Increasing the retirement age for officials. Raising the retirement age for civil servants

On January 1, the law on changing the retirement age for civil servants comes into force. The media reported the latest news: the bill was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on May 23 this year. Federal Law No. 143 defines the procedure for retirement of municipal and civil servants, terms and conditions. From January 1, 2017, civil servants' pensions will be issued unchanged to everyone who already uses or is about to use the right to cash security for seniority.

The essence of the changes in the calculation of pensions for civil servants

Federal Law No. 143 provides for an increase in the age threshold in several stages. In order to receive financial support, filling public positions or serving in the service will have to comply with a number of conditions that are more stringent than for other categories. The measures taken are financially justified, they will increase the pensions of other citizens of the Russian Federation at the expense of the funds freed up after the reform. Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation A. Pudov provided figures demonstrating the benefits: the state will be able to save up to 600 million rubles a year, over time this figure will grow.

Phased plan

Chairman of the State Duma S. Naryshkin provided the news with some explanations. It was decided to increase the age threshold for granting the right to state security every year. Only it will not add one year, as expected, but 6 months. The speaker specified that the transformation of the pension threshold will be completed by 2032. For women, the age will be 63 years, for men - 65 (for a strong half of humanity, this threshold will be reached by 2027). Upon completion of the plan spelled out in the new law, the retirement age will increase by 7 years for female employees and 5 years for men.

Service has an age limit - and now it is 65 years. It is worth noting that we are not talking about receiving payments for old age, this category of citizens receives a pension on another basis - for length of service. And if you have enough work experience earned in another job, you may receive part of the “old age” payments earlier.

Employees of various levels

From 2017, pension payments to civil servants will be issued according to new rules, changes will affect all levels: municipal employees, civil servants, holding government positions in the Russian Federation and subjects, municipal offices. Those. the threshold will increase for employees, including government officials and deputies. According to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the changes will take effect for 1.1 million Russian citizens.

  1. Despite the clear definition of the age limit for service, civil servants can continue to work, provided they combine the position of an assistant (advisers) assisting a person filling a public position. They will be able to continue their service "until the end of their term of office."
  2. Those civil servants who today use the opportunity to extend their service life from 60 to 65 years will lose this opportunity with the entry into force of the new law.
  3. Civil service leaders can hold office for up to 70 years. And in the new law there are no other prescriptions for them. But a new condition will appear - the extension should be agreed with the federal government agency that appointed them to the post.

For the rest, the pension of federal civil servants in 2017 will be assigned in the same way as for municipal ones. The procedure providing for the gradual addition to the age threshold was developed by the authors of the bill just in order to level the categories of employees in rights.

Work experience for calculating seniority benefits

The law on the pension of civil servants since 2017, as can be seen from the text of the document and judging by the latest news, has increased the minimum length of service. Today, officials can receive state support for seniority upon reaching 15 years of service (Federal Law No. 166). Under the new law, the term will increase commensurate with the increase in the retirement age, i.e. plus 6 months every year. But only until January 2020.

From this date, the minimum length of service for civil servants will be 20 years. Recall that for federal employees, the permissible limit is 15 years, and for municipal ones, it is set in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation and cannot be less than 10 years. To receive a 55 percent premium to payments, officials will have to continue their work. Today it is enough for them to exercise their powers for 1 year in order to receive larger payments, and in the future it will take 5 years. The law provides for an additional 75% for deputies and senators, for this, instead of 3 years, they need to stay in their posts for at least 10.

Reasons for dismissal

From 2017, the right to receive cash support will arise from civil servants if the reason for dismissal is valid. The Law on the Pension of Civil Servants in 2017 determined the corresponding list:

  • as a result of the liquidation of a government agency;
  • with staff reduction;
  • reaching the age limit;
  • retirement;
  • health status.

Other reasons lead to the loss of the right to guaranteed seniority payments. The provision is valid only for citizens who fill a civil service position for a full calendar year (except for cases of dismissal on the first basis).

Old age

As we have already noted, officials who have sufficient experience in other jobs that are not related to the performance of public service can also receive old-age payments. However, the new law on civil servants' pensions, which will enter into force in 2017, prescribes a gradual increase in the retirement age in relation to the old-age insurance pension (also from next year it will be added by 6 months every year). The type of pension provided for seniority will be calculated only after dismissal from the office of an employee and subject to seniority.

