Modern high technologies. Formation of financial literacy of preschool children

School No. 1748 "Vertical" SP DO No. 7



Gerasimova Yulia Anatolievna



« Financial literacy for preschool children "

(Topic name)

(The beginning of the study of the topic)

(End of the study of the topic)

Self-education .

Financial literacy of preschoolers.


Form the foundations of financial literacy in preschool children.


Form primary economic concepts;

Teach children the correct attitude to money, ways of earning it and its rational use;

Explain the relationship between economic and ethical categories: labor, commodity, money, price, value - on the one hand, and moral concepts such as frugality, honesty, frugality, generosity, etc .;

Teach children to behave correctly in real life situations that are of an economic nature (shopping in a store, tolls in transport, etc.)


A low level of financial literacy negatively affects the personal well-being and financial potential of households, worsens the resource base of financial organizations, hinders the development of the financial market, slows down investment processes in the economy and leads to a deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the country. The problem is associated with the fragmented nature of teaching the basics of financial literacy in educational organizations, the lack of clear and accessible curricula and educational materials for all segments of the population (primarily for schoolchildren and students), and the lack of qualified teachers of the basics of financial literacy. This entails a lack or lack of skills and competencies necessary for effective management of personal finances, making an informed choice of financial services, interacting with financial institutions, authorities and organizations that protect the rights of consumers of financial services.

Financial education and economic education is a relatively new direction in preschool pedagogy. Numerous studies in recent years indicate the need to introduce economic education from preschool age, when children receive the primary experience of participating in elementary economic relations, they are introduced to the world of economic reality.

The modern concept of education emphasizes the special importance of preschool age in the formation and development of a child's unique personality. Since at this stage the foundations of personal culture are laid, the development of the initial socio-cultural norms is ensured. This is the foundation for the acquisition of special knowledge and skills in the future.

intended result:

Stages of self-education:

1.Selection and study of methodological literature

2.Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

3. Formation of experience on the topic. Implementation into practice.

4. Presentation of work experience on the topic.

estimated time frame for each stage

1. Study of methodological literature

Familiarization with new regulations on preschool education;

Study of educational and scientific-methodical literature;

Acquaintance with the new achievements of pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;

Study of new programs and educational technologies;

Familiarization with best practices in preschool institutions;

Raising the general cultural level

literature on the topic of self-education

a source

(website; publisher,

the year of publishing)


The adventures of the cat Belobok, or the economy for kids.

Volgograd, 2015.

Brodnikova E. Krasavina E. Children and money. Raising a millionaire.

SPb., Peter, 2013.

Watch self-study notebook

Normakova I.V., Protasevich T.A. The beginnings of economics

M, Vita-press, 2014.

Watch self-study notebook

Svetlova M. Money in your life.

IG "Ves", 2013

Watch self-study notebook

What programs, methods, technologies were studied in the process of working on a methodological topic? Who are the authors? What pedagogical best practices have been learned? What methodological recommendations have been used? Clippings, copies, quotes ...

2.Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

3. Formation of experience on the topic. Implementation into practice.

"My child and financial literacy"


"Where did the money come from?"

Chatting with children


Didactic games

Role-playing games

"My favorite store"



"Family money"

making a didactic game (assemble in ascending order)

"How the old man sold a cow"

Reading fiction

Queen economics

Making a laptop

Chatting with children

Analysis of program execution (diagnostics)

How is the result of work on the topic tracked? (Diagnostics: tables, work results, in%.)
Conclusions on the topic. Is there a positive result? (comparative analysis)

4. Presentation of work experience on the topic.

a way to demonstrate the result of the work done

work progress report form

Report forms on the topic of self-education can be varied:

Speech at teachers' council



Show directly - educational activities with children

Children's art exhibitions

Good afternoon, moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers!

Have you ever wondered about your child's attitude towards money? Unfortunately, in our schools they do not teach how to handle finance, but the lack of basic skills in this area of ​​life can seriously harm a career and even personal happiness.

