Peaceful pregnancy and easy delivery! When menstruation and ovulation come

Pregnancy in the first months after childbirth is a double burden for a woman's body. What happens to him in such a situation? What is changing in the body? What are the possible complications. Let's consider all the features of this difficult situation.

When can a second pregnancy occur?

Most couples do not really think about postpartum contraception, because they believe that a nursing mother cannot get pregnant again during lactation. However, this is a common misconception and that is why an unplanned pregnancy 2 months after childbirth is not so uncommon.

Let's look at exactly when pregnancy can occur after childbirth. The method of lactational amenorrhea - that is, natural contraception in the absence of menstruation against the background of lactation - is possible only under one condition: if part of the child's feeding is not replaced with complementary foods. That is, a woman should put the baby to her breast every time she feeds, and only then the method works. If there is complementary food, or breastfeeding is absent altogether, then within 6-8 weeks after childbirth, the body may be ready to conceive.

Moreover, there is pregnancy even without menstruation: ovulation occurs, a woman becomes pregnant, menstruation does not come. It often happens that in such a situation a woman does not even know about her position, especially if the early signs of pregnancy are not expressed.

What changes with repeated pregnancy

If pregnancy in the first month after childbirth occurs against the background of feeding, then the body experiences an increased load: it has not yet fully recovered from previous births, lactation is a natural process, but it is still stress for the body. It is difficult to feed one child and bear another, since during lactation a significant amount of vitamins is consumed to feed the baby, and a new pregnancy is an additional burden.

If a new pregnancy occurs, the quantity and quality of milk changes. Often it disappears altogether or the child refuses it himself, because the taste of milk changes.

Possible complications

In such a difficult situation, complications are possible:

  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • divergence of the uterine scar after cesarean section;
  • worsening of the course of somatic diseases;
  • progression of anemia.
  • weakness of labor;
  • bleeding in the postpartum period.

But these are only possible complications. Such a pregnancy also has pleasant sides: often repeated childbirth is easier, against the background of worries about the baby, the mother is less worried about the pregnancy, so she proceeds more calmly. The second child will not make big changes in the life of the family, since the parents have already rebuilt their lifestyle and are used to the difficulties associated with caring for the baby. And finally, most couples are very happy when another child appears so quickly in their family.

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Questions and answers on: got pregnant 2 months after giving birth

2010-02-05 10:28:00

Irina asks:

Hello, I'm 22 years old, the first childbirth - the child died (diaphragmatic hernia), the second time I got pregnant 2 months after the birth - miscarried at week 19, What should I do? When can I get pregnant?


Hello Irina! At the present time, it is not worth getting pregnant - first you need to be examined and find out what is the reason for the trouble. Moreover, both spouses must pass the examination - you and your husband. You will find an approximate list of necessary studies by following the link Cytomegalovirus and herpes. A more detailed consultation will be given to you by a fertility specialist, whom you should definitely contact. Take care of your health!

2014-08-04 13:05:49

Dean asks:

Good afternoon. I'm 28 years old. For 4 years I have been registered at the Oncology Dispensary with a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia, I tested for HPV and other infections several times, the results were negative, no atypical cells were found in the biopsy, no treatment was prescribed, they said they had to give birth first. For a long time I could not get pregnant, and now I am already at 31 weeks, at the beginning of pregnancy in a paid clinic after colposcopy, the gynecologist said that she did not see dysplasia, only leukoplakia, advised not to gain a lot of weight and come for a second colposcopy at 30 weeks. On Monday, she had a second colposcopy, the picture worsened, and the doctor said that this could be the result of a low hormonal background, advised her to come three months after giving birth, but at the same time mentioned that I would most likely tear my neck. Is it possible in this case to give birth by herself or do you need to do a cesarean? How dangerous is it to give birth on your own? Pregnancy is going well, I have gained only 6 kg so far, all tests are normal, while there are no indications for CS

2012-09-05 11:18:56

Natalia asks:

Hello. I am 29 years old. I have hgn, a latent variant of the course since 2007. By 2010, she achieved remission. In October 2011 she became pregnant. There were no exacerbations during pregnancy. There were problems in urology (pyelocalicoectasia, renal colic, there was a stent in the right ureter, so the tests were not very good). A month and a half after giving birth, the stent was removed, and a week later I fell ill with bronchitis, and noticed that the urine had acquired the color of meat slops. In oam protein 2.15 g / l. There was an increase in blood pressure within two days to 160/95. After the addition of the antibiotic, the urine acquired a normal shade, the pressure did not increase any more. Today I received fresh tests: oam er up to 70 in the field of view, protein 0.44 g / l, lake 2-4
cholesterol 7.4 mmol / l, urea 4.11, creatinine 93, total protein 54, alt 24, ast 29, sugar 4.78
in oak no features, only soe 24
I haven’t done an ultrasound of the kidneys after stent removal. Complaints include recurrent headaches and intermittent back pains. Breastfeeding. Of course I don't get enough sleep. I drink kanefron. I made an appointment with a nephrologist on September 14th. I am very worried, is it really an exacerbation of glomerulonephritis or is it the consequences of removing the stent, then that it was so much in the ureter? If this is an exacerbation, is it possible to keep breastfeeding? Could it be that these are temporary changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and if so, how long can the changes in the analyzes persist? Thanks.

Answers Kostynenko Tatiana Vladimirovna:

Judging by the information you have provided (not a complete examination), I can assume that this is still an exacerbation of glomerulonephritis. hematuria appeared not after stent extraction, but after bronchitis ... It is urgent to consult a nephrologist in order to start treatment in a timely manner. The question of breastfeeding is directly resolved when prescribing treatment.

2010-12-10 20:23:57

Jan asks:

Hello, dear consultant, I am 21 years old. 4 months after giving birth, I installed an IUD. The fact is that my period after childbirth has not yet arrived, so I am worried if the spiral can somehow affect the cycle and in the future, can I get pregnant again? Is there a definite period for the IUD?

Answers Korop Zlata Anatolyevna:

Good afternoon. Depending on the IUD, the period from 3 to 5 years is determined. You can get pregnant immediately after extraction. does not affect, only the Mirena IUD can shorten or lengthen the cycle.

2010-11-05 11:12:23

Vera asks:

Help! I don’t know who to contact. Several years ago, I began to experience edema, itching and burning of the genitals and inflammation of the appendages. There were curd discharge. I went to the gynecologist. He said that thrush, underwent treatment for thrush and inflammation of the appendages, plus she still could not get pregnant. The burning and itching symptoms did not go away. The gynecologist also discovered erosion and dysplasia (froze). Having sent for analysis for cytomegalovirus, herpes type 2, toxoplasmosis and chlamydia - lg G blood. Detected cytamegalovirus lg G positive, herpes 2 lg G positive, toxoplasmosis negative, chlamydia weakly positive. I prescribed treatment with cycloferon, acyclovir and other drugs, I don’t remember the names. The treatment took half a year, while the symptoms did not disappear, only they became a little less painful. They sent again to those analyzes as before, the result is the same, only the titers were higher. I changed the gynecologist. The second gynecologist again donated blood and scraped it off for herpes, chlamydia, gardinela, mycoplasma, ureplasma, sowing for candida. The husband also passed the tests, everything was negative. The gynecologist himself took the analysis and took it to the laboratory, at the end he said the result that the scraping is herpes ++, chlamydia scraped +, chlamydia blood is weakly positive, in scraping the fungus Candida. He had already not prescribed treatment against viruses, since he explained that it was better to not cure anything, since I had already undergone treatment, and to look for the reason why I was not pregnant, I only prescribed suppositories against thrush, which helped for 2-3 weeks, and then again a relapse. At the same time, the itching and burning sensation resumed, and there was no longer any discharge of cottage cheese, it could be watery. After the pregnancy tests, it turned out that I lack hormones in the appendages and the follicles do not mature well. I was treated for half a year with Dufaston from Clostilbegid and became pregnant with twins. Until 5 months, I also drank Dufaston and vitamins from the first day, the pregnancy was difficult, all the time on support at the hospital. There were no burning or itching symptoms. A few months after giving birth, discomfort began again, only there was almost no discharge. Again I passed the tests, the result, all the infections that I had previously listed are absent, only a yeast fungus was found. She underwent a course of treatment with proteflazid, pimafucin suppositories, vitamins, bifidobacteria and dyflazon (which I took more than half a year on the first day of menstruation 150ml). The symptoms disappeared for half a year, only at the beginning of menstruation a little discomfort began, I drank diflazon and everything went away, only during intercourse there was a burning sensation. Now everything is back again. Recently, she was pierced with antibiotics for inflammation of the appendages, while I drank Difluzol for 7 days, 50 ml each. And here again there is a burning sensation and itching, there is no discharge, at first it started with minor discomfort, I passed the usual scraping in the clinic, they didn’t find anything, the gynecologist advised me to wash with chamomile, but it didn’t help me. I don’t already know what to treat, whether there is herpes and chlamydia, or is it a thrush (but there is no discharge), and I have never had any herpetic rashes, only there were cracks. What can all this be, a sign of what kind of infection and how to treat it? The other day I passed an analysis for herpes 1/2 by ELISA lgM, the result is negative, and chlamydia lgG by ELISA is weakly positive. Which test method is more effective than scraping or blood, ELISA or PCR? And what tests do I need to get?

