A short story about friends for children. Fairy tales composed by children "Friendship". "The Tale of the Friendship of Peoples"

about the author

Kirill is 8 years old, he is a student of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3" in the city of Astrakhan.

Cheerful, cheerful boy, loves to read, tries to compose fairy tales. He is engaged in applied art, his works take first places at school and city exhibitions. The city where Kirill lives is multinational. People of different nationalities live peacefully not only in one city, but also in one family. Kirill's family is Russian-Tatar. In his tale, Kirill tells that people need to live in peace and honor each other's traditions.

"The Tale of the Friendship of Peoples"

Once upon a time there was a Russian hero Nikita. He lived happily and had many friends.

Once he fell in love with the princess and wanted to marry her. And the princess told him that she would marry him if he got her a wedding ring - a gem ring. That ring is kept by the Serpent Gorynych in the tower up to the clouds. Around that tower there is a wall of fire, around that wall a boiling river.

There is nothing to do, Nikita went to look for - to get a semi-precious ring. How long or short he searched, finally came across a boiling river. And he cannot get over it. He returned sad to his homeland.

On the way, his old friend, Armenian Aram, met him and asked:

I want to marry a princess, she told me to get a gem ring. But how to get it - you can't cross the boiling river. - Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Aram tells him, - I will build you a stone bridge across the boiling river.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thank you to his friend and went across the bridge to get a ring. He crossed the river and stopped - in front of him was a wall of fire. He walked - the hero walked around the bush, so he returned home with nothing.

On the way I met my bosom friend - the Kalmyk Basang, who asks him:

What, friend Nikita, is not happy? What a wild head hung?

I want to marry a princess, she told me to get a gem ring. But how to get it - you can't get over the fiery wall - Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Basang tells him, - I will give you a horse, he will carry you over the wall of fire.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thanks to his friend, got on his horse and drove off. The zealous horse ran up and jumped over the wall of fire. He gallops on - he sees a tower up to the clouds, and under it is the Serpent Gorynych with three heads. Yes, you cannot overcome this with your bare hands. I had to return to my home side again.

On the way I met my friend, the Kazakh Tagir, who asks him:

What, friend Nikita, is not cheerful? What a wild head hung?

I want to marry a princess, she told me to get a gem ring. But how to get it - you can't defeat the Gorynych Snake with your bare hands. - Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Tagir tells him, - I will give you a heroic sword, in a moment you can defeat the snake.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thank you to his friend, sat on his horse, took the sword and galloped off to the Serpent Gorynych's heads.

He defeated the Serpent, but he cannot get into the tower: there is no door in it, only a window under the very clouds. The hero returned home again.

On the way I met my old friend, the Tatar Rustam, who asks him:

What, friend Nikita, is not happy? What a wild head hung?

I want to marry a princess, she told me to get a gem ring. But how to get it - in the tower it is, a window under the very clouds.

Do not be sad, friend, - Rustam tells him, - I will give you a rope a hundred miles long, but the bow is tight, tie the rope to the arrow and let it fly into the sky. And when the arrow hooks on the tower, you climb up the rope into the window.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thank you to his friend, got on his horse and galloped to the tower. He pulled on a tight bow and shot an arrow into the sky, and when she caught hold of the tower, he climbed up the rope through the window.

He found himself in a room, and in that room there was a bag of gold and a semi-precious ring. He took both that, and another.

He returned to his homeland, married the princess, and distributed the gold to his friends.

A fairy tale for preschool and primary school children

A fairy tale of friendship for children 5 - 12 years old

Egorova Galina Vasilievna.
Position and place of work: homeschool teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya general education boarding school", settlement Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material description: This tale is written for children of different ages. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers and educators. This tale tells how a fox cub, a teddy bear, a hare and a squirrel learned to value friendship. This fairy tale can be used in kindergarten, in extracurricular reading lessons at school and for reading in the family circle.
Target: Formation of the idea of ​​friendship through the content of the tale.
-educational: talk about the fact that you need to be able to put up and forgive, appreciate friends;
-developmental: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
-educational: foster a sense of faith in friendship, miracles, empathy, interest in reading fairy tales.

