Valentine card for mom template. Ready valentine card. Video on how to make a scrapbooking valentine

Natalia Gritsenko

Dear colleagues! I admire and am glad how many interesting and creative ideas are published on the site. Now in the blogs of teachers, articles about crafts with children for the feast of Saint's Day Valentine. We with their pupils, in turn, also decided to cook your original valentines, as this is a great occasion to wish their family and friends love and happiness!

To decorate the hearts, simple cotton pads were used, divided in half.

You need to fold the disk in the form of a bag. Then fasten with a stapler in the middle of the workpiece. Now you need to turn the entire bottom half inside out to make a flower. With these flowers we decorate the edges of the heart and glue it with ordinary PVA glue.

When the heart was decorated with flowers, one of the pupils suggested making a little angel. I really liked this idea and we set to work. Here's what we ended up with!

The children really enjoyed working with such material as cotton pads. Next time we decided to experiment and try to paint the wheels in different colors for new crafts! I would be very happy if someone liked our idea! Happy holiday everyone!

Lupercalia was celebrated in ancient Rome in honor of the gods of fertility.

This is a special holiday, the beginning of which was laid by the oracle, who, when asked what to do to increase the birth rate, announced the rite of corporal punishment of women with belts made from the skin of sacrificial animals.

About what connection between this holiday and Valentine's Day, will be discussed in this article.

Well, the celebrations were very much loved by the ancient Romans.

After the feast, naked young people (lupercalia) ran around the city and hit the women they met with whips. By the end of the evening, the women were also naked.

The process of the extinction of the nation in ancient Rome was actually solved with the help of lupercalia. These celebrations were banned with the advent of Christianity.

And then, instead of such a peculiar day of love, a celebration came in honor of the Christian priest - St. Valentine.

Marriages were forbidden in the army of Emperor Claudius. However, Saint Valentine secretly married lovers. For this he was sentenced to death.

Now the celebration of Valentine's Day is secular. In Russia, this holiday became known quite recently, in the 20th century.

Valentine's Day

How did Valentine come to be?

Valentine is the symbol of the holiday.

When Saint Valentine was awaiting execution in prison, he saw the beautiful daughter of the prison guard and fell in love with her. He wrote her a letter of recognition, and he is called the first Valentine.

In the 15th century, the Duke of Orleans from prison wrote love letters to his wife, and in the 18th century, declarations of love, written on a heart-shaped postcard, were called "valentines" and became widespread.

How to make a voluminous valentine with your own hands

A voluminous valentine is made of paper, fabric or buttons.

Such works do not require great skill, but they look great.

Postcard "Heart of Valentine"

Volumetric paper valentine is made of white thick cardboard, as well as red paper.

That's it - the Valentine's Heart talisman is ready!

Postcard "Lovers"

To make such a voluminous valentine, you need to prepare a template from thick paper, then carefully cut it out with a blade, bend it at the folds and glue it onto a scarlet base.

Quilling style

Volumetric quilling technique.

Using the quilling technique, you can depict a three-dimensional heart. for this, narrow strips of colored paper (red0) are taken and wound onto a pencil.

The resulting paper ring is slightly crushed with fingers, then slightly dissolved.

The resulting spirals are glued to the base prepared in the form of a heart.

You can also lay out a heart shape on a white cardboard postcard from spirals.

We use felt

The most fashionable trend is pillows - felt valentines.

Prepared multi-colored small pillows in the shape of hearts made of felt are glued to a thick cardboard base and the original postcard for Valentine's Day is ready!

One large beaded felt heart is also a great idea for a voluminous valentine!

Balloon valentine

Volume heart-valentine from balloons.

From inflated balloons of the same diameter, a garland is woven according to the "four" type.

Then the garland is shaped like a heart. For this, a wire frame is used.

A great option for decorating a room for celebrating Valentine's Day.

Flowers valentine

Volumetric valentine's heart made of flowers.

This option for making a common Valentine's Day gift is suitable for a young man in love.

To make a valentine, a wire frame is used, roses bought in advance and prepared by florists for such crafts are placed on it.

Such a Valentine will definitely win the heart of your beloved!

artificial flower valentine

You can also make a volumetric valentine from roses yourself by replacing live roses with fabric flowers.

Roses made of scarlet fabric are glued to a thick cardboard base. Such a valentine can be made in different sizes - from a very small one for wearing on the chest, to a large size for decorating the interior.