Answers Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

Hello Vera. You can pass the usual culture for flora and antibiotic sensitivity, because sometimes ordinary bacteria such as E. coli can be the cause of the inflammatory process, this analysis should be residual. Be sure to examine your husband - especially if symptoms appear after intercourse, while consulting a urologist is mandatory for him. Sometimes itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the components of the semen - try using condoms. A healthy lifestyle is imperative: sleep at least 8 hours a day, normal diet, restriction of sweets, exercise.

2010-02-15 13:42:10

Ksenia asks:

Hello! Before giving birth, my cycle was irregular for 25-60 days. 6 years old could not get pregnant (from 23 years old). My weight was 43 kg or less, my height was 158 cm. On the recommendation of a doctor, I started drinking Marvelon (no tests were done), drank 5 tablets and stopped taking it. After a couple of months, she started drinking Marsilon, drank 2 tablets and also stopped taking it. After 3 months. I got pregnant. After 7 months. after giving birth, the cycle began (now 28-36 days). The first childbirth at the age of 30 (there were no abortions or miscarriages). Weight after childbirth 53 kg, now 50 kg and holding on. Examination after the first cycle (7 months after childbirth) was done by the doctor who guided me during pregnancy and delivered. She recommended OK Janine to me. I didn’t take any tests, I didn’t take OK either. A year and 4 months have passed since the examination, now I want to start taking OK. Question: Can I now drink Janine or do I need to undergo some tests?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Ksenia! Immediately before taking oral contraceptives, a woman should visit a gynecologist and undergo the following examination: general clinical blood and urine tests, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, blood sugar, ECG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, examination of the mammary glands. Take care of your health!

2009-12-21 11:17:41

Lily asks:

Hello! I have tubal obstruction due to frequent inflammation. at the age of 30 she became pregnant thanks to an abdominal operation and subsequent laparoscopy. Now my daughter is 6 years old, we want another child. 2 months after giving birth, there was an ectopic. I wanted to know if I have a chance to count on free IVF? I am now full 37 years old. Where is your clinic located?

Answers Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

Hello Lilia! Our clinic is located in Kiev, but we are not involved in the IVF program. As for the IVF program for budgetary funds, in each oblast at the regional health department there is a commission for the selection for this program, this is where you should apply.

2008-07-02 22:15:42

Nataliya asks:

In my first marriage (6 years old) I was treated with antibiotics for chlamydia, urea, mycoplasma three times. Twice I had cryo (dysplasia 1-2 degrees). After the last course of treatment with antibiotics - six months with the first husband were protected with condoms. Ureaplasma remained. Then for several months I did not have a sex life and then remarried (to another) and immediately became pregnant. An incredible thing happened - dysplasia did not appear for a year or a year and a half, the gynecologist did not see erosion 8 months after giving birth (although, 1 month after giving birth, another gynecologist saw her). Leukocytes 8-10. Cytology type 2, coccal flora. I would like to finally make sure that with my cervix, does it need to be examined also with the help of a colposcope? What examination methods are shown to me?