Lived - there were four fluffy friends in a large beautiful forest: a hare, a bear cub, a squirrel and a red fox.

They were so funny and funny and very funny. As they begin to rush through the forest, so the dust is a "pillar". And as soon as they decide to play hide and seek, so in general: a fox can climb a tree, a squirrel can disguise itself as an anthill, a bear cub will pretend to be a mountain, and a hare will stand up like a column so that friends sweep past.
So, cheerfully and playfully, the animals spent day after day. It was a hot summer season. The sun from the very early morning began to generously endow the entire forest district with its warm embraces. The birds sang lovely melodies with each other. They were so beautiful that even the grumpy hedgehog stopped grumbling, settled down more comfortably on a tree stump and listened to their singing. Why was the hedgehog grumbling? Because restless friends all the time got confused under her feet. Aunt will come out - a hedgehog to breathe air, lean on a column, and this column will scream like: “Oh - e - her, yes - I - yay! My whole back was stabbed! "
Poor hedgehogs' blood pressure could have jumped! You see, these mischievous people are playing hide and seek again. And the hare decided to be a tin soldier.
And this is not an isolated case of such insanity of the poor aunt. Now the apples and mushrooms disappear by themselves from the plate left on the porch. As if a ghost quietly appeared, while the hedgehog dozed in a rocking chair. And this ghost was even very fluffy, red-haired or with long ears.

In general, there were more than enough reasons for dissatisfaction.
Once, a calm came in the forest. No crazy running around, no shouting: "And I am the first, this is my nut, you grind, and your horns have grown, and you have a beetle on your back!"
What happened? It turned out that everything is very commonplace and simple. Friends quarreled without agreeing on which game to play. And everyone scattered to their homes.
As time went on, no one wanted to be the first to be reconciled. Everyone thought they were right.
Suddenly everyone heard the alarming cry of a magpie - white-sided:
- Everyone, everyone, everyone! Help is urgently needed! The gray wolf got into a trap with a password. To free him, you need the secret of friendship. Are there real friends in our forest?
- There is! - shouted in one voice a hare, a bear cub, a fox cub and a squirrel, not expecting it themselves.
- So let's go the same soon! We must quickly save the wolf! - rattled the magpie and flew forward, showing the way.

It turned out that the wolf had fallen into a cunning trap - a trap. To open this trap, you had to touch it with real friends. If the friendship is strong, the alarm will go off and the lock will open.
Our heroes came up to the trap, put their paws on the scoreboard and heard this: “Din - dilen! Good day! I will free the wolf, and for you, my friends, I will say so. Do not swear, do not fight, and always - always make peace! "
And the trap burst open. The joy of the wolf and all the spectators knew no bounds! And to our friends it was also a lesson for the future.

There is such an important person on earth - this is a good friend. Everyone needs a good friend. In our tale, the octopus found a friend quite by accident. Under what circumstances? Now we will find out everything ...

Fairy tale "New friend"

Once upon a time there was an octopus Oska. Oh, what a handsome man he was! All eight of its legs moved very gracefully. But for some reason they feared the octopus, although in fact he was kind. And very lonely. He wanted to have a friend. But the friend could not be found.

And then the octopus came up with this. To begin with, he decided to turn into a stingray.

And the fact is that the octopus has such an amazing property. He knows how to imitate other marine animals - jellyfish, flounders ... And stingrays too.

Here sits our octopus Oska and talks to himself. He just starts a conversation like an octopus, and continues like a stingray. Then vice versa. And he is not bored.

Meanwhile, a real stingray swam past the octopus. Hearing some conversation, he stopped. The stingray hid behind a snag, and began to watch the performance played by the octopus. After some time, the stingray swam out from behind the shelter, and headed towards the octopus.

- Oska, what does it all mean?

