Women's leg tattoos. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the leg (50 photos) - Large and small

Tattoos on the legs are truly unique in that they give grace, elegance and femininity to girls, and men emphasize stamina, perseverance and masculinity with these images.

Mandala-like tattoo on the leg

sudden popularity

For a long time, the art of tattooing did not even know about the existence of legs, because in order to charge a person with a certain energy or tell someone the necessary information about the carrier, more open parts of the body were perfect: arms, back and chest.

Now the situation has changed dramatically, and the legs have become a permanent canvas for the creativity of tattoo artists. Some believe that the images on the legs are stuffed more for the customer than to attract prying eyes. This statement is debatable, because girls (like guys) will not miss the opportunity to wear short shorts and show off their jewelry.

It is curious that in recent years, leg tattoos, the meaning of which is determined only by the owner of the tattoo, have become the prerogative of the female, while men often paint their arms and back.

Tattoo on the leg in the form of a lotus flower and inscription

This is interesting. One of the most popular thieves tattooslocated on the legs are the stars of lawlessness. They pricked them on their knees, and the meaning of the stars is in the disobedience and love of freedom of the prisoner. Other common leg designs in the thieving world are padlocks, barbed wire, and chains. These elements indicate that even outside the prison, their carrier feels not free.

Flower pattern on thigh

Features of images on the legs

  • The leg is an ideal option for those who are not completely sure of the correctness of their decision. Such a tattoo is easy to hide from both the employer and conservative relatives. Jeans, thick tights or tall shoes are perfect for when you don't want to flaunt your jewelry.
  • The drawing on the leg does not look as defiant as the tattoo on the back or shoulder.
  • Smooth and dense skin allows you to place any compositions here, and they look bright and natural.
  • Lovers of underwear painting, as well as masters, easily confirm the fact that tattooing on the leg is one of the most painless procedures.
  • Since the human foot has narrow and wide parts, in most cases the pattern is positioned in such a way that it is completely visible from one angle.
  • You should not stuff too small drawings here, otherwise they will look blurry and ridiculous from a distance.
  • If your pattern is a vertical line, then it should be placed without bends so as not to visually distort the leg.
  • As a rule, compositions from the outside of the leg are performed symmetrically on both legs.

Advice. Men who choose a tattoo on their legs should remember that too dense hairline can hide the image and spoil its good visibility.

Black and white tattoo of a chrysanthemum on a girl's leg

Popular images and styles

As diverse as leg tattoos are, the sketches of these designs tend to revolve around the following common themes:

  • Bracelets around the ankles. The popularity of this option was brought by Nicole Richie, who pinned the corresponding pattern. Indeed, women's legs, and especially those with heels, will definitely draw attention to the tattooed chain.
  • Bows. Symmetrical bows on the back of the legs are very common among girls.
  • vertical lines imitating stockings, again a purely female version (snakes, plant stems).
  • Flying butterflies and floral ornaments- those time-tested drawings that will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Inscriptions. An indispensable attribute of girlish tattoos looks quite appropriate on the foot, ankle or ankle.
  • Hieroglyphs. Modest or huge symbols look equally interesting on the legs.
  • Men prefer to have on their feet Polynesian and Celtic patterns, tribal drawings and biomechanics . Compositions with pirates, predatory animals and space themes look good on the male lower leg.

Tattoo on the leg in the form of scales, the devil and the angel in one person

Place of application

Stuffed biomechanics on the shins: pistons and gears appear through the torn flesh. A very powerful tattoo. Everyone wants to not only look at it, but be sure to touch it!

Kirill, Ufa

On this issue, the male and female genders differ greatly. Usually girls choose feet, thighs or ankles for their tattoo. And men prefer lower legs and calves. Moreover, the size of the pattern on the leg does not play a dominant role: the small symbols on the foot look very cute and extraordinary, and the bulky image peeking out from under the miniskirt will excite the imagination of any observer.

The process of tattooing on the leg

Consider different areas for images

  • Foot. Usually here we see various inscriptions in thin fonts and small symbols.
  • Ankle. The fashion to apply a picture here came to us from hotter countries, where girls wear sandals almost all year round, presenting their jewelry to the public. However, this did not upset our fashionistas in the least, who will always find proper use for their charming pattern on the foot.
  • Shin. The male pattern located here often becomes a full-fledged golf (a variant of a leg sleeve).
  • Knee. One of the most rarely used areas, it was traditionally decorated with designs in prisons.
  • Hip . Classically, images of a girl are placed here, emphasizing their sexuality and grace.

blue flower on leg

leg tattoo care

In order for the drawing to heal faster and not bring any complications, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Only natural cotton should come into contact with the healing tattoo. No synthetics, tight jeans and tights.
  • It is recommended to put aside high-heeled shoes for a while, especially if the tattoo is made on the lower part of the leg.
  • Naturally, at first you should not swim, bathe and expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

I am very fascinated by the tattoos on my legs. Photos of drawings and inscriptions on the ankle always look spectacular and advantageous. That's why I pierced the inscription in Latin with floral patterns here. Now I often notice the looks on my legs, especially when I go out into the street in a skirt and heels.