Answers Baksheev Sergey Nikolaevich:

Good day! Screening for the detection of diseases of the cervix is ​​based on the study of a routine Pap smear (PAP smears) and on colposcopy. Then you are shown a screening visit to the gynecologist every 6-12 months for examination, colposcopy and cytological examination. Be healthy!

2015-09-05 21:26:36

Irina asks:

Hello! I am 52 years old. I deleted Mirena about 7 months ago. She stood with me for 5 years. When I put on I had regular periods (I never had problems with the cycle - like a clock all my life from 11 years old) Before that, 2 IUDs with copper stood for 10 years. There were abundant periods. I had one healthy pregnancy at 23 - daughter.
There were no other pregnancies (and abortions). With Mirena, soon after the installation, my periods stopped, my breasts increased rapidly by 1.5 sizes, I gained about 8 kg weight despite restrictions on food, yoga, fitness, etc., my hair fell out a lot. But it performed its main function, I was very busy at this time and I did not remove it. 3 months after removal I had my period 4 days, and quite abundant. More periods do not come yet, but I often feel pain in the appendages, especially on those days when I have My gynecologist says that my menopause passed while Mirena was standing. Perhaps, but I'm afraid of getting pregnant. She advises to put Mirena again, and since I don't have menstruation now, then call them with hormones to install the spiral. But I don't want Mirena again, maybe it would be better to put a regular spiral with copper? I lost weight, began to feel better after removing it, my blood cholesterol began to decrease (before the installation of Mirena, it was normal), high blood pressure returned to normal, my hair did not fall out. mom at 56 was adenocarcinoma of the uterus - after a successful operation and radiation therapy, she lived for another 22 years. Her periods stopped at 55 years old, but she had 3 healthy births and 1 abortion. My gynecologist therefore advises to put Mirena, but I would like a regular spiral with copper.
What do you recommend? Sincerely, Irina

For young mothers, the impossibility of getting pregnant after childbirth is a myth. Many believe that in the first months, especially if the mother is breastfeeding, the likelihood of conception is excluded. In fact, this is not the case.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant after childbirth? Let's take a look and find out the opinion of doctors regarding the timing between pregnancies.

When does menstruation and ovulation come?

Before answering the question of how soon you can get pregnant after giving birth and whether it is possible immediately after childbirth, you need to find out when the woman's cycle is restored, that is, when menstruation and ovulation come.

The restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding the baby or not. If the baby feeds on formula, the first period should go in about 2-2.5 months.

If a mother is breastfeeding her baby, menstruation usually resumes after six months. In some women, the cycle resumes only after they stop lactating, in others, immediately after the end of postpartum discharge.

During lactation, the ovulation-stimulating hormone (prolactin) is suppressed. While the baby is breastfeeding, the chances are high that menstruation and ovulation will not occur. Therefore, it is generally accepted that breastfeeding is a reliable method of contraception.

After 6-8 months, and even a year after giving birth, a new pregnancy poses a certain danger

However, everything is individual. In some, ovulation occurs no earlier than a year later, others become capable of conceiving as soon as postpartum discharge ends, since the egg cell maintains its mobility all the time.

Is it possible to get pregnant right after childbirth without menstruation?

After giving birth, a woman bleeds for a long time. In the first week, the discharge is abundant, then becomes scarce, and completely disappears after 1-1.5 months. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after childbirth if there is such bleeding? Until the bleeding is over, conception is impossible.
By the way, it is not recommended to have sex during this period, since the uterus has not yet recovered, and an infection can be introduced into the body. But after the bleeding stops, most couples resume sexual intercourse without really worrying about protection, since they are sure that the likelihood of conception is excluded.

Is it possible to get pregnant if the cycle has not yet recovered? This is likely because ovulation can occur even before your period. Conception within a month after childbirth is not excluded.

