Severe cough in a child of 9 months. Treatment of cough in a child in the first year of life

When a baby begins to cough, you need not delay, immediately call a therapist. Please note that everything happens rapidly in the body of a small child. With a slight inflammation, a condition dangerous for the baby can arise. Before starting treatment, you need to know what caused the cough in the baby.

Causes of cough in infants

1. Due to acute respiratory viral infection.

2. Due to an allergic reaction.

3. If the laryngeal region is inflamed.

4. When a foreign body got into the respiratory tract, the child choked on liquid, milk.

5. Due to bronchospasm.

Compliance with an infant's regimen for coughing

It is important that the child, in case of illness, does not overwork himself, play calmly, and move in moderation. Please note that it is forbidden to play, he cannot spin when he moves, the bronchi will be able to clear the mucus that has accumulated in them faster and the child will be able to recover immediately.

It is important when coughing in infants to perform a small massage of all vital points, easily massage the chest and feet. Pat gently, tap, so the phlegm will go away faster, if there is no allergy, you can use a herbal balm.

The child should eat his breast as much as possible, give older children warm milk, fruit puree, jelly. The more the child drinks, the faster a large amount of toxic substances will be released from the body, the sputum will be liquefied and excreted.

Methods for treating dry cough in an infant

In some situations, it is necessary to take mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Plants such as elecampane, coltsfoot, juice made from black radish, plantain help well, it is recommended to add honey to it, and you can also treat a cough in babies with the help of anise seeds. Medicines based on ivy are valued, leaves are used for cooking, treatment with Gedelix and Prospan is especially effective.

If the child has a hard time sputum, the therapist prescribes special medications, with the help of which it is easier to remove sputum, so the cough is moistened and the child becomes much better.

The baby can be prescribed such mucolytic drugs as Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. For the first months of life, a child can be prescribed treatment with Ambrohexal, with the help of it you can quickly remove phlegm, strengthen the immune system.

You can cure a child's cough with inhalation. She will need baking soda, alkaline mineral water "Borjomi", potato broth. Hold your baby over the steam.

Traditional methods of treating cough in an infant

When a child has a high temperature, it is forbidden to carry out warming procedures - to use mustard plasters, compresses. Onion with honey helps well, for this it is pre-chopped, honey is added, everything is infused for an hour. The juice needs to be drained, the child needs to be given a coffee spoon.

Herbs for coughs for a nursing child

After two months, it is recommended to use a decoction based on plantain, coltsfoot. If the child is already 4 months old, he can be given a decoction, which includes plantain, coltsfoot. To prepare it, you need to take 250 ml of boiling water, brew the herb in it, use it before meals. This is the best expectorant drug, please note that often the child may vomit, so it is worth monitoring the dosage.

Marshmallow root, elecampane, licorice have a positive effect on the respiratory organs. The plants are mixed, then you need to pour boiling water, half a liter is enough, leave for 10 hours. The child should use it three times a day.

Cough compress for babies

If the child is not allergic, you can use a compress with honey, for this you need to prepare a cake with honey, flaxseed oil, a small amount of flour. Make a tight cake, it should not spread, then attach it to the baby's chest area. From 6 months old, you can add a small amount of mustard to the cake.

Potato compresses warm up the breast well, using goat fat or badger fat, you need to put cheesecloth on top.

It is important to follow the rules when making compresses:

1. You must first take the fabric, fold it.

2. Medicinal product.

3. Place the diaper on top.

4. Polyethylene.

5. Gauze, if not, you can use a diaper.

6. The compress can only be placed on the chest area, it is not recommended on the back, so that pneumonia does not appear.

If you are using goat fat, you should rub it not only on the chest area, but also on the feet. So the phlegm will go away faster. When a child has a dry cough, ventilate the room frequently to humidify the air.

Inhalation for an infant

You can prepare a passive inhalation for a child of two months, you need to heat the bath with boiling water, the room should be all in steam. This type of inhalation lasts 10 minutes. If your child is not allergic, you can add eucalyptus oil.

Rules for the treatment of cough in an infant

1. You can not prohibit the movement of a nursing child, so the phlegm will begin to stagnate.

2. Do not use alternative methods on your own, it is better to consult with your doctor in order to avoid serious consequences.

3. Bathe your child in a warm bath with the addition of chamomile, sage, thyme.

Thus, a cough in an infant should never be triggered; it is imperative to treat it on time, because there can be serious complications. It is not always necessary for a small child to be given antibiotics and a lot of other medications right away. First you need to find out why the child has a cough, how it proceeds, what type of cough the child has - dry, wet. Then you can make a decision about treatment. Be sure to immediately contact the attending doctor, he must listen to the child, you may need to pass some tests to clarify the diagnosis. Also be aware of preventive measures to prevent coughing in an infant.

How to treat a runny nose and cough with phlegm in a child of 9 months



I advise as a pediatrician: nasivin or protargol in the nose, lazolvan for cough. Give paracetamol if the temperature rises. But not seeing a child is difficult to say something. I still recommend calling a doctor at home, the child is too young to let this matter take its course


the pediatrician will answer. depending on which virus. always differently


"Lazolvan" syrup helps with coughs, and Protargol, Nazivin runny nose

Alyona Lyubimova

go to the pediatrician, he will tell you for sure and the sooner the better (pectusin alteika bromine hexine berlinchimin)


smear honey in your nose, medications dry! and rub the breast and back with honey overnight, paper + diaper on top = wrap up a woolen scarf or something warm that would sweat. so at least min. 3 nights!


Well, certainly not with advice from the Answers, it is better to consult with a doctor from which thread of the site of a private clinic, and better go to a pediatrician)))))))))))

Alexey for the doctor+>+Other+childhood+ diseases+>+ Hello. ++ My + child + 1 + year + ... + & ini = & rn = 1

Tatiana Gazzal

Call your doctor, mine is also sick now, we do an alkaline inhalation, then I rinse my nose and drip derinat, lazolvan for coughing

Personal Account Removed

1) If there is no temperature, then first steam in the bathroom, where you drop 20 drops of fir oil (as soon as you drop, stir the bath immediately, otherwise it will burn if the child has hot oil on it). Expectorants cannot be given, otherwise the child will torn after eating (after all, he cannot cough up, and swallows both snot and phlegm). For cough: the most proven (for the smallest child) is to burn a teaspoon of sugar on a fire (comfort) almost to black, dissolve in 1 tbsp. l brandy, shake everything, give the child 1 tablespoon at night. Do not be afraid that he will drink a large dose, it is better to pinch the child's nose in time so that he does not spit it out. There are many tears, but the effect is amazing. And in general, if you give antibiotics, there will be problems with the doctor. And for the future, do baths with fir oil for your child at least 2 times a week, and for yourself. This is a good prevention of all colds, and for women it is a panacea. The effect of rejuvenating the body.


The phlegm in the throat is from a runny nose, roughly speaking it is snot. You spray "Aqua Maurice" 2 times into one nostril 2 into the other. After 5 minutes, you suck it out with a small syringe and bury the cleaned nose with "protargol." When you clean with a syringe, the baby will cry a lot, but still clean it to the end. They all cry from this procedure. It doesn't hurt, it's just very unpleasant. But how to treat the neck, consult your doctor better. They are prescribed depending on how many months.

How to treat a cough in a child of 9 months



no one prescribes treatment in absentia.

Vladimir Bespalov

Radish juice with honey

K @ rubbing

It is impossible to answer such a question without clarification. Is the cough dry or moist? Cause? Maybe an allergy, or sore throat, when a sore throat? Or bronchitis-pneumonia? Or residual effects after recovery? For all these coughs, there is a different treatment, so either write more precisely, or see a doctor

Doctor evil

Go to the pediatrician and ask!

Arsen Korkotadze

At night, daughters made such a cake: 1 tablespoon each = honey, rast. butter-heat a little + dry mustard + vodka + flour (how much it will take), make a cake and for the night on the breast. Only worse clothes because yellow spots remain. Tied with bandages, there was Anka the partisan!

How to treat a cough in a child 2g9m?


Orang hutan

First you need to think about your diet. With the wrong diet, immunity is killed, and it achieves with pills. I think it is necessary to raise the level of nutrition with fruits, fresh juices, honey. And not to feed with what you eat yourself or other baby food. So I did so and the child did not miss a single lesson at school due to illness in a year!

q q

Give up the treatment completely, it does not help, light a candle, buy a coffin and bury


q q, you think you are writing! I chose the wrong case for jokes; the mother is in trouble, the child is sick; do not know what to write - do not write at all, than to drive all nonsense. And I can tell the author that most likely the child has just residual effects after the illness. See another doctor just in case.

Angel ***

Brew the mother and stepmother. For coughing this is a universal remedy, in addition to expectoration, it also removes phlegm.

Coughing is a reflex that helps clear dust and allergens from the respiratory system. In children under one year old, cough attacks are accompanied by respiratory and some infectious diseases. Allergens and foreign objects in the respiratory organs can provoke coughing attacks. It is possible to treat a cough in a child at 9 months old with drugs and traditional medicine recipes. The treatment regimen must be agreed with the doctor.

