering how to choose a pot for a boy, the answer is: you need a device with an elongated shape, this is necessary so that there is a place for a pussy. It is important that when the child is peeing, the spray does not scatter all over the room.

If you have a question about how to choose a pot for a girl, the answer is simple: give preference to products without a protrusion, that is, of a round shape, thanks to this they will be able to sit with their legs brought together.

When you choose pots, both for boys and girls, you should not first evaluate their color, give preference to models in the form of toys. Such an adaptation will only distract the child from the necessary business; it is better to make sure that this device is stable and comfortable for the child.

  1. When choosing a pot, pay attention to its functionality, not a distraction in the form of musical accompaniment or a special shape (such as a toy). According to experts, such additional functions only distract the child. The kid can not only be confused for what purpose he is there, but also make him spend more time sitting on the potty, which can cause side effects for the health of the little one.
  2. You need to choose a pot with a lid if you need to not immediately get rid of the contents, for example, while traveling on a train, when the toilet is often busy or closed.
  3. Remember that plastic products are much more convenient and easier to disinfect. They are not as cold as iron ones.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the plastic material is of high quality and does not contain any defects in the form of cracks or roughness.
  5. Pay attention to the fact that the opening of the pot is wide, the child should be comfortable to sit on it.
  6. It is very important to choose a pot that will be well fixed at the moment when the child sits on it and when he rises, so as not to turn the entire contents over.
  7. If you have chosen a pot that is made up of parts or has an irregular shape, make sure that it can be easily disassembled and can be fully maintained.
  8. A big plus will be the presence of a special handle, as it will facilitate moving the pot around the apartment.
  9. You can choose pots with a rubberized base. This will add more stability to this fixture. This pot will not slide on the floor.
  10. For greater safety of the child, you can purchase pots with antimicrobial action. Such a device will not allow the development of pathogenic microflora at the bottom of the reservoir.
  11. It is important that the pot is of a suitable size, because the child can easily fall into it, which, among other things, can greatly scare the baby.
  12. Choose models that are not too heavy, but at the same time, not very light. The former make them difficult to use, in particular when moving and taking out the contents, and the latter - the child can easily turn over.
  13. When choosing a pot, you don't need to get too hung up on the color of the product. However, experts recommend giving preference to light and delicate tones. Better yet, white peas. Indeed, if something happens, mom will be able to notice in time that something is wrong in the body of the crumbs.

It is possible that you will have to try several pots before you find one that is perfect for your child and will like him. Some children do not want to go to the potty due to the fact that this device causes some distrust in the baby. Do not be upset if your little one does not get used to going to the potty the first time, this process can be very lengthy and you have to be very patient. I wish you good luck in choosing a pot and strength in the process of adapting your child to this product!

Most moms start thinking about potty training early enough. Often the pot appears in the house when the baby is barely six months old, and he is mastering the "sitting" position. In fact, the age when the baby can comprehend all the wisdom of going to the potty is 1.5 - 3 years. It is at this age that the nervous system matures so much that the child becomes able to control the excretory processes and understands that it is inconvenient to do his "toilet" business in his pants. The pot itself plays a significant role in training. The baby should be comfortable, comfortable and safe on it, nothing should distract the baby from the main task. Taking this into account, parents need to know how and which one is best to choose a pot for the baby, so that it helps and does not hinder the training.

Types of pots

Depending on the shape, the presence or absence of various additional functions, the pots are of different types.

  1. Classic pot. This is the most ordinary round-shaped pot, like those that were in Soviet times.
  2. Anatomical pot. Such a pot has the shape of a saddle, a back in the back and a ledge in the front. The child sits on a pot of this type with divorced legs.
  3. A pot with a "skirt". This pot has a comfortable step in front. Convenience lies in the fact that sitting down or getting up, the kid cannot overturn the pot, since his legs stand on the "skirt" and fix the position of the pot.
  4. Potty chair. This pot resembles a real highchair with a back and legs. However, instead of sitting in this chair, there is a fence that can be easily pulled out to pour out the contents.
  5. The pot is a toy. A pot in the shape of an animal, a toy car or any other toy.
  6. Musical pot. Such a pot is equipped with special sensors that react to the ingress of liquid: the baby pisses - the melody turns on.
  7. Collapsible pot. It is a trekking option for travel and guests. The pot has a hard plastic seat and a soft foldable liner that is thrown away after filling.

Photo of pots:

Classic pot

Anatomical pot

Pot toy

Potty chair

Pot with a skirt

Music pot

Collapsible (Camping) Pot

Almost all modern pots are made of plastic, but you can also find an enamel pot if you wish. Some pots have a lid.