Calculation of payments "by length of service"

Payments will be made if the following conditions are met:

  • 45% of the average monthly salary for 15 years of service;
  • for each year in addition - a 3% increase.

The accrual of allowances can be made up to 75% of the average monthly income. Payments for officials cannot be higher than this threshold.

Positive side

From the moment the bill under consideration was submitted for public discussion, and then in the State Duma, the question of how the pensions of civil servants will change with the onset of 2017 began to concern the public. The media regularly gave the latest news on this issue, tracking the stages of consideration of the project. The document was adopted in the first and second readings. Moreover, the wording of the law changed. So, in the original version, the same increase in the threshold for men and women was assumed - up to 65 years. The document adopted in the third reading and signed by the President has a different version. Now the discussion is underway on the points of the new Federal Law. Severe changes have been outlined, but it should also be noted that there are significant benefits that officials will receive with the introduction of a new procedure for appointing government support:

  • old age cash security;
  • fixed income of the insurance pension;
  • their increase for municipal and civil servants.

If a person quit his job as an employee ahead of schedule, then he can retire on a general basis.

The news of an increase in the age threshold for retirement for officials does not surprise anyone, the theoretical possibility will find practical implementation as early as January 1, 2017. Many citizens who will be affected by the changes are still at a loss and are trying to understand all the points of the new Federal Law. We have tried to reveal the main upcoming changes in the legislation on social security in the Russian Federation. Let us only recall that the innovations will not have retroactive effect. In other words, everyone who will be assigned a pension before January 2017 will receive it in accordance with the rules of current legislation. And after that date, there will be no revision for retired officials.

The lower house of the Russian parliament adopted in the third reading a bill on raising the retirement age for "civil servants, municipal employees, as well as persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation, government positions in the regions and municipal offices" to 65 years for men and up to 63 years for women (now 60 and 55 years old, respectively).

The increase will not be instantaneous - it is envisaged that from next year the retirement age for them will increase by six months a year, that is, the maximum values ​​will be reached in 2032.

According to the law, civil servants will be able to start receiving the insurance part of their pension only upon reaching the official retirement age, that is, later than most other citizens of the Russian Federation. However, they have a choice - they can resign from the civil service and apply for a pension, as they say, on a general basis.

However, it is much more profitable for officials to continue working than to go on "well-deserved rest."

In 2015, the average assigned pension for federal civil servants in the country as a whole was RUB 15.6 thousand. (hereinafter - Rosstat data), and the average monthly salary is 33.5 thousand rubles. This is a good ratio, it is even slightly higher than in the country as a whole, where the average old-age pension last year was 11.6 thousand rubles, and the average salary was 33.9 thousand rubles.

But for those who work in the state bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation (last year there were 207 thousand people against 505 thousand "federals"), the pension is already a much less attractive alternative, because they received 52.3 thousand rubles each. per month. And for employees of the central apparatus of ministries and departments, and there are almost 40 thousand of them, retirement (with dismissal) means a catastrophic loss of income. Their average salary in 2015 was 111.3 thousand rubles. per month, that is, almost ten times higher than the average pension of federal civil servants. Most of all were received by employees of the government apparatus (231.8 thousand rubles), the presidential administration (217.179 thousand rubles), the Accounts Chamber (187.6 thousand rubles), the Federation Council (173.9 thousand rubles), The Federal Treasury (165.8 thousand rubles), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (148.2 thousand rubles), the State Duma (137 thousand rubles) and the Ministry of Finance (130.9 thousand rubles).

In connection with the increase in the retirement age, the age limit for civil service is increasing from 60 to 65 years. For those holding positions in the "managers" category, the term of the civil service can be extended up to 70 years. However, the option to extend the term of the civil service was also in the current Federal Law - after all possible extensions, by agreement of the parties, an employee could remain in a government agency "on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract for a position that is not a civil service position."

To qualify for a seniority pension (a monthly supplement to the pension), officials will have to work not 15 years, as now, but 20, but they will also be able to receive it only upon reaching retirement age.

The state is interested in raising the retirement age for officials. First, it saves money on the payment of pensions to civil servants. Secondly, it is possible to retain qualified personnel, who will enter the labor market less and less every year due to a decrease in the working-age population by about 1 million annually.

