Inkjet pregnancy test photo. Inkjet pregnancy test

It is now easy to conduct an initial pregnancy test even at home. Manufacturers offer numerous types of devices of various types, among which inkjet devices are considered the most convenient. They can be bought at any pharmacy, they are easy to use and show reliable results in 98% of cases.

How does the inkjet pregnancy test work?

5-7 days after conception, the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. At the same time, the female body begins to produce the hormone necessary for the healthy development of the baby - chorionic gonadotropin. Its amount increases markedly until the 12th week, and then decreases. It is on the indicators of this hormone that all pregnancy tests, including the jet, are guided. A special reagent is applied to the strips and rods, which changes color when interacting with gonadotropin.

The material for detecting pregnancy remains unchanged - it is urine. It is also possible to identify the hormone according to the blood test, but it is impossible to do this at home. The sensitivity of most tests is 25 mUI. This amount of the reagent is formed in the urine about two weeks after the start of pregnancy - it is possible to detect it earlier using tests with higher sensitivity. Their price is usually higher.

Accuracy of jet tests and the possibility of false readings

In 98% of cases, inkjet tests give correct results. However, malfunctions are also possible, which occur due to several factors.

A positive result must be certified by a doctor

False negative results are often given with early application of tests, when the body has not yet produced a sufficient amount of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Other reasons include non-compliance with instructions and improper storage. Reduce the accuracy of indications of endocrine system diseases, hormonal imbalance.

Incorrect positive results can also be attributed to improper use of inkjet tests or, for example, expired expiration dates. A false positive indicator can indicate a number of diseases, for example, tumors and cysts, disruptions in the hormonal system, the consequences of miscarriages, abortions and ectopic pregnancies.


Inkjet tests are not the only type of express diagnostics of pregnancy, but the most popular and convenient. Compared to the earlier leading and cheaper test strips, they are easier to use. For a correct result, you do not need to collect urine in the morning, you can use jet tests at any time of the day. This does not require an accurate dosage, as is the case with flatbed meters.

The result will be known in two minutes

Compared to modern electronic tests, inkjet tests give faster results, but their accuracy is slightly lower.

Key benefits of inkjet tests:

  • high sensitivity. It is 20-15 mIU / ml. Therefore, pregnancy can be determined at an earlier date and the device can be used already on the first day of the delay of critical days;
  • reliability - at home, only an electronic test can give more accurate results, but their cost is much higher;
  • Convenience - no need to collect urine in a separate container. You can use the inkjet test at work or in a public place;
  • speed - the whole process will take 2-3 minutes.

Instructions for using the inkjet pregnancy test

The device is based on a rod made of fine fibers. Through numerous channels in these fibers, urine rises to the reagent and reacts with it. To improve the accuracy of the readings and avoid false results, you need to know and follow the rules.

The test consists of a body, a cap and a screen

When to use

On regular critical days, egg maturation occurs in the middle of the cycle. Fertilization is possible during the first 3 days of life. It takes several more days to move the fertilized egg and reach the maximum concentration of the hormone in the urine. Thus, the inkjet test can show reliable results approximately on the 24-25th day of the cycle, and highly sensitive samples - on the 12th day.

If your period is irregular, calculating your ovulation date is more difficult. You need to focus on your own feelings. Ovulation may be indicated by tingling in the ovaries, swelling, and increased sensitivity. During this period, the rectal temperature rises. You can apply special tests for ovulation. Pregnancy devices must be used 15 days after the set ovulation date.

There are many types of pregnancy tests.

Modern inkjet tests do not limit the time of use and allow diagnostics at any time of the day. Nevertheless, doctors recommend doing tests in the morning: at this time, the concentration of the hormone is higher. This is especially important when the pregnancy is less than 18 days.

The results will be more accurate if you refrain from drinking fluids and going to the toilet for four hours before the test.

How to use inkjet pregnancy tests

When buying a test, read the manufacturer's data and be sure to check the expiration date. If it has expired, the chemical reaction will not occur and the diagnosis will not give a result.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • take the test out of the package and remove the cap (most often it is painted in a color that is contrasting with the main body);
  • place the rod under the stream of urine for 5-10 seconds;
  • close the case with the cap again;
  • place the test on a table or any other horizontal surface;
  • wait 2 minutes and check the result.

