Condition before childbirth: mental and physical condition, harbingers of childbirth. The beginning of labor: signs in primiparous and those who are not the first time

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Any woman expecting a baby knows that the last weeks before the upcoming birth drag on long enough. A special feeling of anxiety is inherent in expectant mothers, who will have to give birth for the first time.

The article will talk about ancestral harbingers - this information will be useful both for women expecting the birth of their first child and for women who have already given birth.

10 most sure signs of a close birth

  1. Belly sank
    About fourteen days before labor begins, abdominal ptosis may be noticed in primiparous women. This happens because the baby, preparing for birth, is pressed against the exit, dropping into the pelvic area. In women who are not expecting the birth of their first child, the belly may sink a couple of days before giving birth.
    After lowering the abdomen, a woman may experience ease of breathing, as well as discomfort associated with swelling and frequent urination. However, you should not be afraid of this. Swelling and frequent urination will serve as a key sign of approaching labor - that is, very soon your little one will be born.
  2. Incomprehensible weight loss
    The entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman is gaining weight, but before the onset of childbirth, she can dramatically lose weight by several kilograms. This indicates that soon you will meet with your baby. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of fetal water and should not cause anxiety in the expectant mother. Weight loss is approximately one to two kilograms. In this case, the puffiness disappears.
  3. Mood swings
    Psychological metamorphosis occurs in the female body, along with physiological changes. One - two weeks before the appearance of the baby, the woman feels the approach of this meeting and prepares for it. The strength for doing household chores appears. I want to do everything at once.
    The mood and character of the future mother becomes so changeable that she either laughs or cries. This is not very noticeable throughout the pregnancy, but it is perfectly visible before childbirth. Do not neglect this sign.
  4. Goodbye heartburn!
    In the last days before childbirth, the pressure from the diaphragm and stomach is eliminated, there is a feeling that it becomes much easier to breathe. The shortness of breath and heartburn that haunted the woman throughout the pregnancy disappear. At the same time, some difficulties appear - it becomes more difficult to sit and walk, it is difficult to find a comfortable posture, difficulties with sleep appear.
  5. Unstable appetite
    For those who had a good appetite throughout the pregnancy, and suddenly noticed a decrease in it, this sign will be a signal to prepare for childbirth. An increased appetite for those who previously ate poorly at all will also testify to the approach of childbirth.
  6. Loose stools and frequent urination
    All nine months, the woman managed to run into the toilet. However, things are happening differently now. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The intestines first begin to cleanse - and here's diarrhea. The hormones that relax the cervix begin to affect the intestines, resulting in loose stools. These symptoms usually appear two to seven days before delivery. Some women may even confuse the onset of labor with some kind of poisoning.
  7. Nesting instinct
    Some time before giving birth, a woman has a desire to withdraw into herself, retiring from everyone. If you want to curl up in a ball or hide in a secluded place, you cannot see your relatives - congratulations, the birth is just around the corner, and, perhaps, the countdown has started. The female body will feel this, and requires a break for the future woman in labor, so that she attuned herself to the appearance of the child psychologically.
  8. Fading baby
    The movements of the baby in the womb change significantly before the onset of labor. The crumb grows up, and there is not enough space for him in the uterus. That is why he can not kick or push for a long time. The CTG device will show mommy that the child's activity and heartbeat are normal, there is no reason to worry. In the last four weeks before childbirth, CTG is recommended to be done at least twice a week, or better - every day.
  9. Drawing pain in the pubic bone
    Immediately before the baby is born, a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the pubic bone. This is due to the fact that for childbirth, softening of the bones is necessary to facilitate the process of having a baby. A dull aching pain accompanies the process. These symptoms are not scary at all, you can prepare things for the hospital.
  10. Exit of the mucous plug
    Every woman has undoubtedly heard that the entire pregnancy protects the baby from various infections. In the process of opening the cervix, the plug comes out. Remember, during the first birth, the uterus opens rather slowly, and much faster in subsequent births.