Why does a 9-month-old baby cough

There are many reasons for coughing in young children. Most often, babies begin to cough with respiratory diseases. In addition, the following diseases are accompanied by a cough:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Allergy.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tracheitis.

A cough in a 9-month-old baby can occur with allergies, in which case it is accompanied by lacrimation, rhinitis and skin rashes. Coughing can be triggered by a foreign object in the respiratory tract or inhalation of too dry air.

The doctor can determine the exact cause of the ailment, after a complete examination of the patients and taking an anamnesis.

Coughing is always accompanied by severe irritation and drying out of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. To reduce the intensity of coughing attacks, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Give your baby a lot to drink. As a drink, not only clean water is suitable, but also tea, compote, fruit drink and non-concentrated juice.
  • The air temperature in the home should not be higher than 21 degrees. Optimum humidity should be close to 55%.
  • The rooms are often wet cleaned. The home should be ventilated at least 3 times a day. In the warm season, the window must always be open.
  • If the child has an allergic cough, then plush toys and excess textiles must be removed from the rooms. These items collect dust and can be a source of allergies.
  • The baby should not be given too warm, cold or coarse food. For the period of illness, it is worth giving up crackers and dryers, these products greatly irritate the mucous membrane.

A sick child must comply with the daily regimen, daytime sleep is required. It is worth excluding too active games and violent emotions, since they will also lead to an attack of a strong cough.

For respiratory diseases, children should be given pure and slightly warm food that does not irritate the pharynx.

Treatment of cough in babies

The doctor selects medicines for the treatment of cough in young children individually. Babies may be prescribed the following medications:

  • Expectorant drugs.
  • Mucolytics.
  • Antiviral agents.
  • Antiallergic drugs.
  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • Immunomodulators and vitamins.

At high temperatures, you can give a small child antipyretic drugs without a doctor's prescription. In this case, adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions for use.

Modern doctors are of the opinion that young children should not be given mucolytics. This is because Ambroxol and similar drugs increase the amount of phlegm. Considering that children cannot clear their throat well, congestion may occur.

Instead of mucolytics, it is better for babies to give a lot of warm drink, which helps to thin the phlegm and makes it easier to remove it.

Allergic cough

Allergies usually occur without fever. Parents may notice that a baby's cough occurs after contact with pets or after walking in a blooming garden. In addition to coughing, the baby has a runny nose, watery eyes and a skin rash. When allergens enter the respiratory organs, children begin to sneeze intensively.

If you have a cough in the morning, you may be suspicious of a dust mite allergy. This phenomenon often occurs when the child sleeps on a down pillow or covers herself with a duvet.

To eliminate the unpleasant signs of allergies, sometimes it is enough just to change the bedding, remove unnecessary plush toys, books and flowers from the children's room.

It is worth revising the baby's diet. Seasoned dishes, concentrated juices and rough foods should be removed from it.

The doctor may prescribe antihistamines such as Citrine, Loratadine, Claritin, or Zodak. All these drugs are given once a day. Single skin rashes can be lubricated with zinc ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

If you suspect an allergy in a child, you should take an allergy test. They will help you determine exactly what caused the ailment.

Cough with viral infections

With ARVI, cough is always accompanied by other characteristic symptoms. The patient has:

  • Sore throat.
  • Runny nose.
  • Headache.
  • Heat.
  • General weakness.
  • Intoxication symptoms.

In case of acute viral infections, the sick child is recommended to take antiviral drugs - Aflubin, Anaferon, Viferon, or to drip interferon into the nasal passages.

If the treatment of a viral infection is started in a timely manner, then the disease goes away in just 5-6 days. If not started on time or improperly treated, the disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection. In this case, bronchitis or pneumonia develops.

With ARVI, the child must be given a lot to drink. With the liquid, viruses and their waste products are excreted from the body.

For bacterial infections

Harsh cough in bacterial infections, often with yellow-green viscous phlegm. The most common illnesses in young children are:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Whooping cough.

With bronchitis, the baby's breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard in the chest. The temperature is high, it can reach 39 degrees. Symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed. The treatment regimen for bacterial bronchitis includes antibiotics, expectorant drugs and inhalation. With proper treatment, acute symptoms of the disease disappear after 5-6 days. The cough can last up to 3 weeks.

Pneumonia is a serious illness in young children that can lead to respiratory failure and death. Treatment of pneumonia in children under one year old is carried out only in a hospital infectious diseases department. Treatment of pneumonia involves the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. In some cases, it is necessary to use antibiotics of two different groups at the same time.

Whooping cough most often affects children under 3 years of age. This disease begins as a cold, but gradually the patient's condition worsens. A characteristic symptom of whooping cough is a debilitating cough, which especially pesters a sick baby at night. A coughing fit ends in the secretion of thick vitreous sputum.

Treatment for whooping cough is reduced to the use of antibiotics and mucolytics. Inhalation, both steam and through a nebulizer, helps well.

If the bacterial infection is mild, antibiotics in tablets and capsules are prescribed. In case of a severe course of the disease, injections of drugs are advisable.

Prevention measures

Young children should be protected from colds and infectious diseases whenever possible. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Protect the child from people who have colds.
  • Try not to visit crowded places during an outbreak.
  • Timely prophylactic vaccinations for the child.
  • Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the home.

When treating cough in young children, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. You cannot self-medicate, you need to remember that many drugs that are used to treat adults should not be given to infants. A sick child should be seen by a doctor at least twice a week.

Unfortunately, even babies under the age of one year can catch a cold. Stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, high fever - how can you help a small child to quickly relieve these symptoms? What products are approved for use in children at 9 months old? We will talk about this in our article.

For all parents at the time of illness of children, there are three simple rules, following which they help the baby's body to confidently fight the virus and quickly recover. They should be observed at high fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose:

  1. Plentiful warm drink. Provide the baby with an enhanced drinking regime: water, mother's milk or warm mixture, as well as compote are suitable for this.
  2. Cool and humid air in the room. This rule is especially true for a runny nose and fever. Ventilate the room often during the day, and maintain a comfortable temperature for sleeping at night. Air humidity is equally important. In addition, do not wrap your child in warm clothes, thinking that this way he will recover faster. At high temperatures, this is simply unacceptable.
  3. Do not overfeed your baby. If he has no appetite, do not force feed. This overloads the liver and the illness can last longer. As soon as the baby feels better, he will definitely catch up with the food.

How to treat a cough in a 9 month old baby

A cough in children under one year old signals to parents that it is imperative to call a doctor. Since the baby's immunity has not yet been fully formed, any infection that has not been cured in time can lead to complications, up to bronchitis and pneumonia.

The doctor must listen to the child in order to determine the type of cough and make a diagnosis. Only after that it will be possible to say what to give a nine-month-old baby for a cough.

If a 9 month old child has a strong cough, how to treat this disease? It is best to wait for a doctor's consultation. If this is not possible, purchase a cough medicine, having previously identified whether it is a dry cough or a wet one. For babies, it is possible to use Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and some others syrups. Read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the dosage.

How to cure snot in a child at 9 months

When a child is 9 months old, he has a very stuffy nose and is worried about a runny nose - this is a headache for all family members. The baby is restless during the day, cannot sleep well at night. To alleviate his condition, you must first of all follow the three rules indicated in the first chapter. In addition, rinse the spout with special drops with sea salt or normal saline solution. To remove snot, first moisten it with drops and then suck it up with an aspirator (for example, Otrivin Baby) or a baby enema. However, you should not use these remedies often, so as not to increase the swelling in the nose.

When strong snot is observed in a child of 9 months, how to treat a runny nose, the pediatrician decides. Usually, "Nazivin" or "Vibrocil" is prescribed, one drop in each nostril. Try to use them only before bedtime, no more than 3 times a day, as they have a bad effect on the nasal mucosa, drying it out. In addition, raise the head of the child's bed at night, so it will be more comfortable for him to sleep during a runny nose.

How to bring down the temperature of a 9 month old baby

An increase in body temperature is always the correct defense reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign virus or bacteria. This means that the body is fighting on its own and does not need to interfere with it.

When it comes to children, many parents, even at a temperature of 37 in a child of 9 months, raise the alarm. Although in fact, up to a year, this may be the norm for a crumbs. In what case is it necessary to bring down the temperature and call a doctor?

Antipyretic medicine should be given when a nine-month-old baby has a high temperature over 38.5 degrees. In other cases, do not rush with medications and do not interfere with the body's fight. In this case, it is necessary to call a doctor and analyze the possible causes of the increase in temperature. These can be diseases such as ARVI, otitis media, teething syndrome or post-vaccination reaction. So, the last two options are most appropriate when the child is 9 months old, and the temperature of 38 is kept without symptoms. In this case, you still need to consult with your doctor.