Two stripes indicate pregnancy

The data is stored for 10 minutes after the reaction, then the indicator may change.

If one bar appears in the window, it means that the result is negative and no pregnancy has been detected. Two stripes speak of a positive outcome and nascent life. There are also devices with a digital display, on which indicators appear in the form of the words Yes / No or Pregnant / Not pregnant.

How to improve the accuracy of the result

While a validated pregnancy inkjet pregnancy test from a reputable firm will have a 98% chance of being accurate, there are ways to make the analysis even more reliable.

  • Never reuse the same test: these devices are strictly disposable.
  • Ideally, diagnostics should be performed at room temperature.
  • Try to use the test in the morning.
  • It is very important to store the device correctly so that it is not affected by the sun's rays and other factors. The packaging should be opened immediately before using the test.
  • Do not take pills or other medications: they can change the structure of your urine.
  • Avoid drinking a lot of water or other fluids to avoid lowering the amount of the hormone in your blood.
  • If the test shows a negative result, but menstruation has not come, repeat the test after 2 days. This is the time period for the increase in chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.
  • Strictly follow the instructions included with the test.

The pregnancy inkjet test is the best choice for quickly and accurately detecting pregnancy in all conditions. If the result is positive, you should consult a doctor to confirm the indications. An error is unlikely, but some factors can reduce the diagnostic accuracy.

Every woman from time to time in one context or another is faced with the question of early diagnosis of pregnancy. Someone wants to know whether the consequences of a careless passionate night will manifest, and someone is looking forward to the birth of a new life in their body, or even trying to achieve conception for a long time and to no avail.

Today, thanks to the efforts of scientists, several types of special devices have been created that allow fixing the characteristic signs accompanying the restructuring of the female body in this state.

These are called tests and are sold in pharmacies. Thanks to them, any woman can check whether she is pregnant, without the help of a gynecologist and passing special tests.

Which of the existing types of pregnancy tests you need to choose depends on the purpose you are pursuing and your financial capabilities.

If you need to quickly determine your position with minimal cost, then you can use the usual strips. They are the cheapest, and the result for a certain period of time has a fairly high reliability.

If you are limited by the conditions in which you need to test, use the more convenient jet pregnancy test. It is slightly more expensive, but does not require a container to collect urine.

In the case when you are purposefully engaged in planning conception and monitoring your cycle, you should spend a little money on a digital reusable inkjet test, which gives the most reliable result. In addition to reliability, its advantage lies in the fact that it will be useful to you more than once in the future.

Also, a tablet test, which can be called a miniature laboratory, is suitable for repeated use: it consists of a set of cassette reservoirs with a reagent, a pipette and a container for collecting urine. They all work according to the same principle, based on the detection of the presence in the urine of a specific hormone of pregnant women - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Its concentration begins to increase rapidly in blood and urine from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. However, even the most sensitive test can record it only at a concentration of at least 10 mMU / ml. And this happens only on the seventh day after fertilization. That is, before the delay, it is impossible to know for sure, 100%, whether you are pregnant using any type of home testing, but it is worth trying.

Nowadays, inkjet tests to determine pregnancy before menstruation are delayed are becoming more and more popular. It is a plastic case, inside of which is a strip of fibrous material, which, while absorbing, conducts urine well, and on which a reagent with antibodies to HCS is applied.

The reagent strip is located in the information window. On one side of the body, the end of this strip is closed by a removable cover. It is on him that the stream of urine should get during testing. When the reagent interacts with hCG, a second strip on the fiber-based test appears, which should mean the onset of pregnancy for you. The first line is a control and means that moisture has got on the fibrous base and that the test is suitable for use.

In digital inkjet tests, instead of stripes in the diagnostic window, the inscriptions appear: "pregnant / not pregnant" or "yes / no". Some of these devices are also equipped with a USB port, with which it can be connected to a computer, which will decode the test result. At the same time, there is a special program that not only confirms or refutes pregnancy, but also indicates its duration.