It should be noted that pension innovations for civil servants are a test balloon for a new pension reform, which is being prepared by the government and the Central Bank. One of the key elements of the transformation, obviously, will be an increase in the retirement age, but for all citizens of Russia. By and large, today the discussion is around the date of the start of the increase, its rate and the final level.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who recently headed the Center for Strategic Research and became deputy head of the Economic Council under the President of Russia, is an ardent supporter of raising the retirement age.

“We need to announce the need to raise the retirement age. You can start, for example, from 2019, but right now we need to announce such a scenario, since a lot of preparatory work will have to be done. We need to remove this issue from the discussion, ”says Alexei Kudrin.

The retirement age, in his opinion, could be 63 years for men and women (now 60 and 55 years). The question is the rate of increase: six months every year, one year or faster.

“Before the elections, we still need to discuss this issue, determine the parameters, make a decision and announce it after the elections,” the ex-Minister of Finance noted.

Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev said that raising the retirement age is "an inevitable matter, but it will definitely be accepted." “I think it would be wise to announce this during an electorally calm period, for example, at the end of 2016. And the calculations must be completed now, ”the minister said.

He also named the age of 63 for both men and women as the most likely benchmark. Another option is to leave the gap of five years and raise it to the level of 60 and 65, respectively. But Alexey Ulyukaev believes that this is "less rational."

The Ministry of Finance proposes a more radical step - to raise the retirement age for men and women to 65 years. This is consonant with the reform of civil servants' pension provision.

At the same time, working pensioners are supposed not to pay a fixed part of their pension. It should be reminded that from this year to those pensioners who continue to work, the indexation of pension payments is not carried out. The Ministry of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets are still opposed to raising the retirement age.

While all ideas are under discussion, no decisions have been made on any item. Most likely, the pension reform will begin, as Alexei Kudrin expected, only after the 2018 presidential elections.

As you know, in our country, everyone who has reached a certain established age is entitled to the payment of a labor pension. In Russia it is paid to women over 55 and men over 60. Those people who have worked in government positions are also eligible for a pension. It is calculated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In 2017, some changes came into force that relate to this topic, including. In this article we will talk about the size and calculation of the pension of civil servants, we will tell you about what criteria a person must meet in order to receive such a payment. And of course, we must not forget about the current innovations that are being applied in practice at the present time.

Pension procedure

As already noted, a person who has reached retirement age has the right to receive funds from the state. The amount of payments is influenced by such a factor as the length of service in government agencies. An additional payment to the pension of civil servants for seniority is made only if the person at one time worked in a federal or municipal organization. It is worth noting that the regional authorities have a direct impact on the receipt of pensions by such employees. Cash payments are made from sources such as the budget of the Russian Federation, constituent entities and regions.

Since the beginning of 2015, an amendment has come into force, which allows employees of the Pension Fund to also receive a pension as a civil servant. The insurance benefit will be calculated only if the employee of this institution has made pension contributions throughout his life. According to the law, a civil servant can choose one of two types of payments: insurance and seniority.

If a person chooses the second option, then there is an opportunity to also receive part of the insurance premium. This additional payment is provided for by some subjects and municipal institutions. But the rule remains unchanged - only in the case of making pension contributions. A civil servant's pension, oddly enough, is not very different from payments to an ordinary person who has worked at a factory all his life. But we will talk about this in more detail below.

Circumstances that confirm the possibility of receiving a pension

I must say that there are several factors, the combination of which gives the right to receive a pension. Among them:

  • age limit, 55 years for women and 60 years for men, respectively;
  • work experience in a public institution for at least 15 years;
  • normal work activity for at least 1 year without interruption;
  • dismissal for several reasons: agreement of both parties, their own initiative, circumstances, the occurrence of which no one can prevent, reaching a certain age, liquidation of the organization.

If an employee prefers a seniority pension, then he needs to understand that for this he needs to work in the civil service for at least 15 years. However, even with less seniority, you can receive payments from the state. This opportunity is described in the seventh article of the law "On Pension Provision".

The retirement of civil servants is established by general rules that regulate the moment of receiving monthly payments upon reaching a certain age. If a person has worked for more than 25 years, of which the last 7 years have been uninterrupted, then in this case you can resign of your own free will. When such a situation occurs, the age of the employee does not matter.

As for the term of service pension, one of the conditions is considered to be the impossibility of receiving insurance payments for civil servants. However, this statement is not entirely true, and above we explained why.