Galina, Vladivostok

Video: review of leg tattoos

In the recent past, a tattoo on a graceful girl's leg could cause an uproar, attracting overly interested glances of passers-by. Today, permanent drawings on women's bodies have ceased to indicate that tattoo wearers belong to certain subcultures. On the contrary, more and more often former critics agree that a properly selected tattoo can emphasize the beauty and grace of a girl's legs. However, in most cases, a deeper subtext is hidden behind body drawings.

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions

Various inscriptions, quotes and lettering on girlish legs are most often made in monochrome. The most trendy are the wise sayings of the authorship of the famous ancient Greek philosophers. No less popular among girls are quotes from books, aphorisms, but hieroglyphs are gradually disappearing from trends.

When choosing an inscription, you should think carefully about the language in which it will look more harmonious. Latin symbolizes wisdom, French - sophistication, German is associated with hardness, and Italian is characterized by passionate natures.

Ankle tattoo

This area holds the lead in most girls who dream of a tattoo. A drawing, an inscription, or even a tiny symbol printed on the ankle looks romantic, gentle and elegant. A thin bracelet or chain wrapped around the ankle gives a romantic look, reminiscent of female fragility. The ankle is well suited for tattoos in the form of inscriptions applied through font modification. The choice of this place for a tattoo is very convenient: the drawing can be easily hidden from unwanted glances under trousers, jeans, high shoes.

tattoo on calf

Permanent drawings made on this part of the body are open to the gaze of others in the hot months, but as it gets colder, they can be observed extremely rarely. When choosing an inscription or a sketch for such a tattoo, you should answer an important question: what clothes will the pattern go with? Basically, small-sized works are stuffed on the calves. In a special trend today - snakes, gracefully wrapping around the lower leg, thereby emphasizing the slenderness of the legs. To visually lengthen the leg, girls choose oblong patterns and ornaments.

Tattoos are not women's feet

Feet - an area suitable for miniature illustrations made in color. The complexity and detail of the drawing directly depend on the pain threshold of the girl and the skills of the master tattoo artist. Contrary to stereotypes, the feet are not the most painful area for underwear drawings. For feet, girls usually choose sketches in the form of outlandish birds, flowers, as well as small symbols (keys, feathers, badges, etc.).

Tattoo on the thigh

The zone is good for applying larger tattoos. Particularly courageous girls ask the masters to “stretch” the tattoo along the entire length of the leg, starting from the hip. Favorably in this area look original female sketches: bows, garters, jewelry. Mythical creatures, predatory animals look more catchy and spectacular. To apply phrases of a personal nature, tattoo artists are advised to choose the upper thigh.

Want to get a tattoo on your leg, but don't know which one? We offer you to look at this post about a wide variety of tattoos on the legs.

For those who are thinking about getting a tattoo, but are afraid to try, we suggest opting for a tattoo on the leg. At least it's not so conspicuous, but at the same time it will help you stand out from the rest and show your individual "I".

Many people treat tattoos as something symbolic and purely personal, embodying a piece of the soul. Nevertheless, for most others, getting a tattoo is like a tribute to fashion. Everyone and even celebrities do tattoos, so why not try?

Personally, I really like beautiful tattoos on the leg. Yes, and not only to me alone - there is practically not a single Hollywood star who has not pricked any symbolic sign or number, or inscription, or drawing on her charming leg. We already once wrote about the most beautiful and even about what they mean.

Tattoo on leg

Modest Penelope Cruz decided to imprint the mysterious numbers "883" on her ankle, which means her lucky numbers "8" and "3". Well, and another eight for more confidence. Here, such a stellar numerology)))

The chain tattoo with a cross on the leg of Nicole Richie means more of a decorative value for its owner than a religious one. Perhaps that is why this tattoo has become one of the most popular among young girls.

It's a pity, but Drew Barrymore decided to remove this tattoo on her leg in the form of a cross, like the rest. This was influenced by Drew's decision to convert to Judaism and the birth of a child.

celebrity leg tattoo

This naughty strawberry belongs to Katy Perry. Very cute, but somehow childish)))

The beautiful Hilary Duff has a meaningful inscription in English on her leg "Let it be ..." I think there is no need to translate.

And on the ankle of Charlize Theron, a playful fish is depicted.