The inkjet diagnostic method is considered highly sensitive.

Its sensitivity is 10 mMU / ml, while in the previous generation of test strips this figure is 25 mMU / ml.

When can a pregnancy test be done?

This type of testing can be carried out at any time of the day or night, only before use during the day you need to refrain from taking liquids so as not to dilute the concentration of the hormone in the urine.

A reliable result can be obtained not earlier than on the first day of the delay in menstruation, or even better, wait a couple of days or repeat to double-check the result.

How to use the inkjet pregnancy test correctly?

To avoid errors and exclude false results, testing should be performed strictly according to the instructions.

She usually describes the following sequence of actions:

  • carefully remove the device from the package and remove the protective cover from the handpiece;
  • place the fibrous end under the stream of urine and hold it there for 5-10 seconds;
  • lay the test horizontally on a dry surface so that the information window looks up and wait a few minutes (the time should be specified in the instructions, usually a range from 1 to 20 minutes);
  • after you notice that a wave seems to have passed through the diagnostic window, one or two stripes should appear there.

If no stripes appear, then the diagnostic procedure was performed incorrectly, or a defect was allowed in the test.

If the inkjet test showed even a weak second strip, this still indicates an increased level of HCG, although not quite enough for one hundred percent certainty. Therefore, you should definitely double-check after a few days - the strip should already become much brighter.

At the same time, other reasons also cause a weak second strip.

If the second strip is gray, it means that the reagent for some reason did not appear or has dried out.

The level of hCG is maximum in the first morning urine, so the cause of the weak band may be in the time of day chosen for diagnosis, especially if you drank liquid for two hours before it (not even very much).

An insufficiently colored strip may be due to the action of anti-kidney agents or diuretics.

In low-quality tests, there is little reagent, which gives a weak color.

If you really want to get pregnant within a certain period of time, or you simply cannot achieve conception, no matter how much you try, using an ovulation jet test can help you.

Since ovulation occurs once in the entire cycle, and fertilization of the egg is possible only during the ovulation period, it is fundamentally important for planning conception to know about the onset of this period.

The principle of this diagnosis is based on measuring the level of a specific substance - luteinizing hormone (LH). Its indicator reaches a maximum about a day before ovulation. This helps to fix the onset of the period favorable for conception.

There are many tests on the market that measure the level of the hormone LH in urine, blood, or saliva. An electronic reusable ovulation test has also been developed. It determines the LH level from body temperature. However, jet devices for testing urine LH levels are more readily available and effective.

Every girl wants to find out that conception has happened as early as possible. Today, the process of determining an interesting position has become as simple as possible - you just need to go through the usual home testing and the results will be known after 5 minutes. One of the common types of home test systems is considered to be a jet pregnancy test. This is a fairly advanced system for home determination of conception, which is highly popular today due to its versatility.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The mechanism of action of pregnancy tests of jet modifications is generally similar to the principle of operation of other test systems. These tests detect chorionic gonadotropin in the patient's urine, which is produced by the body only in case of pregnancy, because the chorionic fetal membrane is involved in the production of this hormone, from which the formation of placental tissues occurs.

The production of this hormonal substance begins about a week after fertilization, that is, immediately after the completion of embryo implantation. In fact, it is from this moment that the identification of the existing conception is possible. But in the first weeks, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropic hormone is still low, so the device will not be able to detect it at a similar time. If you apply a jet pregnancy test at such an early gestational period, then it will give a negative result, or show two stripes, but the test will be dull, slightly visible. But if you wait another week, then such a test system will show a completely reliable result.

Inside the cassette is a strip of paper impregnated with a chorionic gonadotropic antibody reagent. After conception, the production of hCG will already begin in the body, therefore, when the test comes into contact with the urine of such a patient, an appropriate reaction will occur, which will result in the appearance of 2 strips on the test cassette. If there is no pregnancy, then there will be only one strip, which has a control value and proves that the test is working correctly.