Conception while breastfeeding

Many women believe that fertilization is impossible during lactation, especially if your period does not go. But it is possible with sexual activity. It depends on the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the body. The more it is, the less chance of getting pregnant.

Therefore, you should not rely on gv as a method of contraception. After all, ovulation can occur even if there is no menstruation with hv. In the absence of menstruation, a woman will believe that this is normal, but in fact it will turn out that she is already pregnant for three months or even more.

Fertilization after cesarean

Some women give birth by caesarean section when indicated. This is a complex and dangerous operation that requires a long recovery period. Is it possible to get pregnant after a cesarean almost immediately after childbirth?

The restoration of reproductive function in this case is significantly different than in women who gave birth in the usual way. And after a cesarean, you can get pregnant in the first month or after 6 weeks.

But if after a normal childbirth a woman is only worried about repeated childbirth and raising children, and it is also possible whether there is enough strength for the children of the weather, then in the second case it is dangerous to conceive a child immediately after childbirth.

After a cesarean, a scar remains on the uterus, and rapid conception and repeated childbirth threaten it with rupture. Recovery takes a long time, it will take one and a half to two years for this process. And preparing for the next birth in this case, the doctor advises no earlier than after 3 years.

How long after giving birth is it best to plan a pregnancy

Doctors advise not to get pregnant right away, but to wait at least 1 year. This measure is necessary not only because of concern for the health of the unborn baby, but primarily because of the risks associated with high loads on the mother's body.

Reproductive function is recovering quickly, but this does not mean that the body is ready for new loads. Re-conception is fraught with complications.

Therefore, immediately start using contraceptives to restore your sexual life, even if you have not yet had your first menstruation after childbirth.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant 1-2 months after giving birth

How quickly can you get pregnant after childbirth, is conception possible within one or two months? This question is of interest to all women who have just become mothers. Today you will not surprise anyone with the fact of such a quick conception, although earlier women believed that fertilization was excluded with breastfeeding.

Conception is possible already in the first ovulation, which can come immediately after the end of postpartum bleeding, while the cycle has not recovered. That is, you can get pregnant as early as 3 weeks after giving birth. If this happens, and your test shows two stripes, it means that the hormonal balance is in place. However, doctors do not advise conception as soon as possible.

If the spouses dream of children in the weather, it is still better to wait at least up to six months. In six months, the couple will feel more confident, and the first child will grow up.

Chance of conception in 3-4 months with HB

The question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after 3 or 4 months after childbirth worries even those mothers who are on the guards. If the risk is low 2 months after childbirth, then by 3-4 months women can conceive very soon. The probability is high if:

  • the baby stops sucking at night;
  • the woman feeds the baby less than 5 times a day;
  • natural feeding is combined with artificial nutrition.

A small child during the first year of life is in dire need of mother's affection, parental care and care

The increased risk is due to pituitary hormones. The less the baby suckles at the breast, the less prolactin is produced, and, therefore, the more chances of ovulation coming.

What danger could there be?

  • after a strong shake, you need to wait for recovery after childbirth, the likelihood of successful bearing of the fetus decreases, the risk of miscarriage increases;
  • due to sharp fluctuations in hormones, high load and weakening of immunity, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother, which is aggravated by repeated pregnancy. This can undermine the health of a woman for a long time;
  • many women experience postpartum depression, which is complicated by repeated conception. This is fraught with serious mental disorders;
  • during the next pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which negatively affect the lactation process. Milk can either disappear altogether, or the baby himself stops sucking. Problems such as mastitis, lactostasis, stagnation are also not excluded;
  • when life begins, it requires a lot of vitamins and nutrients that women lack. This is fraught with the development of vitamin deficiency and lack of vitamins in the infant and fetus;
  • due to a large blood loss after a previous birth during a repeated pregnancy, a woman develops anemia. The fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen, which can lead to developmental pathology.

The best contraception after childbirth

The need for contraception occurs immediately after the completion of postpartum discharge, that is, after two to three months. A gynecologist will help you choose the right product.