Rihanna's tattoos have long been the subject of study of her character and style. For example, the singer has a treble clef and a skull with bones and a bow on her feet. Very unusual)))

A lot of star beauties also have the most original and not very original tattoos on their legs. For some, these are the names of loved ones, for others, mysterious symbols and inscriptions in Sanskrit or hieroglyphs. One leg is decorated with a butterfly, another has a fairy, and the third has a bicycle. We offer you to see the rest of the photos of tattoos.

Tattoo on the leg of girls photo

Tattoo for girls on the leg looks original and very beautiful. Not the last role in this is also played by the fact that the leg is one of the most beautiful and attractive parts of the female body. Accordingly, wearable images placed on this part often turn out to be exquisite and delicate. Although, in general, styles can choose a variety.

Choosing a leg tattoo for girls

A well-chosen tattoo coolly emphasizes the beauty and slenderness of the legs. And, conversely, if there are any flaws, the tattoo will be able to hide them.

By the way, it must be remembered that the legs are in constant motion. This must be taken into account when choosing a tattoo. Most often, small drawings are chosen in size, indicating how original and bold the owner of such a tattoo is. The content and meaning of the tattoo are different.

The most commonly used sketches are:

  • Heroes
  • portraits in
  • Styles like -
  • With images

According to the technique of applying tattoos, they can be ordinary, but recently voluminous drawings have also been chosen.

However, it is possible to choose a large tattoo in size, but it will look very original, experimental and you need to be ready for this. Of course, the girl's legs, fully painted with a tattoo, will attract everyone's attention if their owner wears a short skirt or shorts.

Features of a leg tattoo sketch for girls

On the legs, tattoos can be located everywhere: on top of the thigh and on. Most often, the calf muscle is chosen, as well as the area at the top of the foot. Wearable images are less frequent.

The tattoo artist must place the chosen tattoo in the right way so that it looks bright and its proportions match the size of the lower limb. But first you need to choose the right and suitable tattoo, because there are many options. If there are no ideas, it is necessary to consult with - for sure, an experienced specialist will tell you a lot of useful things - or look at his catalog, which should offer a lot of wearable designs that can be placed on the legs.

It is necessary to trust the application of such tattoos to experienced craftsmen, given the fact that the legs are in constant motion and, accordingly, the tattoo will also move, and not be in a stationary position. Picking up and making such an image so that it looks beautiful is not so easy.

Decorating the body with permanent drawings has already ceased to be a sign of belonging to informal subcultures. Beautiful and sophisticated tattoos emphasize graceful and slender female legs, pay more attention to them. With their help, you can express your worldview, focus on certain character traits and a unique style.

Tattoos for girls on the leg - inscriptions

This version of the permanent image serves as a unique way to inform others about their own life principles, motto or individual characteristics. The tattoo inscription on the leg can be done in color or filled with monochrome, use any desired language. The most trendy are the sayings of philosophers or famous personalities, quotes from books, hieroglyphs are no longer in fashion. Masters are more often asked to apply Latin aphorisms with a deep meaning:

  • meliora spero- I hope only for the best;
  • finis vitae, sed non amoris- everything ends, except for love;
  • carpe diem- live today (seize the moment);
  • amor vincit omnia- love conquers all;
  • fortunam suam quisque parat- everyone alone finds his own way (fate), and other words.

Some independently develop sketches of a tattoo on the leg for girls - you can come up with inscriptions for yourself. They will reflect the individual facets of character or serve as a reminder of some event, life principle. If desired, such a unique phrase can be easily translated into any language and beautifully designed by discussing with the master the style of writing and the size of the letters, variations in their spelling and additions with details.

Tattoos for girls on the leg - patterns

Abstractions are well suited if you don’t want to put a deep meaning into a permanent drawing, and it is just a decoration. The considered tattoo on the leg for girls is sometimes part of the individual image and style of clothing. For glamorous women, masters offer images with monograms and openwork weaves, similar to elegant lace. Refined natures striving for spiritual enlightenment will like Buddhist tattoos on their legs in the form of a mandala. Bold and outrageous girls can choose avant-garde patterns:

  • biomechanics;
  • , Polynesian and Egyptian ornaments;
  • blackwork;
  • geometry;
  • Maori;
  • tribal;
  • old school;
  • dotwork;
  • cubism and other trends.

bow tattoo on legs

The described drawing is concise and accurate, is in high demand, because it does not have negative meanings. Tattoos for girls on the leg in the form of one or more emphasize the dreaminess and romance of female nature. They are reminiscent of a small fragile and vulnerable girl living inside every woman. Sometimes bow tattoos on the back of the legs or another area reflect a readiness for emotional adventure, the desire to find love. This image may hint at the unpredictability of character.

