See what "Neither yes nor no says" is in other dictionaries. Pause in the relationship! The reason for the breakup is not clear. I want them back. The guy doesn't say yes or no.

We conquer a woman. And it is necessary?

Alexander Biryukov

Men who are women

with the greatest respect, rarely enjoy
they have greatest success.

(Joseph Addison)

The less we love a woman,

The easier she likes us

(Alexander Pushkin)

Between you and another person always exactly
ten steps.If you passed your five
and no one met you - turn around and leave.
(Chinese wisdom)

First, let's define that a sign of attention and conquest are not the same thing. The usual sign of attention looks simple and does not humiliate anyone. “I invite you to take a walk,” the man says. “Good,” the woman replies. Both of them consider the partner, looking for traits that are favorable for the relationship.

Conquest, finishing off is something completely different. This is when a woman demands admiration, obedience, and the man agrees. When a woman is capricious, and a man resignedly indulges her whims. When a man does not offer, but begs, begs for meetings, sex, relationships. When a man spends all his money, time and energy on a woman who, in general, does not need him. She is simply flattered that the best male resources are flying to her feet. When a man for the sake of a woman loses himself, his path and his goal.

What we call "conquering a woman", "seeking a woman" is courtship hypertrophied to a state of grotesque.They come from a patriarchal culture. Their meaning is to show a woman (and more to her parents) that a man:

Has serious intentions about a woman (communication without such is condemned or even persecuted),

Has the ability and desire to support a woman and common children (before marriage, a woman is supported by her parents, after marriage - supported by her husband, without her own income)

However, this is not all. In response to male courtship, a woman must show a man that she is also ready for family life: that she is not dissolute, has an agreeable character, is not grumpy or hysterical, not stupid, economic, knows how to maintain a home, is ready to create for a man (husband ) a comfortable rear and become a faithful companion. Without these qualities, a woman is not suitable for a family and relationships in general, so there can be no talk of any conquests.

As we all understand perfectly well, it is stupid to talk about patriarchal traditions now. For a long time, women have every right and excellent opportunities to earn no less than men. The mores and behavior of women have long been different from those of Turgenev's girls, Elizabeth Bennett or Pushkin's Tatiana.

In addition, there was a sharp bias in responsibilities. If the duty to look after, "win" and "prove love" has not been canceled, then the symmetrical duties of a woman, listed in two paragraphs above, are declared obsolete and generally discriminatory against the "weaker sex". "A woman should be happy, and she doesn't owe anything to anyone else," - echo magazines, TV series, parents, girlfriends and "women's" sites. Thus, a man is charged with the obligation to break into a cake, seeking a woman, and a woman has every right to haughtily take courtship as a matter of course. A man who expects reciprocity in response to his courtship is declared a loser, weakling, boring, greedy and generally "not a man."

However, despite such controversy, the ritual of "conquest" is stubbornly supported. What for? Let's figure it out.

There is no point in talking about the motives of the “beneficiary” (that is, women) - they are already clear. Who doesn't want to be begged, showered with gifts and fulfilled all your whims?

We are interested in the side of the man, that is, the donor. What is the reason for him to "conquer" and "achieve"?

To begin with, even under patriarchy, not everything that is now presented as courtship was encouraged. For example, expensive gifts and going to a restaurant with a girl were not only not welcomed, but also condemned. Expensive gifts could be accepted at the earliest during and after the engagement (they returned during a disagreement), and a woman could only go to a restaurant either with her parents or with her husband. Of course, there could be no question of demanding, begging for gifts or a restaurant from a man. This behavior is a sign of a prostitute.

Such traditions, by the way, were preserved much longer than the patriarchy. For example, even in the mid-late 70s, it was not customary to take a girl, especially an unfamiliar one, to a restaurant. It was also not customary to give and accept expensive gifts - it was believed that this strongly obliges the girl, and she will either have to make a return gift (which is burdensome from the financial side), or “thank” the man in a different way (which is unacceptable from the point of view of morality).

The champions of conquest and finishing offenses actively refer to traditions, but they are silent about what I wrote above. They prefer to behave like they did in the 21st century, but demand to be treated like they did in the 19th century. They behave like Cicciolina, but want to be perceived as Jane Eyre was perceived.