The child's financial literacy lessons are essential and must be taught by the parents. How not to make your baby too greedy or wasteful?

I understand that many will disagree with such an approach to this issue as mine. But here's my opinion, in response I'm ready to hear yours. Write comments at the end of the article. Let's figure it out together.

Before 3 years old, it is not worth introducing a child to the concept of money: this is still beyond his understanding. The kid explores the world and only notices that in the store you give the seller some pieces of paper, and he gives things or products in return.

From the age of 4, the baby begins to quite deliberately beg for certain toys and sweets, cheats, sometimes makes deliberate tantrums. This is where the time has come to learn how to spend money.

Imagine: you come to the store, and your child begs for one toy, then another, then candy, then sweets ... the list is endless.

Stop and calmly say: we have a certain amount (if the baby can count, you can designate a number). With this money, you can buy either one large toy, or one small and candy.

Let the child choose. And even if the hysteria continues, treat it with the philosophical calmness of a stronger and wiser person.

What to do with an older child 5-7 years old? Everything is much simpler here. Take it with you when shopping. At the checkout, give him some money: let him give it to the seller or pay for the thing that he himself has chosen. So children will understand that for a certain amount they give a certain amount of things or products.

From the age of 7, the child goes to school and acquires a certain amount of financial independence. He will need pocket money. And it is important that he spends them wisely, and not entertainment or unnecessary things.

This is where the question arises of how to earn a child his first money. His dad and mom should offer him a job.

We teach to earn

Agree that the kid must understand: you go to work, spend your time and energy, earning money to provide for the family. But how to do it right?

The best thing is to pay him for the execution of orders, without spoiling him with gifts for no reason. If a child is accustomed to the fact that parents bring him gifts every day, fulfill any whim, in adult life such a baby will have a difficult time. He knows that his parents will buy everything and solve any problem. Why then work and strain?

So as the crumbs grow up, give gifts only for reasons (birthday, school holidays, New Year, etc.). If a child dreams of a thing, let him earn at least part of the money for it.

It is clear that parents will give them, but the attitude towards money will be more careful and accurate. The child will no longer spend the money earned on sweets or gum, but will carefully collect it, for example, on skates or rollers.

Paid orders

What kind of paid orders can be given so that earnings do not turn into blackmail?

It is worth explaining that each family member has free and paid responsibilities. So, cleaning, cooking dinner, sewing are the duties of a mother, which she performs for all family members free of charge, otherwise everyone will walk around hungry and dirty.

Dad helps carry heavy bags, fixes if something breaks in the house. These are male responsibilities. What should a child do? He can make his bed and put away toys. Let order in the nursery be his free duty.

But the official job of parents is a social responsibility that is paid for. And if they do a job well or do it for someone else, they get an award.

Bonus your child too! He goes to school? Its' his job. Promise a certain amount by the end of the quarter if he finishes it without Cs. Many parents are intimidated by this approach. Study, in their opinion, should be enjoyable, the kid learns for his own good.

Alas, the school system of education is such that it has long ceased to bring pleasure even to the most diligent children. And the understanding that study is important for further organization in life comes already on the eve of entering the institute, and even then not to all adolescents. So you have to reinforce your consciousness financially, and there is nothing to worry about.

Is it worth paying for homework?

But thinking about whether it is worth giving money for homework to a child requires a more subtle approach. It is worth it if this work is not part of his direct responsibilities around the house or interrupts his plans.

A girl of 12-13 years old does not need to pay for washed dishes, but at 7-8 years old this fact can be encouraged. Gradually involve the child in other household chores, pointing out that he is growing up and should become a helper for the parents.

But if you have a dacha, and you need to dig out potatoes on it at the weekend, you should financially encourage the fact that the child helped you.

Offer him a more or less worthwhile amount for this work (according to the family's budget) and put him in front of a choice: either he stays at home and walks with friends, and the money will go to the employee, or he himself helps and receives these funds. This approach would be quite reasonable, because you break children's plans on a legal weekend!