All these are indirect signs of the onset of labor. And only an obstetrician-gynecologist during the examination can tell about the actual onset of labor - he judges by the opening of the cervix.

Two signs of the onset of labor

  1. Outpouring of amniotic fluid
    The discharge of water from each woman in labor can take place in different ways. For some women, the water can still drain at home, for some they leak, and there are also cases when the water leaves after a puncture of the fetal bladder in the delivery chair.
  2. The appearance of regular contractions
    Contractions are a sure sign of an imminent birth. It is impossible not to notice them. Contractions are like wave pains, starting in the lower back and going down to the lower abdomen. Pains appear with a certain period, sensitivity increases over time.

Symptoms of the onset of preterm labor

  • Premature birth is comparable to the threat of termination of pregnancy. The beginning of the process - discharge of amniotic fluid at a gestational age that is still far from the planned due date.
  • Harbingers of premature birth can be uterine contractions, pulling back pain, some tension in the abdomen ... At the same time, the discharge intensifies, streaks of blood appear.

Noticing such signs in herself, a woman should immediately seek medical help in order to prevent premature birth. If the cervix begins to open, nothing can be done, you will have to give birth.

The site site warns: an incorrect assessment of your condition during pregnancy can harm your health and become dangerous for your baby! If you find signs of an imminent birth or any discomfort during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor!

Childbirth is an inevitable process of ending pregnancy. How they pass depends on many factors. The closer to the finish line, the more emotions a woman experiences. There are categories of questionable and reliable signs of approaching labor. It is important for a mother-to-be to know about the main harbingers of the imminent birth of a child.

Determine the approach of childbirth

When pregnancy proceeds without pathology, the female body, a few days before giving birth, will definitely give signals about the outcome of the process. In very rare cases, there are no signs. It is important for a woman to find out about them in advance, if possible, prepare and carefully observe the manifestations of the body.

The harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous are almost the same. The only difference is that during the first pregnancy, signs of an early resolution may appear in 1-2 weeks. Subsequent babies are usually born faster and symptoms are noticed 1–2 days before the onset. However, despite the statistics, everything is individual.

In the pathological course of pregnancy, the process of childbirth is unpredictable.

After 37 weeks, a pregnant woman should very carefully observe the manifestations of the body in order to go to the hospital on time

Subjective signs

Since each organism is individual, a woman can notice both all the signs of the next delivery, and their absence. Even if any of the subjective symptoms do not appear, you need to know about them in order to prepare for the main event. Let's highlight the most common precursors of childbirth:

  1. Abdominal prolapse. When a woman notices that it has become easier for her to breathe, heartburn has disappeared, and digestion has improved, it means that the head of the fetus is closer to the exit. Relatives may notice that the pregnant woman has changed her gait. She became more like a "duck". Due to the displacement of the uterus, it is difficult for the expectant mother to fall asleep, since it is impossible to find a comfortable position. The belly may sink 1–4 weeks before delivery or one day. Everything is very individual, so the sign is not reliable.
  2. Bulging of the navel. The uterus drops down and protrudes slightly forward, so the navel can turn outward.
  3. Decreased fetal movements. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in fetal activity before childbirth. And sometimes, on the contrary, women notice an increase in the movements of the child before birth.
  4. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, lower back. The ailments are aching in nature, as with menstruation. If the pain takes on a cramping rhythm at regular intervals, then it's time to go to the hospital. A frequent sign of the onset of labor, but it can also speak of pathological conditions of neighboring organs.
  5. Decreased appetite, weight. A slight decrease in the amount of food consumed and the release of excess fluid contribute to weight loss up to 1–2 kg.
  6. Frequent urination and diarrhea. As the head of the fetus sank into the small pelvis, it presses on the bladder, and the urge to use the toilet increases. Before childbirth, a spontaneous bowel cleansing occurs, as the production of the hormone progesterone decreases, and oxytocin begins to be produced, which increases peristalsis.
  7. Nesting instinct. A few days or weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother has a desire to clean up the house, create coziness, prepare things for the newborn, etc.
  8. Change of mood, fear. Either explosions of emotions, or a depressed state are characteristic before the start of the process. Very often, an inexplicable anxiety begins to haunt a woman. The reason for such reactions is hormonal changes.