In general, there are several varieties of home test express systems:

  • Strip strips are the very first modification of home devices for detecting pregnancy. These tests are low cost and are sold at every pharmacy. It also works on the determination of chorionic gonadotropin.
  • Tablet test systems. They are somewhat more reliable than conventional strip tests, but they work in a similar way. The device has a special functional window into which you need to drop a little urine with a pipette. In another window, you need to see the resulting result. If “+” or 2 dashes are displayed, then there is pregnancy, and one line or “-” indicates the absence of conception.
  • Inkjet pregnancy test. Such a system is considered the most accurate and truthful, the test works by analogy with other devices, that is, it reacts to the presence of hCG in urine. Such a high reliability of the system is explained by the use of specific particles that attach to the cells of the hCG hormone and the staining of the reagent in shades of blue. These tests are considered the most expensive.

When using any test, pregnancy can be detected, but there are situations when the use of such a diagnostic method is unprofitable, for example, when taking hormonal preparations containing hCG, the presence of an ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids or postmenopausal period, recent childbirth, abortive measures or spontaneous interruption.

Benefits of using

Good news from the very morning

Although the inkjet test system works in a similar way to the conventional strip-strip pregnancy test, it still has many advantages. First, sensitivity. In inkjet products, the sensitivity reaches 15-20 mIU / ml, which means the ability to determine a lower concentration of hCG in urine. That is, in fact, they are considered the most reliable and are able to detect conception at an early gestational period, when the content of chorionic gonadotropin is not yet so high. In some jet systems, the sensitive threshold can reach 10 mIU / ml, this practically guarantees reliable results already 4-5 days before the delay.

Testing with an inkjet device is recommended after a delay (on the first day and later), although a few days before this tests can reveal the presence of an interesting situation. According to the manufacturers of such test systems, the reliability of the results obtained is 98-99%. Another undoubted advantage is the absence of the need for preliminary collection of urine. This process requires a separate sterile container, and the jetting system can be used without collecting urine, even at work. To do this, it is enough to go to the toilet for just five minutes.

Possible cons

The inkjet test system also has one significant drawback that makes it inaccessible to many patients. This is an overly high cost of the product. Usually, the price range rises in accordance with the complexity of the device and rises steadily. The most expensive among all inkjet devices are those equipped with an electronic display and a usb port. And the most accessible for patients are standard jet strip strips.

How to use

Application of the Instructional Pregnancy Inkjet Test ensures maximum confidence in the results. Experts advise to follow some rules during testing:

  1. Use the jet system to detect conception only once, the results of a re-examination cannot be interpreted as reliable;
  2. Diagnose at room temperature;
  3. When to do the procedure? The best time to test is in the morning immediately after waking up using the morning urine sample. It is in it that the maximum concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is recruited;
  4. On the eve of the diagnosis, it is not recommended to take any drugs, especially hormonal ones;
  5. Storage of the device is also important; before the study, it must be in a sealed package, in a dark place, in room conditions;
  6. On the eve of the diagnosis, do not increase the consumption of the usual volume of liquid, drinking plenty of water will dilute the urine, which will reduce the hCG content;
  7. If the patient did the test and he showed no pregnancy, and menstruation still does not occur, then it is recommended to retest after a couple of days, because the hCG indicators double after two days.

Instructions for use

Do not despair if the result is negative.

In fact, all test systems for home use function according to the same principle, however, before the study, it is still necessary to study the annotation on how to use the inkjet test. Sometimes the manufacturer indicates on the packaging some of the nuances of the diagnosis, if not observed, the reliability may be violated. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the device and the integrity of its packaging.

To carry out testing, you need to remove the device from the package and carefully free the working area from the cap. Then place this part of the device under the stream of urine and hold it for at least 5 seconds. Now you can close the cap and put the device on a flat surface. After two to three minutes, you can start reading the results. Interpretation is possible within 10 minutes (not later) after using the test system.

To evaluate the results, you need to carefully study the test, on which a line should first appear indicating that the device is suitable for use. Now we look through the control window. If a fuzzy or distinct line appears, plus a smiling smile or pregnant, then the result should be regarded as positive, that is, you are pregnant. If no pregnant, a minus sign, a sad smile appears in the control window, then this means the absence of conception.