There are many ways for children to earn money in a family. It is important to clearly establish the responsibilities of each family member and make it clear that money is earned through work.

How not to grow a greedy man?

The question of earning money as a small person raises another pressing problem, how not to be stingy with the little one. After all, now he understands that for the sake of a penny he will have to work to buy a new toy. Why then share with others?

Surprisingly, stingy children are more common in families where parents spend all day at work, and the child is left alone, inundated with parental gifts.

So that the baby is not stingy, dad and mom need to approach his upbringing correctly:

  • Go to kindergarten or at least public children's places. Take toys with you, but before leaving, stipulate: if other children want to play, the baby will share with them, otherwise he will not receive more new toys.
  • Allow your child to bring friends into the house (within reasonable limits!), Treat them. This will help your little one to see that you, too, are sharing and not being greedy.
  • If the baby goes to visit friends, give him fruit or sweets with which he can treat them.
  • When parents are at work all the time, the baby treats the gifts they bring as a part of dad and mom, which is why it is so difficult for him to part with these things. The way out is to spend more time with children, and not replace love with gifts.
  • If there are several children in a family, each should have their own place for play and study, their own things. Do not infringe on one at the expense of the other.

The other side of the coin is extravagance and reliability. Such a situation is possible with excessive parental care, when the child grows up spineless, dependent and cannot say no. If his friends, without asking, take toys, break them, warn that they will not buy another such thing for the baby.

But you don't need to get involved in children's relationships: let the baby show his will and give his friends only those things that he considers necessary.

Smart financial books for kids

If you, dear readers, still have questions about how to teach your child financial literacy, books for children about money will help you:

  • Sergey Bidenko, Irina Zolotarevich “I WANT TO EARN. Useful tips for children and adolescents +60 earning ideas ";
  • Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lecturer “Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Teens”;
  • Irina Ozerova “Children and money: everything a child needs to know to really make money. 33 ways to earn money for children ”;
  • Lilia Goldberg “Children and money: how to teach to value, save and spend”;
  • Vladimir Dovgan, Elena Minilbaeva “Raise Your Child as a Millionaire”;
  • Joline Godfrey, Teaching Your Child to Handle Money.

They will be useful for both teenagers and their parents. It is better to turn to Russian literature: it is closer to the realities of Russian reality.

Dear parents, all the "tools" are in your hands, and it depends on you how financially literate your kid will grow up and what lessons will benefit him!

Well, now you can throw slippers at me. I am waiting for comments from those who agree with me and opponents.

O. Yu. Melnikova, methodologist

MKU "Information and Methodological Center"

The formation of financial literacy in preschool children is a new direction in preschool pedagogy, and is a global social problem that is inseparable from a child from the earliest years of his life. It is impossible to raise a harmoniously developed person without preparing him for the main reality of the modern market - commodity-money relations. Preschool children are early involved in the economic life of the family, face money, advertising, go to the store with their parents, participate in buying and selling and other financial and economic relations, thus mastering economic information at the everyday level. Therefore, the problem of the formation of financial literacy becomes relevant already in preschool age, since this is the time when the basics of the future financial "health" are laid. It is the preschool age that is the most productive in terms of establishing such individual psychological characteristics of the individual as responsibility, frugality, willpower, which are necessary in the future to form a financially literate person.

The relevance of the formation of the financial culture of preschoolers is due to the importance of preparing the child for the learning environment at school and for life in general, the formation of the correct orientation of the child in economic phenomena, the need for continuity in acquaintance with the economy between the first stages of the educational system - kindergarten and school.

Formation of the foundations of financial literacy is officially recognized as one of the most important tasks of educational activities. Financial literacy is actively involved in the education system. If adults do not explain to the child in time what money is and why it needs to be earned and saved, then he will have his own opinion about this topic. After four years of age, it is usually very difficult for a child to readjust to a different attitude towards family finances.