The last two points are related to the psychological state of a woman. It is impossible to determine the beginning of labor, relying only on the emotional component. The rest of the signs are reflected at the physiological level, therefore, to some extent, they can indicate the likelihood of a baby being born soon. Subjective signs cannot be considered 100% reliable predictors of immediate delivery.

Objective signs

Objective signs are classified as reliable and are considered a clear signal for the onset of labor. When the first two symptoms are found, the expectant mother needs to seek medical help.

  1. Contractions. The process is typical for the first stage of labor, when the cervix dilates. It is impossible to independently determine the disclosure, it is only available to the gynecologist when viewed on a chair. Contractions begin with mild painful sensations for 10-15 seconds with a break of 10-20 minutes. Gradually, the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes, and the time of the contraction is increased to 60 seconds. There is an increase in pain. During the first pregnancy, contractions can take up to a day. If necessary, doctors use medications to quickly open the cervix, since this period is very painful and very tired of the woman. Repeated labor proceeds with a reduction of the grasping period by 2–3 times. Some pregnant women experience false contractions, which, unlike real ones, do not lead to the opening of the cervix. A distinctive feature of false contractions is their irregularity and lack of increasing force.
  2. Rupture of amniotic fluid or leakage. Labor often begins with premature fluid release. Water can be released in minimal portions or immediately in a large volume, and then little by little. The options may vary. The main thing is that the amniotic fluid cannot be confused with other secretions, it is very difficult not to notice them. The liquid should be transparent and odorless. Greenish or other color of water with an unpleasant odor indicates intrauterine fetal suffering.
  3. The passage of the mucous plug is considered a relatively objective sign, since its release does not always guarantee the immediate onset of labor. The plug can come off 1–2 weeks or a day before the baby is born. When the birth process begins with the discharge of amniotic fluid, cervical mucus may go unnoticed. As a rule, the cork comes out in parts within 1-3 days. The color of the mass can be different: white, yellow, brownish, streaked with blood - all this is a variant of the norm.

The mucous plug looks like a jelly-like mass, so it cannot be confused with ordinary secretions.

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital only with regular contractions and / or outpouring of amniotic fluid. Discharge of the mucous plug is a sign that is not a reason for quick hospitalization.

Is it necessary to have signs of approaching childbirth

Each childbirth takes place according to an individual scenario. The body of any pregnant woman before childbirth is rebuilt. Someone may not notice this, while the other feels minimal changes. There may be no subjective signs at all, but without objective signs, childbirth will not begin.

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor.

In the case when the process proceeds rapidly, the contractions and / or the discharge of water occurs several hours, or even minutes before the birth of the child. In some cases, amniotic fluid does not flow out against the background of active contractions, which forces doctors to puncture the bladder.

If a woman has doubts about diagnosing the precursors of childbirth, you can always call the attending gynecologist and get advice.

Video: obstetrician-gynecologist about the harbingers of childbirth

A normal pregnancy can last between 37 and 42 weeks. A baby born during this period is considered full-term, and after the 37th week, the expectant mother can expect the onset of labor at any time. If you are expecting your first child, and you still do not have experience how to recognize the signs of the onset of labor, this article will help you with this.

Many harbingers of childbirth can be observed in a woman two to three weeks before this crucial event. They are associated with a change in the hormonal background in a woman's body, which is rebuilt and prepared for childbirth. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the normal tone of the uterus and the supply of nutrients to the fetus, is replaced by estrogen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the vaginal walls and the patency of the woman's birth canal. As soon as the concentration of estrogen reaches its maximum, the woman begins to have contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparous

Rapid changes in the body of a pregnant woman cause her a feeling of general discomfort. Ripening of the cervix and its preparation for childbirth affects the nearby intestines. As a result, the woman may develop nausea or diarrhea. At the same time, if unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by a headache and fever, an urgent need to consult a doctor in order to exclude the possibility of poisoning or other problems not associated with early birth, but rather dangerous for the fetus.