If a 9-month-old baby has a temperature of 39, how to bring the temperature down efficiently and quickly? To do this, you will need a paracetamol-based or ibuprofen-based antipyretic agent. The rest of the products (aspirin, analgin and their containing) are prohibited. Your medicine cabinet should always have rectal suppositories and temperature syrups. It is desirable that one agent be based on paracetamol, the other on ibuprofen. So it will be possible to identify more effective for your child, as well as combine them. It can be syrups "Nurofen", "Efferalgan", "Panadol" and candles "Tsefekon-D", "Efferalgan" and others. As a last resort, when nothing is at hand, give your baby a quarter of a Paracetamol tablet dissolved in water. You can repeat taking the antipyretic no earlier than 6 hours.

From user magazine

It’s useless to see our pediatrician, she prescribes antibiotics at the slightest snot, on Monday I’ll call, just to listen ... There is no fever, a stream flows from her nose and coughs, sneezes. Sleeps constantly. I wash it with Aquamaris, then with a nozzle pump, something does not help (((Help out This is most likely not viral, most likely caught a cold ...

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Symptoms of the disease and treatment of a cough in a child under one year old?

This reflex is a protective function of the body and helps to get rid of excessive accumulation of sputum and foreign bodies in the respiratory organs. The main reasons that cause a cough in a child under one year old are:

  • respiratory viral infections;
  • various allergens;
  • foreign bodies trapped in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchial spasm.

The cough resulting from these factors is pathological and requires medical attention and appropriate treatment.

A pathological cough should not be confused with a physiological cough, which does not require treatment and is a normal body response to the following stimuli:

  • dust particles, breast milk entering the larynx;
  • teething accompanied by profuse salivation;
  • crying violently, leading to secretions entering the larynx.

It is possible to determine the disease that caused a cough in a child under one year old by paying attention to its manifestations.

Coughing is difficult for young children. The narrow and thin airways are heavily stressed by this reflex. Distinguish between dry and wet cough. The first option is not accompanied by sputum discharge, while the second, on the contrary, is characterized by intense discharge.

A dry cough is a sign of tracheal or bronchial disease. It can last for a long time and be very disturbing to babies. Often, such a cough goes away in fits, accompanied by a characteristic barking sound and fever. If attacks occur mainly at night, are not accompanied by an increase in temperature and are difficult to treat, this may indicate an allergic cough. A sudden severe attack of dry cough may indicate a foreign object in the bronchi or trachea. With laryngitis and inflammation of the larynx, the cough is accompanied by a sore throat and hoarseness.

A wet cough usually appears after a dry one and indicates that the body is successfully coping with the disease. It allows you to remove accumulated liquid and thick phlegm and clear the airways.

Nowadays, a lot of information can be found on how to treat a cough. There are many ways to treat cough at home, but a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The sooner the treatment starts, the more effective it will be. In the absence of contraindications, the treatment of cough in children under one year old can be carried out using medicinal herbs.

From the age of 6-9 months, herbal infusions can be used for treatment. One of the most effective remedies for fighting cough is plantain and coltsfoot infusion. 1 glass of hot boiled water is poured into 1 tbsp. l. mixture and insist in a thermos for about 2 hours.

The infusion should be consumed before meals, a one-time intake is ½ tsp. This drink has an expectorant effect. Licorice root has a similar property. For the preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. l. dry root you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and leave for about 8 hours. The infusion is used 2 times a day for ½ tsp. The following herbal remedies cope well with excretion of phlegm and soften an irritated throat: elecampane root, marshmallow root, wild rosemary, thyme and anise fruits, ivy leaves. It should be noted that before using any medicinal plant, you must make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction to it.

When choosing how to treat a child's cough, you should pay attention to warming compresses. It must be remembered that compresses and warming rubbing can be done if the child's cough is not accompanied by an increase in temperature. Camphor oil and badger fat are often used for rubbing. It is necessary to rub the baby's chest with a warm agent, insulate it with cotton wool or a soft scarf, and put on ordinary clothes. Repeat the procedure for 3-4 days. Honey compress helps to remove cough well. To do this, make a mixture of flour, honey and vegetable oil. Mustard powder can be added additionally from 4 months.

For good heating of the bronchi, boiled potatoes are used. The hot vegetable needs to be kneaded and, putting it in a diaper folded 4 times, fold it into an envelope. If the compress is too hot to burn your baby, you can use a diaper or towel. You need to keep the compress for about 20 minutes. If the child is 9 months old or more, you can warm up for about 40 minutes. After that, the baby needs to be changed and wrapped up.

It should be remembered that after compresses and rubbing, you cannot walk on the street with a child, and there should be no drafts in the room where the baby is. With timely treatment, the cough will go away very quickly.

Massage is an effective and safe treatment for coughs. There are various types of massage, some of which can be performed independently at home, others must be entrusted to a specialist. The simplest and most effective way is massage to improve the discharge of phlegm, or drainage massage. Vibration massage, which is light tapping on the child's back, has the same effect. These types of massage, having previously mastered the technique of execution, can be carried out independently.

For chronic respiratory diseases, honey massage will help, provided that the child is not allergic to honey. Acupressure massage, characterized by exposure to specific areas, should only be performed by a specialist. When performing any type of cough massage, the following rules must be observed:

  • make sure that the child does not have a fever;
  • ventilate the room well in advance, avoiding drafts during the procedure;
  • do not massage immediately after eating;
  • massage on bare skin;
  • use hypoallergenic creams and oils for the procedure;
  • carry out a massage course for at least 5 days, in the morning and in the evening.

If the little patient cries and is capricious during the massage, it is better to stop the session and return to him at a more convenient time.

In addition to compresses, rubbing and massage, inhalation is used to treat cough in children under one year old.

Inhalations have a lot of positive effects: they relieve bronchospasm, stimulate the respiratory muscles, and contribute to the thinning and discharge of sputum. In the treatment of cough, they have been used for a long time and have a therapeutic effect, regardless of how old the patient is.

If the baby has been suffering from a dry, barking cough for a long time, inhalations are shown to him in the first place. This procedure can be carried out using a special device - a nebulizer, which can be bought at a pharmacy. For inhalation, use a weak solution of soda, mineral water and essential oils, if the baby is not allergic to them. For infants, you can do passive steam inhalation. Better to use the bathroom for this. It is necessary to pour boiling water into the bath, and when the room warms up, bring the child there for 5 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction, eucalyptus oil can be added to the water.

If all of the above remedies do not help and the child's condition worsens, it is necessary to visit a doctor who can prescribe medications to effectively combat cough. Not all medications are suitable for children under one year old. Prescribed medications should be convenient, easy to dose, and free of side effects. For the treatment of cough in infants, a syrup or an inhalation agent Lazolvan is used. It is effective in treating bronchitis and pneumonia, and the syrup can be diluted in any drink or breast milk.

If the baby is tormented by a wet cough, Bronchostop and Phlegamin are prescribed. They thin the phlegm, facilitating its faster excretion. It should be remembered that the effect of these drugs is noticeable only after a few days from the start of use.

After the child reaches 6 months, syrups based on medicinal herbs (licorice root, marshmallow, ivy) can be used. In order to cure a cough in a child 8 months and older, agents with a more complex composition are used. The content of drugs must be carefully studied in order to exclude possible allergic reactions. It should also be borne in mind that any drug has certain contraindications and only a doctor can prescribe it. It should be noted that cough relief is always carried out in conjunction with the treatment of its root cause. Together with mucolytic agents, antiviral drugs are prescribed if the cough is a consequence of ARVI. For allergic coughs, antihistamines are used.

Severe cough in a child: what to do, 9 causes of cough, how to treat - pediatrician advice

A strong cough in a child speaks of very different conditions of the body. Sometimes it is difficult to decide, you should consult a doctor for advice today, make an appointment in the near future, or rush to the hospital's emergency room this very minute.

While a cough may sound dire, it is usually not a sign of a serious condition. A cough is a technique the body uses to keep the airways clear, rid the nasal cavity of mucus, or mucus from the throat. It is also a method of protection if a piece of food or other foreign body gets stuck.

Cough in a child

There are two types of coughs in total - productive (wet) and unproductive (dry).

Babies under 4 months of age do not cough much. Therefore, if a newborn coughs, it is serious. If a child coughs just scared, this may be a manifestation of respiratory syncytial virus infection.

This infection is extremely dangerous for babies. When a child is over 1 year old, coughing becomes less of a cause for anxiety. And often it is nothing more than a cold.

But sometimes a severe cough in a child is a reason for a visit to the doctor. Understanding what the different types of cough mean can help you know when to see your doctor and how to treat a baby's cough.

Wet (productive) cough in an infant

Its main cause is inflammation and mucus secretion in the upper respiratory tract. At night, a cough occurs because mucus runs down the back of the throat. A productive cough also removes phlegm from the lungs and bronchi in pneumonia or bronchitis.


A wet cough is an effective way to rid your child's body of unnecessary fluids in the respiratory system. When an infant's cough is the result of a bacterial infection, the secreted mucus and phlegm will contain bacteria that the pediatrician can detect with flora culture.