Practice has shown: the earlier children learn about the role of money in private, family and public life, the faster they form useful financial habits that help to avoid many mistakes as they grow up and acquire financial independence, as well as lay the foundation for financial security and well-being throughout life. ...

Finance, economics and preschooler only at first glance seem too distant from each other. Understood as the area of ​​"reasonable housekeeping", the art of doing it, they can be presented to children in the form of elementary information:

  • teach them the correct attitude to money, ways of earning it and wise use;
  • with the help of games, crosswords, introduce children to the complex world of objects, things, human relationships;
  • explain the relationship between economic and ethical categories: labor, commodity, money, value, price, on the one hand, and moral - "thrift, honesty, frugality, dignity, generosity" - on the other;
  • teach to treat advertising correctly, to deal with it;
  • behave correctly in real life situations, develop reasonable needs.

Financial culture is formed over a long period on the basis of the principle "from simple to complex", in the process of repeated repetition and consolidation, aimed at the practical application of knowledge and skills. In preschool age, not only the foundations of culture are laid, but also incentives for learning and education throughout life. It is important to remember that today's children are future taxpayers, depositors and borrowers, financial market participants. Therefore, it is advisable to start the formation of financial culture and teaching financial literacy at preschool age at the initial stages of the educational system.

With the help of games, you can convey to children that:

1. Money does not appear by itself, but is earned!

We explain how people make money, and how earnings depend on the type of activity.

2. First we earn - then we spend.

We tell you that “you can only take what you put into the nightstand” - accordingly, the more you earn and the wiser you spend, the more you can buy.

3. The cost of a product depends on its quality, necessity and how difficult it is to produce it.

We explain that the price is the amount of money that must be given away, and the product in the store is the result of the work of other people, so it costs money; people seem to exchange their labor for the labor of other people, and in this chain money is an intermediary.

4. Money loves counting.

5. Finances need to be planned. We teach you to keep track of income and expenses in the short term.

6. Your money is the object of someone else's interest.

We agree on the key rules of financial security and who to contact in case of emergency.

7. Not everything is bought.

We instill an understanding that the main values ​​- life, relationships, the joy of loved ones - cannot be bought for money.

8. Finance is interesting and exciting!

Game "Pear-apple"

Necessary materials: paper, pencils, scissors.

Game progress: Invite your child to draw a pear on one side of the paper. When the drawing is complete, suggest drawing an apple on the back of the sheet. When both drawings are completed, give the child a pair of scissors and ask them to cut both a pear and an apple for you. Seeing the confusion, explain that of course this is not possible. Because there is only one sheet of paper, and if we initially wanted to cut out two drawings, it was necessary to plan the place on the paper in advance. So it is with money: it must be planned in advance.

The game "Exchange"

Necessary materials: coins and banknotes of different denominations.

Number of participants: 1-5.

Game progress: Give the children small coins, 2-3 dozen each. And leave yourself a few banknotes of different denominations. This is a competitive game. Which of the players quickly exchanges the banknote you have laid out with a change, that banknote gets it. At the end of the game, we count the winnings.

Game "Services and goods"

Target: to consolidate information about what services and goods are, to show that they are found not only in real life, but also in fairy tales. Foster respect for any job.

Material: subject, subject pictures depicting labor - the manufacture of goods or the provision of services - in fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood carries a basket of pies, the artist Tube draws pictures, Button makes jam, Doctor Aibolit heals, Grandfather catches a fish with a net, Screw and Shpuntik are repairing a car, postman Pechkin delivers letters, etc .; tables Goods, Services.