The size of the pension of civil servants

It should be immediately noted that the amount of pension monthly payments directly depends on the salary of a government worker. If a person has worked for 15 years or more, the amount of payments is set at 45% of the salary. It should be noted that this also includes a part of the required insurance part. Pensions that were earned by citizens after finishing work in the civil service are not taken into account. In addition, preferential payments, which are included in the insurance part of the payment, are also considered separately. For example, there is an allowance when a person reaches the age of 80 and in the case of caring for disabled citizens.

The calculation of a civil servant's pension is individual, so it will be extremely difficult to give an exact figure. Moreover, the size of payments increases by 3% annually. But there is an important limitation here. The total payment, including various preferential conditions, the basic insurance pension and additional benefits for seniority, should not exceed 75% of the salary.

Calculation example

The conditions for the payment of pensions to civil servants were discussed above, now let's talk in more detail about the amount of payment. The calculation takes into account the employee's income in the period of the last year of work until the moment of dismissal or reaching a certain age. The coefficients are taken as a basis: 2.8, if we are talking about the salary, in monetary terms this figure is equal to 0.8 of the rate. In this case, unpaid leave, sick leave, etc. are not taken into account.

If the latter are absent, then the calculation of the civil servant's pension is carried out as follows: the income for each month of the last year is added up and eventually divided by 12, and then multiplied by a coefficient of 0.8. In a situation where there are unpaid vacations, they consider this: the annual income (minus these periods) is divided by the number of working days and multiplied by 12. If a person lives and works in the Far North or in another preferential region, he receives the corresponding allowance and surcharge.

How to find out the share of the insurance part?

If we talk about an insurance pension, we mean the part that can be obtained when applying for a seniority pension. In 2015, the legislation changed slightly, and with it the calculation procedure. It is recommended to read two Federal Laws for independent study: "On Insurance Pensions" and "On Labor Pensions".

The first contains the definition of the insurance share. It is calculated as the ratio of the pension capital to the expected payment period in months. Pension capital is formed in the period between the appointment of seniority payments and the actual retirement. The calculation principle has also changed. The pension of civil servants in Russia is determined using the provisions of the latest legislation and, in addition, the application of coefficients. It should be noted that if a citizen is able to work, in most cases he continues to work, thereby increasing his share.

The insurance period included parental leave. This fact is good news.

Pension calculation in practice

Despite the large number of advantages, one must admit the fact that the calculation of the seniority pension is far from ideal. Increasingly, it turns out that civil servants receive lower payments than ordinary citizens. Even if an employee has dedicated half of his life to a government agency, that will not make his pension outstanding. On this occasion, a huge number of court proceedings have been recorded to date. People wonder why they are paid so little, although they have worked in one place for more than 15-20 years.

The system of pension allowances for civil servants turned out to be so complicated that many questions arise during its application in practice. Usually a person sues, but the statistics of appeals are clearly not happy. Indeed, in most cases, the court takes the side of state institutions, and the employee continues to receive a penny.

According to the law, a person has the right to receive a seniority pension if he has worked in the civil service for 15 years or more. However, now people are less and less thinking about the need to choose this type of payment. To ensure that such payments do not depreciate, you should change your policy when calculating your pension. It is worth considering the insurance pension, then positive results will immediately be visible.

A civil servant deserves a higher salary, otherwise all the value of the position is lost. Most people strive to get into a municipal institution, but if nothing is changed for the better, there will be fewer and fewer applicants, if at one point they do not disappear at all.

Major changes in legislation, 2017

This year, a reform has already started, which is designed to gradually restore the pension system of our country. The changes concern, first of all, municipal and civil servants, as well as those who are on a permanent basis in office. Now, the age limit will gradually increase, annually by 6 months. It is planned that the age limit for men and women will be 65 and 63 years, respectively. The former will reach this mark by 2026, the latter by 2032.

Pensions for federal civil servants have also undergone changes. For example, a State Duma deputy can count on an additional payment to an insurance pension only after five years in office. This step will approximately save about RUB 700 million. Of course, on a national scale, this amount is not that large. But the first steps have been taken, which is already good, all that remains is to follow the right path.

The size of the old-age pension for civil servants has also changed. Now, to receive the payment, you need to work for 15 to 20 years. The exact figure will depend on what year is now in the yard. It should also be noted that the amount will be calculated as a percentage of wages. In this case, depending on the length of service, a person can claim a share of 45 to 75%.