There are very few days left for Valentine's Day, which means that the time has come to prepare for relatives and friends, and, above all, for loved ones, nice gifts - valentines with your own hands. Of course, you can buy a Valentine card in the store - you say. However, to make such beauty from the bottom of my heart, with my own hands– it is much more interesting and economical. Especially when you consider that you will need a lot of Valentines.

Fortunately, ideas for making valentines there are plenty on the web today.

  1. You can see photos of stylish colored paper hearts(moreover, there are both the simplest options for children and real works of art for adults).
  2. easy to find and cut patterns, in which then write down your wishes.
  3. Master a small master class on making gifts for Valentine's Day. It could be anything:

And so that you do not get lost in this variety of pink romantic madness, we have prepared for you some great video lessons, as well as detailed diagrams and descriptions of the most fashionable and original valentines of the current year.

DIY paper valentines: ideas for creativity

Handmade postcards - extremely valuable and memorable gift. Therefore, on Valentine's Day, it is always so pleasant to make valentines with your own hands from paper.

They can be given not only to a loved one or husband, but also to mom, friends and even colleagues. It would seem that a small and modest gift, but the sad and far from summer atmosphere on February 14 is filled with real vibes of spring happiness. Ideas for postcards for Valentine's Day, as they say, in plain sight.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step master class for paper valentines

Who said that at home it is impossible to make a chic valentine? On the contrary, in this exclusive product you put all your love and give a loved one a really incredible surprise. And right now we will teach you how to make a valentine with your own hands from paper. We will go through the whole process in stages, and this will not be a simple postcard, but a real work of art that you will create yourself.

So, we need to work:

Of course, we have only shown one of the holiday cards. Your possibilities are not limited.

  • You can do origami valentine card.

Large homemade valentines with various decorations that will tell about your great love.

Creative and gentle valentines as a gift to a guy.
funny valentines to girlfriend with wishes to meet your love

How to make a soft felt valentine?

Sometimes lovers lack words and all kinds of ways to express their feelings. All gifts seem so small and insignificant compared to your love. However, we know one secret - you can make some cute felt hearts, and they themselves will tell your soulmate how much you love and appreciate her.

Prepare everything you need:

  • felt in red, white and other romantic colors;
  • needles for sewing and embroidery;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • beads, buttons and other decor;
  • scissors;
  • synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, etc.

So, we tell you how to make a felt valentine step by step.

What else can you make a Valentine from?

In fact, a festive valentine can be made from anything. There are a variety of simple ways and elementary tools to make a chic gift for your soul mate.

You can make a sweet valentine from sweets.

Mega pom-pom heart.

Shape a regular hanger into a heart shape, and then wrap it with an insulator pipe, as shown in the photo. Secure with adhesive tape.
Decorate the base with homemade pompoms.

Miniature cards - valentines have become an essential attribute of Valentine's Day. In this master class, we will tell you how to make an original valentine with your own hands. Before we start creating a Valentine's Day card, let's prepare the following tools and materials:

  • colored double-sided paper in red, yellow, blue and lilac;
  • strips for quilling;
  • white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • decorative stickers;
  • ordinary threads;
  • adhesive sticker.

We create the basis of the postcard. We cut out such a blank from white cardboard.

Then fold it in half. We iron the fold line well to straighten all the bumps and creases.

We fold the leaf in half, and then cut out such a heart.

In total, you need to make 6-8 of these mini-hearts.

Apply glue to the fold line of the heart and glue it to the front side of the card.

Glue the rest of the blanks in the same way. Try to glue the hearts as tightly as possible.

Now select the appropriate bow sticker. Glue it to the base of the threads.

Let's start creating the inside of the valentine, create a voluminous garland of hearts. Let's prepare a small piece of thread, and then cut out 6-7 small hearts. We glue the first heart as shown in the photo, thus fixing one end of the thread.

Perform the same action on the other side, fixing the second end of the thread.

Please note that when opening the postcard, the thread should be slightly stretched!

Glue the remaining hearts on the thread itself.

Leave the card for a few minutes to allow the glue to dry completely.

Now we process the contour of the postcard with a paper strip for pink quilling.

In the lower right corner, glue a heart with the inscription - "ILoveYou".


One of the favorite youth holidays is approaching - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Having recently appeared in the expanses of our Motherland, it very quickly spread to cities and villages, and now this holiday is celebrated by most of the country's population.

In Catholic Europe, many greeting cards are issued annually, named after the saint, valentines. A variety of materials are used for their manufacture, but traditionally paper or cardboard valentines in the form of postcards, the shape of which is a heart, are most widely used.
We have more and more different valentines can be found in almost any store and pavilion. The choice is very large, but, you see, it’s more pleasant to receive a valentine made by the hands of a loved one as a gift as a sign that you are very dear to him and he is happy to spend his time not on sleeping and eating, but on making you at least a little happier.