Pots for boy and girl

The physiological characteristics of boys and girls impose some requirements on the shape of the pot, although they are not at all rigid.

  • It is believed that a round pot is better suited for girls, since you can sit on it with the legs drawn together.
  • A boy's pot should ideally have a ledge in the front. The kid sits on such a pot as in a saddle, and the protrusion protects the surrounding space from splashes.

Choosing a pot correctly

The variety of pots on store shelves confuses all parents. Tips and tricks for choosing this important accessory will help you understand which models deserve attention and which are only good on display.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  1. When choosing a pot, you need to keep in mind its main purpose and not be distracted by additional functions. So, experts call a musical pot or a pot in the form of a toy rather harmful. Music, luminous elements, muzzles make the child associate the pot with a toy and "take away" from understanding what this object is for. In addition, playing on the potty forces the baby to sit there longer than necessary, and this is dangerous and not good for the muscles of the perineum.
  2. The presence of a lid is, of course, a plus, but you can only appreciate it if you do not immediately empty and wash the pot. If there are no such plans, you can close your eyes for the presence or absence of a cover.
  3. The opening of the pot should be wide enough so that the sides do not dig into the legs and bottom.
  4. It is very important that the pot is stable. In this sense, models with footrests or, as an option, with rubber anti-slip protection are good.
  5. Plastic pots are definitely more practical and convenient than enameled ones. Plastic can also be disinfected, while the pot itself is much lighter. Kids don't like enamel pots because of the cold sitting, with a plastic pot there is no such problem.
  6. The plastic itself from which the pot is made must be of high quality, hard and smooth. Burrs or cracks are unacceptable, such a pot is already unsafe for the baby.
  7. It is good if the pot has a comfortable handle. Almost all toddlers love to pour the contents of the pot into the toilet themselves, so the handle should be comfortable mainly for the child, so that he does not tip the pot over himself when trying to lift it.
  8. If the pot consists of several parts or has a complex shape, make sure that it is easy to disassemble and that all its parts are accessible for washing. Otherwise, inaccessible areas will become a breeding ground for germs.

An alternative to the potty is a padded toilet seat. It so happens that the kid stubbornly ignores the pot, and starts going to the toilet without any problems. In this case, parents should take care of finding a fit so that the baby can sit on the toilet himself.

Sometimes parents, in order to quickly teach their child to potty, strive to put pots in every room. In fact, learning problems are not related to pot availability, but rather a matter of urinary and defecation control skills. The pots in every room, on the contrary, mislead the child. It will be better if the pot is in the nursery or in the toilet. The kid must understand that for "these cases" if there is one specially designated place.

Even if you follow all the recommendations voiced, you are choosing a pot for a particular child, which means that his opinion also means something. It is better to take your baby with you and invite him to sit on different models of pots. In the process of such testing, you will immediately see all the disadvantages and advantages and will be able to make the right choice in accordance with your requests and the desires of the baby itself.

If your child is afraid of going to the potty check out our article -.

Video on the topic of choosing pots

Usually potty trained from a year. However, this is not a dogma, there are children who, even at 2-2.5 years old, categorically do not want to use the potty. You just need to wait for the child's readiness in this matter. Someone after a year old already ask for a potty, but there are also children who, at 2-2.5 years old, categorically refuse to go to a potty. And this is also the norm.

What is the pot made of (which material is better for the pot).

Most pots are now made of plastic (metal pots with a rattling lid are in the past). This material washes well. It is better to take high-quality (more expensive) pots, since they have better material.

Forms (types) of pots. According to the method of placing the child on the potty there are:

  • classic pot - a pot on which the baby sits like on a chair;
  • a saddle-shaped pot (the baby's legs are separated by a ledge).

How to choose a baby potty

The classic pot is the simplest. It's easy for a kid to sit down and get up from it, usually the hole in such a pot is round. Highchairs with a cutout are designed for these pots. The chair can come with a cover. It is worth noting that the boy will not be very comfortable going to the toilet in a small way while sitting.

The pluses of a saddle pot include an anatomical curve in the shape of a saddle. It has a ledge, a choice of a nursery pot in the front and in the back, so the baby is very comfortable to sit, especially the boy. But standing up for a boy to go to the toilet in a small way will be a little more difficult. It is likely that some liquid will spill onto the sides while standing.

A pot in the form of toys is not welcomed by pediatricians, since the child is interested in being on the pot more than necessary, which is wrong and not useful.

Battery-powered musical pot - when moisture gets to the bottom of the pot, it emits a sound (melody), which notifies the parents that the baby has done "a big or small thing."