Little difficulties

The Russian government realizes that the country needs a pension reform, and therefore, in 2017, it began to take effect. The fact is that at the moment there are about 45 million pensioners in the country, and 15 million of them continue to work. The growth of such a population will not lead to anything good, soon half of all working people will be pensioners. The prerequisite for the reform was a gradual increase in life expectancy, and something had to be done about it.

The Pension Fund needs additional funding, and the problem will not solve itself. Therefore, one of the most objective and effective ways out is to increase the retirement age for a civil servant. Rumor has it that soon this innovation will affect the rest of the category of citizens.

It turns out that the age threshold for retirement is increasing, while the requirements for a civil servant are increasing. Work experience should be at least 15 years, and soon this figure will increase to 17 or 18. The advantage of the changes will be the retention of experienced professionals, as well as reduced government spending on the pension fund. This is just the first step towards achieving retirement balance. In order to ultimately reach the goal, you need to work hard every day.

Other innovations

Pension for civil servants is charged only if all the conditions necessary for this are met. Currently, a list of reasons for dismissal has been added, under which the right to receive payment is retained.

Among them are:

  • termination of employment due to the closure of a state institution;
  • if a person fell under the reduction, carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • upon reaching the maximum possible age for filling a position;
  • use of the right to go to a well-deserved rest;
  • the sharp appearance of health problems that do not allow you to occupy a specific position in the future.

If a person quit for other reasons, then no pension provision will be paid to him.

As for the increase in wages, it is worth noting that it is not provided. However, the state plans to index the monthly allowance during 2017, its size will be 5.5%.

Feature of the region

What we referred to as civil servants is equally relevant for municipal workers. In order for the latter to receive a seniority pension, it is first necessary to work hard for fifteen and a half years. The amount of payments will be a percentage of wages, in this case it is 45%. Naturally, this amount will be issued taking into account the insurance part for old age and various increases established by law.

However, the amount of the pension depends on the region in which the person lives and works. If we consider the capital of the country, then the pension of a civil servant there will be 55% of the salary. In almost all other regions, the limit is set at 45%.

To avoid problems, and then litigation, it is best to contact your local pension fund office to find out how the amount of payments to civil servants is calculated and what conditions must be met to receive them.


In fact, the problem of retirement is quite relevant these days. A huge number of people complain about the small size of payments, and the state is trying to do everything possible to correct the situation. This is a complex problem that will take at least several years to solve.

As for the monetary remuneration of officials, civil servants, it is very bad here. In most cases, the pension of a government worker is significantly inferior to that of a person who worked for a private company. To remedy the situation, a reform program was issued in 2017 that is capable of changing the current state of affairs. People who have worked for the state all their lives are obliged to receive privileges. In any case, we have no choice but to wait and hope for the best.

October 3, 2018 Vladimir Putin signed on to raise the retirement age in Russia, which was adopted by the State Duma on September 27 in its final form, taking into account the recommended amendments. The main one is to increase the retirement age for Russians by 5 years - that is, from 60 to 65 years old for men and from 55 to 60 years old for women... The transition to new values ​​is proposed to be carried out gradually, having already begun from January 1, 2019.

An increase in the retirement age will occur annually for 1 year with the exception of those Russians who will reach the old retirement age (60/55 years) in the next 2 years - in 2019 and 2020... For them, in order to mitigate the consequences of the reform, a new retirement age (for example, in 2019, the retirement period for women and men will increase by only 6 months instead of 1 year).

With text Law dated 03.10.2018 No. 350-FZ the increase in the retirement age, which has already been signed by the President and officially published, can be found below. The main provisions of the new reform come into force on January 1, 2019.

It is worth noting that the consideration of the bill caused lively debates among the deputies of the State Duma, however, in all readings, the document passed by majority vote(first of all, thanks to the support of the United Russia faction, which has a parliamentary majority).

Changes in pension legislation from 2019

The new law on pensions from 2019 contains adjustments to the retirement age for future recipients of the following types of pensions:

Changes provided for by law are being implemented from January 1, 2019 with a transitional period, during which the value of the retirement age will gradually change until the statutory value is reached. However, for civil servants, adjustments will be introduced a year later - from 2020, since for them this process has already been going on for several years - from January 1, 2017, in accordance with a similar law No. 143-ФЗ dated 05.23.2016 2020).