Best inkjet tests

Such systems for detecting gestation today are very popular among girls, and not only foreign-made devices, but also domestic ones, are widespread. Due to the high reliability, girls tend to choose foreign-made means.

The most frequently used are such inkjet systems as Evitest, Clearblue, Frautest, etc. Each of the tests has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages, so when buying it is worth reading the annotation carefully. And do not rush to carry out diagnostics, because when testing 4 days before the expected delay, the reliability is only 65%, in 2 days - 96-97%, and on the first day of the delay it is already 99%.


German-made Evitest inkjet systems are one of the most popular for determining conception and are presented in two different modifications:

  • Evitest Perfect is informative from the first day of the delay, is equipped with a convenient holder and is considered the most reliable, according to the majority of customers. The average price of such a test is about 249-292 rubles;
  • Evitest Supreme is a jet device similar in efficiency, but it has a modern design, for which the manufacturer increases the price to 345-366 rubles.

In general, the reliability of such tests reaches 99%, provided that the girl will carefully follow the rules on how to use the device and carry out diagnostics no earlier than the first day of the delay.


This is what a popular testing device looks like.

One of the most popular UK-made Clearblue Test Systems also comes in two formats: Eyzie and Eyzie Digital. Easy Digital Clearblue belongs to the latest generation of highly sensitive tests. Already 5 days before the delay, he will be able to detect the presence of hCG, and when diagnosed after the delay, the accuracy of the results will be 99%. Moreover, such a device will even tell you the approximate terms of gestation in weeks: 1-2, 2-3 or 3+, while the timing accuracy reaches 92%. But the price of such a device is also appropriate and can reach 400-445 rubles.

The Cliable Eyzi test system is also quite reliable, which is confirmed by many women. A characteristic feature of such a product is the ability to change color, which confirms the correctness of its operation. The result will be indicated in the window with a + or - sign. The average cost of such tests is about 190-235 rubles.


The German company Frautest also produces two versions of test jet devices: Exclusive and Comfort. Both variants are equally sensitive to the hCG hormone and differ only in their external design. Frautest Comfort will cost about 189-225 rubles, and Exclusive - 298-335 rubles.

Both options are highly reliable, and the affordable price in relation to other tests makes Frautest products more attractive for most patients.

Are errors possible

If girls use inkjet test systems according to instructions, then the probability of erroneous results is minimal. Most often, erroneous results are obtained with early use of the test, when the content of chorionic hormone has not yet reached the concentration that the device can detect. Also, unreliable results are obtained when using a faulty or stitched product, or when conducting a study not in the morning, but at other times of the day.

Also, false negative results are possible with pathological gestation such as an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, the threat of termination or placental insufficiency. False positive results are likely if you have hormone-producing tumors, are taking fertility drugs, or after a recent termination or abortion.

Will the inkjet test identify an ectopic

Under the influence of various factors in girls, the implantation of an egg outside the uterine body can occur.

  • Such a pregnancy is also detected using jet test systems, because the ovum still develops, and the chorionic membrane also produces hCG, but only in smaller quantities.
  • To diagnose an ectopic is possible only with an ultrasound examination.
  • Such gestation can be accompanied by symptoms similar to normal pregnancy, but is often complemented by specific manifestations such as bleeding, painful symptoms, or frequent dizziness.

Therefore, after detecting conception with the help of tests, it is imperative to visit the LCD, register and undergo an examination.

How long does it take to determine pregnancy?

Girls, waiting for conception, want to make sure of a positive result even before the delay. Some of their jet systems can reliably determine pregnancy as early as 5 days before the delay, while others are informative only when carried out on the first day of the delay and later. Therefore, you need to learn about the possibility of early testing from the instructions attached to the test.

In fact, chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced already from the moment of implantation, but tests can determine it in urine only when a certain concentration is reached. Of course, inkjet tests can determine conception a little earlier than conventional strip strips, but not much (just a few days). Therefore, if it is so urgent to establish the presence of pregnancy, you can donate blood for hCG, which will allow you to find an interesting situation within a few days after the probable conception.