After being examined by a gynecologist in late pregnancy, a woman may observe small bleeding, literally a few drops of blood on her underwear. This is considered normal, but only in extremely small amounts. Any bleeding, especially in later stages, should be reported by the pregnant woman to her doctor.

A week or a few days before giving birth, most women experience rapid weight loss, up to 2 kg. A woman's appetite disappears, and just before childbirth, a woman may refuse to eat at all. At a scheduled appointment with her doctor, a pregnant woman checks her weight every time. And if the doctor notices a sharp decrease in weight, he warns the expectant mother that it is time for her to get ready for the hospital.

How long do the harbingers of childbirth last

If a woman has not given birth before, then changes in her body occur earlier than during repeated childbirth. Therefore, already a few weeks before giving birth, she has a lowering of the abdomen. The baby's head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. In addition to visual signs of lowering the fetus, a woman feels a constant aching pain in the lower back, often runs to the toilet, since the child presses harder on the bladder, but it becomes noticeably easier for her to breathe, as the diaphragm is released.

Periodically, in the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel agitation and strong contractions of the uterus. Once or twice a day, the uterus can become very hard, and remain in this state from a few minutes to an hour. Don't worry, it's completely normal.

In addition to such periodic contractions, the uterus can be trained before childbirth with the help of false contractions. Such contractions are very similar to real ones, so you will already have an idea of ​​how it happens during childbirth. But false contractions do not have a repetition rate, are not characterized by a reduction in the time between contractions and an increase in their intensity. If you feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, do not panic right away. Just grab your watch and start measuring the time between contractions. If the time intervals are completely different, they do not decrease and the contractions do not intensify, take a warm bath or shower, and go to bed. With false contractions, you will fall asleep easily. But with real contractions, you turn around, turn around and still understand that it's time to go to the hospital. False contractions should not be frequent. If they torture you every day, see your doctor.

Another sign of imminent labor is the discharge of the mucous plug. This is a brownish mucus clot, which can come out completely at one time, or come out in parts over several days.

Harbingers of the second birth

If a woman gives birth not for the first time, then she may have the same signs as primiparous, but they all come much later, almost immediately before childbirth. A few days before childbirth, the abdomen sinks, there are almost no false contractions and the mucous plug leaves during the day before childbirth.

Harbingers of imminent birth

A woman can learn about the onset of labor by the discharge of amniotic fluid or at the onset of labor. Outpouring of amniotic fluid before the onset of active labor is quite dangerous for the child. Therefore, if this happened to you, you should put on a clean sanitary napkin and go to the hospital as soon as possible. Quick help from an obstetrician in this case is very important to prevent the risk of infection of the uterus and fetus with an infection from the external environment. If the waters have departed, doctors try to allow childbirth as soon as possible in order to protect the baby.

If the water begins to leak before the 37th week of pregnancy, the woman should consult a doctor for examination and help. It can be life-threatening for the child. But with qualified help, the problem is easily solvable.

And finally, let's talk about the most common sign of the oncoming birth, which visits all women without exception, and leaves a lot of unpleasant sensations in their memory - about contractions. A woman may not pay attention to them at first. They appear as discomfort in the lower abdomen. Then they gradually increase, acquiring a certain periodicity. Doctors recommend that a woman record the time between contractions in order to accurately determine their progression. If you see that the contractions are not false, do not rush to go to the hospital. Slowly gather, you can take a shower, cook dinner, some doctors even advise the couple to have sex in order to stimulate labor and distract from pain.

But you still need to go to the hospital so that the process of childbirth is already under the supervision of an obstetrician. When you arrive at the maternity hospital, the doctor will examine the vagina, check the dilatation of the cervix and tell you, in about how many hours, and maybe even minutes, you will have the next phase of labor, when the baby begins to move along the birth canal.