What prompts a modern man to conquer?

1. Following "traditions". Usually romantic men, well-read in classical literature, behave this way, who are still convinced that morals have not changed since the days of Jane Austen and her heroines. Such men are cut off from life and live in a fictional pink world. They are brought up most often by women (mother, grandmother) and have a liberal arts education. They stubbornly refuse to notice that the current average woman is similar to Elizabeth Bennett only anatomically.

2. Another variant of following traditions is “tyzhmuzhik”, “yachtonemuzhikchtoli”. Popular male bravado and the associated belief that "a woman needs to prove that I'm cool." These are traditionalists who do not understand that all traditions have long been destroyed.

3. The reason associated with point 2 - masking by persistent and "beautiful" courtship of their own shortcomings, sometimes critical for the family. I noticed that the most active and "richer" men are courting men with major flaws: drinkers, drug addicts, gamblers, criminals, etc. They subconsciously feel their inferiority and try to cover up, decorate their minuses with abundant (even obsessive) courtship and generous gifts. This group includes married men who are not going to leave their family, but prefer to "buy" their mistress with gifts.

Two examples.

The first, narrated by Sergei Borisov.

Once, on duty, a man is brought to him with severe cirrhosis of the liver, ascites and everything else due. The man looks like the last bum. The level of intelligence is below the plinth. Culture is at zero. Somehow they brought him out of a critical state.The next morning, his wife arrives - a beautiful, even gorgeous woman with the right speech, stylishly dressed. Doctors, seeing the extreme discrepancy between husband and wife, ask: "How did it happen that such a woman married such a man?" The answer amazed everyone: “Yes, he drank before the wedding. But how beautifully he courted! Every day he gave me a box of my favorite sweets! "

The second example I have seen in my life.

A girl from a small town studied in a metropolis. She was looked after by two guys. At home - a car mechanic, a highly primative and not too high-ranking man. He drank, had problems at work, but at the same time he overwhelmed the girl with gifts, did not leave her a single step and drove away other applicants - some with his presence, some with his fists. After frequent alcoholic excesses, episodes of assault or other punctures characteristic of highly primative men with bad habits, he lied to the girl, rolled at his feet and begged for forgiveness. In a metropolis - a graduate of a prestigious university, a cultured, educated man in a good position, always well dressed and smells of expensive perfume. Low primative, calm, no bad habits and show-off. Confident. He did not overwhelm her with gifts, courted calmly, evenly, without "finishing off" and entreaties. The girl hesitated, and her parents played the main role, choosing a car mechanic. The motive is the same - "he loves you so much, he cares for you so much!" The result is predictable: now this woman is carrying a child and a drunken, unemployed husband. So with "beautiful" courtship, the man achieved his goal - he was able to disguise the vices incompatible with family life.

We know how the stories about beautifully caring hooligans end: the boyfriend degrades to an extreme degree (alcoholism, prison), and a happy girl is left alone with her children, her idiot husband and bitterness towards all men. She is a victim. But the victim is not men, as is commonly thought, but instincts and lack of a brain in his own head. I chose it myself. Nobody pulled forcibly. However, that's another story (see chapter).

4. Often, money scamming is nothing more than an attempt to raise the visual rank, to show the girl in the eye. When a man has no other virtues than the amount that he is willing to spend on a woman, he uses this only trump card. Demonstrates "wealth", "success" (although the amount can be: accidental, stolen, borrowed, etc.). A man knows that he has no special qualities. He also knows that. As a result, a loser playing the role of a successful person gets what he wanted. However, a woman also gets what she wants - money and a lot of attention. And when they end, she leaves.

At the same time, I would like to remind you that a truly successful, self-confident, self-sufficient proves nothing to anyone. He does not depend on the opinions of others and does not try to show off. He doesn't try to buy a woman's favor with gifts. It is valuable in itself, and knows it O. And he also has no time to "conquer": a position in society is acquired by hard work.

5. Often "conquest" characterizes people who are dependent on other people's opinions.“Independence in actions and judgments is the main male virtue,” wrote Vis Vitalis. And he was not writing about such men.