It should be noted that all the proposed changes in the pension legislation from 2019 will not touch those Russian citizens who already receiving pension- the new measures are aimed only at extending the "working period" for future retirees who must reach retirement age from 2019.

Retirement of an old-age insurance pension from 2019

From January 1, 2019, the release dates for. Initially, the Government planned to establish a new retirement age under the new law, taking into account the transitional provisions - 65 years for men, 63 years for women... However, at the suggestion of the President, the age for women was reduced to 60, i.e. as a result, the increase for men and women will be the same - by 5 years.

And this increase will occur in stages - with an annual increase of 1 year(and taking into account the adopted presidential amendments - except for the first two years of the new law: 2019 and 2020) until the final norms established by the new law for men and women are reached in 2023 (60 years for men and 55 years for women).

To determine the year of granting an old-age pension under the new law, you can use the data presented in the table:

Table - Retirement from 2019 by year

Retirement year under current law (aged 55/60)The retirement age under the new law from 01.01.2019Retirement year under the new law
I half of 201955 + 0.5 60 + 0.5 II half of 2019
II half of 201955 + 0.5 60 + 0.5 I half of 2020
I half of 202055 + 1.5 60 + 1.5 II half of 2021
II half of 202055 + 1.5 60 + 1.5 I half of 2022
2021 55 + 3 60 + 3 2024
2022 55 + 4 60 + 4 2026
2023 and beyond55 + 5 60 + 5 2028, etc.

Note: The table has already been adjusted taking into account the final content on raising the retirement age, adopted by the State Duma in the third reading at the meeting on September 27, 2018 and signed by the President on October 3, 2018.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Changes under the new law will apply to all citizens of the Russian Federation who were supposed to retire old age starting from 01.01.2019 - that is women born in 1964 and men since 1959.
  • For 5 years, the so-called "transitional period" will operate for women and men, within which the retirement age will increase annually by 1 year(except for the first two years of the transition period, when it will be possible to retire six months earlier).
  • For women from 1968 and men in 1963 will be installed already final values ​​- 60 and 65 years... Accordingly, they will be the first in Russia to retire later for all 5 years of difference adopted by the State Duma - in 2028 instead of 2023 according to the old law (see the table above).

However, the new law provides for the possibility of reducing the retirement age by 24 months. Such a decrease is established in the presence of 37 years of experience for women (provided that they reach 55 years of age) and 42 years of experience for men (who have reached 60 years).

Preferential pensions for teachers, health workers, artists from 2019

According to the old law, teachers and medical workers for early retirement retirement were required to have work experience of 25-30 years (depending on the place of work). According to the new law, the right to early assignment of a pension in the presence of such length of service remains, but the term of exit postponed for 5 years after acquiring the required number of years of experience... At the same time, a phased increase in the appointment period (annually by 1 year, except for the first two years with the stipulated preferential retirement) is envisaged in the period from 2019 to 2023 until the required value of 5 years is reached.

The timing of the appointment of an early insurance pension for teachers and doctors by year is shown in the table:

Thus, from 01.01.2019, it will be possible to enter an early insurance pension and after obtaining the necessary length of service it will be possible only after the number of years established by law: from 0.5 to 4 years in the period from 2019 to 2022 and in 5 years, starting from 2023 of the year. Also, for these categories of workers, the possibility of retirement at the new generally established values ​​of the retirement age remains - upon reaching 60 or 65 years.

For employees of creative activity (in theaters and theater and entertainment organizations), according to the old law, it was possible to leave early, depending on the nature of the work, at the age of 50-55 years with a work experience of 15-30 years. The new law on pensions from 2019 also sets a new retirement age for such workers - 55-60 years old with the same seniority requirements. The increase will also occur annually for 1 year, until the value stipulated by the new law is established (see similar examples in the tables above).

Raising the retirement age for workers in the Far North

Until the end of 2018, for those working in the Far North (RKS) and equated localities (ISS), the legislation establishes the age of occurrence of the right to - respectively 50 and 55 years old for women and men... Unfortunately, as a result of the pension reform, the retirement age will also be changed for northerners - accordingly up to 55 and 60 years old.

The Government explains such measures by the changed situation in the northern regions of the country: infrastructure is developing, the life expectancy of Russians is increasing and living conditions are improving.