“I'm playing friend,” said the octopus. “I don’t have a friend, so I have to play him.

“Let me be your friend,” said the skat.

- Come on, - Oska was delighted.

Since then, Skat and Oska have become friends. And friendship is great!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What was the name of the octopus in question?

What amazing property does an octopus have?

What game did the octopus play?

Who watched the octopus play?

Draw an octopus Oska and a stingray.

What proverbs fit a fairy tale?

Friendship is stronger than stone walls.
To hold on to each other is not to be afraid of anything.

The main meaning of the tale is that it is difficult for everyone without a friend. The octopus made a friend by chance - it also happens. And we will only be glad that another living creature in the world began to live better!

Once upon a time there lived a small green caterpillar Lyapa in a magical forest on a bright flower meadow. Who gave her such a strange name, she did not even think. In general, she didn't care. Lyapa loved to wake up in the early morning on some fragrant flower, wash with dew and, swaying on a chamomile or forget-me-not, grumble with juicy grass.

This is how Lyapa lived: she woke up, washed herself, ate and went to bed again, hiding under a leaf of plantain. And such a life suited her perfectly. When it got bored, the caterpillar admired the beautiful purple butterfly, which loved to collect nectar in the Lyapina flower meadow.

And in another clearing near the river lived a small frog Kwak, also green and lonely. Kwak had no friends at all. All he did was sit on the petal of a river water lily and catch gnats and mosquitoes with his long sticky tongue. Sometimes he jumped into the water and chased small fish, but for some reason they did not want to play with him and always hid in the silt at the bottom of the river. Then Kwak returned to the water lily again to catch another insect.

This is how the frog lived, not realizing that not far from it there is another clearing, where someone also lives, until he saw a beautiful creature with purple wings that hovered above the ground, and then for some reason sat down on his beloved water lily. The creature gazed trustingly at Kwak with its huge eyes and wiggled its funny little antennae. The frog really liked the stranger, he sat admiring her and was stupidly silent.

It was a butterfly, the same one that loved to collect nectar on the Lapins' flowers ...

Sorry, the creature said, I have borrowed your flower. The wind hurt my wing a little. I will rest a little and fly to a chamomile meadow on the other side of the river.

The butterfly sat a little longer, flapped its purple wings and flew away.

The frog really did not want to part with a new friend, and even so beautiful. And he crossed the river and went after the butterfly. Only now he did not notice how the butterfly disappeared from sight, and something fell on him from somewhere above, so soft and pleasant.
From the surprise, Kwak was frightened and pressed his little cold paws to the ground and closed his eyes. And when I decided to open them, I saw an even stranger creature than a butterfly, long and green with many tiny legs. The creature was lying belly up on the ground and did not move.

Kva-kva-kva ... Are you all right? asked the puzzled frog.
- Y-yes .., - said the creature, - sorry, I fell on you, I was blown away by the wind from my beloved chamomile. I'm a Lyapa caterpillar. Who are you? I have not seen anyone like you before ...
- And I am the frog Kwak, I live in a neighboring meadow on the other side of the river. I came here to find a friend - a beautiful purple butterfly.
- She is sometimes here and I also often admire her ...
- Let's be friends? - suggested Kwak. And Lyapa happily agreed, because she never had friends.

The newly made friends became inseparable, often played hide and seek, composed fairy tales together, and then fell asleep side by side, covered with a leaf of plantain. They enjoyed spending time together.
Time passed, the caterpillar grew up and learned to climb the tallest plants. Now she could get to the juicy leaves and eat her fill. And the frog waited below and caught the midges with its long tongue.
Once Lyapa could not resist and fell from forget-me-not. She flew down for a long time, closing her eyes from fright, until she fell on something sticky. It was a spider web. And a spider was sitting on the web and weaving its webs. The spider was very happy to see the caterpillar and in short but quick steps ran to its victim, quickly wrapped it in thin threads and ran away.