Game progress: From behind the theater screen, the voice of the hero is heard: “Guys, I decided to bake pies and sell them to forest dwellers. Do you think I produce a product or provide a service? " The teacher and the children clarify what goods are (these are different items that are produced) and what services are (this is help that can be provided to another). Children say what professions people produce goods: baker, farmer, shoemaker, artist, miner, weaver. Then they remember the professions whose representatives provide services: hairdresser, doctor, salesman. In fairy tales, characters work just like people in real life. Arrange the two tables "Products" and "Services". Children attach corresponding pictures to the tables, explaining their actions: mom bakes pies for grandmother. The pies are a product made by mom. But the granddaughter brings these pies to her grandmother. So the girl is providing a service.

List of information sources

  1. Galkina, LN Formation of elementary economic knowledge in older preschool children: textbook [Text] / LI Galkina. - Chelyabinsk, 2006.
  2. Galkina, L.N. Economic education of preschool children. Educational - methodical manual [Text] / L. N. Galkina. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, 2015.
  3. Gogoberidze, A.G. Preschool pedagogy with the basics of upbringing and teaching methods. Textbook for universities. Third generation standard [Text] / A. G. Gogoberidze; ed. A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntsevo. - SPb. : Peter, 2013.
  4. Let's play in the economy [Text] / N. I. Aksenova (and others). - Rostov n / a: Publishing house Rostov branch of the society of informatics and computer technology, 2003.
  5. Polimanskaya, T. I. The assimilation of moral norms by senior preschoolers in joint labor activity [Text] / T. I. Polimanskaya // Moral and labor education in kindergarten / Ed. R.S. Bure. - M.: Education, 1987.
  6. The adventures of the cat Belobok, or Economy for kids. Educational course program [Electronic resource] / S. V. Gerasimenko (and others). - Access mode:
  7. Stakhovich, E. V. Talking about finances with children [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  8. Stakhovich, E. V. We play together [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  9. Stakhovich, E. V. Methodical recommendations for the educator [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  10. Stakhovich, E. V. Mini performances [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  11. Stakhovich, E. V. Arguing and Deciding [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  12. Stakhovich, E. V. We read and discuss [Text] / L. V. Stakhovich, E. V. Semenkova, L. Yu. Ryzhanovskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2019.
  13. Shatova, A. D. Economic education of preschoolers [Text] / A. D. Shatova. - M., 2005.

Annotation. This article reveals the role of financial literacy of citizens, even among preschool children. The author also gives it the concept of financial literacy salary and indicates it as a charge on the relevance of the issue under study.

Key words: it is also financial literacy, it is also children, a preschooler.

Financial literacy - it is also a special, it is also a quality of a person, it is also formed with my opinion at the smallest age, and it also shows the ability to independently make money and it is also competent in my opinion to manage it. In this regard, my opinion is that the child, in my opinion, in the future, would live like a charge of a comfortable, secured life, parents and we are also teachers, it must also explain it to their children in my opinion on the following questions about money: zar kat What is zar kat money? Where else can he get it? How can he still properly dispose of them? If it’s like a charge for a child not to form a correct idea of ​​money, then it will also appear for him of his own, often as a charge for a wrong opinion. In this regard, it is still children who must also realize that it is still earned by its own labor. Therefore, it is undeniable as a source of relevance to the formation of my opinion on financial literacy in my opinion on children of preschool age.

The preschooler and the economy to my opinion, only at first glance, the pay seems to be distant to my opinion from each other from my opinion on the other. The area of ​​economic activity is it - it alone is like a charge from the vital it is still important, into which it is still a child immersed in my opinion from childhood.

The introduction of a child to it as a source of my economic opinion is, in reality, one of the most difficult ones, and in my opinion, at the same time, it is also a time of important problems. Today's preschoolers will have to live in my opinion in the 21st century - it is still a century of difficult opinion in my social and economic opinion in my relations. This will require a charge from them to my opinion according to the ability to correctly, it also orientates itself in different life situations, it is still independent, it still acts creatively, which means that it also builds its opinion in my life more in my opinion in an organized manner , it is reasonable, it is as interesting as zar.

Financial literacy of payroll also gives it the opportunity to manage its financial well-being. The lack of elementary opinion in my financial knowledge and my opinion in skills limits it also the possibilities of people to pay for making the right decisions in my opinion in order to ensure it still has its financial well-being.