6. Last but not least, active pursuit and conquest often stem from ordinary neediness. A lonely, longing for men, a woman begins to strenuously strip herself, acting on instincts. A man in a similar situation begins to "conquer": to waste money and beg for dates, to run on his heels, to call out his eyes, to impose services. All for the sake ofget to the cherished place... This method is popularly called "not washing, so by rolling." It also affects the instincts of women. Both of these heroes receive, but they receive exactly what they influence, and not what they dream of. Instead of great and pure love, a woman only gets casual sex, and a man becomes a cash cow for a mercantile lady. He is very lucky if he occasionally gets encouraging sex, and does not sit in feeding on promises and flirting.

“I have repeatedly heard the confessions of women, often divorced, from which it was clear that the husband (former or current) is a real monster. Despotic, selfish, unreasonably jealous, inattentive, unable to support a family, lazy, drinking, irresponsible, etc., etc. To the question "Why did you marry such a goat?" Followed by the same sad, dreamy answer: "He courted so beautifully ..."

As for me, I don't even understand what it means to "look after nicely". Throughout my life, I have had many women. And I loved each of them. Anyway, for a while. It didn’t even occur to me that they needed to be "looked after" somehow.

I can understand why "caregivers" become monsters. After all, this is a purchase and sale scheme. Whoever feeds a girl dances her. I spent a lot of money on you during the courtship period, and now, be good ... I bought you. And you sold yourself to me. The situation is exactly like with a prostitute. "

Marat Vasiliev

How really?

A man should understand that he is valuable as a person, and not only as a source of benefits for women. If a woman is only interested in finishing off, then she is just looking for a tool in order to please her ego. Or for a banal enrichment. If you, as a person, are not interested in a given woman, then you should look for one that is interested. If you are not interesting to anyone, it makes sense to think about what's the matter and start pumping your skills. This will help not only with women, but in general in life.

Some women not only claim to conquer and finish off, but openly demand restaurants, gifts and other joys of the consumer society. Often on. I hope I don’t need to explain to you that this is substandard.

In general, a modern woman who demands a man's bowl of restaurant salad looks pitiful. Like a beggar begging for alms. If she is not able to earn 200 rubles for a salad that she needs so much, then what can we talk about at all? This person is completely unfit for life. Or just a consumer attitude towards a man.

By the way, conquest is not only about money. And not even so much money. This is time, strength and personal dignity. A man who breaks into a cake for the sake of a woman does not only shower the lady with gifts. He spends a lot of time on her, waiting for her to finally deign (, etc.), strength (exhausting tension created by the eternally escaping lady) and throws his own dignity under the feet of the young lady, begging to meet and begging for sex. And this is the most mediocre waste of such resources that you can imagine. In this regard, I will remind you, reader, of the friend zone: "You have the resources. This is time, effort, money, knowledge, skills, experience. If you spend resources on yourself, then you will have both new resources and women. If you spend resources on women, you will lose both resources and women. Everything is extremely simple. "

Of course, all of the above does not mean at all that a man needs to walk an inflated turkey, look arrogantly at others and wait for women to start falling at his feet. A man makes the first step - there is nothing reprehensible in this (however, if a woman makes the first step, now this is also perceived as the norm). The initiative on the part of a man does not at all speak of his need for sex or anything else. In the end, it is necessary to show signs of attention to a woman you like even for a purely informational purpose - otherwise how will she even guess that you are not indifferent? Not by the stars! But God save you, men, to humiliate yourself, to seek, to beg. This behavior puts a man in the category of emetics - like apomorphine. Or in - as luck would have it.

There is nothing shameful in inviting a girl you like to a cafe or giving her a toy in honor of St. Basisual's Day. The criterion of the fidelity of your action is one: or because, does not agree to have sex, will not love you (emphasize the necessary)? Where is the right decision here, and where is the obedient reaction to manipulation, you decide for yourself.

Don't think that love can be bought with gifts. You can buy second-rate sex at best. And will it be pleasant to you if you know that a woman is with you not because she is interested in you as a person, but for a fashionable smartphone? Do you wanna be a birthing cow? No? Then it is better to interest the woman with your personal qualities, and not with gifts.