Until the establishment of new values ​​for employees of the RKS and ISS, also a transitional period is envisaged: from 2019 to 2023 for men and women. During it, the standard age will increase by 1 year annually until it reaches 55 and 60 years old (except for 2019 and 2020, when “preferential” retirement conditions will still be in effect).

It should be noted that changes in the rules for assigning northern pensions working in difficult and hazardous working conditions(underground works, hot shops, metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical industry, etc.).

Retirement of civil servants from 2019

Changes in the pension legislation will also affect. For them, the retirement age already increasing since January 1, 2017, but the previously adopted law provided for an increase in the value to 63 and 65 years annually with a step of six months. According to the new law, the retirement age for civil servants will increase from 01.01.2020 at the same pace as for other citizens - annually for 1 year.

The change for civil servants will take place according to the new schedule presented in the table:

Year of retirement of civil servants under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement of civil servants under the new law
2017 55 + 0,5 60 + 0,5 2017-2018
2018 55 + 1 60 + 1 2019
2019 55 +1,5 60 + 1,5 2020-2021
2020 55 + 2 60 + 2 2022
2021 55 + 3 60 + 3 2024
2022 55 + 4 60 + 4 2026
2023 55 + 5 60 + 5 2028
2024 55 + 6 2030
2025 55 + 7 2032
2026 and beyond 55 + 8 2034

Thus, the rules for changing the retirement age of civil servants stipulated by the old law will be adjusted. The transition period, during which there will be a gradual increase in the retirement age, will be reduced for women by 6 years (until 2026 instead of the previous 2032), for men - by 3 years (until 2023 instead of 2026). That is the increase will be faster.

Social pensions since 2019

In addition to those already discussed above, the pension reform from 2019 provides for a number of changes regarding the conditions of appointment, in particular social old-age pensions intended for people who have not worked out the necessary.

Until 2019, persons who have reached the age of 65 for men and 60 for women (i.e. 5 years later than the generally established retirement age of 60/55 for 2018) were awarded. Under the new law, such a right will arise only upon reaching 70 and 65 years(i.e. also with an increase of 5 years relative to the new age of 65/60).

At the same time, for social pensions, the law also provides for transitional provisions that establish a gradual increase in the retirement age, starting from January 1, 2019(and in 2019 and 2020 there will be preferential conditions for retirement, according to which were proposed by the President).

All new statutory retirement ages for receiving social pensions for men and women (70 and 65 years, respectively) will be finally established from 2023.

Who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age in Russia?

First of all, the changes provided for by the law from 2019 will not affect those who are already retired- all pensioners will continue to receive all the payments already assigned to them in accordance with the previously acquired rights and benefits.

In addition, the adopted law does not provide increasing the retirement age for certain categories of citizens:

  1. Those employed in jobs with difficult and hazardous working conditions, namely:
    • employees, in favor of whom the employer pays insurance premiums at the appropriate rates, which were determined as a result of a special assessment of working conditions;
    • civil aviation pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers;
    • flight test personnel involved in testing aviation and other equipment;
    • workers of locomotive crews, workers organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport, in the subway;
    • drivers of construction, road, handling equipment;
    • tractor drivers working in agriculture and other areas;
    • workers in logging, timber floating, as well as those involved in the maintenance of mechanisms and equipment;
    • truck drivers in mines, crankcases, mines, etc .;
    • in underground or open pit mining, in mine rescue units, in the extraction of shale, coal, ore and other minerals;
    • in the construction of mines and mines;
    • in geological prospecting, prospecting, topographic teams and expeditions, in exploration and other works;
    • in the crew of the sea, river fleet, in the fishing industry;
    • drivers of passenger transport on regular city routes (buses, trolleybuses, trams);
    • rescuers in emergency services;
    • working with convicts in organizations executing criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment;
    • women working in the textile industry with weights in conditions of increased intensity and others.
  2. Citizens who are entitled to a pension for health reasons or social reasons:
    • one of the parents or guardians who raised them before reaching 8 years of age;
    • disabled people of the 1st group of vision;
    • women who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them before reaching 8 years of age;
    • women who have given birth to 2 or more children and have established work experience in the Far North and areas equated to them, and others.
  3. Persons who have suffered as a result of man-made or radiation disasters (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Mayak chemical plant, the Semipalatinsk test site, etc.).

A complete detailed list of persons who will not be affected by the government's planned increase in the retirement age from 2019 is given in (PDF file format) prepared by specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.