The travel pot consists of a collapsible plastic frame to which a plastic bag is attached (special bags sold separately). When assembled, such a pot is flat, it is convenient to transport it.

The toilet seat can be used in place of a pot if your toddler reaches the floor with his feet. If you want to use it earlier, then use a step-stand. There are many options for child seats on the toilet, choose what you like, since in fact it is not so important. So, the options for child seats: round, anatomical (protrusion in the front and support for the back in the back (like anatomical pots), combined with an adult (one mount), portable, folding, etc.

What is important to remember when choosing a pot (how to choose the right pot):

  • Pay attention to the stability of the pot.
  • Think about how easy it will be to carry the pot out (whether the handle is comfortable).
  • Choose a pot with a lid if you can't take it out right away.

Stop choosing a simple and convenient model for a child, remember that a potty is not a toy, it is, first of all, a pot!

Important points to remember when using a pot:

  • Keep the pot clean.
  • Avoid cracks, burrs, as this can injure the delicate skin of the child.

Pot for the boy. Pot for girls

It will be convenient for the girl to use a round-shaped pot, without protrusions in front. It is comfortable for a girl to sit on such a pot with her legs folded together.

It is better to choose an oval-shaped pot for a boy with a ledge in front and a back in the back. This will allow the baby to sit correctly and spread the legs to direct the penis downward and allow urine to flow into the pot and not onto the floor. At first, parents will have to help the baby a lot to climb such a pot.

After the baby has mastered the pot and learns to eat with a spoon, he can be taken to the kindergarten. If, of course, there is a need for it. But even if your baby has not yet asked for a potty, but you need to go to the garden, do not worry. Most kindergartens are okay with children in diapers, and in the kindergarten, your baby is more likely to learn to go to the potty, looking at his peers.

One of the main criteria for a child's growing up is his potty training, because it not only testifies to a fairly developed consciousness, but also makes it much easier for parents to put things in order in the house. Of course, the child will quickly get used to the product that is convenient for him and does not cause any discomfort, so at least the first copy should be carefully selected. Choosing the right baby potty for a girl is a great foundation for a growing lady's manners. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

When should you start?

In the modern world, there is a rapid acceleration in the development of children, which many parents are happy to play along with. Some people start putting babies in a potty before a year with the logic that the earlier you start, the sooner a habit will form, and the apartment will become clean. Specialists in this situation usually just shake their heads.

Let's just say that it is not forbidden to experiment at any age - there will definitely be no harm from this. Moreover, it is possible that the baby, sitting on a comfortable pot, at the same time will do his "business", but you shouldn't see it as his own wish. By the age of one year, most children, if they do not walk confidently, are already ready to experiment with walking, but they still cannot control their needs, so at the initial stage they will have to get used to the puddles, because even diapers rarely provide one hundred percent effect.

Middle age, when a child begins not only to satisfy needs as they arise, but to endure until a certain moment, experts believe one and half year. For some, this period comes even a little earlier, the parents of others will have to be patient. In any case, the pot can be bought in advance, just do not be angry with the girl if at an earlier stage she does not want to demonstrate the expected result.


Before deciding on a specific model, it is worth taking a closer look at the existing assortment. Today, there are quite a few varieties of such children's accessories, and each of them may have its own advantages.

  • Classic pots are usually round, they are distinguished by minimalism in the amount of detail and shape. Most often, girls, at least as the first copy, are recommended to buy just such a product.

  • Anatomical the pots are equipped with a backrest in the back and a ledge in front, they monitor not only the convenience of coping with needs, but also the correct posture in the process. They often have a ledge in front, thanks to which children sit on it with their legs apart - this moment often scares off the parents of girls, but is assessed as a plus by the parents of boys.

  • Skirt models suggest the presence of a flat footboard around the pot, on which the baby stands instead of the floor. Such a wide base of the structure does not allow the child to overturn the product, which will once again contribute to order in the apartment.

  • Potty chair it's called for a reason - it really looks like an ordinary piece of children's furniture with legs and a back, only in the seat it has a hole, under which there is a removable intake. Thus, the girl will learn to sit on the potty and on the chair.

  • The pot can also perform cleanly entertainment function- if it is made in the form of an animal or a car (however, this is closer for boys). The main thing when using such a model is to explain to the child in time that the pot is only his personal version of the product.

  • Musical models demonstrate the possibilities of using modern technologies as a training mechanism using schemes similar to those that are relevant in the process of training animals. For the correct action, the child needs praise, but with such a know-how for this, a person does not have to be present - the pot itself turns on music that is pleasant for the child when he correctly understands its purpose.