A small device made of plastic with copper that inhibits the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity

The following methods of contraception are usually preferred:

MethodDescription and reliability
Intrauterine device (IUD)The method that is most often used in these cases. Its efficiency is not less than 90%.

If the birth was successful, the IUD can be inserted after 6 weeks. The spiral is contraindicated in inflammation of the genital area.

Barrier methods (diaphragm, cap, condom)The diaphragm and cap do not interfere with lactation and do not affect the baby's health. It can be installed after 4-8 weeks, and the selection and administration of funds is made by a doctor.

Condoms are a convenient and affordable method of contraception, but their use is difficult after childbirth. At this time, the woman has a decrease in the amount of natural lubrication in the vagina, so intercourse can cause discomfort. Spermicidal agents solve the problem, which simultaneously immobilize and neutralize spermatozoa, as well as infection.

The effectiveness of barrier methods is high - up to 99%.

Hormonal drugsDuring lactation, hormonal tablets containing estrogen are contraindicated, as they reduce the amount of milk and shorten the lactation period. Therefore, only tablets with a progestogen content are suitable.

They are not as effective as combined drugs, they must be taken strictly at a certain time, and they must be started immediately after the end of the postpartum period.

Another hormonal method is injections. The first injection for lactating women is given after 6 weeks, for non-lactating women after 4 weeks. One injection guarantees protection for up to three months. In the third month, you need to do the next injection.

SterilizationIt gives an absolute guarantee against unwanted pregnancy, but is suitable only for those couples who are sure that they will never want to have children again. The method consists in ligation of the fallopian tubes.

Another addition to the family

Recommendations of doctors for the restoration of the female body

From a physiological point of view, it is possible to become pregnant immediately after childbirth, because lactation does not prevent this. For many, given good health, such a pregnancy and childbirth is proceeding well. Nevertheless, one should not neglect the advice of specialists for those who are seriously considering planning a second pregnancy:

  • doctors are of the official opinion that the optimal break between childbirth is at least two years. That is, you can conceive again about a year or a year and 3 months after giving birth. During this period, the work of the mother's body is finally restored, the cardiac and vascular systems are normalized, blood flow and hormonal levels return to normal;
  • Consider the difficulties you faced last time during pregnancy and childbirth. In the presence of common diseases, they must be eliminated before conception;
  • if serious abnormalities were observed during labor, such women are at risk. For this reason, they are advised to protect themselves from re-pregnancy for a certain period of time. In turn, if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, what is the probability of getting pregnant, the gynecologist will tell you;
  • with a cesarean section, doctors are categorical: for a repeated pregnancy, you should wait at least 2-2.5 years, then to conceive and normally leave the pregnancy. Which way the woman will give birth will be decided by the doctor based on the patient's health condition.
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    The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for information only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not advise to self-medicate. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy - is it necessary to prepare for it in a special way in order to prevent a recurrence of the situation? What problems can arise in the process of carrying a child?

Domestic and foreign doctors look at this situation differently. So, in the United States, pregnancy is allowed 2, 3, 4 months after a frozen pregnancy, or even immediately. And in Russia and the CIS countries, hormonal drugs are usually prescribed for several months for the purpose of contraception, an examination is carried out to identify the causes of what happened, numerous tests are required after a frozen pregnancy.

They are especially necessary for those women who did not take them earlier or handed them over, but not in full. For example, it is absolutely certain that you need to be tested for TORCH infection - rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus. If, according to the results of the analysis, it is clear that one of these infections a woman contracted recently, presumably during pregnancy, then it is she who is usually considered the culprit for the death of the embryo. And you need to wait until the body develops immunity against infection. After a few months, control tests are prescribed.
If everything is clean, the examinations do not show deviations, then the woman herself decides when it is possible to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy. It makes no sense to postpone conception. If a woman does not have problems with the reproductive system, for example, a polyp in the uterine cavity or submucous fibroids, which would interfere with the introduction and development of a fertilized egg, the ovaries, thyroid gland work well, the partner in the ejaculate has a normal number of living, motile sperm - conception will occur in the next months in case of refusal of contraception and regular sex life.