A child, first of all he still it all, learns the charges of the family, it is like the charge of the economy, because it is like the charge in the family that he makes the charge for his first steps into the world, it is also economic reality, he also receives the charge for it. it is the first presentation. The preschooler also learns about work, professions, he is still relatives and friends, about my opinion in terms of financial situation, it is like the money of a family.

Children, so in my opinion, in one way or another, the pay early is included in the wages of economic life, in my opinion of the family: they face wages with money, advertising, they also go with their parents to it like a pay store, they also participate in buying it. sales, it still seizes it in such a way as primary it as a charge of economic knowledge, in my opinion, in my still opinion, at the level of everyday life.

Older preschoolers zar kat form the ability to my opinion on how to manage money, pay kat to correlate income with the price of paying a commodity, they learn that it is like a charge that money is a means of it as a charge for the exchange of goods between people. Children receive my opinion according to the initial information, it is like a charge about the economy, my opinion about my city, about my opinion in professions related to the economy and business, it is also about the products manufactured by my opinion in enterprises, and it is like a charge of labor in her opinion, it’s also about making and selling it, it’s learning to respect it, it’s people who work like it, and honestly, in my opinion, it’s earning it like money.

Early rational, it is like an economic upbringing, it also serves as the basis for it as a seed of a correct understanding of the world and in my opinion on the organization of an effective interaction between a child and the surrounding world. Carrying out the economic opinion of my upbringing in preschool age, we solve the problems of all-round development of the individual’s salary.

Unfortunately, in my financial literacy opinion, almost no money is taught in my opinion in kindergartens. And a competent attitude towards it is like earning your own money, and it is also the experience of using financial products at an early age, it also opens up good opinions to my opinion whenever possible, and it also contributes to the financial well-being of paying children when they grow up.

Here, it is important for my opinion to note the behavior of his parents, so it is also how often it is as an example of my opinion on the parents, it is still fundamental. We all want it like we want it for our children, it is still the best, in my opinion, but you also need to remember it about that, it is also that the fulfillment of any caprice is in my opinion in a child, any payment is a valuable gift it is still it is simple so in my opinion, in my opinion, it will not give my opinion in our children, it still has a correct understanding, it is like a charge how to treat money, and how to deal with it. Of course, the parents, he must also explain it as a charge to a child, that it is like a charge for that, it is like a charge for getting something, it is like a charge that I want my opinion, but I need to work hard and earn money for it as a charge is money.

Children should also know that they need to pay to live within their means, he still needs to spend it even less than the salary is earned. It is clear that it is also happiness for still it is money, it isn’t he’s yet to buy it, but it’s not a paycheck to children, it’s not like a paycheck, it will be superfluous for my opinion to know that it’s like a sufficient amount of money to my opinion in terms of financial resources, it also opens it up to pay them it is still great opportunities, it is also capable of giving joy.

In connection with the above, in my opinion, in my opinion, it can be made as a conclusion that he is still learning financial, he is still literacy, it is advisable to start it at an early age, at the initial stages of the educational system. The sooner my opinion and children learn about it as a zar of the role of money in my opinion in private, family and public life, my opinion, the sooner it can be like a zar in my opinion, according to the formation of useful financial habits.

From childhood, my opinion in children should be instilled in my opinion according to a sense of responsibility and it also has a duty to pay in all spheres of life, in my opinion, in terms of financial, it will help them as they will never pay their opinion in the future My opinion is to get into debt, my opinion is to keep myself within the limits and neatly, it is like a charge to conduct its own, it is like a charge to a budget.