Of course, such a product costs much more, and is often criticized by experts - they say, not all children then want to abandon such an accessory in favor of an ordinary toilet bowl, which does not want to give solemnity to everyday needs.

  • All of the above models are purely home solutions, however. in recent decades, with the increase in the number of private cars, the variety of hiking pots. The principles of such a design can be completely different, but it is almost always distinguished by either improved tightness or significantly reduced dimensions and light weight.

  • In the category of pots, special ones are often recorded. baby toilet seat covers, which allow a child with its small dimensions to use a wide adult cover. However, such a model will definitely not work as the first pot, and, in general, such a solution is not so often in demand.

Selection logic

Obviously, among two pots, even those chosen from the same category, one is likely to be significantly more comfortable than the other. Experts' reviews indicate that in some cases, the reason for the delay in conscious urination is not age, but an unsuccessful plumbing product, therefore parents should take a responsible approach to its choice. To do this, you should pay attention to popular tips that help you quickly achieve the desired result.

  • Many parents, deceived by thoughtful marketing, are willing to pay large sums to buy their child the best model, which is often served as a musical pot or a toy pot. On the one hand, such a product will really attract the girl's attention and make her study, on the other hand, in general, it is not a fact that the baby will correctly understand its purpose. The abundance of available functions makes the main one unobvious, and the child may never find the necessary association, and in the future, as already mentioned, will not appreciate the more "boring" type of plumbing.

In addition, a child is inclined to spend quite a lot of time on an overly interesting potty, but he should not sit for a long time - this is harmful to the muscles of the pelvis and perineum.

  • Often for parents the defining moment is the lid on the pot, however, in most cases its presence is not so important. A small child is far from always able to open it, and for him such a challenge will become an additional reason not to use the product. If parents also regularly wash the pot, cleaning it after each use, then the presence of a lid is not at all justified.
  • When choosing plumbing for children, it is worth looking at it at least from the point of view of whether it is convenient to sit on it at all. The hole should be medium-sized - the girl shouldn't fall into it, but she shouldn't be aiming too much. As practice shows, too small an "entrance" usually provokes the fact that the sides bite into the baby's body and cause him pain.
  • One of the fundamental goals of any nursery pot is to help maintain hygiene throughout the apartment, therefore it is extremely important to choose a sustainable model. Such plumbing is usually made as light as possible, and a child, albeit not on purpose, can easily overturn the product, and then the benefit from it will be only relative - the puddles are still there. In this sense, models with a "skirt" are very popular, because the wide base simply will not allow the structure to roll over.

  • Another pretty good solution is the rubber bottom of the model - it does not prevent overturning, but at least it does not slide on the floor, reducing the likelihood of splashing.
  • Previously, the pots were exclusively enameled (if you do not go into history, when they were made mainly of ceramics), however, today they are worthy of competition from plastic products. As is often the case, the variety of options is due to the fact that none of them is ideal, with its own advantages and disadvantages. An enamelled product, of course, is much stronger - its metal base will not allow it to be deformed or pierced with weak children's hands, but only such a structure weighs quite a lot, and its surface always remains cold, which is why it is simply unpleasant to sit on such a pot.

In this context, children much more like plastic pots that can keep warm, and even mothers such lightweight models are much easier to endure; only most plastic models can be broken with one strong blow.

  • If the choice fell on a model made of plastic, the material is subject to more careful study. Not all types of plastics are completely safe, and although, at first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between dangerous and non-hazardous, smell can help in this - a really good material simply does not have it, since it does not emit any fumes at all. It is also necessary to evaluate plastic in terms of strength, because in general this material can be used in very serious industries, or it can crack from strong pressure.

Finally, you need to study the quality of the product itself, because the surface of the plastic is not always smooth, and any cracks or burrs pose a risk of injury to the child.

  • The pot has a handle almost always, but it is quite important that it is comfortable. This is practical not only for the mother, but also for the child himself, at least if this is not his first product and it is already quite large. The fact is that many children are ready to pour the contents of the tank into the toilet on their own, but at this moment it is important to ensure reliable control of the position of the product so that it does not splash out its insides onto the baby.
  • A good pot can easily become a potential breeding ground for germs, so it is important to choose a model that has no hard-to-clean areas. This requirement is especially important in the case of collapsible models, in which the gaps between the contacting parts often require a certain skill for cleaning.

If you ignore this moment, you should not be surprised that the pot does not lose an unpleasant odor even after cleaning, and the child has contracted some incomprehensible disease.