So the man takes the first step. If there is no reciprocal action on the part of the woman, if only he invests time, effort and money, and she only accepts all this favorably (or not very much - with whims), then it is better to break this nipple system. You will never fall in love with such a person for one reason - her heart has been long and firmly occupied. Occupied by her own priceless royal persona.

The same is true if a woman wags, she says neither "yes" nor "no." Doesn't give clear answers to your initiatives, generally avoids answering or in any other way escapes. This means only one thing: you are not interested in her, and she is playing cat and mouse with you. Just out of boredom. Most likely, dozens of admirers like you graze on her vast pasture-friend zone.

Perseverance, of course, has not been canceled, but if there is no answer “yes” to your second or third initiative, then read the previous paragraph again. And study the section.

Very often women say: "I didn't say no", "I did not give a negative answer"... Remember: any juggling with words on her part, any escape is a game of cat and mouse (I hope, friend, you understand how it ends for the mouse). Therefore, remember: repeated absence of an answer or an evasive answer for you personally means "no". You are simply kept on a short leash in case of boredom, as a fallback or as free labor, a pocket philosopher and a water-absorbing vest to drain the negativity. Women often say that the absence of an answer, even multiple times, means “ask me again”. All this is nonsense. If she wants, she will say yes. If he doesn’t speak, then he doesn’t want to. The first sentence is a warning shot. The second is final, to defeat the target. The rest is from the evil one.


You are not a doll to play with. And not a worn-out record to repeat sentences ten times. Even a merciful priest does not serve mass twice. Finally, develop self-esteem.

Remember: if a woman likes a man, if he is interested in her, she will not wag and slip away. Women are extremely pragmatic creatures who know perfectly well what they want and how to achieve it. A woman will do her best to be with a man she likes. She will explicitly and implicitly initiate meetings and develop relationships. And he will take your initiatives with joy and pleasure. In a normal relationship, a man's one step is on average one woman's. It is not necessary to count, but to keep it in mind is a must. Otherwise, the relationship will become a one-sided game.

And here is about the young ladies who deftly manipulate the boys.

"Catherine, hello.
My name is Evgeniy. I know that a lot of messages come in a day and the answers to them take a lot of time and effort, but it is better to wait for a worthwhile answer than not to ask and chew your brain on your own.

My situation is incredible, typical for matters of the heart, but how to get out of it "beautifully", I do not understand. I'll start a little from afar.
4.5 years have passed since the last relationship with the girl. I didn’t sit still, but I didn’t manage to find someone either. It all boiled down to the fact that those young ladies who liked me were unrequited and vice versa.

Not so long ago I met a girl and felt that this is the chance when you can enter the same river for the second time. I found everything that I "safely" lost 4.5 years ago. The contact was established, we talked a little and I started inviting her to real meetings.
Everything is sedate, movies, walks, cafes, parks, flowers, sweets, gifts and compliments. To the extent of her requests and desires, I do not refuse anything.

Also, in spite of the fact that I am quite demanding of myself and people, I let her get away with a lot.
For example: late hours, the fact that she sometimes ignores me and tries to present everything in the light that she likes.

We would have walked like that, but I decided to take a chance and make her an offer to move from the framework of friendly relations to the format of closer relations.
I also indicated that I don't need another just girlfriend. Then he gave time to think.
A day later, she sends me an answer in the style: "Now is not the time to think about it." As for "just girlfriends," she said even more simply: "Didn't you think that at this place I could just turn around and leave?"
To my clarification about the time, does this mean a polite refusal? She replied: "No, I have not yet given an answer. Don't think for me!"

What did I end up with. I was not told direct no, I was not told direct, and the "threat" to leave was not carried out (did not go anywhere).

After that, I didn’t bring up the topic anymore, I continued to invite her to walk, give flowers and, if possible, somehow look after. Only at our meetings he does not allow himself to hug, to take the hand too.
At the same time, she is not against the massage and she herself constantly touches, then hits, then pinches.
In communication, the same way, we talk normally, then she gets sick on the topic of discussing sex, then she hangs on the phone and at the same time allows herself to talk on the phone with someone for 10, 20 minutes. I understand that I have no right to limit it, but no one has canceled politeness either.