That's all you need to know about starting labor. Your body will tell you the rest, because who else, if not you, can feel the moment when your long-awaited baby is ready to be born.

When a pregnant woman carefully analyzes the symptoms that the body presents, she realizes that the onset of labor has begun. This means that a meeting with the baby will take place soon.

In women, a few weeks before childbirth, the hormonal profile begins to change smoothly. The placenta is gradually aging. The amount of progesterone she produces decreases and estrogen levels begin to rise. Progesterone ensures safe bearing of the baby, and estrogen prepares the body for the onset of labor. Before the onset of labor, estrogen reaches its maximum amount in the blood. Therefore, the brain sends signals to the body, and labor begins.

When women start showing signs of labor

When, under the influence of hormones, the body of pregnant women begins to change and prepare the way of childbirth for the birth of a baby - this phenomenon is called signs of childbirth. This is the last stage of pregnancy, during which the fetus moves gently (with minimal trauma) along the birth canal.

Usually, before childbirth, signs appear in the final two weeks of pregnancy (with its normal course). Some women feel the signs of starting labor a few days before they start. With repeated pregnancies, symptoms usually appear just before the baby is born. Signs can be explicit or latent.

What symptoms does a pregnant woman experience before childbirth?

If the expectant mother experiences changes in the state of the body, similar to obvious signs before the birth of a child, then it's time to call an ambulance.


First, women experience pain (similar to menstruation). The pain can be tolerated, and the expectant mother is quite capable of doing everyday household chores even before childbirth. Then in the lumbar region there are sensations of a pulling and unpleasant character. Contractions are of two types: real contractions, in which the cervix opens, and false contractions.

There is no pain during false contractions, although the ligaments are tense. These fights are called training / preliminary fights.

They occur a week before the baby is born to prepare the uterus. But labor doesn't start. Real contractions become more frequent and lengthen when labor begins. At first, the duration of the contraction is up to 15 seconds with a rest interval of 20 minutes. Before the baby is born, the duration of the contraction and the rest break are 90 seconds each. You need to count to determine, or real. Contractions during the onset of childbirth appear with a certain period of time.

Another way to find out if labor starts or not. You need to take the No-Shpa pill, lie down and relax. With real contractions, the discomfort will intensify, with false contractions, they will pass, and labor will not begin. It is advisable to devote more time to rest during the period of false contractions.

With real contractions, the sensation of pain in women is characterized by wave-like manifestations. The onset of pain occurs in the back, then moves to the hip region, then to the abdomen. When the contraction begins, the abdomen strains, the uterus is in good shape.

It is advisable to record the time before the start, end and interval between contractions, so that you can then inform the doctor who will take delivery of this.

You urgently need to go to the hospital with a 5 minute respite between contractions. When contractions begin, it is advisable not to panic. You need to stay calm, try to relax, breathe slowly and deeply. Be sure to talk to the baby, as he is experiencing great stress during this period.

You need to listen to the prompts of your body, since the body knows better what it needs at such an important moment. Walking helps many women make their labor easier before labor begins.

A similar process is considered the first sign of the onset of labor. If the water has gone away at home, you need to immediately go to the hospital. After the discharge of water, the interval should not exceed 12 hours. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the time of discharge of the waters, their smell and color.

Ideally, the beginning of labor should first have contractions, and before the onset of attempts (when the cervix is ​​almost completely opened), water should withdraw. But they can pour out at different times. Sometimes doctors open the bladder to stimulate the onset of labor.

Water flows away in different ways: it leaks or immediately flows out. It is also possible to drain water during low water in the early stages of pregnancy, and a woman may not notice them.

Changes in the body, indirectly indicating the approach of childbirth

Lowering the abdomen

The belly sinks when the baby begins to sink into the mother's pelvis and prepares for birth. This occurs after the 35th week of pregnancy. At the same time, the pregnant woman ceases to experience discomfort, since the uterus puts less pressure on the diaphragm every day.