  1. Brekhova, Yulia, he is still it Viktorovna Financial pay literacy. 10-11 grade. Materials for parents' wages / Brekhova Zar kat Yulia Viktorovna. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 98 p.
  2. Brekhova, Yulia he is still it Viktorovna Financial it is like a literacy. 10-11 grade. Methodical recommendations it is still for the teacher / in my opinion according to Brekhova Yulia zar kat Viktorovna. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 160 p.
  3. Brekhova, Yulia it is like a zar Viktorovna Financial it is also literacy. 10-11 grade. Curriculum / he is still it Brekhova Julia in my opinion on Viktorovna. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 49 p.
  4. Kireev, Alexey it is like zar Pavlovich Financial pay literacy. 10-11 grade. Economic profile. Materials for still it learners. Study guide / in my opinion, according to Aleksey Kireev, he is still Pavlovich. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 156 p.
  5. Lavrenova, Ekaterina in my opinion, according to Borisovna Financial, he is still literate. 10-11 grade. Economic profile. Control measuring it is still it materials / Lavrenova it is like a zar Ekaterina Borisovna. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 37 p.
  6. Lavrenova, Ekaterina it is like a zar Borisovna Financial opinion in my opinion on literacy. 10-11 grade. Economic profile. Materials for parents / Lavrenova Ekaterina Borisovna. - M .: Vita-Press, 2016 .-- 112 p.

Children grow up. Sooner or later they will become adults. What knowledge and lessons they are now receiving from you, this is how they, subsequently, will become students, workers, husbands and wives, parents, grandparents. Some knowledge is especially important. Moreover, the earlier your children acquire the most important knowledge, the more mistakes they will be able to avoid in adulthood.

Some of these lessons learned as a child are related to love, work, and values. Parents tend to teach their child what is important to them. Your job is to give your children the lessons that will help them learn to be successful, happy, and productive.

Unfortunately, one of the sciences that is very often neglected is the science of money. Many children grow up without money management skills. Either their parents don’t feel confident about talking about money, or they don’t think it’s important.

Money is not a science that should be studied as an adult. The consequences may be too significant. As an example, financial stress, which can cause other diseases and disorders. Or it could be paycheck-to-paycheck life and no savings at all. In any case, life is always more difficult for such people than it should be. It is your responsibility as a parent to teach your child to be financially literate.

What does it mean for a child to be financially literate?

Financial literacy has several components. They include the concept of creating savings, setting goals, and also the concept of how to make money work for you. Financial literacy helps you know that instant gratification from a quick purchase is nothing compared to the emotion of completing a big goal.

Teaching a child to be financially literate means teaching him:

  • How to save money.
  • How important it is to set financial goals, both long-term and short-term.
  • How to invest your money and make it work for you.
  • How to create a budget and allocate your money so that there is enough for all the necessary needs.
  • How to maintain control over your money with the help of modern technologies and systems.
  • That he is the only person in the world who can make decisions about his money.
  • On the practice of giving to help others in need.
  • How to decide whether to spend money now or save it for future needs and purchases.
  • How banks work.
  • How to make money and achieve your financial goals.

This is only the most essential part of science that you must teach your children. Some of this knowledge is quite difficult and requires a long period of time to learn and acquire the necessary skills. However, if you donate your time and energy to teaching your child to be financially literate, they will grow in confidence about their financial health. You can rest assured that they will be able to go out into the world and stay out of financial trouble.

Why is it important to teach your child financial literacy?

How often do you yourself experience stress related to money? When you are trying to pay off your mortgage, or thinking about your retirement, "money stress" is a fairly common problem for many people. You probably already know what steps you should and did not take, and what mistakes you should have avoided. And now there is a good chance to get hope that everything will be much easier for your child.

There are several reasons why teaching your child how to manage their money is so important.

  • So that he will be less exposed to the stress of money when he becomes an adult.
  • So that he has the opportunity to live in comfort.
  • So that he does not live with you when he becomes an adult, just because he cannot afford to live on his own.
  • So that he has a better life than you.

Debts and loans

Knowing about money can help your child avoid some of the biggest financial mistakes people make. Maybe you yourself have gone through some of these mistakes?