And with such a "bouquet", I don't know how to personalize myself.
Wait until she matures or was it a refusal? Why is she indignant if suddenly it comes to talking about other women, but at the same time she herself talks about the ex, and speaks with friends on the phone, right at meetings?
So many years without a relationship knocked me out of the rut and I don't understand whether he uses it, or just got such a "test". Could you judge and advise how to proceed? Run or butt on. "

It is precisely because the situation is typical that we will talk about it.

I noticed an amazing thing: people often do not understand where to go in very typical situations. If you develop the topic a little, then the thought comes to mind: this probably comes from the fact that each person, of course, considers himself somewhat special. Deep in my soul.
And when something completely typical happens, something that others would look at from the outside, and would immediately understand where it was going, and what to do with it, starts to get stupid.
And thoughts like: "It is so similar, but what if I don't understand why, is it right now with me?"
Yes, it's very hard to look at your own with an open mind.

And only with a special degree of acquired life observation, cynicism and self-confidence, only seeing a rake, and not even stepping on it, do you understand: no, it does not seem, yes, as if it’s not worth wasting time, you need to take a step aside ...

* * * * *
You are a completely clever boy, I watch.
If you already see all these strange details yourself, then all that remains is to confirm the guesses: yes, in fact, complete garbage is happening.

And you also seem to be a humanly honest guy: you honestly look after, honestly and patiently wait, and honestly want a transparent answer: here or there.
Devils of both sexes are especially fond of these. Honest, direct, clearly placing in places, and trying just as clearly to do what is required of them.

Because all these qualities of an adult, responsible, obligatory person.
Such people - as in the palm of your hand, they are easy to twist.
Because an honest person, looking at the world through his own prism, expects the same from others, and all sorts of omissions and misunderstandings lead him into a stupor especially strongly.

This is not to stop being honest, but to the fact that a person with such a set needs to be especially careful in relations with others, and remember that there may be those nearby who want to profit by trading on these qualities.

* * * * *
The simplest indicator is a fuzzy understanding of what is happening under well-defined conditions. It is the very same "does not say yes or no".

Your young lady, it seems, perfectly understands all the mechanisms of devaluation and suspension.
Whether she does it consciously or intuitively is the second question. The main thing here is that she completely shamelessly leads you by the nose. More precisely, you seem to drive yourself, but under skillful management.
And it’s not even that you drive yourself, it’s just such a mechanism of the psyche that works unconsciously, unless, of course, you are on the alert all the time and do not track these moments.

And the young lady we also have with oh what inclinations of a typical manipulator, moreover, not even like a woman, when "she puffed her lips into a fur coat, you give her a fur coat, she gives you herself," but such a manipulator who is only ready to take, even not only giving nothing in return, but also, as it were, accusing him that they are not dancing well around him and do not foresee what he has not even thought of for himself.

She keeps you on a short leash, forcing you to get lost, and at the same time slowly trying to plant the feeling of guilt out of the blue.

It’s not a big deal in these delays by an hour, they can somehow be attributed with a stretch to the feminine, although also - a woman who respects you will not keep herself waiting so long.
But when delays go along with ignorance (read - depreciation) and "attempts to present in the light that she likes" - already a serious call.
This is called gaslighting: you are gradually introduced into the looking glass, twisting reality somewhat and gradually making you believe that what you see is not what you see.
And - yes, yes! - you are doing something wrong.

So how should it be? Guess.
Don't you guess? And I might be offended. And in this you will be to blame. Start correcting the situation. How? And guess ... Not at all, don't you guess? Fine!
It's time to slip something completely unexpected: something that you couldn't even think of.
As for "just girlfriends," she said even more simply: "Didn't you think that at this place I could just turn around and leave?" (C)
I bet you are frozen in this place.

But I didn't really get carried away. Because, according to the idea, if you didn't start to apologize, then try to explain what you meant (although as for me, you explained everything to her pretty well, and I don’t see sedition there)
But no - with all your impenetrable honesty and transparency, you decided to clarify again: yes or no.