Now it is much more comfortable to sit and breathe. Sometimes the navel bulges out and the skin of the abdomen stretches even more.

As the child grows, less and less free space is felt in the uterus. A few days before giving birth, the baby practically does not move. But a woman needs to watch the movements at this time especially carefully. If the baby's movements are felt less than 10 times a day, you need to inform the doctor about it.

Weight loss

The expectant mother can lose weight up to 2 kg. In addition, puffiness may disappear. The body is freed from excess fluid in this way. With daily weight control, the pregnant woman will notice changes in weight.

Increased activity

The woman becomes more lively the day before the onset of labor. She begins to do a lot of housework (cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.), although before that she took more rest. From a psychological point of view, the expectant mother is trying to complete unfinished and important matters. They even assume that labor activity will not begin until she redoes all the planned cases.

The plug performs a protective function for the uterus so that all kinds of infections do not enter it. It consists of a lump of mucus streaked with blood. Passage, as well as discharge, are possible when contractions begin, several weeks before them. Sometimes the plug comes off during the delivery itself.

Softening of the cervix

This process warns of the readiness of the body for the onset of labor. Only a doctor can fix this symptom during a vaginal examination.

Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea

Before labor and at the beginning of the opening of the cervix, women in labor may experience similar symptoms. Doctors comment on this phenomenon by the presence of food in the stomach, which is trying to get rid of the excess. It is believed that in this way the body retains the strength for childbirth, so as not to expend energy on digesting food. When contractions start, it is best to avoid eating food.

Frequent urination

A few days before giving birth, the hormone prostaglandin is released. This hormone prepares the birth canal for the process of childbirth and softens them. He strenuously gets rid of fluid in the body, and cleanses the intestines. A similar process takes from a week and a little more before the coming birth.

Emotional condition

One or two weeks before the onset of labor, the mood changes dramatically. If a pregnant woman laughs, then after a couple of minutes she may suddenly burst into tears. At such moments, you need to maintain the state of mind of the expectant mother.

Posture change

The center of gravity shifts because the uterus has dropped. The gait of a pregnant woman becomes similar to that of a duck.

What are the signs on the eve of childbirth in primiparous women

Often, primiparous women attribute the birth rates as a painful condition. It is of great importance that in women with no experience of childbirth, symptoms proceed smoothly. They can also appear 2 weeks before childbirth. The abdomen descends in primiparous women a week / two before childbirth. The allocation is not very large.

The main thing is to learn to distinguish between training and real contractions. After all, if a woman gives birth for the first time, she may take a false contraction for a real one. It is important to note that the signs before labor in primiparous women may be asymptomatic, or they may appear not in all, but in several symptoms.

What are the signs on the eve of childbirth in multiparous women

Second births are different from the first. At the level of anatomy, in a multiparous cervix, the cervix responds faster to hormone stimuli, and has a wider lumen. Signs of re-birth may appear earlier and more pronounced.

In multiparous, the mucous plug and discharge are more voluminous, which intensify towards the end of pregnancy. Training contractions appear earlier than in primiparous.

The second and subsequent births are much faster than the first. It should also be mentioned that the time between symptoms and childbirth is significantly reduced. It happens that signs in multiparous children appear 1-2 days before childbirth.

The abdomen drops, almost immediately before childbirth (about 2 days), and not like in the case of the first time giving birth (a couple of weeks before the onset of labor). Also, the cervix opens faster during repeated births, and the contractions are more painful. You need to listen carefully to your body. And if signs appear, it is advisable to set yourself up for a trip to the hospital and wait for the onset of contractions.

In this article:

So 9 months of waiting are coming to an end, and every pregnant woman asks what the first symptoms will help her understand that childbirth is beginning, at what point to call an ambulance. Doctors talk about signs of incipient labor in the mother and in the fetus.

Harbingers of the imminent onset of childbirth in a woman

After 38 weeks, pregnancy is considered full term. Before childbirth, the normal onset of which is considered any time between 38 and 42 weeks, the level of hormones responsible for carrying the fetus decreases in the body of women, and the level of those that stimulate labor is significantly increased.