It is not necessary to postpone planning a pregnancy after a frozen one if the cause of this trouble is the chromosomal pathology in the embryo. Unfortunately, this can happen even in genetically healthy parents. And the older the partners, the greater the likelihood of such an "accident".
If pregnancy is planned after curettage of a frozen pregnancy, some doctors recommend taking hormonal contraceptives for up to three months to restore the endometrium. This is also optional. The procedure did not affect the hormonal background in any way, but the endometrium will grow a new one in the next menstrual cycle.

The question remains - how to maintain a pregnancy after a dead one, is it possible to prevent a recurrence of the situation? In a sense, yes. It is necessary to start taking folic acid even before conception and continue until at least 12 weeks. This is a very important micronutrient for expectant mothers.
It is necessary to take measures to prevent infection with various infections, including acute respiratory infections. Well-being in the genital area, namely the normal microflora of the vagina, is a guarantee of protection against bacterial vaginosis - an unpleasant disease that, in the case of an acute course, can lead to endometritis, and as a result, loss of pregnancy.

During the period of gestation and the appearance of a baby, the mother's body undergoes certain metamorphoses. He needs time to restore and resume the work of all organs and functions. According to the urgent recommendations of doctors, it is worth thinking about the next baby no earlier than in two years.

But there are often times when this moment comes much earlier than it should be. Even pregnancy 2 months after childbirth is a fairly common (albeit rather unexpected) event among young mothers. What to do in such a case and how to cope with certain difficulties?

Conception, which occurred a month after the birth of the baby, is often an unplanned event in the life of mom and dad. Women, thinking that with breastfeeding, the risks of becoming a mother again are reduced to zero, they ignore the use of contraceptives. But if the mother does not apply to the breast, the risks increase several times - after 6-8 weeks, conception will be possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant instantly after discharge? The likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after giving birth is very high, even when the cycle has not fully recovered. According to the official data of experienced doctors, you can get pregnant after giving birth in 2 or more weeks. This period is very fragile and a woman is strongly advised to direct existing forces to restore her body, and not to resume sexual life.

Pregnancy after cesarean section or antenatal fetal death is also possible two months after delivery. No one will give an exact answer to this question, the organisms of girls are different: someone is able to conceive a son or daughter after a couple of weeks, someone after 10 months, and someone after six months or a year.

How to identify symptoms

Very often, a girl does not even suspect about the conception of a baby, thinking that it is impossible to get pregnant 2 months after giving birth, and will find out about this at rather late dates. The symptoms of this situation are rather difficult to determine, since they are rarely pronounced at this stage.

Pregnancy 3 months after giving birth is no different from the natural recovery period, these concepts are easy to confuse at first. The girl is experiencing a breakdown and fatigue, her breasts have slightly changed their appearance, there are suspicions of ordinary poisoning or depletion of the body.

But you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • severe sensitivity, pain, swelling and irritation in the décolleté;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • urinary incontinence and constant urge to go to the toilet;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea or vomiting, dizziness;
  • changes in their taste habits;
  • increased appetite;
  • milk has changed in taste and texture, the baby refuses to eat;
  • lactation has stopped by itself or the milk production has become much less.

It is impossible for a girl to believe that after 9 months of gestation, everything will happen again very soon.

Complications that may be

On the recommendation of doctors, abortion should not be done. Having a baby one by one will be difficult, but also enjoyable. Even if the mother survived the operation, fetal death, or became pregnant after 2 weeks and did not have time to recover, it is imperative to maintain this state. With a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and timely consultations in the clinic, the processes should go well.

But there are a number of complications that should be addressed:

  1. Severe anemia.
  2. Inflammatory processes - parametritis, endometritis.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Sagging fabrics.
  5. Worsening condition in the presence of chronic diseases.
  6. The likelihood of divergence of the suture on the uterus after surgery, already at a later date.
  7. The tone of the abdominal wall will be weakened, making it difficult for the fetus to be born.
  8. The uterus contracts at a very low intensity.
  9. High probability of interruption.
  10. Infant weight deficiency.
  11. The recovery time is doubled.
  12. Danger of premature contractions.
  13. Placental insufficiency.