And neither yes nor no. Classic.
And the same classic - "where I ended up."
In fact - which is what was required: in the end, you slowly and imperceptibly begin to cook well in this, sitting and pondering the uncertainty and looking for possible options for what is meant.
There are no options.
She just hangs you up.

At the same time, notice what the mechanism is: "yes" they don't tell you, "no" - too, everything is served as if under the sauce "I'll look and think", and you ... well, yes, that's right, you, having decided that there are -That chances, and the young lady "I was looking for 4.5 years," you continue to declare your intentions.
You are slowly getting attached, she is slowly sucking you in.

"Now is not the time to think about it."- hmm, and when the time will be? Specifically: when is that time?
This time is plus infinity that is beneficial to her.
And in fact, it stands for: "you dance in anticipation of an unknown time, and I, so be it, will look at your dancing."

In general, look at her so ... with an open mind.
Is this really what I was looking for? Or did she also let you fall under this fantasy? People of this kind are very good at mirroring. As a result, you kind of communicate with her, but at the same time you see a reflection of yourself.
The simplest. It is unlikely that you have been looking for such a dishonest and cunning young lady for 4.5 years. But somehow you have the illusion that she is what you need.
So now try to remember: is not everything else the same illusion that you seem to see in it?

After all, the young lady is gaslighting you all around, and makes you guilty without guilt.
And you, as it were, sit still and think how you offended her.
A couple of such training visits from her side - you really will begin to believe that you are wrong in something, and you are doing something wrong.

* * * * *
And I am very confused by "it hits, then pinches". Very straightforward.
You see, it usually doesn't occur to a person to hurt another. Yes, I understand that this is probably being done as a joke, but ...
That's right, that kind of.

If this is an attempt to attract attention, then in any case it is some kind of painful, abnormal. And, you know, you give her plenty of attention.
It's just different. In fact, it is she who breaks your human boundaries, moreover, so that you understand correctly: it does not break through in the sense of "how far it will go, where it will stop me, and I will not do this anymore" - no, no!

This is all also from depreciation.
Firstly, this is such a non-verbal designation of your place: you are not a person who is unpleasant and painful, but… a toy. You can pinch the fur, then you can tear off the foot.
And secondly, she clearly considers herself entitled to treat you in a boorish way. Actually, this is what she does: she behaves in a boorish way.
You identify it correctly.

And the point here is not even that the young lady should be put in her place, but in not communicating with her. Generally.
Relationships are unhealthy, well, just already. And it didn't even go anywhere.
And the young lady is also not entirely healthy. Psychologically at least. And it's better to stay away from such young ladies.
So the wisest thing to do here is to just disappear. Get lost. Look for another girl. It is highly desirable, the same humanly honest.

Of course, after the frost, this young lady will most likely start looking for contacts herself. But to be honest, I bet one hundred and one that you cannot be led to this.
That is, she is, perhaps, considering these relations as an option (and why scatter options, especially which may be useful).
Plus, the option that suddenly gets lost seems particularly appealing, but - that's what I can vouch for - she has no warm human feelings towards you.
And if something does appear, then only with the motive "to return the escaped".

I'll tell you more: with warm feelings and courtship, long is not required. And when it starts here, "you are not standing there, you are not whistling like that" - then well, he nafig.

And always remember that even if she gets close to you, pretends that she agrees, agrees, and quietly, with a sweetheart, will sit out some period, during which you will finally become attached to her - over time, all the same will begin. It only gets worse.

In short, this young lady is just for junk, not personalizing in any way, not waiting for answers, and not trying to understand the motives.
There is only one motive: to bend.
Don't wait and don't re-educate. Don't think she's flirting. She's not flirting. She eats.
And it will eat up while you are around.

© Ekaterina Bezymyannaya

"You know, nowadays it is not difficult to find a girl, it is difficult to find a wife" Pavel Volya

The girl does not forgive you for mistakes. We all make mistakes and are unhappy about it. But if she turns every trifle into an insoluble problem that you must atone for with almost blood. You have to beg forgiveness, give gifts and act like a good boy. But she easily forgives herself for her mistakes and mistakes, and sometimes makes you to blame for them. She does not know the rules of honest relationships. This is worth considering.