Older children may spit out phlegm. Younger children tend to swallow it. As a result, babies with a wet cough can also develop an upset stomach. The upside is that whatever is swallowed will eventually leave the body through stool or vomit.

A dry cough is a cough that does not produce mucus or phlegm. The cough reflex is triggered by irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa.

Besides removing irritants, coughing also removes mucus. If mucus is produced in negligible amounts, this, accordingly, leads to the development of a dry cough.

If there is little sputum, the cough will be unproductive.

Even if the cough is dry, mucus and phlegm are still present in the lungs or airways. Most likely, their number is so small that it cannot cough up when coughing.

Typically, a cough can start off as a non-productive (dry cough). Over time, it develops into a productive (wet) cough.

In addition to certain infections, any respiratory irritation from allergies, air pollution, cigarette smoking, and exposure to certain medications can lead to a dry cough.

Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract is almost always accompanied by a dry cough. However, if the infection spreads lower to the bronchi and lungs, or mucus leaks, an unproductive cough can become productive.

Prolonged dry coughing is also observed after a previous respiratory tract infection.

False croup with stenosing laryngotracheitis

The hallmark of croup is a deep cough that sounds like barking and gets worse at night. The baby's voice will hoarse. The patient's breathing during sleep is accompanied by a high-pitched and sibilant (stridor) sound.

This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Parents of a child who is allergic to cat hair, dust, or other elements of their environment may feel like it's a cold that will never go away.

Allergies can cause nasal congestion or runny nose with clear mucus, and coughing due to persistent flow of mucus. Children with asthma also cough frequently, especially at night.

When a child has asthma, he has bouts of wheezing. Exposure to cold on a patient with bronchial asthma can also cause coughing.

If your toddler starts coughing after running (exercise-induced asthma), this is another symptom in favor of asthma as a cause of coughing.

Pneumonia or bronchitis

In many cases of pneumonia, infections in the lungs begin as the common cold. If a child has a cold that gets worse - a persistent cough, shortness of breath, fever, body aches, chills - call a doctor. Bacterial pneumonia often causes a wet cough, viral pneumonia - a dry one.

Bronchitis occurs when the bronchi (the structures that carry air to the lungs) become inflamed. This often happens in the background or after colds and flu. Bronchitis causes a persistent cough for several weeks.

When a child has bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis, he or she will need an antibiotic to treat the infection and cough.

When a child has a cough, a runny nose that lasts more than ten days with no signs of improvement, and your doctor has ruled out pneumonia and bronchitis, the baby may be suspected of having sinusitis.

A bacterial infection is a common cause of dry coughs. However, excessive fluid draining into the airways, coupled with a rare cough in a newborn, can lead to a productive cough as mucus builds up there.

If the doctor determines that the child has sinusitis, he or she will prescribe an antibiotic. The cough should stop after the sinuses are clear again.

Foreign bodies in the airways

A cough that lasts two weeks or more without other signs of illness (eg, runny nose, fever, lethargy) or allergies is often a sign that a foreign object is stuck in the child.

It gets into the throat or lungs. This situation is more common among young children who are very mobile, have access to small objects and like to drag everything into their mouths.

In most cases, the child immediately shows that he has inhaled some object - the baby will begin to suffocate. At this moment, it is vital for parents not to get confused and provide first aid.

May cause convulsive cough. A child with whooping cough usually coughs nonstop for 20-30 seconds and then struggles to catch his breath before the next coughing fit begins.

Symptoms of a cold such as sneezing, runny nose, and mild coughing begin as early as two weeks before more severe coughing attacks begin.

In this situation, call your doctor immediately. Whooping cough can be severe, especially in children under one year old.

Read a detailed article by your pediatrician about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for pertussis in children.

Cystic fibrosis affects about 1 in 3000 children, and a persistent cough of thick yellow or green mucus is one of the most obvious signs that a child may have inherited the disease.

Other signs include recurrent infections (pneumonia and sinusitis), poor weight gain, and a bluish skin tone.

Environmental irritants

Environmental gases such as cigarette smoke, combustion products and industrial emissions irritate the respiratory tract and cause the baby to cough. It is necessary to immediately determine the cause and, if possible, eliminate it.

Visit to the doctor

Seek medical attention if:

  • the child has trouble breathing or struggles to breathe;
  • rapid breathing;
  • bluish or darkish color of the nasolabial triangle, lips and tongue;
  • heat. You should be especially attentive to her when there is a cough, but there is no runny nose or nasal congestion;
  • have a fever and cough in a baby under three months old;
  • an infant under three months of age has a wheezing breath for several hours after a coughing fit;
  • when coughing, sputum leaves with blood;
  • wheezing on exhalation, heard from a distance;
  • the baby is weak, moody or irritable;
  • the child has a concomitant chronic illness (heart or lung disease);
  • dehydration.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • little or no saliva;
  • dry lips;
  • sunken eyes;
  • crying with little or no tears;
  • rare urination.

Cough examination

Generally, children with cough do not need extensive additional research.

Usually, the doctor, after carefully examining the medical history and other symptoms, can already find out what is the cause of the cough when examining the child.

Auscultation is one of the best methods for diagnosing the causes of cough. Knowing what a cough sounds like will help the doctor decide how to treat the child.

The doctor may send a chest x-ray if the child suspects pneumonia or to rule out a foreign body in the lungs.

A blood test will help determine if a serious infection is present.

Depending on the cause, the doctor will tell you how to treat a cough in a baby.

How is a cough treated?

Since a wet cough has an important function in children - helping their airways to remove unnecessary substances, parents should try to help such a cough achieve its goal.

How to remove phlegm in a baby?

  • To do this, you need to make sure that the child drinks a lot of fluids, which will not irritate his throat even more. For example, apple juice or warm broth. You can also give your child over 2 years old honey as a natural cough medicine. Naturally, in the absence of allergies to it.

However, if your baby's condition worsens or has a wet cough for more than two weeks, you should consult a healthcare professional to review treatment.

  • If the development of cough is provoked by an allergen, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. If the cause is a bacterial infection, antibiotics.
  • If your child's doctor suspects a foreign body is causing a cough, he or she will send a chest x-ray. If a foreign object is found in the lungs, the object must be surgically removed.
  • If the patient's condition worsens, it may be necessary to use a bronchodilator through a nebulizer (a more advanced version of the inhaler). This will make it easier for the patient to breathe by expanding the bronchioles.

Treatment of cough in newborns is carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Treating a cough in a baby at home involves several steps.

Infant temperature with cough

Some illnesses and coughs in infants are accompanied by mild fever (up to 38 degrees).

In these cases, follow these steps

  1. Children under 1 month. Call your pediatrician. Fever is not normal.
  2. Infant up to 3 months. See your doctor for advice.
  3. Infants 3-6 months old. Give paracetamol or ibuprofen. If necessary, every 4-6 hours. Important! Follow the dosage directions carefully and use the syringe that came with the medicine, not the homemade spoon.
  4. Infants 6 months and older. Use ibuprofen or paracetamol to reduce fever.

Do not give both drugs at the same age at the same time. It could cause accidental overdose.

Thus, if the parents know why the child is coughing and how to treat a severe cough, various unpleasant consequences of this symptom can be avoided.

A cough symptom is a protective reaction of the body to irritating factors. During this process, mucus is released from the body. The airways are cleared of accumulated phlegm. A cough in a child of 9 months usually occurs due to the development of respiratory diseases. It can be dry and wet. At the stages of the development of the disease, the cough symptom begins with an unproductive type, soon turns into a wet type.

Briefly about the causes of cough in a 9 month old baby

The etiology of cough is often based on colds, acute respiratory diseases of viral or bacterial origin, or allergic reactions of the body. In pediatrics, a cough in a 9-month-old child is distinguished by pathological and physiological coughs, each of which has its own characteristics and clinical signs.

  1. Physiological coughing is normal. They occur periodically in order to clear mucus from the respiratory tract. A healthy child coughs up to 20 times a day. In such cases, there is no need to sound the alarm, no treatment is needed. Babies often suffer from this phenomenon due to the ingress of food parts into the trachea during feeding. Foreign substances provoke coughing, irritating the laryngeal mucosa. Also, newborns often cough while crying.

The main characteristics of a physiological cough:

  • short duration;
  • periodic recurrence;
  • the absence of other signs of the disease.

If the baby is coughing, you need to measure his body temperature, observe if the child's behavior has changed. When the baby behaves as before, there should be no illness. It is not recommended to give the child any medication without first consulting a doctor.

  1. Pathological cough symptom. Unlike the physiological type, it develops due to various diseases of the respiratory system. Accompanied by a number of typical colds: runny nose, fever.
  2. False croup. This phenomenon is caused by a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the larynx due to edema of the mucous membrane. It is difficult for the child to breathe, the air hardly enters the respiratory system. Such a cough requires medical attention. What can be given to a baby at 9 months with this condition, you must first consult a doctor or call an ambulance team.