To avoid this, you need to:

  1. Monitor your diet and portions: you do not need to overeat and consume 4-5 times more than necessary. It is also strongly recommended to forget about high-calorie and junk food.
  2. Take the necessary preparations: vitamin complexes containing magnesium, iodine, iron.
  3. Wear preventive underwear and tights to avoid varicose veins and stretch marks on the skin.
  4. Walk more in the fresh air and relax.
  5. Provide yourself with adequate sleep, lasting 8 hours.
  6. Do not ignore the wearing of a special bandage, since the tone of the abdominal wall is weakened as much as possible.

When is the best time to plan

Better not to rush to conceive a new one. Doctors recommend taking care of yourself and your strength for at least 2-3 years. This is quite enough to have the strength to experience new similar stress. Even a pregnancy six months after giving birth is not the best option. Sexual life should begin no earlier than ten weeks after the birth of the child. But even in this case, you need to listen to your own body and the signals that it gives. The slightest discomfort or pain should alert the new mother.

Internal organs have not yet adjusted their work, my mother has not fully recovered. If you ignore it, there is a possibility of getting a number of unpleasant complications. It is also stressful to get a defenseless baby when he stops breastfeeding. The likelihood of a miscarriage at this stage is very high, the muscles of the vagina and uterus are weakened and unable to hold the fetus inside.

What you need to focus on

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that health in most cases is much more important. If a girl feels that she has not completely recovered (weakness, fatigue, changes in the body, pain), then it is better to postpone sex. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that there is a risk of ending in a miscarriage due to excessive weakening of the intimate organs.

Do not rely on "natural" contraceptives: breastfeeding and the absence of critical days.

Often, conception occurs during this period. But, if mom and dad suffered a similar fate, it is forbidden to start a trip to the gynecologist. You must immediately seek help from a qualified specialist so that he takes into account certain difficulties, circumstances and changes in a woman's body. You will have to take better care of yourself, go through twice as many tests and procedures, take vitamin complexes, eat exceptionally healthy and wholesome food, regularly visit a gynecologist, take into account previous experiences, listen to recommendations.

Complete ignorance or self-medication is a failure. Many times this ends in fatal outcomes (miscarriage, stillbirth, early disruption, infertility, disappointing diagnoses and other consequences).

You can get one more crumb, but you should be prepared for difficulties. The process may not proceed in the same way as the previous time.

  • Toxicosis, headaches, dizziness, abdominal cramps, constipation, thrush, hemorrhoids, inflammation will be more likely to disturb.
  • It will be much more difficult to bear the fruit.
  • Unpleasant changes in appearance are possible: age spots on the face, stretch marks all over the body (which can hardly be removed), sagging skin, pallor of the integument.
  • Difficulties at birth (entanglement with the umbilical cord, breathing problems) are also not excluded.

It is worth considering thoroughly whether there will be an opportunity and strength to look after the second crumb. One has to be prepared for accidents accounted for.

  • exclude any loads;
  • do not lift heavy;
  • spend most of the day outdoors;
  • eat a lot of fruits and vegetables;
  • drink enough water;
  • forget about bad habits (smoking, alcohol, fast food);
  • take medications and foods rich in iron, vitamin D, iodine;
  • consult a doctor more often (even with minor complaints and suspicions);
  • choose a paid clinic or one in which you are confident;
  • more often to take tests and go for an ultrasound scan;
  • consult with many specialists;
  • trust yourself and your feelings;
  • take good care of yourself.

For a woman, her health and condition are very important. There is no need to put it at risk again. Taking care of yourself should be a priority.

It is very important to give yourself the necessary period of time to recover your physical and mental strength.


It is better not to have sex if there is no confidence in reliable contraception. Is it possible to get pregnant after giving birth in a short period of time? This is difficult, but if something happened that was not expected, do not make rash decisions. Try to preserve this, take care of women's health and do not forget that there is such a necessary person as a doctor. Consultation and timely treatment is a necessary measure for every girl at any period of her life, and especially when she is expecting a baby.