In general, jet systems for detecting pregnancy have no drawbacks - they are convenient and understandable in operation, accurate and practically error-free. The only exception is the high price of such products. Regardless of the result obtained, it is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic and consult with a gynecologist, and if the test is positive, then you will need to register for obstetrics.

Home express methods for determining pregnancy greatly facilitate the life of women. They help to determine conception at the earliest possible date. With a desired pregnancy, this allows you to adjust your lifestyle in time, and if you do not want it, you can make a decision about termination in a timely manner. This method is especially relevant for those who have an irregular cycle and suffer from delays.

Without going to a gynecologist, with a probability of 98%, you can find out about your condition. This is very convenient for women who live far from medical facilities or simply do not have the time and opportunity to see a doctor. Among the large assortment of different testers, inkjet testers are the most popular and convenient.

In all types of tests, conception is determined in one way - by calculating the content of the hCG hormone in the urine. During pregnancy, this indicator begins to grow after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. The indicator regularly doubles, and by its value, pregnancy and its term are determined.

Different models suggest applying urine to the reagent in different ways:

  • immersing the tester in a container with urine - strip strips;
  • drip pipetting - tablet;
  • retention under a stream of urine - jet.

Inkjet testers are simply placed under the urine stream when urinating and in 3-10 seconds absorb the right amount of liquid for the reaction.

Attention: the jet method is the only method for determining pregnancy that does not require any additional steps.

Benefits of jet dough

The undoubted advantages of this type of testing are the convenience and reliability of the result:

  1. Manufacturers guarantee 98% accuracy when used correctly.
  2. When carrying out the test, there is no need for sterile dishes, holding the tester in the required volume of urine, or using a pipette.
  3. All this allows you to use the tester on a hike or in a hotel, in any conditions.
  4. Early pregnancy detection - the test reacts to the amount of hCG from 10-15 mIU / ml, that is, after 7-10 days from conception.

For a reliable result, all manufacturers recommend using the test from the beginning of the delay. In this case, you can buy a test that determines the level of hCG from 25 mIU / ml.

How the inkjet test works

The tester has a plastic body and looks like a thermometer. On the one hand, there is a fibrous layer under the cap, which must be removed in advance. During urination, it is soaked in urine.

Through the numerous tubules of these fibers, urine rises to the upper, closed part of the tester, which contains the reagent. If there is hCG in the urine, then, upon contact with the reagent, it will change the color of the strip and indicate pregnancy.

The amount of this reagent depends on how many days after conception a pregnancy can be detected. The minimum amount of hCG that a modern tester can determine is 10 mIU / ml.

Therefore, if there is still no delay, you need to buy an expensive test with the maximum amount of reagent. This will require additional testing to be completely sure.

Before using the test, you need to familiarize yourself with the attached instructions, they are written by the specialists of the manufacturer, who are well aware of the features of their product. The usual rules are:

  • This is a disposable product and should not be reused.
  • In the early stages of determining conception, testing is best done in the morning, when the concentration of hCG is at its maximum.
  • Do not drink a lot of fluids or take medications the day before.
  • Do not apply earlier than the suggested time limit.
  • Before use, remove the cap and hold the tester under a stream of urine for the time recommended in the instructions (up to 10 seconds).
  • The cap is returned to its place, the tester is placed on a flat surface and the result is waited for 3-10 minutes.
  • Two stripes of the same brightness indicate pregnancy. With a weakly colored strip, the test is considered conditionally positive, that is, you will have to retest. It is better to postpone it for 2-3 days, when the concentration of the hormone increases enough for a reliable result.
  • Some testers inform about pregnancy with a "+" sign.

As you can see from the instructions, the inkjet pregnancy test does not require any effort and additional manipulation during use. A reliable result is obtained in any conditions in 5-10 minutes.