2. An easily accessible girl

The girl confessed her love and took off her underwear earlier than you thought? The girl is forcing events and hurrying somewhere. She is so used to it and this is not the first time for her. Such a girl is too frivolous and approachable. Slutty girls are only good for one. For sex, but not for relationships.

3. Self-centered girl

All men are assholes and assholes, and especially her ex-boyfriends. With such an opinion of the girl, nothing can be done. She sees problems in others, not in herself. The girl is unable or unwilling to look at what is happening from the point of view of other people. Such a girl cannot be remade.

4. The kept girl

The girl doesn't save your money. She easily orders the most expensive dish in a restaurant and demands expensive gifts. The girl tries to skin you as much as possible, although you don't owe her anything. This is a kept girl. She immediately shows the man that he must pay for her. She's going to sit on your neck. It's time to rid her of this illusion.

5. Girl Milf

A girl who turns a man into a henpecked. The girl does not care about men's plans. She has her own plans for your life. She is not interested in your ideas, thoughts and desires. She already planned everything herself, and your opinion does not count. The girl wants it to be the way she wants it. You must fulfill her feminine desires, otherwise she rushes to leave or start dating someone else.

6. Girl bitch

The girl has a difficult character, and every day there is a new tragedy. She tries to control everything, with everyone at knives, and a good mood is rare. The girl is always annoyed, loves to sarcast, frustrate and manipulate. She is mean, heartless and arrogant.

7. Girl dynamo

The girl doesn’t say yes or no, but she doesn’t let you go. She's trying to make you a friend. She will dynamite you for a long time and keep you on the bench, giving ghostly chances and light hints. In 99% of cases, nothing will happen, and this is a dynamo girl. She needs a lackey who will spend her money and time on her while she is having fun with other men. In extreme cases, she will pay attention to him if the other males throw her.

8. The girl is stupid or strange

The girl is as stupid as a cork or as weird. It's even hard to say which one is better. Better to get away from both. Fools seem cute at first, but quickly get bored. Strange girls are usually too confused in their world. Eternal doubts and your inconsistency with her ghostly ideal. Better to live with cats, not with you.

These girls will ruin your life. Take a close look at the girl when meeting and communicating. There is no point in wasting time, nerves and money on all sorts of nonsense. You didn’t find yourself in a trash heap to get involved with all sorts of rags that are not suitable for real girls.

Remember the main rule of meeting cute crumbs: "Girls need to promise the whole world, and buy ice cream."

Hello Sergey.
Scandals can only destroy relationships
Look at this situation through her eyes - imagine that you have to be accountable for every step you take.

She is your friend, but not your property. And friendship is a purely personal matter.

Change the setting in your head - "my" girlfriend.
Understand that she is a free person even when she is with you.

This is her choice.
In the same way, being with her is your personal choice.

And if she became cold, then there is a reason for this, perhaps the feelings began to "fade"

She must change her behavior voluntarily and understanding what she is doing, why, and why, then there will be mutual understanding

Behave like her, calmly, asks for trust, please, but you yourself do the same and do the same

Don't say where you are or who you are with.
If she is not indifferent to you, then she will be indignant, just as you are now, then explain to her that you are acting like her.

All the best.

Online consultation The girl does not say where she went

Sergey, hello.

Tell her that you are worried when she does this. Maybe she will hear it?

Or create a similar situation so that she also wants something from you, but you did not give it - and say that now she understands you better ...

And keep getting your way. Either she hears you and will be your way, or she will quickly run away.

So she loves you
and she cannot carry it in herself, since it is very hard for her!
..if you really love her? .. then
We should be glad .. that she is good!? ...
This is love when you love and want to give joy to your Beloved,
then she must reconcile herself and understand that she is well, and this is the main thing !!!
ps. it doesn't matter with whom, even with the Other!
.., but she will then return to you, satisfied,
all so Joyful and will give in return for your patience
Your "New" ..the old love!
.. and then everything will be fine if you do this every time.
Do not try to leave Her, where does she go then?
She can also go from hand to hand ..
, and so everything is for you!
with respect to you, i "Love your neighbor! .. for your neighbor,
Will love you!
- Will be delighted !!