I'm talking about debts and loans, or rather about deep debt and bankruptcy. Here are some statistics to keep in mind:

More than two million people in Russia become insolvent every year.

On average, every household has at least one credit card or loan. The average amount of debt per family falls on the level of 400,000 rubles.

Teach your child to manage money from childhood, and they can avoid these unfortunate situations. Believe me, he doesn't want to know what the stress of having a huge debt behind his back is like.

Such situations most often happen due to insufficient financial planning, cost overruns and lack of knowledge on how to save money for the future. You can teach all this to your child right now. It doesn't matter if he is six or sixteen, it is never too early or late to start learning finance.

We come to the next topic that I wanted to touch on. When can you start teaching your child financial literacy and how to do it?

When should you start teaching your child financial literacy?

You will be surprised, but you can start teaching your child about money from the age of two. While, if your child is older, it is very important to start teaching him how to handle money as soon as possible. And remember - it's never too late to start.

As an example, I will give you a few concepts that can be taught to a child at different ages.

Before school.

At preschool age, you can teach your child the very concept of money - in other words, what money and loans are needed. You can talk to them about the meaning of various coins and paper money. You can also teach them that money is used to buy things. Shopping is an easy way to teach the concept of money to young children.

In primary school.

This is the perfect age to begin learning the difference between need and necessity. Children can help with grocery shopping and financial decisions. It is also a great age to show a child how to use a piggy bank to introduce pocket money and work for money. By the end of elementary school, they should realize that in order to buy the things they want, they need to save money.

In middle school.

At this age, children are more than ready to start making money. You can associate pocket money with some chores or give them the opportunity to make money around the house. This is also a good time to teach them how to save money for the future and for the things they want to buy in the near future. At this age, the child can also begin to study investments and use their savings for this.

Graduate School.

By this time, your child should already have learned some financial independence. Hopefully, they have already had the opportunity to work for money and are aware of saving money for short and long term purposes. They can already have their own investment account and already seriously build their capital.

After your child enters college or university, it's time to put him on the path to financial independence. Of course, you can pay tuition and help him manage his finances. However, he also needs to be able to handle most of his financial decisions on his own.

It is never too late to start teaching your child about money, saving and investing. Below I want to touch on the topic of the opportunities that everyday life gives us to teach children about financial literacy. The right moments happen all the time, you need to learn to recognize them.

When should you talk to your child about money?

Teaching a child about money is much more than just one conversation. Using real life situations and examples will help him understand everything in practice. They will learn not only from your words, but also through their actions. Here are some ideas and opportunities to talk to your child about money.

When he receives a gift.

When your child receives a birthday present or other holiday, this is the perfect time to talk to him about saving money. Indeed, having received a gift, the child can refuse other planned purchases and save some money. And if this is a gift in money, then God himself ordered it. You can help your child plan how they will save and why they will do it.

When you use an ATM.

An ATM is a magic box that gives out money when you enter the secret code. No matter how it is! But children think this way! And you should definitely talk to them about what an ATM is and how it works. This is a great opportunity to talk about making money, saving and making spending decisions.

In the shop.

Take your child with you on your shopping trips. This is the perfect opportunity to explain to him about budgeting. Explain that different things cost different amounts. You can even ask your child to help you compare prices and find the cheapest option.

Payment of bills and receipts.

Paying receipts is probably not something you normally do with your child. However, this is a good opportunity to talk to him about financial things that he takes for granted. You can talk about work and responsibilities, and how you pay these costs each month.

It is also a good opportunity to talk to your child about different ways to save money, why it is important and why it is worth doing. For example, you can talk about turning off the light when he leaves his room, this leads to energy savings, and the money saved can be spent on family vacations.

Start teaching your children about money and financial literacy as early as possible, no matter what age they are now. The sooner they learn this science, the easier it will be for them to take this knowledge in their head and use it in their future life.

How do you talk to your children about money? Share your experience of teaching children financial literacy in the comments to the article.