You will be interested in the article - How to cure a cough in a child at 2 months old?

What to do with false rump?

  • call an ambulance;
  • calm the child down;
  • make steam inhalation with an alkaline solution (using soda or mineral water);
  • give the baby mineral water without gas.

All these actions will help reduce the intensity of the attack of false croup. Further, you will need to adhere to the advice of doctors.

  1. Whooping cough cough reflex. Such coughs are usually dry, and the attacks intensify at night. The baby's face turns red, eyes watery. The attack may result in vomiting.

Pediatricians often prescribe the following remedies to children:

  • mucolytics (thinning mucus);
  • expectorant (increase cough);
  • antitussive medicines (relieve attacks of a cough symptom);
  • mixed-action drugs.

Each type of cough symptom is treatable with one of the groups of the above remedies. It is not recommended to prescribe medications to an infant on your own, relying on advice from the Internet. Doctors advise combining drug therapy with physiotherapy procedures, for example, electrophoresis, massage, inhalation measures. The pharmacy market is rich in all kinds of medicines for children's coughs. The main thing is that the medication is suitable for the child, does not cause side effects.

Symptoms accompanying cough

A cough symptom in a 9-month-old baby happens not only due to the development of a cold, but also is a sign of a number of dangerous infectious diseases. These include measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever. Frequent coughing irritates and injures the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract in the throat. A cough symptom prevents the child from sleeping at night, exhausting him, and affecting his well-being.

The cough of a 9 month old child is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • difficult breathing;
  • sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • headache.

These symptoms usually signal the onset of a cold. They must be eliminated immediately, since these signs can negatively affect the well-being of the child. Often, the baby suffers from a cough symptom without fever. This indicates the development of a mild form of the common cold. In such cases, it is still necessary to provide the baby with the necessary treatment.

What is given to a child from a cough of 9 months every parent needs to know in order to provide timely assistance to the baby. The drugs will be able to relieve a coughing attack at night. It is extremely important to determine whether the child is tormented by dry or wet type of coughing. Only after this is the necessary therapy prescribed.

What are the symptoms of a 9-year-old child when coughing are considered dangerous:

  • spontaneously arising and not passing cough attack;
  • coughing accompanied by wheezing;
  • with blood impurities;
  • with green mucus;
  • persistent cough for more than 3 weeks.

An urgent need to contact a specialist for help. A detailed examination of the baby will be required.

How to treat a cough in a child of 9 months

With a dry cough symptom, the child should be given expectorant drugs. In the case of the wet type, antitussive drugs are prescribed. 4 days after the onset of coughing, expectorant or mucolytic drugs should be given to the baby so that the sputum begins to liquefy and evacuate. There are combination medicines for cough symptoms, but they are not as effective. In any case, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Every parent should know what can be given to a child of nine months from a cough of a cold origin. Popular medicines for coughing in babies.

  1. "Ambroxol"... The drug has a mucolytic effect, promotes sputum liquefaction, promotes its evacuation. The child should take 2.5 mg of infusion after meals 2 times a day. During treatment, the baby should be given more fluids to drink. The medicine should not be drunk for more than 5 days in a row.
  2. "Lazolvan"... This medication helps with a wet cough symptom, effectively coughs up mucus. The medicine is produced in the form of a syrup. For children from 6 months, give the remedy half a dessert spoon 2 times a day, drink it with water or tea. You can also use "Lazolvan" for inhalation procedures. It is necessary to be treated with this medication no more than 5 days.
  3. "Bronchicum"... This medicine is given to infants from 6 months, half a teaspoon in the morning and evening. The preparation contains an extract of thyme herb, which effectively helps with dry cough symptoms.
  4. Ivy leaf preparations "Prospan", "Gedelix" make bronchial mucus less dense, increase its amount, reduce bronchi and facilitate its evacuation.

The dosage of the above drugs is assigned to each child individually, after examination by a doctor. It is also recommended to alternate drug treatment with folk remedies for coughing. Only a children's doctor will say that you can give a child a cough at 9 months so as not to harm his body.

A sick child's diet should include light meals. Don't force your toddler to eat if he doesn't want to. Light dishes will be useful - jelly, jelly, fruit puree. The main task will be to provide the baby with plenty of drink. It will help remove mucus and toxins from the bronchi.

Plant-based medicines have a short-term effect, frequent doses in small doses are necessary. Increasing the dosage can cause nausea.

To cure a 9 month old baby's cough quickly, you need to follow a number of tips.

  1. Observe the temperature in the room where the child is. The air should be warmed up no more than 22 degrees.
  2. Do regular airing of the room.
  3. Chest massage with essential oils rubbing into the skin will help get rid of coughing. Do not touch the heart area. The massage should last no more than 5 minutes, do it 3 times a day.
  4. To carry out inhalation procedures based on herbal preparations of marshmallow, coltsfoot.

These recommendations will help to quickly remove the baby from a cold condition of the body. These manipulations must be done regularly, until complete recovery. Preventive measures will also be effective, such as hardening, walking in the fresh air, vitamin courses.

How to treat a cold in a 9 month old baby

Unfortunately, even babies under the age of one year can catch a cold. Stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, high fever how to help a small child to quickly relieve these symptoms? What products are approved for use in children at 9 months old? We will talk about this in our article.

For all parents at the time of illness of children, there are three simple rules, following which they help the baby's body to confidently fight the virus and quickly recover. They should be observed at high fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose:

  1. Plentiful warm drink. Provide the baby with an enhanced drinking regime: water, mother's milk or warm mixture, as well as compote are suitable for this.
  2. Cool and humid air in the room. This rule is especially true for a runny nose and fever. Ventilate the room often during the day, and maintain a comfortable temperature for sleeping at night. Air humidity is equally important. In addition, do not wrap your child in warm clothes, thinking that this way he will recover faster. At high temperatures, this is simply unacceptable.
  3. Do not overfeed your baby. If he has no appetite, do not force feed. This overloads the liver and the illness can last longer. As soon as the baby feels better, he will definitely catch up with the food.

Cough in a child of 9 months

A cough in children under one year old signals to parents that it is imperative to call a doctor. Since the baby's immunity has not yet been fully formed, any infection that has not been cured in time can lead to complications, up to bronchitis and pneumonia.

The doctor must listen to the child in order to determine the type of cough and make a diagnosis. Only after that it will be possible to say what to give a nine-month-old baby for a cough.

If a 9 month old child has a strong cough, how to treat this disease? It is best to wait for a doctor's consultation. If this is not possible, purchase a cough medicine, having previously identified whether it is a dry cough or a wet one. For babies, it is possible to use Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and some others syrups. Read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the dosage.

Runny nose in a child of 9 months: how to treat

When a child is 9 months old and has a very stuffy nose it is a headache for all family members. The baby is restless during the day, cannot sleep well at night. To alleviate his condition, you must first of all follow the three rules indicated in the first chapter. In addition, rinse the spout with special drops with sea salt (Aqualor, Aquamaris and others) or regular saline solution. To remove snot, first moisten it with drops and then suck up with an aspirator (such as Otrivin Baby) or a baby enema. However, you should not use these remedies often, so as not to increase the swelling in the nose.

When strong snot is observed in a child of 9 months, how to treat a runny nose, the pediatrician decides. Usually Nazivin or Vibrocil is prescribed, one drop in each nostril. Try to use them only before bedtime, no more than 3 times a day, as they have a bad effect on the nasal mucosa, drying it out. In addition, raise the head of the child's bed at night, so it will be more comfortable for him to sleep during a runny nose.

Temperature in a child of 9 months

An increase in body temperature is always the correct defense reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign virus or bacteria. This means that the body is fighting on its own and does not need to interfere with it.

When it comes to children, many parents, even at a temperature of 37 in a child of 9 months, raise the alarm. Although in fact, up to a year, this may be the norm for a crumbs. In what case is it necessary to bring down the temperature and call a doctor?

Antipyretic medicine should be given when a nine-month-old baby has a high temperature over 38.5 degrees. In other cases, do not rush with medications and do not interfere with the body's fight. In this case, it is necessary to call a doctor and analyze the possible causes of the increase in temperature. These can be diseases such as ARVI, otitis media, teething syndrome or post-vaccination reaction. So, the last two options are most appropriate when the child is 9 months old, and the temperature of 38 is kept without symptoms. In this case, you still need to consult with your doctor.

If a 9-month-old baby has a temperature of 39, how to bring the temperature down efficiently and quickly? To do this, you will need a paracetamol-based or ibuprofen-based antipyretic agent. The rest of the products (aspirin, analgin and their containing) are prohibited. Your medicine cabinet should always have rectal suppositories and temperature syrups. It is desirable that one agent be based on paracetamol, the other ibuprofen. So it will be possible to identify more effective for your child, as well as combine them. These can be syrups Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol and suppositories Tsefekon-D, Efferalgan and others. As a last resort, when nothing is at hand, give your baby a quarter of a Paracetamol tablet dissolved in water. You can repeat taking the antipyretic no earlier than 6 hours.