Hormonal changes affect both the physical and psychological well-being of women. The presence of several of the signs listed below indicates an imminent onset of labor. The first symptoms may appear several weeks before childbirth.

One of the main symptoms of the approaching birth is abdominal prolapse, which occurs due to the denser entry of the fetal head into the pelvic ring. Many women say that it has become easier for them to sit and breathe, and heartburn has disappeared. Obstetricians note the prolapse of the fundus of the uterus. While most women experience this within a few weeks, some women have a lower stomach just before childbirth.

Very often, to train the body before childbirth, Braxton-Hicks contractions (precursor, false, training) occur. They can be quite long and intense. Unlike true false contractions, they are not regular, do not increase in intensity and duration, often resemble menstrual pains, and usually stop if the woman relaxes or takes a warm bath. If you were able to fall asleep, this is definitely a training contraction.

Many women experience nausea, loose stools, and even vomiting during the prenatal period. According to doctors, these signs indicate the process of cervical dilatation. However, one must be careful, constantly drink water in small quantities in order to prevent dehydration of the body, because these symptoms can accompany poisoning and intestinal infection.

In some cases, women who are in the last stages of pregnancy may urinate more often, which is due to an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the lower abdomen, in particular the bladder. In this regard, edema disappears. It is also believed that this indicates the disposal of the body from excess, cleansing before childbirth. Those of women who regularly weigh themselves may notice a weight loss of 1-2 kilograms.

Some pregnant women experience lower back pain and pressure in the lower abdomen.
The discharge of the mucous plug can occur both immediately before childbirth, and 2 weeks before them. The mucus is in the cervical canal and protects the fetus from infection. Once it is released, the baby continues to be reliably protected by the amniotic membrane.

How to understand that it is the mucous plug that has been released? It is transparent, colorless, maybe streaked with blood; amount - about 20 ml. If the cork came off more than 2 weeks before the PDR (the estimated date of birth) or the cork was painted in some color, you need to seek medical help, otherwise there is no cause for concern

A psychological sign of the approaching birth is the "nesting instinct", when a woman tries to stay at home as much as possible, choosing a cozy corner, or cleans, washes, strokes, preparing a "nest" for her child. Here you should not overdo it with physical activity and save energy for the upcoming birth.
All of the above first manifestations of the approaching labor do not require immediate medical attention, but if any doubts arise, it is better not to hesitate and consult a doctor.

Fetal symptoms

Usually, a few days before giving birth, the baby becomes less active: he has grown up, and it becomes more and more difficult for him to move in a tight space. However, if a woman feels less than 10 series of movements per day, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to exclude the risk of developing fetal hypoxia.

The main signs of incipient labor

The main sign of the development of labor is the development of contractions, that is, an increase in their intensity, an increase in the duration and a decrease in the intervals between them. The first contractions usually manifest as pulling pains in the lower abdomen or lower back, lasting a few seconds at intervals of 15-20 minutes. Often, contractions are accompanied by chills. It is not worth worrying about the appearance of a chill, this is one of the body's natural reactions before childbirth.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid is the second reliable sign of the onset of labor. In this case, the liquid should be light or yellowish, colored waters may indicate oxygen starvation of the child in the womb or infection. The rupture of the amniotic membrane can occur both immediately before childbirth, and many hours before them.

When to call an ambulance?

  1. If you have lost water, then you need to immediately go to the maternity ward: the longer the child is without water, the higher the likelihood of complications.
  2. With regular increasing contractions, when the interval between them is 7-10 minutes. If you go to the hospital for more than 30 minutes, it is better to call an ambulance without waiting for such a short interval.
  3. If bleeding appears.

In primiparous and multiparous women, the symptoms of the onset of labor are the same, however, in the second labor, as a rule, it proceeds more rapidly than if the birth is the first, therefore, if signs of labor activity in women who have already given birth, it is better to immediately go to a medical institution.

Easy delivery and health to you and your baby!