So, it's decided! We make a valentine with our own hands from paper.
This case is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Even if the experience of papermaking is not enough, everyone can find the perfect version of a spectacular valentine, which even a child can make.

The simplest valentines

To make an exclusive valentine's card, we need:

  • a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard, which can be replaced by colored paper that has a red tint (pink, crimson, ruby ​​or pure red).
  • paper for "scrapbooking" with a small patterned pattern, and in its absence - any light one of the pastel colors. It is desirable that it be monophonic,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • double sided tape,
  • small length beautiful braid or lace ribbon.

Making a simple heart card

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half and get the basis of a future postcard. We put a pre-prepared stencil in the form of a heart from any paper on the first, front page of the postcard and circle it with a pencil with light strokes.

Now let's try, without crushing our postcard, carefully cut out a heart. This is not difficult to do: just fold it in the middle, pinch the fold with your fingers or a small paper clip only at the level of the heart

and carefully cut it out.

From a sheet of colored or patterned paper, cut off a piece equal to the size of a folded postcard and carefully glue it from the inside so that the pattern falls into place of the previously cut out heart.

The inner side of the glued sheet will be plain.

Using double-sided tape, we attach the selected lace or beautiful braid to the card. The first exclusive Valentine's Day has arrived!

Want to give a big Valentine? No problems! Glue pre-cut pink and red hearts onto the cardboard base.

For greater presentability, such a Valentine can be framed, and sincere words of congratulations can be written in the free space.

Small hearts can become a valentine in their own right if they are cut out of colored paper and lightly decorated. Even a cute button can make a Valentine card out of a simple paper heart. We make a gift inscription on the back and the valentine is ready.

And from small postcards you can make real paintings.

Paper volumetric hearts

Volumetric hearts made of non-uniformly colored paper look unusual. When using plain colored paper, the effect produced by the finished product will be lower.

To make them, we fold a square sheet of paper in half, with the faded side inward and bend it in half again to make a small square. Expand and get the main guide lines.

Now we take the left vertical side of the square from the side and bend it twice inward, towards the middle, and bend the right side also twice outward. We bend the upper and lower sides of the resulting rectangle inwards to obtain the following guide lines and unbend again.

There are traces of three folds on the rectangle. Now we bend the upper side of the rectangle in half to the uppermost fold, we do the same with the bottom side - we bend it in half to the nearest lower fold, straighten it.

With the help of scissors, we make two vertical cuts from the edge to the new fold closest to it.

We bend each of the resulting four tips - corners inwards.

It turned out like a fence of two pointed boards.

Now we fold each of the four sharp tips in half, bending over ourselves.

The resulting sheet is again folded in half, bent tops inward.

The right and left lower corners, bending, hide inside. Got a heart!

We carefully iron it and give it as a gift or, stringing it on a cord or ribbon, decorate the room with a table set for an evening romantic dinner.

Bright, fiery valentines made of thin corrugated paper

Effective hearts are made quickly and easily from thin corrugated paper.
To work on them, we will need:

  • cardboard, preferably red,
  • red corrugated paper (it can be replaced with red napkins),
  • a moderately pointed wooden or plastic handle of a paint brush or a toothpick,
  • PVA glue.

First, cut out a heart of the desired size from cardboard - this will be the basis of an unusual valentine. On one side of the heart we write words of love, and on the other we will work.

We apply a layer of PVA glue to the base. We cut squares of corrugated paper with a side equal to 2 cm.

In the middle of the square, put the end of the toothpick and wrap it slightly.

Firmly press the tip to the edge of the base with glue, remove the toothpick.

We do the same with the second square, gluing it next to the first along the edge of the heart. We glue all subsequent squares tightly to each other, covering the entire surface of the heart.

The impression will be spoiled if a base of a different color is visible between the folded, rarely glued squares. We do not allow such misses by filling the entire surface of the heart with corrugated paper.
It turns out a very beautiful effect of flames or fluffiness.

By the same principle, you can make a three-dimensional structure. In this case, foam is taken as the basis, and instead of a toothpick, an old rod from a pen is used.

Valentine's card decorated with a pattern

For such a gift, you do not need to be an artist, it is enough to be able to hold a pen, felt-tip pens, colored pencils or a brush in your hands.

Even children can please loved ones with such valentines.

To do this, on the basis of light or white paper with a fountain pen, we draw everything we want on the theme of the holiday: hearts, curls, funny animals in love, and so on.