If the child is 9 months old and has a sore throat

A sore throat usually accompanies a cold and becomes an unpleasant surprise for the baby. He may even refuse to eat. If you find a red throat and your baby is 9 months old, be sure to call your doctor. He will carefully examine the throat and exclude diagnoses that are dangerous in the first year of life. As a treatment, a warm drink is usually used: milk or mixture, compote, water, chamomile decoction. In addition, children at this age are allowed Miramistin one injection into the throat three times a day after meals. Other sprays, if indicated, are prescribed by the attending physician.

Cough in a child of 9 months

good afternoon, tell me please. A week ago, the youngest daughter was 9.5 months old. at night the temperature was 38.2 knocked down with a panadol with a candle, in the morning it again rose to 38.1 again knocked down with the same panadol. The older 2.5 years old was 37.4 in the morning. There were no other symptoms. Began to both of them insert Viferon suppositories in the morning and in the evening, drip gripferon and sprinkle miramistin into the throat. I lit candles for five days and finished. Adults now fell ill (cold without fever), and children began to cough. What can you give them now for a cough? I'm more interested in the little one, tk. I don’t know what to give to such small ones.

Hello! Of course, the best way is to show the children to the pediatrician. In the early days of the disease, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract simply swells, then it begins to produce a lot of mucus. It rolls down - and the body removes it from the respiratory tract by coughing. That is, a cough can occur both with inflammation of the nasopharynx, and with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which by themselves do not participate in breathing. But the inflammation can go down even lower - on the airways themselves. Depending on the place of its localization, there are small nuances of treatment. All this cannot be taken into account during a correspondence conversation. We sometimes forget that a cough is just a symptom of a disease, a mechanism to restore airway patency. You need to treat the cause, then the symptom will go away on its own (another question, that not right away.) By and large, a cough should not be treated at all: dry suppressing cannot be done, because the cough center is located in the cerebral cortex, and the processes of excitation and suppression in young children are actively distributed throughout the KGM; humid is welcome because it promotes the elimination of phlegm from the respiratory tract. But the cough is so painful for the child and so scares the parents that it is impossible not to act. Therefore, with a dry cough - or inhalation with physical. solution or mineral water, or tea / milk with honey (preferably buckwheat). When wet, if the sputum goes away well, you can give nothing at all - or continue inhaling with water. If it leaves poorly - inhalation or ingestion of aqueous extracts from plants or pharmaceutical preparations from them (extracts from thyme (pertussin), licorice, marshmallow (mukaltin), plantain. Lazolvan is preferable from chemistry. ACC is not recommended for small children, because it is easy causes waterlogging of the lungs. There are no specific schemes, because every time you look at the child's condition. Only examination in real life can help. Often, a milder herbal preparation is prescribed to replace lazolvan. Do not get sick!

The advice is given for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

Cold in a child: we are treated with folk remedies!

Has the child caught a cold? Do not worry! Natural herbal remedies will relieve fever, ease breathing and improve overall well-being.

Baby's temperature

Fever is one of the first symptoms of a cold. It indicates that the body is trying to overcome the disease. First of all, measure your child's temperature. Dry the skin well under the armpit, put a thermometer and firmly press the baby's handle to the body for 3-5 minutes. If the temperature does rise, give your child an antipyretic herbal tea or fruit tea.

How to treat colds in children

At the first symptoms colds in a child call a doctor.

  1. Drinking plenty of water (herbal tea, fruit drink, compote) will help to avoid dehydration, especially with vomiting, diarrhea or fever.
  2. Rice-carrot decoction HiPP (from the 4th month) normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract during a cold. It replaces the lost fluid and mineral salts, thereby preventing the loss of moisture in the body and impaired blood circulation.
  3. If the child is not allergic to protein, instill interferon into his nose (from the 1st month). This will stimulate his own defense system against infection.
  4. Clean your baby's nose regularly with a cotton swab. Young children who cannot breathe through their nose often develop otitis media.
  5. Temperatures above 38.5 ° C are dangerous because they can provoke convulsions, so do not hesitate to call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for colds in children

If a child has a fever, cough and runny nose, do not rush to give synthetic drugs. In the early days of a cold, medicinal plants are very effective. But before, how to treat colds in children on your own, do not forget to consult a pediatrician, treat the child only under his constant supervision.

Diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effects are possessed by raspberries, currants, viburnum, chamomile, linden, mint, lemon balm and nettle. Homemade preparations, for example, raspberries or viburnum, mashed with sugar, are best not used for treatment. Dried or frozen fruits are much healthier. Prepare herbal infusions from mint, lemon balm, or nettle. One daily portion of antipyretic tea for a baby under 5 years old is brewed at the rate of: 1 coffee spoon of berries or herbs per 200 ml of water. Pour fruits or herbs with water, boil, leave for a few minutes, then strain and cool. The broth (it should be at room temperature, not hot) let the child drink a little during the day before and after meals.

For a child aged 1 year, in addition to herbal tea, you can cook jelly and compotes from fruits rich in vitamin C. If necessary, supplement the action of natural remedies with antipyretic drugs - special syrups, tablets or suppositories with paracetamol. Give your child baked apples to help the gut that doesn't work well at high temperatures. The pectin they contain enhances peristalsis.

How to treat a runny nose in a child

Children under one year old are not recommended to treat a runny nose with drops. To make breathing easier, rinse your child's nose with chamomile tea, salted water, or over-the-counter saline solution. Use vasodilator drops after a year. Never try to treat a child's runny nose with oil-based drops. They increase nasal congestion, which can further provoke chronic rhinitis. If the baby is breastfeeding, put some of your milk in your nose. Breast milk is such a valuable product that it even helps to get rid of a cold.

Inhalations for children

Inhalation is an excellent remedy for fighting colds, but it is only suitable for children over a year old. Get a steam inhaler, do not force your child to breathe over a pot of hot liquid. First, it can get scalded. And secondly, it is not effective. Pour alcoholic tincture of eucalyptus or calendula diluted with water into the inhaler. Let the baby inhale the vapor saturated with essential oils for 5-10 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Inhalation relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and mouth and makes breathing easier.

Cough in a child

In the first days of a cold, treat dry cough in a child with steam inhalations and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antispasmodic effect (chamomile, mint, lemon balm). Also, keep the air in your apartment at optimum humidity. Indeed, in winter, in rooms with central heating, humidity does not exceed 25%, and 60% is considered the norm. Water containers or a special spray bottle placed around the apartment will humidify the air. Gargling with herbal infusions will help with sore throat. You can also use sea salt (boil and cool the saline solution before use). Typically, after a couple of days, the cough becomes moist and the airways clear of excess mucus. Give your child expectorants: licorice root syrup, pharmacy breast preparations, or tea containing thyme, mint, anise. The baby will feel much better and will recover quickly.

Effective remedies for a cold in a child

Cough tea Hipp, 200 g. From the 1st week

Extracts of thyme, mint and anise, which are part of the drink, relieve irritation arising from coughing, thin mucus and normalize temperature.

Chamomile flowers... 50 g. From the 1st month

Chamomile flowers have a wide range of effects. Chamomile tea helps to reduce heat, the gargle infusion relieves inflammation of the larynx, and rinsing the nose with a decoction of this plant makes breathing easier.

Nettle leaves, 50 g. From the 1st month

If the child is prone to allergies, replace raspberry or chamomile tea with nettle infusion. Herbal decoction normalizes the temperature, doing great

with heat. Give your baby 1 tbsp of a warm drink. spoon 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Linden flowers 20 filter bags. From the 1st month

Linden tea is an excellent diaphoretic. Have the child drink it after eating. The tea can also be used to rinse the mouth, throat, and rinse the nose.

Echinacea compositum C, 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml. From the 2nd month

A homeopathic remedy increases the body's defenses. Use at the first sign of a cold.

Raspberry and rosehip tea Hipp, 200 from the 6th month

An instant drink made from berries and medicinal herbs has a tonic, antipyretic effect and increases the body's resistance to infections.

Licorice root syrup, 100 g. From 1 year

Thins mucus, relieves inflammation and spasms. Has an expectorant effect. For a child under 2 years of age, give 1 drop of syrup several times a day. Sweet syrup can be added to water or tea. From 2 years old, give half a teaspoon dissolved in a quarter glass of boiled water.

Eucalyptus tincture... 40 ml. From 2 years old.

An antiseptic and disinfectant is used for steam inhalation. Has a calming effect. In combination with other natural preparations, it helps to cure colds. For rinsing, dilute 10 drops of the tincture in a glass of water at room temperature.

Tincture of calendula, 40 ml. From 2 years old

The anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and bactericidal properties of calendula are useful for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Peppermint leaves, 50 g. From 3 years old

The broth is used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. Warm mint tea should be drunk 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

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A cough in a baby should not be immediately treated with medication. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky recommends that you initially understand the cause of the ailment, take all possible measures to eliminate it, without touching on medicines. It is possible that the factor influencing the development of coughing does not belong to pathological processes.