The caterpillar lay on the web, not alive, not dead, and trembled. She could not even call for help, she was so scared.

And Kvak, meanwhile, was sitting under the same forget-me-not and dreamed of how they would play with Lyapa.
But suddenly it is not clear where that very beautiful butterfly with purple wings appeared. She sat down next to the frog and yelled:
- Trouble, trouble! Trouble with Lyapa! Save the caterpillar. The evil spider has entangled her with its threads and waits for her to be exhausted. - She flapped her wings and flew to the river.

The frog looked up into the sky and saw a white canvas, on which lay a strange white cocoon, for some reason similar to Lyapa. The cocoon shook so hard that the canvas trembled underneath.
Kwak gathered all his frog strength and began to jump, jump and jump, until he jumped to the web and tore it apart. The cocoon fell to the ground, and a puzzled spider sat on a branch, waving its eight legs menacingly.
When the frog freed Lyapa from the shackles of the cocoon, the caterpillar opened her eyes and did not believe her happiness. She was free, and next to her sat the wettest, stickiest and coldest creature in the world, but so sweet and dear.

Since then, these two have not parted, because friendship is the most valuable thing they have.


Bull the Hedgehog and Gow the Bunny were very fond of playing together. They went to different schools, but went to the same football section. After the training was over, the hedgehog and the bunny remained in the stadium and chased the ball for a long time. Sometimes they played robbers or pirates, sometimes they just sat together, ate sandwiches and shared with each other. Our fairy tale about friendship will tell you that sometimes the paths of friends diverge, and after that only emptiness remains.

Read a story about friends

The hedgehog and the bunny agreed in advance that they would take tennis rackets with them and play after football. It was a beautiful autumn time outside, it was warm, and the trees were pleasing with a beautiful golden color. Buhl the hedgehog came to the football lesson earlier, in the locker room he met a new one - squirrel Pu. He turned out to be very funny, showed Buly his cars, told a lot of funny stories about his school. The bunny was a little late for the lesson. After the lesson, Gow was incredibly surprised, because his best friend ran to play table tennis with a squirrel, and completely forgot about him. On the one hand, he wanted to take offense and go home. Never talk to a hedgehog again. On the other hand, he valued their friendship so much that he still wanted to hear explanations and apologies.

The bunny went up to Bulya and Pu, who were playing tennis. They were so absorbed in the game that they did not notice Gow.
“Um, um,” Gow said, but they didn’t see him. Then the bunny became unbearably painful, he went to Buhl's backpack and put half of his sandwich beside him. And then he silently retired home. Having finished playing, the hedgehog and the squirrel said goodbye. Boulle went to his backpack and saw a sandwich. He was very happy, because after the game he was always incredibly hungry. And Gough had the most delicious sandwiches in the world - with sausage, tomato, cheese and parsley. It was all soaked in ketchup.
Eating a sandwich, the hedgehog finally felt uncomfortable. He remembered about his friend. Looked at the tennis rackets as he carried them to play with his best friend. The tale of friendship turned into a betrayal. Bulyu felt incredible for his act.
“An old friend is better than two new ones,” Buhl said to himself.
Then he went to the bunny's house, and on the way bought a lot of Coca-Cola. The door of the house was opened by the mother of the bunny.
- Hello, Boole. Gou is very upset today.
- I brought his favorite drink to hang the bunny.
- You know, I do not allow drinking Coca-Cola. - said my mother.
- But only today. For the sake of exception. After all, such sad days are created for your favorite drinks.

The bunny's mother smiled and allowed her to pass. The hedgehog did not have to apologize to his friend for a long time. Bunny listened to Buhl's feelings and realized that he deeply regretted and understood his mistakes. After that, the friends drank cola and watched fairy tales about friendship for children online, so that they would never quarrel again. And for the next football lesson, they took the ball, because the three of us could play the ball with a squirrel, without cheating or offending anyone.
Do you like the fairy tale? What's your best friend's name? Have you ever quarreled with him?

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