Tattoo bracelet on leg

The considered form of the picture is often performed as an imitation of real jewelry or bijouterie. The bracelet tattoo on the leg has already lost its "prison" meaning (eternal shackles) and has acquired a new positive meaning. It depends on the details of the image, the presence of special characters. Women's tattoos on the leg with a pendant in the form of a cross serve as a talisman and a demonstration of faith in higher powers. A permanent drawing may contain other signs:

  • ankh;
  • anchor;
  • heart;
  • feather;
  • arrow;
  • flower.

The presented tattoo is stuffed in different variations, some girls do not like imitation of beads or chains, but patterns or inscriptions made in the form of a bracelet. They are based on the following motives:

  • animalism;
  • ethno;
  • minimalism;
  • Flora;
  • abstraction.

garter tattoo on leg

The piquant detail of underwear, which you can no longer take off, symbolizes undisguised sexuality, sensuality and passion. This tattoo on the leg has a frank erotic connotation, which is additionally emphasized by unique details:

  • pistol;
  • feather;
  • scull;
  • flower;
  • butterfly;
  • spikes and others.

It looks both seductive and mysterious, because the described tattoo on the leg is located in the upper part of the thigh and is mostly hidden from prying eyes. You can see her only if the woman herself wants it. A permanent image is made using different techniques; realistic, colored and voluminous accessories look interesting.

Feather tattoo on leg

The specified object in many cultures is endowed with a sacred or mystical meaning, it can have the following meanings:

  • freedom;
  • honour;
  • courage and bravery;
  • benefactor;
  • speed;
  • truthfulness;
  • hope;
  • belief in the transmigration of souls;
  • moral;
  • dreams;
  • weightlessness;
  • craving for travel;
  • flight;
  • purity;
  • connection with the ancestors;
  • the beauty;
  • compassion;
  • rebirth.

Women's leg tattoos in the form of a feather take on the desired connotation in accordance with their shape and color. If the drawing is red or scarlet, it symbolizes eternal love and devotion. Orange and yellow are a sign of high intelligence, exceptional abilities. A black, gray, and split feather is indicative of a severe loss. The image in blue, blue and azure shades emphasizes the spirituality of nature, the desire to know one's destiny.

Butterfly tattoo on leg

Beautiful and light fluttering insects with amazing patterns on the wings are in great demand in permanent drawing salons. A tattoo on the leg in the form of a butterfly has a lot of positive meanings:

  • fragility;
  • internal renewal, start from scratch;
  • peace and tranquility;
  • immortality;
  • luck;
  • revival;
  • joy;
  • abundance;
  • the beauty;
  • family happiness;
  • harmony;
  • responsibility;
  • constancy;
  • loyalty;
  • daydreaming.

More often, small tattoos for girls on the leg are chosen, they look neat and gentle, they are easy to hide under clothes and shoes. If a bright and multi-colored butterfly with rainbow wings is chosen for application, it is better to fill a large image in 3D technique. Such a drawing, with proper care and updating, looks voluminous and very realistic, instantly attracts attention.

Owl tattoo on leg

This is the most controversial choice for a permanent image. The night bird of prey symbolizes absolutely opposite things in different cultures:

  • wisdom;
  • witchcraft;
  • death;
  • loneliness;
  • higher intelligence;
  • fear;
  • joy;
  • protection;
  • intelligence;
  • sadness;
  • spirituality;
  • unbelief;
  • mystery;
  • space;
  • black magic;
  • impurity;
  • destruction;
  • sorrow;
  • afterworld;
  • time and more.

Thanks to such a variety of subtexts, a woman can choose any desired meaning in accordance with her personality and personal philosophy. Some girls just like owls, so a simple small tattoo on the leg without any meaning would be appropriate. Cartoon funny birds in bright colors are gaining popularity, hinting at a playful attitude towards prejudice and deep reflection.

flower tattoo on leg

Floristry is one of the most popular areas among women's permanent drawings. A flower tattoo on any part of the leg looks gentle, graceful and elegant. The meaning is laid depending on the selected picture and its shades, the presence of additional details. Monochrome and color tattoos on the leg often include the following floral images:

  • the Rose;
  • dandelion;
  • lotus;
  • Clover;
  • lily;
  • chamomile;
  • sakura;
  • orchid;
  • bell;
  • snowdrop;
  • tulip and others.

Flowers symbolize only positive moments:

  • pure love;
  • wisdom;
  • luck;
  • youth;
  • chastity;
  • the beauty;
  • happiness;
  • longevity;
  • fertility;
  • joy;
  • the value of life;
  • immortality.

Henna tattoo on leg

For girls who are not ready to acquire a permanent pattern on the body, it will do. Temporary beautiful tattoos on the leg with the help of special henna look very feminine and sophisticated, but it is important to consider the meanings of intricate patterns and even their location:

  • left limb - self-search, uncertainty;
  • right leg - a clear understanding of one's aspirations and a vision of the path;
  • left foot - the absence of close people, the desire to find love;
  • right foot - dissatisfaction with the social circle.