Coughing as a natural reaction of the body

Speaking about the problem in infancy, it is worth immediately clarifying about the type of cough, which is considered a natural, normal reaction of the body. It occurs almost immediately after birth and goes away by 2 months of age. Such coughs become short, spontaneous in time, and are not accompanied by other symptoms.

A phenomenon occurs due to the adaptation of a new man in the environment. His respiratory system learns to reproduce inhalation, exhalation, response to dust, humidity, temperature changes, etc. This cough should absolutely not bother parents, bring severe discomfort, or be treated with medications. It can be recognized by the infant's active behavior, not an altered state. If the newborn is still sleeping and eating well, then there is no cause for concern.

Possible causes of a cough in an infant

In addition to the adaptive cough, there are seizures caused by pathological processes in the body or physiological characteristics. To distinguish between natural defensive coughs and inflammation, additional symptoms are worth looking at. Body temperature plays a huge role.

With temperature

When an elevated body temperature appears, we can talk about a pathological process. In this case, there can be many reasons for a baby to cough. Common illnesses accompanied by cough and fever include:

  1. Middle ear inflammation - otitis media. A frequent occurrence in infancy due to the fragile organism of a small creature. The slightest exposure to cool air can lead to inflammation. It is very difficult to recognize a pathology in an infant, since he is not able, due to age, to show a place that causes severe pain. You can determine otitis media in a newborn if you gently press on the earlobe, press it against the inside of the auditory organ. If the cause is otitis media, your baby will cry when pressed.
  2. Disease of ENT organs. Sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis are almost always accompanied by an increased body temperature in an infant. It changes insignificantly at the initial stage of pathology, does not cross the boundaries of 37.6 degrees. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract occur due to the addition of an infection, or hypothermia. A wet cough will speak of an infection, a dry cough of hypothermia. These diseases often have additional symptoms in the form of a runny nose, pain, nasal congestion, and insomnia.
  3. Cold, hypothermia becomes the cause. The baby begins to cough intensively, there is an increased body temperature, runny nose, insomnia, nasal congestion, weakness, loss of appetite.
  4. Congenital pneumonia can be a contributing factor to seizures. Pathology is observed in babies whose mothers suffered infectious diseases during pregnancy, did not cure the disease in time. Inflammation puts newborns at risk, either in the perinatal period or during childbirth.

Congenital pneumonia is characterized by strong manifestations, it is very difficult to treat. The cough occurs within 72 hours of birth. Additional symptoms include pallor and grayness of the skin of the face, breathing problems, shortness of breath, sometimes a rash, and the Apgar score is low.

No temperature

Attacks without fever are usually attributed to physiological reasons. From birth, the baby reacts to the slightest manifestations of the environment, which affects his well-being. The following factors, which are not related to diseases requiring immediate treatment, can lead to coughing:

  1. From about 3 months, teething becomes the cause of seizures. The process is always reported by abundant salivation, it is difficult for a baby to cope with it on his own, therefore, the respiratory system helps to clear the respiratory tract of excess substance. Such a cough can appear at night due to the accumulation of saliva in the larynx. It is possible to distinguish teething by obvious signs. The child often pulls various objects into his mouth, tries to gnaw them, pimples begin to appear on the chin due to constant salivation, the baby's sleep becomes more sensitive and restless.
  2. Low air humidity in the nursery leads to attacks in the baby of a strong dry, tearful cough. Due to dry air, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx dries up, it becomes irritated.
  3. A foreign body in the respiratory system causes an unnatural cough. A spontaneous attack occurs, the baby bulges his eyes due to lack of air, his face turns red. In this case, coughing acts as a defense mechanism.

A foreign body also includes breast milk or formula. Babies often cough after or during feeding. The reason lies in the incorrectly chosen posture when feeding, increased pressure inside the stomach, a large volume of breast milk.

When a cough is accompanied by a rash all over the body, the cause is an allergic reaction in the body.

All possible allergens should be removed in the form of a new powder, soft toy, rattle, mixture, pillow filler, blanket, bed linen, pajamas. With the disappearance of the cause, the disease will also go away.

How and how to treat a child's cough?

Treatment of cough in babies is different, it is always necessary to select therapy methods that are suitable for the age of the baby. Many drugs have contraindications for use up to a year or six months of age. Particular attention should be paid to folk recipes, they often save the baby from an obsessive cough without complications or harm to health.

4-5 and 6 months

At 4-5 months of age, simple techniques can save you from coughing to alleviate the child's condition. They can lead to complete healing at the initial stage of colds, rhinitis, pharyngitis. Parents should:

  • air the baby's room at least 2 times a day;
  • monitor the humidity of the air, it should be in the range of 50-70%;
  • the temperature of the room where the sick baby sleeps should not exceed 22 degrees;
  • organize an abundant warm drink, in addition to breast milk or formula (you can give boiled water);
  • be sure to cleanse the nose with saline, drip 2 drops into the nasal passages every 2 hours with a runny nose;
  • change the position of the baby's body so that the phlegm can leave the body faster.

Medication is prescribed only by a specialist after examination and examination. In infancy, you cannot self-medicate, this is fraught with complications and adverse reactions in the baby.

From 4 months of age, pediatricians prescribe the following medications for coughing attacks:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Jocet;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Bronchipret.

The above measures are also suitable for treating a six-month-old baby.

At the age of 6 months, it is worth trying the proven folk recipe "Mustard Plaster Flake." To prepare it, you must take the ingredients in equal proportions (1 teaspoon):

  • dry mustard mixture;
  • vodka;
  • sunflower oil;
  • onion juice;
  • flour.

All components are mixed thoroughly, as a result, a thick dough should be obtained. It should be placed on a sterile napkin in the form of a cake and applied to the baby's back for 1-1.5 hours. It should be used no more than 2 times a day. With the help of a healing recipe, sputum is more efficiently liquefied and leaves the focus of inflammation. The folk method is designed for therapy during dry, wet, combined cough related to diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

7-8 and 9 months

From 7 months it is possible to use folk remedies in therapy, for example:

  1. Potato compress during coughing fits without fever. Boil 4 medium-sized vegetables, while hot, put on a double-rolled diaper, gently knead until a flat cake. Cover with another diaper on top so that the compress does not come out. Place on the baby's back and chest, cover him with a blanket. Apply no more than 1 time a day, the duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour.
  2. Decoction based on coltsfoot, marshmallow root, oregano. An equal part of the plants is taken, half a liter of boiling water. The mixture will need 8 grams, it is poured with boiling water and infused for 1.5 hours. Then take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Be careful! Any plant can cause an allergic reaction in a baby.

Before use, you should give the child a dose 3 times less and observe his condition for 6 hours. If allergy symptoms do not appear, the recipe can be used.

At the age of 9 months, pediatricians prescribe the following drugs to improve sputum discharge and help relieve coughing attacks:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • Prospan;

A nine-month-old baby should be inhaled with a nebulizer. Sparing recipes based on soda, Borjomi, saline will come to the rescue. To carry out the procedure with the help of Borjomi, you should initially remove gases from the drink, then use it as directed. The inhalation time should not exceed 5 minutes, and should be carried out no more than 1-2 times a day. There should be 6 hours between treatments. Saline and Borjomi are recommended for use in a dosage of 2-5 ml. Soda needs ½ teaspoon.

A newborn is 1 month old

You should be very careful during the therapy of a newborn. A 1 month old baby can be damaged by any medical procedure performed independently at home. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use medicines at this age without a doctor's prescription. Proven and gentle methods of therapy are capable of helping to weaken the disease.

They are as follows:

  1. Be sure to rinse your nose with Aquamaris or Aqualor solution for children. Every 2 hours, instill saline into the nasal passages.
  2. If the baby has a stuffy nose, it is difficult for him to breathe, it is worth carrying out the procedure for removing mucus from the nasal passages using an aspirator.
  3. Water the baby more with boiled warm water.
  4. If there is no temperature, walk in the fresh air longer and more often.
  5. Observe the humidity and temperature in the room.
  6. If the throat is red, try to give the child a drink with a weak decoction of chamomile. Enough ½ teaspoon, 3 times a day. In some children, chamomile can cause stool disturbance in the form of diarrhea. If such a side effect is observed, it is worth abandoning herbal treatment.
  7. Carry out a drainage massage to the baby. Doing it yourself is not recommended. Better to invite a specialist to your home.

The main thing in the treatment of a newborn and nursing baby is the activity of the parents. Do not be afraid to carry out inhalation procedures, compresses, treat with folk remedies. Many years ago, our grandmothers did not have the opportunity to give medicines of a new generation, they carried out therapy on their own based on folk wisdom and experience. It is never too late to give a baby a miracle cure, it is worth trying to start treatment with safe methods based on herbal medicine, the use of compresses, inhalations under the supervision of a doctor.