Does the inkjet test detect an ectopic pregnancy

The attachment of the embryo can occur outside the uterus, in this case, the synthesis of hCG still occurs, but in smaller quantities. Therefore, the test will still show pregnancy. An ultrasound scan should be done to detect an ectopic pregnancy. Its symptoms are:

  1. bloody vaginal discharge;
  2. scanty or delayed periods;
  3. soreness of the mammary glands;
  4. increasing pain in the lower abdomen; dizziness and feeling unwell.

To eliminate the danger, at the first signs of pregnancy, you need to visit a doctor.

Inkjet tests have a high degree of confidence in the results. Errors are caused by incorrect (usually too early) testing. Other reasons for false results:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • neoplasms that disrupt the synthesis of hormones;
  • renal pathologies causing changes in the composition of urine;
  • taking medications containing hormones;
  • improper storage conditions of the dough, marriage;
  • little time elapsed from childbirth or abortion.

Before using the test, you need to check the expiration date and follow all the recommendations for use, then the result will be correct.

There is a large selection in Zhivik pharmacies express- pregnancy tests
different types and well-known brands, at different prices and with different accuracy in diagnosing pregnancy:
Frautest, Evitest, Clearblue, Mon-Amy.

Frautest tests produced in Germany by Human gesellschaft... In the line of these tests, there are almost all varieties and generations of pregnancy tests from conventional strips to ultra-modern inkjet tests. German quality combined with an affordable price.

ClearBlue testsmade in Great BritainSPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmBH ... According to some reports, these tests are the most sensitive and give the most reliable results. Only now their price is quite high. It is this manufacturer that produceslatest electronic tests for pregnancy.

There are four types of pregnancy tests for home use:

1. Strip test, or test strip. Frautest, Evitest №1, Evitest №2, Mon-Ami. This is the most "ancient" and the simplest kind of tests.Test strips can determine pregnancy from the first day of a delay in menstruation. At the same time, it is distinguished by its simplicity and affordability.For the time indicated in the instructions, the strip is injected into the urine.This usually takes 3-5 minutes. The result may be the appearance of stripes, where two flatly indicate the presence of pregnancy, one - about its absence.But the accuracy of such a device leaves much to be desired. First of all, you need to clearly track the time the strip is immersed in urine, since the accuracy of the result depends on this. Secondly, it is important not to go too deep or vice versa. Today, these tests are less and less used abroad, but in our country they are still quite popular. Such tests are carried out mainly in the morning, since the low sensitivity of the reagent does not allow the detection of hCG in urine at other times of the day. Often, such tests "torment" users with incomprehensible results, pale stripes.

2. Tablet tests. Evitest Proof. These are second generation tests. The principle of operation is the same as for a simple test strip. However, this type of test is somewhat more reliable than a test strip. Urine enters the absorbent surface, "gets" to the reagent and then, depending on the presence of hCG in it. The result is displayed in another hole. Such tests are quite convenient and much more reliable. Their cost is higher than the previous ones.
3. Inkjet tests. Evitest Perfect, Evitest Suprim, Kliablu plus, Kliablu compact. The inkjet test is entering the third generation.The receiving end of the test just needs to be placed under the stream of urine for five seconds, and after a few minutes you will see the result.This test can be used anywhere andand due to the high sensitivity - any time of the day.The device of such tests practically excludes unreliable results.Repeated tests can also be skipped, as inkjet accuracy is about 99.8%.

4. Digital tests.This is the last word in the industry.Clearblue, one of the market leaders in the pregnancy test segment, has released a revolutionary digital pregnancy test.It is convenient in that the result is immediately understandable, and you do not need to peer at how many strips have turned out,instead, the obvious symbols “a plus" or " minus". What n does not leave doubts about the correctness of the result.

Unlike traditional tests, where the result is stored for only a few minutes, the digital display shows it for 24 hours.
The Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test offers double confirmation. Its touch screen not only tells you whether you are pregnant or not, but also shows you the length of your pregnancy. This test allows you to get the most accurate result in the early stages of pregnancy.

Pthe result of any of the specified tests. The most reliable answer to the question about the presence or absence of pregnancy can only be an examination by a gynecologistand ultrasound results.