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how to treat a cough in a child at 9 months

Do you need to cure a cough in an 8 month old baby? Find out what to look for in this article How to treat a cold in a 9 month old baby. Unfortunately, even babies under the age of one year can catch a cold. How is a cough in an infant treated? When an infant begins to cough, do not delay, immediately call a therapist. Herbs for coughing for an infant. After two months, it is recommended to use a decoction based on plantain, coltsfoot. How to treat dry and wet cough in a child at 1 year old, what remedies can be used? Mucolytic expectorant effect. children under 24 months are prescribed 2.5 ml 2 times a day. from 2 to 6 years old - half a tsp. three times a day. from 5 to 9 months. What should young mothers do in this case, whose experience is not so great, but they are very interested in the answer to the question of how to treat a cough in an infant? How to treat a cough in a 9.5 month old baby? elena m Artificial Intelligence (109369) 5 years ago. 7 months old baby red throat. A 1 year old child has a wet cough. Small children from coughing. A cough in a 9 month old baby can be treated with aromatherapy or inhaled at home. For the third week he coughs, the cough is wet. How to treat a wet cough in a child, tell a 2-year-old child a cough, they did not take a picture of pneumonia. the child at 9 months has a very narrow trachea and if it flows out he may simply suffocate, I was not joking when I wrote to call the ambulance. if you do, watch her, if she scares you and causes strong anxiety about her cough - it is better to play it safe 100 times at that age. Unfortunately, colds lie in wait even for babies under the age of one year. Stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, high fever how to help a small child to quickly relieve these symptoms? What products are approved for use in children at 9 months old? In our article we will talk about how to treat a cold in an 8 month old baby when coughing, snot, sore throat and fever are bothering you, but if an 8 month old baby is coughing and snot is pouring down, you should definitely call a pediatrician. Question: The child is 6 months old, coughs, has no fever, so he needs to start treating him as soon as possible! Seek the advice of a therapist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe what is possible for pregnant women with a cough, the safest drugs.

How to treat a cold in a 9 month old child. Unfortunately, even babies under the age of one year can catch a cold. Stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, high fever how to help a small child to quickly relieve these symptoms? A child of 9 months is coughing. The child is 9 months old.

Severe cough. Tell me how to treat. But that's bad, if a child has a bacterial infection, then there is no way to cure it without an antibiotic, but it can really worsen. Do you need to cure a cough in a child of 8 months? Chronic cough in a child of 8 months can be treated with traditional medicine and folk remedies. The most pressing question that worries the parents of a coughing baby is: what is the best way to treat a dry cough in an infant. They got sick again at 8 months, this time they prescribed a dry cough medicine and I again gave Prospan, Nazivin was also in the nose. Our pediatrician is useless , at the slightest snot she prescribes antibiotics, on Monday I call, just to listen. Temperature is not present, a stream flows from her nose and coughs, sneezes. Sleeps constantly. Discussion "How to treat dry cough in a child?" On the site 9. Through Vkontakte. My son is one year and 5 months old. How to treat We are 9 months old. My child was ill at about 6 and 9-10 months, no antibiotics were taken, cough was treated with Ambrobene (solution and syrup) and Mukaltin - the sequence and dosage were prescribed by the doctor depending on the condition. It is impossible to treat a cough in an infant with drugs for adults, since they have a higher concentration, which means that they can lead to the development of a large number of complications. From the first days of life, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Gedelix can be prescribed. Helen, how old are you and how many teeth do you have? We are 7 months old and have 2 teeth so far. got out in 5 months. expect from day to day the next Read the latest notes from our readers. How to treat a child's snot cough? Komarovsky advises: how to treat a cough and cough medicine. Occasionally, every child has a cough. A runny nose in a child is 9 months old than to treat. A cough symptom is a protective reaction of the body to irritating factors. During this process, mucus is released from the body. The airways are cleared of accumulated phlegm. Please tell me, the child is 9 months old, this morning he coughed several times, the cough is wet. Anivel wrote: Stodal. This is homeopathy, it does not heal anything. See also: Cough in a child - is cough treatment different in children and adults? How to cure a cough in a child 3.5 years old after visiting kindergarten (see)? How to give to a child? How to treat a cough in a child 1 year 9 months old? How to treat a child (9 months)? For the treatment of dry and wet coughs, mucolytic drugs are used to thin sputum, it is also very good to inhale the child. If the child is 9 months old or more, you can warm up for about 40 minutes. After that, the baby needs to change and wrap up. Rating: Publications on the topic. Colds: How To Treat A Residual Cough In A Child? Cough in an infant, a cough remedy for children under one year old, than to treat in children 6 months old, a runny nose in an infant, when breastfeeding, remedies. A cough in an infant can provoke vomiting, hoarseness, be accompanied by anxiety, disrupt sleep, and worsen the course of the underlying disease. Comments on the article How to treat a cough in a child of 9 months How to treat a cough in a child, its types, features of therapy for productive and unproductive cough. For example, Evkabal and Prospan are allowed to be prescribed to babies from 6 months. Join. A cough in an 8-month-old baby how to treat. A friend's 8-month-old baby has been coughing for quite some time, especially at night. She no longer knows what to do. Question: The child has a bad cold, cough, runny nose. How to treat We are 9 months old? Competent treatment of a cold in children Usually, the development of a cold takes 7-10 days or more, depending on the type of disease that provoked it. Well, first, go to the pediatrician, how you can advise any remedies, after all, a cough is dry, wet, with or without wheezing, and only a doctor can determine this. But for all types of coughs, you need to give the child more water to drink. the first examination by the ENT at 9 months of age how to eat up the children's lorics, she herself recently drove the child, they looked great, and the ears, nose and throat. Daughters are less than 9 months old.

Has been coughing for almost 3 weeks. The cough is wet. When deciding what and how to properly treat a cough in a newborn child, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. Herbs in the fight against cough. The use of herbs in the form of decoctions for the treatment of infants is possible from 2 months. It works well when a child has a dry cough at 6 months. They do not give an adverse reaction. Qualified specialists advise treating a child if there is a runny nose and cough, but no temperature. Warming up with salt, honey, onion, lemon and other methods is prohibited for babies up to 6-9 months. What to do if phlegm is released with blood when coughing? How to treat a severe cough in a child at night and can it be dangerous? Possible causes of a cough in an infant. With temperature. No temperature. How and how to treat a child's cough? 4-5 and 6 months. 7-8 and 9 months. The newborn is 1 month old. Cough is a natural reaction of the body. How to treat cough at home in children. Treatment of jaundice in newborns. Diarrhea in a month old baby than to treat. The child is 3 months old with loose stools. Temperature 40 2 in a child. Cough in a child of 9 months. Good afternoon, tell me please. By and large, a cough should not be treated at all: a dry one cannot be suppressed, because the cough center is located in the cerebral cortex, and the processes of excitation and suppression in young children Cough in a child of 9 months. Good afternoon, tell me please. You need to treat the reason, then the symptom will go away on its own (another question, which is not immediately) By and large, a cough should not be treated at all: you cannot suppress a dry one, because the cough center is in the bark It happens that a child coughs 9 months, simply because due to teething teeth, he has intense salivation, which does not flow down. Cough in a 9 month old baby can be treated with aromatherapy or inhaled at home. It is believed that up to a year, children are not susceptible to colds and cannot suffer from coughs, since mother's milk protects their body from infections. However, this is not the case. Cough in a 9 month old baby can be treated with aromatherapy or inhaled at home. Cough in an infant without fever or runny nose (causes and how to treat). Also, it is impossible to treat a child's cough, as Komarovsky believes, without knowing what caused it. What remedies, according to Komarovsky, can be used to treat a strong prolonged cough in a child if the attacks persist for a long time, up to several months? How to treat a cough in a 9 month old child? For a small child, a cough can become a real torment: the baby does not eat well, does not sleep at night, vomiting may appear. It so happens that a child is coughing for 9 months, simply because because of teething teeth, his child is 9 months old, a runny nose and a cough than to treat a child cough 9 months cough in a child 9 months than to treat | Tags: how, how. In the absence of contraindications, the treatment of cough in children under one year old can be carried out using medicinal herbs. Child's cough. There are two types of coughs in total - productive (wet) and unproductive (dry). Babies under 4 months of age do not cough much. Knowing what a cough sounds like will help the doctor decide how to treat the baby. Children get sick, unfortunately, quite often, including in infancy. Naturally, parents in such a situation are trying to somehow help the baby in order to alleviate his suffering. At the same time, if for How to treat We are 9 months old Mothers who have no help from anyone, you need to go for treatment without a child, as you do with Nobody left. How to treat a child's cough? - read. Any illness of an infant causes anxiety, fear and powerlessness in caring parents, because the children are so “small and weak”, and the ailments progress suddenly and rapidly. We treat a cough in an infant with folk remedies. If a baby has coughs, treatment is required to start with a call to the doctor. Herbs in the fight against cough. The use of herbs in the form of decoctions for the treatment of infants is possible from 2 months.